The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 02, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    X. ...
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Dceember a,
Bring with them the Holiday Goods and these goods must be accomodated
must have room, selling and display spaced Our importations are of such
mammoth proportions that, in order to properly "house" them we must
sacrifice the regular lines of merchandise. THIS SACRIFICE means a
wonderful saving to you as these quotations will show:
Ladle' heavy all wool boe,rlbbed AC
top, double heel und toe, a pair ft JC
Ladle' Imported double fleeced cotton
liose, high spliced heel and dou- AC
bletoe, ft pair uvC
Hoy' extra heavy "leather" stock Inure,
three thread at knee, aouwe iimu n c
and toe, a pair
, (ivu
Children' ribbed, all wool hose,
double knee, heel and toe. a pair
Mua'e merino sock, seamless,
double heel and toe, 8 pair for.. JUC
Men's black and tan heavy all wool
socks, double heel and toe, AC
upuir 6uC
Extra Special
Odd lot of jacket from some of the
choicest linen hIiowii HiIm season, all new,
stylish and etrlctly up to date. All on
one table at a INDUCTION OF FKOM
f J. 00 to fLOO from tho former low
Knit Underwear
Ladle' heavy ribbed lloecud natural merino vests 0(1
and punt, worth 40c, each,,.,....,,. , uuC
Ladles' natural half wool vests and paute, all sls, CA
ics, '2H to 43, eitch IUC
Ladle' extra weight natural all wool vest and 17 C
pant, lw 2 to 42, each I IC
4'hildrnn' fleeced vent and pant, hI7,h from 1 to 0 C
year, each... .., 1 vC
Children' heavy fleeced union suite, drop eeat, all AC
sixes fiJC
Children' extra weight fleeced union uiU, drop C A
seat, all lze, each wUC
Nebraska's Greatest j.
Mail-order House
Hdimlor Ntewitrt On Union.
Kditor Neiihaska Indkpkndknt:
Have juet been carefully reading the
article in the Imim-kniiknt of the 18th
(net by Uro. Sheldon on ormiriizing a
new party, and after reading it I linked
111 V eel f the queetion: Whut unlet lei
done to uccompliHh tin doMirable etid?
It ie eaey to eay, "we niuet get together"
but let U go deep into the Uuetioii. 1
guee it will not be denied that the Indi
vidual man ienpuble of progree, and
doe progree, but we have one clan
liodiru to take to theiimolve the
Naietlte of thi proureeeiou, ami auotbur
ulaM whoHe progrtwiou i morul a well
n material, end who therefor demre
that all muiiklnd ehall enjoy the ble
Ing of a progrewtive age. Thi lat l
pniuliNiii, pure und aimpln. Wu believe
lint KOVermueiital eyetMlim ulioilld keep
piten and mnrvti along with Hi t udvaun
MiK intelliKiu of lb i iti ii. Now I nm
very HllkioU Mbout thiKeltlBl touether,
In (m l I have put in tU or 1 2 ' of
linril poluieal work to bring it about.
I'opuliKMi I ai the whim orciiprHeof
mii individual tuir yvt the ex-diii(-v
pole y of hiIHu nl mnvtiln. but Uiil
truth w apprvlieudud bv He n wtm hare
IIih r'(ir(i lo UtHim it prophele, and
ivrliHpa tta uoirlyr. Now du you Hunk
that Un biHlv id una will turn !. k 20
inn and 'IvimiUb whut lhy know lo
)m IiiIm lor th id Uni'U laa ottiwr
'IUif H tl.V Would thru lir nr
kuavw. Kul tin- il al, Uvum tbv
meuiit. Tby kttuw mi xJitn envj i
ibvir aitibmt uaderiMHdiH4 ul ui
t4ul kxutitt nhi aud lto th.y aul
l,. ii. Ou )) olbr Hand ran you nk
up k diiH rlH mM v and ehak it
Iihm trout ila l aWiiM and -
grMid yuytmr al i but It du
,.,. II hI. Miim Ut,m. pjt ruttrm
twf tat la tin a -Iliad lug-vlhor pimw
lkr imuiI (wan l i ieg ml tl trull
tuf tr'f, (mi fill, tug vi UH .f l.
plain-. Ilnf Mill tv rMnU l dl
a httkt irtiMvliim t.f Ida nkUid
wa aad lh dull id auiraaal. atrnw
m eiiliu 1H, a4 kakf
4 w lit " !! la It, bat - UI
! lara batk. 1ie aki aaal our
aip ! ffa Ha tt aia a alia
m km lhterf atufc ai aUa l ta Ik av
Na ltt Id ty U rHiid.
Vtaat aM KhiI ilmtn from vur
ttvm.a rat Vfvlktva td lki dvuieia Ui
k o' aa4 rt"f m. but akt n lk
I4. U? lkgfwl .al alt.a la N
ttaek aa fviriH ol rt'a4 ?!
(in tkui taaua ew l4 a Uair
Table Linens
50 in, half blenched damaek,
a yd
00 In, hull bleached damask, a
72 In. half bleached diimiisk, a
bleached nankins,
jMir doz
Heavy, all linen crush,
a yard f ti ' i n if ii
00 In. Turkey red damaek,
ft iiifiiii it 4iiti i timi
A Great Sale of
Dress Goods
To make room
Latest Imnorted
fjf5c. 00c and HOc.
Very fine imported novoltic, have boon welling at
f I, $1.2.", on ale now, a yard..
High clae block good, regulur price f 1.25 and
1 1.35. on ale now. a vara
Kilk mirroir in black,
navy and green,
a yard
ernor and the leading democrat of thi
etateare reepoiiNible for the criminal
stuffing of the ballot box in Omaha
until 0,000 fraudulent votee were cuxt
therein to defeut him and eeat a demo
crat. The loKieluturo elected on that
iHNiie wa true to it pledge aud panned
a maximum freight law and thit demo
crat vetoed It. Thi act ha coet the
eople of thi etate in exoeee frelglit over
f 5,000,000, which overtop tho republi
can defalcation in the ame time about
throe and one-hull million. Now we hold
the republictiii party reaponeible for the
act of It official becau they have not
repudiated and puniHhod their men.
Have the demoerate repudiated and
PuuIhIiikI their criminal in thi mattir?
In it not a fact, that four year later
they eudoraed Hie act of thi umirpiug
and unlawlul governor by nominating
Inn) for eoiigrea uud refiiMiiig toeup
port a populiet, nud Mr. Uryau Hiid
Hie World Herald (ought valiantly to
end hi 111 to rougrowt, I have nevrr
heard lbit t Itf.v wereaorry or but a lint
they would do ho ngniii, About the
time Unit Uoyd ih liMiklug for an ex
cuae to veto tha maximum rut law
large pi tninim, U loot lull with boot
ou, i-ri eeut to l.liicolu by the car load
to urgw him In vtu It, and IbiingUa
tha road a 1 hitiu'e to rob the mla of
a eoupla id nollion aauually, among
them nun id the mtMt proimuuiit bal
r ol ih all vt-r detiiiHracy, The lurmera.
who are lb claa liioal Inlnraeted, would
bol gvt wu iue id tha iU' on Ilia
board ol truuvportatiou, and )! thi la
vtl)d a HiulMt vtilory, and trvigkt
rir ar gtoeg up bihir vry !
aaoka, Nwa, Prollivr (IliaidoU, I gua
yrni Mill rwogmna Ihraa bw ataliMaU
a la la, aad I have oul lourn on
lew, Aa4 Ikta la akal Maliaia aitha
dkin.H'ratkt m( oa It brag about
M kat would II I tf you tura4 llm
ad up totfaihvf? I'uur a Mtlloa ottaitl
iuli a barrel vl par rra aa I II ail
Im oiiiM aa ll. wad brra la iaa popuiial
ab.i kuld kt Dim au i Ho II
and ttill aef Ikat II la fai W ku t
raiaaiMa hl tketat't Ikat Jitdw Ul
ll la at aW la Itla uriw tn N
I varr e ao. Ihia aill 4oal)va4
viat a IHa a.lilioa aa4 a kalt Ik a mb
t "! dvttullt aai lWaaa Ikaeuiprila,
U kava arouk fMofd up la data
and an iadiviMa 4 a ikaaaa al kail
laa I aay, btia' H oa aa4 will
atiiii iaa,
but ami Uf U ke a.Nf
kh 'U. Ike oulial a4 4 a.M-4t
1aila la eialir o-mn,i wttto
1 la la uiilia id Vou fnl.iuii a '
id our aaiMiuai auira y, 1 ka tan!
'iiioaai lw akw a aa i hutwl t
kuHiaauy M Iki W"4 radnuptHia.u
Hoy' luce shoes, heavy eole, tf AQ
grain upper, a pair,,., I U v
Haunt In you the'
a pair.. lliHIIHHIlltIHtHH$H
Ladies' diced naif lace shoe, coin toe, ex
cellent for winter wear, tf f Pf C
a pair ,,.,.,..,....,.... tp 1 IV
Ladles' vlcl kid nIioo, welt eole, narrow
square toe. regular f U.fiO 1 A!
value, a pair i bp I VI
Full lino of men' holiday wlipper Jnet
Good heavy Nhirting,
II ntigHitiltiHHtlllHltllf'ftll
Dark prints, Standard,
ft yd.....
Nice line of hirk outing flannel,
a yd .,.,,,,.,,..,.
('anion flannel unbleached, 4! Go
and upward to 15u a yd.
for holiday novelties and clear the way
for holiday selling we liave made a most, euatlonui re,
ductlon on the "most wanted" droit good in tho store.
novelties, all wool, regular iirlco
ou ale now, a yard.,,,. 0 vC
all evening hado, brown, new blue,
regular price 0 1 , on al now
for New Catalogue.
Under it cover the wealth produolng
clanHe have been robbed ainco civilized
government began. What i it ueeand
purpomil Tho democrut told the laborer
that ho liou Id not be ''crucified" but in
their platform promieed the debt bolder
their victim juet a of old. Now will
they drop thi "coin redemption" or
do they exMct u to be aold and deliv
ered to Nliylock, and our children after
u? Npeakiugiua laborer for laborer
I wmit to aa.v, we are going to have free
dom ou th deal, no inutuir if we have
toaiukthe two old partiea aud their
poliftciane to get there, aud we know
the road. It I free government money
not manacled witliu promiee, A prom
lee ie debt, debt la boudnge, bondiige U
elavery, and the time ha come to eaak
pluiii about tine mutter. The man who
III till euilghteiied time ndviM'iltea "coin
redemption" ia a fool or a knave, In
i'oii"luion let inn kv to nil li,
piirtn, If the 1miu i,mii n i will fiiriiiah
IHI111 let tllla tji). atloli I hi tlioroughly
diwufcwd thta ainter, I'erhapa we t un
kii'p tha theriuoiiietitr above ero and
rem ll a eutiHiM tnry rom hloli, Let ll
get togPlher but let it t umler the moat
progrtMMiv Idena and the lilgheat alalld
nrd and comvptioii of jtiatica and buinuii
II II MitaiMt.
I'hahiomh, Nov. 2'J, lL
Auivaiaai Wihiuiun aJia Lak
af laiaiaat,
Metubvra id naurwa are aiwptiuiialijr
low la gaikvnag la W aabiaglua rar
atory for Ike naiag aaaaiim adl xlua
day. Soitkaf Hkr k4 aor Mr.
I'iagty, Ika It.aM- badaf 1.1 Ika MiaKMitf
a Ika kou, a ill raa Waabtagloa aa
Id rtaturd Maadav, Wltk tUa i
el-iioa ol aa4 rd al au4
aaiilabaa i4raauia, Ika aa.lwa
ol llk kuaaaa aa a tk, tvmm In Wa
kfid ag lkf )u Igtaaala la al;a aa
aalil lky axM a Imui oMiMal auta
i,ily akal Ik atlualioa ta aalo t 'aba.
la tka aM td U mrr. y tl tM
a.naJy aaUUik4 Ikal ha Muaiata
aa I ! .lf lh . .(, Ma
Ut.t.oiK'f aejUklag Ik ajtiril ta
bkif In o .hj-, aa I Ika Ul tkal Ika
apofllHa Ika ale aa
MmaalaV ialir aaa trpulla
eiamUia 1 1 lb buuaa li lk . ,aua
that it would be wisdom not to attempt
any legialation whatever.
Mr. Ili'iitiiiri! of Iowa, i one of them.
lU think tint futility of passing a
tire in the aeuate metkun it Inexpedieiitfor
the house to attempt to put through a
tnetistiro iiiul beside he doubt the pro-
nrititv of tho reinblloan of the bouse
attempting to make n republican jolly
on a aubjnut tipoii which the repuullmn
Intiorm loee not sneak to tno point.
Hestysif the president should lie re
ported, recommend Buy scheme for the
retirement of tha greenbacks, It would
tie beyond tlm rrtiubllrn.ii platform mid
every republican would Ihi free to support
or oppose It lie lile judgment Ulrtuuni,
J here In eoine talk of
one on this nuestlou.
a republican cud
Mr, walker ol Massachusetts, cnuir
man of tlm committee on bunking and
currency, some time ugo sent a numr to
very member of IiIm committee urging
the Importance of currency legislation
uud asking encb ineiiiber to bo prepured
as toon lifter tho opening session as pos
sible to work to the end thateoino mens-
uro may bo eubmltted to the bouse for
To Be Out by tha HolldayaTypograph
Ically a Beauty Ibould b In lb
Handa of Kvery Rafoimar,
"Voice of the Morning" I the tltlo of
a now book by J, A. Kdgerton, of thi
olty.wlilch I now being publlehed by the
well-known publlehlng bouse, Cha. 11.
Kerr k Co. ol Chicago. The book will
b beautifully printed In largo, clear
type, on tho flnet quality of heavy
book paper. It all! be beautifully bound
In clot h, with gold Mauip and engraving
and gold top.
It will coumIhI of about fifty of tho
author' beet poem, many of which
have never before been publlhod. Mot
of theee poem will bo along reform line
though many of them are purely literary,
While Mr, Kdgerton' jiolltical career
I well-known to mot of our reader,
hi literary work i nut eo well known;
but It I In a literary way that nationally
he ha made hi groatot, reputation.
Ill production both in proeo and poo-
try nave neon puKiiMiicii, or acceiiiei in
every reform and liberal publication of
any note In America. Nome have been
printed In foreign cou n trie and ome
even have been trniielatod and printed
III other biiiifinige, l or tho tmet few
month Mr, Kdwrton ha been devoting
hiiiiNolf eerioimly to literary work, a
much un hi other outle would allow,
with the remit that hi matter he been
accepted in moet of the periodical In
tho country, A'"ng many other the
"Arena," of Jtoeton; "New Time" of Chi.
cagu: "Tweutletli Century." New York
'Oiem Court." Chicago: "Free Thoumit
Mfiguxine," Chlcatfo; "J'rogreiva Think
it, Chicago; "I'ulloMophlcul dournnl,
Han Francleco; "Farmer' Voice, "Chi
cago; "Pilver Knight," Wuhlngtoii
"Amerlciin llliiMtratod monthly." Ch!
cago; "I'AuUt Hour Jlorald," Chicago:
"Liti'rarr Light," Mlnneaimli; "Truth
Hekor."N. Y: "City and Country." Co
lunibiiM, Ohio; 'Trade Journal," Pitt.
burgh, l'a ; "Metropolitan Magatln,"N
Y,: "Northweet Magazine." Ht. 1'aul
Minn. "WoNtero Monthly" Lo Angel,
fornia; "Tranmxlpt," rortland, M.
tniii Mint a a wiiwi 'I'f vfif '(
"National Illustrated Magazine," VVawb
Ington; "National Democrut," Chicago
"Ht, loul Magazine." Ht. Ixiul; "Hty
clal Democrat," Ltiicngo, and many
other which wa hav not pov! to men
tlon. but embracing it the one men
tioned do. reform, liberal, labor, and
purely literary publication of the very
Lighoet rank.
To prove something of th evteem In
which Mr. Kdgerton ito be bold a a
writer, we uuote a few thing aald about
bim by the late Jame (1. Clark, himeelf
a poet of the people of world-wide repu
tation, llieee are taken Irom totter
written by l'rof. Clurk to Mr. Edgorton
at vuriou time;
Here la from the flrat one: "I fell In
love with your true, etrong face lu the
Heptombor Magazine of i'ootry, whore 1
firetauwlt thi morning, and I roach
out my hand to graep your. You have
maile a grand record eurly in lit and
placed youreelf ou the right eide. I love
and honor you and bid you Hod peed."
Here l a quotation Irom another let
ter from l'rof. Clark: "In all you write
you get a great deal into a email epoco.
You art buppy lu your gift for putting
tlilnga lu an original aud etriking form
and axpreMMiou. Your poem In the
Twentieth (Vntury ia line."
And here are eome extracta from atill
another letter from the eume author:
You have, in my boneat judgmeut,
genuine poetic tiuality, that it will pay
you-iu the blgheat If not In the moneyed
aeiiMi,to cultivate and oeveiop, tor a
writer of your ng and evidently buy
lite, you reveal law faulta iii urtiaticex
,riMuiu and have excellent conception,
Iteing youug, you have a noble uud ue
fnl lot uro ahead un a poet of humanity.
I nil. ill watch your career with much in. and with iiuticipiiiiou that I
,, I mire will li realued,"
Tlnn letlara Ware MrltL'U Ueurly two
ymraago, Hiueelheu I'rol. I lurk haa
rli., hi long aud apleitdid lilrarjr
ian r, while the youug man, towhmu
ll.i'M 1. 1 11 a a.-ra arito i )ut eutfrmg
l.' iu whiit Ignatiua iMinaidly,
auoiltrr author id world aide regulation
aita "oiir (hhui ara adiiiirabl.
tii aravr)une gm,"
1 liraa ara ouly tau elaiupla id bun
dnl ol equally llnl t.ring aotiaw Mr.
I .l.rloii haa riv-d, I row Iwdi
yidual aad tkrougk ba pr,
lu km oaa alale, among ka oaa '
.la, tka fuuug authur a aa taiok akould
i.t a aari rpitoa aal a taaay
). It will ettutaia k a Wt Ikougki,
1 4 a ivadalila aad x.pular birw. Ika
t.otik aid ta a bawuly ta every 11 a 1 aud
Wtata a una t kltalataa lrv t. lUa I
fid Ika nt t VHM alioul li'iHr
ai i'i. ala Mr. I dgarloa a f1.nla a k
kaa Uaa a Itua4 a4 aalalaulial blaf
iri Ik Hr af aiaea It Baa alar lad
Jl, hiMik la bi al at Ikia ultic fr
K 1 ma id na d lar, lr l about 1
Im aa bt at a. iaia iliy v. ika kma
Ja lia.W.
aid lad Ika dt al aklvk your
mtMiiHoa i4i4 aaik4 wa Ikt
k 'a nw id iwur pr 1 aka aiiie
it it aad a1 . ara la atrawra )ea kwa4
Kwaka a Hti mal at va- alt. W lloiiaiittka l.
dailital al Keaiaoy, a4 i'r,
j!4Ufd 4 Ika lladtega atjlaai, tv
I taia iitr tkt k.
Mr, Llchty on Behalf of the Emp'oyaa
Mad tha freaentalion.
There wn a very plouuut meeting 0'
friend at tho homo of Auditor John 1'.
Cornell on WnMliington atreet at four
o'clotsk. Koine friend who bad been In
vited to dinner were enjoying an after
noon vlelt with tho family, when all of a
Mudden tho parlor wa Invaded by the
employe of Mr, Cornell' office, and it
oon became evident they meant ml
chief. AfUr formal greeting, Hamuel
Ichtjr, tho lnurano deputy, uroeo and
Informed Mr, Cornell that the Intruder
bad authorized bltn to make a few re
mark. Mr. Llchty pok a follow:
"Mr, Cornell, her are the truetod em
ploye lu your olllce at th etate oupltol,
como to oxbmd to you their apprecia
tion of you a a man and a public olll.
cor. For nearly a year each one of un
have tried to do our duty and w have
aimed to reepect your ruling and decla-
ion a we Nliould. Hut now tha tlm
ha coma when we can talk back to you
and toll you (oca to face what wa think
of you. wa oome on tin any 01 ieoting
and reioluliig with aeurance of our
good will, nud winding you many pleas
ant return of thi annlvereary. We re-
jolco that you were born, that you ar
living among un, ana your neighbor
und friend will toetlfy that your Hie I
not a failure. Horn of u hav known
you long und jut a long regarded you
highly a a man, All of u have boon
ImnreMMod with your integrity ana tear
lenene a a public official under Nome
very trying condition tno puc year.
Hut the nine appointee in your olllce
hav a 'clal rouMou for fooling kindly
toward you. Lut year when It fell to
your lot to give out a number of good
001 tlon you aid not ioiiow tueuaa
precedent eNt,ublihod by certain iiolitl
clan of reoulrlug a part of the ealarie
of your appoints dm ft perquiit tor
tha poMitiou. Wa are all witueMNo that
poNltiou lu your olllce are not for aulo,
nud that w all enjoy our enllr salary,
There am legitimate party oiponw
which all ehould nenlHt In defraying. We
have noticed that you would rather pay
hiicIi bill for the outlro force youreelf,
than nek u to do our hare, lleuco we
feel euro that wo cannot make the com
lilaiut. that many subordinate do In
other place. We are not taxed by our
There are some nreent from our
own county of Kichurdou, For tliool
can any that the people o! your county
have for moiiio time truelcd and believed
In rou and will coulinuo to do o. Whilo
tho other party wa In power tho loud
or in our county seemed rrioNtly con
corned in promoting men from other
tuirt of the stato. Wi bavs carefully
nil muted our'rei)reonttttlvmwn and
believe It to bo for tha boat IntoroMt of
Nobroeka to bava a state officer from
HichardNon and wa bolieva you to bo
thn man for tho place.
You will llnd your friend loyal in the
future a they bavs been la tha pat
A a very light token ol our approcia
1 am asked to iiroMent you with thi
old beaded cane. May it remind you
often of thi day and of thi call and may
It prova a steady support to you in de
clining year, w 1 iu tin goo our ffooa
will to you and the faithful wife at yo
aide, and to vour children: to tbsold
and young, all that abide in your bou
and may tiod continue to uiea you an
Mr. Cornell reapondod aa follows!
IVm. mm flan.l- ,'. ailinnl f li
elected to aait me in my official du
ties bava uresentad to ma an anoronrlate
and beautiful present, cue that la aubjoct
not to the wear of time, one that will
ever remain a memento in the pleasure
of thi day and thi period of my life.
I assure you that I appreciate this ele
gant present, however, the motive that
prompted thi presentation la lar more
gratifying to me than thi cotly wood
aud exquMitoly wrought trimming a an
Indicative of the good will thatexieUin
the auditor olllce. It boa etrentbeued
my belief that the duty we owe to the
people of our beloved state will be well
and faithfully done, Let us hope that
this harmony will continue, let us al
ways be at our post of duty during busi
ness boura, alwuya ready to advise aud
uaaist each other and let us cultivate
that noble attribute, forbearance, and 1
predict that when our otllcial career
shall have ended and we separate, per
haps never to meet agniu, wa will with
pleasure rail to mind this Thnuksglviug
day aud this your 1HU7. 1 thank you
for this token of your esteem and good
Knglish Women are the Woiat Dresaed
Woman in tha Woild.
I, limn (tell, who ia writing from I.011.
dou to the I.Hillee' Home Journal, givea
aollia reiliurkaniy llllervaliug lleacrile
tioua ol tha Hrilinlifra. Here, for iu
atnuce, I the way alia picture an au-
dii ln e at a l.oudou theatra:
"The play wua inot auiuaiug, yet my
aiatrr aad 1 eould not help watching the
audience, rimu a lrwl look iug ael, tka
woineu with hair bold down by luvUiblr
ula. atiugliitg with Iheir ybroa and
dona bttUiuaiy iu tha back. Low n kwl
goaua, tiUibitiug lha Hioal beautiful
ehouldara lu lha woild. tiorgwiua pwla
lu thrir bair aud gteainlug all or tbatr
ln..uaa, but among bad a doaea auter-
aid, lurouiiiaw wild dlaiiuillil bracvlvt
thr would a('iar a ailvar walvb brae
(at akuib vim I aul Mint lea doihtre, and
aiaillad tlKiflwtiil ail tkulkar,
"I ugliab wuuia aa a ia ara lha
oral drwaaad WolMH la Iks world.
aa tknuaan la wt Ibeta la l'a a. illy aad
Itagant airwla. as 1 al rhunk parada la
Ika park, aila aga I rsai-a kM atlif
ra a.lra4 ala kmga. Aa4 aa lu
aa, I akould any kitn-a wvra tha atar-
ag 1 br a'a aoaia aWalWr, but tka
m i I ara laiaov
" ka I'iiui id Walaa waa ia Ikabot
iiihmmI tt aur, aa4 wkaa wa aw aot
hiukieg at biui wa g4 a Ik iuii a.
lira la id Ika tielwHi. I ka aubtiaal
Mial la ! play want wauutunHl, yl II
awMiihiiM im a fwora ua a
toila tutf lu ( tka Umm4 1. lha fwal
ol tka aaaao a "
Tka boa id ai ii.'aiad lu iuimm a a
y toM)uieaiita aiiWata of Ika SnUaaka
national ! ant al v.uilr It
a4 bga Ik ! tanuaatMa,
I'sy year aabavy iplim
fruit rurin to Traile.
Valuable young orchard of 41 acres in
prunes, olive and other fruits, in best
tart ol state, wear, ana uue ih mnwi,
tin Irrhmtlon is neoded. Change In fam
ily prevent moving, and hence will ex
change for Nebraska land. Address A,
U, Ciui'MAN, Lincoln, Web,
Newspaper for Mala,
Tho Jefferson County Journal, Fair-
bury, Nebroeku, is for sale at a bargain.
Jefferson county elected all fusion candi
dates except clerk and Judge, The Jour
nal Is the only free silver paper In tn
county. Writ to C, tj. De rrance, iio
street, Lincoln, JNeu., lor parucuiars.
Lmtly I'rlntar.
Hteady position for competent lady
compositor. Address ill), care ihdb-
knmckt, JWiicoin, noD.
Nehraaka Slatolaa tor Sale.
Copie of Nebraska statute for 1803
for sale at 11.00 per copy. Addroe
Jacob North A Co., Llucoln, Nob.
Waeun Vol Mate.
Lu mber wagon, been used IS mouth,
for ale cheap. Addre A-120, Car of
Nebraska Inpkpenpknt, i.incoin, mo.
Tho best place
to trade,
The best Coal
always ou
our Wlilt Aeih will suit you. La-
hlgl) Valley Hard Coal I the best
Phono 335.
Give as your order.
Yard 14th and I HU"
ia tsa onlv
Private Dlseaiei
Wkmtm aa UUmfitr at
tft Vaara Eitierlwtiea.
ID Vasrs ia Umsiis.
lix:k Vrm. Conmilla-
thmlrrae. UuHfi,oi
14tb ana Farasm Buj,
These men sgrea that tha Rhepard Madt
t&J Inetltule Is a greet thing tor sufferer:
from chrcnlc (llncaaca who live In Ih coun
iry. The farmers or tha wast thair wires
uid eon and )NUKhtnr-r aettlna; to
mow that Mr. Bheimrd treat ami ouraa
Catarrh and other tul.h'jrn dlsaasa by
mall. Largest practice In tha wast. Fee
tfra WMit. Mend for Dr. Bhxpard'S book
lino his famous synrptnm lilMnks.' Krna,
OITBTNaw Tork Ufe llhl-.. Omaha, New
Harness and
Saddle Makers.
Stay-On Blanket
tieulritiK a wcitilt;.
ull Stock of
Harness, Lap
Lincoln, Nob.
Wa ay frvigkt lo your railroad
station un tha follow lag ewit
MMiibiuaiioa. Na4 tba amouat
by draft, iin or amaay order,
aa4 will I'Tay lrlgk lu asy
atallua ia Nbraaka. Kvary ar
(vla arraal4.
8tH.H4i.1l (kiubiuAtioa N). C3.
4tl lb twa la graa, augar fl.lHI
a im I loaur Aibui ia !!
lha bttH-y avap'JarHHta
4 lUa " " aa
4 iharbtirt Ita'aiaa satt4
4 ll ikokw t ab I'raaaa .
ttllU Hakis I'adr,..,
I Ih I'ura Vwr
t m (W 1t4 ,iHiM.i.Mm
All Ik a Uii 0Viivr4 ta any IV.
It. elation U Nb. b V