she f The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. fRiLJ CT3 ) VOL. IX. ' J LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 33, 1897. i - ., ; : T NQ 1 ' ft . at. larH f FAVOR POSTAL BANKS Pubiifl Sentiment Everywhere in Fayor of Their Immediate ; EstAbllehment. SENATOR : BUTLER'S BILL. It Advantage! Over the Chloago Record Bill Introduced by Senator Mason. President McKlnley's Position. Tbe question of the establiahmont of postal savings banks U-one tbat will be debated durin tM,. present session of Congress, amtrnaity utd,vocatos of this ystem for enoouri&ieiUcople ' mall mean to save inotymtf,tliii of emer gency tt'e.finfllHn;ttiat a bill embrac ing tbetflaflii featurVlifsuch Institutions elsewhere will be petl bifore the close of the FiHv-Ufth CouiecssV I'ostmnsW Gene Gary bus Indors ed the idea Vjf tbe fteip of postal sav ing bankaiia strongly as "possible, and iu Ilia annual report tinsVered such ob- ieotionato UMENltU'lialitMnt aa have 5s boon advancirMJori sector in ous the largest,? AhJi of Il-iHl- ore for the m pa iy years, Mr. euurv bromrht to t, if" t)j"Ct tbe ax purl ft x .'otiusideratiou of enee moat needed ii this question But . failed to en dorae the project in usage to Con- greaa, although tbe later Genoral rued him to do bo failure to en- tfOria IS- (dftydorne tbe achenie was iny antagonism to noCthe result of the'-project, It la . .'resident thought tbe aubjeot should be further conaidered before acted upon. Hi failure to speak on thesubject, there fore, does not deter advocates of the measure from going ahead with con fidence, and their belief la tbat Mr. Mo Kinley would not vstoOTpostal savings . bank bill If passed by Congress. They Y regard one of the closing urngraphs of tbe President's message ajfyull explan ation of his failure to pudrse postal ewinge banks, that paragraph being aa tbe l1rth of this many Imr tant refor ms gov, wieut wim II haaa tJlk,a ar thu PJk r wsslou. They areiJllj"y iscussed llfij .departmental rctxfrtaVUo ail of w hi eli I invite your earnest attention." Since 1883 there have been introduced in Congress about twenty bills for tbe establishment of postal savings banks. Kariy in tbe last extra session of Con greesHenator Mar-ion Ilutlor of North Carolina Introduced a bill of this char acter containing many new features, which he believes would adapt the sys tem to tbe pesuliar needs of thla coun try. Senator Mason of Illinois, an ardent advocated postal savings banks, introduced In the Senate a bill for their establishment, known as the Chicago Itucord bill. During tbe extra session last spring Mr. Butler's bill was referred to the rWiuie committee on postofllces and post roads, of which be is a member. The committee referred the bill to tbe Postmaster General, requesting him to examine it and to return it to the Sen ate, with such recommendations as be thought proper. Although he has in dorsed the project generally, he has not yet made specific recommendations re garding Mr. Butler's bill. Last Monday Mr. Butler offered a flight amendment to his bill in the Hen ate in order to get it before that body for considration. In presenting bis amendment Mr. Butler said in part: "While the Peoples Party has from its birtb advocated the establishment of postal banks, and is the only party that has ever declared for them in its national platform, yet they are today advocated by many prominent men in nil fmrtle. The pomilar demand for them hasgrowa until it Is no longer a party question. Seldom, if ever, has there been greater 1opular interest manifested than tote mn evidenced during the post summer and (all for the establishment of n sys tem of postal saving banks. Tli propo sitiou has lewn discusMid by the press from one end of the con u try to the other, and I think it is safe to say that uiue-teuths of the press, If not a larger wfeeut, heartily btvor the proportion. ; have noticed carvfully for the olijeo lion ralMid against I lie system. N - snrily thy ara few, and neeiHHiarily they ars ba kd mors slth opinions and aMt-rtioiia than lth arguments and fads. Tlis i.lii.i'tlmts , as a rule, from a tvrtain rlass of basket who ars inter tt parlNs and I rum a wtain class of nioMtutrt Bourbons, a bo ipmmm every lp toward progr and every roftirui, no matter bow foot tin ad a his, 1 he lot. losing ars lti otjMllons ahUk have mis uBilff ntf ol-Mff stiia : 1.1. That HMtal savings bsaks smark toa latiik ! paUraaliam. la atsr to Ibis as call alUaiiwa loth tart that lb roatorttft lttarlirtBt M ltvruslim, asd that from suet, iu. ffnaliaut tkr ta atit uulf at bsrm. but, mi ins Otr kuJ, aa ia'luUti bn flt that rtiMtd att sir4 tttrouss firli ate a tr ), ()irH4rt.t II 1 m a smhwtrv evil, asd ill stluS liasks, ik tW ISMtirt taf tite-al. la vwarttf paUraslMiia, tsv kirst if gfatat alt slia, 1 fa ly i4rtia ts, tar k'l K agai ,il gotufanoal Im etlti.t) lo ll ait gMH i tk urattt auatli! .tk-. atttds, mUwk ars Hr tsa iti.a l r govv'satwat es t ahWk tr I rs' at pr f a tkia rsrtii I Vk ! tplat fruss Ik argaatvat la favof of tal . iftTowa: H i am Jarced by m,age to omit . earv 10 anairs 01. aavings banks made by the Postmaster General in hie last annual report. Iu the reply to tbe objection of paternalism be eaye: "Other opponents cry "paternallem." All government Is mora or leaa paternal, in that it takea care of tbe Interests of tbe people, Carrying the mails, exclud ing disease-Infected veesels from tbe har bors of trade and commerce, preserving the peace, providing for publio educa tion, subsidising agricultural colleges, maintaing agricultural stations, and making Weather Bureau predictlona, are all of them paternalistic, Second. The second objection which I have noticed ia tbat If postal savings banks should be established, . that it would be a step iu the direction of tba Government operating tbe telegraph and other natural monopolies aa public funo tloua. In reply to this alleged objection we say: That it is an admission that postal aavings banks would work suc cessfully and bs popular, and tbat their successful operatlou would be a strong argument for other reform along tbe same line. Thla Is an objection only with the monopolists. It la a strong argument In favor of the system with ninety-nine citizens out of every hundred. Third. That the Government ought to go out of the banking business, and that postal aavings banks would put the Government a etep further into the banking business, la reply to this ob jection we say. Tbat none exwpt those who want to control the natlou'e mon ey and use this powerful Instrument of commerce us a means to force the whole producing world to pay tribute to the money changers cau consider this an objection. With all who stand on the money question wbers Jefferson, Jack son and Lincoln stood. It is a strong argument iu favor of postal aavings banks, Fourth. That the money collected through the 'savings banks scattered over tbe country would be concentrated and boarded at Washington, and thus cause a contraction and congestion of tbe currency. In reply to this objection, we call attention to the fact that my bill now pending before Congress amply provides against any such danger or contingency, and it might be stated In addition that those who have made this objection, as fur as my observation goes are those who have been striving ro contract and congest tbe currency of tbe country for the last thirty years. They want the money deposited In private and corporate banks in order tbat they may congest it at will. A proper postal sav ings bank system, like the one my bill would establish, will to no small degrt e prevent the very evils which national banks have been producing. In this connection 1 quota again from the report of the Postmaster General answering the same objection: "Some affect to see tba spectra of centralization in ths postal-savings sys tem. It is true that it ofstratea directly to centralize capital, but only tbat it may be redistributed and thua put to use." In another part of this admirable argumen, referring; to tbe same objec tion, he says: "It Is claimed that it would take mon ey out of communities already suffering for want of currency. On the contrary it would gather together the money oow hidden and Idle in every community, and enable each of them to get tbe use In bulk, at the shortest possible notice of all the reserve capital in the community. While tbe funds thus gathered from the community would prohaby be sent to the financial centers, they would be re. turned through safe and proper channels to move the crops and to perform their other customary duties." Fifth. The & objoction 1 have noticed during the past summer is, that private enterprise cun furnish all of tba saving bunks necessary. In answer to this ob jection we call attention to the fact that in all the twelve Northern, Kaetern, and Middle States, where population is den sest and where private savings banks are greater in numletr, there are today only (ViO mutual savings banks and 110 commercial saving banks, 700 saving banks in all, covering a population of over thirty millions of oeople, which averages one savings bank to evory 40,- 000 people. In those 12 states there are 5,7'J0 money-order postofllces where there ars no savings banks of any kind. Surely the ieople in these States need postal saving bank. Iu the l.'l southern States tin re are only 'J mutual savings banks (which ars tlis only Mai savings banks) and 110 commercial snviugs banks (which ran hardly I called sav ings bauks) M'J in all, eoveriu a popu lation of IN.OOO.OOO woplt. Tilers are III these States fl.PHO tiioiiey-ordr oilier where there are no savings banks of any kind. And in the PI Western States titers are ou ly 7 mutual saviugs bauks and 4M eoiumerelul banks inak lug 4 'J 7 In all, covering a population of Over ilJ.tMHI.tMMI people, Tbefa ar In 1 lie taixa l,77l money .order oitkvs ahrrs lher ars no saving bank of any kind. The IVine Mate have y mu tual aving liank, iVI rommervial sav lea bank, 70 la ail, eoveriug a popu lattoa ol a tssi.iMHi. Ther are iu Ihes I Strttr Ml 'J Mloui ordef ultlcnt kr titers ar no eavieas bask at all. Iih..rl, Ilia il l Houtaera, VVtr aad I'atMtls Mates kat aHoUe oly fioti ea lag bank, tivriag a Mpula lloa ol Mer A J.IMM.WHI m.!, or oa 4ies bek to M.IMS) population. Not oa ia A kumln.l t.l thwa ptopk d.i or v4 i. .a in sty of tti v- IMS bask. Would tkt l l (I Ihrfe art (HMilai savia bask al vefV ill Htoar of'br oHHk I Ureal ilrl'aia, a her postal savtugs laiik k toes' I'm a la te.rva!l o. alios, in. rt.n out i.t every iktit Miu!.iiioa ka lfi et bask arvoust, 1 kal is sailj s 4 MMior litf tf f tulvf, Nkall a a) fitly )r, of oas ksa iliesl tears, t vm tkoaaaad jrears, aa- (t.lMel oa I e klk 1'a, CHANDLER'S LETTER The Eepublioan Party Doea JSot Dare to Enact FlnanoUl Legislation. CRITICISES SECRETARY GAGE Cannot Retire the Greenbaoka More Probability of their Inoreaee, Ilsneuiina Ilia Oold Mtaadard Lsagus. Senator William E, Chandler, a repub lican senator from Nswhampshlrs, has written a letter to the Washington Post In which he severely criticises Secretary Gage, the gold standard leugue, and the self constituted monetary commission. Uedeolarea that if the republican party expects to win In the next elections It must not tamper with tbs financial problem. Tbe present session should merely pass the appropriation bills, take cart of Hawaii and Cuba, and adjourn aa early aa May, In hla letter Senator Chandler aays: "If the secretary of the treasury and hla gold standard associates will cease their demand for Impossible currency legislation congress will pass the neces sary appropriation bills and probably take care of Hawaii and Cuba. There will not be a serious party division dur ing the session, and there will bn an ad journment iu May. Business will revive, tbe treasury receipts will equal tbe ex penditures, tbe balance of trade will con tinue in our favor and the republican party will, in November, 1808, elect a majority of tbe house in the fifty-fifth congress, ' , . "Ou tbe other hand, If Secretary Oage continues to press on congress a bill, tbe ..I I L b.l.l..U I.. I. ' l,lm A - Mlffl'Ub Ul WI1IMU lie MJi ie , ft IIMVt W V,l.- mlt the country more thoroughly to the gold standard,1, and the immediate effect of which' ki.jW' throw doubt upooHhe sincerity of t(ie prtsident'a declaration In favor of eon tinned efforte to secure; bimetallism, 0 political turmoil wilt arise In congress which will split the now united republicans Into fragments, while it will unite and console the now incou' grnotis opposition. It is not feasible to retire the greenbacks; there Is more probability that a bill will be sent to tbe president to increase their amount. "It Is not possible to secure the pas sage through either house of a bill mak ing tbe greenbacks Into gold notes or authorizing bonds payable in gold. The effort to do either thing will probably result In the passage of a bill for the re demption of the greenbacks in ailver dob lure, and for the payment of all United States bonds in gold or ailver coin, at the discretion of tbe president, who will bo commanded to exrrcise hie option for the advantage of the government and not for the advantage of tbe creditor. With such an uproar in congress as these proceedings will create, with west ern congressmen embroiled therein, with vetoes as threatened by Secretary Gage, under angry discussion, it will happen that all business enterprises and funds and stocks will be disturbed, prices will full, insolvencies will Increase, and the republicans will lose the congressional elections in 18U8, as they did in 1800, and beyond the hope of a favorable action in 1000, at which time, therefore, a Brj unite democratic president and co n if reus will be chosen. "Whether we lire to have one of these results political safety, or the other, political destruction depends entirely upon the coursa to be pursued by Secre tary Gage and those who bis pressing him forward, namely, the gold standard league of New York and the self consti tuted national monetary conference. "How much Secretary flags cares for the republican party is not known. Whether Preeldent MoKinley, wbosegood faith toward bimetallism is coming to the test, will stop his secretary In bis in snna career is not known. It is to be hoied be will. But no political altua lion baa tssm cleami tban the present to sound eyes since the republican party began its marvelous career forty-two years ago. There ars times for all things. There is a time to move and a tune lo keep still, and now is the time to so keep, "It Is simply political suicide for ths republican partv Iu this eongree to atjlrmatively oeu Hi diciiioii of ths money quest lou. Wa ought to await the progr of International bimetal llsm, the advtat ol proerlty, and the fllliugof the treasury by tbs normal wort lugs soon to Is seen ol the Sew tariff law, Shall as wait lor Id thing or rnh oi to sell destruetioti? I'ra deal Mi k. i u ley niuat ib'M. Will b a-t for hi ioitl or lor bis idutot rat? IjHia bi aaswsr aill dewnt tbs swats ol sua. Ie, t, IMI7, Wu, 1h Cum mi. a. KCKLKs ON H)TAU HANK Tk CwwpwPf at tba Cuitsaty TM t IbM IvMStt t oMiplrulter id lha t urreay, Jsais I), I tkeU, labia aauual rpoit, gav anok roailralie to pMital aaviag baaks, la itrW ta brtsa; all tba ttf atatloa aa iwue. -l llrs tsa aiemlwra ol eoag re, b rHirteoalaas lb l aglteli Mtl ! bask law aa-t sat tbs giuaik ol lb svtiem la feakte .,11 l IU la. t tbat Ik rate 4 lalrt ia bat seal as! tba latseat uf luads vaia maiali Im gotevaaieat se curities. There were 0,453,507 deposi tors In the Great Britain postal savings banks at the close of 1805, and 00 per cent of these belonged to tbat class whose deposits aggregate but 930 an nually. The other 10 percent aver agedf&25. The report then quotes the laws of other eouu tries and giveaatatistics show ing the prosperity and popularity of savings banks there, Mr. Eckels gives the following table, which shows the growth of tbe system in tbe countries where postal savings oauxs ure in operation: No. nf Airnrsee. tfopimlters. truiuwt kiiiiiom ,4M,ra Prssfti, Mnn.076 Italy if,u,7l uiilrl. 474, lldslsis lwa7U AotlrlH Ssvlnint..,. 1,1I0,IMI llsukluK dept.., ilS,01il illlitlrtirv . I))oill. dKpemt, 1 4M),M4,H?5 7l).M 150.awi.Toft ttM W.724.4H6 S(l7 70,0I,VI 147,04) tt,M,m 73.11 37.U4.IM M.M s.e;i4,ins ttm 7M Utl,4l.l.4tll lu,mn,74ft 7.176, 3711 H. m.M lie IM47I am. mi 41 4 i7. i a 17.7 SSTllivn Uit, llaaknia dept.. (!anu Imlls Muthnrlnnils ,., Sw.ilii 0li I'uluay., i7H.Mll 4,717 1V5.llf.ll (I.VI.NHJ 4uU.HH 4llH,ilNS Tetiils 1M15.7MI fl,0IMI7,4M) ,1 H.l COST Or THE N. Y. CAMPA10N. Enormous Bum of Money Raised by tbe Aepubllcana and Tamanany, It b Almost impossible to conceive of tbe enormous amount of money that was expended In the recent Mayoralty content In the city of New York. Aa in every other great city, there are thous ands of voters in the city of New York who sell their "time," "influence" and vote, lo tbe higbeat bidder. Tom Piatt for the republican and Hichard Croker for tba Tammany democrats, were bid ding for this support. The price oaid was enormoua. The republican com mittee wanted f 3,000,000, General MoAlpin reported that it would be impossible to raise that amount in New York, mainly on account of the defection of rich men to Low, Secretary of the Interior Cornelius N, Bliss, at General Tracey's request, saw many of tbe rich recalcitrants at tbe Union licogue Club one Sunday and from what he learned became discouraged, tie saw Senator I'lattlmmedlutely after ward, and the appeal for outside aid re- uiulted from their meeting. J Senator 1'lutt telegraphed his appeal to (Senator M. W. iuav, ruinator Mark A. Ila am, George H. lox, at Cincinnati. JorepU"- Mauley at Augusta, Senator Henry tnoot Lodge and Senator W, is, Mason. in addition to this list of State bosses he appealed in person to E. It. Grinby, tbe Florida boss; John S. Clarkson. the Iowa dictator and to General Harrison, of Indiana, Senator Thurston, of Ne braska, and otherinfluontial republicans who were In New York. From the republican state committee I'latt bad already received the whole of lost year's aurplua, about $150,000, He called upon tbe committee for l.'iOO,- 000 more. He assessed a million from tho local corporation! and candidates, MiabtnN. n tntul nf ..I SI r.OO lIUi one ball of the amount which I'latt and bis committee started out to raise. He called upon tbe leading bosses to raise the other ball and apportioned the amouuts which each ahould raiae as fol lows: Matthew M. Qnajr.... SOO.ttiO Mark A, llanos. U. H, Cot. Ohio MiO.UUU llunrjr ( allot Loila. New Kaslsod..,, aui.uou Wllllitm K. Himi, llllnol too 000 Itine M. Vlnrknoa, Iowa..... KUU.UUU To l, atMetl lu; HwwiiiU front the national oomnilUe UiO.OOO Fllsil by national noinmltte. BM.lHMl AMiwd on corporation oasilldste l.OUU.tlUd Orand total $il,uuo,000 I'latt appealed for aid upon the claim that not only tbe republican organis ation of New York city, but republican organizations In all cities would be jeopardised by the New York assault upon Bossism. lis enlisted tbe Interest ol the administration state bosses by promising to them the New York dele gation in tbs next republican nationul convention. The whole of this great sum was avail able in New York a week before election and was spread broadcast In every elec tion district to round up the floatiug vote lor General Tracy. But It waa without avail. Tammany bad all the fnoiiey it wants) aud was Utter org un ited. Such an enormoua sum of mousy could not 1st houestly rxM-udsl by either side. It was raistnl by promisee of legislation bivorabla to great melior ation mid other moneyed institution. The populist party proHiea ths only effertivs remedy lor tba boodle svlt. It Is ilirwt legislation by means of tbs In itiative aud referendum. I'nder thai system ths polttteiau could roinia to grant se.'ial bgtnlatiwa aud valuable Iraucbiara, but thy would dad It ibmeult and liequetttly ImpoeeiMa lot u I (III ths prosiiee. i b great toriairatiob would Wot roMinbutsso Ittwraily lor sueh an uncertain lelura. WlltKE TO PNACTICK ECONOMY. Ce4tiesHiaa Msiwsll favssa Uisaa sing Wiib Uasa Clik .al a.k abea a bid pruiMisg for aa appropriation to pay tba salariee id a bag M ol t Wfks, OMtstaat Uil aa4 iutgfa tor tbs foatailteap nf tba kouee, t aata sp kr swailf atioa, eoaa itMwm klatwsli tt1f4 seveval aatsad. ateata to strike t ml tka bt asaay tl tktees tkal iu atiriy aaeetwaoart, aaj kava ko datwa ta -f ioru, li s ames-l-aaJuMat) l rvkwtvl -! lb house continued to provide places to be turned over to political favorites, In aubuiittlug hla amendment, Mr. Mm well said: "Mr, Chairman, I move to strike out, in lines 16 and 17, on page 8, the worda "assistant clerk. fU.iiliO." I wish to say in support of my motion that I am always glad to aid any person to ob tain employment in some worthy busi ness so that be may bo enabled to sup port himself and those who are depend ent upon him, Aud where it la appar ent tbat tba services of anyone are neces sary, and be baa been faithful In the per formance of hie duties, 1 certainly snail not vots to abolish bis : poaitlon, My aymathlea are with the man or wo man who earns a living by honest labor. A government, however, Is a great busi ness Institution, and, so far at least aa employment is concerned, should be eon ducted on business principles, We are acting here not for ourselves, but In a trust capacity for the people of tbe United States. Tbe bill provides for one clerk to the Committee on Appropriations. To that we do not object, onu tbe salary allowed (18.000) ought to secure a man of a high order ol ability, It would seem that this otis clerk oould perform all tbs duiiss except those of tbs commit tee Itself, which cannot be delegated. There Is a very large number of these appoint ments, Thus, in page 8, lines 17 and 18, we find: "Messenger, to be ap pointed by the oo mm It tee, $1,440." The duties of messenger to a committee certainly can not be very onerous, and could readily and easily, I believe, be performed by the tlerk. Here would bs a saving of $3,400 In one committee, without, so far as I can see, Imparlng ths efllciency of the service In the slight est degree. It will be found tbat this surplus of employees runs all through tbe bill, and tbat tbe aggregate amount ol salaries proposed to be paid ruus up into the hundreds of thousands of dol lars, If not millions. The evil, too, appears to be constant ly growing, ao that unless it ia checked we may reasonably expect a consider able increase of the number, with but little for them to do. Shall we not reso lutely restrict tbe number to those ab solutely essential to perform the duties required? That certainly ia our duty, There ia great complaint of a deficit in the revenue, and on that professed ground the appropriation for pensions waa $'25,000,000 loss than three year ago. Let us drop needless expenditures and there will be sulflcisnt revenue to sustalu tbe Government." Tbe boose promptly voted down the amendment and continued to make nlaces for tbousonds of useless clerka. As Mr. Maxwell says, it la tbe needles expenditures of ths government tbat lias been and Is yet the most Important (ac tor in causing tbs deficit In the treasury. TO LEQALIZR THE TRU8T, Railway Fooling Bill Will Undoubtedly Paia Tbe Present Congrsaa. Tbe railroads, as every one knows, are anxioua to get permission from con gress to continue their combination known a the railway trust, This trnst ia now operating In defiance of the de- olsion of the supreme court of the United States, for the corporations aay tbat thla decision does not apply to them. Their anxiety for the passage of a pool ing bill is a little inconsistent. But, as tbe pooliug bill is bound to go through, the enemlea of tbe railroad despotism have resolved to affix to the pooling bill a provision giving more power to tbe Interstate Commerce Commission, That commission is now a worthless bit of machinery, and benefits only tbe corpor ations. The railroads will not permit the commission to be endowed with power to enforce its own decisions on tbe ground that the Populists may get control, and thus ruin the "welfare of the shareholders." The federal judges have been repeatedly asked to lsue in junctions to enforce tba decision of tbe supreme court, but this they will not do. Tbs judges are afraid of ths railroads. It will lie a test of the present congress to observe how it couduote itself on ths subject of ths pooling bill. If it posses, ws may exat ths handing ovsr of the country to the cororations. If ths pooling bill is not passed, it will show that tiiers is atill some boiieety In con gress. But as there are now twelve rail road presidents In Washingtiia, two of whom ar members of congress, the out look la not promiaiug. Twentieth ten tury. RELIKr- rOK KLONDIKE MINERS Congissa Makta Aa Approptlelia) Of 100,000 fvf Kuppliae and Tianspottalion. Both braucbea of eongreaa have luuuvda bill making aa appropriation of f 'Jotl.lMKI u U Mu.ed l'ur rbaes ol supplies and traasportatina lor ths reli. I of aiirera la laka. Ths money la to bs sipeaded aader the di rwtioaot Iks secretary of war, who Is aum authorUi to a tba Caltwl Stale army to aarrv lata fba t lb provUloas tilths act. Wkeu tba bll get lettt tk baud ol tea totiM-earn roatitnltes) a .rotlJoa wilt ba a blet giviug tbs war Vpartatval authority to w tba aoll larvanaul lb goveraiaeat la tba sta tu ihib ol tbs ret ad MtUPea, lha depaflateat oilfal waat stwills authority a ta Ik" Htitilary arat wr eiviiiaa purpomt, Tba oftUwt ta bars (bar: ol ! tdilioa baa at teea ewiet tet, bat tb SekwtHMI Will act soate trout tba Vbet task ol tb er. Ike war aVpariuwat atbottea a ill draw tilur aa4 true tba la aiitta of tarnoa bfet aa4 git lbat itosioaia abak ouarag aa darted wilt e rsair4. UITCHCOCK ARRESTED Editor of the World Herald Charg- ed With Contempt of Court, CANNOT SOLICIT BUSINESS. He Telle the Court What he Think About the Matter. frsa NetHili gupprssasd, Tbe privilege of attending to one's own business in a legitimate way, end taking advantage of favorable publio oplulon as an element to which reference may be mode In soliciting patronage, has been attacked in a violent manner by one of our Nebraska judges. Newspaper publishers have long en joyed unquestioned right to refer to complimentary mention or resolutions bearing on the merits of their publico, tion, and have used such testimonials In soliciting business, No objection has ever been made to such a practice, for the simple reason that no one has ever dared attempt cloning a man's mouth against bis own interests by an Injunc tion from the courts. But as the lu Junction busluess boa prospered eo mar vulously under the Mckinley regime, we are not surprised to see it employed to trample down the last vestage of Indi vidual right. Tbe board of Are and police of Omaha adopted a resolution some time back declaring the World-Herald to be the paper having the largest circulation In the city of Omaha. The Omaha lies im mediately commenced action in tbe dis trict court ol Douglas county Baking for an injunction restraining tbe board from circulating this resolution and esstop lug tbe World-Herald from publishing it or using it In soliciting advertising. Judge Keysor Issued tbe order of in- , junction at the Bee's request ' i ne puniisiinr ol the worid.lleraid, , Gilbert M. Hitchcock, replied to tbe court In au open letter in which tbe fol lowing Ideas were expressed: "1 consider this to lie an attempt to ubrldge the liberty of the press. I be lieve ft to be lawleaa, I believe It to be malicious. I shall resist it by all law , . ful moans In my power C3 notify you that tbe World-Herald is oneiaatitution of the country which will not be run by injunction. "In order, therefore, to put thla mat ter to the test I hereby publish, as I have tbe right to do, tbe resolutions of tbe lieense board, taken from ita record. "I propose to have advertising solicit ed for the World-Herald In tbe future, as It has been in the past. II yen can en join mo fiora transacting my business ae you now attempt to do, then no busi ness enterprise Is safe from judicial tyr rany." Mr. Hitchcock waa immediately ar rested and brought before the court to . show cause why he ahould not be pun ished for contempt, Tbe Bee's daring thrust at the liberty of Its competitor found a willing tool in Judge Keysor, and tbe case stands with out a parallel in the history of this country. Tbe publication of licquor licences woe tbe foundation for the trouble. Those are usually published In tbe paper having the largest circulation in the city, and the Herald referred to the resolution of the Are and police board In soliciting tbs licence notice. There waa nothing official lo the resolution, but It simply expressed tbe oplulon of tho board, and it Is plain from Its sup pression by Injunction that (he Ameri can people have lost the privilege of ex pressing their oplulon on any subject, "The freedom of speech and of the press" guaranteed by the constitution of the United States bos been knocked sky-high by K. Itosewater and Judge keysor. What is law? Where does law laave oft and anarchy begin? t'ouiparlua tariff Hill. Defender of the Dingley tariff rise to the diguity of tbe occasion with asser tion lor lack of argumwuU Chairman Dingley assert that "ia time" hi famous deficit producer will bring in suftlcieut mvsoue to meet the expenses of the government, and he de fiantly adds that those who criticise the tariff "dura not make comparisons ba twtvn th first mouths of ths WUsou art and ths first mouths of tbs present act." This aartioa ia mada la th fee of tbe (art tbat comparisons have bean inatla right aloeg showing tb lailur of tb Dingley act to procure as much rv sue a the WtUon inure, a huh wa so roundly tHiatWinaad by rvpubiieana. As aa exempt of th com pur mki it a which hats bea made, t'hainaaa Disg Wy's at lea lloa is called to tb lolluwtug etura. showing Ik rsveao abkkwa secured by the tao tariff durisg ths ial tial lour tmiattte of lbtr oiMriaia: W ii, , !(: set, Vit.t . .... ....... 1 1 . l em SM4 .u4 . . ... ... . . II eat i t U I'O ti4 ataeik .... ... J.i . T i . I w,S , .. il.SMklH S.lMtM et,av it. II ill Tbi hrvaeata a balauc of ovw 1 1 4,- OtHl.tHHl la Uvor ft tb VYiiauabtlU it bu4 al V reatoMiKer,) isal lb rv. ewie an are.) by lb WiUw bill tor lb touts la qatua waa antei a hew tu4 aa wa uraitel by tbs aat of si1 bile tb iiiss'tey lull 'rali4 aa def lb gloiioa laitaear ol tb UvKle ley trotvrttt wbs'k la aa eak vaal4 by tb tvpalJaNta preea. Tra), as klra, kllairop would say, "ojti)arhoa era tarvia4 to t aalriaaa Diugiey -tka4.t HeaWk.