NovemDer n, t8q7 THE NEBRASKA 'NDEPENDENT. Henry G sorgo, Jr. A word regarding the future of young Mr. George. He baa tthown the sturdy heroism of bin father, and while the "son ol Inn father, has much adverse criti ciem to eipeet, be oan live that down if the right Htuff in in bini. The right stuff seems to be in Young Mr. George. He said again and again that be stood by the principles advocated by bis father, and that many believed the assertion Is demonstrated by his large vote. It seems an augury for the future. The re form forces of the metropolis ought to make this young man a candidate for congress next year. The election of so unknown and untried a man was not to be expected, and perhaps be was noml iiated to save ..the movement of the Thomas Jefferson democracy from anni Dilation. That be knows bow to cam paign Is evident from the election re turns, and if the men wbo placed bim in nomination are as wise in the future as they were in the past, we shall bear more of Henry George within a very short time. As for bis successful rival in this contest, the great Van Wyck, his election U easily explained by tbo die gust of the people with tbs respectable regime of the Fifth Avenue millionaires Twentieth Century. 8LEPT LIKE A CHILD. Gained Twenty-Seven Pounds Four Weeks. In The Story of Soldier, From tbt Transcript, Kauris, 111, No man Is better known and liked in that rich tier oflllinoiscounties, of which J'eoria is the center, than genial Chester H, Harrington, of Princeviile, ill. For tnauy years Mr. Harrington bas traveled through th country on profitable lour neys a an itinerant merchant, aud every where he goes he Is given a hearty welcome by the people who depend upon bis regular visits for the purchase of the uecesHuries, and some of tbs luxuries of life. Mr. Harrington is a veteran of the war, and out of this circumstance grew the train of facts that make up the re markable experience wuicn lie related upon the occasion of a visit to the Transcript office recently. His story, telling of the evils of which the civil war was but the beginning in his own, and in thousands of other cases, was as fol lows: "I served three yean in the 124th 1111 nols, enlisting at Kswanee, III, I was in Ltbby prison, and, of course, I suffered like many another northern soldier. Un til recently I was a member of the I'rinceville I'ost of the 0. A. It. "The strain of army life did its work in undermining my health, although tbs ollapsedid not come for years. For some time I suffered from general debil ity aud nervousness, so badly tbat could not sleep, I would sit up night after night reading because I couldn't get to sleep. For fifteen years my sleep was completely broken up. Indigestion, of course, resulted, and my misery In creased until it seemed I bad nothing to live for. My eyes began to fail, and as my body lost vitality my mind seemed to give way also. I could scarcely re member events tbat happened but a few weeks before. "1 was unlit ted for business and bad to abandon the road for two years. I was just able to creep around during the greater part of this time, and there were times wnen 1 could not get up at all. My brother is a doctor, but all his efforts to help me failed to give me any relief, "My friends suggested a great many things they thought would help me, and I tried a lot of remedies without avail. Finally, having rend a great many ar ticles regarding cures that had been effected by Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Tale People, I decided to try them. Tbat was in 1890. I bought a box and took the pills according to instructions. Just four days later I bad tbe happiest hours 1 bad known for years. That night 1 went to sleep easily and slept soundly as a child, and awoke refreshed. (Since then 1 have clung tight to Dr. Williams' Pink Pink Pills, and have slept soundly aud gained health ever since. Three or four weeks after beginning the treatment, when I had taken four boxes of the pills, I found I had increased in weiubt from 110 pounds to 140 pounds. This great ly surprised my friends, wbo thought my case was a hopeless one. I began my work on the road again, aud bave continued it right along ever since in ex cellent health. "tat me tell you a remarkable thing that whs a side issue, but a valuable gaiu to me. 1 fouud that while I was taking Dr. Williams Pink Pills I had been cured of the smoking habit, which had been formed when 1 was a boy six years old and which had clung to me all these years. The craving for tobacco left me, and I bave never eijterienued it since. 1 have recommended the pills to mors than 1 50 (leople, and boie if my experience Is made public It will be of benefit to sobie sufferer." (Signed) t'llKsTKIi 8. IUhhimiton. tatof Illinois, ( tin nty of Peoria, Cheater 8. Harrington, living duly sworu, UeptiM and sajs, that tbs mat. trr eoutained in lbs above statement dy him sitfitvd are true. riiilMcritH'd and sworn to before mo, a uotnry public, this 5th itv ol July, tl7. .itoi.N it, Cot, l) .Notary Public All the fU'iiu-iiU itMVMury to give wm liia and rt liu to thslilood mid rtur Imtloiv . iii'rtr. r t-tmUiuf.1, in n (Htti ltivd torm, m Dr, William a Pink I'Cla for Pl lWiW. I lo'jr sis iu m sim iiU' lor truuMi-a fitltttr (it Ifiiml,, nn U a u'rioti, nriu!ftriiivNiit nil form ol wi ! In lima ttrv 3tv n rsvli vmI curs is nil 4h arUing from turu. Ul rwry.ow ok or ol eh! nr u ilur- tr, illNm a 1'itk 1'ilU nr 'l I Im loi4 (Mr in In.. .-i V I at k) oiiitt U't or u l". lor f J, ."', Hit 'I m.ijr tM b 1 id all .ImwjuU or li rl l. Mia.l Irom r, UiUiate' l.i. I IkV t 1UI .lU t , M tfvt. , , t,4 t ImW IUaU We rv mi;.. i s our )- e I, tilt, lt t lb "tuottvlstf ivlofui u la tK kital f liMla)tatrtnM. It Ht f lalsti(it . 1I. kii'l ka k?a So .r to S'l Iklrt h tl'liU 4t (in., m Nw 'I IMW lbs ttoMl kstaoftly r k ilr.stioi skuli t .( (of IM Brat too l,aitMff of t (4oif y k rv.Ut the ls to vfi-i4, ss l it Ik i tHiHtjaol W wriiw In tiamtus kssikv nt eonnwu ''( 'M lrvn ilr. Iis rillvii tit m r t''s Uwststois Is oitt m ad ir. mr its usttiiuvs t ti ) U SS It t 'ltt. til lhaiNttiM S4 Sl04 1 tO Tbe greenbacks and Sherman treasury notes are to be retired. There is now outstanding f 847,000 000 in four and five percent bodn; $4 DO 000.000 of 4 per cent bonds expire I 1007; 101,0(10,000 of 5 percent bond expire in 1004, and 9102,000,000 ol percent bonds expire in 1925. There will be issued 11,200,000,000 2 per cent gold bonds, redeemable In flify years, making a total debt, with Inter est, of 92,400,000,000. These bond will be offered in exchange for those now Outstanding, which have tbe disadvant' age of being payable in "coin" (perhaps silver), aud which expire in a compara tively short time. It is anticipated that a large percentage of these will bo offered lor exchange witn the new gold bonds With what remains after taking up these bonds and retiring the noninterest bearing debt, tbe government will pur chase gold to "strengthen the treasury," It is thought there will be from 9100, 000,000 to 9200,000,000 of these jonds, and Mr. Gage looks to the bunk of England or tbe Itotbscbilds as pros pective purchasers. The national banks will then be au tboriied to Issue asa circulating medium non-legal tender bank notes to the full amount of all gold bonds deposited by tne banks witn the government as curity. That is, tbe banks will exchange their ooln bonds for gold bonds, their non-interest bearing money for i per cent bonds, deposit the same with the government and draw interest on them and then Issue bunk notes to the full amount. Those that are lost or burned will never need to be redeemed. That will put us on a "solid gold oasis." now do you like the plan7 This plan has been formulated and adopted by the administration while its bimetallic commission bus been ueirot ating with France and tbe bunk of Knir iana. At the risk of violating confidence, it may be stated lor the private informa tion of the readers of The New Time tbat the members of tbe English minis try and the governor and directors of tbe Dank of England bave recently neen made acquainted with Hecretarv Gage's plan. They were astounded. They bave declared that the formulation of such a plan at a time when England was acting In good faith to restore tbe standing of silver, when France stood ready to open her mints, and when India was only waiting the word, constituted a depth of administrative duplicity aud depravity, wnicli was utterly beyond their comprehension. They evidently are not acquainted wltb our present urand ol American statesmanship, Mr. woicott and nis colleagues are only "stalling," as Secretary Gage would say. J hey play the part of the two bruisers at a picnic, wbo indulge in sham fight and engage the attention of tbe crowd, while tbe pickpockets do their work. We do not intimate that Mr. Gage or McKlnley are pickpockets. Far from it. They are financiers, a more important and, as Mr. Weller would say, "a tenderer word." If you do not like secretary Gage filan, what do you purpose to do about t? Confidentially, dear American peo ple, you have nothing to do about this little matter of 92,400.000,000. You bave not been consulted and you will not be. This is one of tbe features of what we are pleased to term "our repre- resentative form of government." Frederick U. Adams in Tbe New Time. SIMPLICITY ITSELF. A Simple, Harmless Remedy Yet It Cares the Wornt Cssss of Dytpepsls ml IndlKmUaa. Dr. Jennison, who has made a life study of stomach troubles, says: All forms of iudigestioa1 really amount to tbe same thing, that is, failure to com pletely digest the food eaten, no matter whether the trouble is acid dyspepsia or sour stomach, belching of nind, nervous dyspepsia or loss of flesh and appetite; a person will not have any of them if tbe stomach can be induced by any natural, harmless way to thoroughly digest what is eaten, and this can be done by a simple remedy which I have tested in hundreds of aggravated cases with com plete success. Tbe remedy is a combina tion of fruit and vegetable essences,pure aseptic pepsin and golden seal put up in the form of pleasant tasting tablets and sold by druggists under the name of rituart s Dyspepsia Tablets. One or two of these tablets should be takeu after meals and allowed to dissolve in the mouth and, mingling with the food iu the stomach, digest it completely before it bas time to ferment, decay and sour. Un actual experiment one grain of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest three thousand grains of meat, exits and similar wbolesoms foods. It is safe to say it this wholesome rem edy was better known by people neutr ally, it would be a national bletming, as we are a nation of dyspeptics, and nin tenths ol all diHeaaes owe their origin to Imiierfwt digestion and nutrition. Muart s Dyspt'iiaiR Tublwts nrsnot a seemt patent mudieiue, but a fifty real package will de more real good for a weak sioniMiii limn 11(1 y dollars srortb l patent until wliii-, and a person bns lbs sntiafitrtion ol knowing lust what he putting into his stomat'h, which be not know when widely advertised itut mvlu'Otm are uei, All urusislals aril Mauri PyiMHiiit 'stileta, lull aiH lutcknifH ,IM'I. lltli toHik oil i'.ii. and cure ol toiiisih I ton I. U smu'lad liw tif s.,rt. le TU Htuurt Co , Ur.linM, Mi h. AHiOLUTi: DK.fOrUtVi Tss t.4in( l.w JjuuiiI of Ohio un UaiiHnl t'V 1im ii n, IhaOltl i Saws, tHa o1li till or n H of lie l Itira, ) ol lllu.i, in ait srlu iooH gMrtiH iit lii lm lios, " fill oflllMtHt .f U.Jl. Jt.,i moat ilil,ilri d-m'I m, ah, I ti hi. wl t)4gfst tturMUo asuwHtu ork-tii'l awl, t Urn (-.Wit ol Ills Kii-fal ) llRia, At roHliU v l v !iiim la iiriair IkwS tKairosatilwIioN tr tKa lsHdio. . Ul tUais ol m ia it i'i u U Id N lion oJ ! S ss l oi Ida rasa). It ii lfi. lu i l'.wi t.Urtl. 1 1 Mil.! m ,ilaiiH aii'l li ri;lortSi' tSl i KfcliMt l 'lroi ul K diDie tlsttoi kiss. Sit Krwir tsoMiv a nur liar ti tout J tlaiMM I lliss tke raj ila Sft'llW" SaamHlnt ol umsl- Mtw ss l," tasraM t.UW km, kMt as 4 tawele, sere efcea, la, I'llDe MEANS BRYAN IN i9oo. Mayor Hsrrison of Chicsgo Enthuiisstic Over tbe Reiult of ths Elections. Mayor Harrison of Chicago, discussing the result of the elections says that it was everywhere a victory for the plain peoplu, Referring to Mr. Bryan be said: "The democratic victories everywhere indicate tbat W. J. Bryan willbethenext president. The republicans cannot stop him. He is the idol of tbe people and his principles, embodied ia the Chicago platform, bave won tbe elections. The people want him and tbe people believe in bis principles because they are opposed to trusts and corpora tions, They carried out bis ideas by casting their ballots for the democratic candidates in tbe country and either win nlng or cuttinor down tbe republican ma jorities. I regard tbe result as showinir tbat the people will no longer submit to tbedominition of bosses who control corporations and ate combined solely for the Interests of capital and not of tbe people." To Cure Catsrrh. Do not depend upon snuffs, inhalants. or other local applications. Catarrh is n constitutional disease and can be suc cessfully treated only by means of a con stitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsapa rilla, which thoroughly purifies tbe blood and removes the scrofulous taints which cause catarrh. The great number of tes timonials from those who have been cured of catarrh by Hood's Barsaparilla prove the unequalled power ol this medi cine to conquer this disease. If troubled with catarrh give Hood s Harsaparilla a fair trial at ones. CONMOMPTrON CUBED. A so old phylclau ratlrid from prsetloa, had planet In bis bssd by ss Kant Isrtls nilaaloa. ftryfcha formula t"t a nlmpls vrgaialils ramadf fur h apiMiilr and parmnnu'ir, cms of ennaamp' tlos, broarhitla, terrtt, sa(bms,ssd sll tbrost ssd Ions sffaetstloss ftlao s poaltlT sod rsd! csl tars lor rarroas daMilty sll sarvosi omplslats. Mating taalad lis wosdarisl csr (Its powart Is tbooasnda of ess, aadd1rU to raiiara bsmss aaflvrlDSi I will stsd tree si chare to sll wbo wlab It, this rvelpe. Is Oarstss, Fraaeh er Ensilab, wltb fall olraotloss lor pre psrlss sad olu, SDt tiy nail bt addrlB wltb stsnp, bsoiIds tbl pspar. W. A. Kovss, iM Pewsrs Block, goobatur, M, T, Tbe Trwfflo of the Orast Tskes. The great lakes bear to-day a greater commerce in point of tonnage, than all tbe foreign trade which flows in or out from all tbe ports of the United States. But so long as tbe lake freighter is balked by the wall of Niagara; so long as cargoes must be broken in transit and lifted over tbe Allegbanies to tbe seaboard, this nation's development is arrested and its approaching commer cial supremacy jeopardized or deferred. Another comparison may yet be more striking, une ol the great engineering feats of tbe century was the opening of tbe Huez canal. Its present traffic amounts to about 8,000,000 tons anna ally, and it cost approximately 9100,- vvu.vvuto build. Another gigantic pro eci wnicn nas deeply engaged the at tention ol this conatry is tbe Nicaragua canal; it is estimated that it1 will cost half as much again as tbe Suez canal perhaps 9150,000,000. Bat even its warmest advocates do not compute for It an immediate trafflu of more than 5.. vuv,wu or o,vw,vw ol tons; It would probably bave much less. " A single lock In the wilds of Northern Michigan- tbat of the Sault Ste. Marie- passed last year some lo.OOO.OOO tons and it Is merely a connecting link be- ween Superior and tbe lower lakes. It s estimated that the Detroit river bears each year a through traffic of above 20, 000,000 tons. The enHre commerce of tbeureat Lakes must be between 80.- 000,000 and 40,000,000 tons annually. This is a traffic equal to one third of all that carried upon tbe 200.000 miles of railway in tbe United States, a system bat took 910,000,000,000 or 912.000.. 000,000 to construct and equip. l be colossal commerce ol these great inland seas is, in a broad sense, purely local; it Is bottled up by the hitherto impassable wall over which leap the waters of Niagara. With these lakes open to the sea, to tbe Gulf, and, yet further, were it possible to bringdown by water tbe produce of tb great north west, tbe trade which would be developed is beyond tbe powers of any man to cal culate. But it is safe to say that there is awaiting the outlet from Lake Erie to tbe sea a traffic many times that of the net and Nicaragua canals combined. From the Lakes to the Sea." by Carl Snyder, In American Monthly Heview of Keviews for November. Don't TobaOooBpit sod Bmoks Tom Lift Awsy, If you want to quit tobacco oslna easily and forever, be made veil, strong, magnetic, full ol new life and vigor, take No-To-Bae, the wonderworker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain tn pounds In ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Uae of your drnirgiet Oder guarantee to cure, one or 11.00, Booklet and samples mailed free, Addrms Sterling Itemedy Co., Chicago or New Y. STOCKYARDS IN K4NSA9, Count, in That Stsis DitiJs That Legls- Isiute Ma r"U Keies i li i i Iti iiii lit ih i iiIiiiii. I y Iha i. . ilutl ul Jil'lga i'u.lif il Tli t iilt iHtva t uuri til Nniifia In I lie K'tiia i I'll v atiM k ysnU i a.i re nl I but it i hut I rw -alleil. I'tia dttnaum M i HiiiltU i it etttriiitit'tt ul tin rights i l!m itii ul Iha at la ii KtiMl Ilia hit id a t-'irtirlitiii, mi. I s lm!l n maaliJ tba rifht of ta lrft: iliirit o Mil..' fhtirtfia id (iuIiImj rurraliuii tlmt r HittliMt i r u.l It) u'l r'(tiilaUl v i if a Sue I'.imea a i. i.n i- J '1 lia c i lb I iiiiwl t ir u-t imt ul At, . .tit a, sinrwiltiil Jt Uu iwlvf i'.iMit.a m ail nilul, t Iim , i .,ira lu beta ihium M.Ir llila lli t.iwlt l l IHlllluUtll( hrttlM llbV ll iH aa- iihal Na atil'if- ms I tit lbs K n4 l'4lU ft s Ut f ISa Ka tlumut ill aim I rl tMl, ! .ii .11 Ju.ia Ikstaf afflrni! lite tsl li the Ksa4 l-xul ittft lu .a ii d a it Rd Uit kl I Iha s R 't la an siit ei,iaaiiitf td Ike ruart(. II tt4 tst Ike alin tar-l 4w. IM tslvfalste uiiiiir fcullla taall ItUaiSaaa tS SrrrWf iliiWkt III ( Irtalala Putbunrrw, Is tla tit Iks l4a tkal the rase eae la lie a -M tit Ike ALL EYES Simply because the public Bargains. We quote some of our many bargains for this week, and the same. of Underwear each 10 doz. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, regu lar price 200, this week lOo 25 dozen Ladies' Egyptian Ribbed Jersey Vests and I'ants, regular 545c, this week 19o 15 dozen Ladies' Itibbed Vests and I'ants, regular 85o, this week 27c 20 dozen Meu's Sanitary Shil f s and Drawers, reg. price 25o, this week., ,19c 12 dozen Men's Sanitary Shirts and Drawers, reg. price 40c, to closs 82c 16 doz. Men's Jersey ribbed Shirts and Drawers, reg. 50c, to closs at...42o Dress Goods Sale per yard 15 pieces Tricot Flannel, all wool, 20 in. wide, regular 20c, this week 17! 10 pieces Bradford Twill, 40 In wide regular price 80c, this week 22c 9 pieces Novelty Dress Goods, regular price 80c, this week 24c 8 pieces Jamestown Brocade and Novelties, regular price 45c, this week , .....35c 9 pieces Novelty Dress Goods, reg ular price 00c, this week 45o Blankets Just Received SO pairs Valkyris 104 Blankets, cheap at 50c, this week, per pair..,.45c Groceries 800 packages XXXX Coffee at per package.., 10c 12!o bulk coffee, this week per lb lie 20c Santas Roasted Coffee,tbis week per pound 17c 85c Japan Tea, this week per lb 25c 60c Gunpowder Tea, this week, per pound ...48c 12 pounds choice beans this week......25c 12 pounds green peae this week 25c Fred S CIODT supreme court of tbe United States, be continued tbe injunction, but eiacted a $200,000 bond from the company for the repayment ol ail charges In escess of tbe ra tee fixed by the Kansas statute in case said statute was sustained by tbe supreme court. The ruling of the court is a substan tial victory for tbe state of Kansas. Judge Thayer s opinion is a very con- cine, yet clear and emphatic statement of the principles Involved in tbe case.and ill take rank as among tbs ablest judicial utterances on the matter of lederal control over state statutes tbat bave in recent days emanated from tbe courts. Rocky Mountain News. William II. O'Neil a switchman in tbe Burlington yards at Lincoln was found dead in bed in bis room in the Boyd hotel Frldar morning. The cause of bis death is unknown. His home is at O'Neil, Neb ,, and and he bad been in Lincoln only a week. GOOD TIMES bave come to those whom Hood's Harsaporilla bas cured of scrofula, catarrH.dyspepsia, rheumatism, weak nerves, or soms other form 01 im pure blood. HOOD'S PILLS are tbe only pills to take with Hood s Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet efficient. What Will I'lall DoT If ths assembly shall prove to be re publican by the smallest margin, as now seems probable, Mr. I'latt will still have the law-making, law-preventing, law. threatening, lae-eelling power. He ran even pass a law legislating tttiiHyrk out of offlen, amending tin cluirler to death, or reiwnhng it. He ran puuinh other cities that dared to elert democratic mayor. He can Intensify the injustice of the Itaiiies law. Will the dirtalor who bas beendowueil in ths atala and sumalie.l in this city Imva the srrognui'e of lit aiigrT Or tin he linil iiuinliiiifiit euougli for tbe .r.iil? New York Wurld. I itlifumle I'tsll arm lit I kauga, Vwluitble young orchard of 41 arri in iiruumi, nliia Mini older Inula, In tw lrt ul alctis. ( luir, and lilte n Hi- t. S11 Irrigalinn I lievdd. I liitna la In Ml ill ivi-,a Hinting, nil lifltra Will nrli.iiij-d.r Ni'lirkt lund. Al'lra, li I HtfM t, I.IIHi.hi. Null. XVyatt-Bultard lumber Company, LUMBER. WSi'l ltl s su ssrait. !(!,.. V"iU end U trd His. 'bnt. 4T S ills Utf rfhe, (iMVIU. illl ll St-s-sais 1 irsrtiue, i4 I ufliHa-lt'B riyl, itv. '4 4 H. iMwiiiUf 1 I ill tint (lui Imgt nit mM I ressd trip lakvts at Kite (ere lus it ll all 'ihlS In Alkskae,, u li,s Itirilinj, (iktlii)i,ad 1mm, and tu tf U'S nies In I ostatawa, ll'uuri, S4 iV kUtk-lV t SU IklnlltiStlnS l- tsrdisg Haute, tn tit trs, els, at It, 4 . eViHit, v tu tm , etitker ti ms ! 1stk Ititele. T. A (leii, W, Buaseil, I . A ARE UPON US has become aware of the fact Flannels, Blankets, Bed Comforts, Shawls, Hoods, Facinators, Children's, Boys' and Men's Caps. Gloves and Mittens, Cardigan Jackets. Duck Coats, Flannel Shirts, i Ci 0 i Hi 8ur40Kt Children's, Ladies' and Men's Shuert Slippers Greatest Newspaper in Nebraska. Th) Omaha World-Herald bss baas radsoed I $4 per year in advance . . . , Robaerlptloaa will b rwcaWad st tbs fsda paailant ofllea, or the mar be tnt to tbe pobllabsrs dlraet, PEOVIDENOE FDR COMPANY, 49 Westminister 8t Providenoe, E-1. Wants sll kloila ol Use fara. Sklss, Olnstn. lunara.ato. foil oHaas sarsataad. Csralul aa- laetbis, eoartaoas traatmast, Immadlsta raatt tana, SBipplas Twca, nupaa, isrsiaaao iraa. Write lor lalaal prica alraslsrs DO TOU WAHT 00LD7 Everyone desires to keep informed on Yukon, the Klondyke and Alaskan gold fields. Bend lOo for large Compendium of vast information and big color map to Hamilton Tub. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. P. D- StteRWIN DENTIST.:.. Consulting room onnp tjv y Hecond floor LINCOLN NEBRABKA Anton SeWl llsniitiMfk lH?at t it i ' li i)i i.. .. l 1 l ..I it.- KlHiball i'Uiiit I.).., klii IH K. ... 11 l. tJ II I li I l M.I tlVt l(bll llll i'iii IMIIM M " i t ,li'iif i.JI.ii-.a 1 ' "! k - M !. A. IIOssPI'., iWnttal At , Omaka, Nk, ffttTr1t'rfr' Q 1 Q 1 Q fj fjiifljrftirfti y & w If n. ;' s WHY? that here they cart really obtain respectfully ask your consideiation Shoes that we keep are the kind that wear. 11.00 Child's Grain Rattan Shoes solid, 8! to 11 11.25 Misses Grain Button Shoes, 84c 1 IK to 2, this week......,....,...,, 98c Children's best grade Kangaroo Calf Button. to UK, regular 11.35 and 91.60, this week 11.2-3 Misses best Kangaroo Calf but ton, regular 91.75, this week 91,48, Misses Kid Button, square and round toe, spring heel, regular 91.60, 91.75 and 92. to close out 91,20 Youth's and Boy's Laos Shoes, dif ferent stvles, 91, f 1.15, 91.25, 91.60, 91.75, and 92. Men's Lacs and Congress, differ en t styles, 91.60,92, 92.60,93 and 94.50. Ladies' fins Kid Shoes, opera, die and coin toes, 91.60, 91.75, 92, 92.60 aud 9. Hosiery 25 dozen Boy's extra heavy ribbed Hose. 0 to 10, regular price 20o this week per pair..,.,.,,,. ,.,.,.,...17c Flannel Skirts 25e Outing Flannel Skirts, this week. each .....,... , ,,1 9e 05e all wool Flannel Skirts, this week ' eacn ,...,....,.,. ,.,......,5oe 91.00 Flannel Skirts, this week, each. .80s 91.25 Flannel Skirts, tbls week, eh fl.12 Eiderdown 85e Eiderdown, this week, per yd.,.,22o 40o Uderdowu, this week, per rd,..,..84cQ 60c Eiderdown, tbls week, per yd.....,43e 921 O Street Opp, P. O. Lincoln. Neb Lamb it Adsms. Attorneys. In lbs Vlstrlet Cosrt ef Laaeaeter Ceesty, , Mebrasfca. Besissils F, nitebaork, 1 VS. f Rabeses Bltabsnrk, , I ' Detasdsst, I RabaMS Hltxbaocli, dafasdsst, will tsks sotlee tbst os Isa ttlth dar of Octobar, ts7, aesisaits V. llltabaotk, plalntIO karsls. Bled b's pHUloa Is tbe Ulatrtat Cosrt of Lesassiar tmuuif, Kabtas ks, ssalaat said dafasdaet, tba obkt sad praar of ebk b ar to obtels o dlvornt front tbe atosd aat epos tbe f rossd of sbsodosstest ssd sdsl Isrjr, ate. . .... Tos era barabr raqolrad to snawar asld pat. tlos es or bafora tbs IJlb da of Paaambar, Uv7. Bbamin F. IliTcnnocK, By Leab 4 Adsms, bis sttorstya FOR FREE SILVER LITERATURE Free Silver literary Buraao, t LA SALLK ST, CII10AOO. Certificate of Publication. orrun or Auditor of Public Accounts, I.laatile, Komler S, laf It la barabr wll4 tkst Iba American l'iro Insurant o Company ol New Voik in the Slate of New York, ku .i..d tka aaraa laa af tin kiaio an.l M aaiki4 l ! In kaak w I ti Imnih la ih kiata l tka sat 1 nor, Hi'iMiaftuJ ka4 laaaal af Ua AaillliM) 4 t akit SMwaata Ika 4t I ' a1"-" ant b Jwtlk t, IHHUI L, i"s 1 a4iiim r, S4SI fcLIU HTt, la. i.kl, ' AlsiU Geld I'UUs. If fee etmtfiti plats a trip to Hi, Ulelf aal'e t irtfte l ily, k I, t adsliy, or l rly Mils or la Isct any 1 eikt In AlakaUl ms tiunle nn laUe asd sIihhs. I kavs lbs very lsl adu (runt 1'i.rt lkd asd rwalllav li. W, liobkell, U. 1 A T. A , rar Trslk asd U sireels. lUrlikglua Itimle, l.isetila, ,SU , TilT TIMf, TtllOUOBOAll. Tn Omaka. OUnteu ssd r-'IsUla hist ssd Mm. .is, Ifcel MO ' ti IMt is r..s aet iioa auk tbs t . a n. , (t. un. n the ttel Sf Ire asd tke loatMt ihm t all ttr ante tu ae ht time sards, raise tfb K. U. IKMMMIN, UMt. Aai