THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT December 33, 1897 VOICE OFTHE PEOPLE. la tkii eolana we UI pibllaa omaaaleatloM at a worthy aad ealtable thara-tar, raoaired eta MbMribm to tat papar. H oibbI" aatfoaiaosld aoalale aor tbM IN words, Maaaeerlpt will Ml UrrtBriMd. New'J'arll' Idea Impractical Editor of the inukpenbent:-- A number of the reform papers of the state hav lately bad much tosuy about future party action. Several have ad vocated the formation of an entirely new party, by tha union of tbe reform element. Under mora favorable con dltlooethe writer would like to acaa new party formed, but as the polltioal situation la at tha present time It I not practicable to take audi a atop. On the question of bimetallism the populists, silver democrats and silver Mpublloane are agreed, on other ques tions they are wlduly apart. Until title question of our monetary ytem la act tlud a the people financially want It avttled there la no chance for any other Una of reform, no mutier how great or Important It may be, to eecure a res puctahla consideration at the ha nil of the people, There are men within the ranka of the democratic party who would not leave it for a new party, They love the party for party'e aake. There are men within the ranka of the populist party who would not leave It for a new party, for they take (he party for what It la the true friend of the peo ple. The formation of a new purty would lone theee aud weaken the reform force, As to the Oliver republican their po eition I beat etatej by the grand old man of Colorado, Henry M. 'JUHer, Ho says: "The ellver republican party was Dot organised to fluht the friend of ail vereiLher In the democratic party or In the people' party, but to crystalline the silver sentiment among republican aud to prepare them to aid In theoonteatof lOOOfor the reatoratlon of ellver to it former position a constitutional money, We would not deatroy the democratic party If we could, for that I the only party to which we can look for rellel In 1U00, and there la no hope foraucneMM for ih at party then without the aupport of the silver republican and populate of the country. It will require the active aupport of all the frlenda of ailver to no eompliah the defeat of the republican .party In 1000, for we may i poet that thefvlcioiis feature of the campaign of 1HD0 will txi more marked In 1UUO than In 1800, The conflict In 1000 will bo to determine what ehall foe our nione tary system, what ehall be the future condition of that portion of our people Mr- Jilncoln ud to call 'the plain pco pie,' It will be a battle for justice, for tne tHirpeiuity 01 republican institution, (or freedom on the part of the wealth producing olasse with the combined - greed and avarice of the world under the banner or the republican party Dacnaa by ins leuorai government. "Not only are our Institutions at atake but the fortune of mankiud may be aald to be concerned in the result of that campaign. "A a preparation for audi a contest weougnt to forget minorulilerencea. ami party prejudices should be net aaide, with all our effort directed to the defeat and , destruction of our opponent. 1 hope with this Ming we may enter the cam paign ot inm which la but preparatory to the more important one of I WOO," The populist party I the party of the writer aud baa been aucn ever since It organisation and to I fa policies he will give allegiance ao longaa he consider them not Inimical to hi Interest, but until tne great question which now con fronta the people ie disposed of he la un willing to lend hi voice or pen in any action calculated to weaken the force now opposed to the gold bum. Wo believe the reform forcee will even tuully amalgamate into an Inseparable party, eullloiently atroug to overcome opposition, but to force thla concession now would be tolnvore the pleoaure of tne plutocracy and result In disaster to bimetallism. Those engaged in the advocation of auch a atop ahould pause and consider the consoouence. Hepnrate party organisation in timea 01 peace, and hearty co-otmration In time of war, will, a politic I at pre. ent, result in more good to the oeoo e. than the untried experiment of uniting into one party a houio-gennou mo of widely diversified View of political ecou omy. A. wm. kmitii. Omaha' Vera moat CltUeii. Editor or the Independent: Aa a citlien of Omaha, the great me- tropoli of our noble state, I write to en dor tbe able letter of Mr. Jasper Dick which appeared in tbe November 95th isuof your valuable paper. It I true that great credit i due to all those aide leader of the people mentioned by Mr. lurk, Hut I not that h baa overlooked one of the sturdiest leader ot tha old Hue populists, hie MIowMowuainan, Mr 1. Hem leaver, who waa oue of the first to lilt tbe populiat banner in Doug-la rouut and bold it aloft amid the tr rible ruin of corporate abot and eholt, opened upon the peop a'a champlou la thla retwhile corporation rldda city, While living full rredit to our U-ad.-r in other part id th tat,ll u hot furttvt tl t-ll rltlca -t th gallant hib abn latKj pvrwvttUon, busiavee aud aHi Hilrai Utu to make the tlglit agarnat h Rlituej iir lit ur iara into. it a ho hate st bad the naeard eiarvb ul l, 4 It iu IWrrf r alnuiat laatirmnutit. able tittatavlwi; hav atd hi alt-rim-luteairtl and iuaU'alMiuraj,raniit but tmt that tu hi, and l utbr lite alia lu this tit., aa uiuva rdit i due a to iktw Wadm hu aa mad II hi audvf ato tattirabl rtiaditioM aad la xpe!ti etroaaatiia, I kau Nut what Militi,i aattntloa Mr, lvir esai baia, but I dki thai auaajt a tkia pr tit ltt lata ara ulbui.lKailj alxuaiiua bta aHuiaat ao'-' t tha ai. SnMM ttfHt A t-ra.k a Mkat Jha til N,a N.k., is. 1, X i t, a tb Uud riiatva autt lw, V, Cincinnati . . Shoe Store - 1220 0 ST. Have you ever riven usa trial? If not, do so. We aim to rive satisfaction to all our custom ers In all cases. Men's genu ine Calf Shoe at $2.50, we recommend to you. Also re pairing-. done. Give us a trial. Wolfanger, Warthon & Co. 1220 0 Street. bility for the condition of tbinge in Kan a. It will ba a long time before the aame measure of prosjwrlty reacbee that etute which baa reached other portion of the country, Senator Harris of Kansas. Doe the ecnator menu to any that Nebraska 1 lu a better situation politically, Jinan- cially or morally than Kansas, Thurston, -I do not care to raise any distinction here between the political and moral conditions of Kansas and Nebraska (see Congressional record pug 68) and then John went on talking rail road and neglected to refer to the finan cial cure of Nebraska under pop rule. Hud the pop stolen the slate, blind robbed the school children of hundred of thousand of dollar and ran war rant to 01 cent and the republican hud stopped the leak, Inaugurated a system of economy, gave the children their due and raised warrant to a iremlum Inside of a year as tha pop liavedoue In Nebraska we will bet our old hat that the puckering string to John' windbag would have relaxed and he would not have neglected or forgotten tojmentlon the fact in tone loud enough to snake tne ouiiuing upon lie louuua tion, but tbe wrong ox wub gored you know and consequently John' bellow were not even punctured. I j, J I, nuTKH. Mo Coin Kilmiitlun, KlIITOU iNPEi'MNDENT: A a populiat, and one of the founder of that party, I have watohed the drift of political even U for the past two or throe year with serious misgiving. liut, when I road the ringing utter ance of Kenator Stewart, Father Snyder and other. I take nope. Io, the old guard I not all dead and buried. There are other senator ntewurt beeldea your self, that can not be dumped aoul, body and broochee principle or no principle into the democratic party. I have never believed in compromise or fusion. We compromised with (Slavery, only to prolong the etruggle, but when the "boy In blue" went down Boutb and shot the accursed institution to death, the question was settled once and for all times, Ithaebeen reported that Mr, liryan, in defining the position of the three f union partiea on the Money Quoa- tion, aald that he, with the Hilver re publicans, believe In coin redemption While the populist believe In irredeem able, full legal-tender money. For my part. I do not believe that Air. liryan believe anything of th kind. If be be lieve in coin redemption, then he can not be a leader ot the populist party. I believe with Mr. Warren, that now I the time for a discussion of the money question, upon it'a true merit and not in the Interest 01 Danker or Miners, either "Mil ver or Uold. The restonv tlon of silver to free coinage would, in my mind, be a step backwards. Why should there be three or lour kind ol money? When the (lovcrnmeut Usues a lull legal-tonder money all of one kind in sulllcinnt amount to do the business ol tbe country (and thut can be in pHer only), will we ceuae to hear 01 "Parity nnd bnuleaa Lhainsf' .More, tin-govern meat must not only issue the money, but it must make it possible that the people can get It when needed, aud in MIB M.lft,l.lfl'. ft,U1,t,l 111... It tlld MU ...A term to nil. I could scarcely couccive of a greater misfortune to the people wcllure. than placing the ownership and control ol our money in the hands of the bunking claaa. Labor, and labor only, crentea vtealth. Money crenUa no wealth, pay a do debt; it ia simply and only a medium of exchange. Tbe railroad Mug a meuua by which tbe product of labor an distributed, the numtier ol cars ahould correspond to the amount to le distributed. I be number ol car cannot affect tha amount of wheat or corn produced. That d iMfiid 011 labor and cllmatlo condition. Hut, if there ia not euougu care lor die tribution, a surplus In plane would I the result. And that discourage the production of more wealth, hhould there be mora care than U namlm!, it could not in any way rffert tha produc tion td wealth, but would be a waste ol labor and material, (even though it would biv eouie idle laborer a Job) In tha uinnulucture of rare that were not Beadtnl. 8u aith money, abll the rare area maiia of dtotnbution, inouey tea nid. iuiu by ahu ti irtirty or wraith ta n d).tfd. If Ibei m m proiH'ft.r t i 1I1 tribute, there raa t no U lor the rnre. II tlwra I proifrty to ei lniu, lhara a b ao ua lor iti,uy, iUr M prowrty to exchange, lhare should ba uttu'iaat tMoat-v e naega an in uruiwrtf : aud tha ivr,n hating iroiw rty towi'kBgs abimld know lhal ha Ma at It abfa imkmi, aai aoi b 10 df pwud oa aoma private baakiag eor Hrtta. ka ptiafr to Uu iiia?, rla with tha r4. aaal aalioaiti bahta, hut U ahttHld twhmg la Ilia ipi, atat lwbfl hr avMiy th htoay sd to Ik ini'i at rMt, la aat aaitiaat a4d, eit. aftli, ll ttt aoftt a loan tHouv N haukr, ataelv lkouaad oa tut k-ta drl bttal aw aritv, wa!d b-aa l tWiuf r irrkel, M tbaawaa l ,a lka vr fa t !. t awnrilt . II ae k Uad ! Ibalult amaa n4 ih a.Ui.l tha iw.i l. It aoaMMJa !, a d'M mi ttkae, VJ-'ttrf ia immk tal ta oHipi.t vksi, aad kaaaotbiKg akawiof da aitb Mtiatf Ike 1 ru tl Ikum, Mly kalnu. ill ta aaaal. the people. None would fear to deposit money with tne government, noaraing would cease. The money woaiu oe a trii.nto.l ahemvar needed. There won be no lack of money in one part of tbe country aud a pietnora in anoiner. . t . . Kuch a thing aa a financial panic, couia not occur, Vhn thia la done, the money (mention will have been eettled and rightly. And money, that Instrument of trade, will knva tnaf its nnwAF tn ooorea. That the money power will fight thla to the bitter end, may I true, but the battle must be fought, the people must win, or all of liberty ia lost. lour truiy. Alio. JJK Fobeht. I'apei Currency. Kpitoii Kemuhk Independent: Ilefore tbe close of another century, gold mining will have practically paaaed away. Within one hundred year tbe financial problem will be aolved and tbe countrie of the world wilt be using an International currency. The internation al currency will be paper. (Juld will undoubtedly be used lor ornamen tation, but aa a money metal, It ue will 110 longer be required. There I no reason why a paper currency. tamjxid with a proper eta nip and buck, ed np by the great commercial nation of the world may not pas current any where on the globe." ihl aouud lightly PopuliMtio. Who aald It? Does ttii positive opinion come irom eorne wild, hair-brained financial theorist of the "wild and wooly woet?" Nay, verily, It I a candid expression of opinion from T. A. Keunett, a prominent English min ing expert, aa quoted In the Den ver Dully New. And why It not ound? You see lie doe not propose to make the Inter national currency redeemable in gold or silver. He simply propose to have It "bucked by the great commercial na tions." Will some Lyman (Jage of fi nance, or some Nebrieka republican, po litical economist, pleaae tell us what better backing any currency could have? Doth of these will answer: Hack th paper witb gold. Yes, but who will ''back" the gold backing, If not tha no tions? If the paper rust upon gold aa a redeemer, the getting of the gold will reat upon the nation. Then why not let the puer reat directly upon the tia- tlon7 Mo, at borne with our greenback and the gold reserve to back them. Destroy Uncle Kam'a power to get the gold and you destroy the greenback if It rest up on gold. Hie real backer alter all, Is Uncle Ham. I it to put our Dear Uncle at the mercy of the money changer who may monopolize tbe gold7 Faith in our government to endure, I worth fur more behind tbe greenback than tbe gold. When the run on tbe gold reserve was made, in 1804. there wa no luck of faith in Uncle Ham' power to take care of the greenback. The only embarrass ment the adminltratlon suffered from, waa in the atrugglo with the money changer for gold. Uncle Ham found himself a competitor In the gold market with Wall street aud ail the gold mo nopolist. Hut the credit of tbe government was "untarnished as the star," (apologia to U. 1'. J. M. T.) The greenback were Just as good a they ever were, liut the light for gold bad to be made on tbe false theory that the gold reserve (Jiioh was never created by act of congress) should be maintained at all buzzard. And still the green-back was perfectly good. I repeat and emphasiie ttii be cause I would like to burn the idea into the mind of every republican who be lieve that puper money must bava gold redeemer. It waa not the greenback that suffered in 181)4-5, it was the gold reserve that suffered. If the reserve bad all been taken away, still the greenback would haveetood unquestioned, because the government was behind it. II who places hi faith primarily In gold ae a backer of paper currency, i disloyal to hi country. He will tell you natious perish but gold I eternal; be cause nation somutimo perish, my country may go down in my lifetime, and so 1 pin my iulth to gold. To the voter who never permit a new idea in politic to anterfiiH head, un Ichh it come stumped with hi party seal, the proposition that paper money need not be redeemable in gold or ailver, ia utterly preposterous; but to tbe thoughtlul student of the new industrial and social conditions, the idea contain a promisa of a ulH.tuiitiul advance in public financial economics. W.L. Hand. The University of Nebraska football team, ha been awarded the pennant for the coming year, by the western tollogt ate Athletic Association. DON'T NEGLECT A Common Cao of riles. II May l.aait lu Svrluua Hv.ulta. When sopln generally understand that all such fatal ilnuasee u tMula, ulcer ol the rectum. Ilstir, etc., almost Invariably I 11 In a simple case ol Pile, they will bairn the wiiuloui of Ink tug prompt treatment for thetirataiw iwaratioe of trouldea lu thi quarter. The ryramid I'll t'ura will certainly rur every form of pile, itching, hUwdtng, protruding or bliud p!Ue, and hundred id lives bav bn saved y using this rbsnp but effective ritity rluhl at th tart, twcttUMt at alien a lima a ailigtw pat-keg Mill nW a cure, while la tha uld. chroalo, de nil'. I vnmm neVeral pax'ketfve re wiiaeiimea noeary U'lora a listing aura IKid. t'hvae iau ar utti- the I'rrannd I'ila t'ura ia I'rwU-reere lu nurrfn'sl oiwratltitt aud ait UHilnrHi iuwm lor aala It lrui(t(t!.rl.rt al "" oral wad i r p kag. 8. ud fur liva UHik oh taa aad eura ot I'll. Ad Ireaa 'vrai. I'm., J.i1..I1, tb. , Kxmvily AlUkia, M'ch, BADGrK tUMlO CO.. a 11. Hint. ioi. t Corr H smI im lit., IIHOIN. i l-h.ta at . . . COAL & LUMBER i r lt Avwftft.Bt CriJf, lewitl'tuk Editors-m II Printers J Pjty jjjj It jroa wsnt to bnjr a aood lit V Job and N)r Plant In l.lscolu, tddraM "Kyi, ear Nlirla lii(lfpadnt." flant Is lillv, and a ndlctlon It mnsll nmonnt of rub will tak It tlM down, 176 la on fur. Jan At aplndld flld wlilph l utirly UDnnil(J In thltcooni, Invostlaat. A Print tVliera tlieCoiiiraltteeFailad To tiik EbiToa or tub Inpkpknpknt: Dkah Hjk; . If you will grant tne apace In your valuable puper, I will write at some length, using its my subject, the Iigls. latlve Investigating Committee. You will agree with me when I assert that the mission of this committee ba about been fulfilled a it was Intended by the power thatcreated It. They have been of great service to the taxpayer ol the state u the corruption aud fraud unearthed by them will be the meuns of causing the taxpayers to woigh well In the scale of honesty and ability, each and every muii seeking places of trust in the future. And this information and education ba been obtained without cost, if the attorney general succeeds In collecting the amount ol shortage found by this committee against the va rious bx-ltetiublican officials, und should be (all to collect oue cent more than bus been turned Into tha treasurer by those ex. officials, the work of thi committee bus been worth its biro, ns the discover ies will be a warning and a safeguard aguinnt tbe election of untrust-worthy men to office, ' Aud aside from this it is not right that such corruption aud embezzlement should exist undisturbed at the expense of the tax payer of the state. These discoveries to many baa been a great surprise but not to members of tbe l'opulist party, us they have been telling the people of the state from every school bouse ever since tbe birth of thi purty that if the voter would vote for our candidates und elect them to these offices, that we would unearth and ex pose the worst hot bed of corruption and misplaced confidence that ever existed in any vtate. Was this not a true prophesy und has it not been fulfilled? Now reader it matter not what your politic are, if you are honest you will admit that these and all other pledge made by the member of the present ad ministration have been carried out and fulfilled to the letter. And jf you wish to increase tbe strength raise the stand ard of the state's credit aud reduce tax ation next fail when these worthy ofll clttls that have kept their pledgu with you, again ask for your suffrnge, if you are honest witb your self and to your family, you will march up to the ballot box and there deposit your ballot that will be the mean of returning those official back to these offices of trust, who have during their administration raised the credit standard of the state from the mires of corruption and defal cation up and up until today every security of the state is at a premium. Excuse, me, Mr. Editor, I have got clear off of my subject and am taking too much of your valuable space, but you see that I am not like thoue that get too full for utterance. Now we re turn to our subject. No one admires the sturdy und defined efforts of this committee uioro than I, but there is a part of tho work of this committee that I have never been able to understand. And that I why, and whatever put it into the head of this committee to em ploy this Imported ltepublicau as an ac countant This is the only weakness that this committee hu ever shown aud this to a "Top" is almost unpardon able a the committee did not go into thia blindfolded us some of them, re main tier as members of the recount com mittee last winter knew the result of trying to make these Investigation non-partisan by placing a ltepublicau on that committee that received the largest majority of any man on the Re publican ticket. And tbe result of thi appointment should have beeu fresh lu the mind ot the present investigating committee at th time they were em ploying thli Imported Hepubllcan, Otto W. Helblg, and give hi in the pluoaaud aularr that by the rules of all political parties belonged to aome deserving, hon est, upright l'opulist that bad earned this recognition not only by being hoii eet enough to leave the Keimblicau party nnd its corrupt method but by helpiug to elect every member of thia committee. And thia pluuea tha committee in a very eloa position a tu-y will be compelled la admit one of two thing. 1st that tbr was none of the reform force ituit could till thia plum glveu to Mr, llelbig, or thai they wervchuuipe to kit auotlnr It. puldiiuii who's party ia not all IhlvVtw aud delaultera, but all rwviil dis covered thievea aial tblaiiltvra ar lie publuau) work himself onto tlisiii for aa boaeal expert ammnlant J Aud w Matt lhal ha baa BO hopes of Mblalaiug one rent ol lb uareaaou able and uitjuat that ba U trying lu Mbiaia through tha courts, bul ba twl ba raa blutf and acara Ihieeom. miiM tulti a (HimpfotuU with btiu, AaJ if b should etk'd or iuaayaaV tdiN a oa or ha lo lb atK Hit (iuilll should pay f nt ul Iba am owl mI Hr mateK Aid thsy k a thai as truaol lit ! I adu, waa also trsa la tkte lhal il via 1 1 doaa bv a dof thai yoi tl lu vitiaMr up ana 11-. 11 l Ibia VmiiiiiiiIIm mK4 ti rdvaM lhM aad repair tftie KtMak, liiV wilt or4 f lb arrval aad toawla mI Ibl btt Irt lug Iti ot lam moaef udr lle prvtrtM, aad aaad boa along wttb Ike rt. ffCheap IPlant ?IA t Ik t actile U'kl trr), ba ! rMov4 trwa tOl O tre I Nit, O Va O ttf. Cabbag Heart. She The potato bugs destroy tha po tatoes, I know, but what is it destroys the cabbages? lie The smokers, I guess. Yon ken Statesman. Bar Advantage. "Yonr daughter has an angelio dl position. " "Yes, we always lot her have her own way about everything. "Chicago Record. Krar t7oatlflad. A time sweep on It cruel way, It brlnK n naught but sorrow. Tha bast we do today will look Like thirty oatita tomorrow. Maw York J carnal In the year 1 839 the first notable pacing record was marie at tho Beacon coarse, New Jersey, by the bay gelding Dro ver ; time, a mile in 2 : 28. Since then the record has been lowered by successive Jumps 24 times till Star Pointer crown' edltjvyhis marvelous ailo in 1:69. Tho pacers that have broken reoorda have ranged in age from 6 to 11 years. Sleepy Tom wo 1 1 years old when he made his record of 2:12 July 25, 1879. Robert J was 6 years old when he low ered the record to 2:01 Sept 14, 1804. Star Pointer is 8 years old Kleetrlisal Nafa Ilraaklng. In recent exticrimoTit an arc of 40 to CO volts, with a current of BOO to COO amperes, is said to have penetrated in three to ten minute sufo walls from 8 to 0 inches thick, A rough steel ingot, perhaps 6 by 7 by 10 inches, was penetrated with a diagonal, jugged hole from to '6 inches in diameter, the thickness of metal, pierced being about 8 or 9 inches. Who will now warrant a burglar proof safe? It Hounded Strange. Tho Customer 1 think I'll take soma fcilves' brains today Tho Waiter Horry, sir, but 1 haven't my brains today, sir. Voukers States nan. Wunilrr of the Age. Farmer I lay rick I see yere whar a nan's eloped with his typewriter. Hi Wife Unds suzt What will oachinory do next? New York Journal. Tba Man and tha OOSoa. Who's fitted for a public place, Howerer much we rue it, We must oonfM that thla is trna, I asldoai fitted to 11 -Detroit Kewa Constipation Cause fully half the sickness In the world, ft retain the (llgcabnd food Um long In the towels and produces blliousnc, torpid liver, Indl- Lnldl gentiou, bad btsie, coaU'd fi sj tongue, sick headache, In- I QJ II soiimia, etc. Hood' Pills 1 1 S cure constipation and all Its ' rcuiu. easily and thoroughly. 23c. AlldruirKlsts. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas. The only rills to take with Hood' Kartaparllla. COOK & BARLOW Harness and Saddle Makers. Burlington Stay-On Blanket Itepuiring a specialty. Full Stock of Harness, Lap RobesJBIankets 225 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Lincoln, Neb. eSSBBBBasaSBBMBBJS Tho Wells Shoo Store U08 North Tenth 8tret. -W'V 1: SJ'' 'Ztf felt Boots and good warm Overshoes Xbould b la vry inan'a Thauiai vingf wardrobe, Tky ka rd I aay and warmth ia-i'l-, W hate U aty ot tbat at Muaomi") pruv. IUII ltl tot 1 he lUIMai. The Uiauri "m iJ will a II l. Vis l tMiiala ankia Whi anki al lira lor Ik roaad tnp oa lw. it I, V tit aad Jaa. I, 1 Ihrouak train daily ttm aad tu I lantla, aejiua i-tattda at 'J to p, m. aad flip, , m tiMkr litlxraiatioa apply at tr 1Vkl om., i ,,u" M I , l, t I'SMM , I), ', A Ti A. THERE IS A CLASS OF PEOPLE Who art Inland by tb nm of olfa. Raeratlr tbara baa bca placed la an tn nrotmrf atom a aw preparation alld OKAIS-O, mad of pan aralos, tbal tak tba plan ol eoBaa. Th no dalleau atomacb rwalrM It wltboatdlairsaa, and bat law raa tall It Irom cuflaa. It doaa aot scat evar k aa uarb. Cblldran amr driak It with rat Iwneti. it eta. and A eta. par paakac. Try It, Aaklor OKAIN O, When billons or eostive, eat a Caacaret eandy cathartic,cnregTiaranteed,10c,25e ' 213 U Hjreet, Lincoln, Neb. Receives all kinds of Hides and Furs to tan for Kobe and Leather, Hides tan '4 on shares. Highest price paid for Hides, ZXenry XZolzxx Xxropr FINE WATCH REPAIRING, E. S. KING, SCIENTIFIC . REFRACTING OPTICIAN, ' Weak and Strained Eyes Success fully Fitted. .... No Atropine, do lost time, 1800 0 St., LINCOLN, NEU, Portrait LanS scape 129 So. 11th St. Oallary UblUbad WU LINCOLN, NEBRASKA FOIl KINK PIIOTOMKAPH . , , OO TO . , , Kennedy's Photograph Parlors, 182 So. 12th Strttt. ine (Cabinet, $XQ ptt Voztn. HatlffaetloB Osaraataed. We make Oraoa Portrait ebeep aad la tk Dioet erMeU Btiea. PaiOTit'E Limitkd TolinQ C C Pfinif IlmcAsca aw THE is.e.-.vii, Eye.Ear.Nos8 and j "ot Throat .. ij Lincoln, Nebr Boors from 0:80 to 12:80; 3 to 5 WHEN YOU WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS who ar comlnir west to visit yon, Just add a post script like this: "lie snr and take the -Burlington, floats. It's much the best." Ton are qnit safe in do ing this because our service from Clilca (ro, Peoria, St Louis, and Kansas City, la fact all eastern, southeast ern, and southern cities i jnst as good as onr service to those points. And that as everyone who Is ac quainted witb it will testify, is the best there is. Tickets and time tablee on application at B. & M. depot, or city office, corner 10th and O streets. m S. W. B0NNELL, 0. P. & T. A. LINCOLN, NEB, The New. Union . ELEVATED LOOPS in Chicago 'i'i'SVAW IS NOW OI'KN. It runs on Van Buren St.. Directly in front of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. ruscnur arriving In Chlcutfo can, by the rw L'nloit i;ivated l-oo. roach auy part of the city; or, ( a five n ut far, ran Im tnknt iiiiiiii'illnti'ly In aur of tha lsr tnre in th dowa town district. AH i:ivald 1 ruins will atop at tli "IttH-k lalund" Hlatii.n. Train ev-ry in l ii ill. Um fitcllit h-a in it nuly b ul Ivrd l.y the "Orast R,k k lilaod Keute." If yutt will aiu hj 'J mil aUmpltir imaiitKa w mall ymi at ni-a a bird svya vivw ul I l.i. Mgo, just mu'i iu t)vHilura, ahii h ahowa tm Just what yoit want In Iihuw abnut t'ha aa-i aud tha ii,.w l iiup ami l.lnval.. Httlaiu. 'I hi map tint shuald have, bthr yua Inn out and iiW l.i minta lo it, or ahthr )n hum lu m t bi-a-i aad Von t.r yuur lil..t, muiiiniliila HiaM4 a Irip, .tiMr J. ma Mat Tit, a. r. ., thi ., anala km IihiiImI, lauk MkMt aai lat si.a ikal mm '-" ' "I Htw. .f. Haii . !. ' a . f .. la wt-m r. ...mi a nuaaia la kiaia iiSa- l l .ia Jub Hiuik ia a k.ln.i ; ik.t autl mI ta ia x.. m4 mI )(.h...,i Ru tut l-aaa, d,, M,.4 , l. a i-a imi i .., f,,km i a I ... - ..w, w-mrw p'Wt IS , Ik 1 aituaai aa kI tla.. a k.k , l. TANNERY MIU lt j IJI ., l. at a. i, t,, at I l'r k. Una ami. tnt, hual4t ta Mtl tbe Nthai' H ibuaJd al4Mi t at t ha Ju JJj i)