The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 02, 1897, Image 8

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December 2, 1897
You are puzzling your head
J J M -K M perhaps, as to what to
buy for Christmas.
How would a Dress Pattern suit?
May be a Fun or a Purse would bo more acceptable?
.. 1 ... n .......,..,. 1,1,. f)nr wtnfU Ik lurirt. our nr ces small.
n k'nii'k k'nu.k wh Iih vh trifle for Manicuring, Cut Olaas Mottles, traveling
n ...:4i. ,...,..l... (,. .,1. 1ri.ntl..ltiMM- Mtl Art Department, second to
VUWW) Willi l,vlll'irHJ wrw mk i,i,. r,--..-.' ,
none; Clocks, (iloves, Dry Goods indeed, of till kinds.
And everything guaranteed. '
The money given tH;k a cheerfully a tukou ff you are not satisfied.
Send us your mail orders.
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.,
1505 to 1509 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraska
-f a,''. ''
O. C. BULL, M.iK.
Wa hnve a large variety of (Slipper and
shoes to aelect from, Coma and see us.
104 O O St., IjIuooIu.
Save 2We are
Our ?
and Christmas Gooda
Barth's Drug Store, 929 0 street
Books j j ji j
Brush Sets
Handsome Toilet Sets, Etc.
Carrom Qf C A Croukiuole Qf JA
loard..kfi 0U Hoards 4 3
"Roy's" I Oth and P Sts.
Fashionable Dressmaker
and Milliner
Special Sale on all fall aud Winter
Hank ., I.10I UMrart
ale fancy
ul the vrr
St',rriPolana Pigs
thai I will wll at from f 10 tu I JO.
I'a luraiaA imira and lna aut akla.
Neiich. Neb.
Cr. Kelchunv
Fyf, Ear, N-w, Throat
and I lUrra
,ian, t'arij 44
i a
l ka NmM4
U- ) tU W ul ll-fc an I ra la
taa M HW a4 UiM, lUaae ta M
a aaarw ltat fte Mt4 tf
ismrr Xfttlt
Lea Mr t t tMbjaW
rt a mm aMr.
ComathlnK of tha Enormoua 8uma Ex-
paodad in Maintaining Armlaa,
For Homo unncoonntnble rniiMon tho
(armera, luborura aud taxjtuyorx, and,
until (jiilte rwMmtly, the board), of trudo
and other commercial bodlon, have
Hoomod to comodor international fticu
and arbitration a Kllttttring gcnorality,
and vinlonary; In other wordH, a a
thooretiuul quoMtion for the eKcliiHive at
tention of tha moruliHt and hilanthro
plHt. The time baa arrived when it
ahould not only be trouted aa a pructi
cal buaiuoHH iiuaHtion, but as one of
tranHftitnduut practical importance. If
the tariff la a bimiiifma quotation for the
coiiHlderation of conKnmM, of national
aud local bonnln of trudi), of national,
Htate and local Kruut("H, and the nation
al aud local labor orimril.atioiiM. atill
more mo ore war dt'bta, which are the
corner atone of tariff IcK'hition.
A few facta and floros will uiiiko plain
the practical aide of the qunHtion,
The wnra of Kurope during the nine
teenth century have coat over one hun
dred billion dollura (1100,000,000,000),
Huppoae the nineteen American republics
at peace with one another and the
rent of the world ahould, during the
twentietb century, expend a aim liar eum
for public improvements, what would it
It would build the Nicnrngua canal,
the later-continental railway, uniting
the republics of North, Central and
Houth America; the Florida Ship canal;
improve permanently the MiaMiaaippi
river and ita principal tributariea, and
protect the vulley from destructive
tlooda; improve the Amazon and ita trib
utariea; the Orinoco, La 1'latu, and
other river in the vurioue republic; im
prove all the great harbor of the At
lantic, Uulf and I'aciflc coueta: irrigate
the arid landa of the great went and
thereliv quadriiile the value of the
000,000,000 ncruM of public landa atill
owned by the general government;
erect much needed new buildiuga in the
cupitalaof tha nineteen republica and in
their great commercial citioe; erect light
hoiiHOH aud life aaving atationa, aud in
augurate and complete, hundreilM of
other public improvementa thnt would
give employment to labor and add to
the pronpenty and wualth of the repub
lica. To atate tha raee more couciatily, it
would build a thnuaand Nicaragua ca-1
nnla at a coat of f 100,000,000 each.
The exvnditure of auch enormoua
auma of public money, whether for war
or euce, (lNiruction or conatruction, ia, i
then, clearly a aubject lor the rouitidera-
tion uf tha taxpayer, and tha aooner ha
reuhtea that the queation of interna
tioual MMea and arbitration ia a buai
neaa matter, tha U-tter it will be for hia
own bumneaa iutervata. From "Our
American Ueiiuhtica; Their True l.lneaof
rroKreaa," by Alex ). Audermm, ill
American Monthly Ueviw of tlaviewa for
Mrmtla Taaa I. tar
Tha Nobraakn Merantila luaurauce
t'oiupanj ia doing a Innjer and mora
aatiafui'tory buainaa thaa avar belora,
Wtlkla tha taat law daya they havaat
amiaad all tha t buiara and prop
artk, Wltuta out anithiitK thai aa
doubtful, aba a takaa duriim Ida
varlv dnyattl ita trvwlittn.
Tha ivuiny ha doaaagraai aork
ia tba taaaa 4 kiweria tha .r i
auraaea, w aavt lafw la a rut tt the
a liae ettii.i m, ) tuj kaoa it ha
taa r.iu4St aUiai ! iha wataaiaul
Ibaalala, aa I it taa i:4 Itttora rtal4
Iba amtaala bUM tiR, Ibrjr auuM !ia
la tbaralva k ailk a httia ad M,
I tbaaa raaatiM fry htatata ma
hv14 an I" att aattl matai
itfata, aa.l-(ni!K (Ha Vt.ra.
k U.naaiiW Uatitat ait b ai'i.i.ui.
tamnnili'i tW tbara araaut
awnuab U aa'M aataaU ti aarrf
mil tfca kM, aad bv kafa4 tbta
aMaT a all at4ial uaaratt
!'- al rvaauattiW rata
tat am atuiita4 tba vt4 baa
t. In Uif.
Gift Making One of tba Most Gracioua
features of tha Season.
Gift makingiaone of the moat gracioua
features of Chriatmae, and one thut I
pray may aurvive all other outgrown
cuatouiH," says Florence Hull Winter-
burn in the December Woman's Home
Companion. When love and aympatby
are cloeo counaelora there la little fear
that we Hball make the rnlatake of lour
lug out of our little one'a stocking the
particular thing be has set hia heart
upon getting. Aud If hiachoiceia bey on
ua to gratify, let us come aa near to it
ae we can, and not convert- this aeaaon
into a sort of convenience forouraelvea
thriiHting upou hia reluctant acceptanc
such proHuio articles aa ahoea, data an
other eaaentinla of the toilet. I' ur pret
tier la the ( Jerman custom of bestowing
gaudy tnlles that have no place in
themselves, but are a part of the gut
tor and fashion of tho holiday, W hen
it la possible, nothing la ao good as the
traditional L'hrlstmuH tree. In after
yeara memory hangs about it fondly
and we bless in our hearts the kind hands
thut took so much trouble to give us
Then the stocking hung up on Christ
in as eve has a romance all Its own
The breakfast table dressed with holly
Perries and gifts tilled under snowy nap
kins Is a graceful custom and is far
nicer than the blunt handing out of
our gifts. Home trouble should bo taken
to create tho welcome element of enronse
we all like It but It la one of the greatest
lights In the child experience, lie
finds out before wa would have him that
what is looked forward to most eagerly
seldom turns out well. It ia sad philo.
ophy, yet true, that It Is dangerous to
set one s heart on anything In this world
Hut the love that hldea Ita Intention
until the hour of fulfillment, and then
lots out its secret in an outburst of gen or-
osity, Is the best substitute that Is ever
offered for tho special providence Han ta
llnus and all other gracious myths.
An example of ireuorosltv is seldom
lost upon children If it Is true, not urtl
flclul. They are very willing to live up
to their . little knowledge if we allow
them them the chance, and purt of our
duty to the day is to encourage In our
young people the same kindliness we
cultivate In ourselves. It is so much
easier to learn In youth to bo genial,
sympathetic and generous than it is
after embittering experiences have bar
deui'd oar hearts.
ftoll as a JVIi-iuiire uf Value,
Advocates of gold monometallism
dure not lay before the people the real
reason why they are so anxious to es
tublish their theory of finance
If they should frankly say that they
want gold to be made the sole measure
of vnluo because gold Is constantly ap
preciating, they would put the people on
their guard and defeat the end for which
they labor.
As a matter of policy gold monomutal
lists deny that gold bus grown more val
uable during the lust twenty-five years
and tins thus decreased the value of all
property measured by that metal as a
purchasing medium,
Any ono who will take tho pains to
consult Kradstreet's index numbers of
trices will become convinced that prices
ave fallen since 1872 at least 45 per
cont. This index is bused on tha prices
of ion articles, aod Is a matter of stall
tics prepared with no political bius.
I nking the last six years up to Nov.
1, 1807, the full has been 15 points, and
the record stunus aa followa:
1N01 1)0
1802 00
1S03 01
1804 78
180.'. 77
1800 71
1807 75
In 1872 the index nnmber atood at
127, according to the senate report;
therefore, simple comparison with the
iudex number for 18'i7 shows a drop
uverage prices of about 4. per cent
t here can be but one reasonable con
elusion, and that is the purchasing mo-
ium has increased just that per cent in
How would the merchant like u yard
stick that gradually grew in length each
year until in twenty-five yeara he had to
II six feet ol cloth for a yard.
How would a farmer like a bushel
measure that doubled in capacity in a
quarter of a century, requiring him to
ill two bushels lor one;
Yet that ia exactly what the gold
tandnrd has done, not only for the
merchant and the farmer, but for tha
wuera of all proiterty in thia country,
nd that is the kind of monetary "re
form" tha republican want to fasten in
iwriK'ttiltT ou the people. Chicago lw
iOMHt MrrlO tTHS-O.
a aa uld tihidciaa rllrl trust ra.-lla, baa
plara.1 n h T aa al l-la B.lla
try tM f-iratwla I'M iimi-la t.faiahla raata,lf
fin I fc. lf a4 1-a'aioNrnl ta-aof ""
ia, urua'Silia. taiarta, .ta,a an taraai
aaa laas aSaHaliuaa, ' a auaitita aad adt
tal taa lt rartaa StUHtf aaa all aartaal
ailaata llatl at4 Ha auBOaHal a
III aaaara la tkuaatta oitaaa, BBa"q
la !!. aaaa taftviae. I
raa a 'l aka awk U, ikia mi pa, la Uaraia
Vra.k at kaaiwk, auk airaailuaa tu ara
ranaa ai aa aal l-r aaU M aaawaaa
aitkataa.. aaaiiaa l-l-ar . A. Satk
ki ra auwk, a , a. f .
Judna Sterilized Morton ran ahead of
hia ticket in Kichardaon county, receiv
ing a total of 1 1 votes. Who says the
Otoe county webfoot has lost his popu
larity? Plattsmouth Journal.
J. Hteriing Morton and bis goldbug
democratic party has failed to poll
oue per cent of the total votes cast
and it will be necessary In the future tor
bis ticket to be placed oa the ballot
"by petition." Morton's vote for regent
is about 700, nearly JJ00 of which was
cast in Otoe county, his home county.
How the mighty have fallen I 700 votes
in the whole state of Nebraska, for an
ex-member of Cleveland's cabinet. Just
think of it. Chase County Tribune.
The lust legislature appropriated
f iu,uuu to defray the expenses of a com
mi t tee to investigate the books of the
different state olllcere, Considering
what they have done, the crookedness
they have brought to seems
strange that any reasonable or sensible
man would object to it in any way. Bu
the scurrile editor of the Jtee says lu i
scurrilous manner thnt tliesnillling com
mittee have f .1,01)0 left of tho appro
priation. A republican congress a itro
printed f 100,000 to send a committee to
Europe to usk monarchs if we might en
act our own currency laws, and congress
and the committee knew beforehand
what the result would be. Why does not
the J!eo ascertain if any of the appropria
tion Is left, and what the committee will
do with the balance, if any. Mindori
Every thing new and first class.
Lunch, Oysters and Fish.
Best 10c Meal in the City.
MRS. S.M. TURBITT, Proprietor
Formerly of Domestic Ilcstuiiritnt, '
raal I'attllrr kfcaS),
Tha National Fiaaut-M-r'a Aaaaaiatiou
nlChM-a.! will hold their amnud aauual
)., Jan Vllh tu '."Mbal tha J
Itagimaal Irmory Hall mm M-vbiaa
Alauaa, t hu4,i, 1 Tba luiHrtM
dt tbia ho ta aatft.-Miat lu a,u ra atrtir
ivia ralaa r tba railraJs aad aav
oua itaairua tl llaliia' ra arraMa
lr vhtt iraa.p.11 iit-a If a-Mrvaaiaj
tbaacnlarr, tt. , o,U. o, WM
u , I tuiiu, t I la(Mtrte
uratuaa ara htu4 a-l aa I tk ia
au dutl but a bat it a ill ba tba Una!
ab ut tb la tU raalral wa.
lla. aaal ltalt a R U Kai'af
l raM iiattta.tibfM
U 4a),
tl Jb tl llabaf, rttatt rMrtaa Ut
J a la la tka I iMawaib radwl
ittaUa;!, M ta lb trttj Ibui f
Attoraaf r, J, Daibalt l lata atty
rat I bf llfaaa lrM 11 I lb
, raaaa ui Iba 11 Jub IL !!, abua
mi aaa ( raaiaataa tiatr.i ri
ra allr. l b It 11 aatad r a I (
ltaba ram ! r-f Iha r'aiia ul Mr,
Haaa. Mr. Ilkaja' tvlj i-ali
ti i Oralh al Hi, twaU aad a
aabaa bar ba at Iba trainalot t aiata.
aaa-iia daMiUM ttt ba Mailt
1 b aakaa Hm Iba 1mI( leik a Waal
tf a la aa l ra MtU'tal f
"'Ha babW
(live us the direct legislation the in I
tiatlve and referendum. Then politi
cians will not try to purchase votes to
send them to the legislature or congress.
No trust can frame bills to enrich some
syndicate and with money buy their
pussage through some legislature, The
rule of gold bonds and banks will end.
'lutocratic monopolies and soulless cor
porations will end. Itallroad rings,
pools, trusts and corrupt courts will dis
appear. A government by In unction
will end. It will bring a government of
the people, by the people It Will give
us equal taxation and make all equal
beiore the law. (live us direct legisla
tion. Ilurwoll Rye,
1 he true patriot is ouH who Is con
stantly working for principles that he
believes are best lor the guidance of his
beloved country.- It is better to bring
about reforms that will prevent riot.
rebellion and war than It is to resort to
armed force to restrain and repress law
lessness brought about by stupid, ignor
ant and vicious legislation. Kemove tho
cause. Study the needs of the people
and then stand for what you believe to
be right regardless of the hue and cry of
the demagogue and dastard. A true pa
triot will not flinch in tho face of oppo
sition. These are trying times, and men
is what the country needs careful, uble
men men who do not hesitate to Invest
igate and study for themselves. The
people, let alone, will never go fur
wrong. VfcCook Courier.
For some time we have been told the
Chicago Itecord was tumbling over itself
to secure the passage of a populist
measure the postal savings bank bill.
t is not a populist measure. Mention 8
of the bill sirmils officer to deposit the
savings in national banks, Nice scheme
this! Collect the suvlugs of the people
and turn them over to the national
banks to speculate uponl Don't sign
thel(ecord jietition. Htraug Reporter.
Hpaln still continues her old murder
ous policy in Cuba and the United States
government atill continues a policy of
iguined silence. W ith men, women and
little children withiu a cannon's shot
from our shores, being shot, starved
aud outraged by the brutal soldiers of a
ratal foreign government, the action of
ur government is enough to make an
mencun blush with shame when he
hears theaters and strirws designated
as the emblem of liberty. Madison Re
The Nebraska Imiki'R.vdicnt in making
comparison between the vote for judge
this year and tho vote for congressman
last yenr makes the statement that the
third district shows n loss from last
year of about .150 votes. It ia true 8ul
livan received a smaller majority than
did Maxwell, but the total vote was
tiout 4,000 leas, and had tins vote come
ut and been divided in the aame ratio
as ana the vote cast. Sullivan'e major
ity would have been over 500 greater.
ha fact ie thia district Increased ita
fusion vote thia year one-tilth uf one per
cent, over that of last year. Wieuer
What ia the trouble with tne uew
tariff law that it don't rnla more rev-
nue? Tha country ia going Miind
vary day and at a rapid rata too.
Thia new bill haa net dona what woa
claimed for it. It wae claimed to be a
bill to raie revenue eutflciriit to ruu
thia Rttverurocnt and prohibit Iha iau
ing of bond, aa bad town done under
th lletelamt aduiiuntrtitiu. It haa
flailed mi far, and badly loo, Tha new
till, aubetanatiwta iba dm-trine or Iha.
wry of the iHipubata that a luuh tariff
ntaana Iha budding uf Iruata and short -aga
of Ntvnuea. Tba new tariff lit ta a
IwaaRt li thiNM who brflt br It aad
iimkIm, aad it ta kol Iha Intention ul
Iba law In U'U-ot Iba n.aiuioa elaae ul
lla.-lUd t lnu-1 Nation.
Tba b-a-Wra ul Iba Tammany d-nit
raiyal lb4r jubila r Iha tk'lury
ua In Iba ratar N orb kklin,
rata! a itouati-ia ul 'iO,mii tor Iba at
bria; ul Ibal il ta Simul a,
t m .I riurf tba ff "ltua" lain
tuaav buI bava with Iba wiy a lat'a
latrnliii. tbojr mn U r -r-l tidiiale
(iWrnlly l ear rbarilal-i raaaa, torn
wtlinxlb batf nai l raajmtaaf aid
bat "Huittav la bam", b iunt
It b tibl Ibal tba raa ul Iba
tailar ul tba M nimll laiaraatioaal U
mlli arwaiuaat aaa m lia.! lt
Ika ab t buaa. H.KlaWf kaa-.l It ta
IV daib )al a ban It l'b4 -aiaia.
tkm an acrr, that
t wt ana nttttiH4 aat NwtmU-
Iwlaid aty 4 ! rpat.l.
aaa. Iba taaab la nww "It. T 4
Ibxaaaada ul ! r.pabiu-aa
knJa.1 br lb Ira I, id lb U.lJ
Mamttaf t uaalf I nUixl.
To all Sweethearts,
Wives, Cousins and Aunts,
We want to call your attention to ono of the many new styles of the new LIN
COLN HTKUL KVNGi;,beston earth.
You may not understand the hot water
fill"".!! L ,1 ... ,,,
ooiicr works on tins range so we win ex
plain it to you, It is connected to a heavy
iron water front that Is put in this style of
range, and the water la passing through
this water front comes In contact with the
heat of the (Ire and it becomes hot very
quickly. The hot water boiler Is made of
M f in,) u-il I vn lilili! mill tfl ut n tul n. Tii-uHMiipa nl
thirtv iallons of water. In order to he
inn viutiiiiiitiiiv wi nun iniQ baua ui u
WH ,11. ,1 I 1 IP Ml., .1 , (,a.u lU .. II . . . .
to Keep tne oouor iuii. ii you uave a tan
iu your windmill tower, or house, and it
higher than tho boiler, you can attach it
and always have plenty of hot water. And
what a comfort to have all you want, if
you cannot have this, we make an open tank or boiler, connected the same us this
one to the range, but open at top with cover and faucet to draw the hot water.
We also make tho Lnamol Iloeorvoir Itango lovel with the top of the stove. It
may be you are going to buy a range soon. If so, you can make no mistake iu
buying oneol theNKW LINCOLN HTIJKL HANUICH, best on earth. Most eco-
nomical of fuel of any on earth. Most durable of any on earth. Made on honor
of tho best material. Bold on merit. Guaranteed In every particular. If your
dealer does not keep them ho makes a groat mistake. Write to us aud wo will see
yau are provided with a way to get ono, and at a reasonable price, Made in Ne
braska. Stand up for Nebraska, We pay railroad freight anywhere in the U. S,
Buckstaff Bros. M'f 'g Co., Makers,
We refer you to the bunks and business men of Lincoln, and thousands of peo
ple using our ranges. '
Hay, Grain and Mill Feeds, Bale-Ties
14th and Nicholas Sts,, - - OMAHA, NEB
i oe tanner s txcnangei ;
Will Have on Sale This week:
1 fiO lb sack best Pancake Flour f .75
1 suck best Half I'atent 1.20
1 sack good llread Flour..... 1,10
1 sack finest High I'atent (nothing better) 1.30
4 cans Sugar Corn 25
t cans best toinatos 25
ii cans best l'ie Fetiches 25
20 lbs good Sugar 1.00
10 lbs good Coffee 1.00
1 lb Hattle Ax Tobacco 20
1 lb 11. S. Tobacco 40
10 lbs hand picked Iteuns 2."
1 gallon Sugar Drip Syrup 2,ri
1 bucket 45
10 His Muckwheat Flour for 25
8 lbs pure " " 25
I tiarrel Wiuesap or Jcnaton Apples 1.75
All CaomlM dioitp ut INorlti 'iViilli KtrMit
Wholesale and Retail Dealers.
MftRBLe, GRftNITe and SLftTe
(or buildiog aod cemetery work. Several hundred finished
Monuments of modern design always on hand.
Write (or cuts and prices. A personal call preferred. Address,
Cor. 15th and O Sts.,
-AIM UN I I Oil It-
"prim nit...
h:u TV" urn
MtaUl'tl' IIMIV,... 4 JO
3 no
1206 O SREET
PH0NC 440
137 South Klovuuth 8t, Lincoln, Neb,
Compound Oxygen
Special Attention Given 10 Chronic Diseases
Sa aaa