The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 21, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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October 21. 18Q7
lienn party dii iu wnr tinn-M, but what
it IiHM done lor .-sinrnHKa in me pum
eight ,vcnrM.l.x.
!',( mi V in I In. oii'i'lii II 1 1 iter I 111! (flit
III) III HI VNV 1.1'VI- ....
luge home, tbon deliver your voro to the
JUUgen. l llHl IM trill OIII.V HUII K .Villi IIIWU
on your ticket. Jreuton KegiHior.
I'ut tho iiidicinry In touch with the
other deuartiiiont and of the afuto gov
ernnmnt and Nebrasku'M redemption will
h complete. Lexington .owh.
The populiet party in dcMtroylng the
gOOO. llttlllU 01 Uia MlBie, o.v nilonoiH ui
tlw rotlonnoMM of t ho republican ex-elate
oflli iiilH. Knox rouuty Jieeonior
If .Indue 1'oet Im oh-ctcd. Curl ley and
HI iwcuoo tiuninhincnt
Had It not boon for the order which Tout
wroto MUMpcndiug hm Mentetiee, Hurt
ley would now lm In the penitentiary.--
i iinter county inei.
Wh'-n the rcpiiblioniiM run (Iih ntnto of
Nbrnnka the cost ol mniiiiaiiiing n
ticntH lit tlio Norfolk asylum wum over
kT2 euch per Hiitiuin. Under populint
ruin tho coet Iihh boon reduced to uliout
f!7 per annum. Nluud up for Ne
braskaMadison Star.
A iiiuii can "hello" nil the yeiir round
in North Curolluu lor eight dollare, No
telephone compnlileM havo either an
eigned or left the Mtato hm lliey throat
. ennd to do if their chargoM were to be
regulated by law, Tho Indue) rial Len
der. Auditor Cornell Iium turned over IV
000 to 'he troneurer eitioo helm been in
olllee. Mr. Moore IiIm predeocMMor t urned
f ."O.OOO Into ugold mine in Colorado.
It got, him into trouble, and, like Hart
ley, he Iiiim niiieh to bojei for In tho elec
tion of Judge I 'out, Culler County
Jerome Hliainp, of l.ineoln, Neb. deliv-
red u very ublu uddreeM here luet night
on Hie ixHiiCM of the day, from a popnllMt
Mtundpolut. It wan one of the nbloat
MpeeehcM ever mode in Verdiirre by any
epeukor of any party. Mr. ftharnp Im a
vote metier from "uwuy buck"," Knox
County Iticorder.
TngunrtM majority over the republl
can candidate for mayor of IwliuriupolU
now limned at. I,h00. LnMt full the
eounty of Marion, of which IndiannpoliM
iM practicully all, gave MeKinley 0,717
over Cryan, ThiM In h ehnngo of 5,(100
vote, indicating an alleration ofm ntl
mcnt in the iniddlo went that will give
-ilver a trrent majority iu Ohio. Ilocky
Mounluin Now.
It im only within the hint lew weekM that
itltUM occurred In Hie JoJoIiiimoii repub.
lieaiiN to charge (luvernor Jlolcomb with
being tlm defaulter, rather than Cartley
and Moore. In their etupidityto cover
up their own innlfcnMttticcM, tlm do .John
nun republicaiiM Imagine that eople will
believe any old jam. If Governor 1 1 ol'
comb emb'.zled thenluto flllidn, what
Lu Uurtley Ikjcu triod and convicted for?
Aduiim louaty democrat.
And now the Virginia jude Iiiim made
tlm injunction UKaiiiHt I 'elm et. al., per
manent. That. Ih, h court Iium neeri tit to
oxccjcd the powerM of a leHlaturn and
Iium inadii a permanent law that no
leglwlaturu iium dared attempt to nuike.
li com I m can do tlirw thinM why nhould
we longer go to ttie cjpfDHo and trouble
of uiuiutaiuintr a conreHM ond ntate leg.
iMlature? C.i n't the people neeto what
extremity thin thing Im leading? And they
ffiii t iti in tn vntfi Inp ii rmplv tlmt. pi.tii,..
MentM a claMM of tyrautM that demai &
mich Iniamy'.' F'armerK Tribune.
lorn 1 J ecu I m mid wheat t0 knock the
in, id, in nut of tho iirgunmnt that the
(lection of Mckinley had anything to do
with the i ine of price. A nnteni cd gov
Tiiiuint that produce good tunc in
me that kcepH priccH up to profitable
Hi'iile. Kxinting cuiiditionrt, null an
xhortngeH, HpeculitioiiH, and heavy
vieldH, will uluayNcuuxe priceM to Mucin
Mte morn or lenn, hut if the Unancial
policy of tin country in ax it ohould be
t he price a a whoin will remain high
eiiouuh to maintain general proMperity
The gold rtandard given ih no nnHtir
much of (M rmanent high pric m.--I'i ople'
It. inner.
Our legiHlutiiri pitNMcd a bill regulating
charge for oarinir for cattle at the
Omaha Htock yurdx, and the Kaiman
legUlulure did tlm Mime. The Htock
,Vunln people ill both it (ten protented In
lit rourlM aguiiiMt xuch atU'inpt to
ri'gulatM them, nud .luitgo Muauer, fed-
nil judge in N braxkii by grm-H of John
M. Tlnimton. hax urunt-d au injuuclinu
rent milling lh nlatn from enforcing the
new law. Iu K aimii Judge I'miter tool
up for tlm uew law, which goe to uluiw
thai MeKinley jmlueN are mIwhv "a the
iiluollh I'orporatuiii uud monopoly
i oiiililneit rmmiiD l're.
The pret lilalit tnnourer, with the
il-'ink alum ol hurvpiihl run predetHMoor
ol l'iAVTtu t.0 Itilmf, took rhurgM ol
(Im iiltte Mint iu ' mouth brought
tt wwrrwul u m piiulum nnd re. lh interw! tearing uudlt
t'J.717. ThuiMii tutiUer bl mord,
nud U but on id tlm good riMult which
inllnwnl .liug the rvlorm purlt. Im
i hrg ol ilt (! huiiM. 'iMiti I li r
dftttptUm id lbtat by putting tb
irw court Iw tk Imud ol mill reputt
iieitu, mhi tdwu iMr un country
bj turning nut tlw ring whlek hw e
ImiMdnl Hw'l lit III court houv.
l'illiit.inth Juitruwl.
tik tut rrwMt nre mw
tvul I'wmlunt. tturut rrwlti, wkmIi
rirlll) t tvpubiHWH plv bvlion dut
mg ll iMir' fiupi4t, wntliitfu glim.
iwrifc Ih pMhU If niMiltl,
Inn r lttlihf vondiltoM II th
4ipUlMl will ! d w Wtll, ll f
k run Um4 up under l' ruU tlt w
mil iitf e4ii4HlnMiiw Ulol Ih td l
ot Ih ldt M luuii4 Up H loili k -r to
i r liioMlh, NM I li i Hmi mxiiI,hh
MVMt I tjl l H,i'"lllri, HI 'I Ih
Kind liidd M U iitg My Milnli ! Im
U44 d llt d (HMilril timl Ih t4.litti(
lw tutw.Mg in tliiiuiid ul ilolUi Im (,
! Ik vitr NM-lvr wl ki mh
drafting. i turning Jinto the trenHnry
fteveral tiuH'8 the amount in fee that
him 1mu cuntoiuary. and the jieuiten
tiary in beiug run at temof thoimund
Ichm cxMnMe, the people are not going to
complain. They tun etund a good deal
of tfaiM Mort of management, even tlm ugh
it iMMOinothing mo entirely new in tlm
hlntory of NebraNka politico hm to make,
t belli open their c.vcm la wonder and n.
toiiiMhment. ufcourMc, "a now broom
MWHcpM clean"; but while it doi MMntinf,mc.
tory work, (rive it full credit, When it
failM, naet It ohmIm and get a Irchher and
better, An tclojKi Tribune
The nttortieyM for Curlley'M bondM
tnen chargii that fiovernor llolcomb
knew that Hartley wiim khort in ac
count at the beginning of IiIm, ilol
conibV, llrnt term of olllee, and that yet
lie niiid nothing about it and approved
IiIm bond, whereat repiiblicuu net up a
great howl and Innint Ihat he uiimt (Jim
prove the charge or be accounted n bad
ii I'.nr (ley, rndoubteilly )lohnnb will
bo heard Irom In dun lime. Cut hm nc
ciiMerM untli-nly tenure the fact that it Im
alwayM HrMt la order for the pirty who
maki'M n. charge to prove it. TIiIm they
have not done, Hllver Creek Tiiihm,
No department of our government
need reforming mo badly hm the null
clary, JudgfM Mtand nemer corporit
tloiiM, truMt.M, and monopolies than lo
the rank and file of the comnioii people,
Let the iieophi I u in out at the poIIm on
election day and elect J. J. Kilitvaa mu-
tirnmo judge, A man of Hie people ami
for the people. Ciay County 1'iiiriol.
Ouiiem of Nkw Vnrh,
According tlm Now V'fir1' Herald, which
Iiiim recently invcMfigatcd the mutter,
Manhaltuu Inland im owned by uu lo-ton-iMhingly
miiiuII mi tuber of per-toiM. (Inu
hulf of the laud Im owned by 1 70 fuuiilicM,
wlth,MuyM the llrald,"a very few owning
tho other half." Out of 2,000,000 r-Mi-
dofitM, l.MOO.OOO liavo no inlnnMt what
ever Iu the Inland except an reotern, Vet
the citimiiM of .New i ork ilolighl to lioant
of "their" groat city. Their lulk 1 much
like that of a lot ol poor WMgo mIhv'h
who work iu tho imIiium of mouio million'
aire when they Mpouk of their under
ground dungeon HM"our mine." lournal
of the KuiglitN of J-abor,
There in no (mention that Tammany
hriM made a bargain with the gold demo.
cratM Iu order to M;cure their large cam-
paign contribution which theiio goldite
would Iihvo rcfUMed if the Chicago plat
form had Imwii indorod. Wo are glad
that tho truo democrutM of New York
have got together iu convention and
nominated Henry doorgo, ana indorsed
tho C'hicugo platform in It entirety.
The regenerated democracy, under tho
loadciMliip of lleury (ieoigc, compoMo
tho regular democratic pnrty ol New
York, becaiiMC lliey renrew ut tho prin
ciple of tho national democratic party
iim declared at tn rnicngo convention
iu JMOO.-Kilvcr Knight.
That wiim a great Mchemo of the refiub-
licaii nianaiter to uttract attention
Irom the black record made by thoir
oIIIcitm for a numbwr of year by turning
their mud ImttcrioM on lovcrnor llol
comb. The tax ridden people of Nebran-
ka have Muff red mo long from thOMpecu
latioiiM of tlieMO hiiuio fi'liowM that they
cannot b dwivod with chaff. If repub
lican olllcern in the pant had guarded tin
IntoroMtMof the Mtato with one-half urn
euro and houenty that Iiiim beeu m'iowii
by Governor llolcomb for lho two yearM
nud a half (hat ho nan been in olllrc.they
might be able to go before the people of
tbi Mtato with a different Mtory, The
flmt duty of every repiibllcan Mwuker
when aiitienrinir before a NnbriiMka audi-
encoMhould bo to npologirw for benign
republican. York I himocra t.
('M! of I'untHl IlKllell.
'I'll., ulllriiil renarln nlimv tlwit ia 1H!)2-
01 the average price for carrying inailn
wum fl (renin a pound lor an average him
tanw of 44H inili n. At the eauie time
railroadn were carrying inerchaiiiline
2,400 uiilen five timen an far an tho uver
ug mail carriage, at M-10 ol a cent Mr
pound. Tlie government paid lllty
tiiiien an much an the inerchaiidine paid.
Tlie exprenn companieM curry mail lo
New York for 1-0 of a cent a pound, din
tunco .'11)0 milen but the government
pay H centM a pound, benideM pn.yin j lor
Mm annual rent of the mail earn more
t iu 100 per eiiit oftheircont. I; s M-rt
t ntimoiiey rhou-M that at the above
n uned rale per mile the profit of carry
I ig would Imj Irom 100 to l.'i I percent.
Figure out the profit on the mail Mteal
ugo on that bunin. The government
pn.VM fur rent of the pontal earn f-.'l &'W,
ooi) u year iOO ol the.e cor in une.
The c um could be built for 12,000,000
and their average life In twenty yenrn.
TIiiim the government pa.VM 27,OO0,O 10
for the ii e uf pronny it lould owu for
12,000,(100. On the NowYoik Central
Ih 'govt rniiiMiit pa.VM H,."iOO h year for
eaeli car, and they can be ba it for f'l,
i'iOO. Common Chud Slur and Kan-
I I l I'.r.TTI It lii lake Hood Har
aparilia than lo Mrimeut with un
known uud nut red pit-pnrulionM.
know llood'i" K.iriipanlla luully and
n r imiiiintl.v cur.
Iloiihs I'll.l.S ih I eu ily nud prompt
,v on the liver Mild bowel. Cur nick
In nditehe.
irHlil, l, nff IU
M'KIHiitKlli, Mit, IVt, Jo I'll
haudl feory uwnud by T K Jack
noil, Uutd ntr th ' I rue. i tri-M Iu
North Hp? uiltilJ, caught flr frnui
tMluf niriu twrly Uil murwltif wud
um4 t th )f round, mUilUtr
ol Uiut l,ok 'Ih proprtr w
luui-d fr ; ooii
4 mi iMMr
Niw Vut, IVt '.'0, ftiwutet b
hlf of kMHiUr ul tiwWKoUr tn
Ih Amrki tirKry mnr k
tu.l ppli. ti..w Id t baiUwr MsUUl
t Ji ry i ily fur lr fr th
tnwM('lidT lkwrlM k M(
nwditful mlti dvfy l Ih tfS
d rlrkig Iw Ik Ul, wt
I'Mtlf wad iitli UN kid ). Hi
and .tivl, flualHi Ih mlii t ",
d (! ld, r idrli, Mr, lmbi
wal iHHtiipalioa and luilii.uu.-, !
buy and try Ihi ul i i i lo.U-U,
ftu rnl. H-4 I ai irm4
mif l d4t ' .
Concerning the Foreclosure and Sale of
th Union Pacific.
Senator Allen eent the following tele
gram to tho New York Journul in reply
to a requi'Mt for bin oplnionn concerning
the (orecloMiiro nnd Male of the I'liion
Pacific railroad:
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 1 1. The act of
1N02, 1N01 und 1M07 provide HMM-cilla
courno to be purnued by II e goveriinieiit
Iu the enforceuieut of it lien on the I'n-
ion J'uciflc railroad prorM-rlleM, Any
other courMO iM therefore highly Irregu
lar und Inexcunable, if not abnolutely
When n ntatule crcaten a new right
and providim a now remedy for itn en
forcement tho remedy I Iium provided Im
oxcIumIv" of all othern, In a Mottled ruhi
ftfluwiu thiM country and upphcMwitn
full fonie to thU cane. The remedy pro
vided by tho obovo namiid act mIiouIiI
bo followed. Theattoruey general had
no authority to ent r an apoearnnco for
the government and thercforo the do-
creeM uro not binding upon it. Ordinary
official courtcny would have dictated
that, innMiniich um congreeM had cognl
zuuiooftho matter, that the attorney
uoiioral xhould do nothing until it ncteif.
I think the Mituutiou imperatively de
maiidM (hut tho piwldent mIiouIiI direct
I he attorney general to appeal from the
the decree of foreclosure and hniigtho
CHMen until the fpMCMtlon In dinno-ed of by
congrcMM, Wil.l.UM V, Al.l.l K.
Tli lrMlel Kll In UUIury.
A territory of 271,000 Mioiaro fiiilea,
compriMiiig WuMhiugtoii, Idaho and Ore
gon a they uro to-day, wum avod t
tho I'liion by one man. Ho bad the
courage and herolnm to rido on mule
buck for three thounand inileM. Tho
ride wum thrilling, I he triahi and hard
MhipM mnrvoloiiM, lho renult a glorioiiM
one. Tlie whole elory, lieuiitifully lllu
tratcd, will Iw given in (ho N'ovomb r
Immiio of tho I.adlM' Homo Journal, undi r
tho title, "When Ur, Whitman Added
Three WtarM to Our Flag," the cloning
and niOMt intennely intereling article in
the Journal' MUcwMMful MerieM of "Oreat
i'enonal Kveiit," The flrat woiricn '0
cruMM tho Cockle flgur. inthot y,
which tirov.'M beyond a doubt that thy
preceded Fremont, tho "I'ttlhllnder" by
eix your.
A Woman Mmekur lluroeil la flatb.
Cm si ton, Mo., t)ct. ii). Mm. Tom
Adell of North Station, who bad been
Mhopplng here ycotcrday afternoon,
when a mile out of town on her re
turn lighted ber pipe to take a tinoke.
In a few minute her drc wit on Ore.
Khe junifMid out of her buggy and
rolled In the gra to extinguish the
tire, but her clothe all burned off.
Hlio got In the buggy, drove to a neigh
bor', got aoiuc, clothe, drove home
nnd died in two hour.
ArliMhp la Mt.
Wahjiixotom, Oct. to. This nunual
meeting of tho Catholic Arclibihop
of America will be held hern on next
Wcdneaday, the flmt day being given
to the affair of the Catholic univer
sity and the next to the general af
fair of the church. Among the mu b
jccti lo be coDHidcred uro the cttab
Imliiricnt of a Catholic daily ru-wipa-per.
A Orat I'loir Mnnufarlnrar Killed.
Si'iii.voKiM.f, III., Oct 20, A dl
pHtch received lnat night by General
Alfred OrcndoriT of thi city an
nounced the death lent evening at
Canton, from injuries received in a
runaway, of hi relative, William J.
OrendorfT, head of the great plow and
agricultural manufacturing firm of
Purlin A Orendorff of Canton, lie
wa 60 year old.
Wor Aliiturtnl lijr 1lilr llriitlirr
Sr. .foMKi-ii, Mo., Oc t. so. Stella and
Kflle Swyhart, the two girl abiliietcil
lust Thursday night from the lionie of
Mr. Ij. M. Carnoti, wcro found to-day
by their father, Frank Swyhart. A
brother of tlm children, who objected
to the home found for them, kid
napped the children.
Iiuulil Lynching In limr!.
Com k. On., Oct 20. KeporU from
Somerville, thirty mile north of thi
place, Mlat that two nogroes, named
I'cnn and lluzleton, were lynched Iat
night The men were aceued of
lor H Maaco Third Trial.
.NUnvvii.i.K, Ma, Oct I'd. The third
trial of the rae of Hex Itanco, who It
charged witli the murder of Mr.
Ilnuuil over a year ago, wa begun
thi afteriuHtu.
Il lo Ii il fur Iuo.oimi
Nnw lUvm, I onu , Oct so. - There
I gMHl utitiiorily for the ntwteiuent
Ihat a kttil for II'UI.inmi U to U brought
uguint Yale eolleg during the mouth
nf NiieiiiU-r by lb town of Nrw
Haven for lb collection of t
,H HMtl ml Uu !.
Umiios, Oft '.'0 Mr. Idly l.aug
try, owlnf to the death of Fidward
l.aiigtry, w hlU eon Uned iu the a)liiin
fur the luiaiid at i hotter, ban with
draw M for tha prt all ber h.'i
from tb turf
ni Mt .M riMHt lb Wilt
lil, ah, mi H Hie
U amer ! Ota ba arrived from M
Mli'lia. U. MuU vtl.leh laee h left
iHUWi tourltH'W iaeligrr, with
hi mm In gold, were "W tb rl,
III ealk Mmm
mt , . H b Yrk U U'
MH'p. tb uiiH.1 Hiiut a '
lf tiVli'il I . .rd on tb MiihiU
tundav mit l t by 'rofor ad
Mot ttt and Cm Hard and lifilhur tniuhl
and lb 0fblt Um of walvr,
aii rf.'UOi.n i .,'n 1. 1 ltf la any
fn ul
ll t'ol4t l IHMl
I i.i ( kin , nil . i 1 1,.- Ml.
H. MItl llHllvr I) tiniO-nU I, m l. ' ! I
III li Vel. M i l.vl )v
I. I-I; f' (ll-H-H kjr a tif Iv t
The System of Selling
Everything at a Small Profit and of a thor
oughly reliable quality is strictly main
tained by this establishment
Blanket Sale
7 pair 10 I War run !lankeM, regular pricn oOc,
till week..., 4&C
'J" pali-M 10-4 Heverly l!lunkel, regular price WU;
( h IH H Wl . i inttiiimt tt mt 1 1 4 tit i tin 1 1 it tn m ti i ttinn4it i fHiitfC
'.'0 puifM 1 1-1 Niagara ItlankelM, regular price 7fic,
thiM week , 07c
Imrliia thiMMule wo will glv TliX VVM i'V.S'i' t
counton all wool JilnnbetM.
Underwear Bargains
KO df).en LadioM JorMey ribbed VoIm, regular price
20c, th i week , 17c
i'IO do-n Men' Hnnltary Mhlilaud Drawer, regu
lar price 2."u, thi week., , , ltte
'2'i dozen Meii'a Hunifftry Khlrl and Drawer, regu
lar price 40c, thi week,.,,,, , 3'le
,'10 do,u Men' JerMey ribbed Khirfa and Drawer,
extra beuvy, thi wok.. 4,lc
Sale on Bed Comforts
Full an !c, Wc, 0c, 1. IM, 11.3-V l.fH, I.W,
t'.'.l and 2.70
Kegular price 7oc, 00c, 1 1 ,00, $1 1 ,'17,, f I ,W, 1 ,76,
12.00, 2.r0 and 3.W.
'niimiilr Klllton til Mlla, M., Vior
alilf ratall ,eltJ. Mo., Oct t't. Henry and
( norle Wilaon, two brother, of thi
county, got drunk lat night and pro
ceeded to take the town of Ifollock, a
mall place twelve friil north. They
began on the potof!lco building, break
ing in tlie big plate window, and
gidng in and breaking up the mall
l,o ten end throw ing all the mail mat
ter Into t he Mtreet. W hen M. C. Kill
sun, the recently appointed potmu-U-r,
appeared and asked them to quit,
they both rushed at him with rock.
Tlie encounter wtn atnpped by by
htanderH who bad arrived, br.t one of
them made good hi aim. striking Mr.
Kllit-oji near the left ear nud crushing
hi skull in horrible manner. Hi
tongue, arms and Vio ly are
uud Into ml vie- from attending phy
siciuns siiy he wilt tlie bi-fore morning.
Sheriff fee brought the mtirdercrii
here and placed tliem in J ul I em
of lynching are enterlaiiied by the
police in case Mr Kllisou die,
Nooncr Tlirtn MUehlf
Wichita, Kan., Oct ?n. - Captain J.
C. I'rice baa Just returned from a
three months' trip through the Wich
ita country, lie eiild to-day that the
Nooner along the border had mad a
quantity of turpentine ball, and that
If Congre did not 0-n the country
to at-ttlement they Intended Ut t fire
to the ball at dl ffrreut place in tha
territory and burn all the grata and
tlmU-r In It. The treaty of the allied
tribe expired lt Suuduy aud tha
lea may Miaslbiy l reuwd, To
prvut it, tb Immiiiii threaten to
tlr tlie country.
lliHirh Mib llar-hlr
Item I si. I VI. ;u Tb Nuel Nli
rirhU n af l-lie publish a report
of a ennvrrtlou which I'rlMf Ml-mari-k
bad with a recent visitor, dur
ing tha eoure of which the e. -chancellor
i quuUd a aying that tha
M our iw iliMitrlue la "uuiominun In so
li nc toward the rt of tha world,
and dta lilne lo tha other merl
es n and I'.urtiptan lir wllk Amerl
can lalcrr U "
At liaahla UM Ualf !.
V n tH4iMi. lad. Ovt Tiv-Th will
if Albert HawklMa, the eambUr whe
kiU4 by a f.ddtn. lied In bU
riMHti In IbU aM, ba Slt fr
prutai In Ih I'orlvr eiieult aowrl.
Mr lUaklu I his aide h Ir Hh
mad amdatlt that ll esial wt
WMflU owtt iHMk
II .', 4 I IS- ' li H
i. . k r' " ""' ''
i ..... iit I t. ii r r
. ! !. IS .' M m !
.. ) H 4 " 1
ll l ..t t I i, . .. I S..I !
,1.1 i, kl.S. t l l "- l
l lIMl' It .4 !'
Mil It. S I VMI1 II,
Prints andMuslin
40 jileci'M Columbia Indigo Blue Calico, regular price
fa!, thiM week .., , , ,......,.,.,Atl
Vim yard Ilemnnnt Calico, worth 6c, thi week 'At
'17 piece Lockhnrt 1,1 Khoeting, regular price He,
thi week ,.. .....,4
Shoes "
It Meldotn uarinciiM that Much choee m wo are aelling
ft are found in f he company of audi low price". 2
Kofi Mole little fellow, brokenlzea, 40o and TAHt 7!
lunm, to cIomo, only . ,,.'J0e
Child'M kid button,
MImmc kid button,
itVg ClllH tylHfU
Yoalha' button and laew, 12 to 2, hm low a i $1,00
I'-oye' la!e, 3 to ft, mm low mm
IudioN kid, lac and butUin, opera, needle nnd coin
iw; patent and eUa-k tin, at .,...
ll.oO, 11,75, 2.00, 2.60 and 3,00
Men'MMhoe. all different Mlyh, lace and congre,
12.00, 2.60f .'l,00 and np Ut 4 7,0
Scilf.llOT &
MotneflilMg himnt tlie Hew IHnvotttrf tvr
Curing floi.
Im Her, V. I-1 tul I, ft liighly eeteemeii
ininiMtor rtniding in Weedefwrl, Cayuga
Co., X, V.,ln a recent letter writee a fob
Iowm: "There Iium never been anything
that I have taken that Iium relieved the
ItyMpepefa from which 1 have aiiffered
for ten yearM except the new remedy
called HtoerC lJyNpeMiia Tableta. Kiuce
Inking them 1 have had no diMire at
nil alter entinir aud again after long
year i i mi.bk.i- wt.ix. lU'V, V, I. Ih-ll,
WeedMport, . l lormeriy jiiatia, I olo,
HiiMrt'a;l.VMpepMia Tablet im a re
markable remedy, not only because it Im
acertuui cure for all forrriM of indigoM
tiou, but becaUMe it MceuiM to net um
thorough',? in old chronic chmcm of ly
ix pniii iu well mm in mild nttackM of indi
geniiou or biliounneiM. A imtmoii him
ilyi-pi finia Mimplv (M-cauno the ntoiiMch i
overworked, nil it want in a harmlesM,
vegeOtble remedy to digent tho food and
thiiM give it the much needed reMt.
ThiM in the Hccret of nuccesM of Hum pe
culiar remody. No matter how weak or
how much diNorderod tho diKortiou may
b, Ktuart'a liyMieqwia Tnblet will
digest the food whether tho Mtouiui.-h
workM or not. New life and energy f
given not only to the tomaeh but to
every organ and nerve in the body. A
trial of t hiM splendid medicine wilt con
vince the most skeptical that lvnM iiM
and all Mlomach troubh cau be cured.
The tabh tM are nrepured bythHiuart
I hemlcMl Co., of Marshall, Mich., but mo
MipularhuM the remedy lieconm thai
MiuarC liyspepsia Tablet can now bo
oblnined at any drug turn at !V0 ceut
ir package. Send lor book on Mlomach
dim-line free.
Mrt"rl llulal Hur4
SiiMavaioKf, l.a. (let. SO. Ma
loiiuy'a koUl waa destroyed by fire
tbla morning All tb gueala eaied
with alight Injurlea etcept II. M. New.
eomb of Kansa City, who leaped
from aeeondklory w indow and bruit t
both leg, and Mr, and Mr. Hum of
Meftnaw, Mich Mr. Hoae wam bad
ly burned that be died at t o'clock.
Mr IliMMi wa aerrrely bcrimd, but
wtll rvouver,
( I ffMa IMMlira4
Turi, Kan , IKC M -AUsamhi
I crgUkvu, eonduetor on the ( allfornla
tpirst tiln which WM wreck don
th Maul r near Lmimf . Ial mmilb,
wa ordered In U ilii Imiged )eler
dar In ueeoidMin m it It tb iliiilmi
IikhIs nf th lut llrtliiiii by Assist
ant MuHf inli lull el tiery iurwer
Ih rnniinv Im ili li in resnsib
fur tha wrack, Iu iiiiig l eg siailoe
eoiiliarjr to th .-nl
Nastsll Hln' miih4I !!
Uhi.a II U m, hid , is I 'ii - 1 lis
litre Hail ,ltliu iitet Ii4dwa
ii .iipsiijf wthI lulu lb bitiiils of a re
irUi r jtslerd)1 a a immM t-f a li t)
nimbi lt the t iijr in a .nii f Ice d
I, I,,,, ii ill i tea, aienoiil t i I-'sm
Imtuil 11 Itstllviii ton of lii.i es
ie',b ul, I prst li-nl of I lis- ii'inpii.
nil Molld, H to 11, regular price
'ittHitttti$9ttt tntttttttttttnmttiitttttin(S
olbl, lift to 'J, regular price
mm' kid button, moihhh and round toe, were
11.40 to 2,00, Ut cIomo out I1.2W
"I'idlr" l'l mr llfat ln nil
, ol Hoslon.
aH, Oct SO "1'eddlar" I'alinet,
(be bantamweight champion of Eng
land, and Have Sullivan of JJoU;,
met last evening at the National
Door ting Club at 114 pound to com
pete for the. bantam championships!
the world, a parse of f .1,&00 and a Male
bet of 11,000. The contest wa www
by I'almer In twenty round. There
wa a half pound difference in weight
In favor of Nullivan, but the bottle;
waa 3 to 1 In favor of the Knglishoi.
lfoth appeared perfectly trained, Unt
il ran wa not knocked out, but I'almer
won on a lot of joint. Hullivan wm
o much upset by hi defeat that at
1I ti III Rsporb
Wamiiimoio.", Oct D. The annual
report of Assistant Secretary of th
Interior W'obter flavia aumrnarijc
tlie work of appeal in pension and
bounty land case during the last fis
cal year a ' follow. Decision an
talnlng tha penaion ofilee, l.OMt; ra
ve rlng the pension ofllce, 3'J; car
reconsidered by the pension ofhVw
pending appeal, 317; appeal dlmied,
474; appeal pending on July I, 1,71.
Of original appeal alone there were
filed In July, 7M; August, 4W-, ep
teniber (and up to date), Mt,
Mm I Mils I Iisiiiiii rsrr uluiim
Ai..iv, X. V., IM. M. - The
" United lemoi-racy" will not reiw'te
j col u m u on the slate oltleial ballol.
Justice llerrlch of li e supreme court
deciding in favor of (he Mpiel fnaw
th ruling of Sem-tary of NmU
l'aliuer that the Coiled Huinm r.iry
pet'ltona fur noiulnatlon shuuld l
reeogniM-d despite anidavit to tlm f
ferttbat the bulk of tb slgur wn
)lr publicans.
(Warrl tlimulat bver, kidney and
bowel; evr ikken, Mkor gr ,ii
a, r. tun,
ilier!, ll Mri,
NlltllK linn M V '' - lt
IhSrS.lsSI lis , i.i.i i, .1 lk ,
Ik ffcl list iM si"'i-. l-t lfc- I '
i-l yviiiii. s.sis.i tk 4i'fl tsl
ul I iSI, i.t, k-
ei ul ski.k aisln iM. is Ji h
. . . . . . . I ,L... . . . .. a ... . ai
i . im m mm p .w." "m-w ii. w -w
' alllBM llHalll It.., I 1,111.11 ,,S,.S l I
I.IH . I .IU.1'.IS ! ( l
! Mm i,.i.i .is i.i m -ma W (. ikst I
,u bl ,,l.lpll 'f
iiithr r ti tt-
H , H. IIhs !, su.ii'H
Iiii Im iim I f 1inV
Inn ,i,.i, mi m Stit-r iry A'f
ba illfecii il in mml Hr.sik that
mil iiisd t U ttxlDied f ir tha trial
ut I aptaiu Uttering, t aptaia lMt
ili, It la aeyrd, brulaily inlliu4
private nnuel Him uinl al il
MinriiUi! inrnlly,