The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, November 04, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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November 4, 1897
(Wld.tiou.rTnE WEALTH MAKERS" as.
Cfye 3nfcepen&ent Publishing 0
1 1 0 M HTRKKT,
ClNOOkN, NaiftAtKA
Tlishon, 638.
Adilr all eommnntf-atioiii to, and funk all
eVa'l, momi orders, sU pa.ratl to
Vr kuiriiiit iikIkk"
JOII J. SULLIVAN, L'uluiiibiii
K. VOIX roitKLL, Kaarnejr,
"". ....
How doe It fool to be turned down?
Ask Senator Wolcott, chairman of th
International monetary commission.
Observe the date at which your sub
scription expiree, marked on thl Issue
of our paper, and if you are in arrears
make a remittance.
Tiit dat at which your subscription
expire U marked on thl week' Issue of
your paper. Take notice arid if you are
In arrears you should make a payment
at onca,
If England will not consent to th
colnugoof silver, what are you going to
do about it? If England Miiould object
to our tariff law what would you do
about It?
Humanity lonrn slowly but surely.
Experience In tb Inwtructor, It bad
been repeated and rejstaled that dm In
ternational agreement plan of th mono
nietallista wa a fake, ilut the warning
of tbe bimetalllst wn unheeded until
the final lesson wan iaugbt by experience
through lti failure of the Wolcott In
teruatlonul agreement commission. It
dm an XS'iislv lesson, but it bun bocu
thoroughly learned.
Th recent move of Mr. Hartley' at
torney to pre bin cose for fluul doois-
iou in tb supreme court may be looked
upon a an effort I railroad the case
through before tbe political makeup of
the court can be changed. The attorney
general would bo Justified in practicing a
little dilatory tactic and wilh-hold the
on until a Judge of different political
party than Mr. Hartley I placed upon
th uprem bench. With th court n It
l compound at present the chances are
that iiimt tochlncnlity could b dlscov
red by which Mr. Hartley couhl and
would b allowed to go free.
It ooet th Unlred Ktrtt' government
1100,000 to wnd the Senator Wolcott
commission to England to gather tbe
information that England is not in
farorof th free coinage of silver. It
will be remembered that ther have been
ome other tbltig that England did not
favor, for example, the Independence of
the American colonic. At another time
England did not think that United
State vessel bad any right ou the
blgb seas that she wa bound to respect,
laneittit-r caeetlul Amcricun patriot
humiliate tbmiiMnlvt by mnnUng a hun
dred tbouaud dollar comniiHiua to
England to aek (ieniiiition U) anw-rt
their (lod given righte. Our Mtatemen
of to-day have no conception of the dig
nity of their poeition or the independence
of the nation. Tb y are merely fawning
ycopbant, bowing in abject duIhiiUhIou
at the feet of Englih nobility and orgn
uimv nniuiu. iiwy uewerre tinlj con
tempt from liberty loving Aiuerican.
Jttetiiw IWaish of the eupreme court of
the afata of New York bae reeently
bauded down a decieiou awarding a
Judement of f 5(K) agaiuat an engiueer
union and in favor of a non-uuion man
who wa kept out oi employment for a
long period of time through the threat
of the engineer' union tin. I it oilier
that a atrike would be ordered if the
man wa given employ meat.
If tbia decieion of the hlgheet court in
New York elate ahould U upheld and
followed by eourte in other !( It
would prove one of the mot diotriu
to labor union that baa en? been made.
If a man aa g t judtiuieat againat a
labor union lor kerpiug htiti out f em.
ploy meat, the nonunion man abo m rw
muvedla any ram la order In uiake
nxtBi fur a naloa ntaa would have a
laiHt equally wa hhK raarruMilon
, Memiea ol labor aukia, eoulj
makeappikalloa for m4oyat and
la tke event ol Mtiael npua the ground
that Ike ttka wouM order a tm,
"aid tmned lately Inetltute a eult tor
dHia-v Iba adotr would admit
Uat ecept lot Ike Urwita 4 anion,
tbvy wwntd gtvttke ataa eMplojawnt
and andii.i to the dua ol the (N
Yar k juJ tke aaiua t aaaaee a
Tae jndaiaieat Iwtea! lot dWAi
would ba ot ewrh tkara tvt that
ttald $ twtj aa'aotet tb property
vt etefy ladtiideal tHM id tk aio,
Miet Ike property id everv nta iH,
talrantat la k(iegtk pUikV eat
id w plot lava t Ilia a far raKig d
tUma and diiw taivtel (( Muoa
t'jjtk laUr unluk id Ike towalry,
The return of the Wolcott lnterna
innnl TtimntKllifi commieeion without
ecuring even a much a a bearing from
tbe authorities of the European govern
manta will probably result In 10ml good
by convincing thoee who bava hitherto
been in doubt that there ia nothing bat
deceit intended In the International
agreement pretenelon of tbe gold etand
ard advocate. Itaerveato more com
pletely uncover their Intention and In
dicate more clearly to the American
people what tbe adoption of the eingle
gold standard really mean. In July
the prees dispatches from Europe seemed
to indicate that a favorable agreement
with some couoeanions to the silver couu
trie might bs expected. France wa
friendly and a large element in Germany
aleo pledged support. Hut when tbe
commlesion crossed tbe channel to Eng
land they met the united opposition of
tbe London and Emtlish broker. On
Beptembor 2'2, the banker bad a meet'
Ing and unanimously joined in a protest
to tbe authorities of the English govern
ment ttuslust any concessions to the
silver men. The English authorities,
obedient to the dictations of the Eng
llsb bankers, refused to discuss the mat'
ter further and sent our commission
fiorne. Thus it will be seen that we have
score or less of London bankers able to
dictate the monetary system for tbe
Eniclisb government and throuxh that
government to dictate the monetury
system of the world, Hhall the United
Htates, n independent nation, submit
to this financial government by foreign
bankers? Is it policy for this nation
to allow bankers, owing allegiance to
another government, to control It fi
nances? What will tbe final end be? In
tbe event of a dispute with a foreign
power what would become of our money;
on whom would we be compelled to rely
for support? If the EngliNh bankers can
dictate the financial policy of this coun
try, cannot they with equal right dic
tate our foreign policy and our system
of taxation? Huppos the English bank
ers should decide tbe policy of protec
tion pursued by the United Ktatc was
detrimental to English manufacturers,
bow many would favor tbe repeul of the
tariff laws in order to sutisfy the English
bunkers? No one would advocate such
policy. Those who believe and advo
cate the repeal of the tariff laws do not
assiga as one of their reasons that Eng
land want them rejiealed. Yet, It would
not be more foolish than the argument
that this nation must have a monetary
system satisfactory to the English bank-
The return of tbe Wolcott commission
without ngcomplishing anything will
start tbe American people to thinking.
They will receive as much good from the
thinking they will do as tbe cost of the
commission. They will begin to investi
gate the reasons why the English bank
er are ao wedded to the gold standard
They will learn that England is the
creditor nation of the world; that it is
tbe home of the lendlords, that It is to
their interest to have a dollar of great
value. A dollar that will buy the most
products Is their ideal dollar. They
hold the bund and securities of tbe
world that call for payment in dollars
and the less number of dollars in the
world with which to pay these boiuls.the
the greater will be the demand for t he
dollars and the ureal it the vi-lue of tint
dollar. HI111II we, an inilepnuilimt nil.
tiou, submit to the rule of t he English
A syndicate composed of Wall street
bankers, the Vuinleibilts, Astors and
other New York millionaires has as
sumed control ol the ciiMtoin houses
and banking institutions of the republic
of lloinluru and has begun the tank of
liquidating the indebtedness of that
country. The syndicate is In absolute
control and practically owns tbe entire
Honduras government.
Tbe debt originated IntheftO'a when
a corrupt set of Honduras Koverumxiit
official ieeued '.'5,000,000 of bonds up
on the preteiiHe ol liiuiilatiiit(or tloatiug
the government, iiiiMitediiees. The
bonds were placed ou eale iu Eurot and
through corrupt combinations they were
old a lew eeuU ou tbe dollar, the
Honduras government realising scarcely
more tban a million of dollar from the
aale, Tbe (uteres! ou tbe f J5,000,OOt)
debt thu crrated waa all tbe little re
public could pay and under the present
apprw-UtioN and iuervaeiag value of the
ataudard of paymeut lb aatioiipia been
Hnttt)lWd tieurrailr to lb Hayloek td
natl street mm nave bought tu the
Imnde at a fractional part of tbeir lata
value. Tbe Honduras government
about a yoar agu granted the Amerteaa
ayadtcat tbe privilege of eatrut-tii
rallroa I aad opvraliag a basking eve-
teai and with thM Iim agnta lb
ayadieaU baa railly eaalaved K
pW la adduuia ! U grast of
hraai'kuoa lor tb budding of railroad
aadeatabtukiag a basklsg yiM U
Hoaadaraa toegrwe doat4 to (He
j adwat 60UIHHI a r wt arable l4
and ajwela) auiaing rivikgm U oibr
utda by Njua" d ettrraptisi tbe
uttU-uU ol teat tittle guvetawteal aa
4ttaaadt a a nwa lata aU
Ut ptiaRMiioa id all (a prwtt la
IH aaittMt aad ail! eulWt vnatouta d
ta apMi .H g4 tatpoiM, will t barge
tiwbUaet prt. fr the irdM t tbe
. a4 fcnatke InbabMaat .( tbe
'sy t like u eka a Nrv
exiitence. Tbiai govsruraent by yn-
dicate; a trifle worse tban government
by injunction.
English capitalists are aiming at a
aimilar result In several other amall
oouutries and probably hope ultimately
to so badly Involve this nation in debt
that a receiver will be necessary. Of
course, we are big, bnt tbeir scheme of as the claim has been paid In full the peo.
contraction of the currency of the world pie can have no complaint; that the pub
is also blg.and we have already partially lie should be completely sutisfied, Inn
acknowledged oar dependence, by send- measure this Is true. The present pur
Ing a commission to England to nek jier- chasers of the Union 1'uciflc are not
mission to coin silver.
The campaign I over and w cannot
be criticised a speaking Irorn a partisan
view when we urge tbe necessity of every
citixen casting his vole at elections. It
is an Important privilege and cannot b
over valued by the oitlvm. The welfare
and prosperity of this nation is iu tbe
control of the cltixen elector, He is In
deed a tiolitleal spcniJtnrirt who will ne
glect so Important a duty. Ho may aud
generally Is, a good and industrious- citl
zen In other respects. It Is hi Intention
to deal honestly iu his business affair
and provide for himself and family, to
attend to hi own busiues and allow
other people to attend to tbeir. Hut In
neglecting to perform his duty as a clti
xen, he allows the government so far a
he I concerned, to drift Into the control
of designing political trickster and
robbers and before he I hardly aware of
it hi substance Is being taken from bltn
by unjust taxation to be enjoyed by
those who toll not, Not only this but
he become t he victim of corporation
associations ol organized greed, Fre.
quoutly be reason that his vote will not
change the result, 1'orhnps not, but it
will help. And the help of thousands
who reasoned as he did Is all that would
have been necessary to change the re
suit of the majority of elections ever held
in this country. The right to take part
in the selection of public official carry
with It the responsibility for it proper
exercise, The responsibility 1 a grave
one. There is more Involved then the
pleasure und hnppiues of tbe present
generation. Ou it proper exercise de
pends the permanency of our govern
ment, and the ultimate freedom of our
people. Mhould not such a responsibil-
ty be exercised with diligence and care?
,t every elector who remained at borne
on election day consider these thing,
and when he has done so, his conscience
will condemn him for his neglect.
Henry Oeorge is dead, Theannounce
ment came like a thunderbolt from a
clear sky. Howes engaged in a battle
for the causo ol the oppressed, The eyes
of all the nation were upon him. At the
time of his unexpected death hi name
wa on the lips and iu the mind of more
people in the United Htate than that of
anyother mail. He hud thrown his
whole soul Into the contest In New York.
Little he cared for himself or the mere
position of mayor ol Oreo ter New York,
His ideals were higher. Ho hoped to
gain a position from which be could put
Into practical operation some of the
principles to which he hud devoted years
of study. To Hit up and better the con
dition of his fellowmau was his one ob
ject, lie was a sincere man. Hisappou-
cuts all grunted that during his life, aud
have paid almost reverential tributes
since his death. None reali.ed better
than he did the great personal sucriliees
he was making when he entered the con
flict lu New York, in his sHcch of ac
ceptance he said "I'll make this race if it
costs me my life". From the hour of his
acceptance to the hour of hie death he
battled llorccly for the cause so near his
heart. Fearless, he did not hceitute to
declare hiiiiHelf upon every question be-
fore the Hioplo, and to denounce crime
and wrongs of every kind. With him it
was not a question of votes, it was a
question ol right unit principle, It was
this purity id purpose, aud unswerving
devotion to principle thut made his fol
lowers love him so dearly, It was the
remembrance ol bis noble rharucter that
caused meii and women In comities
thousands to mourn bis untimely end,
It wits the fewling for a loet friend that
brought teurs to the eyes ol Ktroug meu
aud caused Women to weep in the atreets
of New York, in the history olid tbe
worlil there have leea but few meu loved
as was Henry tieorge.
You will ttnd the date at which your
ubstrptitu eipired ittaiked ou this
wm k's Uu id your pe r, Tsks nuiie
ol it and if you are iu arrears you boald
mak a pa) men I at omit.
The secretary ol the trewaury, Ionian
J, (lege, will probably dmnd not to be
ao hasty Iu bia rMHtntmeadatton that
the grula ke be rlird whn be rda
ol th eltn'tto return
XU'klaley'e hwa ily, t anion, ul
dttiorrat& Tba earn papvia Uial do-
toted to aiura apatv In Ik e that
liryaa'a boutacity wut naMaa.bae
bardly aolke4 tbe rmttU ta t'auloa.
Tba Klal Jouraal OfVoled aevaral r4.
anta m a day (of a rapto ol wt im.
tvra Vm, ma prdotiag a geat rvpsbll.
raw tetofy ta braka bad grt
vtiaRdtat'a Ibat it tt taisfa bad
ougb ol rhnte, A a rvaait ol tbe
rdwta ol tba U Jouraal al tba
fvpaWta state vtiotsittt, wtaay tw
psbiwak arw tboit fmt4raM iab
bwb tby M ig tb raU, Tba
Jouiail ou!. tr ht tuirvrwt mA
agtat tbaa to lU lb irtttb at way
1 1 to,
Tbs government's claim against the
Union Pacifio railroad has beeu paid in
full. Tbe government will release all
claims to the road, which will pas into
the possession ol the railroad king 0
New York. It will be asserted by the
monopoly sheets of the country that
open to criticism for making the pur
chase. The responsibility for the dona
tion of the millions of acres of land and
for the enormous over-charges which
the government ha paid to the Union
fuel He for hauling mail and soldiers aud
other government freight rests upon the
United Mate congress, thechosen repre
sentatives of the people. Hut aside from
the past history of the road, which is of
little consequence at the present time,
there are ot her problem In which the
people should bo interested. The most
Important is as to the future operation
of the road. 'I bis road affords almost
the only outlet for the enormous quan
tity of products of the central west, It
Is the people of the central west who
must ptiy the freight and passenger rates
that will produce the revenue to meet
the operating expenses of the road and
pay the dividends upon the stock, Jf the
stock issued exceeded tiieuctual value of
the road it I plain that the people 11 v-
ug along the road und compelled to
patronize it must pay unjust rates to
make It possible to declare big dividend
on the fictitious value of the stock.
The road was bid iu by the present
owner at fOitoOO.OOO. subnet to
prior lien of about f 40,000,000 mak
Ing the total cash value of the road a
little less than 1 100,000,000. If the
rate to be charged were so regulated im
to pay a dividend of 4 sir ceut per an
num the annual tax upon the producers
living along the line would (tmount to
1-1,000,000 over and above the iterat
ing expense ut tho road. Block which
net 4 per cent are regarded a good In
vestments. It is understood to be the
purpose of t he new company to greatly
Inflate the stock, Jt will issue f 100,000
000 of 4 per cent bonds, 75,000,000
of preferred stock and 01,000,000 of
common stock, at total capitalization
of 230,000,000 or considerably more
thuu twice the actual value of the road
aud Its equipments, If the freight und
passenger rates are made sullciently
high to pay a 4 percent dividend upon
all this stock it is clear that the patron
of the road will be compelled to pay 0,
440,000 uonutilly to meet the dividends
or 5,440,000 annually over and above
''' "d legitimate profit upon the ao
t"' Investment. Will (ho people of the
central west submit to this kind of rail
road robbery?
The government should have bought
the road by paying off the 410.-
000,000 of prior loin and operated It In
the interest of the people, making freight
and passenger rates sufficiently high to
fiay actual cost of operation and no
more. The people of tho central west
would then have been saved the annual
tribute of 0,4 10,000 which they will be
expected to pay to the railroad kings
of Wall street.
The Spanish government has very ma
terially changed its method of warfare
in Cuba. Weyler has beeu recalled. The
brutal and inhuman warfare which be
conducted will give wny to negotiations
for a u amicable settlement. Autonomy
will be offered the insurgents. The pro
poned settlement includes many conces
sions to tbe Cubitus. The islaud is to
fKiHatn for Itsei; in nil local matters,
Spain Is to have a representative officer
to be governor of the ieland with a
limited veto power upon the Cuban leg
islation. According to a report in the
Itoeky Mountain News, the executive
council of Cuba under the proposed ar
rangement are to lie chosen by the gov
ernor general from the majority wing in
tbe Cubau legielitture, thus insuring re
apect lor Iim'uI public opinion, Seiior
1 1 . -II. . 1. . ...
.Morn niiu initi a pnriiiiou win ie
made bet weeu the loettl internet of th
island and what may U called imperial
iuUtrvats, the former beiug allotted to
lb Cuban legislature and tbe latter re-
aervetl ta the cortea, in which Cuba will
continue Iu be repmumted.
If the preneut program In aeoeptd by
the Cuban authorities, lbs tpleof tbs
ialand wilt have complvla control of all
that Mates to etlucattou, charily, public
works. Insular aavlgalioa, agriculliire
and mining, aud lb local Wgtulalurw will
aUo bav lha right of draaiug up tbe
fualuma larifl aiibout any luultationa
bejoud tbiMMi mutually arraugw.
Tbia proffrx prgraw ta a hmg alsi
ta advatHW, tar wore btwral ia lu eeopa
tbaa asy ol tb bottta rt W acbeuttm Ibua
far aarittusly raidrd ta -1 aa
wilb lb island, I'ttblw opiakia ia lha
Uaild Nial ill ba t aU4 ua load,
via tba Tubaua la tba rvaia, and,
a bile it ia "mm td our baaiasMi," dipiu
aaU'ali aiaklug, wbat lpala doa ia
Cuba, vary asuvb d tM alrvagU ol tba
rvladUNi dvpada upoa wbat tb pl
Ibiak aloag tb voaala ol tba Failed
gala, how wbe b, la owa a ay of aa
olbef, tba Hgbt lof hdon aad boats
gotarnrit baa fwiv4 oola iapira
ttoa aad aid.
'rik k lt Krvf.
Tnf Baal
Those who defend judge in their pre
ent practice of the use of injunction base
their argument on the premise that it is
tbe only method to prevent the wanton
destruction of property. It is true that in
some instance the injunction has been
used to prevent the destruction of life
and property but it wa not originally
designed ofr that purpose. It is like using
a hatchet to dig a post hole with. The
authorities designed to enforce the law
of the country to prevent their lufrac
tiou and the destruction of property I
the executive department; police olflcer,
t M At (It. it
auenus, in militia ana u, . army un
der the command of the officer of th
xecntlve department and not In com
mand of the officers of the judicial de
partment. Injunction was designed an
is intended to be used by judges to pre.
vent the commission of crime In thel
Immediate presence, it is similar to
the fiower given to a constable by which
he can cull to his assistance any by
scanner in case oi an emergency am.
demand that they assist him in the en
forcement of the luw, The power to put
down riots and rebellion I vested in the
executivo department of government
not in thejudicluldnpurtment. When the
judicial department has said what the
law Is, It then become the duty of the
executive department to gee that the
law I enforced. Under such practice
there can bo no destruction of property
any more than under a system of gov
eminent by Injunction.
In Virginia every member of the legis
lature i a Bryan democrat, not a repub.
lican or populist having been successful,
This fails to corroborate the statement!
of the republican pre that the south
has turned it back upon Mr. Hryan
To Henry (leorge.
What I'Hil w my ut t Iihk.I.ii t only Oil. 7
W hml m nruiilinl mid wu Iiiiii In in mil.
AnoUiir nun will ritn lli'-o At thy worth,
A urmii,, fur!m., Imuiwt, rnsn;
A hiiIiIhuisii who took III riuik from Ool
Ami hum It Ilk a klnu. Ami, O thu rioor,
How I run a frlnml thy'v loot. In loalmr tlwul
Who nr lilmul Uiolr ciiuki Willi Idiibii.. ami nun.
aimi mnwrn a pi ii ii io nij mum nun mu fBC,
Now, llkii a wnrrlnr on a liutiln.flitlil.
Wli litHt i Imricit wen In lmt,thy m1 lnm i-iiiiib.
Thou oiiwlit to mlM our gnmt ljui'vn iMt.f up
Prom nut. Ilia iiilrMii.tul fmiuht
nan, ii iniiu iiuj in iioni oi tiiiiruii,
Avuiimt tli climlnm of Irnml nml groinl,
Jtlut at Ibn hour til mmiiiiImk victory.
Thy amnion emu und w wr loll hIoiiii.
Thuxo tbluifn all iiKiii can nay ol thus Willi truth,
tut ikk ikk,v to mijir .yi!r;
ll wa a rrliiml to all tin world' oppreainil ;
Un wan a fo to Inline ami tyranny;
Il wan a martyr to a holy un;
Hit dluil, u Im hail llvwil, tor binnnnklnil,
J. A. EiiiigjcroN.
Elect ion Ouaran tee ltoiids Long Wind
ed Trials Foot Hall John Sherman
-l ight in Now York Heath of
George New York and Nebraska on
Election Dav.
The election returns do not look as
though the people really thought that
gold standard prosierity hud settled
down upon their broad land. The gold
bug editors will need to whack the pen
jiIm over the heed with a club to make
them believe it.
Why did not Meeerve get a guarantee
bond us he promised" asks the Journal.
Hecause they are constitutionally illegal.
Tint constitution does not provide for
any such bond, neither does law. Sup
posing the treasurer of Lancaster county
should steal the usuul amount ,0,OOO,
how could his bond bo collected? In the
first place we could not get a judgment
und iu the next place the company has
uo property to levy on. The court
would decide the bond not I 'gal.
a a
Who can say there is any just ice in
these long winded court trials? And
who will plau a remedy? Trials are not
drawn out by the side seeking justice
but by the side thwarting justiee. Those
long trials are louml itcceesary only
wbere the eriiiiinal bus lots id money.
Wo have long elite come to the conclu
sion that juMtice no longer sits upon the
Item-It or hovers upon tuo Imllot box.
We will strive as hard us ever but there
SMema no u, justice will come only by
blood shedding as in the sixties.
a a
The murder machine called foot ball
hit poliebed off another college Ntudent
tbi time in (leorgitt aud last Saturday
waa the tlma. Two or three were laid
out th anitie day in our University euiti
pus. Not yet dead, but crushed, man
sled ami pulverised. Mother begin to
kia their boya tu tonre when about to
play, aaiua as they did iu thaeixtiee
when msrvhiag ordera came, Oilier,
Ilk tba Hparlau mother aay "go my
son and bring bavk vklory or m
brought bio k wa your abwld." Aa am
butanes or a bearaa may tnk tba place
ol the ahield There would be aoitt uae
ful aeua aud BO tlVe Ittat if tb match
ganiwa wr lav4 iu Iba cora Bold
ahiu kittg eorw. Victory could be award
a in tba club lhat shuctad the biggat
load la forty iiiiuulwe, Wa will pajr Ulty
ata auy da lo woaaae aueb agattia,
Vialbfra would not boast that thatr
bote won da4 bror aor woal4 lby
bava lavaaioa to bn-l aabaat4 that lby
rw tiv eoaarda,
a a
Weioohapti Joba Mhorman a Iba
at oat dangerous ataa aw boMtug otlti
in lb I nt4 Maira, Ha alaada raadj
at aav Hum to aril bia ewnatry Kir a pal
trv awtllioa and tr nt aa tjtteaUoa teat
ba ba doa It aotre Ibaa ottoa. la li
b aa Im llwriHtoL l.oadiNi. I'aret, I Wr
it aad Wntta, bobaubltee? itb tba
aoovrv mvm aad baard aolhiug abtiul
alvrr, del aoi ko ba aa . be tba
vbwl aat lo tarty tb Ibtag tbtwugk
tmmgrv aa wttra a graf w'tg
Ha tK AaMfWaa n4e tbaa Jiff la
lis, lra Va tit ol tt t4 oat of
lhttiat-t but aa ewb go. Ut atU
The fight in New York Citv is a th,-
cornered one. Tammany and Croker
lor Van Wyck, tho republican party and
I'latt for Tracy. Then there are Low
and Oeorge, both clean, decent men.
Croker and Flatt will consolidate if
there should be any danger of either of
the other two, and George and Low may
consolidate just before election. The re
publican admit that they will not get
near the vote in city or state they did
last fall.
Now tho new comes from New York
since tho above was written, that George
handled and that tho city had gono
heavily for Tammany, Van Wyck. Two
Jire calamities. Georgo wa a reformer,
fearless and true. Tammany has al
ways been a wolf gnawing at the vitals
of honor und justice.
Nebraska too, ha had another shak
ing up, not by Tammany, but by George
Low reformers of the west, Ohio has
had a close shave. We still hope that
llanna, the great boodlor, will be lelt ut
The plea that the United State postal
system is conducted at a loss Is good, if
good at all., only because the govern
intuit pay to the railway companion
two or throe times a much a the ser
vice in carrying the mails is worth.
Topeka Advocate.
drover Cleveland say he la"!lf-
mado man."
This take a groat deal of responsibil
ity from tho shoulder of the Lord.
When tho new reached Heaven bon-
flies were kindled on every hill: the An
gel Gabriel dunned a highland fling, and
Mienrcnangoi Micnacl eni.g:
Ws won t go home 'til morning,
Till day doth appear."
The l liloit J'to.lfle,
Thirty-three year and eleven month
ago today the first shovelful of eurtb
was thrown ou tho Union 1'ucillc rail
road, and the greatest feat of engineer
ng Known lo t lie world was formally in
augurated. Wise one shook their head
and said the plan to build a railroad
across the "desert" would fall. They
declared that no road could exist in a
conn try unable to raise crops. Hut
mere were men peninn the enterprise
who hud an abiding lui'.b in the future.
and those men did much to make tho
west what It is today, Hut there were
other men connected with the enternrise.
and they were not nearly so interested.
in building up the west a they were In
making ol that railroad avast system
of jobbery and robbery. And It was the
men of that In tier dims who wore re
sponsible for all the corruption that
as existed in this corporation. Iti
these men who have Imposed upon the
rstoploof tho Trans-Missouri territory,
bled them atevery conceivable opportun
ity, purchased favorable legislation, In
fluenced courts and elected United State
senators and member of congress. The
sale ol the road yesterday mark the
last act iu the greatest drama of politi
cal chicanery and corruption the world
n as ever seen.
Despite the protection of the govern
ment; desnito a loan that would have
purchased a principality in Europe; de
spite a hind grant equal in area to some
of the larger powers of Europe, and do-
put, condition that augured well for
uccess, the government was swindled in
tho land grants, the people were bled in
exhorbitant freight rule end the great
est railroad of them nil was allowed to
become bankrupt. From first to lust It
wa one vuet imposition upon the gov-
rnnienr, and upon the people VV orld-
i era in.
A Tribute to U,org.
In tho death of Henry George the world
tees a man of groat worth. Ho stood
r something. He represented an idea.
which, when developed, mount to him
simple justice to hi fellow men, lie be
lieved poverty is an abnormal condition,
that there is uo good ronsou why u lew
sople should possess what, the mussc
produce. Ho mount to abolish poverty
by establishing justice among tliojHto
ple. He held that there is room enough
on earth lor nil who inhabit it, and that
each mini and woman is equally entitled,
with all the rest, to a place to live and
to the enjoyment of nature's resources
in producing subsistence. o demamled
freedom of trade for all who toil, aud he
would pay the cost of government out
of taxes on the rental value of land. No
well iuloruied person in any part of the
civilised world need to inquire who
Henry George wa or why be is missed.
Kx Senator l'efferin ToH-ka Advocute.
A cattle dealer of Maltlnnd. Mo.,
Darned (ioodpaeturo.
Ballr OsBionrslis Tinhsi r.lealsa e
8,OHO Majority.
Ricimosn, Va., Nov. 4 Althoufb
there was unusual apathy, It la ti
naiad that lha Ikwnoeratla t ate tick
et la elected by about fti.uoo or 80,000
majority, and lhat lbs Ivituvrate
aava twu-third of tba hotua ol dal
fata aad fosr-lfthe of iba aanata,
ktttbar party polled anylblag Ilk a
rail vol,
AralMTt bitse ynm . ife, fcuj) M H,ih4
turn tUaiB ui ! f imi ,4 iim )tttt,
Narvaa M bi iu wu, m ,,
M 1 1 l - ttt4 1 14 tl lit
"4 ht lh:s, vts,, Utitti -
Narva e iifw m wi. tu, t M
fcllm, l-i at (hm44- !t lb
ataxl I ,u It. i l e. u.
Marvaa toctfi ta ii,i aiMr
ill, Whis a IS a, H4 ISw.4,
!' ll arta el Vjvi-a
tt'a N-ts, AU t.
MimuI'm IM la! 7
tf iwwipb I arUia
a a li.t,.
a, m.