The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 21, 1897, Image 7

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For a straight ticket mark
within this circle.
For a straight ticket mark
within this circle.
For a straight ticket mark
within this circle.
For a straight ticket mark
within this circle
For a straight ticket mark
within thl circle.
For a straight ticket mark
within this circle.
October 2t, 1S97.
Peoples Independen
Silver Hepnblican
National Democrat
, , For Judge of the Supreme Court
For Regents of the State Univcrnlty
Volo for Two
Instructions to Voters.
1. IVi-hoiim deairing to vote must procure t heir ballot from a judge of the
election board.
2. Tlii'y iiiiiHt then, without leaving the polling place, proceed to a compart
ment uml prepire their ballots.
.'). Tlio ballot lire prepiued an follow: If you wixli to volo 11 el might ticket,
nmko a in ink in the cia-ln nt the top of tlm ticket, mid your ballot will tin-it bo
counted for every candidate on the tickot under t li circle. If you wish to voto
otherwise than the straight ticket, you place u ltomh with uu Indelible pencil, in
tho equaro on the right m urn; 11 of tint Imllof oppoHito the 111111111 of euch person for
whom you wixh to vote; if you wish to voto n straight ticket with tho exception
of certain office, place a cross in tlm circle nt the head of tlie ticket you wih to
vote in tlie mnin, anil then place 11 crow opposite the narniw of the candidate you
wish to vote for on other tickets, or when two or more candidates are grouped on
1... 4 !..!... t. . - , I ...,!.. .. .... . . ' .1 . I .....!.!
nir 111 kl Mir uu! Kjiiim nuice, uh iwo or more icprewinuiive, nun uie vout wimuc
10 voto for one or more on another tickot or ticket in any group, the voter must
iimko tho ctohh mark nfler eneli candidate in the group on h in own tickot that ho
wieho to vote for, and ale') after the iinmo of each candidate on any other ticket
or ticket grouped for the eame office he wishes to vote for. He careful that you
do not murk the nuinee of person for whom you do not wieli to vote. Do uot
inuko any mark on the ballot, Have fix above directed, or the ballot will not be
oiiuii'u. 11 vou miioi u 111 not return it
tain from him a now ballot; you cannot gut more than four in all; tako tliix to a
compartment and mark itproporly.
4. Having marked the ballot, fold it so uu to conceal tlie namim and maikH
mi the face, and to expose the namcH on the back.
B. Take it to tho judge of election before leaving the Incloxure, and nee it de
posited in the box.
0. Immediately leave the railed incloMiire.
7. If you wIhIi to vote for any perHon wIiomd naiiui dooM not uppeur upon the
ballot, write or innert Ii!h full tiutue in the blank Hpace oil the ballot under the
proper office you winh him to huh, and make ihtokk mark iu t h proper tnr(riii
upK.Hiti) the Maine.
M, Io not take any ballot from the polling place; you thereby forfeit the right
to vote.
General Election Laws.
Sec- 21, Chap. 31. Win n any duly ipiulitled elector mIiiiII prcneat him-tcll' at
the polling place of ti in election district or precinct lor the purpose of voting at
mii.v election then in proreHH, he hIiuII receive from a judge of the election board, 11
bnllot, on tin- back of which t wo jiitlen of dm board nhull write their namee with
an indelible M-ncil. the ( lector fhnll tlu n forthwith proceed alone iut'i the cotn
partmeiil. il one be unocrupied, and hIiiiII prepare Iiih ballot by making in the cir
cle nt the top of the ballot, a croxH, with an mdellibln pencil, if he wih" to vote a
straight parly ticket; if not he mIiiiII murk mucIi candid 1 ten uu he wiHhi to vote for
with 11 noil, with nil indelible pencil, oppomte the name of tho candidate of hie
choice, h r each olllce to be lllh-d, or by tilling in with an indelible eiicil the mime
of the candidate of hix choice in the blank epare oppotite then for, and marking a
m (timn with au indelible 'iicil oppomte thereto, or, when two or more candidateM
ire fcronped on the ticket for the came oltliv, an two or more reprewntativee mid
f thl voter winheN to vote for oiih or more on another t icket or ticket n tu any group,
the voter taunt make the enm mark after each candidate in the group on hU own
ticket thllt he M irthi'H to Vote for, Hlld al'o nller I lie nunie of each eandidnti on
nay other ticket or ticket urnUHd for the mi me oitlii' h" wUhee to vote fur, and
In of a ipieolioii HtihmitttHl to a oie of the people, by marking in the appro
tirlate 111 11 rum or place with a cro, with an iatblih!e pi-neil, attaumt the aimwer
he deniren tu giv"; tie hull then fold Iim ballot no an tocoii i'al tlin 11a tu- and
Ken ih-l Ib-ur v I eld r ha been mul n t
( In III t'olorit In III llt'! he il
ilal.ii'-d biH'U 11 r .jl In 11 o an rn I n e
fvry piii-ulmt primiple.
The t'iii nt V!ndtir, 011 the ul ni l ol
,VVa S oll.i, ii ti irm-d Mind iv, Mum
tllWII 1 Til ..ple er Itll ill Il .
TbeloUl l-i i in .id t isMi iiiui
Vitiii -li- tins arv r iiiiii.' m ).
Iteil 'f la tiw ivi nil nt t .hi I rp" t ,
ta. TuV IoiiI . r ctiui k n.- ul-
t)d b.iHie I ,H I lliw til t mi,.. , (.
1 h N- oik nfur Mi-n it ii
d J -I I ' - I I nt im I. i emu mil mi
tVlr ! UlUM .kf Haiti (stop, mi l gH.
loti,' Itithl iMeu.liaii lbs Hew I id
tkv-i ull ig .lwitm, 1,
. r H. 11 . Mi ,U. el Ui
tine In l' tifnv Ut tt
I Jii. Ill Wltv M,
lli'lt' f br hM l.d'de III III
bk h -t-t Wha II 4w 41
Ti-'ii-U r U tu t pr .i
V iHiuMtrt u l'i. 11 ,
it--1 4 It r tin lit. h
nl I'-rt 'ti ' ii w liinB( a nirt tti ie
J"! 111 I "Urdu, au I IWe w r I -vuliy
1 I uot tu 11,
Mr W.llnr I . iHtawl, 4 ih. W.l.
If ipullU lit fctMlhiuMMa NtFiki,
Forjudge of the Supreme Court
Por KegcnU of the State Univcruity
Vot a tor Two
c;ko. f. kfnowkk. -
to a tuiiira 01 tlie election board aim o
I wiii in I iiicol a biNt wi-.-k. He mii.v that
1 1 d ir county wll jne iiio mu)ority lor
'.Inline Juliii ,1. Slid van at the cuniliu'
. -hi leui, and the local rtdoriu t" ki t will
j 1.1. .1. 1 l, d.
j I Ullll'i l'il lul-a taken I li-l Vule oil
it pruHiMid lue ri(iilittiiiu ill teri v
and 1 In 1. .hi il iintires leg ui ul urn ilmi
' Is Inn. li Ine ! I Itu-r HUd i-l'Wlieii.. In
itbililv l.l r -l'l rtli 1 I'l tw uf Itl- I'liimtl
I lull. .11 III l.llllall Ill t III- t-lb I v
I I lie ilr was .-lir I lu rem) i til
j 1KI1 t.iiiKUite, nlie h wa I I 1 1
I ! II I I. 1 1 r li It i jl lgi m il- tlH'lli'e .i
j pm in .t u Ih applicuil
Ilmi bruin- hhituip tut 1 1 11 'H -I
ln'iii it i,mr of ritl wratire ixiuiiie ,
li' lw ti h 11 In 11 (H.akn.g tor llm pup
u;-l stul" IhIidI, He t-"H find
lll!Htf l'liidrriMg lb Hi' '', Mid
ion I linn m fci u- rnl if itiii.ti it-r
. pud putei.t.-d by bs l pi f imle
'le lhl lr 1111 p dl foit.1 Hell fur
ll pirii.
1h rp fieieiil id impalii ImIihj
l Im t IH.-.I lu VuuHUI4, it l.
tit. .tlurw 111,4 .d, a It
flil Hi In Ik iipiulii ill Ike ui.r
"m llinl, "id be wtttietl iiH
i.iu. li luirft!, 'at.i,t tan tm eeil la
t nor nt Ik i, tM it wia are raui lulled In
iiu lb- .ll ik im i ltrw le 1 ii.
I e wrt ir ! l ni4 i i aduaec
eu Hi.ili.i i4 IIm kind, it ninil
Ih -if-lui wl. 1,4 veiKlrea, ivnU the
For Judge of the Supreme Court
$ 1 t
For Urgent of the State University
Vote for Two
mark thereon, end to expose the name of the two jude of f he election bonnl
upon the back thereof, and ehall without delay and. without expoeln the mnum
or niarke upon the fnce thereof, and without leaving the incloeure In which the
compartment are placed, deliver the ballot m folded to the judge of election,
who ehall without exposing the name or marks upon the front or face thereof,
approve tho signature upon the back thereof and deposit, the ballot In the ballot
box in tho present, of the elector, and the elector ehall forthwith leave tho railed
iiiclosure, No elector ehall be allowed to occupy a voting compartment occupied
by another, nor to remain within the railed enclosure in which the compartment
areeituab'd more than tti minutes, nor to occupy voting co'iipirtment more
than five minute. In cilie where registration of elector now is or in 4 V hereafter
bo reipiired by law, no person shall receive a ballot unlejM hie tmtiie duly pcur
upon the register list of the election district, or he shell establish In tt manner pro.
vided by law hi right to vote; when nijcIi person receive a ballot a check shall lej
placed opposite hi name upon the register list, and when he vote hi name shall
(hi again checked upon the list. Kvery elector receiving a ballot shall vole before
leaving the polling room, or if he doe not wish then to vote, he shall, before leav
ing the polling room, return the ballot o received to a member of the election
board. No person receiving a ballot shall under any pretext whatever take the
same from the polling room, and any pcreon taking a ballot from thejiolling
room ehall forfeit and lose hi right to vote at the elect ion, mid shall be impris
oned in the comity j-iil not less than thirty day nor more tha i six month.
Sec 22, Chap. 31, Any voter who shall by accident or mistake spoil hi
ballot, may, on returning said spoiled ballot, receive another in place thereof;
provided he shall not receive to exceed four ( I ) in nil. The judge of election shall
cause the spoiled and unused ballot 10 be made up in a sealed packet, and shall
endorse the same with the word "I'nuse.l and Spoiled I'.allot," with the proper
inn dint rid. nnd sloill mIhh uch endorsement, and shall
return mich packet to the clerk of their respective county or municipality wih a
rtatemont made up by the member of the election board of the district showing
the number of ballot received for such district and nccountiugfor them as follow:
First, number counted In ballot box, second, number unused and retained,
Sec. 2.3, Chop. 31 Any voter who 1I1 clnres to the Judge of election that he
cannot read, or that by blind tie, or other physical disability he I unable to
mark hi ballot, ehall, Upon rerpiest, receive the aesistance of one judge and one
clerk, each of different political purlieu of the election officer, one of whom ehall
be of the vol. 1 own political parly, in th marking thereof, and said officer
shallccrtify on the outside thereol that it wa so marked with their assistance,
and shnll thereafter give no information concerning th name. No other elector
than the one who may, because of hi inability to read, or physical disability, lie
unable to mark hi ballot, shall divulge to any one within the poli ng place the
name of any candidate for whom ho intend to vote, or to ask or receive tin assis
tance within the polling place iu the preparation of hi ballot.
Sec, 28, Chap. 31 In theconvaseof the vole any ballot which m not hi
dorsed a provided in thi act by the signature '01 two (2;jui!ui upon the back
thereof, ehall lie void and shall not be counted, and any ballot or part of a bal
lot from which it i impossible to determine the elector choice shall be void and
shall not be counted, provided, that when 11 ballot is siilllciently plain to Katln-r
therefrom a part of the voter's intention, that it bIiiiII be the duty of the judges of
election to count such part.
Sec. !I0, Chup. 31. Nootllcer ol diction shall do any electioneering on elec
tion duy. No s rson whoinsoi-vr slinll do ut y elu tionii-rfng on election day
within ny polling pluce, or any bull. bug in l.l-:hnii election i being held, or
within one hundred feet theieof, nor obstruct the door or entries thereto, or pre.
vent free inu;res to and egres from said building. Any election olllcer, sheriff,
constable, or other mce ollleer, i hereby eulhoiUed and empowered, and it I
hereby made hi duty to clear the passage way and prevent uch obstruction,
and to arrest any person so doing. No person shall remove nay ballot from the
polling place before the closing of the polls. No ieron shall ehow hi ballot alter
it is marked to any person in such 11 way 11s to reveat the content thereof, or the
mime of the candidate or candidates for whom he ha marked hi vote, nor shall
niiv 'ron solicit th elector toshow the nm-. nor hllaiiy person except a judge
id election receive from uny elector a ballot prepared for voting. No elector shall
nil ive a bnllot Irom any other peruu lliuu nun of the jinlues of election havinif
1 -barge ol th ballots; nor shull any i-non other tliau the judge of election deliver
a ballot to ueh ehctor. No i hclor shull vote or oflr to vote nay ballot except
employ meat of certain minor, IUe tin
I rule ol a day ' oi k, provide lor the
I 1 mi. 1 mi-lit id eaiplnves ul the public and
! l orporatiot.N nt t-i rtaiii liun-s, nnd com.
I s-l I he p i t iie-ut ol t in s In supporl
, III lillw n i l lie-ill g-ivel hlin-uU "
J Tlm p ipii'ml h ind bunk whiih ha
j lni iu d In-" id 1 li ifrfu b.v M ile
, I'riuiwi I'm k, nt K iiiina, Mps -ired I !.-
(1- r I h-i I i 4 iiiiint In lir iliiirf In! id
1 ute II mil t dilll -ill m iller
j I r the r pllli IC lilt Ml ,lip.-r llli:l'Heill
! tilled II I'ld I II,, unit II W till I llieill
lu lu t ill' IIHI . e-ltl4e I II II III
l,.i ulinrl I. HI ' ul
I1..11 1 "en 1 '
it d it li 1 U 1
I lipparc t I Hie
j K itnii I . ' , l
1 n
1 11
ul a-iiiiiiiii t
'. ui.lfd ilnll.ii
I I 1 the tlllk
I 4 ll.-l I'Mlrf )!'
'Nik .. I tlf
ui pinpi i iin.ii' 1- 1 1 -: r Hi-ii
inpi iiln'ii'
II i.iiimi I,., li. 1, i,i tiin tin
Il ink I .! Kl ! tin p'.i l id h
miHin-r 'eitusi( 1 1,.. yd'y ,r
Mtui mm hi uii niili Wiit rulU.
V wd Mipriv n Hen Uimtn rt
! 1 ).! I10 ifi. ti epliiui id lm.
lerf. mi I ltd 111 mi 1 pn I n mul In wi(i
v p.n uii u i-a l'i tu I l lii, 1 1 o
i-w il-riik i U I i-u b-iit, but win,
S brnkii ".ii '.ii p iir iiii n
kome iul lull inn, 'H I rii r' anil
Mvii kneU1 lasuran rittiptir id
.i m I or' lrvt ailH Koui
For Judge of the Supreme Court
Vol for Twe!
I VerV fniqil-illl'y W" he ir iiepiile
y. tiding III" Sin-purl Medii'ul Institute
lliidltWolk III I'liroiiie disease. The
pin I HI id I lo I It 1 1 1 11 1 H ill tire I'
ll, I. r hi tt.eir piiiie iilitr line of work,
:i 1 i ui of nuulnr giin-iiil priiciiie,
tint inn 1I1 nil inn llnir live lo I lie prac
tee nl mrilitf I hrotile in"-a-M- nliii li tin
liiKt l.i'ioly dinl'ir li i lull tiuiti or tin ll
Hie lo III at, I loll lliell' I If. ill iu Ihi
ilitit-il'iii li 11 1 f b"u a gri-tit niiivix. U
I Mm 11 liy l. l.n 1 thai wilhiu Urn l,tl
sit - at up ill d ol I i,j til Ili.iU-rtlld pa
ft -lit- U riol"' I III lii til of I lie
)ii pin d Iii i.l uu nl. I r Mlii paul and
lo n. inl have lh II 11ml and Ul
t -ll' I uii nl n'tt 1 III llm t Mir, a ml
lire did) triillliij hmlti I .ill nlil Ilmi
Hlllnlliif hllll k llllll llllli
ilr I nl p iil.iil u s ieili. llifiiuh
I In 111 ui I li. In.iii.i In linn nl Uul.ipl
. I In 1 1 .m.i r. .141. ill .-.iiiisi In llm i lly
WaH.lil d tlnilljr IMOII1IIK U'l MM)f id
Mir ia In mini am iiii'rird Iii wrii
tor 4 'r hlniniid bunk, ' III NiW
tmiiii"iil, n II luiv," iii ra-l
WMMliUIIllt'Ht oa "-' 1 III Itll lU.
M,-i-it. t aMrih. fci-tve ni blond
lt-4 IU ll, pill, l.ll,
till II - . .l ... 4 IK '.i
t.i iw . Iii iiiei i it
I .14 fee I Meniku i l
I'il.Ud i..f. H.ItliV li.
I l.n.i ie4 ! .(!. Ik
-i-Im UUIO, ll. I,lk.
I ...
I h pij lo Wp Im'oimuJ.
For Judge of th Supreme Court
wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmm
For Urgent of the fituit University For Urgent of the State Uulrmity
Vol-gforTwo , Vote for Tw
" "' I Jg "" '" "L
each a he received from the judge of clectlou having charge of the ballot, No
elector ehall place any mark upon hi ballot by which it may afterward be iuW
tilled a the one voted by him, Kvery elector who (loin not vote u ballot deliv
ered to him by the judge of election having chaigt of the ballot ehall, before
leaving the polling place, return euch ballot to each judge, Whoever shall violate
nay of the provision of thi Miction ehall, upon conviction thereof In any court of
competent jurisdiction be fined In any nun not, less limn twenty-flve dollar nor
more than one hundred dollar, and adjudgod to pay the cost of proeecutioo,
600 21, Chap. 20. Any constable of the precinct, township, or ward w'o
may b deeignaled by the judge ofeleetioi i directed to attend at the ploy of
lection, and he is authorize! and required to preserve order ami peace at and
about I lie same; and if no constable b in attendance, the judgi of election may
ippolnt one or more epwlall, by wriiiny, who ehall have all the power of a reg
ular constable,
Hoc, 2H, Chap, 28--H a'y is'rson conduct in a noisy, riotous, or tumul'
I uou manner at or about the polls, o a to disturb the election, or Insult or
abuse th judge or clerk of election, nnd srit in encli conduct after beiig
warned to leit, the constable shall forth wild urn-st him without warrant, and
bring him before the nearest justice of the peace to be dealt with according to law,
but such jiersou shall be -rmitb'd to vote,
Sees 27, 28, 23, 30, 31, (bip 26. Any pereon offering to vole, whether
hi name be on the register or not, may lie challenged n nntiablted by any fndgw '
or elector; and It I the duty of each of the jgdgc to challenge en pcron offering
to vote whom he know or u(ct not to be duly qualified,
1 any iierwon offering I o vote ) challenged by on of the judge of the election,
or by an elector, one of the judge shall tender to him the following ontb or
affirmation: ''Yo do eolemuly wear (or affirm) that you will fully end truly an
swer all such qucsi Ions a shall be put to you, touching your place of reeideuce
and qualifleal ion n an elector at this election,"
II the person be challenged on the ground that he lift not made Li declara
tion of intention to become a citizen of the t'nited State, the judge, or one of
them, shall put th following qticH'ion, provided that the pcron no challenged
! not produce hi intention papers: 'Have yon made your declaration of in
tention to become a citizen of tin; I'nllnd Htntee?'' 1
If the person be challenged on the ground that he ha uot rcsideci In thi elate
for six moth immediately preceding the election, the judge or any one of them
shall put the following question: first "Have you resided in thi state for six
month immeibabfly preceding thi election?" He-ond "Have yon been abwnt
from thi state within the six month Immediately preceding thi election?" If be
answer "Ve," then, Third-"When you left, did you leave for temporary pur
pose, with the ileigu of returning, or for the purpose of remaining away?"
fourth "Hid you, whil-i absent, look upon and regard thi state a your home?"
Fifth "lid you, while absent, vote iu any other state or territory?''
II the person be challenged on the ground that he I not a resilient of tie)
county, precinct, township, or ward wher ho offer to vote, the judge, or one of
them, shall put the following question: First "Have yon resided in thie county
lor forty day last past''" Keeoiul "Have you resided In thi precinct (or ward)
for the last ten duv?" Third "When did you last come into thi county?"
Fourth-" When yon came into thi county, wa it for temporary purooe merely.
, or for the purpoiwi of making it your home?" Fifth "Hid you come into thi
coijdij lor inn pur)'osfriii vmiiiik viiuieiii. num ,iiw jvn 111.1 ait ai.iuiii
dent of thi precinct or ward?"
If the peron be challenged on the ground that he i not t'venty-one year of
age, the following question shall be put; "Are you twenty-one year of age to the
host of your knowledge and belief?" The judge of the election, or one of them,
shall put nil euch other question to the person challenged, under the rcetive
provision of section two of thi chapter, as may be riecesenry to t'-st hi qualifica
tions n an elector nt that election.
If nay rn ehall Muse to take the oath or affirmation provided for in thi
chapter, iii vote shall be rejected.
If a in-rson's vote lei challenged, uud such challenge lie not withdrawn after lie
shall have answered the foregoing questions, or luch of them a tuny be neiisary
on of the Judge ehall tender to him the following oath: "You do eolemuly
Muur (or ulllrm) that you are a citii--n ol the l'mtd Hi ate (or have declared
your intention to le-come such), that you have been un Inhabitant of the etnte id
Nebraska for the last eix month, and of th county of for the last
forty day, and of thie precinct lor the last ten days; that you have attained the
eif of teenty-oiiH year, to the best id your knowledge and Miel." And It thnll
be the duty of he elerk ol election to wiite on the poll books, at thcrmi of each
pi-ison' inline, "sworn.'
1 iiiiii'iiuj iiuiiii tjiibu wi I
ewinii-l floor DUri DLIl
t---if-isvww.--w.;- ip,ar- r?PF"---,,N W -' -fl.
I MfAtorro rn
L.U VI UU I vw
Tth end 11 fi, lilmoln, .l.
l ull n I n or erite tor ! pn-i
I'mi ie I iviiii n ToMl C I iii lie
k..i... nr in kin l.ttUft
Cye.Car.Noso and n
IhrosU-Mi llncoln. Ncfcr
Htinre from t 90 In 19 .Id wi, V t
Forjudge of the Supreme Court
unit t;s, Sh I S, 1. 11 ;
I ioht UnrnoconnophltM
Uljrjlll liviiiibjau wiwwiun
lillllMli, l'iltl-l IHIHIC,
UHiiSiuhi, . I.IMHI.X, Mill
! UTEfUTunc
fres Silver literary Bureau,
etl ltllKr,lilll ..
" 11 " 11 11 1111 11 1 ' '
Wyatt-Bullard lumber Company,
wnoiMM lfe l-fcTllt.
(miw VHMti hiol hard lU. I'Iim. ! rius.
OMUH, till Kt".