THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT December 16, 1897 NORWAY AND SWEDEN YULETIUE CUSTOMS IN THE LAND OF THE VIKINGS. uperatltlane Regarding Nlaeao, the ieo dlnevlaa fteota Claua-- Prank of the Hired Man Legend of tM Brother Vll and Urlinm. The peasantry of Norway and Sweden generally build their homos an near each other m convenient. Often five to seven familie live adjoining, constituting miniature village Aftor tho first day baa passed tbo enjoyment commence. Dancing 1 the principal enjoyment for tbo youth, wbile the old people and the children stay at homo and rehearse; talc that aro replete with orl and "Nisnon," or "Tomtegubbon," a he aim 1 called. Tba lattur i a mlnluture being that correspond iu many respect to tho Hootch brownie, but quite Santa ClauNliko in general appearance. Tbo talc that aro told have boon handed down from generation to generation, and were at one time believed, and even in aotne districts considerable oredeuoo ia atill given to what ia stated about thae amiatural being. Nissen la the being tbatla of the greatest interest to tho young. He ia not a bad fellow at all, if bo can only have bia way. Where ho live no one know. It ia supposed that ho spend tbo daya sleeping in aotne of the bill or under tbo ground. Although be is mall, bo la potwoed with super natural power and can do tnuoh to shape the fate of a peraon, either good or taut Ureal care la therefore exer cised to do what ia known will please Nissen. Hpeolal attention must be given bim Christina eve. Hbould'he ootne around after midnight and bia favorite diali, romegrod, baa not been placed ouUida near tho door, trouble will re eult. , When tbo people awake in tho morn ing, they can oipeot to find their cattle In a terrible condition. Nlsemi general ly vent bia vengeance on the animal of the farm. Tltey will bo tired the neit day, abowing that Nissou ha boon playing atmie prank with them, thereby keeping aleep from them. Article in tbo barn will bo found topsy turvy, wblle tho home bave been turned around in their atull, but if the diab baa been placed out for bim he ia hap py, lie abowa bia gratof ulnes in deed. When tbe hired uun In that cuao goo oat to tho barn Christina morning, bo may expect to find all bia chorea done. Tbo horse bavo been ourriud ao tbey look fine aa allk, while the oowa give twloe their uaual amount of milk. In many caaea the wood baa been split Many superstitious people on thia oo oaaion bar the door with a piece of steel. Tbey are afraid of bim, and ateel 1 tbo only thing that Nisson ho no power over. Ho baa often been known to have entered the bouse and atoleu food Many a hired girl oun vouch for tbe fact tlmt abe baa heard bim climbing about on tbe shelve of tho larder, and even in a few cam! he baa Umn aeon. Tbe youth atill in a manner retain tbo habit of their ancestry. At eventide they gutbor together from the email Village and visit their nolghlxir. Aa a rule, the ground at tbia time of your i heavily covered with enow, und the trip baa to be made on ski. Thia ia one of tbe most delightful feature of the cele bration. Tho ski ia the national artiele of locomotion, nud the boys and girl are adept in tho art of standing on them iu the deep decline und rugged bill. The young people go from neigh bor to neighbor gathering more of them. They have often no particular dcntina tiou, but know they will end oiuo where. When they come to Homo partic ularly large furmhonsn, they drop their akin end go inside. Here everything ii lu roadine for them iu tho way of food, drink and music. Tho fiddler atrikea up hi merry tune, and those present are hurled into a vortex of mer riment, In most jmrlH of tho country thia fea ture ia iu 110 way marred, and tho dance goe on until late iu tho morning, when the young go home, only to moot some where ('tat the following night. In aomo of the primitive part of Nor way, aa (iuldlraiiddttlcu and Vosa, fight were indulged iu iu yean gono by. ThU custom has not eutlndyi hang ed, but tbe frttnlltle that were ao coin moai then do not eit now. Then when couple went to one of these dance the girl would generally take her lov er' funeral gown along, fully exist ing thai he would need it before the night hail gu, lu llm imuth. ni jmrl of Mwndon, Vul hilt, ft nutttiu diet i very beautiful, ia rwwguUed by the ieaaiilry. The early morning not at 4:80 C'brititiuMitay i ftttenibtl by nearly every tine. The UiMuber of the eiigrtguitn lue uftn aa far m aevt u luilee t walk through tbe miuw Tin V iihim friMn all dtreo lt 4i tit deh gui iin, entlt rarrjrtug ft bug de iipnu Mlih b ft pit ff plU'U ia burutug A llm urrwudtiig are Itll in a.ikiH. the ti.hi 14 thowi nmvlHg liithit uan iHte veui. r U tut Htitii l lwi blr ito u iu llti rt of the .tuilry h4e ft lather vilir k thul tlx try la pUy bia vli utter l'UriiiH44 Huatitug ll t li try ti gv t vtlv aot gi irtrl In tU to llil aul if m llui t ! .f the htrml ftian ihvtti Uf.Mrw he g It i lirvtt A lulu l tVi n Im Ihv iult.4(i4 thla tiuk lu h rrlv ut of ltt itiilury ll w a U H I H i 1 ttntnwMi all IImi aiMiuril U iu imm it ihcf tu ft grut r..ul thvv M by 1 . g-l I It l.'tn.itK Kiel ll.vy pi w itn . ir, irviiutf Mitt-hj HIW lfl l IliU ltIHrtV. J i(4l VVvlttft' itu "Ai4v.ii" 1U 4 ft bl llMl ttll 1.HII t tht rt.W t W t llkl VIM. h4 ft MlMg mI t'U I t4itl 1 Im kt'W m t4 .,u lutr n. ltt t.t.Vr h Mi4it(( Mmv U U( iatw, k4 ii r t tv uium ftuw4 ly I' lf i4 ltt etviy mm 1 a tw eity f4iit4t hm Ita m- H Miiiitiarv r! if ...Economy our 96 fl,,J nan. u ' m Denver Milliner, li $z w.yviLLiAms, jngr, 1221 OSt Lincoln. ncoin. U WWW www perflaona mm, tbo door flew open, and tho brother Orbam and Ulv entered, bride, and ho wa out for revengo, An ftttatik wua made, Tbe women huddled together, while the men tried to rally. The brother hod wlwl the bridegT(M;rn, and Ulv wa a lout to plunge bia dag ger into hi hreuxt. Then a terrible cranh waa heard, and it aeeiufid aa if 10,000 demon were on theoutiddo. The brother hUxmI a if traiinllxed, They knew it wa Agaurdreieu, and they faltered. Tho door flew open, and Ulv wa adzed by tho throut and dragged on tbo ontNldo, Then the people gather ed in the hotiHO heard a ahrill whiz, a of aomething flying through the air, and then all wa quiet, but Ulr wa never aeon agulu. Hi brother (Jrimiu wa badly hurt, but recovered, und 011 C'briNtmaa evening in year thereafter be told to tho children the wedding fee tival that wa vlxlted by ANgoardMreien. MinneoiHjll Tribune. CHRISTMAS GREENS, A lioeatlful 'u(iii Wlilnh (,'oiut to V from tho Itoman. The fuNhion of (lin king the bourn with green aa we do at Clirlntma date back into old Uoman time, when u feat In honor of Huturn wa celebrut4Ml and the temple of tiio dwelling were dreawtd with green bough powiibly a remnant of that tree worhip which, "in Itielf," nay Hunk in, "I believe wa alway heultliy," when "the flow er and tree ure themwdve beheld and beloved with a half wornfif plog delight, which i alway noble and healthful." Tho planU iiiont in demand for church decoration at (JhriMtmu time iu Kng laud aa well a in thin country are hol ly, bay and laurel. Knglixh holly i aometimca imported, hut tho American holly, which come from Virginia and other acction of tho Mouth, 1 a very good aubatitute for it. Tho bay i the rartmt plant of tho three in thia nouu try, but ground laurel 1 commonly aold and 1 one of the uiot effective, of the ChrUt ma green. In decorating a room with ('hr)Htmu green it should bo remembered that a very light touch of color (would be uwxl with green and that tho mit objec tionable, of all thing i too profuwi dec oration. ChrlNtiitua green are uiiuully kept till after Twelfth Night, which occur on Jan. 0, und th y should cer tainly In) eleareii awuy by the ad of February, or Quellcum day, or other wiM, an tradition ay, a gnhliii will appear for every green leaf left behind. It certainly inunt bavo been a tdovculy bouHewifo who would b avo her ChriMt ma green up fur mt many week, and gubliuH of iliwimteiit and uiii'leaiiliiienH would liennri' to invade Nuch a Ikhihc. I'liilad'djiliia Timen. flirUlniM In IteniiiHrk. The triHi in alway lighted on (7hrixt ma eve iu Denmark, and the family all meet together then, The older iNOpln get their prcMeiit on a plate at their place at the table, mid the ehildreu' gift are on the tree. Hi Mint gooNe i al way the chief feature of our tUirintma eve dinner and a Ilnh of rice i eaten on C'hriHtmuH evo U fnro dinner i erv Oil Apple fritter are eaten luntcad of plum pudding. ('brlMma day itmdf ia ohm rved wtrietly a a religion fetival, but tho day Ufuro and tho day after Chriktmaa are holiday. The theater are ou, nud tho young pi-ople give dauii. Our little lUuinh ehildreu do not know almiit .Mania ('lain. Tin v bave instead whet they cull ft Kiiwcu, ' lueanlug ft t hrUtmaa brownlo in the abape of little old man with largo gray Urd who ia tuppum! to live un der the grouiuL Aunther Dnuialt uptr tttion ia that al midnight tltrUtma ovo lh eow in the Matin rim and low lu awlutittloM, and on 4'hritiua eve young inaiileii tell their ft r turn by brvftklug IhewhilM of ftii rgg Into ft glawi of water and Web bing the ah il awuiuea, MiUgvllg Jull" I the iHu.Uh gtwt. lug ftt "llppy CbttttiuMit" m U ttL ( tl t Wt MM la Ilia 4aMM t'l lk an MlHtf eiw thvtU m taa ttf Uta Haw )Htluu kfitfaia tUlaft IIh4 a tuftut, 11 rat 1 "itktf ka tka higetl mm wa) aallal ' TWa ktm. i.K.WtlM. Itatvalaf, I mm la antatwa ! Mala, ( . la riwt Wikilf (lutaatao, ea(4 a t aa4 fla i k.f la laa alktl Ml Mtai tU l ail WW laa 1 4 laa a)w4r ' WflaV Tw't H ka ita ItMaa akf la a4 taa aiK a Mia UWtt taa etl rv v MMtaJ m m Uin'i itBi Va a a4 aMa taa tawft, la MmmI aala aviU) fall Matvaaaa a aV,tl WlaO iik4 la aa '. I va aa aailkl at, takwaaa la ( Uaat4 Jatltri ft ICalkal at (WmH fcka taa ? Astonishingly low prices f fi to reduce our p t stock, Ml Ufa fta4 WtJ riftWf Vf iftftafc, CHRISTMAS FEASTS. OLD TIME DINNERS OF AMAZING PRO PORTIONS. What They I'miI to Kat In th Day of Klnf Arthur Hoar4 Head Herred With Ceremony An Ancient Ulaser to the 1'oor. It i almost impoMHlble to nay when the ciiHtom began of celebrating Cbrit nia with ft aumptuou feitet. It i cer tain, however, that the obw;rvance ha never lapHed Nlnce Kiiglixh hUtory lxi gan. WbiHtlecraft, a wriu-r who delved deeply among tho tradition and record of the reign of King Arthur of the Itouud Table, doHcribc tho ChriMtwaa dinner of that day in vcro: They r red up Minion, veolaun and wild IxHir By hundred and by tem and by euorea, loKMli'd of lioney, klldiirkln of muNturd. Muttun and fatted buevo and baon iwlne, Heron and bittoroa, pvaouvk, awaiiaaiidtiua turd, TeaL iimllird, tilauon. wldtfnona and, in fine, I'luin puddinga, pamtakea, afpla plu and en' terd. And ttierowlthal thay drank good Oaaoon wine. With mead and al and eidor of our own, For porter, ponub and negua were not known. Thi bill of fare in doabtle more poetio than accurate, yet it ia not far ont of tho way. One notable omiion ia that of the waall bowl, for waail, though it waa drink of tbo ancient Druid cf tho third century and prob ably earlier, waa for many hundred year a favorite Uritlh drink and came to bo ditiuctivo feature of Cbritinaa feata It wa flrt made of ale, or what waa then considered ale, awoutened with aomething that did duty for tbo more modern ugar, Jut what that wa i today unknown, but it waa awect. Then tbero wa toat, and there were rouwtod orab, put biing hot into tho bowl a queer drink, but auch aa it waa it wa liked. A time went by the rocipe wa va ried till, perlmp 1,000 year or m later, tho wamutil bowl wa illle4 with wino, well wanned and apiced, with toawtiid brood and roontod apple. If wine were not obtainable, alo waa uaed, bat tho apple were deemed iudixpona bio and really aocm to have been an improvement on crab. Doubtlea it Wa tbe white pulp of tbe apple that - 11 it. - ..I !,.. ,.!.. guvu wiMiiiu urn uiiaiiniim ut uuiu e wool, " and it wa therefore an anocb- . ,1 ... i I -. .. . I. - M. - J ' roniMin mat crept into 1110 mcoouui 01 King Arthur' fcat when tho boy with tho mantle cunt a apoll over tho table, I for it i told that on that occunIou only ' ono knight found hi aword aharp enough to carve the boar' hood or hi hand tteady enough to lift tho lamb' wool without apilling it. 1 It will bo noticed tliut King Arttiur bad neither turkey nor goee, though both of them aro now dlMtinctive fea ture of the Chrietmu fcaxt. The tur key wa not tuken to Kngland from the eut till tho aixtoenth (Mintury, and, though the gixwo wu known before, hi gastronomic value o!mN not to bavo been discovered. Hut if Arthur' feaet aocm gargan tuan It wa a frugal repast compared With those that came later. Uervuso Markhum describi a "moderate din ner" of about A. D. JflOO that would answer for Christina in the following amazing way : "The lirst course should consist of 16 full dishes that is, dishes of meat that aro of substance and not empty or for ahow as thus, for example: First, a shield of braun with mustard; second ly, a boy I'd cupon; thirdly, u Isiyl'd piocu of licef ; fourthly, a chine of Ixicf rested; llfthly, a neat' tongue roatud; aixthly, a pig rested; seventhly, chew ets baked; eighthly, a goose rusted; ninthly, a swan rusted; tenthly, a tur key rostnd; tho eleventh, a haunch of venison rested ; the twelfth, u pasty of venison; tho thirteenth, u kid with a pudding iu tho belly; tho fourteenth, 1111 olivepye; tho lll'teeiith, a con pie of capons; the sixteenth, a ctihtard or dow acts. Now, to these full dishe may bo aibled sallet fricases, queliuo chow and devised paste, as many dishes more, which make the full service no less than two and thirty dishes, which is a , much as can conveniently stand on ono t a lie and in ono mess. And after tbi manner you may prosirtioti both your aecoiid and third courses, holding ful-1 lies on one half of the dishes and show in tho other, which will l both frugal iu the splendour, content men t to the guest and much pleasure and delight to the Isdiolder. " Hurely a "mulerate dinner" like that would make it lord mayor' banquet peetu atiugy, yet there I ampin evidence that tucu feast were, uot uncommon "In thai elder day." Noi everyone, however, w l auch ft lahle, oven w hen bo could alTunl It, for i'epya rw ord a diu-! n r given to the jr by hir dMirgn lKiwiting one I'briiUua al which uofb-' tug waa aurviMl but bmf, istrrtdgn, pud-1 ding and srk, It may bava Uu better Ibau the rrcipleiiu usually bad for everyday far, bul they oUt It a uieau eutertainimm for t'brielinaa The bear'a tuat, a t Wtdl kiumu, waa fo aundretU el year U plei da rviun.a of awry wall rigulaM llrtl tab i'hrUtuiaa Iwl, and it liai Uu UvM by aiM wrtlvta Ibal il Uui the favorite U auaa of gviirral tbatra lt rtiml ag4lut tba Ja tb i4ntilliai f sa A fa 4ttbla raaaal 1 Ibal I ha taair waa lb Durtl t4 ail tba wild tala ef Iba wutty, and killing hlia Waa lb ktb a, htautii of the kuulMiiaa. I but, agalu, bia road U IV ri ! a. NV balater lb taa last fvl died WaA f4 Willi grxal pau(v ll ea nv4 ift J la A I pt wrvsiai II )ai ai4 ea4 aa laa Waaaeai aaa i ftawt ! 4 fcaia ava4 It atnait Ha fait liuti Mil a-wa a i'.ia aaa, lt eikl.i iaee taaa4Mlo aa aaa ! aa.a be atauatf, aaSaalta la al ftaa 1 ae teMa. atMl aSf(wla ta laa aa aaa aa4 tea aelt a,Kai aiftw, taa a laa llaaaatt, taa awat all aaaMNtl llaaarla aa faatWea alia laaat aa4 lwbai allft IkO kiaa Tbo ebaaaiaj tdf ko 4lki 414 tA") aaflWoii ketav Ibo reratutaif 4 kttUf It lata) Iko Uaaal kali ftf great bouae waa moot imposing, for it waa not brought without a procession First came a runner in a horseman' coat with a boar spear in his hand. Then ft huntsman in green with a naked and bloody sword. Then two page in sarcenet, each with a mess of mustard, and last the bearer himself, chosen for hi ize and strength, proudly holding tbe huge silver platter on which tne boar head lay. Such wa the plainest procession that entered, alway with music, for a I Christmas carol was al way sung. What the magnificence of the wealthiest houses wa may bo imagined from the fact that King Henry II, having caused bi eon to ' be crowned during hi own lifetime, ' himself served a bearer of the boar' bead at hi son' table and wo preceded by tbo royal trumpeter a he entered The splendor of these ancient feasts would doubtless aeem barbaric now, but the profusion of tbe viand seem won derful. In comparison our modern spread aeem mall, and one wonder if in tbe elder day all men were like the one who died only lutely and who made ft reputation by ft single remark, "The turkey i an excellent bird with ono serious fault he i too big for one person to eat and not big enough fox two. " David A. Ctima. aata Clao la the ftoath. "Whew! What would tbo children amy if they saw me in thi rig?" Tba Useful Holly. If we Ixdieve Pliny, the Roman his torian and naturalist, the holly i a po tent tree, exclusive of it Christmas privilege. A far bock a bia time it wo planted near dwelling bouae to preserve them from lightning. The learned philosopher not only tell n thi, but say that it flower cauno wa ter to freeze, and that if a staff of its woixl bo thrown at any animal, even if it fall short of touching it, the animal will be ao subdued by it influenoe aa to return and lie down by it. A the American holly bhxmi in June it will be easy to try tho effect on water. Holly ha also found a place in medi cine, but it involve such heroic treat ment that 1 fear tho faculty will scarce ly approve it. In many district of Kng land tho country tstoplo advise you to thrash your chilblain with holly leave and assure you that it is a jicrfcct cure. It may bo. There it ha also been reo-mnmcndi-d iu a decoction of the leaves for rheumatism and for intermittent ' fever. Louieerus recommend it for a pain in tho side commonly called "a i st it-h. j KluM'ji nnil deer will eat, belly in hard v, :!!'!, and branches lire fed to cattle bi fodder in France when other fond; It, iiMive. The holly of Kuropo and tho holly of lii!- United BtatcN em li will grow to be , a tree of Homo 40 feet in height. The -. '.-! is even grained, white as ivory, e:."i-pt in the heart of old trunks, and !,;! .' an exquisite polifli. it has been niie h iimmI fur "inlaying." Many arti-1 cIch said to he of elioiiy, such as the bundle Nof ti iipots, etc. , are holly stained. Snnla t'laun. Once upon a midnight dreary, us I ; pondered weak mid weary over all t lie Christmas presents that a boyish fancy draws, while with sleep I tried to tus sle, tried with ull my might and mus cle, suddenly I heard it rustlo, like the noise of Kauta Clans, Though with fright I fairly shuddered, for fright 1 had no cause it w as only Hanta Claua. Then I listened more intently to tbe sound that crept up gently to my cham ber, where my wonder almost caused my heart to (miuso, and I heard the can dy spilling, a the t'kiug be waa till ing, and 1 wished I'd left , shilling there for dear old hanta Claim Ami tho noise 1 In ard to plainly iu the room ad joining mi' waa only Hanta Claua Anxioua imw to get a sep, down the stairway did I creep, all liupatieiil far a glance, all hough agaitul the law a, and il tilled my heart w ith dread, aa With udibu fear be fled ami Jumped into mamma's Usl naughty, naughty Hanta Clauel And the at 'ilea thai we boar each year ara aa Ihiu a summer gauM. Fraud tup ndoua fant.i I'laual A rhrtatataa iliA. ..iaiaK fttftHHag a'pMtras In rkank t Iko Iftftday ftftrf CtlltailMM m I'a la lUrai In Ik w Bvanaail ki tiif ovftatit NMpa a WaaS .V" y aa KUUUaCamuinTiotu 1118-1126 N St., Lincoln, Neb. The Christmas Climax has been reached. We lead the van. Our stocks are the largest, newest and most var ied of any in the west. Our qualities are above reproach and our prices cannot be touched. When in the Capital city do not fail to visit this store. In fact, a saunter through the Rudge & Morris House Furnish ing Emporium is alone worth a trip to the city. Plated Spoons $1.75 $350 $125 $250 bay ft aet of trlole plated Kogsrs' Cher filler Teaspoon. boy aet of triple plated Kogera' Chev alier Tablespoon. buyo ft set of section al triple plated tipped Teaspoon, bay ft aet of section al triple plated tip ped Tablespoon. Plated Knives $300 bnya a set of William Rogers' triple plated Knives una Fork. 04 CA buy a set of llogr IPU.UU Hro.' 1847 triple p'd Knire and Fork. tfC AA buy a set of Antique Ivory Handle Knlvt and Fork. $8.000. die Knives and Fork Chairs dJJ CA buy a aet of cane ipXvU neat, brace urrn, oak chairs, tf AA buy a aet of eitra igU.Uv beavycaneeat brace arm Oak cbair. tf A AA buys a set of leather cobbler seat, brace arm Oak chairs. at n aa boys a fancy qu ar a I aVV tered Oak back, cane seat set cbair. Rockers . . QAP n"y a full size, solid ' vvV Oak, cane seat, ladies Kocker. C! i id buy a larire, heavy tp 1 . 1 il Onk, caueseetjadie' Hocker, $1 65! uy a solid Oak, eather cobbler eat, arm Kocker. (QIC buy en extra Imavy ipfit.ilOnk, c cobbler seat, Him Kocker, vvOvvOvOOOOOvOvvvvOOvOOOO i Ik i a lw- I r'SV aTal Hi xVlt DeLOACII MILL MrG. WlWaahkataaSL. Voi TEACHERS WANTED ! IMON TKACIIKItH AUKNC1KM) OK AMKItICA, MKT, 1., II. HA, D. ll Maaafer., rM Tanate, fa.. N Urleaaa, la, ttta Vark. K. T , Waakieatoa. D. 0., e ftaav ate-a, I at., I hKaaa, ,IM a I. Leate, Ma, aa4 Ijb, (ulurada. Tkraaelkuaaailauaeiiluaaelle4 4oe Ike txkual lerai, aaw4 bf tMiaaailaa, ri.ak. , Weka4ataMaiaa.islae aal eeaeue. 1'a.awaM laallillat k. aiaMaa ieeae laef eaM lae v, a. aa4 i . aa hi awafaa auaiMuaa. uae aw faeMa ia a.ra. ANDY ff (J )) 1 fill f OUIUC0II5TIPATI0I! f llntlaalMhav t I l ta) k a. 1URKISH f EMALI IONIC, A kMt!'ti W Weak Waraaft. S.i,ki, lkklr tmmmif HfWf raata Waaiane a lilaoua nubn I a. I Maeak aaa at raianaaaaaiaeai iwe'f taa aaaiita eaui 'aa iU.t akak4il4a kff aaaa, kM t a f, iaua .Na erke ka f! Dinner Sets H $450 jj $6 50 boy a 73-pieco deco rated semi-porcelain diooeraet. buy a 100-piace dec orated semi-porcelain dinner aet. buy a f 10 100-pieco aeml-norcelaln dinner aet, decorated. a?f.JU IfOC A A buys 100-plece 0J.UU Havlbtnd & u. diooeraet. Knives 25c buy a good two-blade boys' knife. 50c buy a tbree-blad pearl baodle kuife. buy a warranted three blade kuife. bay a ii blale, pearl bdl warranted knife. H75c d Razors i tfl R A buy a geuuiDe Star ipi.UVHarety Hazor. V 00 EL A bay a genuine 8tar J,' ftpa.UV safety razor with 2 r, blade leather cane. 1 tf CA buys a geuaine Hwed It tp 1 . v w ih razor, warranted. i t 0fflfihuytho best razor tPuVD made. d Skates . . . 11 Aft buy a aolid ateel pair f tVC skates, worth GOc. f Cfl buy a pr Kllpptr Klub C Kkate. blued top. buys a pair Dickie plated club skate. Cf i CA bay a pair of bard- ' tpl.dV ened steel nickle pltd f skate. t Sleds - - - t UVC with steel shoe. f ilvC sled, large size. i( I7C buyacoaster with spring J I wC stwjl runner. f. flj CAbuy the best iron ii ipl.tlU sled in the market. 2 DeLOACII 1 Varioble friction. Teed Saw Mill, ShiiMile Mill mmr vTanera, 'k- and M Boilers, Cora, kj reed and 7- riour Mills Uf Cane Mill, k'i Water Wheel, Corn Sbetlero fa and Pea Hullera, Shaftina. PullevaVV KTtHXID PTOTtl and Mill Gearing. IMll Vital " saw RtPAUtmo sprciuiv. vl tARCl CAIAlOOUIRli. COMPANY, Atlanta. Ga.. U. S. A. W City. in I. (lib SU St. laaia, Ma. , Mr e at ft Mai ut ikua. raaiw Im.i..m a , aaareaa i all aaitlteaUaaa m fllta CATHARTIC Alt ORUCSISTJ tiaik. f awa! an Ike M.i lata MIH.lMMtaHllulu4mlu mm la, I k IUM ltl,,l. lu.. 1.4 ... aaa h TURKISH TANSY nd riNNYROYAL nut a suaawaeitoa MM k ax ka If a4 Haeia'a relAail4Q xata wa a . fc aa antlag In we ad fatlawra a - n ii fix a all i"Vv m t. --Til r i j bt m m m .aaar m a