The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 21, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    1 L
October 21, 1897
111 NEBRASKA llPli
utiMiitr.i Kvituv tiiukshav hv
tEf? 3n5ptn5nt puNklino, Co.,
Tbe history of the Agricultural Cot
lege, of the toiverHity of Nebranka would
I tntereatirnr readiriir tu (bo (armor ol
Coaotldtlm ef " THE WEALTH lUMIttB" d t()9 ttttfli t,t t wmA i, Mtrcmdy dif-
HHUWWI JHUM'LBUWU. " ....u ,; T. .lor rmrl of t 10
IJI'UIV lU "IHT -' i.-r. " "
income of the Cuivemily belong to the
Agricultural College, and yet the work
in agriculture bn been lighlvd by every
republican Hoard of Hegent mIuco the
cbool wa organised. Thin college I
dow a grantor failure than it wu in the
urly day of It life when it received
BiiUO IXttlLAlt la AJJVAJNUJj. .om little recognition and accompllnhod
omelhing for the paltry um nitent
A4drM all mmwu-umm e, watt mi
Veil, Bionaf order, U paalila in
7vrareiue luil-n-
JOI1ST J. I'I.M VAN, I'oleiiibu
Wot ftejcaul
K, VON rOIIKf.l,, Kenm,
UKOIMJK UKmUl, Wlaner.
T.L.MHOMI, 038.
How to vote. See pngo 7.
Uood raiitM in Nebrunko, Winter
wheat in excellent condition. Continued
prontwrlty for the tie planter' nfute.
If you wlnh to know aomething of
Henry (ieorge read the Interview by A.
Maurice Jow for the Mjiidou Chronicle
publinhed on page w
Hid you rr think of It mime of the
toon who algnod Hartley' bond hnd
more property In their own name at
that time than they have now?
W hy I It that the price of wheat ruined
in free trade Canada and all other coon
frle fully a much n It did in thlinl'y
bill protected I 'fitted 8toU? Think
tbaHlngloy bllldldlt?
upon it. lo the early day it at leant
bad noru'liJdnt to how that it dv.
rvid support.
in the bcniiirjifid there won a profimnor
of agriculture, and ubout 174 the cat
aloKue nIiowm there were llftwn etudniiU
in that diiiiartiiiiint, while I here wore
only a fow over a huudrod MtudentM in
all othor liuna of work. About one etu
dent in nine wne in the Agricultural ('ol
l''(t, There wor at thut time Mix pro
feeeore in theentiro I'oirerKity, and one
of the "lx wae profeor of ugrli'iilture
About IHM'i the number of profenor
had doublud and there worn two pro
fueeora In the t'olle" of A(criulture. Tho
etudente in the entire I 'iilverMlry tiurn
bered about liHO and tweuty-ono of theM
were in the t'olleue of Aurii'ijlture, TIjIk
wum in i'alrlleld'e fidmiulMtralion nnd It
markM the hiifheNt point attained by njj
riculturul luxtruction in HiIm Mtale
Henceforth the number of etudeut in
the (JnlverMity Mlowly iuurenMOM, but the
MtudentM in agriculture becnniii fewer, In
1 HH7 there were nearly 400 etudeutM iu
Mi.hool, but only fourteen in agriculture,
About thie time it wum mmi that the
mauui(umnt could not rnuke a nIiowIiik
in the only InduMtry which had any ex
li. . . a..
We call theeMpeclal attention of our wience in tlte Mtau, am) it whm nco
revere to the Maniple ballot, together nlwd that eome kind of a ehowin imjMt
itlitheinetructJonntM voter and gun. be made. Ily a elugle etroke of kIun
eral election lawe which we publiNb on U'id a mn they changed the i;arne of the
page 1, VoUtre ebould thoroughly poet Agricultural College to JiidiiMtriul Col
tbeuiMelvee Ixtfore going to vote. I fge and tranMferred all the departmenlM
Kr.-v.r4-.w za of pure mcIiic to the Muld ImliiMtrial Col
le ifaxlelon forgotten? No arreete J lege. The very next year out of 450 etu
have beeo made, Are we under military Identu the "InduMtrlal College" counted
rule? Huppie a crowd of mine owuerM flfty-Moveu, but there were fewer in ngri
had been fired upon by deputice hired culture than before. Fur eome year the
ty the iniuerM, would tlim have been enrollment iu the "liidiiHtrlul College"
true then? Who daree eay yee?
If Judge A. M. I'ont i reelected what
do you nuppoee will be done with
Hartley and Aloore? J It not reiiNou
able lo euppoee that he will follow the
Mine couree lie did with the aNyluui
lb even and turn then) both looie?
I'ut your X iii the circle beneath the
IncreiiMeM flutter than in the other tin,
pitrtmeniN of the I n I verity and the
problem eemed to be eolved. J t nerved
la very good purpOMe with never al hglxla-
turoe. "JnduNtrial education" eoundx
well. True, other echoo! call the amo
couree of etudy the "Mcientiflc rourMO."
but where there In a need there In n way.
Can fluid Maw the futility of thie eub-
ti-rfuge uad immediately Net about or
cottage home emblem and help to dun- g'tnliug tho Colhw, of Agriculture and
onetrftte that tho popullet party In u,h Mechanic Arte. Purine; the rtt
Kreuterthan the dem;rat and eilver yrof bin adininletratlon more money
republhwie combined. Oet out anil be 'lnt on purely induetriul education
counted on elctiou day, t,,un ,n ft" I'revloui yenrrf.' Hut even
sRwsssr.r?rR;a4 CauflVId could not eolve the agricultural
Treiieurt'r Meeerve contlnuee to buy problem and he gradually empljANized
general fund werrante for the etote more and more certain limw of technical
chool fund. The board of mIiooI laude education which have no connection, or
ndfunde have Juet granted him iwr- ""' r"mot" connection, with agricult
mieeion to inveMt 7.",000
the jwriniiiieiit Mchool fund.
more from vr
The government crop report for Octo
ber referring to the nverageN of condi
tion In the principal corn mIhIi m pluc N
them ae follow m: I'euiiMylvuiiia H'l, In
diana 70, IlliiioU HI, Iowa 71, MitNoiui
70, Kau.w aud Ni l.iet.ka M. No
braeka leitiU them all.
Do you want Hartley aud Moore to
cecape unpuuiehi'd for their Wunig'! If
you do, vote lo put the man who lit' r
ated the oaylum thievee back on the
twncb. An a member ol the court Judge
I'ont "ceatured" the thievee but did not
Hod them guilty of eteiiling. Hit you
want Moore aud Hartley "wuNured" or
PuuImIiim? Whli h?
The fiirmere who ehip Miock to the
Omaha etock yarde are demed the bone,
flte of the law reducing the pricw cliared
for yardage, grain and feed, piieeed by
the laet legiaUture. Judge Mungur hue
granted an inunclion agaiimt lie en
forcement. Wbat do the farmer think
of injunction made law? Will they tote
the republican ticket and tlmn by eu
dorve Miicb Mugrnnt h!miw oljmliclal
I'opuliete in every purl of the tte
are urgnd tu neud u enoiir etatemeuu
poetalrard or letter, giviug the con
ditiua of the parly in their reectiv
ew tinn. Mill h lulnnuailun i fially
acouregiug ti reform workrr. W are
exiu to lecvite np(iri lrui club
Heeling, inawi ineiMg, pre. im I ml
The irm nt adiuiniHtration trie to di
rect uttention away from the complete
failure of agricult ural iiim) ruction iu thin
late by beating torn loum uud erecting
Mi-are crow uud other mIiiiiiim. It Im
hoped that the noine raiNinl over the
School ol Agriculture," the "Sugar
Hcbool," Hie "Mucliniiii: ArU School'
will direct attention away Irom the
breach of truet. Will the farmer u
ipjiie into (hull purpow uud aim? I I
U take (he Sugar School a mi exum
pie. The Calendar of the I'iiivitmiIv of
Nebrukka for the year IH'.HJ lhl)7 given
the faculty of the "NrhruMka Sugiir
Hchool" n coiiMieting of the ehniu'ellor
and nine profeeeor. "The objectM of the
i'IkniI lire to give iiiHtructioii in the licot
uiftliodt of MUgar beet culture mid Iu the
detail of factory method of enar inak
in." The young men who take thi
courwi are MlipiOMd to be ipialitled for
poeition iu the eiigur fin torie at (irnud
Inland and Norfolk, Theee fnclorie ukii
ally employ two or three men each for
iiliout three mouth in the yeur. Surely
a chancellor and nine profeNor ought
to Im able to mipply thi deuinnd of I he
tale for the training of nkllled labor, II
the farmer will outy Impatient and uot
ekMH't too much.
Hut it I linked, "How intuit etudi'lit
now study agriculture?" ThecataloguiNi
id recent year do not give thi informa
lion, All Mludent id Ihe "luduatn
(ollegi. are liiiiiiet togi tli.-r. Cur the
I u at live year the graduating cltiaace o
the l uiveraily have numbered on Hi
averege about nitty Iwraoii, while Ike
graduate in nartcullur and Healliml
require that trunt fund nhould be ueeU i.NJmtTioNi. The republican prow of the state ha
lor the purpoee lor willed taey were '" ruie among anorney ana maJa an awfu, discoverv Xhey claitn
. ...i ... ..1.... i (l.lludifCN that In liid.rnratinir n ula Inlj nr I , i. . .. '
Knunnw ur cum .umviiu... v ' " , . It W0U(1 I(e impoHHibltt to recover
grantor. We can teach anything we coneuiui.onfu prov.e.ot. the "iLtent " ol the.i gner of Tieaeurer
know. It we don't Know any t rung aooui noii govern, i uu Meeerve' bond. Don't worry, irentlo-
a a I lailMliniru iu.wl aa.III ft. A . . I- 1a.. I " " i
agriculture, we could line uiim endow- a-a w,., w tonetrueu iu u )ni tnorfl uov,,r win bfi onv out.UHion
ment for purpo. of inventlgation and "" ' "'ning. rwoovsr from Moeerve' bondninon.
. . a .. (. f I if titi9t.M Ui.lil,l ,,.,. At.l., I.. I
tencti tlie renuiw n inei ne we ooiain - i-"'- ui rum in iionu, jhvn uevep W(w ft bon(J
tiinrn. it uie larmer 01 euroHia win -i " ""u,l I In (he atate of Nebraska than the one
demand runulta lntad of renting con- "'on. me judicial iiijunctioiiui tt" given by J. H. Meeerve. The bond In
tent with talk and prominen, ltioy may pnwer vented in J- good for four time the amount of tute
oon have an good an xieriinental omir 10 m ueed only in ,, LaM evHp ,m)1 on bttn,j Th0
nchoolaNanytatepoKcne. They Miu.t eitraordlnary cane. It wu inbmded courne pureued by Mr. Menerve In taking
flrnt olwt a Hoard that will put a priictl- ' extreme meunure to be lined th at'a inouey to nay the tatea
cnl man at the head, a Hoard that baa ' . 01 emergeniiy. it In a d-bt'n nakon a largo bond unnocennary
otner unpiratiou and oiuer experience " i"ary ' fortbe iwwon that alargeum of money
than ehaving note and nerving railroad reepec,. to tho pardoning power vent- , MVet tt,0WmJ l0 ft0(1(imtllttt9( Nor ,
. I I fill In 4 ilOl MnVlinilAa ia I liat a. I. Ijf m a t .a. I . . .
er,rporauon. , w.. ...,-,v.r- tbl a). the m wou(J bo
r:,,,,-,., - - ofllaw. No ;on would attempt to defend mU)t , j, MoMnu$ ,mh(J(, wtnoot
I'HKI'Auinokoiimokkinji m tion. or j -m act. ui a governor in any bond than It would le, in tho hand
ilie ntreet car corporation, in m w..oaa.une i uie extraordinary pow- ol Jo( UutUy tmnrui with a 10,000,
greiiicmen uuve origniaieu s uriiiiuni i ! uvh. j ) uuuuik uuu I ()()0 bond
Idea, Itlntherenult ol the threatened muting power in given to the governor
ntrike of the trcet car employe In the to be uned In extraordinary canon, For Head tho record of land commlcnloiinrn
city of Chicago. The plan In to j example, after a man ha been tried and Humphrey aud ituMNell a given In tho
get perminnion from the pof office dm convicted of the crime of murder and the report of tho loglnlutlve Inventiitatliig
partmeut to put a mail box upon each court pfutnen trio death nenteuue, 'J he committee publinhed on our flrnt imiro,
of their ntreet car for the ftccommodii- power to pardon or commute that nen- Compare It with tho prenent ecuomlcal
I. i. l.a a. . .
tlon of the public. I'arllen who denlro tnco rent will) the governor, but It and buninennlike management of the
can mail their bittern in the mail boxe not the Intention that he nhould ex. land uouimlNniouerM olllue nnd decide
on the car and f the central point in rclne that authority except now vl- whether the olectlon of poiiulint ofllcern
the city a government mall clerk would deuce allowing or tending to nhow that ban been a "blight" upon the ntate. Ibmd
collect the letter and take thorn to the tho condemned man wan Innocent I the record of tho pmnont olflclal am
i. ..... . ..
poet ofllcc The ntreet car company brought to light after the trial and be. c impure it with tbo record of ex-reiiub
would be ut no expenno whatever. Tlie 'ore tho execution. Tho pardoning pow. llcan ofllulahj and decide whel her it would
government in to furulnh the mall boxen r In denlgned to prevent the ponnibllily not bo a good plan to carry Ihe reform
and attach them to tho cam, and of o' thecommlnMlou of a legal crime by the Into all department, of the ntate, tho
courne a government employe inunt eui "on or puninnmeut 01 an innocent nnuiciai an wen an tlie executive and leg
collect the mall to deliver It to tho olllco, '"""' Iniativo brunchon, Jf you think tho re-
...... ... ... I I !...(! . I . I . I I I I t I . . .
ruin in very kind ol tho ntreet car cor-1 " mmiiar manner mo juoiciai iu lormn orougut about by the prenent
poraUonn, Their only object in the I j'ini'Uoii in a jiower placed In the hundn olllclal have l.en good for the ntate
matter, however, into enable them to Judicial olllcer to be lined dlnoreetly nhow your appreciation by putting your
:nll to their annintanco the Ifidcrul Jtjdl-1 niHoijly In extreme caen to pre- A In the circle beneiith tho cottage home
clary In chmo of a ntrike and have whole, vent tho wanton dentruction of life or
nolo arrenln made to "prevent In terfer. prowrl. it une to prevent the en- Mr, J. II, Ldmlnten, tho chairman of
ence with the government mull In tran- forceinent of a Junt and eoultable act populint ntate centrul committee, bun
nit." Injunction in a great bhwnlng panned by the legmlature In an abnne of conduclod an excellent campaign, A
(Continued From First Page.)
for thono who are In a ponition to une It. tho right that nhould uot lei tolerated, renult of bin management tho party iu
It i an encroachment by tho judicial ije. isobranka in thoroughly organized nnd
.....1........ .t... .1.-1., ..f ,1... I I l,..t,A I,.... I I.. ..I. . li . .1
KKOWK Milt KI'f.CIIAII. I e"r' '" upoii in" rigm 01 miu ii'(iiiiie "" "i nan uimu uhwh oi nreworKM,
It In naid that ouo of the former nro- tm "efiartment. 1 1 i not the duty of a oruni hand and parade, there will not
iennorn wan kicked out of the llniverailv J'"W ' whether a law I unl, oe a lack ol voter on election day
by a cow, not that tho cow bad an v evil r,,,f "'"J eipillable or not. It in hi Hcportn from nearly all co untie Indicate
inteiitlonn. but thei.iofennorwen.ii.lm.kv ,,u,y "' '"t the law In; to ay what that Judge John J. Sullivan will bo
enough to think that be could touch the lu" ,'" " i"" I'Wtiuturo or law eiecieu oy a majority not ten than VI,
youth of Nebrunko and look after a "tKI"K wa wnen it mane mo law, ""o. nun tno prenent blanket ballot
cow at the mime time, Thin miilit be have an excellent example of judl- t candidate for regent will receive
ponnible In Arizona or "Arkonnaw" but c'"' b'glnlatlon in the recent injunctlou lo about the name vote.
In llonton cow and cultoie are attended I'WVMil the enlorcuneut of the law reg
toby different kind of people. The ul,'"K 'lirge for yardoge, grain, and
racket ralmd bv tho autboritlen no ttt t yurdn,
" It. a . . . .
alarmed the cow that Ibeprofennor won 11 w" tt Mritio ol nulhority when a
forthwith kicked out of the nchool. The J'1'1?' l"'venlod the enforcement of that
motto of the pronont Unlvemity man
leg, etc. Don't fad lo d.i'p e a ptal ib)-4'" "ol "iM,d ' r jear
tellieg u ol th Hew la
klk lb nrlM'l.ialioil.
)our lH-ality.
The (Hiulwr rrop npurl laau, by
IWrvtary of Agtii ultur Jm. iiauu
ealiiiiittra the birinu alimUu Im mU
prod'olma at Hit I.imio.ikhi buaiieia,
The tiue nut'. hi il lainiitlia H
ehorlngD la the n imp l tH.iVl'iiMHi
buakrl ruiepmo I ailli tlta Ih'j", rnp,
leetriMdl alao a ' I lia Mmii la
of Liiri'l will Mipatolly U n lw.
Mibvalatl Hpltt4 With gull lrnf
I lie r.itl t ol one Iu nine b drpid lo
Ira than one in tilty, I'robablv t,u
tine ii in tn v aiudt'iii are aiU'ljluu
1.1.'lr ie l i-nuiim rieg ita are ( U'l leg eg
rivuliuiw. li larieer will ioa lo
t tUeiru'wl reuinr ua rmb ipinrier
Mt iIum I t" f la a rtt deinaiol to
1 1. fin nit Ilia I irina til I loa altla i kj
ii... diMir U I a iu nr li r and detin imum
hr tli'llna abow Ihe liM mug bnw In
r.'.nli the grnue l by nv nl Ihe linhi,
ui eg f d imUii l id along lea Urncr'a
apleal coltium, It Ike btrnivr will me
t una lliKir both br aholker iwanti Kt
bartrf uinl.l lr malUb iirn.a.,
ad lUt "th I ufiija i4liitrni I itr)l,l,4 eouHiiiut all f M,
appaeaally aahort owe, and IU Ii w, ( I'y Hutt lle'a U d iwiii' nl id ll.
mjo U t'i d lb leal.' riiuliarel IVIhg way be lr4frrvd lo
Will III KnibU a pr pUnae a. lUdihoid wl I All d tlte w.ll
iUiM li It U tkwt Willi rpoil lik Ik I'm. im an rua l riHi laMl,
abut Utag etuwl by the yutrmmaat It mi b a ijuawlltHt kalker ., Ik f ral aiarktUa tb f ullar fee be tuhl la a foll, lk(
data grada."
jlihi grakl, Hal Ihiiiiiiuh d,ee
ugement wa recently copied word for
word from the brow of the adminlnlra
tlon, "Talk about the dignity of labor;
tulkuboout the knight of toil; talk
about practical education; talk about
agriculture aud dairying, and love for
the farmer, but dont let your baud
kuow what your mouth i Haying."
In tho hint fow yearn tho opinion ha
become current that tho atate unlvem
ity i getting further away from the
plain people who nupport it. The bend
of the unlvemity I blmnelf nn arietocrat
who Ijiiu nuid that young men having to
ifirn their way through m.hool nhould
uot itcrform manual labor, but nhould
ime their brain lo nupply their need.
url her direction were not given. The
average expennen of ntudent are Increan.
ing on urcount of (lie tone of the nociely
irelen which have grown up in late
yearn. Ihe democratic niiint of ( nn-
(leld'n ailiniuiNtratioii in rapidly dinnp-
pennug. Ihe (ariiier boy in already ill
at ciihc null unlenn hi "awkwardnimn"
- .!II . la I . 1 t
accompanied n,v uiiunuai taientn ne in
noon dincouniged. It in next to iliilion
ible for him to purnue the agricultural
on rue ol el inly iu the prenent ntiiion
phere hencH there are now letter ntiiilenla
iu that department than there were (If
ti'ii yeiirn ago.
Our ntate uuivernily uieil more com
moil neiiHti in itn mnnngillient. A weal
ril nchool milat I mi weateru in nplrit. It
t I.- 1 .11. . ..
im iiii.i nnouiii ne enieiiy weatcrn men
and women. At preHent only about one
man iu ten in the faculty ol the mo vera
ally received a port of bin early educa
lion iu Nuliraaka. (ilve u it home
nchool. Stand up for Nebraaka.
law. it wan the duty of the judicial offi
cer to ucicrmino wnat tno law wan.
When they had done that their author!.
Ueanctaa of our candidate for re
gent tliln bill will give u a board of
lliree lllaionial and three republican.
If the opHaitioa nhould win, lin y would
bate live to our one. Alter I weiity nv
y ntfa of rvputilicau rule, and iu view of
Ihe w IdtHtpa l U ie I that politic Imn
ew tried lulo Ihe litilliite i-lin nl of our
atat UltWer.lly it la Urly that Uie
woplwill run Ihe nk ol plin'ing Hi
republican mi a Imwrd id nil regfnt,
lid eery tiiiiuia Inatietl would ang-
H-al Uiat Ihe bo ir. id uMla hiiul. .
ana purliaiiu Alt tiptitl altar lu Ilia
at an age meat la Hie nir-a to a imn.
(Niliaitu bntird wliU i tan ttltnlit ut,.
I. r our pre nt Una,
1 ha ittnitnei la ol llm I rmia hiM 1 1
Uepilita atinld Ifil I til It Itnta
tnii.i.rf Ui l.ilnl4 a) tlt.p; tl all t.
ll. ii.elu la tail U tua'lr Irtiin
.'nn nil our iillr alail.. ii. i. Li. la
ilnrai rejinr i.iina ol t t lorttiuk
Hit mrMM, nit li ln.t.r ol r.Miklttg
I all nil I l-t iS'lf-l ud'v l.l.u I
M.cteita' lm tta and ! m.t't I l.ire.n
m l erente a l lb r hi llkal It IKe rrup,
airia m I paMu tUitt luffitfa'
a wttabl ! ntN a tk bil tary i
ireltiti wad prtMUbk It wnuldU
aelleal adfttai atral ..f li er.t U, 4
dl a break a ,
With the ballot n complicated a at
premmt It I dnugerou to attempt to
"ncratcb," If you winh to be euro and
have your vote counted put your X in
the circle beneath tho cottage home and
and do not mark anywhere cine. If you
are determined to ncratcb read the law
ty ended. It then became the duty of carefully and bo uro you are right and
iii" executive department to put (he law then go aheud
into execution
i... wi ' iiacjr oi uie cane Head 10V, Holcomb' Mlnteini.t cm.
... .. a .. .1 it... .. .1. ( t I (!..
ui.n wurrouiwu me uau 01 uie judicial in. corning the Hartley bond, oul.ll.l.e.l n
1 ll tl i A I .1 I ' "
j.iBcuon. i me court uiaoe law me I onr flrnt page. It in a complete rcfuta
faDlliawa if VjjI .Mm a. tV li It via H... I ii ai i
.... e- Ml , aa won oi in MianarotjN vAmt'iim uuuiriHt
. i i . .i . a
oeiieui oi one m tno mm law ever the governor made bv the
punned oy a legislature, will tho larin- party rircMM.
em ol .eliraka endorno Much action by
voting for a political party that defend
judge In act of that kind? We think
Something ol the difference In tlie ex
pen no account charged to the ntate by
republican oflluiuln and that charged by
pojuilint olliciuln can befound in the bill
prencnted by the member of the board
of public laud und building. The fol
lowing table nhown the iimouutn puid to
the nevernl ofllcern nuined an, truveliug
ex pun ace:
A. II. Humphrey f il.'O 00
I. C Allen .'i00 00
J. i;. Hill r.oo oo
Total 1 1, !.")() 00
A. It. Humphrey (loN 03
(i. II. Haating l l.l .'IA
J. C. Allen am r.o
J. H. Hartley 51 M
Total l,0:i 1.1
H. C. Ilunaell 4U7 !.'
.1. A. I'tiMir a.M 00
A, K. Churchill 100 00
.1. V. Wolfe
W. V. 1'orl.r
C, J. Sntyili...
J, It, Menerve
lh7- Sept I.
I 7H'J U.I
. I5P. 70
t lion
I I Mt'l
Total ia 70
If oU beliete hi rigid ri'oiioiuy in
the roudui-t ol th buainma ol lb vote Ut populint ticket, put your
ia Ihe circle Muealh th rottage bom
A rvHtrt mu out by the l ulled Htatva
government agricultural eiariuieu
alNlniil lutiieerulng lit h ludualry,
how lltl Nabraaka I a well adapll
to the tt aad Houy In luairy a any
lale In lit wet, Wry rarely ha tha
cljitiala) ttiit'liliiiita la th tal baa
am Ii a lo deal my ay I'oualderabi '
tutM oi h l'-, ll i an iadueirjr
thai ahnul I b aiudia.1 niiira enrttally bf
oar lariner I'roperlv nwdat 11 Ihera
I innu-y In le Hiada la lira rullareaad
l.i.ttvi niitkieg, Ilia a gralf litnaiiy
id tf.Hi't llial Id alat H'd.
TrvtMttr f ka iaaunl a ! lof
PI mtit ni.irx ul grawal had warraal.
H tliwt ! 'li Ik uu land lit
Mtvnmlat oa ki bad He kipa it
Hiotliig pay lug the !' tb bit and
y ag lniii pataieai in iuii
t,iir lar talk r'akt kialola
lnaurtr, IU I opl l lioailUI
V i i i ninety,
Tha Will of Ihi PfoplM Exprcaitdby
tb Lg 'tur. tt at NU(ht.
For many year the tieopli. of Nebrna.
ka bavenufferetl theextortionntechargi.
made by tho South Oiunlia Stock Vardn
Company for y ardare, grain uud feed.
I he iireneut ruten v .:
Corn, per buneel f 1.00
liny, per looibn i.oo
Cattle, eir head, yardage ,
Calve, per head, yardage o
llogn, Hr heinl.yard.ign os
Sheep, per head, yardage n,"i
Ihe lilHt legialature leianeil a hnv IKinir
the maximum clmrgon that could tm
made un follown:
Corn, per bunhel above wholenalc
lru t .:,(i
Hay, iter 100 I bn r.o
Cuttle, mr head, yardage '(
Calvcn, M-r head, yardage un
llogn, per head, yardage oil
Slieep, mr head, yardagM ,0
All Will admit that Ihl Waan irootl
and juat law, but Ihe moh are denl-d
it le'ueflt. The court have urnnteil
an Injunction to inwent itn lutnrcement.
To llrilut a Kiiraaa ( liargra
Senator F. g. Felix hn filed n mm.
Iilaiut with the board ol trniieporlation
aaklug thatt xpren charge bn redn e l
about .'t'l'i ter cent. The board made
an ordtr lor re I idem mi l tint r.
pre company look the cnan before
.luda-e Coruiah, ol tlie dulnct court ol
Lancaaler eounly and aeeur,. an injiiuc
lion rvalraiuiug the eiilorceineut ol tim
the name category as thoee who
will ntoop to fuUeliood and vihllcation
un the profnir method of dieimnning pub
lic uentiouH. Thene partie will be care
ful to nuy nothing in their dufumatory
circular about the attorney general and
the court offering to allow and permit
ting the defendant to prove any abort
age during Mr. Hartley' first term, uor
of tho defendant' rofunal to offer one
lota of evidence that uch wa tho cune.
How manly, how fair, bow honorable
are nuch methodn? What will honoet
people think of nuch troacherou and un
reliable method of conducting a cam
paign? It wa flrnt annerted that I bud been
negligent in my duty in not requiring
the ntate treanurer to account for tbe
fund in hi ponnennlou at tho beginning
of hi necoml term of olllco, Afterward,
when it wa uncertained thatuch charge
wan utterly unfounded and aould not be
nupported in truth, the allegation wae
mado Hint the trcuHurur wan a defaulter
at that time and that I had knowledge
of that fuet. Since thi ialpablo false
hood ban been refuted, it in now, an a
dernier renort, publicly proclaimed that
tho manner of tho accounting by tbe
ntate treanurer wa not nuch an the law
required and wan, therefore. Illegal. J
winh to examine Into thi piiiino of the
ijuenl ion very briefly, la tho flrnt place
I would have it dintlnctly understood
that no rnnpoiinibiliiy cun attach to mo
In nuy manner, lor whatever wa done
or failed to be done in the oflicq of the
nlata treanurer prior to January 4,
ISI5, at the time when I entered upon
the active dutlen of my ponition. What
ever condition ex In tod then aud prior to
that I lino hum occunioiied by tint policy
of tho uiimliilnti'utlon of ntate affair by
the republican parly and their reprenon.
tativen, who had held nlmont uninter
rupted control ninco tho organization of
tlie ntate, und who bud up to that time
and Mince proclaimed through the preen
and upon ihontumn that their manage
ment oi the mIuIo'm affaire wan boncnt,
economic, ntruighlforwurd, and in tho
lu tercet of tho people.
After being inducted into office and a-
certululng that the ntate treanurer bud
not iiualifled under my uredeconnor and
that tho duty devolved upon me, im
mediately net to work cniitiounly and
curelully to dlnchurgo my duty In tho
matter oi the qualification of the
treanurer tor Inn necond term of office.
Not only did 1 coiiHider It carefully but I
alMO conceived it to bo tny duty to uncer
tain the true condition ol thentiite trean-
ury and necureau uccountiiiif of tho fund
chargeable to the Mtuto treanurer In order
to comply with the nnirit of the law. 1
think I cun nafely nay that never before
in the bintory of tho elate hud nuch an
accounting been mode certainly not to
my knowledge. Hear in mind that, win,
I endeavored to do wan to uncer
tain tho truth regarding the condi
tion of tho ntate treanury and
to be natinflcd that tho treanurer bad in
bin ponnenniou and under bin control nil
fund with which ho might properly be
iiargeaiue. i lino neither the t in
ability nor facility to enter into un ex
pert In vent Igation of thi mutter, i
could only bo expected to make a rea
Nonablo effort, niluuted in my ponition an
I wan, to reouire a full and comolet t-.
counting of the fund belonging to the
ntnte treanury. Thin I did.
I winh to cull attention to the
fact that ufter the enactment of
tho deponltory luw by the ha-in.
lature, the the Mtipreuio court in an
opinion handed down in February.lSDJ.
held that Ihe proviniou of the deponi
tory luw bud no application to educa
tionul and trunt fundn and that it would
bouiilawlul lo deponit thene fundn lu
ntute deponitorie. Thin decinion, then
required a neparution of the fundn. In
the current liiudn, which nhould be de
ponited in ntate dcponitoricn, Mr. Hurtler
uccounted by exhibiting evidence which
to mo were nutinfuctory und which 1 ma
nulintled weie perfectly reliable. Ho
had pruclicnlly u ,hu Cllrr(nt
IiiiiiJh for which ho wun chargeable in
ntate depoMitorien, where they iirooerlv
belonged. The other fund, being the
educational or trunt IiiikIh, muni then be
accounted for iu nome other maimer It
in urged now that there other tund
bould nil have been uccounted for by
the produciiou of the actual eanh Thie
wnn not done. In th nature of 'thingn
it coultl not bo done nn.l u
. . UJV If7"
quired to be done under the biw
My language ban been diaiort'eij and I
have been charged with nnymg that the
aw requiring the accounting a u
,"e;"".".1H ".'"'T'.1 ,mvu "ttered no
, vH Hind that to
give he law a coimlruetiou which w,,m
peruni 11. alale treanurer to t I
bniik.d l.iucla and n,l tZ
porunly Ht cure canlt equal
uniouiit be w,,a rhargeabla h ,u,d ,.x!
hlbit audi rank a an iiceounting and
,'" r,,,,,m it lu t ,mtkm fro,,, I,
'.'..ildbea larcj '
nhau, and wo.,1.1 tloow aba0lut,. ,
bght upon ll,.,, oniliuoi,
leaving ll a , M ,,.,, K1Miri(,r
Ihouuhno ntith ni.,.,.,.t..... i.. . "
It in a fact kimwii to lliully ih,,'.
,....-,.. nnvH uinde nettlent.
aeeuiiug temporarily ,w P(4B,t
ar ,