The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 11, 1897, Image 8

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November it, 1897
Nw Regulations for Appoinimtat in th
Nebraska National Guard.
Adjutant (Jenem! Harry I uparinK no
eRort to improve theoondition ami effeo
tlveneeaol the Nidirmika National Guard.
Under th new military cods pneeed at
hi request by the lnt leKlelaturo lie hint
elblllied a military board lor the ei
aminntion oleimdidnte for appointment
a officer. He ha leaned the following
peolnl order announcing the detail for
tha board:
Lincoln, Neb., Nor, 8, 1897.
Bpecial Older No. 44.
I, to ftwiordunoe with the require
ment of the military node, a board of
eiamlnatiou will convene In the adjutant
general' olllw, Llimolu, Nebraska, nt 7
I), m., on Halurday, December II, 1M97,
or the purpoee of eiaminlntf eiwh pir
on n may be ordered belore It, a to
their fllnee for the poeitlon ol aommi
lourd officer in the National (luard.
Detail lor the board:
Colonel It. (5mintt(Jiffmi,urKoon gen
eral. Major William M, Decker, l'irt regl
inent. .
Captain A. B, Campbell, Kecond regi
ment. Captain Martin Herpolehelmer, Hrt
i''iret Lieut. Frank D. Kager, Fir
rciflineiit. I
II, The following named officer will
proceed to Lincoln and report for exam
ination to the treldent ol tha board of
lamination convened by tha preceding
paragraph, to-wit:
Captain John W. McDonnell, Kecond
1'irat Lieut. William E. Kinney, Troop
Hecond Lieut. Kl win E. Culver, Troop
Heoond Lieut. William V. HeliulU, Heo
ond regiment.
Hecoud Lieut, Otliman A. Abbott, Kuo
ond regimeut.
11 oommund ol the Commander in
1MI. lUiiitv,
Adjutant General.
Bod of tba Foracloaur of tha Lincoln
fetmat Railroad,
The Lincoln atreet railroad will be ol
under foreclosure ol mortgage by Unmet
C. A me, hw)nI moeter in chancery, at
the power houa in thi city at 8 o'clock
p. ra., December 10.
Tb ale I mad by virtue of an order
from the United Hlate circuit court. The
complainant I tha New York Heourify
and TruMt comimny. The New York
Guaranty and Indemnity company np-
iiear a cro complainant. Auumk
'ettie of thl city appear for the com
It!pecifled In the notice that thl
ale ahali be made aubjwet to the claim
ol tha city of Lincoln for laie and pay.
lug aeeNNmeiite, which are lo be deter,
mined In euit now in progremt. .The anle
may be adjourned from time to time at
therequeetol the ol id tor of the New
York Hecurlty company,
Drop to at Camaron'a Lunch Coun
ter, 118 South Eleventh Stroot, and
get a flnt'ClaM lunch,
fley Market.
Top price for beet grade today wore
a follow;
Uplund liny midland liny f.low
land hay $5, rye l,raw Demand i
(air and the eupply fitir. Quoted price
ftuhject to market changee.
Color make the price on hay. Litfht
bale erll the beet. Only top grade
bring top price. Give u uum
bor ol bale and eight of hay In each
car aud prompt notice of eliipment
We are paving to-day track here fur
No. 'i cum, i!0c; No. 8 white oat IHe.
We are al way on the market to buy
or eell. Nkiihahka Hay Co.,
Nov. 0. Oiiniliii. Neb.
A t'lmiiKii f Location,
Tho Nebraska Mercantile Mutual aud
the Farmer Mutual Insurance compnti
le are crowded out of three room on
the second floor of the Itichard block by
the building ol the A. M. Dims four
story blink adjoining and their business
having so developed, they have takeu in
addition to the lour remaining rooms,
also tlieitround floor directly underneath
their old tilth', being lad North Kiev
enth street. The city department ol the
Mercantile, the oltlre of the eecrvlnry
and president of the Farmer Mutual,
will bo od (he ground floor.
Judge Colli 11 tut moved back neroM
the hall to his old room, which he ha
tHWupenl ever nice living in Lincoln ei.
W'l'l during the pent aumiiier.
IU1II1 the Mereantile aud the Farm
rompMiiU' have been wiiiKierltillv mv
rt-Mlul in t li ir h'H-'iivM iHit' id lii
suraiice. They are in na manner en
tHted III 4 iiilirM wttv.exivpt thai Ik"
iKcntitrr is heime in hotbetimiitiil
HUil til M 011. till ih , rHllwi lite IKH'U.
K) the sniit tiltl.-v end virv lrendly
hwlm iit U-i n'M the tuocouipmiim,
'I he -ipii ol Ndrt r mpidir !
pretiniiiig and Inking Ndvtktit&a: id the
oppoi tuulty id gulling nurau l t ist,
lie. H J keel deputy rommi.
iir twa ia O ., 4 a tpiMitm ittft.
WttHu ttv (he ruittrilif Mud
,tHii tha I ru .uMi,p illptt
HlloM I41 ,tl) i.ik ia
t u-'ttl a Uiry avttu in at
Mm. t. iiKU.rHM ol Votk rHuiv
n.-Hiiwr ,J ti t ,t .Uii ttititf Motif
muumittM i I. .! M )Att '. II
wtiiii eetsit-iAne hi.r the yri
vl.tlf the vuliU h lunMuik
HMt VV , J, ta etiUHttHM ItiMt
tiarl Ih en iin (, he r.m.j 4
tttt.ifiiti! ia tjHla,
HoktUe !) te MWi ( Ike
o.ntn, K , I rwte
giMHt tseir mim eita
a4 iuoHf, 1h eue woaaol
Ua ! tu wee ,i uk, mU,
ably twe )e ttHt rHl Uivarry,
tiiliUN rWaair K u W .). it,
taairmaa el Ids HKraiiia tMounarf
eoMtMN. m rtire4 l Mfcteg -ta,
IU kal aa twJ4 ttf
with President McKiuley but di:litiea to
give out any thing for publication.
Ituglar entered the etore ol Humph
rey liroa., comer of 0th and 0 etreet in
Lincoln and lurried away about 1250
worth of kulv and rtwor. No trace of
the thievee.
The United Htate eupreme court he
denied a wr.t of habeue enrpu to Wil
liam Henry Theodore Durrant, who ie
under nentoiice of death at Han Fran
cieco for the murder of lllauche Lamont
if. April, 18D5.
What doe it coet to get there? When
and howehouldon go? What ehould
one take? Where are the mlnee? How
much have they produced? 1 work
plentiful? What wage are paid? I
living expeneive7 What are one'
chence of "making a trlk7"
Complete and eatiefactory replie to
the above queetlon will be found In the
Uurllngton Jtoute'e "Klondike Folder,"
now ready for dletribution. Hixtewi
page of practical Information and an
up-to-date 111 up of Alnka and the Klon
dike; Free at Durllngton Koute ticket
office, or aent on receipt of four cent in
etamy by J. Francl, Oen'l I'aeeenuer
agent, Itiirllngion Koute, Omaha, Neb.
A Hiire cur for Klondyke gold fever
ha been diuovered by an American
who recently returned from Alaeka.
''l'ickoutamornimr next winter," lie
any, "when tho mercury i below ero,
houlder a pick and go into the wood
before brenkfuel; lig a noie iixteen leei
dieip, com back to the hokee at night
ami eat a email piece of Mtewed buffalo
robe and eleepin the woodehed. Toron
to Mail.
Oov rnor Holcomb May Chang in
Fiagbt Rate ara Urjut.
Governor Holcomb tin written the
following letter to the m'cretarie of the
Hoard of Transportation:
To the Honorable, the Hecretarle of
th Hoard of Transportation, Lincoln,
Neb. Gentlemen: I urn in receipt of a
resolution pawed by the wetern Ne
braska stock grower' nemiclation in re
lation to th change madu by th rail
road comimnle in the charge for ship
men 1 01 jive stock, It appear that
heretofore a rate bo been made by fie
carload, but since August 18, 1N7, the
rate i made by weight alone, I under
stand that a copy ol thl resolution has
been forwarded to you and it respect
fully request that you give It your im
mediate attention and careful consider
ation, About a year ago a similar change in
rati wa mad by the railroad on live
stock shipments, but after the matter
had been considerably agitated tha rail
road companies decided to return to the
old schedule under which they accented
shipments until August 10, last. Thi
change in rate, 1 am Informed, increase
th'Tate per car loud from the western
part of the state to the union stock
yard at Hon lb Omaha, from 10 to f 15
per car load. This In an injustice to the
farmer and stock raiser ot western Ne
braskaand I hoKi that you will take
the proper step looking to the inline
diate re-tstablishirMiit of the old rate.
Your very truly,
Hilar A. IIouomh.
t7lt4 Itete Dlitrial Attarner Jon
hoi I1 at Carton, Mae.
Oabson, Nov. Nov. 1J. The entire
atate waa atartled and ahockt d at th
murdar lata yesterday afternoon of
Charlea A. Jonea, United (State dis
trict attorney, by Julian Ouinau, tha
10-year-old son of a well known local
At first It wa aurpoted that Jone
bad committed Hiilcldu, but no weapon
being found on hi person or near the
con of the shooting, It became evi
dent that h'l dath had been canned
by another and an hour later young
(hi in an surrendered himself at the
sheriff's olllco and con footed to tho
The statement of the youth, who 1
dow In ja'l, la to the effect that Im
mediately prlor to tho shooting ho
had observed hi sister talking to
Jones, with whom hi father hud
forbidden association, when he saw
Dr. Guinea approaching, llelleving
trouble to be inevitable when the two
men should meet, th boy procured a
Winchester rifle and stationed himself
at a window for tbe purpose, a he
aays, of protecting hla father.
) Upon encountering Jonea, Dr. Gul
Bn said to hltui "Thl I th last time
1 1 shall ever warn you against keeping
ooinpanv with eny daughter."
I Jonea jeered at the doctor In com
ment upon this warning, and slipped
hia band Into hie right hand povlieW
Julian state that having henrd hla
father threaten to kill Jones, and hav
ing been Informed that th dlatrU-t at
torney always carried a revolver,
hii'h be believed from Jones' motion
e about to b4 draw, th Imy tired
ol Jone la antlelpatloa of an attack
upon bia father.
I Mis Guinea, seeing Jons fall,
threw herself epoit Mm aud einbiaeed
th dead Unly
I Whn th eorttner totik ehartfe of
th reiln Jon' baud wa still la
IkU n.w.l..t kal t. .t m... I
Rich, Red
tl '-l. X' l I - '.I l t t. !'l. It In tl..
t t H , ""!, t. 1, -
i4 1 .. in-u tl' Ktt n
u u-m t nr. tvi
k( (Ml l,ak kk K. '(! Uk
ll'-t sumimi uv elio k Kti iv
at n tit i m, twa) aitfi r4 at
luil a I t'w U nm 4 .ne bt tU tn-d
tiM(K tin tikMiruiat Al)tt4uU It,
11 . mil ii v4'H
An Addrea lamed Declaring- Interna
tional lllmwtalllam Ocad
New Yghk, Nov. 11, The aeml
ennual meeting of tha executive com
mittee of the National Sound Money
League wa begun here yesterday.
There wore present President George
E. Lelghton, Ht, Louis; General Neo
retary IS. V. Hmalley, Henry VUlard,
Guatav II. Schwab, J. Kennedy Tod,
IL 1. Hobison, Kdwin Durr'.tt Smith,
J. K. Cowen, M. IS. Ingall. J. W. Nor
wood, W, C. Cornwall and Treasurer
A, U. Hepburn.
General Secretary Srn alley, In hi
report of the work of the league, said
that there wa lodged to it credit la
a bank In Chicago, a balance of 11,000
over and above all expenditure.
J. Sterling Morton, vice president of
the league for Nebraska, wrote: "Mr,
llryan and hi dUolple are actively
engaged In propagation of money fal
latiles. They have united In one eon
glomerate all the fanatic, bigot and
Idiot in thl atate for the purpose of
upholding the free coinage of silver
at a ratio of 16 to 1. It I very painful
to observe that thl aggregation may
quite possibly male a majority of 20,
000 at the coming election for candi
date who represent all that I In
imical and disastrous to agriculture,
and, In fact, to sound government
Jam Dlalrof St, Lout wrote: "On
the whole, I cannot lay that I feel en
couraged over tho situation In Mis
souri, I fully recognize that th
strength of the silver Democracy In
thl atate is wholly due to the lack of
education on that subject, and I aee
no ineana at hand whereby they can
be aufllclently Informed before the
next election to materially reduce
their number."
Lou l li, Ehrlchof Colorado Spring,
reported that nothing but better
time can bring about a change in the
free silver sentiment in Colorado,
M. E, Ingall of Cincinnati said:
"Th result of the recent campaign
show conclusively that the South
will again drift back to the Democracy
and free silver,"
Continuing, he said that "the
great danger now la in a tendency to
drift Into a new banking bulneslaw,
which to th country will be fraught
with danger."
Th following address wa Issued by
tbe executive committee:
"International bimetallism a a world
possibility I dead.
"Let ua recognltt this. Th International
bimetallic com mission appointed under the
Ht Louis pledge ot the Republican parly
have mad strenuous efforts on behalf of
thl policy. Those efforts have proved fu
tile. The commercial iiecensitli-a of the
world have demonstrated that a dual atand
ard Is commercially unacceptable, and. In
the present staKsofclvllisallon. iinpoesltile.
"The hour has come, It seems to us, when
a national recognition of this fact is neces
sary. "The situation demands a definite, cltar,
unequivocal declaration that international
bimetallism 1 a dream of the past. Tbe
United States must proclaim their accept
ance of tbe 'world fact' and plant them
selves finally on tbe slnKle gold standard.
"1'h proclamation of this monetary posi
tion will quicken our commerce, Inrreaae
foreign Investments and make permanent
and prosperous conditions which have be
gun to manifest tnemsvlve in our country.
"W Invite the frlemle of aound money
an I all who would contribute to the wef.
being ana safety of our c ommercial lite to
loin In bringing about the unmistakable
de laratlon that now and henceforth the
monetary yatemof the United Stales shall
1 real iu the alugle koIJ standard."
I The next meeting of the league will
be held in Washington during Janu
i ary, 180.
Uov. Tamivr Miami by tha White Mlnera
Agalnat lniiorlad Mongollitna.
Si'iiiMiKiKU), 111., Nov. II. A dele
gation of miners' ollicinls. headed by
rreaident ('nrtwright of the Spring
Held eub-dUlnct, waited on Governor
Tanner yesterday in regard to the ru
mured Importation of a large body of
Chinese miner Into tho liraldwood
Hold. The governor expresaud his
sympathy with the white miners, and
suid tliat, while be could not restrict
tho importation of the t hinese miners,
he wot Id not permit them toenterthe
slate bearing arms, nor would lie per
mit the preiionce at the mines of the
ri'Hirleil Inre bodloa of urmed ex
CliU'iikfo polleemen uctlug us guard to
the CliliiOMt.
Itpruar to rita
Mahion, In. I., Nov 1 1 Tho Marlon
lodge of lUk some limn ago admitted
Uoberl 1 lliiiniiiion as a member.
The action bolujj In eUcgod violation
of the rules of tliooiilt r, the Marlon
ItHlge wa lately i-ouiitoitided by the
graud esalted ruler lots't ritaim
ttioiia. Tbe lodtfe yenterdav deeuled
to stand by It liittl.itiou and rvfuae to
act until the matter i dually di'Oided
by the anpreme ruler of Hie order, 11.
It IVliiKiro iif llarrulurg li.
kf tl lrd la Martf II.
IUh 1st 4M, IU., Nov li. Mr
Anna .Nd lK riuott intitutd piiHl
lug In the i) n'uil iviurt hre to day
U-r ?,ioi ilauiasi aamt sialtbU
S,'bnn, a prominent and wllhy
vtiiiir tetor, aiieln breach of
111 fa Hih4 i4ff.
Mkscin, In I. N.. II -Jain
l.vni'ti, li th i! Wt u aa In
iitd.aita and rtia th il.t tuU'
Itanlot the I en I M..t, ,h-1 ,t.Uy
at th e-otetv -- r hu. II age I
generally lU. i t aUi I W
ti4 Mif ai4
New 'aa. N.. ll - th ol
Varaa Ann Aul, k i liiu4 la fee
lb widow if Jy iiomI.I, a rae
Uvally hekwld oui S"i,, !!. f y the
lllrteat of r -)l 1 he WoeU
air, aer, t.iii.( ht tl be
tri4 ea4 k I fur aa early aari
a nt ai
WaMiasioi, N 'v It .- It U l
llvi k Mterat m! tbe a,a)aatUr
boa hi have V eautil tltrevtly m
laJtreetly hi Ih fraMdetl ti
wa'taata, the bnl In whieh Si
W iw 1 ltivW4 av)te4 I
ttty t Utm a wtitrl seeittlly.
A HUaoorl and Mlehlgan Inaaraoe
Order Kzeluded From Kauas.
Topwka, ov. 1 1 Superintendent
McNeil ha refused t admit to Eansaa
Insurance business the National Coun
cil Economio Savings and Progressive
ociety, of Missouri, of which D. 0,
Whitehead of Kansas City 1 president
The order of Washington and Linooln
of Detroit, Mich., ha alio been re
fused admission to the state.
C. A. Lewis, an attorney from Phll-
upsburg, called upon the uprlntea
dent of Insurance to-day and wanted
information concerning the collection
of a 92,000 beneflolary certificate Is
sued by the Occidental Mutual lieueflt
association, F. C. York grand secre
tary of Sallna, Kan. lie said he bad
called upon the secretary at Sallna,
and tbe only response that he received
wa that the order bad no property
and did not have any money to pay,
and did not even ugget that an as
sessiutut oould be made upon tkelr
703 or 800 policy bolder in Kansas to
mtet the loss. Th matter ha bean
referred to the attorney general and
upon the rendition of hi opinion Mr,
McNall will act.
Children, Mr Craven Bad aa
leged Grandchild Will .
Raw Fiukoisoo, Nov, n. Within a
few day more contests are to be filed
in the Superior court against the trust
will of the late Jarau O. Fair, dated
September 21, 18U4. The original wo
stolen from the county clerk's office
and never recovered. There is certain
to be a suit brought by the three
children, Mrs. Herman OelrUh, Mis
Virginia Fair aud Charl L. Fair,
Mr, Nettie Craven will probably file
a second, and a third may be begun in
tbe name of an alleged grandchild of
tbe deceased millionaire. Tbe con
test will be begun upon the ground
that ex-Senator Fair was'incompetent
or insane at the time he made tbe
trust will and that he wa acting
under undue influence and duresa
Mr. Craven's uit will probably be
brought by bar a tbe widow of th
A Hlasoarl DemooemtU Politician Impel
Spring Held Editor irn Stair.
SrniKoriEi.D, Mo , Nov. 1). In Bun-
day morning' Republican, edited by
i B. Austin, wa a cartoon represent
ing Governor Stephen standing on
the tp of th Nevada asylum for
the insane and kicking out T. R.
Love, formerly one of the manager
of the Institution and now secretary
of tbe Demooratie state eommittee.
Austin, who is somewhat of an artist,
bad sketched Love for the cartoon,
and bad told tbe aabjeet bis purpose,
but promised that nothing objection
able should appear, so Love knew
where to place the responsibility. The
men met in United States Commis
sioner Mitchell' office yesterday, and
Austin hastily went down tbe step.
Love said that he had kicked Austin
down, but Austin claimed that be had
merely harried away because Love
wa cursing him.
A llrcach of froaul Vrdll Aaaluat a
Wall Known aelhaga Man.
Cartiiaob, Mo., Nov. 11. In a $10,-
000 damage suit against William IL
Miller, a leading tredveuian and a aoii
of one of the richest men in town,
Miss Daisy Obetts Untitled that he had
promised to make hur his wife, but
had been married to another and that
he was her child's father. Miller de
nted the story, but admitted a lesser
degree of intimacy. The jury award
ed her tt.OOO.
Thr Ua
id Thuataad Act of Ulah
Land te K rtola!tud.
Salt Lahk, Utah, Nov. tl Thomas
II. Cavanaugh, aiauager of the Lake
llonnavill Irrigation company, ho
elosed a contract with the atate land
eoiuinlenloncrs for th reclamation
under tbe Carey aet, of 300,000 acres
of laud In Millard county. About
S'J.toU.iHM ia Involved lu the routrael
! for I Si tt Ira.
Aluast, N. T., Nov. II. -The ap
pellate division of the third depart
ment of the supreme court has agreed
with Judge Chatter in vacating the
order compelling the preai.tent of the
radroad encerued i the C.l trual
to appear before a reft ee. Th ques
tion of th eon.tituuouiiltir of tbe
law wa uot diaeud eaorpl la J udge
I.andoa'a dlaaentmg opinion. fa
eour! bold that th alt-i uvv general
did But roprly draw tU ailldavit.
Afi ! ! l.k
til iioow, Nov, 11 -The offlelal rf
th joiner' union ! potted Bvtti
la atl Ih shop of lh i t; f-.rt.ul I. ng
HivttiWr of IL " n ki hantf dwr
ivhteh ba been iiiaJ lu Vi I' a 14
Miv or la miiuf. iurd jeieery
whivh has bu irvi id trom Af
ii'SV Ik Mta for tltl Mvliee, II I
salt, U thai spveialt t ,ulr !
ta ttuis iiief ir tmel t i ad
lVra of aufi lir. w.Ht4
Mr ,
. i, 1st. M It il
el eipeeU t aub vtla. agaietl !
wit . t J 1 hie fr aa '.4 V
lp l s t oa I U lata last )
dsv snotnlai. the UmcaviUe tide e
rived bre last alfbt an4 aet
iii ! a 'i' iia
tluaitas, Kasv, ,Nv II last
ikf- J, I Veea fatally shut bs
tuter, M. U mi A Vae la bar
lea Jest '! f the bhi
YoMg wa Kiig how be toe'id 4
fea4 btatself It atlb4 by aayeaa.
4 'J
1118toll26N St., Lincoln, Neb.
WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW-In th question of all the latest and
beet of Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Queenstvar and Hardware, ire can ay
we have the largest and most satisfactory stock to choose from. Call and
take a walk around the store t
mum I'l
Dresser in white and gold, ovul,
beveled, French plate mirror, a
handsome piece,
Cbiffonlern in white and void, a
very humJiomc piece ol bedroom
$8 25.
Chiffoiiinre in white mid
gold, bi'Vi'li-d French
plate mirror,
J "tofK jy;'
l " If
I' v.?' i
Formerly Agent of Fanners Alliance,
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc.,
at wholesale anil retail at
231 North Tenth Stroot,
in the Iniikling lately occupied by Grainier Uros. Will take anything
you have to it'll on conimisaion,
Will putcluie anything you wnt that can be hail hi the matkrt.
Address, J. W. HARTLEY, Manager,
Farmers' Ecolaanc,
W hole! nl lUil ealri.
or builvliDg inil trrotUiy wnik. Sa htuuliwl fttii!ivl
MonutiKnU ol mthKia ilKa tl)i oa hiftj.
DIUKCT. ....
WrtU lol cull Itul 'iu, A rtonl fill pitl'llevl, AJiteia,
Cor, i)lli n4 O LINCOLN, NKU,
i ' if
Dresser In while and gold; n
handsome piece; beveled Fueiich
plate mirror,
$10 00,
Antique finish lledroom Suit, fine
beveled gins 20x21; largest size
$12 50.
Wf- pJj
Do not fail to call at
our store and look at
our lino of white and
gold furniture which
is the most complete
line in tho city.
If you do not have
our catalogue write
us and wo will send
ono by return mail
Wo pay freight on
all purchnses of $5 and
ov r 100 miles lrom