THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT October H, 1897 WOULD SAVE MILLIONS Tha , Advantaia of Owoenhip of OofernmenUl the roadi, BT B. 0. FLOWER. Tb Tributw That U LtU4 Upon tho Oonaumon and Producer!. Having That Could be Mad. Tha New Time for October contain an article 00 the advantages of govern mental ownership of railroads, written by 11.0, Flower- Mr, Flower says of tha various combination of capital whose powr during recent yuan In shaping legislation prejudlcl to tha po pis bo been equaled only by their open defiance and cunning evasion of existing enactments, perhaps none I so essenti ally lawkHW aud dangerous to republican Integrity and national prosjsirlty a the railroad monopoly, which might almoat be called the father of modern commer elal brigandage. Tha railroad compan lea have utlllred tha monopoly tbny have enjoyed of possessing tha nation's high wnya to enrich Individuals far beyond any possible result of legltlinata earn ings, while oppressing tha people and fostering a spirit of reckless gambling. Thay have corrupted legislation and cre ated and secured seats ou the Judicial benches for their well-paid attorney. They bar pursued all 'loeslble methods to exact from public servant a subscrvi' ucy which ha resulted In the shameful prostitution of their high and acred trusts at the bidding of the railroad tfiaiiawira. Nor have they stopped here. Individual aud whole communities bare been forced Into aarvlle submission through tha abue of tha power which the hold a common carrlere which place the wealth producer at their narcy, 'Jul point I forcibly presentwi by ex-Governor William Lurrubee, ol Iowa, In tha fallowing word: "The practical operation of tbi system coon allowed to railroad manager their power and to the patron of railroad their dependence upon tboee who dis pensed railroad favor. - - jis crimination between liidlviduiil I tha moat objectionable, because It I the most demorallisinir of all, It make of independent cltixeii of a free country fawning paraeitea and obsequious syco plianta wlio accept luvor from raiiromi rminiiaer. and in return do their bid ding however humiliating It may be. Jfa(thehfer) 1 Intimidated to audi an extant that he never apouka Openly of existing abuaea lest lie limit the ciel rataa which have been given him." Hlowiy Out steadily lias tn ran roan octopu thrown coll niter coil around national, etate and municipal bodice, while It favor or its puulNliment en forced ailenca upon a (Miopia wholly asleep to (lie natura and extent of the danger they were tolerating, until tho evil Tma growu to audi giant-like fro portloua that they now seorn almoat pnrulyted in tha presence of a power which la autreiiched throughout all the ramilicutlon of government. 'l b la corrupt and corrupting monop oly ho proved an inspiration even wheia it bo not lieen a powerful aid In foateriug other monopolies, no-called truate, and combiuatlou of capital, which acquire vastly more wealth than they legitimately earn at tho expense of tha prorlty, happiness, and hi aome iiiatanoea even tha very life of Individ ual. The linjicratlve demand for govern mental ownorahlp of railways cannot be Ignored much longer if the people are to maintain even the scinlilimci of free government, for it I a fact well known to all students of hitorr that uny power which i liable to corrupt the governmental fuiiutionarie and secure and retain eiiecial privileges on tha ona band, while it hold a considerable number of the people at It mercy ou the other, will aoou grow to ba tha dee potlo uioater of both governiueut ami poo tile. The discussion of thla subject la too vast for single paper, and limited ma prevents 11 in at tha present time iron: noticing more in a 11 one 01 tne many valid reason whv tha irovern iimnt ahould nt onca take control of the railroad. I'mJi-r present condition the million ol wealth -producer of thl land are leung l,-ri vh Onily ol a pop. tit m in trial to wnifli they are entitled mat uirincini limy ne pniij 011 million Upon million of dollar of watered atiM'k, or upon tix-k which dot not repreet'llt, ami never did rreeut nnooy eiH'inled, mid liich i thnrefor purely llctltioii, while million ol dol lore more are enici... from prodmi r and eoimumer fur prim-ely eel- arli for favored ottlcinl, fur ttorruplioii lumU, and for the payiie-nt of iiiiiiiIiih lawyer. em ploytil to enalile tli railroad to evade law. ueli'ut piIUe, and prvvoiit the imv pie iroiu 1 n).iv liii the It till of th ir toil. Thl aluuMt liiliiilou inn tm h U Ing taken jearly from the farmer, the travUr, aud th ronum.r, or, in a word, Iroiu nil the iwoole, a all are more or l adiitd, and with It 1 i plied to aylug duidfud on n titioioi etiMk,! eMHtititly dmhoinmt, and lut plet. It la elittly iomiv lkn Imm rililtiilomr.jf moanaol ludirei tltm, hu I I one ol the iitoel Iruilhi! rrniKt arl tiu, n it tkaawv from mil. lion ol jiiia th puaer tit puiH haw Hi eooilort and th roiiouiia lie. miiw l III a I add lmmiwly to th hoard ol a aim at Iwet ra vi (wad only a email porooaol what the? ai'i'iiee. The real wealth cr I ova aej thiw who uede pit etiuditioe eoeld I Vastly wnll .v tlx railroad are l u avstcmaileally tl. Ifnd. ol what I jaetly their. ihNlew ol IttamaHy Htllieih id (at Ntraboa lite of lunMttt tutl la brinaiag thetn an attui re tura. th widow truiiiiHtf ti iwp actual atarvaMo Irom to d.Mr, th (' hni al woMHa Uiltliaii bravw y aatel Iwartal 0.I.U lit ol.iaiH a e. Halioa aed th loik-ra la rdy ad eoaa try hu u ever doad ty Ua grim ajectre of eviction and want, renlixo the fact that every day tney are dviuk iaeu to pay dividend and internes on now tlou tock and bond, taxed to support not the government, but one powerful divlalon of tbe plutocracy which I year. ly forging chain 01 oppraaaion arouuu theee eame million of toilers and Ntrug-allnu- worker. Yet auoh la the actual lact. A tribute la levied from the pro ducers and tbe consumer ol the staple lees than the traveling puo llc, which I far In excee of the legal in tereat on tha actual valuation of the railroad, Th cone of North Carolina affnrd a truly typical example, al though the uujuet exactlona there are be no means so erreat as other cuaea which mluht ba cited. Tha data from which I draw the fol lowing facta arc obtained from a com prehenaive review ol praaent oonditlona recently made by Juetlce WaiUr Clark, Aj, IK, of the supreme ocncu 01 norm Carolina. Juetlca Clurk has won a national reputation from his emi nent fiilrne. bis broad, Judicial, and enlightened spirit and hi wide know ledge ol law. Ilia integrity 01 purpoee la oulv annulled by bia ability, hence hi premutation baa the value of being au thoritative and aouud from a Judicial atandpolnt. Iteeemetbat the statute of North Carolina require the railroad to pay a certain tax 011 the real valuation of their proiierty embracing the value of their fraud! ies (N. C, Acta, J 805; chape. MO, eec, 45.) The railroad commleaioner placed the full valuation of the railroad property In North Carolina at f !M,000, 000, which the railroad official declared to ba too high a valuation, The court have ruled for the guidance of the rail road commleelorier of the etate that the rate must not ba placed too low to af ford "u reaeonablu internet on the ac tual value of the property above reason able expeneee," Now It would eeem that there ahould be no difficulty in arriving at a different 'understanding with the above ruling as a guide, and such would be the eoaa If noneaty and Malice ruiui. It la true there might be a rjueetkm ua to the amount of Internet which wue rnoeonabla, Juetlce Clark point out th fact that on o large au fnvetmeut 0 per cent would be a good Interest, a government bond at that figure are at par, Hut If 4 Jier rent be granted surely no complaint could be made. Tulele what the North Carolina bond draw. and they are ot par, Tbe aupreme court of the United Hlates, In the recent caee of Livingston v. Huuford,104 U. H.,57d. any that rate high enough toeurn4 per cent net will not be dleturbcd by the coiirte. And In the Dow ve, lleldelman, '2b N C. H0, the eame court euye that ruloBliigu enough to earn J per ceut areeulllcient wheu tue present holder have boiiKbt the railroad or ittock below pur, a I the caee with all the large railroad eyetem of thl (North Carolina) Htate." Though the full vain ation of the raliroude ol the elate wu fixed at f 20,000,000 and the railroad autborltle IneleUjii that that woe an amount in excee of their worth these enmc road are bonded aud etocked for f 01,000,000. "It la clear," therefore, eaya Juetica Clark, "that rate IiIkIi enough to pay intereet on divldeud upon the latter sum are uroMely in ex ceee of what is Juet to thepublic, Freluht and travel are thu being taxed to pay dividend and Internet on nearly 70,- 000,000 llctltioiiM capital." 'J he tax whleh the people of North Carolina are yearly paylug to tbe rail road barone under modern commercial fi-udallem I clearly ehown by the follow Ing facte: The total vuluation of the three principal railroad line of North Carolina la fJO.iitf J .000, including fran chise, Theee three railroad embrace almost four-fifths of the total valuation oftheatute. The railroad commieelon or report for 1 HO'J shows that the net earning for thee three railroad for that year were f 20.000,000( but coeting nreeent owner far lee) I ullowed rate nigh enough to earu nearly f .'1,00(1,000 net or 15 per cent I liter wit annually out of the people of North Carolina," Theee tlKuree are eiich na have linn given by the railroads, while their book have not been eubJiKiUid to examination or ineiiection. "ileuce It la Impossible to know whether in pro rating they have allowed the North Carolina road as much a impartial calculation inlKht i trove to be Just." Nor is it poesible to tuow how much their uetearniiig would ba iucreased if only reaeonablu ealuriea were allowed leading ollluial. I cite tha case of North Carolina ns an Illustration eimply because the ex pose has recently bum made aud the llir- tires are Irom the latest reporte. I had Intended citing the rase ol th New York Central, the Atchison, the Iron Moun tain, the I Tin and the Pennsylvania road a additional illustration, but space forbid my mentioning them in thipnMr. Hullh'ieiit to eay thefm-t et forth above, though not o astound lug a aome which may be cited, are enoii(h to afford a typical example ol the systematic! extortion to which our ieople are nhoiiiIiik mereihwely eubj. i t' d by the monopolist who control the hlirhwsyeof trade and huslims. tVali-riug tiM'k ami tlmridiy leilng cu ablin to take from the produiHr the r till of hie labor, to which he I Justly entitled, to meet dividends 011 llctitiou capital, i essentially diahoueal and criminal In enirit. The emlwuder who carelutly concealiHl the uuioiiut of money he appropriated v-ould lie none hele guilty ol wrong tlnlug be'aiie, bliirf 11 n eis-rl lHiokke-er, he wn able lor.n. r up hi ehortaw-. The usurvr who ex torted I J to 15 sr Kill, Iroiu the pour who were al hi tmrcy would beetitit)d loth coniempt ol all rniht-miudH m. n, ht'thcr he iiii'.vil.'d In init( n a l i ! tor ol lli pi xir or not, be railroad dirwtor whit lake Iroiu Ik HakeUol the Hipleot a whole natioa bv inskiiu the traveling puhlie, the produor and eonsumer, ay kiM ol land auUtoem In earn dividend tu tti iituu, t.K k, kv u an unlut let oh Um-m. wouoa an d rlilldreii, taking Iroiu tlixiil thai wekh Is bv rajht I heir own prot?i. wad iln. I Biliousness It 4w t Me ttt. ! rtU 4 li -a n- ltni t4 te MmmmiI in xtil In hitia 1fc-a K'Uuw huiowm. k4r, fUl ml Mu4Wie4, SliMMrM, a4 g a4 rSvt4, ViUmm rvi FHIg e( kkwit f4teiina II 4 1 fill itiNtwtftt th HxeMh, rwiM INs Wa U. k SiIm. eOi l"i"0"H. r I fu M i ij iimiri 1 waif ituiMt illl-wlt MMrMii. commilting the crime of theft, simply be cause, having control of tbe arteries of the nation ana me niKuwuj ui iru, which belong by right to thepeoplo.hebas tbe public at hi mercy. ; Under government ownership of the railroads t his sliameiui a buss win uiuj nune and the m us of producers and con sumers will realise million of dollars a yeur which are now paid on notit ou stock, chiefly to enrich a small coterie of gambleas and "promoters" who have amassed enormous toriune uruuKu vlliri and bv method Ol III direction. This is by no means the only n,a niii..f neiMon wh v tbe ttovern- ment should immediately take control of the railroad. There are a score 01 vonu argument which might be advanood, ,.f wiiii.h are mors wefuhty even than thl one, and which make It the solemn duty of every man to work for thla Important reform, which bus been ao Bucceeefully Inaugurated in a large number of the loading nations 01 emu cation. JUDGE POST'S RECORD. Just Half of bis Dscisions whan District Judge ware fUveraed. The liurliugton & Missouri Itallroad company owne four miles of track and a cheap wooden depot la I'latte county This track and depot were constructed In consideration of 1 100,000 In bonds voted bv the people of 1'lutte county In 170. Tbe bond campaign was man aged (or the company by its attorney A, M. Tost, now the republican candl date (or Juduc of tbe supremo court The company wu so well satisfied with bis work in Its behalf, that he represent ed it a It attorney at Columbus from that time until bis election to Hie ui trlet bench. In IHMil. a new udiulal district was created, emu raclnu tne counties 01 mm 11 dare, Hodge, Collax, i'latte, DUiicr, Mer rick and Nance. Tbe candidates lor the appointment ua judge of thl district were M. I), insise, w. n. Marshall and A. M. I'oat. The latter received the ap pointment from Governor Du we, neither Iteese nor Marshall having a railroad "null." As district ludue, Justly or uu Justly, Tost was notoriously reputed amomr luwver to be unlalr and parti san In railroad cases. Ills Instructions In this class of cases were commonly retered to by the bur as tbe closing argu meat lor the railroad. Many of Post's decision were ao- pealed to tha an prom court and, al though be is considered to be au able Is true, a shown by actual count, that lust hull of bis decisions were reversed. Judges Maxwell and Iteese were then ou the supreme bench, i here have Ixieii soms very poor law yers on the district bench of this state, but it Is doubtful if there bus ever been another Judge who has had half of bis Judgments disapproved by tbe highest court of the state. Post' course 011 the district bunch was so sutisfuclory to the railroads that thev caused his nomination and election for the supreme bench, where ha hu tfl yen excellent satisfaction to those to whom he I Indebted for the promotion The local republican orirun recently re marked that Post's decision are the de clslon of the court a uppeure from the fact that he never (ilea a dissenting opin ion. Thl i true. Cost does dominate the court. 1'raclicully be is the court Kince Judge Maxwell retired fourycare ago, between twenty and tnirty decis ions rendered by that eminent Jurist have been overruled. One of Cost's pres ent associates coucurred In these decis ions when they were rendered and with ready complaisance has also concurred In the decisions overruling them. That .Indue Post's sympathies are strongly iu favor of the railroad mid other corporations, that he ha never liisni able to divest IiUiikhI! 01 Ills rail road predilection acquired while in its employ a attorney, that he Is Impos- idle of deuling Justly between the com mon (Miople and the interest that have made him what he Is, the World-Herald impose to specifically show hereafter rom the record Judite Post has made. Omaha World-Herald. FLOATIfMQ FACTS. Only I per cent of case of amputa tion arc futal. Australia harbors one tpcclcs of kaa- garoo no larncr than a rat. One pound of aheep' wool is capable of producing one yard of cloth. Ona thousand tuns of sout settle Monthly within tba 118 aquara 111 lie of Ixindon. A Turkish turban of the lnrget six contains twenty yard ot the tliumt aud softest mualtn. Down tu the Norman conquest tha Hrllou had "living money" mid "dead money; the former being slave aud cattle, tha latter metal. lu ( alii tha rolling of tea leave li aoua by hand, but In India and Ceylon iuropean ylantara prefer to employ macklutry for tha purpu, Aleiander th Urt had a lag num bar of wlvea, and was arcuunnd tu re duce thstn tu obedience by u!ni the flat of bis aword aa a iirioil, Wu old eotna ate woru i that II la hard to make cut th lr. 1 1 pi Ion, gradually at tha tolu, and lu a'imut all ca the ln riptluu will ip.r. A I'akuta man ha, atur J yr' afferta, autadd la relisting f.l train tha goruuiut for uiUt f irel.htj Cwtter'a araif on Pa way ta tha l.lttU lig llura. AleuaiUr Mi llroy, nhn di4 th oth er itf at hi hm la 'KiU4!tlkia. it a 4Ut ta th aatl.iaal Whia ton- veatbm tkal anitntud iln. NViUlara Hary, il4af gotiia a lf was g 4 that ha rUult4 ltl 4mleg tha ! el hla lit he had tn Utif aighl fviur hoi wain Ia4t tier than was g h4 fr htm, Tha eag oatlan4 tata'tetU iaa kaewa lit ela4w m$ rrt4 tiM lifmur a Mil, th iitt kv tag rnia4 akoutly navwaKitial M fiiur aa4 a hall ateaiha. . Tww laadrad ta. laa and lkre-t oldS a I native, V) Ml erll iN lima. Uim a4 . tkw, H1M114 Itaxa,. Part i h, UfevJa, ,,a. 1 1 SMALL HAPPENINGS, L. V. Decker's irrain elevator at Ash laud, Neb., was burned Tueeday night. ix)sa 91,000. A large co-operative manufacturing ana agricultural company is about to begin operation at Day City, Wis. j no potomce at J'teroo, neb., was robbed of MOO fn cash and t.'lOO In stamps. The burglars made good their escape, Tbe argument In tbe case of the State vs. ex-Auditor Eugene Moore In the dis trict court) of Lancaster county was postponed until October US. Tbe Houth Omuna Exchange of Boutb Ornuhn will erect a new bulldinir for offi ces. The work will be begun at once and tbe total cost will txoced f J0O.0OO. The typographical union of Jioeton has sent committees to wait on repre sentatives of both of the old politlcul parties, urging that they Include In their platform the plunk advocating the government control of telegraph and telephone systems, The sugar trust Is making a pretense of opposing tha annexation of JIawull to the United Hlates, which Is but the most patent bluff. Tbe adaptation of the soil to the sugar culture and the abundance of cheap Asiatic labor makes that lep rous island a veritable paradise for a sugar king. "The hearing on the protest of Oen. J. it. Webster against the use of the silver republican party name upon the county ballot was set lor Tuesday but It did not come up as It is the Intention of County Clerk Trimble to abide by the decision of tne secretary of state which the law makes It binding for him to do. Tbe sec retary of state has decided that tbe name shall go on the ballot. The irovernmeut balance sheet for September, In view of the much vaunted prosperity, of which most of us have seen very little, makes rather Interesting reading. Although the expenditure were 1,210,720 lee than In thecorres- Iiondlng mouth of '00, the deficit Is 'M'iMl 7. Also a loss of .'l,C0O,000. No such distressing deficit is seen on the balance sheet of the trust, It I being generally whlsiered about that the president will, urucd bv prom inent members ol his party, cull an ex tra session ol congress. Owing to tha fierce fight that la sure to follow if the president urges the adoption of the rec ommendation of the monetary con ference It I feared by the republican that the next session, If it is not begun before December 0, will be continued duugerously lute for those members who must beat home and actively canvass ing If they are to be returned, ; I'M II, Craighead has filed a suit. against the itock Island road for f Itf.'i.- 00 willed lie allege to be due for work aud labor performed from Mav IN to January 4, 1 WOO, at ii per day. lie also nut In his expense for that crlod utftiMio auu me expenditures in com ing to Lincoln from Oklahoma at f !0. Cralgheud was one of the slur witnesses for the railroad iu the second trial of (I, w, Davis for train wrecking. He claims that he was hired by Harry Thompson, the Itock Island's right ol way man. to look up evidence ugulnst Davis before and during the trlul. WHAT IS YOURTRADE? i;si h Trade ur OeeiipMlluu He It Nueulnl Disease, It Is well known umoiiir medical inun that certain diseases are more rend II v developed lu certain occupation than In others. That eaeh occiiimtlow ba its attendant physical weakness, hnglucer and railroad men, and . similar occupa tions suner mostly irom kldnev troubles and men who ure often exposed to tho the weather suffer mostly from rheuma tism, wlille clerk and professional men. 11 fact the nriny of iwonle whose business keep them indoors, ure oftentimes irruat suuerors irom piles amiconstlpatioo. In tins connection the following letter is of Interest to people whose occupation will not allow siilflcieiit outdoor exercise. Mr. A. v, Calhoun, notary public imv- elerand watchmaker ol Circle ville, West Virginia, writes oh follows: , "1 hud been a severe sufferer from pile for years and tried many remedies with but little benefit when about three year ago I saw the Pyramid I'llo Cure advertised aud sent for it. I wn badly nlllicted when 1 got it, but after only two applications the pile dis appeared and from that day to this I have never felt a symptom of the disease. 1 fid that 1 cannot recommend tliniu too hiiflily to sufferer from the pile. The Pyramid Pile (tire I free fromooa calne, opium or any mineral poison, ab solutely safe, pleasant aud absolutely painless; oli by druuKlst at TiO cent per package. If there is any const ipa tion the pyramid pills should lie used with the pile cure, The pill are'JS cent Hr pui'kntpt. Any driiuulst will tell you that th I'yramid I the beet known ami most eiii'iisstul and popular pile cure ever plnivd ou the 111 ur kit and its reputation a a ale and radieel cure hit only re suited from the personal reommndw tlou of ieople who have Peel) rureil ol thl distrmtsintt ailment, Hrnd to Him pyramid Co.. Albion, Mich, lor a valval! little book on th cure ol pile. ruif Miu, Awtumn lioarJar -Yu advartta4 plenty of tai'llng water her. Mar, air, thai tum out thsra la hardly v tt Mtd. Farmer t euhui - V but thera'i lauly u' water. It a ten feet djv MKIk. tsrSUIk IUgir4 UoWrt-ih 'ere aaarvks tat wmn I tivr n'. d till tky et Writer l'U viy. Their ltr4 l ilkk." iHMtta dew't ri.l aa etkuet il MI1U t!w., S.t. I;C4 PvUrt- .Ve. k.1 thar al Ut (It th wvpl with Vea, II Ik wiawt ter aur up la h.aita t tiiio. a awvla el.!, let 't nt wtar.h tbrHa tV rt yttilw' ier of Itlouai " 'd li Jiw Iw. fc I, t ) lrl-W VittMr-4 huleia htalHS4 W fv- tk.14 III aMHivi ll.l HMiMrV Antti-N 'iiwt a wet Mtar4 that epl k4 to tkiM ! lth al ty It haw VilieM aw Uva, awt rMrt aad 1 t hot tkn ra teaJ.tU&a Are You Going ... To Study Music? The University of Nebraska Can furnish you as Complete an education as any Conserv atory in the country, at very moderate rates. SPLENDID PRIVILEGES. SUPERIOR FACULTY. ' ed for Mew Catalog U WILLAED KIMBALL, Director, LINCOLN, NIB. i? Ht Si lt jr P. D. SHeRWIN DENTIST.... Consulting room tdttd D BT V Second floor LINCOLN NEBRASKA 7 rr si 1 i J 1.1 11 II LlWUlIll Concrl Pianist. Syi "I uf 1 lie Kimball Plana exL'liiivtIv. l..miu. m v v cm aj& wm m - 1 . ..-w 1 1 V' iiiveit my reiiuiremciii in mw tt n-iiuxt." he nil (of i'm.liin.niaiy rt.llerlion el lneHlil ul 111. Itullll ( tdtbtmc I HIUMCIMIII. A. 1IOHPI2, '", ml Aift., Omaha, Neb, '5M?V!-f- , iv- ri ,,! l sw, Vw a. i 1 ik. 0, S, Standard 225 a ' laiira kluaulca SA (iUolluiit:.o(li ruiyWV T t.k Win. lrbk aisJ J. ..i Ao-u. r-vCVCV. --- f ftv4 v 4. .., ,a i ylyf iw, i.i..i, a) iVliilyM " t y 1' H Siena Jtasficri ci s teHEJ , , MN. I k-- i ii i MM, ' f -J - f- .kZ I - v" ! a - a.Vn -, hM riwT School of Musio LOW SATES . Tit the O'eat Bock Island Rute. Arkansaa, Indian Territory, 0kl boma. Texas and Louisiana points on fare plus 'J for round trip August 86 and 17th. Bcptcmber 7th and 21st, October 6th and 10th; return limit twenty-one days from date of sale. Call at 1045 O street or at depot. Twentieth and O streets for further In formation. F. P. IltJTIIKItrOKD, C. P Alaska Gold Field. If you contemplate a trip to St. Mich ael'a Circle City, Ft. C'udahy, or Forty Mile or in fact any point in Alaska let ma quota you rates and aHlings. I hare the rery latest advices from Cort land and Hcattle. 0, W. llonnell, C. P, A T. A., corner Tenth and O street. Uurlington Koute, Lincoln, Nebraska. Half Batei to Eaniu City. On October 8 to 0 tbe Missouri Pacific will sell tickets to Kanns City and re turn, account Priests ol Pullas Parade, at one fare for the round trip. Two through trains daily In each direction. For further information apply at city ticket office, 1201 0 atreet, F. D. Cornell, CP. AT. A. . Homesetken' Ixonraions Via Burlington route, September 7 and 21, October G and 10 the Burlington will sell round trip ticket at one fare plus 2 to all points in Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, and Texas, and to certain points in Louisiana, Missouri, and New Mexico. Full Information re garding limits, stop-overs, etc., at B. & M. depot, or city offloe, corner O and Tenth e treat a, Geo. W. lionnell, C. P. & T. A. Now ii Tour Ohanoa to get a Farm Harvest excuralona on the Oreat (U. Island Route to tha Oklahoma district, also to Kanaaa and Texas. There ara alx excuraiona arranged for. Ticket rata, ona fare for round trip plue f 2.00. Data are An. 8-17, September 7-21, and Out., 5-1(1. Enquire of any Ticket Airfutof tha "Hock Island" aytem, or addre John Sedastun, 0. P. A., Chit'iigo, III. WHEN YOU WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS who ara ruining et to lit you, Just M.ld a iit-ei-npt liks this: t sura and Ink the lUirliiigtuit It'Olte. It n:uch the st." Yourtuite af in do ing thl Ihviium utir ifn Irom t'hn Mittl. t'uorl.. tit Uiui, aud Kana City, lat all 1-e.t. r. s..utS,.s,t. era, sad outhr cittni h Jul a good a our X'rvio, thlWH iMiibU. tl..lll..t a Hrfjful,. i,a j, pniuie. aiihit ,ty, ' Ih Hi, ,. 1 kU i,d i,MM, os applHiuiw at It A VI. 'b'lt, or. nv uin., loifc titirvl 3. w. i;o.NNrxiH a p. & t. a. f-i ti a TuiocaaoiiA, . lVawa4 .! W !, 4 lUia. tkalMt rillllC la e,.a. ?nV'U.IM I'A.M.W.Ity. (ka tsrvte aaj Ik ImImI tie.. i M M writ t aa M Iih rd, ra. K. , i tiaa, A ! tt k alM a4i , smmsa