The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 02, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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December 2,
A Warning tar t.Vrtaln ('fitlnri Wbe Wara
tfaealag l tH'lurb the MaMn;-lJ
aaor m4 failic "r Mlaxar Jim, Telia
torn, IUmm ' m4 Otbav luuM.
LAmpM Joe Iiu4 lvc out that li
would bold rovivitl meeting In the
Whit Wolf mlfj at 0 o'dk In th
evening, and whwi Out hour UuA vnm
aud the rrowd hud gathered he atom
aud led IT with!
"It ha cum to w mr that aartifi
critter In thi mwd hov howed op
jure to diturb tho meeting, and I Jt-
waut to uuf that It aivthiog or tlx) ort
take ploc 1 won't he reenonaibi fur
damage. While I no longer uhmh
Around in the fjompuny of mm and am
flgbtio th battle of the Wd, it won't
take ne over a intuit to lrtw;klide and
break lambxly'um k, Tbe fuat qw
tiou that arimm J, 'Who wa I'f e
kin nil anwer that J war tamoa 3m,
tbe Tarantula of tbe J 'lain, the brag
ginet, bluffliiet, i;iunt and low
lowoftfft kyoto In all thi keolrv, I
drunk whlky by tho gallon, 1 cheated
at keenl, 1 tol in mum, I robbed
tage and took the Jut ent from the
wi'id' and the futherle, I war jet
that low down rlmt I'd hev tol tbe
bote off my own fa liter' feet, and why
1 wam't atrung op to tho limb of a tree
a a kbiriln eiumohi of budie I can't
make out,
"Tbar ar' orltter ytm in tbi crowd
who cowl to tuni pale and ahiver wbn
I atood op and flopped tuy arm and
yelled that I w tho bald eagle of tb
Bocky mounting and waa a acri-anln
for blood. Thar ar' critter who bunted
tbar hole when I guahed my Until
and crar-ked my Iwetl toother aud al
low ad that I waa a whirl wlud of death
vbooiuin aero tho plain to devour K0
victim at one gulp, When I got r4 in
tba face and lkkJ my dupa and fthrkk
d out tbut 1 waa a buiooo airthquaka
on wbaela and hankerwd fur 40 nullum
of for fur iundjiiOD, 100 pum uuuutd
tbalr boaaM aud fid tb towu. Yoa,
tinner, that wo tlie way I naed to bluff
aud brag, and It wo all blow. It wu
the work of autan, and if any of ye hud
atood up to me I'd bev gone down in
my butc aud bowud I hod 110 grit I
y to you that any man who ha aalau
back of him i only a duffer. He may
carry two guu and her a voice ye kin
h'ar fur nve mikta, but when ye pull
bi uoe ye find he hain't gut no aand.
"The next qnmtion that ariHi In,
'Who am IT hlmi if ye kin annwer
that I hain't rhangi! my imuie, which
ar' (till UnimJ(i, but I've ihaiiKl
partner and got a new dial I've given
atan the cold chug and gone over to
th Lord' aide to do butt In. I've glvcti
op gautblin, rohbiu aud bluntu and am
imttin in my heavitwt IUk with I he
lymulNHik and the Itil.ln. I'm new
man. I'm a clmngud critter. I no longer
hanker fur whinky nor wake up in the
middle of the night to rob a tfii.terfmt.
It waa a hard tuwls a I'll allow, but I
P"uki r at IurL HmUii bad Uen Uh
In around with me fur Him Ui xtrt of
80 r'ara, aud be didn't waul to l ga
He hiwl a gl thing of it and kuew it
1 tarkled him, aud he Uuwuett me and
left me a lieked limn, but I ru up and
went fur htm ag'tu and ag in till I
wore bttu out lU'i a iluiTer, ula miiq
U, and any of ye kin down hi in if y go
I It with a th triniiiliun to w 111 I
whoai bttit and itriv bun out and rut
kmae from hi 111, and he dn' emu with
U Btc tHile of lua an Mur.
"And the imW ij.4luw 'Who are
far It.m IVle UAy, VUft Jim,
Yah tUiu, KaioNM Jfk ami doan
atbara, aud l t ma . II ye that ye ai a
low do 11. ituh tl iroMtl I mi tl U
atuiMr Iki (Hit i m ahaut to 4t
ilamewoif In lb f lt
and knU and I low and lrg and r
a,Mfr.iM 11...11U14 till til't, till ail
the iIwwik y Im Ih ye h ahrlwM
B lUa a 4e iif arwit bi le la h4
Bra Mt i t y ar I lame low dou
tuf .i i4k any M4i of im
ae II xrln around lit kutlrf. lie
1M I , tlioMIII lit lim
the lime iMHtt ya iUltti. k ) iulo
the U4li-ude 'ii Uh'UI any l tp
ttn It lot, I fttkat II lt 4iiii
Itma i lk to yaUt i(it tip an
Uvltt dttily, lul I n ye to eat
welt and I a ye vy. IHoHwulet
P h4 and h up m ai.ti yer
a atel k tlUl i 14 wed with
eat tlri'ia il an iiih, and the 1 haue
Will Miitt J II Wilt !.!
teli b ar thai ihar r idk llun a
iw and l,r ahd eUtneiuu and that
BUit hala'i got a grip to etfrythla lit
thit kHitry. A Maedtii h and Ukln
h gang vr, I'm wondwin th Ixrd
hain't blowitd hi lir!Utb on ye and
turaod 70 all into rcptilca to Tawl
aloutf tb airth, Tlmr'a I'isUt McCoy
a-takin a drink from hi bottle to ahow
what a diiflVr ho i, and Yuba Ham h
half drunk and acbin to fell and utart a
row. fxr, intwfrablo ainiM;rI I wa
lik r onw, and I pity ye wbila I do
apim All day long I her biu prayln to
the Ird and axin him what 1 ahould
do with y, but no word ba cum down
to me. M-Mo ye are all to be turned to
pillar of ault, to w licked at by Tout
t!ri(, and tiuMm a few of ye will her
tor fwt guided into tho jftUj whu:b
wltf to ihrMicf aud muo)joxl aud
"I didn't um jito tonight to oiake
Co long muM-i h. I J' t want! to rub ye
Bp and lot ye know that a decent roan
With a claim xhlrt on hi l k wonlda't
cum within 40 roU of the Ixuttof ye ei
cpt he WiiM in tiio aurvice of thn 1jtA.
I wa a-ftlix-pfn in my nhanty over at
uod tr'k whi-n an angel appear in
my dnuin and ma, 'Jim, go over to
( Kill aud git ilm airth rol fur
the vineyard, ' I am yore to do the bid-
din, but 1 that it'll take a hull pond
of waU-r and a &iwn bar'la of aap to
make a dwut Ix-giunia, I m-n that
Hank Hi ut i gitfin rHtfve, 'tmnm he
think I'm burtin the (tale of drink at
hi bar, fIty!dn'tbek-rod. In npite
of all I kin do aatan won t lot go of
niugle one of ye fur WM;k to turn, and
ereu if ye git ndigun it'll take ye three
month to break off wbixky I've g'4
through. Iwwercr Tomorrer ercnia I
ball op$n in airnoatatlutoh Oiarlie',
Mid I want to tbi tame crowd tbar
and a heap more, but no one ahall cum
in without belli deceullr clean. I'm
now goin out to find ole aatan, whoae
boadquartor ar' in thi very town, and
whop hiui till be won't be able to navi
gate for a week to cum. and with bia
lnOooenoe removed, and wltb a dozen
angel from Heaven hoverin over Gris
tly Hill to aMMit me, tnebbe I kin pk
and pray in a way to make yer am
eden:e kick with U;tb bind feet and
aroiUMi ye to a wnae of what belong to
ornutnou decency. Binner reptile
critter good night, and may the Lord
her mercy on yer uiavrable oula "
M. HVkb
Cast Inn Old Mia,
"Darling," he aaid. "did yon tod I
four father that you were engaged?"
"Ye. Ueorgn, 1 did," replied the
maiden, but he looked o troubled that
It waa aome time before be munterod up
courage to purHue the aubjecL
"What did he lay?" he anked finally.
"I don't know, " he atiawered. "He
went out to the wood abed to any It "
Chicago Tcet
Surgical Operation for tho Care of
rile and lied el Dlaeaaei no
Longor Necoaiary.
M MU at HlMrr M htati Will haaaa
Ik Tratmal af all awrk I !
It baa long lawn thoutibt, not only by
aouia ihynlan, but by mhi I gner
al, that the eommon, iaiulul eat), ow.
inglr annoying trout.)., ila, atui r.
ti. ally Incur ahlf by auy olhar man
tkai a aurglcal oratiun, and tin be- I
ih'i una iiran ina ranaa 01 vrara Ul at
trnte euflariug Itei'Miiaa id lit aalural
drt ol ettrgkal owratioM.
1 kre are many aalvM, ulntniala, and
aimilal riudt on Ih inart lo. lt
altord atima mln-l la ra td but
tit 1'iremld I'lW rure la Ih only pr.
raliwNoUr IttlriMlu'vd Ikal raa le
rvtiebly di witdd uiMia in rure ! aler
rurH, vry lorm oi llrlilug, Meiag t t
prolrudlUg lml.
lira. M. I'. IhukWy, id flO lliaaiaaii.d
trt, Ldiakaixtlia, a told by kvt
phyaivlaaa Itial atitltiMg but aaergloal
oatite. roalmg iat aM aad
tll kualrv dollar, itul. rure lr, a
k aad auRorad nr lliioa far, trt
a la aura ar tk I'iramid
I'll I ura a otitli!,.! a.on Uu ur,
ft ie " te an itirtiia eoui I
la .Ira I a In ., aad IrM Iba I'ianud
elth my hitta a 01 -a, Ma4 II hot t.i U
atiii.rl at that I aw taihu.imtm la
ta I'fataa "
Mr. i, I:. Il.l. id Kom I oa., Ui. k ,
a; "I omI, .. lalt ! and l
I'la.wl .a akrra ea lore !
Ida '; rami I 1'ile I'ura. I M"r l.f
faar. ad II la an ! etnatk
ih I h II, and hot H latitl
! id lha l.aliia liaa rlnrai '
I ha I'iramid I'lla l ure la i.l
aaatly ad lr ign.i at fti ai aud 1 1
lr (, ed a It maiaon a
ttium, atwata or elkar Mina d'Ud,
raa ha ud aiia iatt t aallr,
kn ie ad ill.f lriHi inl I ear
loiMl wkn Will air Idle irll llo.l t
m trial, rWd or lorn 011 tauM a I
rure ul ii.a, a fte lr a l ttaiag
IVraM.ld hrug I u , lUrahail, M N. (tor
wrly Albioe, Xlnh )
1 V
( to)
Tbe rrrut Km Ml HmsIimhm anil Wel
1 Mot CMrll Out.
While waiting at the depot thert
wa pointed out to 0 a farmtr who hoI
driven in over the hill with an old
borne and a bwkboord, and after ojf'er
tain lug hi name the drummer pyrMi:h-
ed him and oaerled;
"Am I right in thinking yonr uam
1 Twnpkin imnvfi 'Umnmrn'r
" Ye, that' my name," wa tho ro-
" Yoo own a farm back uw ulxmt ten
"Hmall farm, all covered with nUmi
and hard wfrk to get a living?"
"Waal, it' purfy ntomy, " admitted
the tnrinvr, "lut I do port well on It,"
"Your farm i wrrth about $13 m
aT," renamed tbe drummrr.
" Ye, I gue ;, but I dtm't want to
dl not thi year'
"Hut I want to my, I wa coming
out to e you. I II give you 120 an
Ho expected tho fanw to Jump rt
of blb(jotat that, but ho didn't jump.
He calmly replied that he wouldn't
toko it,
"Then I'll give yoo 25."
"HoHp, 1 guea not, "
"Will ym take $W'r
"1 houldn't keer to not thi year, "
"My dear man, " aald the drutntiu,
"font farm i not worth accut over 1 1 9
an acre, but I happin to want it for a
parptme, aid I'll nay 'Ah."
"Not tbi year," wa tho calm reply.
"Will you take 40 an acre?"
"I guee not, "
"Lr4 me make yon on laat offer, I'll
fir yon ffO an wt caah oVwn, and
we'll make out the paper torlay. It'
four time tho value -of your laud, but
I'm rich and can afford a bobby, Will
yoo take it or not'
"Noap not tbi year. "
"Good heaven! But yon rcf wm nwh
an offer I Why, man, what' the mat
tor?" "Waal, I've got bettor thing, mi.
tor, I've got three ummcr Nrder
com in op next week to tay fur a tiumtit,
and if you'd offer in 7& an arr I don't
think I'd take it, " M 4vai.
Oaitlag ft Right,
"See here," ahl thomart man to
tbe hotel proprietor, "I've Jt ba1 an
argument with my friend brre on a
matter of term, and I want yon to de
cide. " .
"Fire away, " aid tho proprietor,
"Well, I told my friend I wa com
ing down here to tho office to pay my
bill my bill, yon onderiitaud? Wa,
that right?"
"Of eoure. What did be contotfid?"
"He said I ehould have aaid your
MIL How about it?"
"Well, ye, it certainly i my biJL
That wm to bo correct, "
"But yoo aid Jut iww my bill wa
right " t
"Ob, well, It' brrtb. It your bill.
and it' my bill."
"That eortor make it our bill.
doeen't it?"
"Ye," aeentd the uroprfetor, an-
Ion to get rid of the man. "That'
what it ionr till."
"Well, that decilon emit me to a T.
Jut yon make out my half of it, and I'll
pay yon right away, Thirre nothing
like getting thing atraight," Oeorge
H. Weatley in A'ew York huuday World.
A anther IMrd.
"Ha your buband any ballor:iua-
"Ye, he ba. He' alway talking
about Andree' talloon."
"Ah, ye. Ha he begun to mut pi
"I don't know that lie ee any pi
geon, but I've beard him talk In hi
eleep about chaing the duck. "Cleve
land Plain lieuler.
from m nibcr'
Charlie Mariner (dtax'ribiiig a canoe
race) The coure wa aw fully chojipy,
and efto-r tuuding for awhile on the
tarUiard taek 1 went over 011 to th
port tar k
Ml Taiidmu (Interrupting) Oh,
bow badly you mutt have beeii punc
tumtll It., K, Ac Ctt ' Monthly
Wkii It Wa Naada4.
"How do you (Mima to lie celebrating
your golden wedding, Mink? You've
been innnM only three yeara."
"I know," Mid limit, "bnt my wife
ud I thought we'd better have It now,
whi-11 we really nal th guhL " llr
per ' llaar
A lag Tm Mark,
n 1
A' .'Ve A"
I Urol I -A ltd Mt.w, daittug, le
a bit) our (4iktr aid whan yo told
uw wrte wanl
aiit.yl oh, lUn.ld, A m ak tw to
fll hi UiiMn. i'uot It
le I !,
"Thry ef that a iua vhaaga iti.
)! ly ry vM yi "
"I 4wt I know aU.l nindl
!' I t ih ft How n, n d -f to toe
a tliaiiai bit Wllif Half I wit U
thai lima " I'tiu ImimM I ifjulnr
Hf .
'4.atMai.f at.laaM4.a I
tti4 iii a,a hr a 4
"laalrma." iMMhl I a. m4m
I Mr la f im a4 la tic "
HVlwei tiwn II Male,
f frv Tbara,
"Well, boy, you've gft me all right,
md now thar' jut one favor I want to
tekof you iJon't take me back to my
Borne (umiity to lo tried. "
"Wliat'a the reoaou, old man?"
" Well, you mm, tlnry've gone an Toot
td my old woman irorutin attorney. "
-"Clovfclanl I'Jain IJealcr
Tl't l. li I Clr,
"It mu Ui mo that eubmarine dir
w are the buaieat of men, "
"Hoi it?"
"Ye, for if they have any work to
10 at all they are I m on-mod iu buai
vms. " Uetroit Ytm i're.
TUnm Wl ;r ft.
"Yon ay that you can't lwp," ald
iliO &:Vtt "Ho you know what 1 the
;'aue of your f jiaomuia?"
"1 think it l a baby," afd the pa
iient wearily, New York Journal.
fla tM,
Tanglefiot Ike Hctwe tm, pari, but
liJn't yer k um Uit lUiwtr up on yer?
Sew York Sunday JournaL
"What marie Hlgbfly riult tracing bia
'ainlly tree?"
"round one of bi anceetor hanging
a limb of it-" lArttroit Ytm I'nm.
Wm Ebbing Away Weil in
tbe Mountain,
A Wemaw Wa Kmmtum4 WMl Iw a f arll-
e rilgfcl Iba t MmtHsHt
I' 4 Ut gave llr.
Vtttm Ida I'r, Otta, lua.
Mia lla Noble, of4l5 Koat Main
atreet, Ottumwa, Iowa, daUgbto-r of Mr,
K, M, Nol)l, th hrt maoufecturer, ha
J!mIij,I a tv.flr wlili'lt mi ftit ttiAv
I benefit her, but undoubtedly be of bene
i fit to many oth?r. It wa praia-
wortby nodertakiog; one wlvu mm may
feel proud of, and amply repaid for ber
indefatigable effort,
A r(ortor of tbe 1'rea, hearing of her
Hiiccaaaful Achievement, nought an inter
view with her,
Mie Noble eemd cheerful, hopeful,
and in th beet of health. Apparently
abe bad not euffered any ill effect from
berfffort, which were rejiorted to bar
done much good.
About two year ago he accompanied
her parent to tbe wt, and ridd
emongtbe mountain forneveral month,
ThiMwa done in th bope that her
health might be improved, a he wa
offering from anamia. Iotead of tbe
change of climate benefitting her, b
became worae, and ber parent baatify
returned eat with ber.
Itepntable phraicieu were auiamond
end exerciawl their kill, but it wa of no
avail. Her condition bwame worae and
her face aaaumad a gboet-like appear
anee. Khe wa wating away for want
of blood, and what little ah did bav
wa watery and In a deoraved taU.
Any alinht exertion caned exceaaive fit
tinuaand palpitation of tbe heart. Khe
hal 00 appetite and the daintieat viand
did not tomtit her. Iler condition wo
d,(rable. and doatb enied nigh
Many of her frienda thought h wa go
liiir into eonatimotiou.
Kinallv oin friend adviaed ber to
trv Dr. Wllliama I'ink I'ill tor 1'ale
IVople, pnard by the Dr. William
Medicine Company of HelmuMftady, N.
Y a they contained In a coudeuaed
form all the elnmU naary to giva
new life aud riehntMM to th blood and
rmtora hattereil nerve.
Thev bad learned f cow imllar to
barawhudi had I 11 urd. Th pill,
they aid, were iiexpMiiiv, only wett
ing r.t) wnta a box or all boiae for
U..10, aud could Iw bad at any drug
giet', Miaa Mohle waa rluutaut to try tbam,
for It evemed a If all poaaihle rmeiii.
had lMa.n trd, and tha in bud Ih'u
rmldi'rahla, Without Iwlug tauntlei.
Ilr friend wra an entliuiatifl ri'K'rr i
lug th good nuwlltiea ol tha pill thai
l. finally iWlded l try a lu, end tur.
cliaiwd on Irom r . M. H. twolt drug
AiU'idnd lliiprtrvaiiiaiit wa iioluvuliie
after lha lull bad ! taltHii, and l
iturrhaaatl iiiu tllora. Iba rltaiiK" in
btr Hindi tlou waa o grval I hat alter
taking lour boiHi ( lb rmdv aha
ronaitlerwl bfU II. d Blopiaal
taking lb luadH'lae. Imt her ar
I. k attuld aot M 'Mrr.1 o a-nia, aud
) aaa i.lillgfd to roiMlufiiiM Inklug lit
lllalH. Alter taking a lew limr
In 1 a l iratvard Har laatlul 4i be I
.Ualari. Tudif ti I ll pu tura
td b!lk, kr atiinpUtiK Ulug thai id
aa hballf health v )iUHg l ha
la a at t' a ta lo-r f ituegff d i
lUfUilor taweb iuiIn
Hit lb iuarlooi improimaat
roUaM la Ike kvallk oi ba dMMir
Ihrough itawinid lr, Wttlun I'M.
1'illalhat be tun I ltai aad ta
rapidly ra'ee4 k' laihag bltii,
a,iral bare bad ol Mm b'
a aHdlliniM ltk thM woMT
IttlplH, aul era iiMeg lbW ltkl
U. ioir rt4li.
Mr, I. l It. rWI I, ako U nunl .
lumaa prmn'il diMgiit, im !
If . tt Uf'ul i la Ik
Ualik id ilia St.l.K il I haliag a
tar ! wl lb bUk ftMl
iWtalt stiMiaUle b, kMr 4
tiw 'HId 4Ual wktrk year
uUrii lma HHrl eikl a Ible te your tr. T ! Mtl
a lllyn ate ta arnar fw hd
WtaU fa)Hiral at ow
i ep y ip ay ejtrprprpi ej)
1118 to 1126
Imas is Blear
Ami we arc prepared to !iow
pletrj lino of Amu wU than haa fVfcr before wwii anown in Lin
coln. There k not a bettor time to inftkc your liom comfortable
Hi an rwiw l.v roirclniuiiK a 11 (if I,
of nor ImroUirne furniture. What would bo H more acceptable pre
cut tliai a fancy rooter,, a couch,
dek, book caaea, iid parlor pieceg, nxy atauil, parlor Ktand, arid
five o'clock tea table? Then we have a fine line of rug from 1.0O
Bto i:.H).
Our onceriMare detiartmertt
We can ahow you a JiatirWjje dinner net, decoratitd and urider-u;hwd, 1
I (MI piece, arld other
pla;e at
A plain ilaviland ti-a wt at
We can gliow the lariret line
Wa lira kli.U'!iif, a rri.ul lilllnlul rf ailllifl littllOU. llrrV Met ItllJ
odd fjiecea,
' ' - " -" r n - "
There in not in the whole city
than can be found here.
We carry s full aid complete
a 11 1 . w ii iiimr.ii irv iy w 11 aa aa. luiiiu
liiriu Aitfurimttt bttl i.T I-jI.I,.
'et can l wen here; alo &V) hcU
and fork at WW a net.
Larize line of tea. denert and
but ud in ailk caneg or without
li . a- .. i . . j...
pwning u:u or auer oinner
Une tliouaaud pair of kateg, all i,e, from we to vd.uu a pair.
Our line of pocket knive. raxir. gheara, wiwm m the lari't in
the city, Vfe are the aole au;ent
have never ecn it call and look
Ten ditTerentgtyle of nick led
A large line of fancy tea and
1 WSl e3
1 r
.L 1
. KJWMaataeC,
KKV. L, D. BA, D. Maeagar.
fitutora, V a loroaui, Caa., Orlaana, t.,,
tiro, i m., (.nicaau, hi,. . bUHW, ma., anu i,r, i uiursuo.
Tbirra ar llio(l rf P'mHIob ti 1. IIIIimI rtorltia !! x bool turm, rauw hf rilDtlo.
.a',l', Wa b4 ofr k4 mcaBriM dortna Iba paat Maun. UqiialMl laelllUMi lnriilaolBa
Imilwri la rf r (tart bl tba V, . ani. (.'auaila, a of M Mr rant of (huaa abo ravlilaraa tfr
itat aeartd pualUun. Oaba r'ltr la I oOdm, Addrav all alicatlun In fltU
liara, fa.
2i au '
Wm, MM fn.. ... .T.HI.I.H Nt.MI
A Noceuity to Wk Women.
I'fwiiivpty ilia tmlv rniiinljr rurin
wmI Hakam nr Ularma
IkiiiIiMi I'tiirca all Nam I'ala
i4 I 0aaaOaa,aliiifllMMitii
Ilia Ki'twraiua tugaiia I'ru l"r
llraliiHul alik h.aala Ulilal 1 '!
er etail. t twt. . til.
MwmMuu ! i'. iik i ita
. Portrait
iiiu. tfcitiMl t.i
nut iihm ritiiftMiiuriti
, , , trt 111 , , ,
Kennedy', Photograph Parlors,
154 . Ilia Ulreal.
Jim XttHntO, 00 ir
alfakMO araMt
! fart a4 l IM
! maw 'tva
Ut yea hikWf M mUtvib,
ejt eji
N St, Lincoln, Neb,
our patron a larger and morj com-1
for tonne lilcmljiT Ol till IHiniiy OM10
& corn hi nation :aH, Jadieg writimj
,,1 v... ...ti!..
1 teem 111 if wiltt Ainai hovuihu.
$11,(M1. Our prici
ice for trie noiiuayg,
of banquet lain pa from J.w to
- ' 0
a more complete line of hardware J
line of the bent American cutlery.i
iiiirvtir iim '!' a noir fi Kl.i INI ft
of Win, Ilogera' triple plated knivenf
m,ia v m. a v aawaaa a'w aar a a a wr w v iwj 9m
table mooou of the J tourer make.l
canea, at price that defy competition.
"... ..l i ' i.. 1,.:. !....
con ee bi'ooii. ai exircmeiy iuw prices.
for the Star Huhiy twMt. it you
at it.
chafing dihe and bra five o'clock
coffee pot.
Ttrwo I mum.
reed Saw MIMa,
mm flaner,
fjioMe and
IkaW, Cora,
feed and
r AV
Befiiw Preeeee, V
Cor SheWert ikj
and yea raeierf.-k-
SkmHlna. Prgleval
ariNxro pvnxs.
saw mmm mmiiv,
tMU UIA10GUL tm.
COMPANY, AUanta, Ga., U. S. A. My
VerfcCHr. Ht ft. Hi St f C laaia, Ma. j.lgr
Ka York. K. T., WaMhlnartoa, D. 0., fraa.
.. I htr.n, .Mlnak tu..M ... Im.. .m'i
"rtna m Irtmtwa awn l
ib. -,. mu, ta
pf ll W.ll,
MAM)' MleV,
i Mk a rnuia Uata,.
ariliukt lii our a'Urritra
lti ilitaa iixi iu efl tltfrv? Wlim
au tii hIikiiIiI uua go,' Ultat alinulil
fit tak? 1 1 w
iwmb ! thry riHtimf I aurk
tlMlttul7 Wtiat aea ar .iti.? I
linn- Hii.1 SUimI ar itu'
had-- ul "Hiakiurf a riti?"
I itiitlHa ami MlMti titiv rliva In
th a tint tinatltina til Iw (hum I la Ilia
lrlliiHlita liiiaia ' klnlt l.k 1',"
it oe ilr .ir ilmlrtlitilitiM, Kiltnu
He nl rt Itt al n.l.ittiaiii'H au I a
ut Itt iUl tti.p ul IKtka aw I Ika Kit'-
.1 it-, ,ra H !itf Im tun Itital tit k.l
nlti.a, nr a, u im ri. ol lnur rU la
taiuj lr J r rami, ti' rwa
al. Hiiiliuqiiia (inula, iiatta, ,SI.
E. S, KING, w
Waal aal Htria4 ttjaa laa.
tallft'llM. i , , ,
Ke Alriit .t iinta,
U'MlOlt, UNtUliM.JtKH,