The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 28, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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October a8, 1897
y:TTT'TT. a ;i r
on rf OnlMtor roily Awrrl
. ... . A
.ear t rf Yttt tli l'roiiif tlarn
nf (ponltf Would incroaM r.lrl
Hallway tobor.
nd the rjtiori of "Oovi-rnmoul
umhip" the Gbfrago- Trlbuno ol
t IS oubllabr a long editorial .
;li contuina in a nutHhell tho argu-
t&Qt gom-rally uaod by tboao opposed
to7govi?rninent ownership of ruilroudi; pee oonld bo curtailed under govern
a other uuaai Dublin nropi-rtiea. incut ownership, time enhancing tbii
While not a member of the JUinoit earning canity. V ?
F-ratioo of Ubor or any other labot tJoufldenoa in the integrity of the
oftgoefallatio organization 1 arn an od iBaiiagniiMiut if 'r '
TOat of government ownership of rail- From the day when Alexander Ham
rMiilee and telegraph aud there- Ht" Iruuded the United Htutc to
fort aaaume to attempt to auawer om , aaaumo tho entire dofif of the aevemi
cf 4ho queatlou lTie Tribano ankwi Inourrod hi th Ilovolutl(;nary war
:t,lrirt.--4'How nhall tli g(!i!ial gov-' bond pumhawr throughout tho world
ntlnont ayjuira powwlon of tho rail- bv xhown tho gr( aut confHiio J11
rflbH("uiin.K, mow belonging tJ tb pranlwi of tho Unitod rHatud to
prtvatn iodlvidualN or oorp'rationa or- wy moiny Tho luUgrlty of tlio nation
gaaiwKl in accordant with sitiji ban iwmjr m fjutiomd, 1'Uo tioojlt
ia?" j luivo novor xhowu thomwdvon Iniioin-
Pf tho right id Mfiliiftnt dmnaln, th potent to mang any buxlnotw lnf ruHtixl
M0)0 rfght by whh:h inu;b of th jirop. ; thorn, (Jur Ktoflloo dopartnwut
rf now ownwl by tho railroad wiruorw ,
tint wan Nolzod from individual owner-.
bp and turiwl ovor to ald (mrporn
tiApa. Tho rulo of eminent domain in
bKn govornruoutal fu net Ion, but il
Wifl not Im ouontioiied that it can Ui in-.
4 agaiuat a railroal crprt-atlon a
a aguiuMt a privato Individual.
Inor I5rown comti'ienxi it a great
Milp for tb Uruat (mtral railway
fako a atrip through tbo winter of hit
and build a rallriMfl track thereon,
LbiajKMAr, uiiluiportaiit right bad to
M to tno auppowMi aivuiiiageN v in-
to tho general public, and tho gen-
publio may in turn roouiro tb
lit (Central Itailroad ooimmny to ur-1
Jor tho aarno tra t for tin nno roa- ;
i and upon tbo oarno pro'cw, bow
inconvenient and annoying it may
vt tbo conimy. Or, to uwo ibi lau-
Ka of Angell and Amen in their woru
irlvataeorporatbiwi (paragraph Mh '
vtMn juat comiMiuaatbiu miflo, 1
m and applied to tho urn tit ,)iu pub-
wall property belonging Mum-
p'fttton inuit. In like tumnurn, m luild
liajo to tb naiuo fwlntrnt domain of
tbm mudt, in lika tuoaimrfl, m lield
pofaliar powor of tbo goverument. "
A7;pmiaora would dot4irmiu tba valna
of boridboldora and atockbobWa thi
m arlou lnt4irwu in real wow
aro tiMaljy flotttmiflod ondi tlw i
tit HuiUmit Ainn. n Tho actual
would, of couriNv bo 4ct4:rmiiu)
not tho flctitlyua or book value at
r h tlio prooontowoora might invoioa
tli5f propwty, . . t -
fifct'otid. "Wbnra la tho twny to
0)A& from to pay for tbcao immeuMO In
toaU, KotimatMl by Tbo Tribune at
$fOU00,000,000, or fourtlmeg thona-
Wlwown tho railriad1V -Thy nvmla
wtt own tho railrowl Win Truo, th
toklioldmof tho roal have an wpalty
iu tfl proixsrty whlol may or may nat
4d valnn, tutatiiag totlw amount rf
ioudod inaobtndniMMj of tho rooyl, but
roal ownora of tho nxid aro. an a
tho OWioti of tho bond iucd by
railroad omipafiy, i
b1a It tbat'gitca ta
alot to
liy ar valuable; (a) TVvTauiwfh
ara wl, br mortgagea on real entitta
an paKwOaT projatrty
pflKwOaT proiatrty pretoiuied to
wrfcil or exrtd in value tho face value
of 5ho bond iwnjcMl; (b) Ikx iiiixo tho
raWada bavo auearulng capacity aufll
oient to pay the agreed ralu of inU-rent
on tho bond alx.vo running tixpeuaea;
(o) Ixwauae the bond holder bavo oon
fldotiee in tho integrity f tho rallmad
iiianagenient and Udievo tho Itonda and
inUreot will bo paid promptly when
Thew are tho cmm-ik ial clement which
give valuo to tbo IxMid. Now, in t-ano
tho govertiuieut ahould actmirn arnuo
great rallroud ynteui, nay tlio renuyl
vauia Ciiitrul, aud ahould ixua boiula
to tbo aatue amouut per milo that now
ataud agaiuat that ruilroud, would tho
aomo threw tlcmenta eaint' which ara
now neaary M glvo valuo to I hone
bonda, and which would Iw neseaairy to C,WM' "f ,IM U wl' v I'er4
glvo valuo to tho bond tho' government manaKi-ra of ruilwaya. A Tom
might di re to Ihnuo agaiuet it newly
aauirv proHrty? ;
lii t ua auo, , , '
(a) liwwuiMi aocurod by morlgagna.
Tim UmiU could bo iaauinl phxlKlng
tho natdlmd, rolling UH'k and rUit
lueiit for iwyment of prlnt lp,l ami in
teriwi, tho aame a I dmie miw The
pro rty ia there jnat the name Only
thu iiulty, the right to ri'du in, will U
lu tbo goveriiiiitnt iutad of in the
eUa kboblera liradually, mm by ihm,
the praat railroad ayatmua Would be
abaorlwd by the Rnterumeul. Ihauta
)m primarily on lh rallroud proimrty
and axHNidarily on the gnu! faith of
tB.(M)0,(MK of American would I la
um! a tiecdud to buy railnatd. inak
tua him of the eudli'M rhaiu wo auiavaa
fully imuiipuUtl ly the bn4er dur
tnat the laat MtMiiuirHtltt, with thla
dinYt !) ! iu fwvamitinnl wnnbl
laaue taeid fur imairy, (m the luoiiry
Wtldj tiwiii'at,aiKli eu u ,r I e d toat the Mine
MimatawllMulatlialattaiM,,,l,1 " liuUblidme la ua
l,4il AxM'wyl, iht. wer, mf ' thai UTaetU puivhajwtif Ike
wooltfMf aildlar' ilb uf mil, .
roaltrMiiMidW'lttiribuf mly
U4 Wrt flollM'i HviU of Ut
Mttiwtf wviM: lieu
any to tvrf aoiiaa VIM o1
llva, at Mala v,t4 fat lta uwa MmO t
a It ibwefaaat ., ,Mtltf wflff M
ii m nh n.h ; fc tri W T?1, '".phw-wh ''
a.ldlh4Cft if.iiiMl Wulailjllia,t,H,m -a"al lh
f- faliM l fatvai. .. t M.l 'f luljr dtl lbtn.iua.lf la
t AaliaeiMaaai0iit, i .i i taU itwit t, fwi-
Irtenl aewaalt imewer MrTtriwrrt,' J' 'l'l lta ihh. tlvramu
ta? awtrtaivr . t WrVtVltf (X '"V a rwioaly Mlt4 In ly
HataMiMU mm ' iiOStJCt rt
Urvt l.aaMl IU4 r TnlawTriitiriT W dia !,. I
of IUIU.atllMtal' a lrel ibt rr' and tlo
Ikt neUajej.Mly MM, ff tK rMiUiU H. VU la
M4iajej.l..At ff
tniit-ri;il reduction of rat-. Unnroduc
tire line of'-waVtanrm-' liificfiiMtfIr ai
"foxier J or for the puqaawof ocaiiny
ing territory, would Ov titinexseavary
whQ tho (ovcrnvuowiiv all elm Yuwi
iW . ifllinf Ktwok p jnjlp Vrutild bl
necewtry i
th') rood, ai
the C'VvtYUiqeu owik4 all
a rolling afoek oonld bo eonf
from every rurt of tho country where
a congestion of bualne might 1m ft urt 'L
Then, again, by 11 centralization ol
ear mIioim, mudilne hou, etc., a great
avluu eoubl bo effected. Fewer uueiit
fc aolioit businoaa, aell ticket, eto,,
would Im needed. In eoore of way ex-
iuik a 7ian frror 01 tno aoimy 01
tho jooplo, thu nation, ft conouot a
largo buMinoM num-ioifully, xvoirjlo
ally With govwnmont ownorNhip (it
railrotvla tho buudhoblor would have
nothing to fi ur from tho wXiotin of tho
"bull" and "boar, " tho kx;k nmiiipu
latrn and railroad wmokura. Wo find,
tlu rtftura, thut tho lmd of tho rullrvu
own;d by tho govcrnmunt would poa
auaa in an liuiroawxl dogroo all tho tdo
inoiitu which go to louko IkiikI valuably
and (onwx(UMjlly tho huuio v.Ium of
pooplo who now inv!ttt tln ir tuony in
railroad bond would gladly citiiiuw
to tin int.
Third "How would any honont la
boring man proilt from tho chuugoi"'
Thin 1 un j. if bo Muotild travol, bo
would uot I obllgixl to pay two prlcim
for a if'Ht In a xiniuion oar in ordur that
anotbor man might rido in tho 1'ullman
frmut chargo. If bo ahould bavo any
iroignung v w oono, no wouia not no
ruirxi w pay mira at wi a nignur
claNMifloation in ordVtr tocnablo tho rail
road to pay a rcbato l bin wealthy
t t M I . t M . 1
wiguwor. u n unoum wora ir tno
oompany, bo would know that bin
wagi would not bo nubjm t to auddon
ana unroaMonallo rilucrlon, that bo
would not boobllgixl to contribute py
b nupixirt td any labor organization in
W'Jht to proto,t bin rigbta, awl that 110
trikrra would evor bii pnrnltt to
orlve lilm from bin govrumut umploy,
lu would awo foid a gmaU-r political
fro!lom than at pnwout.
Fourth, "How would fho wholfl
l-4)p bo bottor Korvod by tho walking
didi-giiti a who would 4)Xpx:t to bo in
control undor tho ordurn of tho lMm
tht Hoi-rHgtoi, tho Altgi-bla ot ul.
than thuy aro uudor tho prowdit condi
tion a roguluUsd by law and und r tho
txMU lf (ivi liation?'?' 1 1 U i
'J Why do ym im nuhio thut tho Mmt
Hovirrufgn, tho AltgiddK ot aL
awiuHliaro tliofntil? lplrnat"biit
argun4nt; yoif proluiin thatugt
" ut by tho ptxiplo f a failuro. Von
Ifumo tliut tho Amerleai iiooplo will
eleut a praxldunt who wotld aeloct far
bla cabinet ottlccra and huad of depart-
mn ji wontiy or Odhnnrnm It
,,-xnnt tn-wj am oimgerona pwpioj mould
laj uiiMiiiiroi in inoraiiroui uuoer gov
ernment owiiorabip, they would alao 1k
in control of tho poittollloea, tho treaa- then. Ho and other not in our party
urf, U4UliilrWb4 WherHn1jiPaifVft(fiing our priucipb-a toduy.
of government. I 15ut between uow and WOO either
Thla 1 tho argument of tho Torle in
tho d.iyrrtf tho-Knrnlarton," of rnnn "
urcbiNtaof tbeilayaof tho Fn-iadi revolo
thai, of the Htuurt and Houitxiua aud
tbo advocate of the jl Lviiiu right of
kitiga. It i uot an argument that haa
any force in a republic aud ia quito un
worthy no I II iint r ion un American pa
per aa Tho Tribune.
It ia but fair to reaumH that in thi
brunch of government, tia in all other,
tho men bent qualified fur tho purlieu
lar bunine would bo aelecUid therefor,
Tbo aocrctury of trumiortatiou, cr
whatever bia title might bo, would ltt
frtductiMi by tho pruniiliiut from tluit
rmi or a jimi r ink or a Marvin Hugh
Itt wonld U'wlected toniftiiiigethe rail
way branch of tiiu Koveruinent uud
would lo no ! worthy, no lex com-
l( nt ami no le nuomwuf ul a a omit
HKif Ikcuui) he reclvi4 bl authority
from thu goveriiuuuil at Vuhiiigtou
rather tlinu from a board of duvctora
in New York.
Aa to the coiiiitiitic.iil limitation of
tho varioua atatca on atate and city In
debtwlneea, I would out ay thai there
la iiothiug awred atanil a roiutitutlon.
It i a law adopted by majority of tho
IMHiplo and i auhjiM't to bange by tho
tome jKiwir wUieli iiiudo it, aud if
tiMHhiry, lu onlir to tarry out the
wiiheaof Hie NHipls the citttutiNi
ahould be en cbaugl aa to admit ol
(Miitiarilng of duhte la eioeMof the
pre nl limlla filhe piiri of buj lug
rei railway, watrrworki, rliN'trto
lltfhl plant, ttu.
ut In thi coiuiet tluu il alemld alau
rue lu mind thai if tjte muuiel)!
llllli r armlly (uelt 'd he
VT"' I
' " lmrl blA la Amtr May (
' J; wr.ratliait ami Inwi U
V? v
'J '7 etiimiH n
lf aa' twatiner ly all dllhmt
?M! lMi"
rVl'wViTliirg,i'iiflmi?rita 1 am full
hajin llio druiikurd, "uatll tlie lai
"I'i-wh," wife tli si, "till tli fon( itn
''1aai)lHrlH'li'Wra'-r, "uiiil ' Hldrn.'
"I'wmsu," 0a NiuU(lirlft, "viiUl l'v n
iir. " ,
"I'tmw," my tho uiuittiir. "1 fmxj you wilt
YiH ar my MtrvnutA putll you urn Aimd."
I i i ; j ! U i. i ' J
Til iix ii tlio tyrant hum Nwnf in our land.
iM'UllIK IlUt lMtll Willi IIIITi'lllM llHII'l.
Auk tor iiroii-dilon, you'ru uivim a tuii.
Ak fur your right, you r t;l'i you liavt
Thtu ur th imtviiiiI k it urwlttr tli ImmIi,
Hij lJ''t h of iiilxrujii Mini (tountKl hut IimnIi.
How to mwrUr uud i'riK' t tiinr f', ' '
I'riflnui will dwti k wtM l'l Jl ClUit
of tli unlvorwi wo frmii on Iiik'i ,
All tliiiiK lorrctruil Unit Utmb nwl f '
In III K'Cfl tlinu will lliu wroiiK Iki iiiikIk rllil
And your oiimhIoii iirlno and luko iliht, ,
1'ib;, tlmii, liuv puiwiuuOf (orlKMiruuotr n
truxt, J f 1 ''
KtrlTo with th dtiinoii of Miiininon mul luxt,
Kwi'lutf llio In Wliiiri Uttioii urrlviw,
VoU for your trutuimu, your liuiuu mid yuui
'Uood Will" lu Joliimtowu tMuuoumt,
, Why l Antlou Mot Tahu7
Tlio Journal of tho Knlghta of Lulior
claim, what wo huvo elated previous
ly, thut froo coiuugo of Milvor ia now
tho law of tlio United Hi a tea Tho law
of IH'M, which provided for aucb coin
ago, It atatca, wum ropeulod in 18711, but
ro-cnactcd in IH1H with a new eluuw
re'iulrliig tho purchaw) and coiuugo ol
2,000,000 to 4,000,000 ounce of all-1
ver Mr month, It waa this clauae and
not tho law of JiJ7, which waa reiieuled
in 1 Mi II, which iij' reMialwl tho pur
chaao clituao of Jb'JO, Tho J)urnal at
tribute tho fuiliirv to act on thla view
to tho fact that ownera of allver bullion
aro alnv) tlio larget gold and bond own
era in tho world, ao that they benefit
f 10 by gold appreciation for, every
dollar bt by allver depreciation. But
it la atruiigo thut othera intercatcd ill
ailver mine and promiuout allver udvo
catea don't huvo tho cuno brought to a
toat, Han Frauciatxi blar, .
Well, aomo of tho prominent ailver
advocate Imvo auid thut they thought
"tho onforoenumt tit tho froo ooiiiugo
law at thla time would kill tho political
agitation for freo al Ivor, "Journal of
tbo Knight of J,nbor,
Wlx-n W !! l'otl Itouk.
Tbo temporary return of iirdijKiiity
among tho wheat aud produce farmer
of thla country cuuwxl by tho fuiluro of
tbo foreign crop ia looked upon by the
aperulitflng bank througlurtit tho coun
try aa tho approach of a great boom.
iThoMo bank aro beginning to nuika
thlngaa Jlftlo Ijiater by Investiug dts
IKMiitora' money in varioua kiiula of
apeculationa. It will bo a worry day for
depositor in theo lanka, however,
ahould tlio government cMhIHhIi poNtal
aaviug bauka at the next mminn of
congre, Hhould tbia bo the cane, every
body will lie in a hurry to huvo their
uoucy doponitnl with tba govmiruent,
aud-thoH bunk will ; find It nifghty
bard to meet their deOHita upon de
mand. TIki day of the aN!Culatiug
bauka will be whort ahould the jxioplo
uwau-a-4 in cHtahlihliing tho jiohtal wiv
ing iMuk where they can depoit with
tbo governiHeiit and know that it it
aafo, Dcuvelf Hoal.
. rr
I liiako"m7 JfP'do'gy fortho action of
our party in' 11:
!)il Mr. iiryan
worthy of the
mipjHirt wo gave
William ,1. liryuu and hi follower
Wlirflegenerale fnio pari !nau and nur
render to the con rvatiMiri which fram
ed that flnaneial pliiuk iu the Chicago
platform or they will bring tho Chica
go platform up t i ISryuuiHiu. Failing in
that, their duty an iutriotio political
leader ia to bo true to their politintl
conviction ami to uIiko themaelvea
with the puny which feurb'Hly writee
in lta platform, "Money by law and no
corporation credit to circulate a tho
currency of tlio pcoplo. " E. (Jerry
4'nrpnrllnn Bint Tliclr Tool.
CoriKjration thut were to bonervuut
and begged the privilege of mipplyiug
citie with couvehiitiii-ee or of m rvlng
tho country at largo have liecomo maa
tera Wo hau h-l III) yeur of colorloaa
pdiuoa, in which Imtli of tho political
part le were tlmply eoiiveuience for
organized fireed 1 hero wa nothing to
arouao the dm p nIuiiiIh riug pauintUiii
of tlio iiuiK, and rt ram of polulciaii
came to thu front, muuy of whom had
Im caivictoua, but Mtraddlml every
pnitMiMiiiitt and then waited to Im mi
dne d They wi re men w ho muilo evrry
promiMi In the laborer ami then rav
iruy bim Tin nu n Ut niu limtru
luetiti through which the eorporutiou
woi ki d. Ki t Ui i riior Al tgvld.
la iimi auiN
Tin rv ere liuudrml of iIioumiiiI of
obi lt putleitii who are rltfht al heart,
bill who art) tnrin. ut'l I v arty loyalty
iutotlingiiiglttaiiotganiyailoii that ha
d. geiM rated uto is rru t illtt-a me
rlilno iiiiiit-'rd by vi-iut and ambl
line irKkttt r end ib imtgogti.
The llrl it p In lake It to tlu out of
IkeoldotaaolMlloit, TbtowolT Iheinr
ty ItatMtM, lake a tnv Irveitt, d4
aroun.i you, iuiv tnw Iiuih4t aiel
1 1 lien t man emtifch to m tour atioul-
llu-n mtn i ubh to itn your atioul
dor to the wbl Htid h-lp build up an
otlo - r tud old fmriy wbb U hll t a-
mm h f, the white U aa I he oil U
publii eu uy did I lha to im alava.
H. F, it el ton
whe Mbt a t v
Fi it tut aiaklatf t ttit'l
eimtiuy U d- n eut of ttihllii fimlt
ami wahthopa ami vl lt-by people
Who tile vwrjr luluule, f nf..iti, wr4
tula In!" Ilka aaiuma leetva, tlielt
tintt (Ht m i and b4hl.l M U irM
. taUNia that una after tkeiaiiiri
1 Utuijikry Wartl. ,,,
No law, whether good or tho reverse,
n afelyfl,fiftHtCiJ by iy(ffiihto
io lender merciea oi xnuciuia who are
liUeriy boMtilo , to it, but law cuacted
iii tho lntcrcHt of tho peoplo are duly
torriiHtcd to tho lackey of corporation
4nd tlio paid aervanta of monoixjiy, who
ftio jilaccd In power for tho pnrpoHO of
Wng MfTvlceublflto thdr muaUira, That
i why lawa and iiiHtitutionauro of nch
try aiiglit ailvantago to tho iiiujinc.
We lutiat Icuju tho great loaaon tliut tho
ajirit la oven more important than tho
form. Kvery day wo uro aaaurud by aye
pfihauU thut our bent law aro failure
or thut they lie dormant upon tho atut
Uto booka. When wo bavo Huouttednd in
obtaining law ot!lccra and other official
lu harmony with tho apirit of theau
lawa, they will bo dead no moro, but
apilng to lifo, Twentieth Century.
Irri upoimlliU l'rorlly,
, Wottro eating thofruitaof un irre
pomiiblo proaperity which baa grown
rich aud luxury loving with a fine lu
dilferencn, too ofti-n, to tho procueaca by
Wliich our wealth haa been galuwb
Wliat it haa coat, what it la coating
oilier, liaa, at tho bent, very little con
cerned u. Hut a day of reckoning will
come, and tho awakening of tho prlv
lU-ged clfiNKca to condition in tho lifo of
Working people which they ought long
ufto to have recognized may eaHily bo a
Tory painful and coatly ono, Hurely a
Winer and a nobler way will lo to aeok
fbt to rucigulMi and to owu the condi
tion in our proaout industrial life that
tiood bottoring, and thed to touch them
with a wlao and gouorou and fraternal
Ijand. Re Henry (J, Potter, D. 11,
if) North American Review, '
: tmiator Jlullxr Favor lienry (inera.
, A telegram Lu been r-ceivoil lu New
Vprk from Marion ilutlor, the populiat
louder of North Carolina, and a motnbnr
of the wnnte, In which that gentleman
MAfcaerradly declwrua for Henry 0;orge,
HaiiMtor llutler aaya:
4'ltu la the only candiditla In the race
who at ami for the principle for which
llfynn ao heroically contended In tho
hint campaign. The muaaee of the poo
Knll ovfr the country nre with hlui in
light.. Tuninmiiy hoa made a fatal
miatake unlen It luteiida to loin the
Cleveland and l'ulmor gold crowd'
Fearfal Rosult of Improporly Troat
) ing an Abflcous.
' , -i.r'l lo-ri
M. I K.lirowolux, of I'uaMo, I'eliifulljr
j Alllldtoil from af.'iiinpllKMtlfiii of
I)lli J!r ltiiirkliln
' Krmii tli Cblnf tain, I'ucklo, Col,
'1'lia hurry and biiafleof, the hoiiHowifn
la extremly wearing up'im the delicate
nrgaiimm of womunhood. Her Inten
oflruentiie In whatever ahe undertakwa,
Nfcipt her constantly to go beyond her
Rend the etory of a Colorado womnn
told to our reporter: "Kight yeur
uifo" auid aim, "my hiiMband died and I
waa left with three i-hiliireii to care for
and educate. About two year uro I
waa very eick with blood polaoning,
catiiM-d by an abaceaa that hud not re
ceived proja-r treatmeiit. The diaeuae
for a time eettled rti my throat eailng
lit) inbtiiHe agony. Then iullaimitory
r-u mat mm act in. For four month
iidd a half I won a primmer in my room,
UMjatoftlie time confined to my bed.
,fy hand were ewollen ao that 1 could
nfit feed m,vell, and the welling In my
feet and ankle would have made walk
ing inipoMHible if 1 had been etrong
"One day, alter considerable treat
ment my pliyMimmi brought tun u box of
'Von in-ed it toiilc"li mild, "and eouie
thlinr that will act at ouite, audtliUi
ili hint mediciiii) 1 know oi for that pur
pose." 1'ills. I exclaimed iu siirnrise, a he
opened tll box illld ehowed tno the lit
tle pink gtohee. These are lir. Willinin'
pink pill for pale pcophi.
'Ye,' hut you luted not Im alarmed,
they are not physic, ami my word for it
tliey'l do you mood.'
Itelore I bed been lakiuif tliein a week
1 noticed a vreat improviinieut in my
condition. Soon my rheumatism wn
gone, I Krw atroiiKer each day and now
am iu tlm bct ol health."
The lady a ns Mr. I- K. Ilrowniim, of
ll.'1 I'HSl 4tli street, pueblo, (i)orado.
I lr. Willium'e I'nik 1'illa
for l'ale People," she coutliiuml, "the
lv.t touln I linre evi-r knowu."
"A friend not louif iiko. wa tell inn
mil of her mot her who la nt a critical
ierlod in her life, Hlie had hern nhjaet ,
to terrible Iniiilliie; p'-ll Had the whole
faanly would work over lor. lr. VVlb
liMiu'a I'ink I'iila have not only topd
the Uniting sll hut givnu her an)
iiiuen airvuirtii that ene I auie in lake
up hfi' dm Mm Nguiu.
"I rveoin mended the pill also to a r
young lady whose Htle I tut made one
pity lir, rlis looked aa though Itmre
wasit'l a drop of blood hi hr body,
Khe wit a an weak that ahe waa not a his
In wttKinl iliool, but after telle- lr.
WilUeni'e pink pille fur athile, ehe haa
Bonebak In m IiooI, aod, alth be ror
i:hiik and bnghl ryre, he look like
aaoltifrairl, ,
(HiiimUi - Mat L. il Daoaaiaa,
tiutweritMMl and "tawra io Uort t
Ihl lh Uir, A.U, T.
tiniei.a W thi t , Nuierr I'uhlle,
W, Wiliiaui'e I'n.k I'.ll for 'el I'so
pis, ruMlaia ia a roinlensrd forei, ell Ike
rU iiM iit nmeery Io vve aawliteaad
rU liio-sa In Ike blMl ted reiore ahaN
Itn-U leey are alert writi
lor Iroehl iveehwr In fwmalse, I) aa
tupprsMioe, lrrtutariiaaai all forme
ul wka. la aiea Ike fta t a radi
el tare la all arUUit from
Ul iwtf, af aor k ar ke ol hel
aalurs.i Ue, VUltiam't I'iak I'dk
reatihlit bna (nvr la loiebi)
al M eniti a Nil lor lar 4M
au4 Nitf Ni kl ol all irvkiU it
re I ay wawl liaat lr, llirtiamat Mr4
lM(tiHiayltiVeladir, ,V, ,
Uf ltiaTeiwkt etOMB
Iwktd kHM le a.M.H. Maataif t
tiM r iji, kMMv a
s4 44HI 4
is'lhc hardest thing; for a store to get and the easiest thing
to keep, You can't fool a woman more than once. You
can't pull cotton over her eyes and call it wool, You can't
make her believe an article is honest if it ain't, We have
the pleasure of doing business with thousands of mothers
and they continue to trade with us year after year. Lasr
ficason wc sold over six thousand suits lor boys. This sea
soil v.-c will sell more. On page 30 of our latest Sample
book you will see a sample of the all wool Cassimcre we
put into our $1.60 knee pant suits. On page 31 wc show
the" goods we put into our $2,00 knee pant suits. On page
33 we show the fine imported Worsteds from which we
make up our boys' suits at $3.25. Either of thsse suits is
well worth double the price we ask lor them, All of them
are thoroughly reliable woolens, well woven and well
shrunk. All of them will weir, There isn't a house in the
country that would be willTiigTo duplicate any of these suits
atjour prices, and women know this or will mike it their
business to find out, The confidence mothers have in us has
bejen earned by hird work. Wc do what wc can to de
serve it. Women take pleasure in advertising U3, That's
why we will sell a great many1 more boys' suits than ever
th?y"r'. m . .. ;...jr, ,., . ,;,;, i AJ HO
I At you haven't not cur lntt aampla hook you ci.n t It by doing- thr thlngti
Pirt, writ your name and trtflrran plainly on a portal rnrd, flpcond, wrlta the nam
of thi fiupcrjtjJUtlrjk. J( tvt .Hmtl Hook A 1. mmt.-MmA-mmmmm,mt..
the Ilarrlaon,
tr.i.v. -
ri imuiT wiiii on,
toard, Wilson Moiine sf!rinir
( wngona, piigniea,
U 'P iuelona, Also bO-
,n bligKloa,.phaetoiiaundcurriauii ' ' , -
' - ill
UNION Ti:At HKiiH- ai.i:ncikh of ami;hioa.
a A IIVV I. n. IlimFli 1. mm .1 .
PltUliure, rw ToroBto,V'n Haw OrUsna.
JMi Cl CIiIi hkh, III,, at. I W M U. H. i.H C.....l,i, U..r S ,,.r ,, t Ih " wb wit tori. tsJol
, H ""IL J -ttli.f I r ... f i W fl r
. . f
The lilcttric Fumigating Vapor Inductive Caliint t is used ! ! '
daily. "Also Tissue Htiildors, Neuralgia, Khcuniatism, Liver,
Kidney, Ovarian, Nerve, and Chronic diseases treated suc
cessfully Consultation free.
TliU Mill t j ' r rt-A'vrti 'i I M I llltw
r-its V 4r DeLiOflCH;
, Aaout coat IPf 1'l.AM aVai'ii 1 'if
I ! C ' , - An I ' KN(;tN8Hii,inon,rs.S '
i' ' ill ' I I.TmenMk I Vtovti I
Ir o ;'J 1 7 ' IX Watich wmtrTi.a, U fl
n' ''ith I V' V AALUW WKiKa, '! if
. ..i,aT n 1( riuTimt. ,;
. 1 I J VlLIKVa ami i I
I f I.T'l AW MHI'AlklNd f
1 1 : V a mn iALTv
. 1 7 ""m"' ","7 -ewwvvinvruyM
mm w
10 J
ka A a av A k
Ue4MMtN .MiaHaaMVilVT
Sri n n?
U.S.. I i I WNO.tiAU h ,
Hay.Qralnand Mill Foods, Ualo-Tl i
ith atul lSlaU!MBai.i .
t v.
rr-v, '
KttnlMbakftr and
. ..
f-'t a'V
iwmrHuuup -
carrjigea and : ..
wcond-liiuid Hah' I LI J.
Haw Vork. 'tr T . w..i,i..
1 . . f
houlii, Mo., t4 lar, tolorsilo'.
. D, C, Baa rre
' " T T
s , ; '
J. 0. COTTER, M.D, j
.;; ,al lV
I I il l A i I. n
4. r