The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 14, 1897, Image 8

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October 14, 1897
(Continued From Pint Page.)
of higher and mora oerfect civilisation
than wa hav vet known, and th renai
anc of human reason will mak men
better and wiser tbao vr beor, lo
tfaia aa of valuable books. magadne
iid newspaper literature, ao easily ob
tained br all. a blither order of aduca-
tloa la demanded anions lha peopla, to
tb and that tba dutie of eitiiensblp
naf b mora wisely discharged, and
tberal now no reaaouubl excus for
any man remaining Ignorant of tba Im
portant avent ana policia.
A on of northern birtb and raising
who, for over turn year, wltneased tba
blood r strlte tbat mimm among- oa
states a third of a century ago, I most
heartily glr in role and tots for a
period of eudlev peace, and 1 hop for
tba apaedy dawn of tba tlma. when It In
declared tba nation "aball beat their
word Into plow-share and their wr
Into oruningbooli," una wnen "iiauoo
aball not lift up word against nation
1711 uwr punii tutrj Hint u wr umj ...v. L I . it . I. ..MM f .. w mtdlmm 1 ll M . 1 . '
'I bin In tba tlm to recall th language
of tba immortal Lincoln, In bi flrt in
a u ir ii ml tu.(rtm:
" VVa ara not anemle, but friend, wa
fount not ba enemies, Though passion
mar hav l rained, It moat not break
tba bondN of affection,
Tba mrstlc chord of memory, l retch
Ing from am battle-field and patriotic
trava to a vary II vino: heart and hearth
atona all over this broad land, will yet
awell tba chorus of tba Union, when
again touched aa fhey aurcly will be, by
tba better angel of our nature,"
Out! am her my friend to peak
mora particularly of Nebraska, and I
want to a word In favor of ,tbat
atataof boundlee plain and generous
tteopl. You la Tennessee, who ara rich
ia tba meinorle of a great atata of long
and splendid history, mar not hav
given to Nebraska much attention, phn
aingit, witb tba thought tbat ft la a
young and growing commonwealth of
heterogeneous population, possessing
mo uury of consequence, and destined
to remain on tba frontier for man
years. Hat 1 am proud to an to you
tuat America no longer ha a frontier,
aacept tboaa portlona of our domain
washed by tba ocean and IhaOulfof
Meiloo, and bounded by Canada: for In
awry atata and territory of tba union,
efvlllcatlon can be found in lie biKht
form, and ia rapbll InoreMalntf and ba-
coming mora permnnnut and wldoepread
and NrmeatinK aver pot of tble biri'
iSVbraekabftajuet piuwMid ber tblrtlatb
birtbda, Hba ia one of tba yoUfij("t of
Uie elUrb'xd of atatae. Kba wn ri'l
ralttad to tba union In February, JM70.
1a atata I UHV mllaa from north to
soutb, 413 inline from to want
and pommmm an area of eijuare
mlba, or 40,1 78,080 aura of bind, Tba
ratnr part of It irbapa niiit-ne
r cant waa orliftlly a Krcat plaln,or
a auc!aaeioa of plain broken by river
traveftunic tba atata from tba north waet
to Urn aiutbaaat and amptluK their
ater Into tba Mleeourl, and time
plain ara now dotted by trai plantad
hf an anerjcatlo population. The river
ara in tan-apted b email river and by
crmk, whim wator emptied Into them,
tbu affording tba atata ample waU-r
aader normal condition,
1'baaaatarn balf of Nebraeka I a fr
ilia aa tti valley of tba Nile, it annual)
produeas auormou crop of all tlieeiu
pla oereale and tcrtumim, and I a typical
agricultural and ato k raleln country,
Tba wee Urn balf baa uimib valuable ug
rieultoral land, altliouli a larga part of
it la mora proimrl devoted to paatural
pureull. Nebraeka, a a whole, U on
of ttta Ut atata lo the Vaiou. Tba ell
mat I genial in umrner and not un
(ileaeant In winter, notwitbatanding
there ara occaalonnlly aevera elorm.
Hut the ara of abort duration, and tba
winter, witb tba thermometer at thirty
degreea below cero, I not felt more
ker nly thun In Tuna, a moieUr cli
mate, at tro.
Nebraaka I a perfect tata In point of
faealtb-Klvinfr qualltlfe. 1 know of no
placa wher there I euch univereal uool
bealtb aa in tbat elate. The climate ia i
not debilltatiuu;, but energlxing, and
tboea who coma among u from other
'atea, aoon find tbemselvea In a brae
i a
ing atmosphere and returning to health
and energy.
Of course our history cover but a few
year. From a few spare settlement
of a lew thosuand ixwiple, along th
western bank of tb Missouri river forty
year ago, Nebraska baa increase! in
population to nearly a million and a
naif of human being. Where a third of
aoentury ago, th buffalo ranged ara
Dow fouund cities and town ol large
commercial and educational Importance,
containing a population, that lu point
ol refinement, aud all tb qualities that
mak good citiMn aud bright men aud
women, aland In tb very front rauk of
th beat manhood and womanhood of
tb United Htat.
Wa hav scattered over our plain )
achool and riiuivnea Iy th tboueuud. i
number ls acndniiilea aud colleges, autl
many uulversiiiu, wher our chlidrea
can get a good an education aa can I
obtained on th coiiiiiimtt, ami wa have
an intellectual and Uod fearing people,
who read, think and act for themselves,
and wbu cannot beeioellel In I ha manly
and womanly virtue by tboea of any
other section of this country.
Ours, it la true, ar a heterogeneous
people. They cam from every slat
and territory, they earn with their own
Ideas of bueiuea and Mitcla! bl but they
rapidly uwljr, and boiiieogeulty iIimio
m tha result. They came from efery
portion id the habitable glob, but they
aoon aasimilata and drop luto lb r
Vailmg babu ol lb ta'a.
My Irlead. he it year lbr will It Ml
ia tititab! the utxirtiiMib ol Nxbraska,
aclly iMNHMMMiitg tUl,lMHl inhabitant,
under Iks aitepa ol th Trans-Mtsei.
ippl CongreM. Iha Trait-Mississippi
and IsUtsalloeal ixtsillim, to wbhiq
ttatMirdlalty asd ksaitiiy Isru h hi
fits id 1 nt and tksaotilbera lala.
It la bv an niwi aa ai task lo
leav aa eatablUhed aoiuinuuiiy ahra
una bora and wl and a ialu a
a aed aaastilal las I, Pur4ael wild
arawp4 naaat ial Kia4ioa, II b
dapil by alxKnl Htvstiy, asd aa
iMMMialty lay th louadatioa uf a graat
alal. A ixsipl fapauf ol k work
tUst Pones I UMalltM that S.tittee4
thai laths aoUr alamet id all. asd
thv riumli d wl o ihtir kiad.
fhiw wKm bad IMaoarag tulavatta
la uairwad will til ntlitaska, and aa
labhak laa luaudaUun aa a hub tba.
lalarasta, !u4 mf lnuafalaa
and bardehip toencounU-r. Tba land
waa to be broken and tba soil eubduml,
and the ueual iwriod of ez(rimentul
farming wa to be undifrgona, b'fura ag
rlnullura could be aid lo liaanreee.
Home were to be built, bloodthirsty
avae encountered andubdued,traiia
portation line aetabllbd, citiea and
filing-, acbool bouee, cbunbea and
public Institution to be rearad.nnd in a
word, a very thing wa to b dona from
tb foundation, under tba moet frying
circuuiNtanneN and the grenlct Incon
veuience. 1 leel confident tbat for our
people, who bav made etich a heroic
frugal, there I nothing but admira
tion in the breaata of the noble men and
women of tba south.
Hut amid the toil, etruggle and pri
vation of pioneer I if", the peopla of
NebruNkabav found time to inform
themeelva and provide mean lor their
children to obtain a liberal education,
and there I now no txcue for any
young man or woman leaving the state
loueta good an education a can b
obtained eleewhnre.
Tb struggle of n long pioneer t per
letice make it desirable that our ex post
tion shall be a success, and that you, a
well a our fellow cltixen throughout
the land shall visit us and mm what pro-
gres w have mnd,
My friend, I want yon to com to Ne
traska neit year, and iolu witb n In
making the closing day of tba )ttli can
turr the best n rid most brilliant of our
national history, (ilvau theUnefltof
your rljia experlenca and matur ludg
nient, ami afford u an opportunity lo
show you our bop!tality. In tba sun
kissed land of many river, lying to the
westward of lb great Missouri, wher
civilization is yet new, but well devel
otstd, wa rnwd your encouragement and
aid, not material aid, but moral encour-
agement, and if wa can persuade om of
your young men and young women to
rettl witb un, w will assure them i
hearty welcome and an! opportu
ulty witb all In the rue for weait'j and
Id'liolil. me fulliiv ftllluina. tlia Imriirfc.
antaventa tiiat bav mu erowdieiato
a little over a century of national ex
Isbmc. A young land a continent of
unbroken wilderness boa been Iran
formed a If by magio Into on of the
greatest and moet powerful of modern
nation. Krm a few acattarad settle
menla along tba Atlantic aeaboard ra
1770, wbnra tha people looked on tba
Appalachian mountain a "the far
west." civilization has grown and spread
until it now extends In It highest form
and greatet development from ixiean to
ocean and from Lanoda to tha (iulf,
Powerful aboriginal savage tribe have
been tojJiiy and gradually pushed
back from tbelr nativ fastnesses until
they ara now broken fragment of a
onca mighty iwople, Miattared over the
plain of the great west, invoking tha
sympathy and asking tba aid of those
whobavuecedd them.
They ara rapidly fading from tb
earth, and within a few decade at most
they will be nnmbared among tha ax tinct
type of tb humai family, victim of
th inexorable law of tb survival of the
fittest, VYIIbin that comparatively
short time the railroad has been invent
ed and developed, autil now titer is not
a state or territory, and acunwly a lo-
ality wher a railway m not found do
ing tha tremeudok work of transporta
tion tnat could not otnerwete lie carried
on, ilia telegraph mm Mephim ara
Bvention of the aga, apaaning tha con-
tiueut with their pole and wirea. and
bringiag tha paojla of tb ramoteat
iium iu to eloea communiaatloa, Klee
tricity boa ttroun-mnttt to a point beyond
tba imagination of tb awet visionary
dreamer, and it baa been atiliaad In a
hundred way. And la point of educa
tional developntent oar aktr read
ik a romance ol IHekaa or Hugo, tnl-
versitiee ara a very wher. col legww are
counted by tb thousand, aesvlemie by
tua ten ol thousands, aa4 th common
schools dot the coo tinent while no lo
cality ia so iusigniticaut that it doe not
on tain on or more Lhrisliaw rhutxhm.
whose steeples poiatUig la tba skies, are
lleut I'HI constant witnesses of the ma-
Jtsty ol IhaHupreme leig. I coitnt It
among tba most fortunate tbiag in this
nation tbat there ia not a place between
the ocean where tha salt anil pleoeaut
uii1 ol tUm ahueeb bell ut t.n.k
the atillaaea of the H,Wala morulaif,
c.ulHuu the miliioua to. oor.i.iu AiiUiki
. . .
All these, and other imKrtaiit events
I hav not now tune to mention at
length, are th work of a little over a
hundred year of development and pa
tieut industry under a bw government.
They ar being swept iato tha vortex ol
the centuries by other veuts, but lik
the pillar of a temple, tln-y cannot lot
dispeusiel with ia tha grant structure ol
free government wa ar building. Iet
u add to th greataesa and glory of our
New (ioot.ii and Low 1'ricci,
Own Make
Tucker Sloe Co.
country, let tber ba universal accord
and good will among tb peopl and let
u won in narmony a brother and
sisters for tb up building of tb race
aud nation, and tbu perform well our
duty in our day and generation.
Let as ibos, b op and doing,
With s hosrt lor any fate)
Bllll -lilrliiif, (till panels,
l-rs lo Isbur as le wait.
Mr, llryao spoke for only a few mo
ment a hi principal adores wa an
nouueed for tb evening on military
rquar, wher th crowd began to gath
er early, and befor tb hour announced
more than 25,000 jieople bad assembled
to bear tha address, 11 spok for two
hour, A more attentive audience wa
never seen, during th afternoon ha
tiad held an lulormul retM-ptiou at which
h shook band witb mora than six
thousand people, but at tb close of tb
address the vast audience crowded for
ward to slink hi baad aud It wa witb
difficulty that he nn put In hi carriage
and driven to timcity.
Allen on the llattieneld,
Haturduy th Nebraska party wr
driven to th ttattlefleld where th battle
ofl4aehvill was fought December Jf)tb
and 10th. wn. KenaUtr Allen took
part In th battle um a prl vat soldier,
nenator j;ui, now t ne senior I). , sen
ator from Tannessee, wa a command
ing officer on th confederate id, Jlotli
wer member of lb party and it wiin
interesting to near these two United
Htate aenator point out th locattttu
and position occupied by th two
armies nn year before, Hunator Allen
although only 17 year old at tha tlma
of th Pal tie remembered all th detail.
II pointed out fh apol wher his tent
mata wa snot and killed, lie Indicated
tb line taken In tha chart and tha Moot
wher tba color bearer a member of th
same company a the senator wa shot
through th arm, ulgantio oak tree
on th battlefield still show th acar
made by cannon ball.
louring tha afternoon tha party wa
driven to tb famous Jiell Mend racing
farm owned by Oencral Jackson- and
Kictiard i-roner, "los ;rokr of Tai
many' New York, Tber wer tit
world famon racing horses ranging M
value from to f 100,000 apiece.
liongstreet with a record of l;40i
Tatbonuw, fnspeefor II, Lok Ifbwikburn,
triKiw.m, i rtnnimmrnijijoii wirn n nw
ord of 1;'I7, Loyabst and Oreat Tom:
Kaveral of theea horses hav won bit
atax in England,
Vrnpnttit ClraMeta ftn.4UU.nt,
Th country through which tha party
psed eu route to Naebvill ba uffred
a very sever drouth, Jin rain bad fall
en for fourteen week. Crop in Mouth.
ern Illinois, Indian, awl1 Kentucky wer
apparently nearly a- rotal tailor. Corn
was small and 'entirely dried nit befor
th ear hod sef. Fruit waa bettar. On
th whole crop condition ara very poor
when compared with tb- erojrtt in N-
orasxa and nortfieaetrii Kaneas, All
of th p'irty agreed Mint tber ia no
ploca lik houw in Nebraska.
Th Catatonia I JKiwagakvai,
Thexpfeltlof Is tttrand sao-ess. The
buildings ara not no largnaaat th
World n Fair In t'hlcHuo. bu ar neater
and more attractive In appearaiieu.wbila
in display as a rule ara fully aa good.
Anyone interested In the Hoirtn and It
products can learn much of inWeet and
value by attending the Nashville xpoi
tion, Th door are open to all and
southern hospitality Is all tbat la claimed
tor it.
rif are f how Thai tba aulmel la Molar
IIo4 flora thaa rormsHoi
Sr. Lovi. Mo.. CktL 14: At imIm
day' aeaaloa of thw National liwaa
tboer' association, J. V, Adoina, tha
national autlstictau, preaentad flgwraa
that in tha face of tha many sUta
manta reirardintr tita nasslnir at tl
horse no decrcasa In Jtls us woa IuiukL
On th contrary, Wisconsin, KniaUy,
Minnesota, Nebraska, Illinois ami
MaMachuaatta akovv a total IncPMtao
f 102,3 )3 borsea In actual aarvluaaWa
HUO. Indiana reported an iucraaaai uf
0,611 alnco IHU'j.
a4 Kodlnj of a lloasf miHNa
Font Kcott, Ka,, Oct, 1 In From
tha same church un FnlUm, Kaa, lo
which aha waa married two wWa ago
to tha hour, Mra Mary (). Uoaman,
brlda of J. A. (Wwtuan, a wt-althy
young stock man id this county, waa
buried this morning. Nlta- waa aa
well aa usual Monday night wpon bar
return from her vsudding tilnta Kan
aaa City, but eariy yesterday wea-ning
aha waa taken violently 111 nxi dlad ta
a abort ttm.
CATAItltll IN Till-: III. A II tk.Mt Iron.
IlliaMllfllat Mllll allkirikail ttli litem liaiatf Ik a
i toon a narsaptiruia, tne great ititxtij
I 1, LJ .11 .1 ... .
IKlOll'M Ml.lMeitnt iihiimm .itik k.n.l.
at'hs, Indigestion, blllotisiiM, Ail drug
aasaa IUf Urals mm4 live e.
Hi4 wati-N.i i. Nk A ajo
K 4. hi i tflaiind. Til.',
n Wheal No, I. w,Nt. J. nuiuUi Nia
,44 Nn 4 SA if, (.a. T t.s.
hh Wktu-N i a, Hm a.
twt a -aita-.l, M X ii-4 Sa . Ulvt
Wlk4..ak Hu l1l,.V. Whit liHS J
N.t t. N.i 4 i,u
Ma 4, ft4l-'. 'U K a
. VI N.4 4, I T .I It ,
'-. A N- a H 4 iWa
ita4t la liMi t
Ut e"oia in N i t tMi
HA I4'V N 4 I4'k th.a.a tlw.
atat I N I ia Mf n.t 4 tat
tt. wia4 tA4
rain a, Itu a ! 114,
l-4. 144 ama, m h4
Wtittt aa adait lu p. Iar.
Hmc4 Ul 4 tv-t Hen lift!
l. an atiicta. it U144 1 aiif
tWl MWMit StllM (lkl, a 4t
4. nautaieaa, ft taji.ik
iMHv ria 11 tk h4 lit, Tl
katkl 4u4 lot tUtal Ua eww
U, Ut iw4 4l aa fctaif 44 tU4
kMiH4lii4 141. lkl.,-4 III Tk
at4tki an u a I r ikl
Iili4 t4 leatf.
r'tluin ft M4MI4IU !
II lMMal4U !.
4 ki t U. .11 m l(
hi, 4ii I I 4k at ,1 (11
la .tiat Itll ttn14 ill
Itatilhaa k
ianUi4 I
Saii. -i
Next Week's
Cloak and Suit Dopt
New location west and.
Ln dies' block beaver Jacket, fly
(rout, each.
Ladles' Caiiiel hair Jat:kts, aelf
faced, tty frwtt, large eollar, all
ls, each t;L76
Jf ,ie-y V
I Imperial' cloth' dwtMa ra;e-s,
iraioaoi. aanic m ,., ,.f i,sr
W Inoh pluwh capea, fancy lined,
Thibet edge, plufft or braided,
flood ouality- w
white cotton blaak-
et, u jtftip
CoadofUiJ bjr Tt tL awtssrt. Urioun4.
n ttulleluit.
(teas VHa MuluaJ,
Tliednga Cuoly Mutual held it an
mini meeting In Ilea I rice on. tk 9th of
tltl month. This compaoy hnsbeen run
ning about seven yearn, Lt haa over a
hall million dollars- worth ol' property
insured. The memlier seem, to b en
tirely satisfied Willi, the running of th
company, as th old. officer and direct
ors were re-electud,. vi.. : Joseph Uiiiff,
lloimesville, president; T, L', Tottgiardun,
Odell, secretary;, L L. Iwhock, Iiiu
Kpriugs, treiisurea; diretor fair three
years, Ispoa lluoa,.Tu.te, W, A, Wagner,
An asseeaiuaiit of. 10 gent par liM
wns levied to pay patty losaea and ex
miiim, Tb ooiapiuiy lot ptud d uriug
lost year 1,141: kH for laieaeeand i54..
(Vi fur expeiisea. They have a balance
on baud ol 9tiu.HU.
The editor of this deunrtmaut U luvl-
tatloit ol the ollliwrs wits preseut nud
gave a short iaJlt. Vie only touched a
lew of I he Utility sublet 14 IbWrest to
mutual iBsnrajiee meu, bu.t wa wet higk
ly pleoaeil at th alteulloa au4 interest
manllitil aaa w4J.l im tu vuu tb
compaay agiuu.
na would. Has t prtat th re pur t ig
every uouuty iu thia tWpartaem n a
iitiUKr ol uaw nth aetiretariea woal.l
UJta iha trouble tu report u wbwa a loa
otH'tira, abeu llry have their auuual
lueailiig. 01 an y tiling ol laWre! to I Us
publiu, It wtUaot voatytMi a swniijf aa
kaa you wauk to atiUet tbe for Iha Pa
r, U& peuta for lbrs) imsiilia' trial
trip, II auyttu who la at all iulerealed
IU tulual inaurauea ibwa uot gt lbs
worth id hi tuouey wttklu tba ntt
thr uioulha I a ul rs4uu4 th money.
IhauukMiil on ling id the loa In
aaraui AaaoaiatitMt will Im held salt
aiottlb, Till inwttttg will I toiiipoaml
ul ultUa r ol lb law a mutual eoinpaa
Hal and wilt I Ilia beat aibiKil last lb
eevrvlaiiea ul .Nbrak4 mmpaal euuld
aiuad. Mitth aubjia aa vin-triutiy.
HiulaMua tHttiibualtoa, ntelhoda ol
kwpitig bitoka, and all kluda id blank a.
ill IwiltavusMHl, all ul kH K will b tti
iMlMrwl In a amaUur avt rUrw ol N
hraaka. Xtty wad ad quooitna will b
billy diHitae4 aad visitor !' waa.
Frca Silver
Fancy cobmd blankets, cpleudld
value, a pair ,.,47o
Full lx grey, fancy border bliink
t, wool mixed, a pair f 1,75
Finer grade In white and colored
wool and wool mixed blanket,
upward to ttVrrf ir)
All wool, '11 inch colored Manuel,
yard ,...,... , ,17e
Sole agontsfor BUttorfck Pat
terns and Publications,
Drt ss Goods
1 1 piece Knglieh 44 Inch dress
tweeds, all th new mixed color
a yard,,,,.,.,, , n
All wool black Merge, 1)0 in whin
a yard , "fto
Cotton Dress Fabrics
Fin cotton Cashmeres, handsome
figure, regular 10c goods, a yd
Figured driss Hutlnes, excellent
quality, a yd 74
Floor Ruks
Handsome Floor Hug, 40x15
inches, ouch,,,,,,,,, ,,.,, lirJo
54 x Ti iunlins, each fl)lc
Yarn Special
NextwiNik weplitcjionsiilea large
line of Herman Knitting yarn,
4 thread, nil colors, per lb 56
Shoe Specials
Ifaby Hboe, a pair lie
Ln llns' Kangaroo t'ulf llutton
Mhoe, t'ulf or patent tlp,regular
fiXi value, a pair 1,87
lio' Katin I'ulf nm or button
shoe, seedle, coin or sijunre tiw,
Anorray Unrl, McKsnna Will Uuccef d
liicw Y011K, f)t;t. Herald tecial
from Washiugtoa save:
Justice Htephea J. Field ol th United
Hf ales supreme cowrt has mad formal
application to President Mckinley to be
rntired froia tha bench antler the law
allowing member of that court to be
retired when Toysan old.
The statement is made on tha highest
authority that attorney Oeneral Joseph
McKeuua of California will be nominated
to succeed him on December 10. when
eongres conven, five day after th
retirement of Jostle Field take effect.
Mta WrgKtV t tTTfw
Ta pr, "lartl fflvsa Ihla diaUnt pa.
IIM all Iha lwnnia of am.'a eon(ifi.
Ji-ina. lluilr..U ara uaina tha ,UU
Trealwieni. M eur. ra st onr hc.
UraMi (.laotlea In i .t. Mt.lmtfw
ar en U v.rr iuia In th UHIt.
!;i and I'ana.U. gonrl fur .r
atiH,4 tllusOaloil ImuiIi, "1 h
K rstienl Hw ll f'uts ' rr
"JCA1 aur,h. ItMfS
lleottinalUtti, Nrva an. I l.m4 i.
Atliuaut el alia aw4 S um.q.
Sht parti Mtdlcal loiUtutt
A, , Mil IV AH ll,
Aliar, Iu44 ll ai,.i,
Nmii a -i ii.. u r'w.. a fi.ti
I I tu km khr kilft.4 ikal ..
a m ul ayi, , tiH I w,
at4 a uite ii i ta ia a)i i ,uan
ul..t i, )Ui.r,., la.ut kai
railaki.k la biia a aH,tt aa
a ta im4 iai ita at t t u
n mmiii ii,4 f ' i a.. ii
auuaiia. ta ,m i.i
I Mlllh,a aa Mt 4luM U.4f . Ik. 4,k
t !, W, ' "
Mr 4. V. tlaa4, ka n x. i
Ika Nbraaka Mko , i Um it
Irl, aivea a lk o a ktgk arada or.
an auh arr purvkaaa, u a imtd
plaoa in bay thtwa.
every pair warranted, regular
1.50 value, u puir L'J7H
jnieses air or I'ougoia mmuu
Hhot s, colnoriiaro to, loader
at 1.50 a pair, next week a
pair L1U
Mill length of 1 5c percales, hand
some colors and patterns, a,vd lOo
Outing fluniiiilM, im-dium colors,
a yard ,., 5c
Knit Underwear
Children's heavy fleeced cotton
union suit, all aims, ucli.....,.25o
lloy'a heavy ribbed cotton Hwund
shirts n ml drawers, oacli,,,,. UI)c
Ladies' heavy Hctt-cd cotton
vest and pauts, each 10c
Ladle'' Natural wool union suit,
each 1,00
Ladies' black wool Equestrienne
tight, a pair 1.00
Ladles' all wool hose, double heel
and toe, ribbed top, u pair 25c
Lit dies'' extra heavy doubled
llhec ed cotton boae, high spliced
heal, doubla to, a pair;...., 25c
Children' all wool boa one by
on rib, double- knees, spliced
heal and to,, a pair 25c
Men' fin merino, aeamles,
double limit aud' to, A pair for. .50c
Men's Underwear
Muu'a good heavy weight skirt
and drawer, ouch. , 25e
Men's heavy ribbed,, light nVerad
shirts and drawer, shirts made
with satin faced1 front, each 50c
Men' heavy uaturul wool shirts
and drawers, eueh r0el
Men' heavy fliietwd lined shirt
and drawer, extru vulue, ouch 501
Meii'M all wool shirt aud drawers
1,00' quality, each
r-0HTT-0NB 1CUE FA KM fur Ha
Adjoining a railroad tm
l)arueaton,NebraMka, with graded anbo
churches and all th convenience o'
mall town. Call on or address
M. F. Hkvmoldi,
Barnesion, Nebraekt
7th and 0 Kts., Lincoln, Neb.
Call and aee uaor write for low pricea.
Wyait-Bullard Lumber Company,
OfTlce 20th and Ixnrd RU. Thou 478
Writ for ftieaa.
OMAI1A. : ; ; ; NEB.
. . . 4jO TO , . ,
Kennedy s Photograph Parlors,
11 So. lSlh Strm.
Jin Cabinet, n.uo rtr Cortn.
etilaUua UaaraalawL
W aiat Oajroa Portrait rkap a4 la taa
bkmI arllati Ntjka.
E. sTkInG,
Weak aud Mlratue.! Lyaa ttuareaa
fully Fitted
No Atropine, an ot Hum,
tStNlUKi, 1.1M til.V, NKH,
SUU'US, wuths
KOHts, SklS, Alt,
Light Harness a Specialty
ktrtiainH raowntt miAg,
8IIUHt,lr, . UMmN.XKlt,