The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 02, 1897, Image 1

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'1 A A- T
y' I I. V..- ! v I
v V.
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated I $ 'J ; y
:'. : : i , ,
Estimated at More Than $25,000,.
000 For the Preeeot
- "
.Receipts From the Bile of the
Union rafiflo Uivoi tit
tle Boiler. '
Mom Niry KlMlltu,
The deceitful plane of the pmmtitad
ministration are beginning to develop,
The real roaeon for pushing "currency re
form" ami homing lot Interest bearing
boudel to (enure uu lif;rMJM In
available eaeb In th treiteury. The
Itoeky Mountain Newe point out that
while Hoeretary (Jagu and the I'm I tort A,
eonlatlou of National Hunker ere boom
ing the proponed large lue of low In
ternet bearing bond, under the Mpecloue
plea of 'Worming the currwnoy," ttere
apiwrare behind the ecene, only partially
concealed from the careful observer, a far
more pricing ron for thl fresh a p
peal to tb money power in thl country
and Kuropn. The Ihngley tariff bill hue
Jailed in the chief role assigned It, that of
a revenue producer, Tim treasury olfl--clttln
aro now ready to confuse that a de
ficit of nevera! mlllloim estimated t a
figure varying from $20,000,000 to
30,000,000 will exist at the end of
thl year and that the outlook for next
year I no bettor. An Issue of bond in
the name of currency reform would,
therefore, be doomed good politic. It
would cover two thing, the failure of
the Dingh-y tariff act from the reyoiiu
atitndpolnt, and the movement of the
republican parly toward the single gold
etandnrd, with an Incidental, but certain
-contraction of the currency. With thl
program the mile equal' of London In
in hearty eyiiipatby, a wltne the ad
vance in that elty of American eecurl
tiee upon the called report of Heerolary
eiJuoVa epoech in New Vork Tuueduy
nlxht. v
for the year ending Juno 30,1897, the
total federal expenditure reached $205,.
774,000. Till woe the reult of au oo
uomloel program, fnduding the defer
merit of work upon a number of public
building In cour of erection on the
promfMff that the Inauguration of anew
tariff would bring plenty of fund. Jlul
trad coriilitldii chniige if tariff do not,
and 1HD7 I not 1to, llemm the keen
diappointment of the republican man.
grovr the failure of thbipet Hpecifln,
which wee to open the mill that Ih
opening of the mine might couiieiit
l,y tpllow.
The (muihIoii lUt for the pat lUcal year
reached 1147,000,000, and a the ap
propriation wa 0,000,000 Imn, thl
item f deficit inijit at once U attended
to. The.luteriiai revenue receipt in the
nature of war taxation, no longer kep
pace with the peiwion exitenditure, it
I the theory that the one nhould equal
ize the other. Any back ward lep on the
subject of peiiNloii would be extremely
unpopular, ruoreMpHcially In reputilicau
tate, while a proponed IncreaHe in the,
war Hfhedule ol tax, tweaty'twoyeure
after the war had clown! , would meet
with violent oppoMition in tlie mmate
Mnd ecure the defeat of dozen of re
publican t'ougrenMiuen at the next fall
The uav.v want more money, and with
very good reaou. The extenlon ol
American trade abroad, in pltolthe
Dlnifley tariff, ha aroimeil the )enloiiy
of Kurnii governmeiit, ami I'iicI
Hum may look (or dilllcultie In nuy one
o( adoien 'iirectioim, toay nothing at
preeent of Hawaii or tuba. It i the tin
iiebd that hapNn. The Hnndwioh
Ulund aud Cuba have beii thoroughly
dlcuMHl, A a evidence of European
eutlment toward the biic republic, read
the lollowing extract from the addre of
Hi Aunirlmi prim miiiiater, ilellvered
I twit Saturday:
"A turuing point ban Imwii reimed in
Kuroeaii ilevelopment wlilelirall for
tli uuremlttiiig attiiitlini ut govern
ment. Thgral problem ot material
llure, which bmmm worm prwliii
very yar, ar no lonuer matter tor th
tutur. but i)ulr to b takeu lu hand
iiiuully, Tli d.-irurl eoiiiM,titUiu
wlOrh lrmi-owiHM'ouiitro arrarry
lug oa lu pari at rwnt, and whh h '
in part to ImvipM-lod la th limiiwlnttw
lulur. rmpilrr prompt and thorough
winulifai dug ttiur It tlm vital ia
tatvau id lit Hpl of l.'urope ar ant
lalarvlr ruiiiprnuiiwd W imni
Dalit bould-'f t nhiiulil" a'ilual a
4HIIUMIOU diinaer, and drill imrvliM lnr
Mi irue'gltt wilk Ih ineaii t uur ib-
I inli r p. ' ciii'iiiiKtaiti't iU-rl
ppiipuit)'a u tb a't iiw mil bn
ituUr. I Hum ii n ur im il i
vif I lit ipulilii'ia fuMr' li mil
pill li I, tor Ihe pM'WIil, lit n "liMf
wii liirviria ili v.1'
rMh rliiir iiat la ihihm u a aul-.
prviitl prwnu, amtnuM't liiiiiwul hi
tavoroi Ih lMHiiiili.ia id Word mi tt,
virrxl publie bi'lili ao nu l.r.i,
and lh H4iiiinai-mi,l ot lhi ula. I,
ia la orUr. ? .m(r Viohim
lit Uitrr in I nwiitiitudlj U iimi.
llillil I t JS.-r. " l,rt tm Unrt
thr publi.' bmldoie aw pmukUi i.m
Uu(l. i protein tor all ol H.utt
ill ult aiOima nl dtilUr. u I m iir
Ml 0t kittttf l lb Uil
gold taadnrdt a lw vt
Um wka the moaty po ai
ready and willing to tuke dvautaKWof
the pnople'n neceHHllie, whether genuine
or otherwlwi. I'',iilnre to eecuro fund
for a ptibllo building In their renMictive
ditricU would eal the fate next fall of
a number of congreMMiiien, The republi
can parly ha uo eoiiKrenHiiieu to epnre.
ilencewe may took fur nil oiiinllni
inciiHiire on thl fund-coiiMumliig topic,
H er It not for the Union Pacific pay
men (., the federal deficit nf. I He end of
thl year would reach 115,000, 000, while
the outlook for next year I by no tneun
cheerful. Willi uo financial legll itlou
thl winter, a bond iije lu the eprlng,
on the Cleveland IxihIh, I among the
probablllllii. Kaucy thl n a factor In
the fall campaign,
Figure! From iba Lett Report of the
Comptroller of the Tieatury,'
itiimpoMiblii to tell with accuracy
the amount of money lout to the Ameri
can people Ivery year a the renult of
bank failure, For national bank the
atactic kept by t he comptroller of the
currency lire eufllcieutly eutliifuclory.
The name official ha tried from time to
time to compile Informal Ion relating to
1iMolveucy or other bauklnginetltutiou.
Comptroller Kckle gave epecbil atten
tion to the eubject lu til report for
having made ue of the fifty-eight na
tional bank examiner a ngeucine for
for collecting material in relation to
failed bunk of all kink and the Chicago
llecord make an analyi of them after
the following fahlou, The figure tint
collected however, nucHarlly were not
lu all cfiNii complete, but they nerve to
throw much light on tbeubject,
CompuriHon indicate that theiiititU'
tiou under national upervliou are
much Nufer place ot deponit than are
the etate and private bunk, a ihowa
by the following table from Comptroller
ICckle report,glving failure fortheyear,
No, in
liewO t, Fttll ore t
Cliww III, IMH). Nu, for ut,
NM.,uii iiii( ,m ui .in
Mll OMdha ninj trttt.i'i.,......4,e4 W MM
HavliUK liai.lid , ,.,., 7H 1IN
I'rlVftlo haulm , , ,,.,..,M 4!l 1,1
Telal..... , I2.;W Ji7 i
J he per eeiitiitfe of failure of national
bank, which for the rnoet part are for
the exolUNl ve una ot the larger depollore
li'fito be ooiiMidiirnbly emaller than
for any oilier cla. The per ceiitageof
failure i bigheMt for eavlng and pri
vate bank, the clawi of limtltiitlon with
which peron of mall mean are likely
to com In contact. The tlguree, there
fore, give direct torce to the etatement
commonly heard that the government
doe more for the rich than it doe lor
the poor. In a measure It throw the
mantle of paternnlleru over the large
depoeit of the wealthy and leave the
poor to Mafegtiard their own ecanty av
In ir a bet they can.
The figure a to percentage of failure
however, do not tell the whole lory.
Hi nee 180.1, il.'IO national bunk, or
about 0 per cent ol all created, have
failed. The average per ceutnge of divi
dend paid to creditor of national bank
whoe affair are entirely clod la about
75 per cent. The report of ef ate bank
failed allien 1803 eo far a information
concerning them could be necured by the
comptroller, how that 102 aucb liuol
vent bank paid dividend to creditor
of lee than 25 per cent; 201 paid 25 per
cent and over, but If than 50 per cent;
Hi paid 50 per cent and over, but Ich
than 75 percent; 128 paid 76 percent
and over, but Ich than 100 percent.and
158 bank paid 100 per cent.
While the average dividend payment
of ItiMolvent national bank, therefore
wa 75 per cent, nearly a many inol
veiit lat bank paid leu than 50 per
cent dividend a paid that amount or
over. The dividend payment of I insol
vent private banking lnlitution are
Minaller yet, but the flu tire cannot lie
alven with iiccuruey. In mauyuch cae
the creditor have received nothing
whatever. Not only, therefore are there
fwwer failure of national bank than of
Other tnttiklllg IliHitUtloim, luittlieper
ceiitaue of Ion lo creditor I iualler in
the cioieof natioiiul bank failure than
In the caee of the nbolvency ol etate or
private tank.
Workingmen ouifht to lm provided
with ennui aaler ilaM of depoMit lor their
email aviiiK than bank of whicli nior
than on in ih hundred, on the avwraire
i likely to fad evwrv year, Mlitllv
v hen tin, clia of tiauk with wliu n
wiirkinameii have deallmt nr likely to
Muoctiiiib. Hy -talillhing pontal av
ltii( bunk th government could pro
vide for nil roiiol mnall iiiuhii an
abolutly a( plac of dpoit, an that
berwafter liank lailurea u-d not I hi u
ouree ot terror in ainall depuaiior Hy
prolcllli th waakeat and
thoaa liMwt
bk In cuffr oa, eoUKrt'a
would be
ptolvtting all.
(,4mI KltoMlaa
Th titlUUI rviuru id thu ilrikit
wIm li.ui or au7 almw that Ih bmion-
hud a plurnhty over Ilia rvput.lw ii
. i i 1 1. . i , . . . .i
m i 1 1 f uif nii i a majoniy ovr a
in 1 1, 'i"i. ma iiiiai vol inlbwiu
a lit Itiwral in aav i lear
t.raa hi.i.iff. In ti!n Mr. Prian'
plutalily ovvr M.Kml.v I I, Ho,
VI r 10 1 an pliifalut uvr nil niter
tnl,.alUI iauii4l. w. OS?!, It
Will tin hrf.m lliaiudt
Vol luitii,ila Oe-rvH thoir pU'
raliit mi tv aiU d lurrawd
lhlr HiJ.., .( I.Htll, h kUnfru
la Ih rv
, mnm i ,f i lit
u, it,- df in lh biiia vol m
I J t net. !! lwi a l iuralilv in
I tl It f rttl, !,. U Hj7l.a
a lra'i mw It Ff vu.
mI.I. .tit tula Ml 1ri
If f nwaoa ettUarrMtoa, lakeiiaatd
our n-aipla for b itaial. Pay u I
Ex-Auditor Eugono Mooro
coive Hla Sontouce From
Judge Cornlob.
And Movoi the Court to Fix the
Penalty at Two Yean Lena
Than Intended,
in Fin riei at
Kx Wlalo Auditor Kiigene Moore, who
wiim convicted of embcK.ling 23.40W.05
of etute money, wa anuteuced by Judge
Cornlub to eerve a term of eight year in
the penitentiary at bard labor and pay
a fine of double the amount of the em
In7,,leiiient. Whrn Mr, Moore flret entered the
courtroom to receive hi eeuteiicuhe
wa ualm and Neolute. He wa ucooiii
panled by a deputy eherlff, Khortly
alter he had taken hi place at tho long
table hi wife eeated herself by hi elde,
Her affcotlonata attention moved Mr,
Moore to tear, and he nobbed audibly,
A mot ion for a new trial had been filed
the day before. Upon the augacMtfon of
A ttorney (imierul Hmy tli the motion for
a new trial wae overruled by the court.
All that remained wa to pan eeiitunce.
Judge Corufeh, addrielug Mr. Mooro'e
attorney, afd:
"The defendant may take hie place be
fore the liar," '
Mr, Moore advanced to the bar of the
court with uiiMteady elope and leaned
forward upon the deek The court then
aked him what he had to eay why en
bmce Nhould not be pained, Mr. Moore,
with n voice trembling with emotion,
epoke at hoiiim length. He eald:
"I dclre the court to beaa lenient with
me iin poNHfblc. Thl affair or contro
verity hue caued my heart to almot
break and my mental ditre ha been
almoMt unbearable, I have never before
been arraigned before any court upon
any charge whatever; thl i my 11 ret
offcne againt any law, aud I have
alwaya etriven to be an houeet citlze
ana an iionei oincer, i nave aone inie
not only became ot my reepect for the
law, but on account of my love for my
wife aud my children. I have relied up
on tho who were auppoaed to be my
friend to aHit me in fraying to the
etate whatever money it I claimed I
owe, I have entertained hope that thl
con tro verity would never brgin, but a It
ha begun and ie now nearing it end, I
deire to ay that 1 never took a cnt of
anyone' money with any other inten
tion than that of retornimr it whenever
dcMired. Hi uce thl trial begun, and my
accuser have riaen atfainnt trie on all
eidea, I have endeavored to meet every
point they have made aaliiNt me,
"If 1 live long eiioiiirh, aud am able to
do no, I hIiuII repay to the atate every
cent which It I alleged 1 owe. I aliall
do thl regard!" of any etep which the
antireme court may take in the matter.
I do not wIhIi to eacape the prlon to
have my name blackeued, aud 1 ehull, if
poHHible, pay back every farthing that
the etate ay i coming to it. 1 have
already paid to the atate f 4,000, and
thl hae been every cent 1 have been uble
to raiae. I have ancriflced everything to
ward off the calamity that now eem to
be upon me, but the Nucriflce ha not
been ufllclt'ut, lean now ouly aek the
court to be ae lenient with me a po-
Mr. Moore waa far from compoaed
during hi plea for mercy, but at the
clone of It he broke down completely and
wept like a child. It appeared to thoe
lauding near that he munt taint, and
Couuty Attorney M tinner made haata to
glva lilin hla chair, into which he ank
wit It t towed head, th tear atreamlng
from In eye and trickling throuah hi
flugera. Ilia grief of a man I iilwuy
heurt remling and there were few eye in
th crowded court room that war not
miiity when th iMendaut collaed and
broke Into viol ml obbiug. Mr. Moor
bad retained liar aeat oar Judrf parnea,
but a lieu ah aaw th iioiiruaut ufierma
ot her himlitiiid ha haateutid to hia aide
aud knelt dowa with bar arm about hi
a k, whiierliig wordaof vain boa Into
hi enr. Not a leaf alltnd III her eve,
but th liaik of anguuh uihiu her fam
would unUn lo iiiov a heart ol (jranit".
Itaa iwrlevt I'li tum ot wifelv devo
tion and the alrou innu prvmnt turne
from i roiiiMiiiplatloa wild vtaibtint
lion. Th oltlewr ot Iha roue I er at
lHd, loo, mid for a brlel liioini'Ut It
look I'd aa Ihollgtl Ih whwlot )uIMw
would b ebmaetl by araipatky, A rhnir
wa Hurd lor Ih ln.r aoinaa aud ah
hall Ml. haO kawkxl by Ih aide id kt
bvabaad. liiefw waa opprraaltr aileaiw
athiHiiirt tagaa lo apaak,
tin nil ma its, i,.
Ii. liiitf piiiig watunca Ju jh I'uruMb
wdfHMd Mr. M.Mira for aviwral hoaulta,
llaaall la part ' I Ml lou Mr. Uiaoa
I to M alaav a bar4 lak lor the Km it
In i.tli.ri.t au I ilka lainf iuii,.ni
to nil aoina rMioa (or lb viitt,- I
liiiiMMw.l H,H. Ihoaa ,.aud M'IJ'
I a lb i aaa ol AliiiiMl a man wW"
na xiuieiilin a rin u l Ikatalaab
a.l mt h lo pifrallo our at apatk t.
aite Ifcal w k ai'fliua la Drl Ja -
vr t,t a pla ara luu. ti ig.vawd al
Ih lialor, balaatiiw inn,
aui f diwb f tttthf iui rva
ll Ibarourt ha lo In m..iiii,iI r
la Pot a atawd aud aei iiarra
llaaiaa aalurw Mr. Mmo. m k aad
ikup bum U paik til rw mad at
eny aud thU I all the more reaeon
why one nhould fortify til moral charac
ter for all ill tuck agaltiat hi poet of
"Your (iffeuHc, it appear to me, Ih of u
particularly aggravated character, 1
underNtaud that 2,500 of the amount
taken wiim received by you after the etate
had ordered that you do not draw
acaliiNt the fund in a certain bank."
"HI a groat compliment to a man
to be elected to nn oftto; It ahow
that t he people have confidence In him,
aud he ahould kiwIoiihIv guard that
truMl, Corruption I getting o wide
apread lu ofllclul poHlllon, both in the
city and in the atate, that many people
aro bcKliinlng to dcupalr of tho perpet
uity of, the government; they ur com
mencing to believe that the nation I not
founded on the right principle. f offi
cial corruption continue much longer,
caaeNoftho liarrett Beott type will be
come common; people won't ataud it to
be robbed and in their. deaneration they
will remove the law from the eourte and
hang the offender. 1 heard a mail eay
tho other day that if the uteallng by ofll
clul did not dlMcontlnue he would be
compelled to noil hi good and remove
to a miction where the publin ofllccre will
not rob the people,
"In tlil cane you enter, practically, a
plea of guilty and 1 have thought that 1
would give you a very heavy Bcntciice,
but no court dealree to be thought un
merciful. Home have advied mo to give
you fifteen year, while eome of four
friend have thought fl voyeur to be
eulllclont, My own judgment, regardlen
of the counel given me by other, I
that you nhould receive ten year,"
When the court pronounced the mm
teuce of ten year, Moore uave a convul
eiveeob. Hi wife, with face unvalued
by a eingle tear but with au expreaalon
of anguih that could ouly accompany a
broken heart, half dropped to her knee,
tightened her arm about her hubaud'e
neck and cried:
''Oh, pleaae, judge, have mercy on him:
have mercy on hi in I ' aud then her head
droped between her arm upon the
ehouldcr of tho man with whom ehe had
lived no many year. There were many
wet eye at thm Mecond domountrutlon
of etaunch friundeliip and love, aud even
the court had to look away to avoid be
ing carried away by (cling. There wa
eiience for fully a minute and then the
court Raid:
"On account of your devoted wile and
your loving children, 1 will reduce th
aentence by two year. Therefore the
eentenca of the court i that you ehall be
confined in the penitentiary for the term
of elidit yearat hard labor, pay the
com! of proHecntiou and be fined in the
eumol 140.810.10."
Oi'ttlJ f,"r Mr. Moore wae led from
1218 court room. He will be compelled to
remain in the cutody of the aheriff until
an appeal can be taken to the eupremo
Mtcretaiy Porter Repliee to Cbarg that
He Illef ally Opnd lUctioa Returne.
We are in receipt of the following com
munioation from Sscretary of H tale Hon
W. V, I'orter. It In o plain that no
comment ie neceary.
Office of Hoeretary of Htate, Lincoln,
Neb., December 1,1801
Editor of the I.niiei'ksdkmt:
Ko much baa been auid by the reputili
can papere of the etate in regard to the
election returne having been unlawfully
opened by myolf, and having been
tamxred with In thl office, thereby en
dangering the legulity of inauing certifi
cate of election to Judge John J. Hulli-
vun, and regent elect, that I deem it
proper to make a tatcmcnt of the facta
aMthoyexhit in order that the peopl
may lie able to understand aud Judge
for themaelve a to whether I have been
guilty of willful aud inalicloue violatlou
of the law, ae Ie charged by the Htate
Journal, and other.
To hegla with I wlah to eay that the
atatiiiiient that the returne hav '.been
tatnN-Md with in tlii oftloe, and th ofll
cial election return have Wn om'uih1 by
iny"lf, examined and returned to the
rod nly clerke tob changed orirrcUl,
ia btlae, except a I ahall hereinafter ex
lU.fiir alaetiou tlii olfU aaut to Ilia
rouuty clerk of th alate two abiraet
aud two iiveliiHa with th olfluial ad
dreaa of thl otllca, oa being audorand
on the end "wlertioa return lor Iha
oibe id judga of auprem riurl regent
of iha auivrrily for eouiitr." and
Ih other lo contain a duplicate for uur
.oNvaaUue la labulaltag ralurua, Ih
oiiHwiih lit i-n lorwinut lo Im flint
av to Iw iiiwio-d by Iha rautaaiea
board, tjula uuuitwr ol iha rouati
ili l ao aaad ratura ia dep'w-W, la wh'i h
una aavliipa wae m'd ae tala
aleiva, and Ilia mi iiiark "Vl Iioii r
lurna, ale," waatlU-d l t oiwhih)
I t ! r-uiNaiia lrd al their itin l
turf, Muf ol lit rbrta Uowir aeal
lwr rvieiaa la lhir a vaat ua
iiitik.l, and Ihera waa nn poMtl.U war
nlkaoaiual what Iha atoa coal iad
an t th aia upaa a ordaaiy mail
aa a ouly tfe-w diwoivml Ikal
thr CNiiMt4iu allrrla ivWiiou.
1 ! r pal in auotkar t-li au
M-alvd ep wed lae aawv wliMhar
maiadur ol tl raiata, pit aa ha Um
d.oi lw rorawr vir and aallkaaab
mti lMa Iha iuii.iuiullHill.,
ut'ttot Iovvmv fair mow h vilia lo
i-la'a lor wlivihor it.ava m aav
ikiag la ikM Ikal tumid fctlaw t ,n.
l, i aaj Ikian iitt. i. i.Ur trrgular to
aartaul lb tearg id lit. ally aut-r-led
ailk ! Im in. ralataa,
la rgwr4 lo thavkara d a 14 re
turned election return to aome twenty
couiitkm, which wun made by Mr, Mixer,
eecretary of the republican etate iwntral
coinuiittee, the fact In elniply thl: only
three were rvturued aud for the purpone
of correcting oiiiIknIoiim where the clerk
had failed either to alga hi name or
place tho aeul of the county on the ab
stract, No attempt wae made nor any
reipjeat to the county clerke to In any
way change the returne from tli one three
I'ountleri. They were nl m ply technical
error which were likely to occur and no
harm could poeeluly come by having
them corrected.
If the houeat voter of the elate will
but reflect lor a moment aud coneider
tlm f ni t that the almtruct Merit to thl
ofllce Ie but a copy of the original on
file In the olllcu of tho county clerk
throughout the atate and can be In
npectod by any one and com pared with
l noun copiii In thle office, they will read
ily Nee thealmurdlty of the charge, aud
that any tampering with tho abritract
would have been au net of Idiocy, ae
It could no eiutlly have lawn detected.
Had 1 boon a dihouet a theae fakir
have reprenented mo to be 1 believe that
1 would have had more horao neimo than
to undertake to do aomolhlng that could
mo eiMlly have been detected and which
could not have In any way effected the
reault of the laet elnctlon, had 1 deNlred
mo to do. Kvmi if Mr. Hulllvan'e major
ity had been no email tlmt it wa likely
to be contested, and there might have
been an object III winding to change the
return, everyone with ordinary intelli
gence kuowe that could not have beeu
done In thle ofllce without it being knowu
by a uomiinriNon with the original ab
atract held by the county clerke.
There are alo a number of other
charge which have been brought in
connection with thle by tho York Time
aud ( one other republican pitiere of the
tat, charging that I illegally opened
the printing bid for the pi in ting of the
bonne and eeniite journal and mommIoii
law, ad ver timid for biNt u miner, Thle
tatement ie entirely talee aud the facte
are elmply tlieno; The printing board
met nud received bide a adverlled for.
Upon opening and examining theae bide
the board exerclaed the right that I al
wuye reacrved by every board In Much
caru'M, and rejected all of them aud called
lor new bide to be eubmlttad at a later
date, and by mo doing Miived the tax pay
ere of tho atate Heveral hundred dollar
and of course deprived theae gen tlemna
who were bidding of that much of a
rake off, which of courwi they not being
accuNtomed to, made them fuel eome
what aggrieved.
Individually I care nothing for the
criliciam of the Htate Journal and other
republican paper of that Ilk, who. hav
ing fattened off the taxpayer under the
republican administration of the past,
Hud ft impossible to believe that there ie
honesty In the state house aud that
everything Ie only done for effect, when
it come to a question of economy, and
I ouly make thle ktatement became) I
have been charged with wilfully aud ma
liciously tampering with election returne
and violating the law of the etate. Ho
loug ae 1 am being assailed ia my offi
cial capacity by theae paper 1 feel satla
tled that I am performing my duty, aud
hould the time ever come when they
iettk of my administration of the affair
of thle ollice with commendation 1 ahall
very carefully examine the conduct of
the office, to ee wherein the luterest of
tho people of the etate have failed to be
protected, as we all know that the Htate
Journal ha nlway defended every Mtual
that ha ever been perpetrated within
the wall of the capltol building, and in
only now howling becaiiae it hae been
pushed away from the public trough and
compelled to come In and do work at
legitimate price instead of getting the
exorbitant prloe they have enjoyed
at the hand of post administration for
printing and other work done for the
It la apparent to every fair-minded
citixod in view of the fact that theae
Mnuie organ have tried to Implicate
(loveruor llolcomb lu the atealing of
Hartley and other, and have been howl
lug about Mewrve'i straw bond, etc.,
that they are simply trying to distract
the attention ol Iha peopht from their
own iufamoue record, but they will not
mucohhJ, for, ae the Imuiortuf Lincoln
out remarked, they may la able "to
foo! all of Iha (Miopia aouia of the time,
and eome of the people alt of th time,
but they rami it tool all ol tba people all
of th time." Very Iteapeetfully,
, r , roiiira.
liditor lleiuert, of tha Valentin Nw,
iprae a lolloas
"We received n tal warrant lal
we,. k tor f.M, and about tha aama lim
(uur oftra from rapilaliaia who ware
auiioii lo purvhawr aama al on hall id
oa per cut premium, nlao paying coat
ol aiehanae lo draw on I hum through.
Ilia lot'n.1 bank, Our rvadrf will raiaem-
brr that ul prior In Ilia iiiaiiguratiou
ot a ipiili ailiiiiiiistration warrant
old lor bo and Wi mii i, a h dollar,
Ibua aaiailatllig ipjil" a loaa to Ihoaa
hatiim t'laim aurmsl Ih atate. nil
should you t a rapulilaaa, anyhow
To will Bad the dale at wkWk your
alarrptbia pird iwatkl oa Ihi
waVi laaa id your r. Take aotua
id It aad it you ara la arrvare y wa ahoald
niaV a ajmi,al al own.
lbs I aaiH4 Ikwatr buil.lni atiid
un bf aa ord ot nmrl lo avttla Hi
i,iMaraip artnira i J. I I aasm ami
lisarr I iiir hinl ikihi Iha par-
fkiwf waa n iloaiw I lif, .iiir (
tUarr, aa.l U pia I waaflA.lMHi,
Iha tii?r iMiiHiHi iHorlrfaau aiauaal-
log ti til I Mr Oiai. I hi bm'd
ma w rw la la I" M al a eul ol
tl laiuirvatlt hHifl Ikal Mr, II M
Pu-ha-lt will I hi at xlui-t iuMiiaalr
al l,iMvlit t- inxid J. H lli!f
I biu-l auiaa at..r ilu.l-ia aa
wnraoel a rrlimaal eiiiilia vkara
In- IK a-t i4 id lila lliai.f tM.Maa
with ubttkiHg bUaloaa aiattr.
? cioi in
Logialativo InveMtigatlng Commit
toe Find Ex Superintendent
Mallallou Short.
The Oath Book ia Mleelng and Mr.
' Mallallou Den lot the
Uncord of th Institution I'oorlv Kept,
The legislative Investigating commit
tee ha completed He work at the Indue
trial echool for boy at Kearuoy. A re
port hae been made out by W, N. Hllver,
clerk of the committee, The shortage
shown by the record of the Institution
I f 5,725,H,'I. lu addition to thie the
committee find f 9,707.83 ol unauthor
ized expenditures. The caah ebortaga Ie
In the fund derived from the ealeof eugar
beet and other farm product grown oa
the etato'e farm by the labor of the
pupils aud eold by Mr. Mallallcn.
The unauthorised expenditure com
prise disbursement from nsalpt of farm
product, principally the eale of eagar
biwte. The committee hold that uper
intondeute of etate Institution inuet
turn over to the atate treasurer all
money derived from the eale of farm
product. Mr, Mallallou x ponded f !,
707 for the benefit of the Institution, bat
the committee pronounce ble action un
authorized. Kecoipt from the aale of eugar beet
were arrived at from aa Inspection of '
the book at the Urnud Island eugar
beet factory. Twenty care of beet were
shipped to the factory by Mr. Mallallou
In 18" I, Thedebita which appear againet
the total receipt for thle eiiipmeut leave
a balance of 240.8O.
forty-three care wore eh loped in 1802
and 1207.20 In unaccounted lor.
Keveii care were eold in 1803, The
cash received wae $442.88 and ae noth
ing ia reported, the entire amount wae
marked "unaccouuUid." In 1894 f081,
20 waa the balance not reported aa a
i) trt of t'ifl prhsa of twelve care jol eagar
beet. ' Twenty-eight care were eold la
1805 and 01,912.2,1 ie the balance not
reported, while In 1890 the amount wae
$1,921.58, being derived from the eale of
thirty-three care of eugar beete.
Mr. Mallalieu received ami accounted .
on hia booka for $10,2100.05. Thie earn
also wae derived from the eale of eugar
beete and other farm product, including
bog and other live atock. The booka
show that be expended $9,707.83 for the .
benefit ol th institution, leaving e bol-'
ance of $528.21 unaccounted for.
Mr. Hilver eaye in hie report: "I would '
comment by saying that while the etate
ha provided amply for the maintenance
and support of the verioue etate institu
tion, thl ouo bo been one of the fav
ored few that hae been provided with
sufficient amount of officere and clerical
assistance ao that no uncertain systom
of accounting can bo said to have been
caused by n lack of clerical help or the
failure of proier provisions on the part
of t lie legislature to furnish good and
sufficient appropriation to pay good
and sufficient bookkeepers, stenograph
er and assistant to the uporin tu dent."
Mr. Mallalieu ha Nerved a chairman
of tho republican Htate oeutrol commit
tee, ha been It eecretary for aeveral
campaigua, and ha held many position
of trust in the republican rank lu tbla
atate. Ilia hortiufe la a surprise to hie
friend a he had been considered one of
th most trustworthy member of the
0aavll4 mt Iba MarHar af Oaldaaaapy
Jary Oal Taraa llaara.
New Toaa, la , Martla Tborm
wu yUrdy aoavleUd of murder ba
the flrtt dgra In killing VYUUaca
Ooldeoaappa, hi pradaeaaaor la tba
affaetioae of Mr. Angutl Kaek, al
Woodslde, I. !.,o June U At t&
reqaeet of Thorn' eouneal, laa paa
af a of the death hiUdm waa 4
frr4 aatll aail l'rldy atoralog.
Thont btrd tba Jaryiuaa poU4 eai
Ihetr vardleV but hi fee aavat
eluiaged aoUr darlag tba Irving or
deal With Hp firmly coutpreeeai
ad Jew herd eat, ha fae4 Ike judf a,
jrv aad eourlraon fall t apaalahtra
wilt wall falg a4 etoU'ttm.
Tba jury wa oat thraa haar
Tbora't lewyr iuov4 fa aew
trial oa the groaad thai tha vwrdlel
w aot la aurdn with Iha wlgk
of the vldwa, ha U taoUoai we
Jail what will loa af lira, Kaeh
b aet Waa ! kat by tha
Va aviuaiy atbttMMt V It U
f.nafally tkaubl Ihallka Ule wiU
rt a fl trow Iter wktaa wiU a4
mH 19 vafilal alfcwia
Wkea Mertla Tha k.4 U M
tah 14 ht eU atlee tba awavttta
be ad.UU4 that tk vaniui wael wH
4 that a, 4 al lira. Ma,
klli4 Uti4aaal
Mf a a iaattava Maiktatt
Otiaaia.OkU. Iw a. William JL
tlryaa wAi leelara here UeetaaUf d)
KaamtMif 4 aa4r Ih aaeU al U
fre iilvar ),