October 21, 1897 6 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT FROM THE CAPITOL Limoi.x, Neb., Oct. 15, lsi)7-(Sciiil correaponihmce.) No nioro liifiunou policy H'u evr Inthered by a aet of poli tician than that adopted by tlio repub lican tor tlm hist ten day. Tlio whole wolglit and liidiimicuof tho republieiw pro, with the I lee and Journal in the IamA, have tnen brought to the defonan ol Uartlwy and bin bondsmen by rharg- iiijthereHpoiiilbillly of the republican defalcation to the Kovernor. They mij that the xovwrnor knew that Hartley wn a defaulter when h approved Hart ley' bond. A tngru ectiscb and unren. Monable lie wat never priiiti'd, (Joveruor Jloleomb need every moim in hi power and employed every device that he could think of to dud out what liarlley had done wllh the f VW.mm of the school fund that the book showed were In hie hum!. In every posslbln way he tried to nifike Hartley invent that money or acknowledge that he did not have it, (loveriior I'rouus'i in a lot t.r lo Governor Jloleouib in regard to the resolution whlnh he, llohomb, had Introduced to force Hartley to Invent the money lu etate warrant used tboee very klu'iilflcniit word: "The resolution, in my judKiiieht, are 11 sound in law u wise in jiurposn, mil the wisdom and liiKfiiulty of our modern Jbintel aeriii to run In the direction of itiM,oiwi Tine i'i,iMH'.iii;iiM, of the treneury rather thou to protect the treasury Itself," The whole history of the matter ran be found in the littl book entitled, "Ne braska Iledm-uied," 1 iilos !J to '1 1 . ( Hand to J. II, Kdmisteu, chalrmuu of the pop it lint elate committee, Mncolii, Neb,, for the book, prlee, f 1.00 per hundred.) At that time the Htnto .lournal wa employ lnt( the most bitter in endive nKalust (Joveruor llolitomb because he wa fry. Injr to make Hartley show up, There ha nlo lieen much published by these defender of t he republican dt faulti'in about the euperiorily of Hart ley' bondsmen on hi tint bond: (' hU-.SMi, flo),000;.lohn FitwraldlOOO 000: Nathan H. Jlurwood, 1200,000; ,f, lb Mcl'nrlaiid f'-iOO.OOU; KM. Cool; 1100,000; I. M. Keen ii 1 1 00,000; J, T, May f 100,000; II. II. Hamurd f 100,000; Hlreno It, Colton 100,000; (J. W. Wat tie f 200,000; (, W. Mosher f .'.00,000; It. COutcalt f!."0,000; Isaae M. Hay. mond,f 1 00,000; A, .1, Hawyor, f 1 00,000; K. II. Hurnham 1 1 00,000; tj. t Hurr 1.-15,000; Nelson (', Hrock f 50,000; II, II- Hchaber(t:io,ooo,ll. (, Hcrri4 17, 000; Cadet Taylor fJ5,000; A. It. (Ira. ham, 110,000. Mustier and O.ilrult who were ac cepted ft bondsmen, were at the time known to have neurly 10,000 of the money the bond wcr given to ccur, and they themselves say that Hurwood, Mc.Msh, t'adet Taylor and other were "si limbed lemon." uud that In fact over a million ami a hull on t hat bond w a worthless. The value of Hartley' last bond which Jov, llolcomb upprov rd (the mimes were printed two week a Iff, in these letters) wn easily twice a much a the llrt. These lame villi Her of houest men have also made an attack on Meserve and hi bond. It I time that the whole truth about this mutter should be told These mine vllliuii who are nowsayiau; Hint (iov. Jloleomb li the real delimiter, and not Hartley, planned a scheme to keep Hartley, by the aid of the supreme court. In olllee tliouuh lie wa ileleateil at the polls. The law require that the stale treasurer shall give a bond of fill 10,000 and not less than double the amount that shall com Into bin hand, to be fixed by the governor, and that officers elm ted at the general eleclion ahull tile their bond on or before the tlrt Thursday after the first Tuesday In .1 miliary next niter their election, The bonks at the state house show that Hartley had lu his posnessioi.fi, fi!lfJ,.,HM,10, This would require a bond of over f. '1.0)10,(100 and they thought that Meserve eonld put up that much uud that Hartley would hold over. To make up thin cnormoim mini in (he treas urer s haiiils, and a a part of their plan to keep Hurl ley In, Hartley had nut pant the PeceinliiT apportionment (or com moil sehools which aiiiouuteil to I, O.'.M.JIU ami Iik lield '.''J.YO'" which slinuld liave l en paid nut for called war r nuts, Thmtrirk cost . Meserve live or mix hundrt'd dollars in traveling expen ses and uotarial lees in gel ting signers to a boml twice as larue us tint law really reiUired him to make. However a nou as Meserve got into olllcc, he paid out every dollar that could Is paid and liu continued that practice ever since, so that to-day he ha an approved bond more than tit lit as large a the law require him to give, A f llOO.OOU bond i amply sulllcicnt fur all the money he ever ha on hand. If every nam wa erased that the thief delciul ere ohjirted to the bond I still double what lh law rttiuire. When n party get so vile, itruolile, tin, worthlc, ab ject, mean and vlciou that It rau only make a campaign by slandering, tl.'liiin lugand denouncing bonnet men, Mi tune that it was iwd oft ih lace of th earth. T. II. Tumi . I dttond a Nebraska l'rm. (htm will nrnnlfeat our llpolllon In renpsct to our tiunlnw.il iljllKtiiiii. Wa lb nroil our mkItm HltttKr In Invor iliiiii baaiatwprluiilnki or In oiMiosltlon thrlo. My our ot on ttiut ilnv militate la 111 bnliis worlrt our thr. iwiwr n ii !!, nu our nmaimluii will l eiil ormurriil atrcardieg tolb wlmluin or lolly ol unrrbelte, ..... . Th liiiiortBii(t of the sHunHou rannut be over muIihiiUmI. TbriiuelioHt, lb bulin'S rcii. tort of uiif country lh i Hon of onr nt will l oloMtly walrhnl. It w lt lB, i""'r ) whom tlio himiniKD world biu) no coiinamKw, anil Iiimr thn unaouiKt, rmlliiNl ami linssln llinorlcs of I In l'oiilil, w lliiirsliy Url from tho ! iht furi" nii i!spiliil now hum, (Hid ltr oil from furiher lurMlietut ainoim n. To tied, tbs liinillkt ticket I to illscrnfllt Wn l,rkn In lbs ty.w of III worlili It l to (iroi lwliri Hint Ihow, who lien.t of their hnitlllly to sillul art In iht DiMjoeity lu our ciniiiiionwcnllli; it It lo illwnnraKii tiil.rir!t; to osinl our iro Kraut: to cnu hmvy thrlnlittiiii of valuct; to wiiihw Ioiik tliriM loiiiit dlltlault or lni(ntll,lu to oliiHlii; (o naba tht nam of our tiaita by; Mrril It tanriiurh. ami lo vl Willi Katitst and 1 Colorado for Hit bunilllalloii of brluK Hie illtflKMllUid tlstc lu Hit Union. 7d -ri.nt mrh iiilliirluii, to armitfl aiiiona lim voitrt or oi tiiti turn ui imlilli' miiiI uiont at will Itiiilluif lit irKlon ' hroovli lh ballot, iri"'lud th postibllily of I'uimllsl iiir(iiisi!,r Hi Niriitaa, mi attoi-m-Una hat bi lurumd, Th utrsonallly of III (ismlli ulet I not. roNlrollUiK wnn urn iii.it Ii..4oIjjw(. Iwuinl. flilllllllll. Ill'lhl'ltlll't (III Jtl tllll and, oa Hit ollwr, dm -lilies rinnlliilud hy thu roiiitimri'lal world. , , . . 'I ht butlnst men ol Kbratka, tlirnimh I hit naiiii'liilliin i-nll noon lit ell . woi lo eld III I III" fiidosviir to di'tmtl l'oinlltm, end llirliy ili hold and iirtiir tlitorndli of onr tints, Tho above were the prediction, made by the republican and gold iiemocrats, as to the result that would follow the election of (loveriior llolcomb. How much of Ithnve they been compelled to take back? Such an "appear to fine nerve the "credit of the state, ' At that time Its credit wa at low ttbb. Jt war inula were nl a big discount, 'J OililV lifter three year of I'otiullst rule lis cre dit I better than ever before, Warrant at a premium of one per cent. Ihifault Ing publiu olllcinl lire on trial for their stealing ami will be puiilncJ II lite populist party I kept In power, Thereiinblicaii iiurtv uiauuger have III preparation at thl time another docn i. u.ni iliislirned to "tireeerve Nebraska' credit," und expect to hu ve &0.000 copies nnted uit'l ulstritiuteii nronucasi over ABOUT HENRY OEORGE. n ' . . ... 4 I ., .... I.. ... I lie sin le. it will lie tssuen so line vnui the populist will have no time to reply before election. Watch for It coming. It will contain about thn mum amount of truth n did the fatuous circular which wp-ti nvo i uo led above, CHARLES A, DANA DEAD Tbs Vettren Newspaper Man Succumb! to Long lllntn. At 1 o'clock lat Hunduy Cliiirle A, liana, editor of the New York Hun, died at hi homo lu (Jlencove, New York, nfb r a long illnes of cirrhosis of the liver, Mr. Dunn wa 7H year old and had Mpcnt the greater part of hi life lu news- .inner work, ror l ireou years no won ILSSOC luted with Horace Greeley on the New York Tribune. At the beginning of the wur ho did not agree with Mr. tlreeler in the course the Tribune should take and resigned m position, in i"o he organised the stock company that now own thoNewiork Hun ami -came editor of that paper. The first number of tho Hun. Issued by Mr. liana, appeared January '27, JH'IH, and for verv nearly thirty year ho ha been actively and continuously engaged. In the manugement of that uecesful jour- nu and solely responeitiie lor II con duct, lie I the last of the old school of editors to which Horace dreeley be longed. TopnIM MiiIh Onlrsl ('oiiimll lew, J, II, i:iliiillul'liKliniiin, Sliirt lliiwn, Umirnu W. Illnkt, etrrrtar, Trtaturtr, (uiinly, Coiunillletmn. Aitdrrst. Admit I) It lllvslow.,.. Haul Ins AnMoi O A Wllllaiut.. Ntllsb iMM..r U KHhsflo Atllford lllinnt....,.,,. Iiooita W A Poyntsr..,.. ..Albion lint null II M euliltrsn Allinnc .... U ,1 ,IM,.U I. i, .r.nw n ,,.,, ... ...,.,... nmnii Itriiwn OA Mllnt AltikWiirlh lllitlillo i; Wj ilitli Hhi.lt nil liilrt K W IVUTunn I tknniuli . Kriiiik I, I.Hiiinn Inivld i.'liy i.lli'iiry llnuiol,.. ... Mini ih lltnd ..I II KKllmr Hii-linKtoii .lino I- Ixitlitt h liiintriHl .1 ll Kn.v nlmitliit ..! Mi-Kir Heliif.y lli'tiry ItiMitniu Mnronvlllt .1 ol, ii I' Hpr, h.-r Mi liiiyiar loin I ih Wnld Wialiar ..'Invior Klh k . .Uruki-n how TWO YKAKS OK HOPUUST RUt.lt. I'teilKtiona of "the UuinM Men a AMiKtattoV Cnii4 With Keaulie. U 1 4 Ih Hitliu ol lmlm or gmtKvd we at thry ralUI "Tb Humimm Mtw'e AatHMkiUm of NVbroaka." k one ol Ihiftr lamou letter dalej ua thrre year egu linUy, It U lull ul 4ir (rlatiiua. It rend Mlae 1 Ik ti at MrWwka t.ir ki UnttiMMt Hk t'bt JuoittliM a ka , ta4, ft rHa til , w . iMi la Hk aa-4 k w4-a .. lk to (? 1 fw4lii m4 ewiaal ra . k.i, xiu..a. . I J kwM tolOiwk M M um4 k aa4 it M WJi, II tul tFtittli I m4 4 4 J'tk . I,.., ttria t. ) kku ltJilt. ol u kl. wt IHM VfM , ! It .,Iil I, . It ., it Iw44 mt .(-. l v m a ke im .4 u. k tMMi 4- la tk I .i n.ixt u4 -l l al Mum - 4 lk ' l 'iw 4 V I '' m 4 iIiiii m ! alii 4i , , I imi , i wl n a, '..m t ' 14 l 'ha ! s ul i, i ,H, I I . 1 , k II - Ik t.. ul i. I ih I !,. I Ittth4k tt M m faikt ana tk , I- 4 an.hw4 t ol ia.4 ak u . t.i s ,a- l nai ti 1 1 .. tt 4t lk ml kkila ii ttaal at k i wt lk -. Iitilltr Cat I'o.inr I linn I'lieiry rh flint. . . . t "In v Colls .... I'll.'.illlK I 'UnIlT I'llhtllil I III M KM lltlklilU ,., , II. II.-1 . . , . Ilttllll IliflUtl liiiuKin . . . . iiiii..t I'liliiMirH. . , . I I'liiMlll I- iniiiii.r . . . l-'umn liKti. l.n.ll.l.l t,tl,.Hl ..... . ilrnut titrutfiy IUI IIhiiiIIioii .. Ilarlnn . . . Hat . Illii-h, ii, ! Moll II ! r ... , I. flarana Jiiknatis. . . . Hrarnry ... K -ii k Kki l aka k Mat-all . . a sot I rlr . I.twruia I utii ... I mil M ,l i . , M Ihilinl MimiI. I ,., , kasrw Niwka .. kiukl4l II,M) . 'M ,., Iia,ia . ., I kw I'lii , , . , !"-., I'..'k k.i w in., Hika4ua. ae u a. tiii Ht 4 ... aai4a ... Haa a.Mi , ... aiaa . ., . !,.. ., , tkt, ,,, , I krlMI. ... . ! . . . . fl'MM W t ft .,, . W . M II HI iinrl . WiIIiiiiii II ul lift .( rsnforil l.i ttnston ,K H Will. I'onra .I hir'M H KomIi'I .,.. Nin th IikiiiI , J Wtlllit'ti !i Intliiii I ttnrii. II Watkiir IW'iikirniaii II p ll lUini , liimi'Tit . 11,'iirNii ttiinii lloiniitiiuli,n . C llmd ntoi ktoii I d'AII"innnil. ri,inhii n,iru Wilkliitnh.. Hint i lit T II lUnillmtl l!tra V II Millar l.iHood ,t ur W iiiinis . t' II liarrv I r--!.? I hIi ...liiha It I liiiiiii.iii Oram! Ilnad K M llnaard Aurora , orors T Akby ... Alma J. I'.. 1 1 ,111111101111 Ilavralf ilHiirs W I artvr ink hniuuI ll llnwaril ll' Mailt tit, baraliy Mull W II lUrwM ,., Kalrhur? K I' lllHrllll i, NHMM I M Canada, Miada Kn lulu Oaaali .11 llahof ,, SiirliiLi-i O W I nu aiiriurlU II U 11 ... . ' .i n n.vi.f ... .... rl.t.B Mrl llita . ,, im il liHil.f liaikatiaa Nurlk I'lallt C ll a krHHlr,. I una . I AW la.. t lul , I' I Maltlv V.oilu tltu . r.C aiatwua. I tairal nil A I 4inaua,,., , I alfl a I, l '.ll labara , Ikiik),, . ... .ta . II M laraMlk.....,, t nadilla It ll ! I'aaaM . f I .ti nal I. I ll- .,, Ilul4t II. Alkafl.,,, . . , 1 IK- , J I'ihi ...... 'a.ta II Makm,, Ufttruit . I A aiHMl.laa I ..l . Jma WkiiakM Ii m ,, JW lu , (' ,.VIhkl Mk ilii . i i lt a .., , . , . , W,kM ,. I kiiMtoa . u.,1 l II I . a4 ll . li.ata . ., Maatie it luiHtwi nai4 Uftk ,, llu T i . ,. HMMtHwa a.,M ,.1 I I ...... , , , I kah4 ... i'a4w r kl.i ...... , x4 i1 Wkulu) .,, ,,. titot.ia fk.W . mm n, t.ia.e ,. .. . Wa . llk..i ... ,y,kt M fiaiil,,. ........ tVVlTeeeelilt tmtU Tttt Lift AJf, If yt weal Ui ltaert ie e if nad biii, W14J '! t4, marei fwtl 1 1 I h . !;, t4k Ni tle, tt W an.Uyart. tirf, t it emk.a etnm!. ilmf enm l Hwa.t ie ! dAjK Olf itHl.ianJ mitsl bajr ,N.i. ik lu ul diiatat endir tiratr3 1 ewi. A" II oit, t.HiilalndMledJ r'W4llA Alb Mbtli brlWtJj t'lk, 1IMJ) Vf NfJ I, London Chronicle Publiahea ah Inter view With the Great Leader A. .Maurice Low, the ivell-kitowu Wash Ingtou correspondent and Amcricuu representative of tho London (-hroniclu. came to New York to interview' Ifeury (leorgo for the t'hrouicle, NOgreuti the Interest In Europe In the (i renter New York camiulgti. Mr. Low' inter view with Mr? (jitorgc, cabled to Loudon was: Henry (ieorge, nhilosopher, economist and cuiidldate for mayor of Greater New York, talked to me for nearly an hour yesterday, One may not believe In Mr. George' Philosophy or In theories, one may scout the idea that If laud alone bear the burden of taxation mankind will be happier and belter; one niny disugreo with him a to hi view on thu tariff, hi doctrine of money may be a. nils- taken one from your standpoint, but no one can doubt hi absolute sincerity, hi high purpose, hi noble conception of the right. To noinii extent Mr. George 1 vision. nry, u every relormer, every man who l Just a year aiieau 01 ins timo is uuu al way will be, but the mmi who eaw vision In the ohl day, who were wil ling to suffer because they believed their vision pointed to the right, accomplish. ed something for the world. If they did nothing else they at least matin the world think, und the world fi'imimitly reuulre In lie driven before it will con sent to think. A nil'MAIIK. NOT A (MMI'AIIIM. lu every word that husuid, in his man ner ami hi expressions, Henry George shows how close to hi heart I tho great a Inciplt) for which he I contending, J'hete are other men as honest n Mr, George, a sincere in their motive, a unions for the publiu weal, bir, I doubt If there I any man before the public to day I mean any politician striving for public olllce who take the almost re ligion view of the Issue he st'itid for, a Mr. George doe, V ith Mr, George It I not merely a question of politics ll is something far higher than that, J lie George movement Is a cruwidv It is tho passionate outburst of a hope, of a desire, of the realization of au Ideal, 1011 may say that crusade und mission. ate out bursts have no placu lu 11 munici pal cunipulgu. I'erhap not, but Henry George' great following I not a theory. It I a condition. I asked Mr. George to tell me his mo tive lu consenting to become a candi date. "I mi poor ted llryan," said Mr. George. "because he wa a democrat uud repre sented the principles which I believe, 1 do not ay thut I believe lu every thing which he does, but hi democrucy wa of my kind and I could therelore support him und nope lor In election, Alter his defeat I returned to my literary Inborn and for nearly a year I have lieeu ipiietl at my home finishing a book I hope soon to see printed. It wa seldom 1 came to New York. 1 had liftiored my friends both lu this country 11 ml lu iOngland, uud In Australia, as I wa anxious to complete my work nud then pay another vlrit to Knglund and go to other coun trie new to me, llefore the nominu tion for mayor of Greater New York had been made by either parly, I hud been asked to become a candidate. I refused. 1 hail no wish to take part in another political campaign. I hoped thu democrut would nominate a candi date whose deinocrucy could not beipiee. tioimd nud to whom I could give my lull est support. fllOKKIIIMM Tllll MI'IIANT, When the democratic candidate was nominated I wa sort) at heart. I aw that the Niiccess ol the democratic ticket meant simply tho ierpet nation of the power ol crokcrisui. It was tint democ racy. Two of my most intimate and anil best friend cutue to me and urged lae to ts'coiuu a candidate, us 11 matter of duty which I oweil to myself, my party and the principles which I have always advocated," "l0 you expect to be elected .'" ' I do; but if I am di fiatetl, it will not cuiixo me a single pang, I will go back In my literary work without any v am re grets, Willi me the principle is more than the election, lam lighting in the advocacy of principles, but if for any reason I lllll Ulisuecessllll I shall ieel I have done my duty. Man can do no more than that." "You avow yourself au absolute irt-e trader; why would Ic-'k truth help to im prove the condition of tie world'.'" "I am au absolute free trader," and Mr. George, Is at forward in hi chair and spoke with increasing earnestness, "not a free trader a they understand it In L'liglaud, but for trude so free that there would not be a sing In custom house. I am for trie trude bicatiso I In lieve 111 remoiiug all itossible restric tions; because I believe thut the people ol Gutarni niitl the ieople of Nw Yoik ought to te Mrmitted to trade u Invl.v mid with a little Interference a the pen- ijeot New otk uud the people of Nww erwey do with one another, What dil Icrvuitt should laniyiuary border line lank? Ih MHtlt ol out country may rrUiu their klug or presideut. that 1 merely local eWf gemmo'itl, but th whole world should Is In In trade, und when that come 11 w ill bt In I r lor the world, ll will te la-tlrr lor all iiku. Tliira 1 i-utiuuh Had I'leely lr el, nW NMlttcUl rwatrtttlOK lliual U rwllltilKi. l'rllltiH I laliai to 1st Utld.'luia rutkj la 1 ntH'iplw u a Undiun to i-n-wte rlai iltsliu lltina wbicli Mr liMttiupal Ible wih genum rvpubls aaiam." M 'ti 11 14, "ir iHiula, Mr, tiii have tbeoun) you m beiutt ea eawiui ol Ike fight nl 'i"(rly aad ia Ihel U I uti bad )or the UerjktiJ ! wtMlittt Wttuld tvawt U atMit. a Ibaie ay Irwla iw Ih rkarj'' "fia trtiiu Uiaj my id Ike rikt tl rooitf I mm M tupaUitMiy la twvofwl jfMt Ut lakl,akKa la nl the fwavaa U lie Iw ! Ii.l. Iwiuty ijuranthl awe a tel ui r me lf ekika t Ul tw irtifl j I may way oupiy O ) I karfa! Ii Mi U it ai-rveJ I koliata ikal kal a wt,m ta mad kit H k ll.i.aUtH lla if Iknl k-0 ha t a ti itl it.rii.l ki Mdku4M l tftvta tka lul'a-al r.tt- 1 H lw tl H p,l etol, ltt I di ki I'! Ikal r. ratiHa Hal ant itijttl lo tat lkt tiiMeiu'V In! ami Niif lwlihft lo Iko .' ia. ll Mi a wi.d illt t h a iix i ia I!. K4 ! l,.a3 la lt aj K .iad ili aki-- al ( twn4 lo fay h(4I (t Hai ayiwel vl Ik 1 righte." "You have also been accused of being a soclaliet." "Yen, I have, but 1 am not aeocialiHt a the world generally understands that term. I believe in social equality, 1 be iieve In equal right to all and 110 priv ilege to a MtHicinl class, In fact, I believe in a return to tho first principles, to the trim principles of Jeffereouiun democracy tho principles of Jefferson a opposed to those of Hamilton." "What I the secret of your hold on your followers?" "1 do not think there I any mystery about it. The men who advocate my election believe that if J mil elected the principles I support will be carried into effect. Their desire to see 1110 elected Is simply the expression of their dissatis faction with existing condition, which neither democrat nor republican 11s ut present constitute! show any desire to change, Men who lu the lust campaign supported llryan, aru now supporting me, not on account ol silver, but liu cause liryan advocated a return to first principles us 1 do." IIK IS A OIIKKMIAI kl' 11. "That suggest tlie oueslion. Are you a stiver man. "I am no more an udvocate of silver than 1 am of gold. Jiothinmy opinion nro relic ol tiaroarlHiti. Jfoth are un neccessary, 1 am a greenbuker. but I do not believe in the government issuing unlimited money. Money should be Is- ued on the credit of the government. under restrictions and lu accordance with certain regulation which would Insure both stability and safety in the currency system." While it I not necessary to explain Mr, George's currency theory nt lenirth. It may be said In brief that he believes In tho Interconvertible bond .vlein by which the government would Issue low Interestlng-beuriiig bond, exchangeable for greenbacks at the option of thu holder. When the holder of these bonds wanted money to move crops or to be employed in any of the other avenues of trade the bond would be converted by the treasury Into money; ami while held by tho treasury the interest would cease. When there wa a redundancy of cur ri'ticy, in other word when it censed to earn a fair Interest or could not profit ably be employed, the money would llow buck Into the treasury and bo exchanged for bond bearing interest, Mr, George claim that under this ystem the amount of money in circulation would automatically regulati Itself by thu demand, ami that a currency famine or a "tight" money market nt the time when money wa mast needed would bu an impossibility, K fr'HCT Ol- IIIH KI.CITIO.V, "line other tpjestlon in conclusion," 1 said. "In case you are elected what effect will it have on national politic. what effect 011 the world nt large? Home people lear that you may over turn law and bring nbout confusion. Is there any danger ot that,'" "If I am elected 1 can only execute the law a I find them. 1 do not know speaking generally, what those law are, inn 1 know that laws a they arc must be carried into effect; no man, mayor or otherwise, is superior to the law. What will be the 1 -fleet of my election? It will be lliis: We are working for thecleva lion ol humanity, the betterment of mankind, The principles vc advocate win lean in that direction, not. only n New York but throughout the country, in Liiglund a well a America. Not nt once, you understand. It takes a long time for result to be accomplished, for principle to prevail, but finally they will be accepted, ami the burden will be lifted nud the world will be better and happier in consequence." A. Mai inn: Lou . Bleeding Pils. And all other form of this common und oflcii dangerous disease reudilv cured without piiiu or Inconvenience. Mtl I a 1 iiousumiH 01 men ami women are nlllicled with some sort of piles, without either kuowing the exact iinture of the trouble, or knowing it uro careless enough to allow it to run without taking tie simple iiii'iilie oflered for 11 radical euro. The failure of salves and ointments to permaciiutl.v cure piles has lead many to lielicvn the only cure to he a surgical opxriitiou. Surgical operations an ibum-eroiis to lift ami moreover not otleii entirelv sip'. ccnsful and nt. this time urn 110 longer usctl by the best physicians or reconi iin ndiid by them. The safest und surest wnv tocureuuv case of piles, whether blind, blm.-diug or protudiag, is to uu (In Pyramid I'ile cure, composed of healing vegetable oile. ami absolutely free from mineral poisons ami opiates. The lollowiug letter from a I'itlaburg gentleman, a severe sufferer from bleeding piles, give htilll'i ideil of tho prompt, effectual iharactir of this pile cure. He write: "I take pleasure writing these few lines to let you know that I did not sleep lor three mouth except fur a abort time cm ll uighl been ll) of 11 bail i a ol bl, cding pilt. I wa ilow 11 lu bed and the doctor did in 110 gttod. A good brollmr told me of the t'prnnud IM1 Cure ami I bought Iroin my druggUt Ihrw Hit 1 ivnt boxen. They curvil ice MUd I will eotm be able to go lo my work again, Wiiiiiu Hitimui, Hi a , t tilli.U Alley, lUi Itutlvr M.i I'ittahurg, I'll. 1 tie Tyraund I'ile l ure ia uot only the ajleal ami aura rviu.--.ly lor pil-, but 1 the Iwat know a and inot puUr, i'.rtf plijaK-lita and diuguial in the rouelrv kaoaa il and what ll will do. N ed lor llllk tuk 011 ran and cure l ilt, iI.uh ribing all ltriu ot pi I. and lh rter trvatua-al. The I'fraiunl run l bmttd al nl! diug altirv al oil t-witl ar a kat. 4li.a kl alM. 1 faamae eaa l lUwry I , ratnilh la, Ike l ake Kh.trtj A M - liamlk. r Hallway roaipaey, loliim laa va Ii4ilt ut a I Nt. Hi. 1 hi Mad by Ik ta-gp-later ut u, twtitiliiet rwctruaJe ! ha m Utaaaa4 at U kt, uvh loe a ay wvatbtf tat a laanty, aad kt Iraae NifalWy Htr ;ti, kae at laat Wa at il.bd Ik e I ka b.) aaiai4, lb rtaart alavid a( Ikal IWa k-ajtUlir kae Ik ia,r laitaail en a law. TW Ut Ve iltl waai In iit Ike l.a (k t all.nl Malta .M TRT CRliiToT IRfCWlM-fll a u ' imi t I w a ..' 1- ll . a.. . . a ,., M ,. , . .... w .- 4 - , ,., -l M ."l 'I- M a ' ia.il a l a al a , j. U. t at . . . 4 .m m al .i - ' !, aw tJ -. . - t ! . k4i ) A Join . Is about as good looking and tough-wearing a suit as a man can put on his back. There are pressed Meltons and shoddy Meltons and imitation Meltons of one kind and another none worthy of the name. Six years ago we so!d genuine Meltun Suits for eighteen doilars and every year since, by buying in larger quantities, we have piunded the price down. This year our price is 7.7,v On page eleven of our latest Sample Hook you will sea a piece of the cloth. Take it around to your merchant tailor or your nearest clothing store and ask them if it isn't the genuine kind. Ask them if it won't wear. Ask them how much they will sell you a suit of the sama material for. If you can buy a suit like it for id dollars or twelve dol lars or even 14 dollars, you'll be getting the worth of your money and if you prefer to pay the extra money to soin.'Oiie else for the sake of friendship or any other sake, that's entirely your own business. We have nothing at all to say. We don't want your trade be cause we are "good fellows" or because we voted the same ticket or because we carry the largest stock of goods. We want it because we can sava you money. If we can't, we don't. """"" rr you Inivrn't koI our liilrsl munpl,! bonk you can et It hy iIoIdr three thlnxs; First, write your mime und inlilre plulnly on u pustul curd. Second, write the uuine of this impel. Third, usk fur Humph li. ,,K A 1.L We Keep on SSS I. "f'l'lfbakar .nit r-. I B 1 a n k c t"fc : , ttn.?. :,r,.pt whole. for Vo,r" r;" m.i- .- " ""' at II aaa(:l Retail Stnr 102H i St rnif Buckstaff Bros. Mfg. Co., IfiK'olii, NoliriiNku. Makers of the new Lincoln Steel Rangc-the best on earth. I I Z7 ! DeLOACH ti dr'uib!c Frit tioti f eed Saw Mills, W Shitiijle Mill soc' "ttirriT, inqiwcs and Boilers, Corn, Feed and I lour Mills, Cane Mills, Water Wheets, Culitiq Presses, Corn Shi llers and fed Hullers. Sliuftina. Pullp. III 01O0 PRKTS. arid Mill Cearinq. ki SIW RIP4IKIVGA SPtCtAMV. atarr a . a- .a- . DcLOACII MILL MrG. COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga., I). S. A. M) 'Vl rblViahlaleaSl.,Hs ara fll. Ill S. nth St.. Si. u- idl . .1 T,r ri" it vi 0 ! 23 au ANDY CATHARTIC . t a yr 11 111 4 in rv CURtCOMSTIPATIOH ALL ABSOLUTELY C0iUKTEEDS555S? SS5i aaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... -... .a iH TEACHERS WANTED ! vhtun t;m MKii.- auim u,, ur rmvAt i. IV Ills i M,Mltt t , l- 1 laa. !. .., 1 ,. , k . . ,a- a -.aa.lVa.,!,,, l.atkaai4a..iiMaw.aiai a.a ia. " """. . rv tttaa all rliiihIM ir,.. NEBRASKA Mav rn Hay.Grainniul Mill Foods. Ua-ilo-Tir. ltthiUNivhclatii., . , OMAHA, NE3 in