THE NEKBASKA INDEPENDENT December 9, 1897. r PATRIOTISM OR I COMMERCIALISM? Shall the United States Be Eu ropeanized ? THE PAETIflO OF THE WAY2. W lfate JCi:lif4 That 1'olnt and Hunt CbvvMt Onr tto4. twiiiiMVM m4 "tlir" Alt fulling V Awmy from Our tinAMnuaX ltnumrft thm flour Ifaa ftntlva tinntUf, f I ttajft Ilia Orlllavtiih f tmimrUf Hint MliMhtflf tlm I'rhma uf Wla Oiilalj(li firi; Milium Mtlii itf t utl4 (! llrdlfTratif 4ttr nl fiiHtmtplif lt in TM H'VuU tin Hot Mm t'mipl, Tfmugli l'la, Ara Mill Yr1lfn An, ,tl Wi and WeuM Vrmmrtn Vwmm mu -A rlt J t Hand, At tint dim ot tlm year let uu ti-iwt mi what U U-tiitu. An m nation w iv wixi f tlm jxirtlw tf tho way, Tlm Atner lean renubllo ha n-iihed tt jit in it (i'Miiif itim whieh it muni dl vern in tlm turn direction ir tint nWn-t, Tlm petpie of tlm United Htale em tin Ihttu' r ,umui tlmatraiKbt lim mi wbleb Jbey have traveled fur mor than it i-nt- lurv 'I'luru la litirullv u riivhllnt I oil' I f wVrti twy divertfln (ur M'irt our i flift. 'I In. . ,i.t tra uitmiiiMt Ut.lli 4a id have iv mm in tlm midwiiy tft nut fw-t U tlm urrUitt (it UmhhUw Kurovmut iv-A. Mbal! w nt ahitll w not Im made again into tlm liketma nt Kurmti 'I'M pit U lit iwlitf'i nn4 inttttDHntinn miui up ill tint utiiMfa tit im wit, wu w tir Pi imnn H hy tMnu tiii uw rnaiu tit tm iASii't, TJi tUim hi whim wJji-ji IftvmrA V,tirii& tit fcliwdlvwKM tnmi mnm mm tut mul mm fail mm miiw, Thin I ! Vf WM;JiiJll ttltWJttliw whl;li f'rt'w Jl Jf il OnAiii'waii pi bl Mt th tflwi nt th iiJiinl'iith f.u rj. In tU twmlU'lli w nhull fxi i(tl;r uriiiKMiiml at iiiMiui ruiij-iU tUu mm at tlx thi f, 'I h!r iM iwi vliuw nt tiubl iuHl,tium U'iwi tm itm two, 'i'hin in Iran tut tltn nttiu thut Hum fun Ut wi mwit tUiuu u Ji'Tiii') vunmri.Uy wi udj Mux uu u miiitwUind fiu) a; tin Htuh thluti t wiuuhtt m ini'' my, no mu'U tUUm n ftHtmwtwy iA imiim. Th twi'iiiU;lh Mtii,ury will 1rtiiK iim rilW Vi rtrtiwrw uii"inJi' ml nt in iuivlrn nlwlut, AWhyiiM tvrtiitilinttliiit nt iUittWDuru tiiiAiiillH, 'iin'f ri:uk um um itwuy- KUIcr tin ww tyw uf tUn mini vimi m i-mniMnSi , A in nut yifMUtn h mlxiUt'rH, il'iut- f , hw una vtumt w mi ytrmiy yrtmn iii I Jlwuht tot tnuHt twvf tAmt titt from Y.u l . . 1. ....!. 11 ....I.jU I..... I f4 iIt''it) lit ilw wtil nvbtlf Uu k in Kutiiim una nmui to tnu iwr. niiuu '(! tint ulrautiiMimiftn wJii:b hv iifitifrtml vtminimM; that U, tran ariki twlw Uttwumtw, that n, wlint tho IfiuaiiM imIU'A a ciiuHterciuin, with wbito it dr ilif n'l wirklw, ti(J t Iftk Cmntnw to it grt Mankind, hut iiwyor to i4lvl(1ijul i-M tit tintUn frm. vunnvnr it inf:t with itM Mjdrit, Thit part at a pfjilwh wiKajpid in cxjhihiwh U-caiuih wniim in ooiifmi'iiRMti'i rn tIiH(mt with tvm wiw ar ff t.h:r ua Unit. TllT iM tt t'-II'lfill'T lit ttU r;)l Intui t tU-t wiuiilry in tliofr nurwilt. im'm jmrMiiit utaiuU Utwi-on hlni ami iiiM nm W'twwii Mm ana nu i-ouinry, TbiM (tiiiddiicy U(;iiit'lmMlMi in ini'-nut tioiial twia Vim men t may Ixi K'x but it ha itM druwbw kn ami it iuu awn. CoiiiiniT'! ! i't dir liU rty hut it (Umlnaalnhillty. Uihxn nut want pIiiiiiK'i bii1 itnnru, Imt lixwim-M ami coiim rvatiMiu, Wlii'ii thu jxiojih ut two tuition trmlii, tlm ut thu fr na tinii. tho iiriiUTimism nation, tlm 1 )mn iuK iialhiii, U' t in liv with th uiitioii tliitt i not frw), time iun not iitourunti, tliitt (I'M M lli't l llllllU't, For tlii nntfii tlm wiilioitnl liiti ri nu of Amii iI:h httvn Ik'hiih IiiIi twovi ii In a )! in of forluii rlitl'.ii, That Mi h wo hoju-il to avoid Hlllcally ha roiim to loiiiliH'ri lnlly. I lit) mini uu rdnl 'rl of tlm UnlU 'l Htnla an ulriiiulv IhiuikI In un til wuli to ilia cor r, .iH.nillnit inti rt'HU of Kumim, Ht f.r u. IIm thri aiU of lliln wi li i ili inl In Aim rU a. Ut that limit tlm iiri-fi ri-iii (.r Kuroim ami tlm tolerant 'f Kunn hiiii iiilitloit hava I'tloniliMl, HIiiiw dm il-t f th" Kri at coiuitii n lul mk h ilium loil rlnu 1 iurt if I ho t'ultoil ftu liuva lul u fin li yi'nr Imuinl tuoro ntiit mom In Ilia l.uroix'n tnarU I iMi ktiit lut riit ha ui.'intH n, A HiwM'tl I Im tlil p oil III . M. IuukI ami Hi" r iiulMn mi tlm olio wi ll, lli t'utilln limy t iku iiiiioI If 'Hint U dmuot rary It uhk ,m null. I il Irada i U.itisr. ihn lntliM linof ftm'llliiuUlml wnallll ., i,f nm lly tlm midm lilud, It li Itivully Irw thill wwilllt luia mi iHitiu irvautl imvr liml, lloni l not .lulu In tlm ln'W wm Id thai U d .,,iil In tlm tr liiKlltuliiuia iiinli-l ulilrhltwa uiiiulalHL Tlm Uk M' lt4Uf"i '' tlm Uiiilit tif tliawuild cciuiituin an iiiiitru. Thry ara lllotally m 1.ikI, Ihff know mi ethur king ilmii hul llmlr 1111 I Im U utm ha Im fi Kiixl Id utiriaMiitia uf . ntll; mi kaIUi l im 1 u 1 11 hoi 1 r nuit not of (itrmniiy. not i f ;iiiiii, not 1 An.Mii', not of any naiiiii, not if all la. lint iif lit ''KfM, hut fif II If. ll li I if Uif 'l h l.llt.l iiil t Ull luilllullou Hdti hl"h It aiUUMM, li ii Iniuim. itnly Mwn uulu an ltd, Th Wmiw hlt BimrninrRl it an luuiail, ttut M lh a)ai Biwit (it human lihrty, not for tho pro Bint Ion of man, not for lb eiUmidori of clvillwitlofi, not for iuveiit.on and lot- tr and art, hut for tlm ymUtum of th iHiurwi. Tlm hour in all nationa la common; it Im a unit. It in f"iimld on thromn ml dyiiiMth!!), nt kliK'loin and mi- pin-n and rcpuldic, and unman, 'iiic inrt Miyn that tlm UuiUx! HtaUia Im a j;art ut tlm hurojii an nynfi'in or ium b4j that nut iuDtltiittoiiM in tlm old di'iuntTatical form aro too wnak for ftufity; that th Amnrhwu mpulillu uiiit im rouformid wltn ail eitxxumit himlii to tlm uitinful atuudard and uh- tanthtl iiioiIiikIm of Kuropej that our dmn'K'iall'! fUip inunt l drawn tip to tlm harhor and anohoritd undor tho uuim ut ili old foil, wh m tlm diiiiuorouii rlt(ht nt man may h nan fully r(!ulat- mi ly tlmtnum(iiimt rutntaor wrnja-riy, Aiiollmr !li'riiiiil,iiiii:ii that tolidi troiiKly t'i KuroiKiuuiMi Amorloa Im im lty, rvi loly, tlmt la tiw miain nt mi doty, Im ((''""K intorlockid wrtm tlm Atiuuth), Moro and morn wltli wimi vwir tlm Um'ti'lM aro ciu i ni uvu ami fotlli iili'l ftil'n'l oil oif 'li I'lo to tlm ...... uiilmta nililo tlnuM lit tlm H'k IiiI am hoi Kodly in tlox riniM!'t in mm'h lk Wiiiilth, PirMy, nit fain iim It i-iimmi pat'M ItM-lf from tlm condJll'iim of im rfiii'tlon mid lii'N llm iiiouna nt Imlit nomhiiitimiiioi'l iiifitvi'tiiioa drawn from fundi,. lulii'M lofiiim not undi'i' llmilim of tlm n Ion, hut undi-r th lli of xw- nr. Wliirovrf iiowi'r noiiriKim tii'Tt "wK'loly" in i'io m'lltloiiM koiini' fiouriithcM al. Moi-loty known tlm aim ahlni' nt tlm hmih vurd, hut in it tlm aim ahlim of Km flhU H''miy llkoa llm raid" of awordM, hut not llmfitHh'of tJolM, Hohly lovca (Im irini!ii and avohln llm dmuwritl. H'Mihdy noimldm tlm ojHtru houwi and tlm urmtiiul morii aUrw f ivn than tho :hoolhuai and tin fair. AiiMtrh'iiu iidiitv oil ItM ttantitrii d- van utrl v" h 't if adf Jnfurwoven mor and morn with Oman arlahMtriilln form and ftiiinu which am tlm ttmillar mi- cUl rMlui'tM f Kurojx, (hi Ivoth aluo (A tlm a mi' h'ty tmida to it wunnion form and uhatamai, 'J'Iim In tor volition id tlm AHdiii'-, fhruuki'ii to a (Kind, Im m, Intui t mi olmiiMdu to ao'lal liih!niiri, AloiiKH Ki t lart nt tlm Anu-rhfiiii m- britnl tUn nioiivu nt 11 fondM'i wnnwi- thn i vAny urnm than any rmimln I11K moilvn of MiMh()il rty, 'I'jlm aoiila) inllm licit of llm wholu Unlld Hfuto wmt of Hm Alh'Khunlua Im not aa utronji in Ni-w Voik diy im tlm lnl i'' of llm i'limoof Wah Undii audi condifioua tlm notion of tfuropenn muu AuifiU'u Im not only mifmaimn, hut Ik r' uurdi d with rooiol'-i'iicy and ondintfulwd fiivor. Tlm ri'itt fjMit iiiilli'd Kovorniimnt, an wi ll ii couuimrKo aii'l wealth and mi- (li' ty, drlfta mrnnuiy toward tlm Kuro IX'iin ald, it in u U-iuU-m y in all ov rnui"ut t nmko Itwdf jfr. and loih ouk, (iovwumi iit la tu-si-t hhhu-m, in-v- ttt humble, it alwuya !iu;ron;lma and mhr''M Itwdf at tlm nxjimnm of Ibow: intwulii whldi it Im dalnxl to ton- iKtrvif. liovi'i-umi'iit iioi'M 1101, iook uui'i!- thaiatly toward man, hut alwaya aff' thnati'1y towftrd tlm orinlfl form and npUmihit nt thfiiiM, ilw Aiurh;aii rcwiwiu im unucr mm law. A a reauit it haa drlfttd (Uward tlm verv txiidltlon which waM renounced by out father. Tbl republic i wot any u,m uml thiluahiU of an artifidal, uu hiiiU t Jefferaoiilaii. Ther Im hardly a mpublh:au mmlnty I Away with tho haau truce of tlm Jefferaofiluii phiJoaophy and j nubaervimicy whidi after 12 year of intent left in it, Tlm nam of Junerou independeima would heml aulu tho la til! tiacd to coiiiuro with. Imt it 1 oaed by tinmi who aro iiiiiotatnt of Jef fcraonian principle. KacIi auctxiedliiK ad in 1 n I nt rut ion approxlmutea tho 1'mro- pen ii alyle. HlruuK purinlox una, out true, that tlm Itepublicnn Lincoln wan tho liiat Jeffi raonlun to la eujiy tlm prea hb ii tin I diuir. IIm who recently dalui ad to wear tlm panoply of Jofforaon wua furtheat of all from tlm typw which he fhiifled. The f,e t I tlmt tlm ileiuocriiticul iuaiiiiK in our national lifu are apruiiK, and timahlp anil eaat. The very iiomeiu httiiro of ovenitimiit hua ooum Into lonformily with that of mon archy. In thu politicitl JurKon our aeo rctnry of alute I a "premier;" tlm of flcotif our attonmy K"'"rul i tlm "h pttrtnmiit of jualiee;" u reaolutloii to and debuto iu tlm Imuau of repmacuta tive I n " lotiim;" our repmaeuta tive at foreign court aru no loiii t Milniafer that ii, pbtiii apokeaumii of tlm republic, huleiubuaador "ttmbii' audor" alKiilfyliiK In tlm laiiKiiitK" of dlplouuiey the n preaeiitatlvu of a crowned head. To (hi t kln urn hua the apiuK atred bed Iim If. Noihiim i any loum r Aim rieiiu that eitu tlud tlm Kurb of a Imroja mi phruaii, Meaiiwhii" tlm preroKuHve of the pn-aideiit huve Income Knitter than thoMt of uiiy kliiK wi t of llm VlMuhi, uud llm power of tlm apmiker of llm hoiiMtof ri i'ii iiiutlvi ". ein lliiK like a whip uud I illiiiH" ahitrp oil llm bin U of the repit Ulitllvi of llm aipe, in mixta llm authority of any like ortVrr in Ihiiwuibl A to llm arroiinei In Volvi 'l in Ha " Ixi uk Hi eur. I'l let mm lliliik Ihitt llm M"" rinm hi i f llm r ptibllx ha mil U ur olf euily uud Bayly, with W1.1IH1 mel coiumeren and aiwi r mi l mriitliliilloli, lo lw alM'leind (itnl I'll til" I l!ll'".l tlllil', Not itll llm tmn ( Aim i h iin life, how tir, iluli In (hi dirH lion Hen me' fcinii (Mlllett le-ld hm k mi I itM ii'.l vtlllioiily l -ll 'W in llm Till f e I i Hie le It I lb" IiimJ'-I it i' iintiiiiii Ihu UhIv ttml ht' uf llm Viii.ih'.tu iimHoii l'r'Uil Iv f ot eltli n .ml el lit" In Hil l I ul lm are I ImkiI Mil tiimnljr ib'toicl lo fit liialiiiiit. ii I 'nir mil uf the U li lh mluhl tel a-'tti In llm HnM"'U M ti i f i,i,r i. .nial it U Ithiii aM'tliil (liral liiiuin ami lbi H-aKliM M t f ah I'lulii ludi a tid le four owl if fit lliliik buiiiuM liUiir nmiliiii, mid Hot liolhlioj I t "I mil 1. 1 iw4ttd l lilir il' iiei Mli'i liinliUill 'tia 11 I, lin y an i im miMil aUttt4 am) Milt faelntf l nm id t itl Ma ii if at r t tnnl tl by man, t'tmr tul i f ftv ia ti l lh 1'iVvlllllieltl t ( llm I'lillwl Mal.i littt ta at(Hil f tin-, n Ml it i f lh lit and lte ff ll'-. l.i li uM iil df At abaft tmt al all in lh titled tlia troxt whir h wealth and commnrce and aocioty and powur rhorUh aualiiHt tin niaawi in tlmir plan of Kvnriiiifg tlioin mAvva If tho ttttsiy nipruaand will of tlm miijority, Thu un-ut proiMmdiriiHiiK body of Aiiii'tlcnn Ufa Im atlll aound oil tlm fuii' danmtital tmntiou, it la atlll iiiovihI hy tlm very auiue impuhMia and piiNnloua whldi our faUiora of tho anven toi'iith cfiitury iu liicukliiK sway from Kuropo and our latur fatlmra uf tho dKUtt!nth in dwdarliiK iiidi'piidiitii! and aoaliiitf it with tholr blood, Thli Krtint hotly of Aumriciiiiiaiii, apri'iid broadly ovur tlm continent, dlnjM to II aa ita rover of llfn and liopd, lttloea not oouatltutd It Im dlrti'tlva fun, but il dottM uoiiatllDt'i tlm aiihataimo and aoul of tho American repuhlhi uudof tlm ua tlon, Wiilla tlm illrmitlvu furoea am ttmrliiK atralKht for lluropu tlm un-ut tody of tlm ooiumoii poopluof llm Unit ad HtuteM hold Imiii tlly ami atroiiKiy to independence;, to liberty, both civil and individual, to itomocrathi IiikIUiiiIoiih, to Kovuriiini nt of muu by man mid for him. Whlhi tlm powei'M Hint li In America incline to unite with, tlm tftiroiicitii aya- hau and to hccoiim It Hurt of it thu American jMiplu, uri'ttl ami atroiiu, will liuvii nonii of it uiilima theycitii bu beaten ill tlm tremeiidoua Kimm that i now on in tlm world, Jeft to urn ni motive forcea that huvu preaent tionlrol i,f our ilenlliilea. wu ahull willilil a uompiirutlvely abort period of Hum bit aecurdy J';uropeunl,e'i nnniy renii diored to tlm undent political order but h ft to tlm direction of tlm Uimulliei iiHfhici and aound heart of America throbbing in tlm hreiiat of llm people w ahull be deim'ratlw!d morn than w are, kept independent, preawd foi wind in tlm direction of laruer lilertlea for aiM'lelv noil tinner aufeUUItl'dM for till individual rluhta nt muu, Hhull wu ua Li Kiiromi or ahall wu not' 'J'b la mutation Im tlm eaMciicu of tlm current itomuiotioii in onr country. hi tlm one bund wealth. ion, itom limreti, "waiiuty, " all Dm prevallin forcea in our iiubJIu lifu, urn on tin alert, buzlntf Ilka Atlmnluna about "tlm fordun affair of tlm United Htateai" tbi when we ahouhl huve no foreign tTulra. or oiilv a few. Our nolltical ptrwer ara a deep itM their ttllwiWM 111 every complication of urn worm, amor hfiiu newaiiuuera aru at a whitti heat over wlutty Over nothing uuleaM wu am to buoonm a nart of Kurooii, hi that vent wu are already In tlm awlfteat awiin, Jn that event wu huve not far to uu tmf 11 wu ahull bn even aa tlm mat, IJut If, u tlm other hand, America aufllec for heradf itM alio doe and for tlm tutum nt mankind; if our r tmlillii (a to continue a tlm oim aluuu lar uxiimiiluof uublin liberty uiidr law, ahowlna forth tlm freedom of man in ItM biheat mid heat dvil und aochtl maiiifealatlona, then ahull w bo not Kuroneunlwtd. hut ih!Uio!ratlzed mora than ftver, And that I tlm mm diwbhirn tuiu that now prcaeiit itaelf a a au fircimi mol l ve in our ileal ill V. Auuv uiili il.u iiiiliiLf of Kuromi in any matter whataiMtveri Away with thu 1 1 . purpoatt ni wim wno wouiu carry o Uiu U tii thu romlltiou from which wo ioku away in tlm Klorlona daya of tlm Uevolutlonl A way with tlmauhatltutlon of tradw for liberty I Away with thu talwart ktme of tho A merman n tniHrmj beforo tho ahatii thronea and dctefod acepu-r of tlm old world' pup pet and Idol I Tlm latlief of many and W . m .i. lilt tho hopo nj not a low tlmt wo anau im roatored to tlm Kuropeuti fold aro mero rot mnl ri-uetlou. Uu with tlm banner of indcpemlciicMl Down with tho ill dia- Kuiaed pui'iaiau or a nail lorciKH minor ity tl KurolM Ullle llm Ullltetl htaleNI America I autlh ient for America, and tlm American itoplu If tlmy havo tlm onumuii to atund upon tlmir feet ami phty out tlm mautillleent Kama of civi lization am aullldent for tbeimmlvM and for poaterity. Mr. tiary'a rrnpallln, PoatmaaKtr (leiierul (Jury i motilviiiK many letter rcfptrdliiK tlm poatul aav iiiK hank proKiaitioii urKe'l by him in bia annual report, any a Waahhiutoii oorrea(aindeiit, Aa a whole tlm hitter ooiiiineiid tlm ohm. Iii an Interview Mr, (lary replied to aoum of tlm commonta that huve Iniii init'le on llm aulijoct. "Only two object Ioiiii hnvo lateii aerl oualy nrued. Tlm llrat I tlm old contiii tlou that tlm ifovernuiriit tmiflit not to 'K Into llm liulin'' of eolliM'tiiiK aiel taklllK elite of Hit) KMviliHauf tlm mmiiIii. I think llil I an objn lion which may proM t ly be h ft to coiiKit . "Tlm oile r ohjit Hull I I'UMil lfMiu llm Ki'UiMllyudiultleililillli iilty of llml IiiK if" ami proper luelhial of ptlttlllK tlm money lo prollMble ue. I am inn vliet d Holt llm nut (iiiutl ib bl lifter a temporary audition of ihta tlillleulty, In tlm iiii'iiiiiiuiH a aufe and ,iilfu tory pl.HI Villi iloill'lhaa III ib'Vt'l"n il, "ll la Utit'ftd uu all ai'b a llml If rine llrnl I" il hiI mtliitl. ni wi'iii'l li lii.. ih n.iU" Tbi lie uu a tl mil thttl tiward llm atnivaa of llm pfojm l." fit ! at MxMia, ll I all Huh! In t it' lul vtarui and (in- Him In llm ytittiiK fuUn f t r I v h i i rtd (ii't'i riHiiiili ii-tt il l it unit hiw ht U'M f'ld, m lvt.1, Ixtieputxl and riiUiUlitl Heal UvUh ly Mitnal elthy null, lnth old aiet ytuniK, h otft nl lo many lt t. and At IimiI one ttlth oln an ItM oltiiml tu atl'4 In r. Hut iiHt want li tay U TW km mi, mm if yltU In Hi I'nllml riial who ar Jital a hieUimi, jul M Mal, jital irat. Jut aa itilulht aa aim U. lid wif ttm of Hit ltl I uf friinii a mil' h mt lh hanUlilpti i f ft.ttiiT and waul w auffHlun tuiu Imii liiiii'iil. Why tli le t "in i f Iheap a l a l lm fcia i in tn h Inlamaiid hi Ml t ! Mart t'f tHilt thl mill' 111 Ilia ft Ihalf Ahmih mi !. u tlaltt kr at Attn I H Ni4ha WOMAN'S WOULD. A JERSEY CITY WOMAN WHO 13 NOT ED AS AN EGYPTOLOGIST. JUw Omuimllmi tot Wiiiiifo Tlm Mur rain Wiiiiipu I nlon - llailillfr Vnlt (llrli ltMt In Wslil ml lllni. Kvn In H' Kluuillh. Mr Kimlcii li. W. How bottom nt Jerey (Hy I the prolmblo Amelia 11. Kdwurd, or Aiuerlcuu ttKypnuoKiMf. in tlm future. Him ha at lulled dillKetitly fur ten year, hit lwturnd auneeaafully In ilifTereiit dtle and win iiuvotu imr in fiituro to tlm nlut form and to trunahitliitf imnyrl and oxhiiuallvo trav- I ami exploration lu Kitypt, Mr. Itowbottoiu In a yotiii and at tract! vo woimiii, a devoted mother and ail iicoompllalied hotiaewlfu. Her fitther wua a profeaaor of (ireeli. mid through hla liilliieiice ami aaau'liitlon aim be came, eurly In life, an oriental ndiolur Ten vein uuo. when recoverltiMI from mi llluea. aoiim friend aeiit her A oopy of "Ten Thouniiid Mile Up tlm Nllu," Thl aim read wltli avidity, ana wnim atlll confined to her bed aim taught her aelf hieroKlypblc und KKyptlun my tholoxy, nfter which aim mad KKyplluii lilatory, literiituro, Helton, poetry, ea any mid KKVptlun eomiiionplaite In abort, itverylliiiiK that ha any bouriiitf whatever on tlm aubju't Tlm Jeraey City library, proud of Imr reaeurehea, hit aeut abroad and proeurea wot kM ror her aiieciitl uwi "Tlm Kir VM lull Hlluul of Idftt and Heath," which Im known a "Tlm liookof tlmlJead," MrM. Howbot ttd found tt it I moot linpimaihhitOKd Ht tlm Aator librury In New York, where, Ikk'Hiinu llm book Im ao ram, an attend nut wua detailed to watch at imr elbow while aim mud it, In Drooklyu llm li- miw, tiovrnoTT'iM, fiMM' diuried her for ItM pa ruaul Ho tlm .lerey !lty lilirary attnt ahroid for a copy or tin ortKinui iiwr nrv tri'iiani'ii Mra Itowbotuim In now trunalulinK a papyru which Im tlmatoryof tumt i lufiiku vovuuii to llm bind of runt Ojic4!ii Hutuaii Intrialiiitcd aailliiK vua ael and wit altogether promaaivo. Him wu tlm "new woman" of her timo Knvoya canm Ui imr from all over llm world, ond tlm iuetm, cluvur woman that aim wiim, ulwaya went out to meet audi ja-raoiuiKea dreaaul in thu national ooatunm of her vlaitor Morwiver, aim invurhilila-naauiiied at audi time till pooulbir dluleetof her KU'Mt, cuuhlna tlon of drex und Iuiikumk whldi imver failed to mnko her popular. Oueen Hutuaii retKiuii ou ytiara, ra Itowboiioiii auva. and aha it wu un doubtedly who orlKiualed tho Hue ca- mil. Iieciiiiau when Uu N'aaena inuim III exeavuiion Im found Imr citrtoucho on tho atone. Him aeiit an oxptMlitiou to tho html of I'uiit for myrrh, in addition to which her alilp hroiiKlit mu u yu in lea ami reeii monkey. Thl queen waaevcu mom advuiiced than ICll.uln lb of KiikIuiuI. for her relKit wa all for H-aciaml .ro)reaa In tlm art, particu larly iu urcliitii tum Him wu a rna nioh. ami aa audi her rank obliged her to learn archiliittuni. In tbi Km1 queen' old ago her adopted aou, who waa her implmw, found aoum wuy of Kdting rid of Imr, whether by aaauaaiiuttiou or aodualon no one know. "Women," aaya Mr. Itowlaittoin, "were hiKlily ciiliKhtened and Very aclioliirly in itieen I bttiiaii'a day They wi re, too, Kiipremti ill their own houan hobla If lie v ilchirod their htiahaiida not lo end r, all I hey had to do waa to put their little ahia outaidit tha (hair When on llm throne. Umi'ii llutaati al way wore a aoi t of bl'Hiiin ra, tlm tire of tin tie phitruoha, which wa in re ality an ii.corlloii iii1Iim ilivi'b tl akirt, worn uii'ht n abort tiiiu Tin wa whim l-.ut ui wu iu ll nrinm. Tlm wu- men wire Ihmly ixltutittal, tlm t hlhlreii wt rti m tt r irrt ven nt "Mt u Mtibal Mi linn h m ut h imai- iy uu Uu tr luoi In r a uiaai any mht f ini'inl r el liteir iiiiuiiifM, ami in in iittliii( wrtla itre frnin thu isutrt la l, I'tunhirfi ii ' Id im inU r thy mother in, I ln uu I aiiift f lor Unas mid almiibUl ilmu m l iibidly t urn for In r itowr Jt hum ll 'i'kiii KiUild Inl bltita'! Ua md lKHattu tar WaMtao, ll I it r uu H.iorf imWM'Uy In lttf wtmiaii ir, "I tun I Und auvutuii thl." I iik'il taoimil I'Miltlil llml Am, iu m n MoiKett am in t r at a hm I find vmt I 't im ut In VtvW of aimi i f IIm ibl iii.iiiili thai tta A llvllhl hi ttoim ii hertt Iht kantm mot than half liim Mia It,tn4ll. lit 1'tit.Aitiv mM a u ! lieiHiia lf u n lie (litrf A Hat t It, k iua MiMbliilittiiiil iht I an liiietaltii and mm HM w U NaUamn. kl l i.iln t i'U In t hhajMk ul Mia, ) n4U'a MiAiiilahtuMil I lit t b tun In r4iha ll4tti, aliwl 4w and lha U4 kUiH k Ulff Ua'ld Al hUNI'tl Mr lUrtitir t-MalHtml AM !. ah4 will rtatiiMtt la bit aunt afit r thl tttUiiti hd id y lltf .liat i I'tttiHttt U A mi, MitvW im iiiatkltirf iiu lh atlwt lltiU lh MMiU't III ltd A lotiff tld inrttKlhtlaal if ttiW. i I HAVE FOR SALE A LOT OF m PIGS of Imtlm. ", ut I' r aa 'I' ra it a , W 1 1 1. an it I), M. tern Inn Iliat. I will anil Vr rliaap KimiimInMiiii atei k ler Imnla at aiiwlati y Will Mil " lirttl t't "ii til Kluvnr'a Miulal.llia llt.llin hoar, met l hl"l I'm iliii'i'h Vil.llii'H'mtli'itl PiiIhiiiI ('lllllH lloKHiimti'l ll, Altomcaa i ii t L.II.SUTER.Ncllgh.Ncb. Felf Boots and - good warm Overshoes Kliouhl ha In iivnry man' Tliunkalvlnif witrdroho, Tlmy kwp cold nwny and wurtntli lu Mu, VV'a bit v plenty of tliiim nt acimomi'tit price, Tho Wells Shoo Store 20, North Ten Hi rltrwit. rtf ffir wimr - ROGKy MOUNTAIN WS , !.. f I M rr YM hi Alraaca, lliDS llm Bllrr forcfi of Amorlra, LUOt In Minlnf and Minim Block Deports. LltOt to npfdai lifpirtnunli. LUDS In drvittoplof Colortdo'l wonderfoJ rciouitfu. HMOS lo Rtwtlntn, Snctitoeii, Compre tuniftlvenMi, LUOt in Cummlulont to Afcnti. (WlUa fcif Tiimt) The Great Silver Daily Tli Maw pnlillclia the rapraaaniativ paaf Ofaily and Miiulir) waat of hi, Ixiulai cartoua with rrt laana, muatb-4109 Iim limulliln ailvanra, tut aainpl cupf of aaf laaaa, tddrMt, TN DEWS flllTIVO CO., Dw, Color. The New Job Printing POLAND CHINA P I firi -i Of this office has lately added a complete assort ment of the most effective styles of type and borders to be found in the market. Our Facilities For doing FIRST CLASS WORK is the best, and those who want work done in an artistic and up-to-date manner will not be disappointed if they leave their order at this office. Our Work and Prices m $ Will please you. Send in your orders. " The Independent Publishing Co., U20 M Street. Phone 538. NO JOB TOO 'V 1117 Bouth KlovontU 8t Lincoln, Neb, Compound Oxygen " FOR DISORDERS OF TUB BLOOD AND DIGESTIVE TROUBLES . Special Attention Given to Chronic Diseases nil fl 7 NEBRASKA HAY CO., lUlnl U Hay.nralnnntlMIIIFotHla.BAlo-Tleti 14th aJ NkholM Bu., OUAHA, ISEB JOHN PHILIP SOUS, Tli March King," Say: "The Kimball Piano in firHt-dasfj In every rehpect." .il t. ,iiiniUiii.nliirii rnltr. II, hi uf tihutoutiililinnl Uir win lit t'elfliiuli'il llinxi. ui tia A. IINl10, (ii nil Aut., Oiniiliu, .Nab. A4 60 YEARS' "V EXPERIENCE Tmdc Marks 1 ItlBlnua CovaiaHTi Ac. ntlli'ltlr mi'iirliiin imr iiiliilnii fraa wlinlhar all liiwiititlMii u nritlinlilv iimImiiIhIiIii. t'i,liiliililiU-A Antrim "iiilli'il a nlmO li anit rti'ii-rliillnii mar 0,iimlrl,'liii,iiiniliiiillnl. Ilmiillimiltiiii I'almiU ni Kin l iiruli ml rli'llriiinill amil (r Oliliml Hieuiitf fur itf for amnirlii iihIhiiIh, null Mllllll h. I'li. VMflulv ff trial wHh; wIIIhiiiI. liliarna, In ilia I'uOhiU titkail lliriiiiu Scientific American. A hainlwitiiHlr llltinlraliol waaklf. f,arat ntr IHlUlliill of Mil r "Imillllit lniirnal, 'l'rni, il taitri fmir Mniil brail nawiitxalar. L.. a, j 'at u t AaiP.narfwatt k uur "lion jitinu, m V Mt Waahiimtun, iTraua DR. McGRCW lamaoai.T PEOIALIST WHO TAT AM, Private Diseases Vaaaam aa Witaraar tf MEN ONLY 811 VnaraEiiMirlanoa. Ill Vaar iu (hiialia. OiMik rn. (!oritilt tioarra. Uos7n,t? 14tb and Farnam BU. UMAUA, MUlt. Groatcst Newspaper In Nebraska! Thi Omaha ' Dally World-Herald ha ba radUtwtl to-waaaaaaafaga $4 per year in advance . . . . . Nllliaerliilliiiia will tia rm-alrad at tho Inrta ,Dilnl nlfliw, or tliajf may Ii aunt to th pnlillabar dlraot, Department BIG FOR US 1IIHM V llraiiali I At V t