The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 21, 1897, Image 8

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October 21, 1897
1 1
U. P. Reorganization Committee
Paid $2,000,000 to McKlnley'i
Campaign Fund.
And Mark Ilunna Ajreod That
Cleveland's Foreclosure Would
Bo Carried Out.
Itoail Worth
Atlie1iiii for tint fondofur ami
! of th Union Pacific roml op-prow-lie
much intorwtlnji liUtory I
lulu brought toluht. The Nw York
World hint heroine iirouil to tho 'iir
tnlty ol Hip atoiil awl In ltluti ol Onto
b r 18 MH.VN that 11 tenl Involving nu
I iimmliats lo to tlm jiovwimwiit ol
f J0,000,000 iunl uu ultimata lo of
over $30,000,000 will be roiiHUuiiiiiik-d
within tho not twenty day mile IW
lilctit McKinlcy in Itoh'h hi authority
and irotMttliMol.
Tim Union l'tir.iflu ruilway noinpuuy
owr Ilia (joverniiutiit over f fi'J,O0O,O(M),
A pool of Wull trct bunkum tin 011
gaffed In ft nchomii of rnoriftiiilwitlon
whiuh conUwiplutc th payment of 0'J
per cunt to tlm govrrumnut, or lim than
$83,(00)00, while mwnitlee nebonli
nutfl to that of the government will ob
tain 175 per rent upon their ijIiiIiii.
AllthBh'gftl rlnlitu which the govni.
merit in Ik ht avail of In the .juirauit of
tho plunderer who rifled tho compiiny
trenaiiry lire to be ftlmiidoned.und term
of aula Imvu Iimhi fix ml which ubolutly
bur every form of coiiiptitltion umlgive
the pool a bi prize. There ant iandu
lone rumors tracing a connection between
tliiMColiiNKiil uti'ul nml the Hiibarrlptlnna
of Wall utrict to tint Hiinnu cuiiiiiiiIkii
fmiil nnd the acteclloii of at lut on
prnriiltimit cabinet olfluial.
Tin World offum to iiumn pnrtic who
will pny thn full 11 111 011 nt of the govern
nient' lieu If l'reiilciit McKiiih'y will
act 10 prevent thittpiiblie robbery . which
tint World denounce u worm limn the
hint bond ayiidiuiita deal. Wu huvit do
lulled In thena milium before tin lil
tory of tho u Id given by thn government
in tho count rncl ion of them) rond; mil
lion and million of ncree of hind nnd
many million of dollar in bund. The
roiiil hue been ttutcfully and corruptly
miinugcd eier iiincii it organization,
The record ol thrf company mIiow that
million of dollnr have been Hpetit to
corrupt Irglalution and many million
more huve been wrongfully divert ed to
thu poekntM til holder of watered tttocU.
lit WH through T. V. Durant $3if.-,,ooo
wae mid to corrupt cotignwiiiHii and
get thn government, to accept u mtoiiiI
morlange liiMtend of Ite first iiiortgagH,
$112,000,000 hove beeu paid out 011
twjuat, illegal and improper claim. A
II rcHiilt tho road v.u bankrupted in
lMlt. Tho men who wrecked it headed
bv J. 1'lcrpoiit Morgan and Colli V.
liuiitingtoii formed the reorganization
coiiimitteu anddevlHed tho preneut plan
of robbery no nearly conunimuted.
They had hoped to get it through during
( levehind ndmiNiiatiitii but early in
III 1HUI1 it becamt) evident that Ihi deal
could not ba couhummated until the
new udmiiiltration had lea intalled,
0 thn progreK of the preideii(iul flec
tion wa aiixioul,v awaiied.
Mr, .Mi Kinley wu iiommaled, Mark
lluiiiia wa made i haii inai' of the na
tional commute" and plan wero laid to
collet t money for the cumpaign. Mr.
Ilniina eiiiue to New York to tap Wall
Klreel. Tim air a froty though it
wa inidcuiunier. Hanker henituteil and
lliiniiil wuh perplexi'd. Why utiould the
gohtbug paUHd? Whut could h do?
An iiiliiiiilii)ll MUM uivell ll i til lloit II It II V
ol thtve baiikern wa interested in thn
ii'iiiuniiiiiiioii of thu 1'iiion I'ucine. Mr,
Hhiiiiu wa willing to examine into tint
1'nlnii I'iicifW; iirobleiii nml doclnred III
reiidine to cotiMider it with "an 0'u
Many ineetinu were held, the firt at
lid i.IUiw ill tvllhtl. I.IH'll A. I'll.. HtlOUt
Augut 10th, other ut the Mer
cantile TriiKt company, and prinuiuent
meiiitwr id tha brtiiker pool ut tended
uud dit ui-M'd with Mr. IInniiH way
and iiiciiu to ruino 11 collomil lampatgi:
At the llrnt meeting of the pool after
ti n noiuiiiatiou and b(r Mr. Il uiua
wa taku into nuybudy' coullleiiee, it
wh uravelv coimideivil wlu tlier it would
tot ! well to t iller into m gotmtiou
both with the Hrynn and Mi Kinley
lutliiiiuil roininltle. o thul which ver
woa the Ui-tiou the banker' (tool would
iu couB.Ikuiui term 1111 in urw
Hiltmiiiiit rut Kill.
Alirr Hi tlrt metina- the bimkerV
iMiel dii'nM Hint It would ! uiiu.. -
ry to dl with th l'.iu uiaitwer,
tbfiiuk um ol ilifin. a t aiU'.l riHl'
wuniiii. wrtr!U.I uihiii lt i'ir U
luiw It al4 did . Alter d.vl.l'im to
ttu. fin ltrtwlritiutHa to ttt llnuuu
(Mini'it'ttH lund. Ik iMiemniiw UeUauly
1 i'.n l.4 Ih ihairuiwn to kuo whal
in ww wit la I Itiw IliMii oul
ih utiuwi.l inlrl lu Ikwlaioa
lit. Han Im.t IxrrW a nrililrB ill
Itt lit ol ' rl awd wa Uai'lmr with
It iiuuiwM. Mr. lUaita w mn
111 MI W Mitial K'HtU WrlnUvf ! Ik
tahktr' .4 at IH'tt'i Iwrin, a h
Kwrt i-l w kttw b- i t I rb
iltul itavrMlKa ii wrtid, aw-l wiiN
Iw Um ltd a wi Iktrvwiltr. ! Ik'
r' l'd ! "Ml - a ihUmmi l iihi
anniMitl wmiiiw..
th Mil 1 v.i.umI ju llrrMl 1
It lo'tviitwu tin'w i i. . it va rt
J Ikwi II t k.U t lnvtUit ol
a )Hhi4 a (iiwt i.i..iUiu
I ,l tlul4 dvl Wilt I'. fw.l!Kia
imm uMtitt 1t .ri
B tmtM-bui.i tt-il. t v Ih oilkt
Utia lk kl n-a w 1 wl tk on
akr id 4l iut la aknm Ik
tit' -m4 a atM it. r wa
. --.1 .k-i....t.--i
li tr it i a in'i ir Wi
Ik tiwvl llMI dt It it '
termiue the term of the aale of tli
Union Pacific A prominent member of
the pool iw the Mercantile Trut com
pany, which, 0 la wull known, i con
trolled by the Kquilable AnHtiraiice o
ciety. Col. John J. McCook, of the firm
of Alexander & Urwii, of the Equltabje
ltullding, who had been a co-receiver in
the Atchienn, Topeka & Santa IV, mm
flrat alntud for attorney general. The
World dlMCovored eome of the IntcreMt
which were promoting hie nomination,
auditafipoMiireled to a change of the
prmldcot' plaiiM.
The next mehiction for the olllce of at
toriiey gimernl wua JohopIi McKmmn, of
California, who hud been named km
truHtee of tho i-Mtate of Inland Ktni.
ford, 0110 of the "I5ig Four" of I'uclflo
mil way miignatce.
(.inn i.f ilia Hale are Mitch that
compntitioil i prucllcally excluded und
the pool IH Hiiro Ol ll" pnnim. ",r
thirty duye wen allowed to Intervene
luii uri.nn 1I111 Htiiiouucomcnt of the de
cree of Male and the date of wale. Kueh
bidder wa required live cluye in auviinco
of the Male to ilepowit $2,000,000 in cah.
lie mijHC pay no per nun 01 m mu,
iiracticallv t H'J.OOO.OOO ill CIIhIi, thirty
daye nfb-r the Male and an Interval of
thu-1 v dm additional, or Mlxty dnyein
oil, wiw 11'llowed for the payment of all
the lnta!lmeiite 01 me purcua iiioiiey
Involving an outlay of pwrhape $115,
000,000, though Mpcclal provmloim wa
made lor oiitluipating thowi liialallineiit
uud paying the entire um atoncolf the
plan 01 the rcorgauizer imjuireu n.
Ilidder would b permitted to ue flrt
mortgage bond of the road in' Melthi
meut ol it, and it mo happened that the
reorganization committee controlled all
of thoMft bond, The Male could bo
Jatiiuiiid through and the paper (he
ll vored before emigre could meet. No
0110 will deny thut there am very few
bidder who can conveniently curry
around; or ralee 111 Mlxty day, 11 trilleof
$1 ir,000.000 In cuh, or ut leat not
without involving trude diturbance. If
all tho three big railroad entering
(inifiha from tho eut. except tho Chi
cago and North wcMlern, were to join
hand und lid Ir tin property mey
would encounter impoHiblo condition
mile. It. therefore, be-
came evident that no bidder could com
pel with the Wall afreet pool, nml unit
11... i .00(1 OOO nroflU which had been
...1 1. ...,(., I l.i; thut. mini in thl brdtich
1... I .i..rl .... , -
of the deul could be uNiirnd.
Will lu Vlere(l M101 k.
A Moon ii I ho Male I coiiKumaled the
reorganization committee will morgan-
n . i . . t.I A. If' itt I ItJKl
Ize, A property w nica coi pm,wipi;,vi;
iirlImillv nml which reoreent lo the
organizer a coat of H 1,000,000, though
it can bo reproduced lor icm iiim.ii f.),
000 per mile, or $30,000,000 in the ig -
irpi.iniiii. 1 in be euoitalized at 1233.-
000,000 u follow, niter the goverumenr,
ha ruliiiiuihe(j iiMciaiin:
l lr.t tnoniiK4 per iinl Buy yr
u,.ni iKimii iiiio.iiiiiuxm
l'i...farrnil alnrk 7."i.WHI,IHlll
I'ullHiHrnl inl l!i)iiliineiit I rum ..... Z,mm,tm
i'uiiiiHuiuck eu.ww.uee
ToUl KM, WO, Will
l piiilrriuil u hieli can lie reiirodilci'il
for $23,000 per mile I to be capitalized
1 1: lir. (Kill ner mile, taxiuir all thu
country wet of tho MiMilipi to hiim-
tain that load ol criminal unoi.
The reorganization committee benevo
lently May it will take $0,000,000 in pre
ferred elock n ita comiieiiMfttlon and nn-
.. .... A. ....t.I.. ).!. .
noiincc thai ii nu miii nemo T-n,n.i.-aii
I..1- nictpiKiriliiiiirv reoiiireiuentM."
a phrae that I a elutic a Jay Ouuld'
luuiii runner account, or iniuuiiKkuu
"legal ex'M'iiNo," under which inillioiiM
were paid to lulliicnco legmiaiton.
The Miiiuu pool ha outlined iiHimilnr
progriiinuie lor the Ceuiral Piiei'lu de
lault. Tim Maine committee will prob
ably uiulerlake tho reorganization of
that property later. Tim otreei prom
of the pool for the two deul are com
puted iih IoIIowm:
Union Pncillc $211,000,000
entrul Pacific 2M,000,00(l
Total ,
plunder will b apparent when tho World
UHHcrt that ll condition are inaoe rca
onubleitwill iih me a ayodicate which
will give to I he Government u full, fair
and unqiieMtioud equivalent for thedeht.
The ayndicate will cxK-ud fixty-flve
million to diHpoMo of all lieu or claim
that now precede or affect that ol
the government. The eyudlcato will
pay $3,000,000 in cunh on the day now
fixed for the mile. It will depolte $13,
000,000 United Htuto bonda to further
Mccure the payment of tho government'
claim in full. .
The attention of Preideut MyKinley
I reMpectively called to thi gruve
Mcundal. Will ho have tho courage to
etuiid up boldly nnd protect theinter
ct of the people, or will Ii kit calmly
by and fulfil the contract entered Into
between Mark IImiiiiu null the reorguoi-
znlion committoe?
(Continued From i'irt Page,)
i:ai;nimi hi-' tub iioah.
The net ii'iriiinuM of the Union I'licilU:
ir live or ix venr have averaged over
$0,fjO0,noii Hiillleii'iit to pay intert nt
I in.r cent, on eniiiiiil. ot
tlie goveiumeut, which liuacliiim that
i preceded only i.v a iten oi ,i.,,iimi,iwi
i forced to acrillce $20,000,000 m pro
curing it jul din m.
With 80,0( ii Mcciiritie inienor
and Meeond to the government claim, the
attorney-general yet waive $20,000,
000 of the government, lu tn lunif ua
ol an eminent bunker, tin i "hiuh
All i lie claim which the irovernmeut
might enforce UMttt pool and rebater
il.ut Imvu f ubiin '.Y (100. 0(10 from tllOMO
bond aiiled road are to b relea'i.
'T MWIMU.W am. loanivKN.
ill iiiu I'tniiiiM which the irovernmeut
might rmiver agaiiit the telegraph and
rxprwa nruitig of the railroad that
have Heu diverten inroiigii rurrupi
ileal am to be rtdeaned.
All the claim which tho ttovernitietit
miii tit nr.wciil iiiiillt the thieve who
took tiie public money upon ttilmtatn-i
I .1 . I .1 I. t
LlilTIIV HlHI ll'lt'fini ll"' i winimu,! ntiiiiKM
to their own pocket to thu l llelit of
1112,000,000 lu I weuty yearur lobe
All Um rl nut iiumiii! dnvrlor. who
i.e. $2,n.VJ 7TU ol divub ud. urw
til I rwlcUwd.
til III MtiMkholder Willi iibtlttlied
I'iil.NOi.Mui id almk truiii that com-
piiity, pu.Murf unlliiHa I lu-n-liir, urw lo l
r. I. -!, itioiiU all of Ihetii are rvpuii-
Pi: and mui'l at int ion pur oni or
joo.lHMi.iHHl ia rah.
til th crltoi-a ol lh pubhe pliia.h'f
whk K b iimrkiHl Ihi ditr neiul i o.-
ii.lri arw In ! i-oud'Oefcl.
Tit ouiirat'V 1V whub J i liuuld
HW'klw j,IHl,000 ia ii- li lt bv lli
UltUwIwI lllllil!.l llli' id lk t
'iA, K l'aiii aad K'wvr
I'm lit.- ua Jwu II, lsO, I lnl sui.
tkiHiMi .ii ! r etiilrirr
law iw Iuiu4 an latd4 a o
will WIimI lit lk wtiiiis
It. J lU.l l! rt.Hllt III H.Vm.imlI
Ittal ta I Uv imi I out by it b.t. i .i
UtUwif k-J ') ! llU "
f., l.db U h-4Uli 44t I tw I id
(Ik ttiitiil r ii at t t tnrivr
in...itii -I ti ik ovta ,
ll i a wil k w t I hi M i i
tkal tti l tta k lw hrvttti..
In anf talvit f vMi'w4lma m
ii i. rir jw lima riawiiim wkw k
wnuM atlwiil ,i iwk r Willi II It
ptifvka id Ik I ia P''ti IUWi4l
tan WON! ! Mii'MIHt't,
T Sm k Worll Ii ui i.l Ik
w.UkU! titrv(atMi Kt N ttk
i kulM.U !' i vl pib'W
felled H20.011 acre.
Aero forfeltod on an uvcrngo of one
year and five mouth later than they
Mhotild hove been I77,!)74.
Total acreage upon which collection
nnd forfeiture have been mado accord
ing to law nnd upon which thn tut
tin received no renin for from mix
month to Mix year, 1, 200,003.
Total number of acre upon which
pnyment were extended by II, C, Huh
mmII for a period averaging one year,
after hi defeat in the election of Novum
Amount of money due the elate on
account of failure to collect or forfeit
offer becoming Mtibjnct to forfeiture, by
neglect of A. It. Jliimpbery, f!H.770.(2;
by neglect of II. C. Ituell, $200,570.1!'.
Total nmotint of money duo the Htuto
on laud eubject lo forfeiture, a largo
percentage of which i now lot J.'IOK,
JllO.Hl. The icport ulo c ill attention to the
fact that, all rental or inlnret on
achool laud ore turned into the Mule
treiiHiiry and apportioned to the several
Mchool iliNtricI of thi Htate lu Juno and
December of each year, A lint of thewe
ntiiiortionmontM I Mubmitlcd a follow:
June, 1M03 $25(i,Oim 42
December, 1H05, JlH,'b,H.'M
Jane, l!Mi 200.412 12
December. IH0IJ 2:il,05H.'l0
June, IH07 a2,22(l 0.1
To which fund the entire amount
mIiowii herewith hould have been col -lecled
and applied or the laud forfeited,
but by the mclccl, of Coinmmioiicr
Humphrey und UiihmcII the Maid niuount
$;t!)H,:t 10.81 ha been unnecnarily col
lected in Mchool tux from thu tax payer
of thi Hlato.
Ifryiit itl lli-neilli'l.
The free eilver meeting at Thiynr,
York county, wa a decided Miicee, Mr.
Ilryant talked one hour and a hull to a
large and imthuaiiiMtin crowd, llodem
oiimI rated to u "IIiiImIi" Ihatlhere i no
uo to talk ubout "iiitriuic value" iu
nu y. Ho ubio gnvo the republican
party credit for all the good deed which
they' have done, but went further and
ehowed In a very forcible way that there
won no iiho for the (J. O. P. to try to
nt nid on the good deed of it youth. He
aid: "tio to the criminal in the pent
Iciitiary, ho will tell you of thu innocent
child, who iimoiI to prattle to mumum
and pupa and do little deed of kind
iiph. tio a Htep further, tho arch (lend of
the lower regiin may boat that he
wa once uu iiHociato of (iod and an in
habitant of heaven."
A lliimriior fur Um I'eopla.
A populi-t governor of Norlh Carolina
removed a populwt nnd democratic
road coiiiniiHioner for nceiving lluan
cial favor from railroad corporation.
TIh'mo eoniniiHHioiii r weur they will
hold on to their job, but the governor
ha appointed another democrat und
another populiet to take their place,
(iovernor like thi are ecarco but it
give the itooplo hnie of better political
condition when political advico will at
lefiht be done in the dark.
jwdHll S
If you can't come after them send money order for them. They are big bargains
and wc will refund your money if you don't think so when you get them. They
will consist of
LOT 7776-Mcn's liluc JJcaver Sack
Overcoats, well lined, velvet collar,
full length, good fitters, at Jfieach
LOT 1343- Same thing as above in
black, at ?5 each
LOT 8309-Men's Oxford mixed
dark Frieze ulsters lined with farm
ers' satin or striped worsted, full
size collar, long length, at...... 5 each
LOT 7942M-n'9 all wool black Clay
worsted suits, farnn.r satin lined,
faced full to the bleeve with the
same cloth, at $3 a
LOT 3293 -Men's Hrown and Grey
small check Cassimcre Suits, well
lined and trimmed, heavy weight,
all wool, at $5 a suit
LOT 1330" Men's all wool lllack
heavy cheviot suits, double or sin
gle breasted sack coats, at,.., $5 a suit
in all our boy's and children's Suits
and Overcoats for two weeks. . .
Liisrooijisr, dsteb.
DBtV3"!0 proveil hy the nUiteiniliLi of leud
Ot4lCSii( driiKuhU everywlierw, huw
Hint the people Imvu lili iilildintf coiiltilenco
lu MimmI' KursumrilU. I.reul
CI IP AC lroVl'', ,,y VoluiiUrT HUite
UllS incut of tlliiinmuU ol people,
uliiiw tluit IIwmI'i HiiriimnlU hit Kfeut
n n w gym ever iIIhchho ly piuif)ln, en
rOnCf rlclnim nml invigorutlliit tho
I.IoihI, iihui a hti'h lit'ullti nml lil 1I1 (H iiil.
lUlifOim Tru IUihhI I'liriRer Mliliiigil'l 1 1.
ar ttwi only plli ttik
llOOU I'lllSithll.MKl.MivMr'lU.
s co., !
1118 to 11 20 N St., Lincoln, Neb.
e Wish to Convince You That What we Say Is True
fell tet m4 tell 4
YV ,4' I Mil 1
t tta J 1 1 X I '111 Ii lj I
f w . M i i.' I ..4 . i . l t
iff ll lain.., il t. a!
K . I ' i.Kl.ll .1.
llb lfel t ' 'i ll
I lf
(. t
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'it ll ivun.
H.. ilv
-mia m
411.I vr
1 ! t 1 ! kVaa
. ...1 I r -r. 1 Ka
.,...,, t .". iiueaa
a Ha fit 11 lutti.'ii. trt.
U rti n' . 14 , t'- fk
ib''l"', itiV4 ft ' Uintla
Uivt Nbr, Ail It irtfulx, t
. t I iharvk, aHt I livialtlnif tiM.,
4Jr tkvat Knt, rart .VU,
-4iln auttU aW I'arh.rrm fc..'ti li'xk
rtufccr, rl li.iUer rtallKil'iwrii'tihrwat
etiliWr Mnt. fll.lxl" VUiltt'lllahtxl bat'
ibu b k . . f A
I J li urtii
I .IW Bvaina; rix kvr
nit i, unk, rral twather
ulil.l.'f vit. Iirae
t .
triu r lor, aiitiin
IHIUO at .... I J T
riM kr,
lir.w arm
-il ..
Will oak.
if M 1
spurn B-'ia DTCT
B pM ff N
ViHilM.a r.xkrr, if
.m.. mi l jHtjt rm r. kr, l.
k, WthW aali-i'Mi Bi,
J'0l !..
A, l.4fK aria tha-r t
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I Jl