The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 21, 1897, Image 1

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    MAIL-v I
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 33,
, 1
Roviews All of His Acts in Uou
noction With the Bartloy
Bartley's Bond Should Have Boon
Approved By Governor
A (ainimlgn f Mnniler,
(lovornor Jlolcomb hn given out the
following atutemont concerning tlio re
cent charge inudo by republican lender
aud the republican pro concerning hi
connection with tho opprovul of Kurt
Icy' bond:
To tlio Cit'useu of Nebraaka:
Smarting under the dufout uffurud by
them at tbo luat di ction, diegrucod and
humiliated in tlio eye of all liorient
people becuuno of the eturtling diaclo
urcNand liidieputablo army ofevidouce
-ouHtantly being brought to "ght.Hhoiv
ing ono coutinuoUM revelry of fraud,
corruption and extra vuguneo in office by
thoMOput forward an their reproaehtu
tivo and ontruHtod with the rnunngo
mont of the affair of atuto.tho munugor
and ring leaden of the republican purty
of Nebrnaku have adopted a policy of
guilty ailuuce an to the wrong commit
ted oguiimt uu outraged people, and,
with tho lUMtinct of the guilty vhoao
pocket are lined with Ill-gotten gain,
hove rained tho cry of "atop thiol" to
ditruct public attention from their own
grave offenae, hoping that iu the eon
(union thu created they may hide from
public giiw and acorn their long train of
evils and onoupe tho condemnation of tho
people, which they ho richly deaurve.
Their poHition now in, Let Hartley go;
let Moore go; cover up ull the fraud and
extravngunco which i being brought to
light every duy; let tho guilty pur Ilea
who have been eut runted with theno Im
portant affairs of etute und huve proven
rocreant to their truel go uuwhipod of
jUMticc; givo u Hurrubae, but crucify
Ia order to curry out thi iugoniouH
pluuo. detracting public atteution from
the real iMue now before the voter,
tbeao aMtute, uucoiiacioniiUo 1I1 feudor of
republican fuith and practice hav en
gaged in tho moMt diereputuble method
ever employed iu nuy campaign in thi
atute, or porhup uny other. They have
made it a campaign of libel, Blander,
falHehood and deceU, ouch an probably
han never before been witueNxeiJ iu any
political content. The pernon who ih
the greuti Ht atrength to truth, honenty
and fair dealing; Iho pei-Hou who can
utter one fulmihood alter another with
the utmoHt abundou uud rcckleHMiuH of
character in the one seemingly who ha
the higheHl neat in the council of tho
party and the moMt potent voice iu the
conduct of tho prune nt campaign.
Iu liuo with thin policy the com
mittee ou reaoluliou at t lie
republican etute convention reported a
rtHolution, with mock virtue and feigned
indignation, condemning certain repub
lican ex-etule oltlclul wIiohu wrong dy
ing had been thoroughly expoietl und
tho proof thereof made ho complete and
overwhelming u to require only tne
formal introduction in court to eMail
linh the luct judicially. And the resolu
tion went lurther, auying, "wo condemn
tho governor for failing to exeroiee In
prerogative In requiring the treuurr to
make ail exhibit of und account from
time to time for the public laud in hi
euntody and by reaaou of tin palpable
direlietiou of duty he cannot minim
hi nil me ol the rcnpoiieihilily ior III"
trmwury defalcation." I van readily uu
dentaud Low aremduliou ol Ihouhitriu'
tir repo"ml tu the rouvvutioil would b
adopted without diminution or tuquiry,
aud to the actum of the convention I
have li eve mi con mint to initke, Hut
to the I'ommittew who drafted and ri
Hrltd the Solution I charge that
there u no truth iu the portion Jul
quoted, mid no ftUttU'lctlt fouHdation uu
Ui t for tie ervatiue, that II atiitved'
t in deceive wad lor the purHMM f
Molting the rHniitii(iiy the
republican party,hr 11 ptMly betoug,
lt ui.'ll, who ia no wa,l any l r
coiiiuillo ol the tut, hid ilieitt
able in the kat with mh.V rvapoiKiUtl.tjr
d.r Kite tiotliie or ' part tl u.
ItirM twite KlUil b! Uew tm' lo
tti fouiiioltr, aud ( 'M MH 1 ruii.
lbl tt. 1 wre uu d-tieijr ie"l i"
uatkralnail tkvlM. lk at tlie mm
htl ol Ihel I'oiiimillw uiol ol tlx-m
Hit 11 wtm lotte tiwu lUe v l iUiim
pit'ti J ivpublhaa mIhimi it rliH
Kwue! wf tlitn 4 b.K.ll"ij, bkiit'
i4t4 ilt!viW lni, mliul.t witlt lb
iIum Ure d iiiipoHnMt 1'ui. h- luur u,
tit Imiid lo Hio4ute ii lo tt.x
ltnUt IMihhmtI Uol tbvtll, NivW WttU
ii ttHid put4tr III Ibw I'Ml' tulritilr I'.'io-rtl lli
1. 1 lhe iu uu a t'im l'i. r
wrewl lent tiuiil I t pul u opiHiva
e4Uuieoi mMiel I ii iui. in,
tike ol lb(e hU4 i'ld (fvnml
Kitu ol IvpuUtna 4 in bi
I j.r tutht Ibe p.ij u i.u n N
rk or ikir w'tid 1 begne t-
caiiHo Mr. l'artley wnn accounting for
und would account to h ih eucccHHor for
all moueya he wan chargeable with, when
at the very name time Mr. Hartley wan
ehort and v. tin uuable to tiroduce
the fund which he idiould bavo
had an Htato treMNiirer. Another one
much Inter arraigned in the mont bitter
ternm Judge linker, who prenidod at tho
triul of Mr, Hartley, for the manner In
which he conducted the trial when to
every fairminded man tho defendant'
guilt wuh beyond controversy or cavil,
and ull th ut, wuh required wuh tho formal
Introduction of the tctimouy a to the
fact already within the knowledge of
all well informed men In the utate. Such
are tho men who undertake to condemn
me for doing my duty.
Never wan a more striking illiiHtratlou
of the devil attempting to rebuke ln.
Tlioo men if tliey had wanted to bo fair
and houi'Ht, would have condemned
tlieumelve mid the republican party, lor
they alouo are repoiiihlo for thl great
wrong to tho people. I do not t'Xp'Ct
fair treatment from themi men. Fair
I real men t, trut lifiiliion und lioneMy
are (juulitie not poneed by thoo who
are managing tlio uffair of tho ropubll
cun purly to duy. They prefer deceit,
falHehood, Blunder, fraud and corrup
tion u bcMt milted to their purpow-. It
I not to them but to the hommt.
fair minded people of tho wtute, ol
all political partle that 1 appeal. Let
them know the truth mid then pu
judgment upon tii.y every act, I chal
lenge and court open, fair and honont
criticinm from any aourco and havo no
fear of the remilt.
What are tho fuct regaidiug my con
nection with thoMO republican defalca
tionV It 1 true I wa governor; that I
approved Hartley' bond. It I further
true thut 1 lequired In good fuith a full
and complain accounting by him of the
fund iu the Male treiiHury at the begin
ning ol hi Mccond term of olllco und my
flrnt term. Jut ho HrHtlilacoI have all
along contended and Mill contend that
Mr. Hartley eliould have had hi bond
approved, hi accounting completed In
nil roHtieet and had entered u ion hi
Necomi term at the very moment that J
entered upon my II rut term. In thi con
tention 1 aiaHiipported by the coiiMtltu
lion und Matutc which provide that all
utato officer mIiuII qualify and outer
upon tho dlMcharge ol the dutio of their
olfloc for the term beginning the
flret ThurHday after tho flret Tuoxduy
in January next ufter their election.
It will thu bo eeu that Mr.
Hartley hould havo qualified for hi
Mocond term and entered upon hi dutie
at tho name time 1 began my 11 rut (Ci m.
A reKpoimibility wa thrown upon too by
hi failure to thu qualify prior to the Ud
of January, the time fixed by law. which
1 nhould not have been required to n
mime and which belonged, a 1 under
eland tho law, to my prodeecHMor, Hut
tin wa not done and I wan compelled
to meet the condition which 1 found to
cxil. I did ho to tho bet ol my ability
and with perfect fidelity to tho people.
It ha le'i'n Haid of Into and often re
peated that the bond ol Mr, Hartley wa
iiifiiltlciciit when approved and thi
IuIhcIiooiI, like many other, ha growu
until now it in boldly itHMirted that the
lioud wa wurtbloH and that I knew It
to be mich when 1 uccepted it. Let U
wa about thin. Tho bond wa preented
10 me late 'u the evening of Janiiarv ld.
1 advined Mr. Hartley that I could not
poHnihly act iu ho important a matter
that night; that I could not puH 1111 In
telligent judgmeut regarding IUmuIIIc.
iency without careful examination uu I
extended inquiry; that the euretie were
all Hti iiiigci to me aud I knew but little,
if anything, about their lluaneinl renoou
Hibilily. 1 then talked with numerou
people ubout the llnaucial Mtaudiug of
the euretie and all Hpoke favorably a
to their being pernou of high buiut'H
Htuudiiig aud recoguixxd hnuiicial re
HpoiiHihility. I uxked the aid of tho com
mercial ugi'iu-ie aud their report, a
great many of which I now have on file,
gave to thu purtie mgning the bond a
ratiug in many iimtance greatly inex
cee of the amount lor which they juli
lied und iu all iiiHtanee nhowing that all
MireticH were llnaucially nwpoiiMiblo and
proer itmoii to U acipteil a miretie
ou obligatiou ol tin character. The
aggregate of the value of the proMrty
owned by theee Hurvlie, eubji cl to the
execution and fitle on judieil proeefar
exetrded ill anmuut llie miiii named a
thi' penally of the bond. The report I
undertake to uny were reliable, truit
worlhy aud me h a any prudent, euruful
tiUMio'tt man would have relied upu i to
amrluin the rvnpouMbility ol ihimuriH
tit' on the bond.
Hut further: The amount id the bond
wa IixihI w'ihi prwMUitud to nm J.iuuarv
.1, at one and one- hall nullum dollar. I
n tin r deil llil n lower Ihaultiu pietieM
oii, III to Iw, but did not feel warniilixl
Hi n ri tiag the bond iiutruibt and, be
i'iiumi the aurettce khi'IiknI In lue eHr
i r-lti I and piinliikiiig inquiry and iu
vmligiitiou Iu le Ixtrvly eultu Wul au I
llm auiouul id Mi boa. I etirviiitlv I",
I rqaitel Mr, IWtlvy tor additional
urviw. Tbw re and all
jutill-J in the anKrenaleby their olutaa
iMilUt fur ovrr leu milium dulUr.
Wllbuul Kntf lulu dvlWll rvKHldilitf the
d !trut ludlidIA: VMiqiMlii( Uimm
ur t , nuitii il in ty In il lb y r
wiou who bad r puiniiou ior wr
i el lnli'Hr and nimid ii and Hiki'
il ut the tvry li Ktefl
11 rii'Ur, a-etiy all t I Urn Iii4
Illill Vtltfarfv-I IM l'Ultll.l l,U'U.t M id
b'tiiu; Imii. v.ieioi u. i .ja,l lo
tu It elm liihl I M-t'enil . niir. uu
uu b tliu id D bie I eii K-r (.) r-
titllt lb bM 4 jiHI HM'I luiil -
c.mI Itifw, udill"o ilelva
Uwnt, ad H" aol w uinl liu tue
Mi4pli lu' l..t t h t k i eii
' mi tii .r p.iiM l it il, mi
In the hioi id Oajwrtii .iej U iulgttt
hd llelhliW id hw if 4 . l v
a lit il fie tttt, bt bf. r
lhfidu bud la aln rvri
M'Mfl I I Ml l r MHH I. I uh lh I
etWdiwlbi rw-ci t ua die iuiui
and btU'' pi e 1 , anl lhl
tin fule charge nnmtlall flat and Nhould
react on the head of it author.
Jtut thi I not ull: A republican neii
ato upou a motion to amend, made by
Houutor Campbell of Nance county, on
pointed a committee, to Inveellgat the
MJlllcieiioy ol thi name bond. Thi com
mittee after having the matter under
coiiNideralioii for eoveral day und after
making u thorough exuminutioti Into
the matter, reported a follow;
"lu regard to the bond of Joeph H,
Hartley, a utato troamiror, we have to
report that we have gone Into tho Inves
tigation very cnrofully,
'i ho Huretie thereon are with few ex.
ception, men ol kuown bimlne eland
ing, our Information having been drawn
from uon-olllciul, but none the lo relia
ble nourcen, aud lu each liihtuuco confi
dentially received.
"Having given the consideration to
ull tho (act proMimted, wo beg to report
that In our opinion the bond of mild
Hartley, u tuie treuHurer, I good und
"All ol which I repcctlully mibrnllted,
"VV. It, Akmim,
"Wm. Htkukkii."
Thl report cannot bo mild to bo fulo
und unreliable without Impeaching the
republican Mciiato which ordered the In -veHtigatlon.
Do theee purveyor of thl
faUehood want to bo understood u
miylng that tho republican muiuto lalel
II ed the condition of thl bond and that
It wu worfhlcHMut that time, and that
the report of tho ciiiiimllleo wn a lie
and made to deceive? 1 uk the honet
cliizen ol tho Htato to ay whether I
wuHdirolict in my duly regarding thl
bond, and to them I unbuilt the matter.
Ju the milt on Mr. Hartley ' bond now
In progroN lu tho dletrlct court of Doug
la county, every Imaginable aud con
ceivable dcfeuHO which the Ingenuity,
kill mid learning of couneel for the
mi rely defendant can bring forth I be
lug euiployid. They eek to profit by
every Ihmuo and obntncle which can be
rained, whether regarding the merit ol
tuHCUHOOrNomo dry technicality, and I
Can readily conceive how theee delend
unt, with a probable judgment of half a
million dollar Muring thorn lu tho fane,
will through their couiimcI renort to the
mot doHporute mean to relievo tliem
hcIvcm of thi reiionibility, It ha been
UHHitrted during the trial ol thl oae that
ex-TieuMircr Hartley wu u defaulter ut
tho end of hi tint term, and that I had
knowledge of thut luct, Au offer to In
troduce evidence to Miitain thl charge
w a Hindu by Mr, Cowlu, ono of tlio at
torney, l'eoiilo generally know how
much Importance attache to an offer ol
thi character, eeneciull.v where It I
known, a mut huve been known In thl
cuho, thut the offer wa ol evidence that
did not roNpoud to tho iNMiieln thocae,
nud could not relievo the bondmen, even
if true. Much ha been eaid about Mr.
ItaiiNom, ono of the attorney for tho
bondniuon, making a churgo ol tlilo kinu,
and ecurrilou noudecript circular, em
bodying thoMt UNHortiou a havingcome
from Mr. ItuuHom, have been circulated
ull over the Mate, prceumably by the re
publican campaign inauuger. I delre
only to ny thut i have received
a pereonal letter Iroin Mr. Itaimoinen
cloNing au editorial from tho Oinalia Hee
under thu caption, "A Ktnrtling Arraign
incut" and embodying the euhManco of
theee HtutemeutH, in which Mr. Kuiihoiu
hh.vh; "1 notice thu eucloed editorial in
the Hee thl morning (Oct. l) and with
out thinking it i ueueNHury, becou ol
t hi eource, yet I ileeire to miy that the
Mutomeni therein cuntalncii are uuquul.
Illedly laUii aud II you item re lo inquire
1 releryou to (ieueral I'owiu, the leaijing
council iu thocuHO, and the oilier uttor
ueiullie cane. l'eroiially 1 made uo
offer whatever but argued thu udliilil
b lity of uu offer made by other couiimcI,
bin uo where wu it claimed in thu offer
or argument u Minted in the editorial."
Whatever muy be the ti uth a to what
wa u tiered in tne court proceeding re
garding thi Hubject, aud by whomever
uttered, 1 have only to uy that never
wa a more heart le and unjuetillatile
tulHi'liood uttered by man than the Mute
mentor lumiiuation that 1 hud any
knowledge directly or Indirectly or iu
uuy uiauuer that Mr, Hurl ley wu a do
laulter at thu hgiuniug of the eecoud
trin of olllue, I pou the contrary I had
every reaMoii to believe, Irom a curelul
ixauiinatlou ol the condition ol thu
elate treasury, that he had every dollar
oa hand that he wa properly i-hurge-able
with, Thu (act thut the attorney
gelierul cuiiwliltnl that the deleliNn
might prove thut a hurtage exlled, Il
he did, at the t gi fil ing ol the et-eond
term irrimHH live ol my kuow ledge r
gttrdlutf the matter, and that thu court
I rmaied Ihem in oiler prmd ot eui h
alleged kbortug", aud their luilure lo
ulkir one iH inuliii ol evidence to ulaiu
ll.e charge made by them, ought to be
coin luilvw pi i Mil I lint iiu urh evideiiee
xiakud mid that lliife uo ground
lor the rru-i, in pjt ami lul- oiti f
made l y Mr, (oma lu prove u U
i liarge. a l on ii rmuliitiiy lu llie
cum iuniii that an altviiipl waainado
by ihiuumI tu tliial'aae In priMtilule llin
ciiiHl ut Jualice III order In lliitnulio luie
iiiimi i lieop pollliml rapilal lo ItoUl.-t
up the waning iaue id a Iborouably
lb fxlil'd pail.
Il . pnqxM d iu lKinrt r to pioie
ttue wiIiiim to Mr li. M IUiiiti.
depu'l elale I r. eurr lur in-tuV )vf,
Mud y it it I ivi . in Hiiirmif l
Ud, VI r Htirl'vii' IiIiimiu uu I
III! l " ul'trtiilmtlT tbe in.
aud i' f enelvdw id llie atoe iiiiiu
llim l.ii ll 'i loimided. Now tiuiii.iii
n.iiul i)ttind ia I uii mi. hi it I,
UUUHltlUil, UultUllliUi lhiM4l tlM Ih'l
I kid . eild id eui linliih-i i'i
1141, 111 III I ! IlllftaihV lb M Hi. u.l'
I iiaieid a i'iq id Ihie i!fr i. Mr,
I u via b lra pKiiitdaud t. : n-d
hi It. t (tutiie 44 jim i uu l i
li Ibiuuti.iat lb IU uk i f lulu id
u. lblM'lU Ihw I u ld
oi ii It u b t le im I ..
l.uti aie Hiolty id m n'ini a i,.
In Will il I uu I n.i ,d l ( l i I U
tt u.tu"'l I ilth J'a )
Land Conimiaiiloneri
llutuphroy and
II. 0, BuhmdIL
Sample of tlio Bills Taid
Pontage and Travel
ing Expense.
Ki'IhmI if lallilliia (,'iiaimlllKe,
The legilatlve InvoNtlgatlng eomiiiit
ten ha completed iuvetlgutliig tho
ofllee of laud i.'ominlloiicr and ha filed
II report. Tlioaeeouutaut, Mr, I'Ved. Jew
ell, wu nlted lu Iho examination
by Heiintor (J. W, Ileal and tho report
how a thorough lnvctlgatiou of tho
record of the olllco for tin, pant ix
year, It coutuin about one hundred
and m viiiity-flvo page of ly written
matter, portion of which road a fol
low Iu tho lnveligaioii ol tho olllco of tho
i!ominilouer of nubile laud and build
ing und the official m l of A, it. Hum
phrey and Henry ('. I(ue, comml
Mloner, we di'Niru to lnte that lu order
to properly handle mich luvellgatlou
we have divided the work Into two part
u (ollow,
Dot. Expenditure ot fund, placed
at the dlnpoNal of the eommlNloiior and
I ho evrul board ol which ho I a mem
ber, and
Hecoud. Tho milling and leaing ol
Mate land, of which the commiNiouor
nud board of educational land nud
fund are rimlodian. In explanation
wodeirto elate that tho book rela
tive to tho expenditure of the npiiroprl
atlnii (or tho c,mmllouerM are Kept In
duplicate by tho auditor nud crr clary
of Mule, und with the exception of a few
clerical error n note ol which you will
find on tho margin of our reoorl wo find
tho book correct. Tho totul npproprlu
tloue for tin ofllco and It everul
board for the vour IM'Jl to 1HD7
amount to Htl,0U5.00.
Ib'garding the condition lu which wo
fin'' tbe appropriation book und claim
regleter, we delre to tate, they are
neatly and plainly kept und conlderliig
the very few clerical error npMiariug lu
tho dimiremeut of no largo a mini and
continuing over no long u period, wo
cannot do otherwise than commend
I hone having charge of keeping mild
book. We have not, howevi r, re led ut
lludiug the account to be correct, but in
the liiMpecl Ion of voucher w have con
aidered it pur duly to quetion tho an
Ihority for drawing warrant in tho pav
nient of certain claim and wo ubmit to
you herewith a few cuc n example of
many exhorbitnnt nud unlawful claim
which have been allowed aud paid, to
gether with citat ion of law violated. U'a
have iiIho Nubimlted the payment of
thco voucher to Attorney (Ieueral
Hmyth and hand you herewith hi opin
ion on the mono, Mating that they are
mibject to recovery. We have aeparnted
the different clae ol llndiiig Into ec
lion to correspond with the quetion
and deiiioii of the attorney general,
lor the entire period of from January I,
IM'Jl, to January 7, 1N07. covering the
term ol olllco of Mor. Humphrey und
Kuell, a follow:
The report of the accountant give iu
detail item to the amount ol $d,14 1.00
unlawfully expended by ('oiuinUmoucr
Humphrey and 'J,o;i7.(l.'l unlawfully ex
pended by rommliomir ltuell, alo
fJT.oO ol Mate money not turned Into
I, ........ ,,.. I.u .....I two I i.l
t I l,.T lll'ltMMIJ I'J ,i ... ' , r j , ,,, y ...
elate money not turned into the trea-
ii ry by Kuell. eliowlug a total utijecl
to recovery ol 'J,) 1.0.1. We copy a
lew ol the item of lee colli! ted and
money unlawfully exjemded Itoin the re
port a follow:
Mr, L, ('. Ui dpi ii being called before
the committee to give ttwtimoiiy tirli
lle that h purehowed a boiler Irout, the
proMrtV ol the Mute, front II ', Hue-
m il iu July, IMHI, paying him f id lor
(he Killlie. Si-Veral letter
ilrull to have bii'll eiit to the
rouiiiiiHioner for Held note mid
pbtl, ranging from one dollar to
1 1 i.l each, a' no a large number id
li Mur Muling I hey muilauied eiicloniin
ol one tu Iwo dollar no b lor reeordiug
auiiganieulM and (he ai-kaiwledguiat ol
their mi'ipt trmu the eommiioui r,
regarding whnu (he miouiilaut rull
attention (o the fuel thai II I uul iwlul
tu ihaiite aay Ke hatever lor rwordiug
OiMrniiteal iu Una oltli. 1(4 wio give
a iHipy id llie oaly lee ImiA tuad lit Bald
oilic wbedi ai vomita lur but wva did
Mr timing lb li ,"' Mr,
tluiiiphriy and Ituamli aduiiitiifH
I mil, aoue ol wbiidi luiaml into lh
litmiirv liul leeUlitied In Ion
l a lor p i t igi", etc,, wliu b i eon.,
I ir. III III l I'iMil b pi b t iiliien
uiitr W idle l"f a 'li litoitlti i lid iig
f-, 1 . ;J , au l do inil lei la. lu am
! Ii.f riildn.g. whe h ho iielil
id f H .'.ii. a I ol lui ii lureo l lulu
lb.- Il.i ifr faptnuU r to, i!f. (M
g ir bug Una inallf r ut ! llie ''i'iil
.u.l i(i Inribi'r ibai he Ret lr
nu t.l.i t id lelUI na IT e.tu.J Wbal lie
l., ri Hiding dd.Mel tuia
I,.. ei I iiM.n.iiir a ( jr idea
.ia wet Mali ig tbal IM nWi. i luif
J l, ot wbu b ll liiiluaoig t ebt4nt e.
j I lin'oirt, Nt i d f li'dO
lr, I'. J W bi, Tune.. 1 1 . K Jir
i ip una in .! iHiuiitf i lor an oi l'i
.ti t i W . 1 1. a" .'. ee i.l h but -ro
i't tbHt. 'W b ein a pui
ui'l w a Mi id ii uly il m aiaeed I i
laii lied la I be eiHnial ae. rvleri
j a lb aa dollar, trordei tew a4 t at'l
mum uvriM u
be placed upon my book. Very Truly
Your, II, ('. Hi MKid,,
Com. I', L. H.
Her. r. It. C.
which lead him lo believe thut a largo
and lucrative fee hummm waengaged iu
by Mr. ltUHNi'lbutatliomifromwliom he
collected fee were umiully uon-reHiileiil
nud the loe were ol email amount he doe
Inveetlgate thu matter lurther but at
tuchc the alll davit of Mm Cora Ring,
who wa n clerk under CouiuilHMionur
Ituwioll lu IHliO, and who, being culled
before the legislative lnveiigatiug com
inltteo to give evidence, etub that "who
aw many lot ten with anolomire ol ono
dollar or more a foe for recording dur
ing mild period,"
Under the bead ol money collected
and not turned Into tho trcumiry tlio uo
cmiulunt oull attention to II, C, Hum
Hell' bl enuial report of lHUt, wherein lie
report tf'loo collecied for rental ol peub
leiillary laud and reported a having
been expended lor pontage, etc, The uc
countnut' report alo etato regarding
thl peultuutiury land that it conil ol
(I7'l acre of flret cla farm laud lt
tiabid In Luncaler and Howard conn tie
which I not Miihjei-t to twenty-year leae
but ii it I tho projMirty ol the elatii aud
tho uoiuinlloiier I the ciiMtoillau ol all
Mate land It clearly became hi duty to
rent, mud land from one legiMlativo o
Miou to another until audi time a the
lcgllu!ure ehould dlfioo of them, und
to turn ull profit received from them
Into iha etiile Ircumiry. It ulo cite
tliftt letter are ou Ilia ho wing fhaf A,
It, Humphrey nfued to reuteuld laud
although he wa awaro tho purlin were
nettling upon tt'oui und lining them and
that tho Mtato lot through hi neglect
iu thl ono Hem at leant on Ihoumwid
dollar a year, or lour thoueand do l ir
during hi iuimmboiiey In olllce.
Under the head ol money unlawfully
drawn from the troamiry Iho report
allow that Nome f'IV7,10 wa charged
to the ecoiiul lor achool laud ex.
ponao aud book und etatlouory, iu
lavuient for dwomUon (or thu
ntutihouw during l'roldout llarrlnou'
receotiou and the reception oi republi
can campaign orator, purchalug por
trait ol (;iiiiMUiNloiier Humphrey ami
JtilHNoll, etc., one of which I deeribod a
voucher H.'i7l), Augimt 7, )HW, Ut
tho Klate Journal Company for
1,21, regarding which the uu
couulant Mtato that be ba made
an examination of thu file ol tho
Kialo Journal mid find the copy ol
AugUNt Olh, J Mild, contained three col
urn of republican campaign matter,
which "om to account tor the purchne
of forty-five copie of the paper on the
lollowlug day a hovn by the voucher.
lender thi head (be reportulo liow
a number ol voucher lor traveling ex-
pen e bave been charged, to the (und for
book and Ntatlouory, and Mtato tuut
(bey would have been properly charg
able to the fund for traveling expemei,
but tho entire appropriation for that
rmrpomi tor the year lMUl and IHM
bad been unlawfully exbnuted early iu
tho NeuMon of Ink I by voucher a fol.
low: April II, 1K!H, to Jonn C. Allen
no item, 1500,00; July .'10, IM'Jl, to J,
V, Hdl, no item, 500,00, Hoarding
which miction 'i'i, urliclo .'I, of the coiihIi
tutiou of Nebraeka I quoted a follow:
"No allowance ehull be mudo for the
Incidental exinmee of uny eta to officer
ex iept the mime bo made by general ap
propriation ami upon an account npeci-
lying each item." After which i given n
long lit ot voucher ol which the follow,
ing i a Hpt-cimon,
O.iOOl, ., . A. il. iiuuiiihrey,
lur traveling expeuwe 'iW,
U.iiOi, a, au, mui, a. ii. Humphrey,
for bruveling expenee, 500.
7.1011. 11.11, 1H'.2. A. It. llumplirey,
lor traveling expeue, 150.
75010, a. 1. INo-l, A. ll. Humphrey,!
lor traveling expem-, 150.
lit) 1 1 it, H, -i., IN'.i.i, J. A. l'iper, lor
traveling exM'iie, 55.
H75'.i, 11, Vi, IN05. II. C. Ituaaoll, lur
traveling expuiie, loo.
HJ17M, -, II, iHtid, II. C. Iluell, for
traveling imuimoi, O0,
H7N.IO, 1, ft, 1HU7, A. H. Churchill, lor
traveling ex HUie, 100
The report alo etale regarding thi
mibjiM t of traveling expeiiee we nttiwh
a table allowing the comparative ooM
of thu item during a aerie ol year
which may uit you in determining
whether nuy ol them loud drawn upou
voucher not Iteiniied wereuctually need
lur travelling ex'iie or nut, aU.ui
Hat ol the couutie vieited liy I oiiiiin.
ioner Wolie, ah'iwiug that he ha trav
eled over forty nine eouiitic lor in pur
poi ol ..uiug M'hool laud d.iriug mil"
mouth ending . I, 1 ' 7 . mid Hi
aiuiiiiut of land le,.'d by the lornier
coiuiuii. Hier a ehiiwn by In bl ellmal
reoorl and that lad by I V, W olle a
Tola! ai mig leaH bv II. ( liuil,
bom Nov. itu, iv.u lu Nov. an, l-d,
twenty. lour mini lli. 1 1 arr
Hy, J. J. Wolle Iroai Jaa. I, lo
tiel. I, I ''. bia imiulU, 155. Ml
la nine month II C. Ituwl leaa-d II,
i 7 em-.
iiun i iiu n ..
I he af' l-"r luoeih ia I I wed
.U loi br A It lliiinphrry a4 f),.
;. I MM and I Ml I, ft I .
Ibwuteta- aoiMlb uu I-r II I
;,. I wa t J
Hi ami- I t le'ii an lr J
Unite a l I it,
It. r.p.-rl nun ttt In a M ",i
Lr id MMffeuU ill uiiUeliiiif pur
puiliiig lo I lor p'KU au I lu'oij ia
(. id th iti,iii'pltVlo bill,
Una J. i bpl.r mi, ati, dm I iioa J
ti. i I. r n I l aa-l gi a U'g ata
f . ll.nw lltll, lb In i. Ill i 1. 1
bi h l aa ! '
i.'MT WM I t, I M, I. A It II iai
i bn tiby I It H, pilaei '
I I lit I .'I, i J. .. t It It l, ll
t 1 1, 1 4 It a ) iHirf liei,
IU h-ii I '., Hhj, ui I. lUaph
r, p-MUf. I'Hhi
tll.' J I, l,,,i t II li i I! I .r
l Mliii'. I HI,
'. I I ; i 4 Jl. a.t,i I' .r
potagolaiiip, 100,
A table alo Hiihmiltud allowing tbe
comparative cot for poetago lor a
aerie of year and thoiiiimbor of letter
Mont from the olllco duringatated period
a follow.
Com. A, H, Humphrey in 1H01 and
lHOa, 1,400.00,
Com. A. It. Humphrey lu 1WK1 and
1MM4, i,iuri,oo.
(Join. II. C. HumniiII IM'l.1 (.mi iH-iit
Com..!. V. Wolfe from .luiiiiitrn 1 fi
Heiitember 1, lH57,;ja0,00
a verngo oot per mouth in 1D1 and
iwrj, frH.;i
Averageooat per month In 1801 and
Average cot per month lu 1803 ami
IrJild, 18.17
Average cot per month In ll7,
10.00 '
Total number of letter ent from the
olllco of ComuilNNlonnr ol I'ubllu Land
and flnildl II UM ailliti litf nx.tni stt
. - ....... .,prr -t nuwnri iry virriT7e Fi
II lo during the yean of 1H03 and iHOd
it f till a .
wcrn uiui; average iwr eight mouth,
WllPlfltf lUn flltriil.l fi'Miil lanilHUW 1 4 rl
HepUoubor I, lN07,olbt month, Com-
miMHioiicr none aeiit out HltltJ,
Tho report ulmj how that thl ap-
firiOHiii. nf Mfili.i,1 I.. ....,m i,u .I. i
generally wen allowed exorbitant bill
lor apprising achool land , being la
dlrwt violation of the alntul which
give the OeP dlelll mill nOUnim lli.iv
mIiuII receive lu chupUir 45, aeutioo 'MM,
....... ..:i..,l ........ . .li... . a
...,piiFM,Mi in i qui nun give
lariii naailiiii' i.u.... ui,i,,l. uinl.l
like to publlHh but on account of lu-ik of
ini:ir nHivo wn one, u ioiiowm;
l.'llieilllV COI'NTV.
Twenty-three auction apprulaed,
would be nceury to travel f00 mile,
At twent V llvu mill, ru, .l tvonlil tu.
quire tilvida.t.
i win ve nay at .,.uo per day, '10.00;
Mi lel Ull at 5 nmlj iu,p ml,,, til ft 111!'
Cot per man, 31.00,
J nree men at 51.00, ln!.00; Team,
twelve day ut d,00, ;il.00; Total
neeiary cof, I8!),00
Tho l ate paid a follow:
Voucher DOM I ,.,.HI4 20
Voucher 1J0054 J00 (15
Voucher U05D3 ,. 107
ozn m
Totul ncceary coat
4 4JII In a
I 'a Id mexc iaaof neceaao ry coat H'.i'.i 70
The report uleo ahow where tliou
und of dollai have been apent by al
lowing exorbilant price lor goodmr
chaod and labor iierlormud, one of
which we notice n loilow:
Voucher (WJ:J77 aud H 170.1 la ettle
moot of a bill for 102.50 lor twenty
three feet of ahelvlng with doom (iuthe
banking department of tbe atate boue)
a dupbeato of the aamo work having
been offered to the committee by the
con tractor for f'i'i.
Jbigarding the micond portion ol tbe
fnvtigation of tbe office u divided by
the accouutunt or thut portion portalu
lug to the leaving und wiling of atute
land the accquntuut atate that be
finds many error and irrcgularitica
upon the book and in the leaning ami
milling of the land, thut the atate baa
lot the uo ol over a million of acre of
luud for a period ranging from six
mouth to ix year, the rental ol which
amount to nearly 100,000, That
ComifiiHidouor KumhoII extended tbe pay
ment ol Internet and rental lor wriod
averaging one year on over tweuty-elx
tuouHuud acre ol land alter hi defeat
iu tbe election ol November 1800, there
by preventing lawful forf -iiure or tbe
enforcing of collection by hi uoceMor.
It ubmlt a lint coutuiuiug over 05,000
cawe of tbe violation of law iu the col
lection of lutert aud rental, giving
the name of holder and d. s riition of
laud. Under the beading o error In
the book the report eliow a largo num
ber of error which aeriounly alfecttbe
title a well ua make the report minlend-
lug, but atate that the preM'ut coiiimi
eiouer bo corrected all error a fur as
ItaUonhow letter from a number of
county Ireaeiirer recommending tbe
forfeiture of thoumind ol ucreeol nehool
land held by MiMi-ulatro and leuei'd lo
actual former in their miveral countie.
none ol which were forfieted by Loin.
I(utili a wr their request. It' g irduig
which tin atateuietit I made lu Ih re
port. In thi matter ol nou forfeiture
iifm hool laud we demro loataieiu Mr.
Itunwll' Udiull that be d d uue a lor
li'iture lint lo be luude covering a part
ol the landi aubj i'l lo birfeit lire but did
not mrve the no i ii m until alter hi deleat
in the Noveiulx r i lection of 1 Mini, but
evu lu Ho lit h ahu ldi'd Irom lurk It-
ure by exlnion lor oueyeur or until
dauuary.lHtli after he retired lrouioll.e
over a.iHHi acre mut uiwhicu ihld
by Miuiator, a lew exaniplm ol whiult
i niitimit l. la he report aui h aa John
T, ltvM br id Way ue, Nebrak i Jl.fU
ai r. ui'ii'i iinh inaai'iunl ila J mu
r I, till w UJl,;'t and 'a
whii h lb lal alu lut la lalwr! evea
iliuitgii Die I u iid ebiiuld be red"eaiedl
f II J J'd.
Judge Job It - III Itroke Ho a l.'JiMI
,rrr amoMUl d'l 7 1 0 J,
J. II, M1C4II J.l'i'd acre, aniuuat da
11,010 td
I, mi.i,m n M like t' iiiipiioy ."1 IA ai r
aaomul d i l,ti'.l ll.
AllvC aitllii evrtttl Hoiire.ii( largw
I, hI- ol laud hld bf pM-it'aiiir Ih
1 p.iil tir thai V J n iim ol lead la
a .114 1'iaalf W ! I u IbeJ-Ma
di ol Jeae liM a id Mn wba a Un-i
a.ta tr bet puit MiK t a.'ioaul paid air'iitf 011 1 J,
I f " r tH iita aa I tb.-re 1 im l.i ua
Mi 4iite lo lb tal the ' id I "l, ''
I J in. I Mai" lb -! eondii.oa id
I vi i iii la ."ii '41 Mtia 1 ile,
h. imatv i b b hiv ai".nu. d
li ii oaiai V Bn,in,iui l.i Ibe le
piu I t w "
iv ni r. t lo . iik, lur lr tmi U
id lriu, i hiukIIi lit mi jmis a. 1 I if
1 i'Ual oa K 4bH !',