The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 07, 1897, Image 8

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October 7, 1897
ho Coinage of 8ilvr Wbtv-Dctn
for Arotricm Workingmeo.
Introduced by Congraaaman David
Mercer, chainnnu of th republican elate
central committee, chataironed by .ton
ifnwHiiuin Htrod and Llncou Frnat,
chairman of th LucaUr county r
Btiullcan commltta, th Hon. V. H.
JJawe of Kaua atruck th keynote ol
th renublican camnaiua In Nebraeka
Monday uIkU of tin week at th Inn
inif opera hou.
Tbera ha been oma curloiy to know
vhut th tilan of cttmoaiitn and linn o f
argument of the republican party would
b In thi tata thl full. Quit a good
11 11 in br of o"ulit turned out on Ihl
amount, Homo bad an Idea that the r.
publican BtutnoHM would endeavor to
prove that Governor Holcomb w,i the
nifin who had ',olen thachildrenWhool
money inaUiad of Jo Hartley, in accord
ance all li th theories of Jo Jolmaon.
Proving a proportion of that kind
would be an liiUireatinx campaign fat,
but that'n no reiwon why th republican
campaign atuuipt'ntiihoald not attempt
it. Tu am fellow had no trouble In
lfMJ In proving to tin membenTol their
own part that it was J win" Hamuel
Mai wiill Itmlend of Johnny Allen who
badtfon wrong, and turned th old
inundowo. Jlenca tliU trniiient curi
oity. Tber In uo longer curioit,y concerning
the go.p. campaign. Their imported
orator came, II wa ehown the lght
th cavity in th etathoue treasury
where Jo Hartley crawled through, the
cava under the pavement where Hon
Mout failed to fill up th whole, the
itmnry void lu th auditor' olllw where
Kugaua Moor' f)ur faded to tally
with hi can. Ha waa duly primed for
the oocaaion, liut ha mentioned uon of
the th I una. Ha nevereven proved that
Judge Hull) van waa a gold hug ' that
our candidate for regent wer educa
tional outlaw who would turn th unl
vrity upaid down if they worn elected.
Nona of all the.
ilut Mr. J)ne wan brought here to
atriken keynote and ha atruck it. Ilia
Brut important atntemaut waa: ' 1 am
not, in favor of tiia L'niU d Mate coining
ail vir at any ratio whatever, no long a
oiii atroiix nation atunda out aKaiimt
Tbara iiwtd crtalnly ia no fnrtlmr
oucntioii orcuriiwitjr about th rcpulili
inn luatitiou on tha coiuaia of mlvcr,
Mr, IJawt wan brouaht hr uinb r tint
auNpica of Htata (Jlialrman Iav II t
-r to voica tli ai'iitiiiionta of tha parly
aiidnoona who ha atudiad thacounw
of evi'iit aiui-a lat yoar doubt that Uu
f oiijwd thiiui. iviiuoiiraK"(J oy tiii'ir auo
eaM uudr tha roM atandard lant N'o-
vauila'r tha republican tiinuaKui'utoi.a
brixka throw away tha prtmia nvu of
itiUiruatioiial biiiMtalmui and itnuouiiiia
thuir doctrine ".No mlvor coimiff" at any
ratio." At thaoutiw't of tha NVbruaka
campaign tha fraa ailvr r'pubiii:aua of
tha wKt ara alnpiiod in tha Itu'M and told
to go oliMiwhcrif thir old party orwftfM
tha aiouMiiation and vot-a of Uroviir
t'luvulaud, l)r. (io. Miller and J. Htor
lintr Morton to thuir.
Thaaeoud touaiu tha koynote truck
by Mr. IMwcn wax ntill mora atnrtliiiK
JIa announed that tha republican party
waa tha party of tli coiiMtitutiou and
ordor that it titood for tha law and th
courta and th olllwrx of tha law. That
tha populint party waa tha parly of law
laiMUiHM and d murder; that alioii a ulicr
iff bot down twenty or mora miner in
tha biabaay at Jlazleton, l'a., ilm other
day, tha populixU deuounce.l tha officer
wbila tha republiitaiiM Mood by him; that
laborer had no nat to paraila tlm
biKhway w-ekuiK to crara other to
atrika, and that Injunction to riwlraui
tbein from no doing wer riKbl. In a
nutxliell that IbflHbooliiiK down on the
hit(hway of tlm lltuleton atnker (every
oiib of tbein bnt in the buck ll di
cIimmnI by tlm testimony) wa juMti(td by
tha republican party "tha only party
which tand upon th law and tlm con
stitution." Tha third ton In tttiw minor chord wa
a UttiiiK climax. "A itood citizen will
Tote tha republican ticket straight lie
will vol it even if tha bent iiimii r upon
tha other ticket. Tha ritou ha will do
ao in becauio tha republican party taiid
for tha coiiMtitution and th law it
atand for Him flm, and when it come
to cliooiiiK betwneu a better man for an
olllc and Old) OUXtY, why I take
Old) (iU)llY vrery tim."
Hummed up, th republican keynote
for thttcampaiKU ol 1MU7 In Nebraska,
ha thraa dioliuol touea:
I No roiimifH of Nilver at any ra
tio by tha United Htat no Iimik n
anv on KtroiiK foreign natiouoppoeit,
SiTlia republican party Juxtitli tn
Junrtuiiit aiftint work ink men parndmu
th blcbaay and miataiu th oltlcer
whoNlioot them don whil eiiitaxed in
ao domic.
rt Vota lh rwiubliran ticket no mat
tar what bad Mien Hkt ara upmi It, lor
that ia th way to t and by ( il.D ti U U V.
Mi lMia la th WifH.
Nw Yohk, Oct lour man to tha
mploy of llrnnMy Itrt,, piiaud
flaharmaa of North ny Hranvh, N,
J., wtra Urowud ytrday whlU
bout tbalr work atwut li) yard off
A Villa Wtr4 !.
AuiTia, I'a.tKI. t t'tra broka oat
faaUrday aftruoai at tit) la VUi
Ivary bra on Taruvr tfU la fl
boar' tlMt vry bulldlua In Iowa Vat
Ha waa burnwd to tha ground
Hwa I -Mr. J'ili.ia i tdihal t
alv an ok. rmia la lh huuad
lek rar id lo mi I on itctniMHt ol
drwadNl acrtdaU aora oa of bw
Ha II -Mr. Jobiia I a UU-
MliaiUl bb ello MMifublM 1(1111 till
vutrd bf Hood Hara partita. II r
aulvea lo try II, wh I f a bottlw and
Uih ltia 11,
rea III Mr, Jobaxia hat Uka all
bottle ul llmtd' Mtcn!l, Hi
aarolala ir I wfd. II U fwbtf
UoHir, baa m nntl appelli a I t
aid to atuad hM wuib II arllM
ettaioalal tillui wf bta iMi
lib Ibtod'a rlraparill, aid raoat
Mh4i It 10 tbta.
Tucker Shoe Go.
1010 P Ht, LINCOLN, XBIt.
New Goods and Low Prices
Own Make
luifa Munar fntarfert With lb En-
fjfCinunt of Slock Yrd Law.
JudK Mungor of tho federal court hit
Krantad A temporary injunction pr
venting the enforcement of tint utock
yardN law paxxed by tha lat lcgilatura.
Tha law Mduo'N tha cliargM tuadu by
tha tock yard company about twenty
percent, Tha chnrgn would than ba a
hi;i a In any aimilnr lioiMtutlon, Th
law i a ruaiaiuablif on in every purlieu
lar. Tha Injunction In naked for bv t
bond holder of tha tock yard company,
'I'l... I. Ill ..f .1... ..1. ....
1 lie dim 01 intr putiiiiiu ciiiirKe inni
i iim atoca yaro company (ion iiionne
with tlm railro'td and not with th pub
lie Kenerally, lh judga ay II t11 1
etahlinliMd by proof, hi preet opinion
i mat tn Mji;v yard I a privata con
wru notNubjact to regulation by tha
Th aecoud parairrnph in:
"Th bill !iowx t hat titer am xcvcrnl
clnwe uf biHinex dona at the yurd.
J irt, tber I Ntock Nbiiiped front dif
ferent point in tha atn to to tha yard.
I lli ClllMNOf liUIUeM I NUbject to Ntnta
Kccoud, thera I tiM'k Nhipiicd from
outHide tha Ntata to tha yard, and
I InriJ, there la tock liippei from
pouil either 111 or outaid"th taf to
CbicnaoHud other point and which thai
over in tha yard for re l und feed. The
two t!lue of bUNineM, if lnterll, can
not be Interfered with by th (ule.
rourth, tli bill charge that tha atat-
uloryratrfado not yield corupenNiition
for tha aervica rendered to tha company,
II that I Nliown in tha proof th net i
IMih, our coi,litiitloii provide I but
property hall not be damaged, a well
a hall not ba taken for public ue,witli
out comienntlon. If a tri 111 Iron'
of a lot I graded and th corieipienc i
that the rent ol tha property i !"
creiiMcd It i a cite for compenxaliou. I
am nimble to any oifferenc lNtwmn
t lint ciimh ini'l wbera lb Icgmlitturn by
it ilmitt act reduce tha earning capac
ity of property.
Ilctore rendering a mini decree I wili
proof to betaken on the point. I wih
lokuow whether tliHCompaiiy holdiUelf
out to the tiublic a a public market.
what part ol it bunine originate in
till tut de tined to ihii yard, and
what purt originalt in ori, detitied
out of the Htat and w hat 1 thnvalu
ol th phyical proMrty and what i the
value of tha ntock of th company.
An Injunction will lua according to
prayer of th bill to remain in force un
til th hearing, upon tha plaintiff giv
ing a bond with Miiritie, to h approved
y the clerk, in th immiiiI miiiii of ."v
A long n tha power of judge to lu
Injunction remain unlimited, th meet,
lug of a tit legUlntur In practically a
umlcK M'rformituco.
Th Nebra-ka Hho Co., at lli'O t)
atreet, lve n ticket on a high grade or
gnu with avery purchue. It a good i
1 1 n c to buy xlioi ,
II H Mmm llrfur II Mad
III .rpm llrrlk ilubaiaa,
Ciiii aoo, Oct. 7. A a g to the
lory told to the ChJcat-a pribrtry
by I'reaidvut lUrrlok J.iIimoii, th da
flc t imi uf Treurur Chamlr v of Ilia
rrebylrln Hoard of Aid for toll
and Acadeiul, wa known Ut July,
roiu mal lima i until hit d'ttppaar-
nea th avauliif of HepUmW I
Cbaraley bad been watlid br a prb
val d-Utlva, who at ami alepl with
blm and artHiiapauted iiairwhra,
lb night of m i temWr I thrnlv
bt l iiiirfoi.o(t ,i itietfi hi truth
rallh rortivr t I ah and tt
trU, and b went lo lh rvn Uivuu
ooiiiiaiil. by , dlttlv. t br
be UiVea.b.l in giviag Hi Uur th
tlm aa I hi nul am. Un beard f.
'lb ptnl) lrv pd idutloa
anrloi 111 U.rd uf U) trout
ltiMi fit4 iiwraii
Mti.niu. Mraea, S1 4-Tba
iKraMof NWr((M baa aulborl4
th yuwraaiaat la Ua of Mil th
Mtawal rUrod
wa ii iim it.
VMiati, tt, WtUUr tvU
ilali thai bl brother b avr ban
oaldrd i vaadldtla fof tha
Oklahoma tuartbaliblp,
(Continued Frum Firt Vag.)
JobiiMton, Lincoln, Neb., I)ear Kir; (-
plying to your of tha 18th bint , will
en y: On th matter of ratio for th
co in 11 g of lb American product olilver
I vbould prefer tlm ratio of 10 to I
Failing In thlx, tha bet ratio that could
ecur th iieci'Hxary vole to enact
law. tluderatund me, however, t hut tl.l
1 expreNHly upon the condition that our
IcgiNlallou Mhall provide for tha coiuug
ol xilverof th I nited Kt.U' only., and
that w ara not to admit to our mint
the xilver product of any oilier country
until fh nation of th world or ready
to join in International blmetMliiin
YounHru.y, doit M. Tiimihton,
Diet. 4. fo. T.-lf.
Mtal of Nebruxka, Nemaha county, aa,
I hereby certlly that tha nliov 1
f run copy of tha original letter held by
li, J, doliuat.ou, MUbxci iliie In my pre
enc and aworn to befor m, thl7lh
day id July, lHiif), J. A. Himi'no.
(Henl) Okouok FjHMdicit,
Notury I'ublic
Tha republican convention for tha firat
conurexxiouul diatnct lielil at rlillx
mouth. b8cpt, 1M, 1HW, ndopt
a plal form which contained th follow
lug plank :
Fourth On all economic o,uetioii w
favor in depenileiica ol action by wealern
repnteulaliv lu th iulei'et ol lh
great and growing north went, Wa cor
dlnlly npprov und endorx tha the
courx 01 our repreaentaliva in congrexx.
Hie (Ion. Willlnmd, C'onueil, and cor
dially commend him to the voter of
tha firat congreaxional diatrict of N
braxka un worthy of iheir aupport, U'
eapeclally commend hin to Independent
voter ia well a to nil republican in
th ix dlalrict, for hi Indeiaaideiit novo.
y ol free and unlimited 'joinng of
ailver. and for hi able and ucceaful
effort io Nacurlug the paxMMg of t lie
"eight hour" bill and other meuaure lo
I ha Intereat of workmen, laborer and
Cunntil iif i, Y, M. MwlKtrt. Currxxpoinl'
nt ollcll(l.
Town dwelling houe may now be
I n u red in a Touipany which only inxiire
that kind of properly which tha town
people have at their home, vi,., dwell
ing houxe, barn and their content.
Tha oKlccr nl thia ton nre: I'reai
dent, hWetary of Hlal W, V. I'orlar,
lHicoiii; vica iireldent, VV, J, I'.yeatonn.
"rid Vice FreMideiit Folk and liutlcr,
aUo vm prldeiit of the Neb, Mutual
I'lreiin i 1 ycloue company, ecretary.
Y. M Hwignrt. alxo ecrturr of th
Mutual, Fire and Cyclone Co., and ax-
xixiant general manager of lh tt
Hail Aii.
The lollowing director are nlo direc
tor of mutit'il comiiauie: t. D. Hioner,
(4i!eola; A. 0, Pavix, Tekamah; Vv, A,
Wagner, lieatrice; M ('. Dill, lielvldere,
W.C, Ibitv. C'arleton: II. Whitmor.
VV want an agent in every town in
th afale at one".
If yon in xii re in th dwelling MoilxeCo
you win not need to help pay co-t on
mora hnxaniou rixk.
alitr Vili la Hi
Ifratrojad Uf flond.
TACoMi.VVaah., Oct . The ataamcr
Victoria bring iiUw of lb too I JU-
iintroii flood that have viitc-d China
for many year. Hity village near
Tung Chou, containing ver MMW in
habitant, Imvc been ileatroycd by
Hood and the people drowned or
forced to flea, 'J'licre U no uiuiin of
lidding out bow many tlioiisioid have
been drowned, but the number I cxtl
malcd by tbiiieno aiitborille at 1.1,000
to 20,000.
Tho flooded dtHtrU't i within twelve
mile of Pi-kin, ttie capital of China.
A a rule ( iiiin- otliciitl make very
little tir wheh a calamity like Oil
hapHOi, but tin; proximity of the dl-anU-r
ba reHultcd in It being brought
to the attention of the i'iiiMror, who
baa ordered that all pomtibUi rclluf be
Survivor from tha village nenrt
IVUIn have bean allowed xuch bcltr
a they can Hud In the city wall, but
thoiiMtnd . lire without protection
againat the rain, which continue in
fall. The dUtre of tlico people l
moot pitiable. I'lil.lic xpirlted and
wealthy men of I'ekin iin Tung Chou
nre actively aiiitlng the it utliorl Hue
In providing them with food.
The flood have greatly lUinuired a
larg number of tate Utloiiglng to
r 0..1.1 i.i..- .el... i .
If kill noble The iininnal rain I hi
gau July 31 and coutinuad until
Auguat 1.V The crop in th Hooded
diatriul wr duatroyed 'l b iirefect.
Iia'al inngtaUnte mi l peojile th
fliHd dixtrlcta prayed for tlm ca
aattou of tha rain awveit diiy befoca
they were finally driven out of I lie I'
liarly la N pl. high oillcUU of
IV U In and I leu Tain ainhlculy forbade
the J mi g liter of faille, their object lo apH the wrath td the gotl
and atop th rain l'ri'luitUM to
lb' elfiiet were Kited J t rvanlt
wa lo cut oft the eulir iim at aupply,
wbUb led foreign, e..iui to prole!
i(aiut th klliiatiioi lo lb fmtgN
uoiiUter at iVkiii It I. eltied that
the anltou of the ortU UU tmtttuU a
vUilatUm of lh treaty rltfhu
llf Iwllk ilt
I a laii, imi. . ao(ly aailtb,
of l AiitfrUs mi gimii lb dlUni
tieorge lha ol ltoa, In a
twenty round tight Utt night. The
matth waa vlrtuallf (or the rhiiiplun
hip ol the fealhrwight Im, and
ainiih U now t the lop.
Mlalag WtH HU4i
Taunt ii ia. M.i.tkV a. -lb Mew
dole l ual nd Mining eoaipaay mwI4
tttitU lbi morning, gltiug their
t III real adianea, aaaolleiiftt
their lft. TM advance pptlrt w
II underground ambijrt
Articles neceasary to heaUb and comfort during the approach
ing cold weather. Prices much lower now than they will bs
at any time later in the season. ...
Cloak and Suit
SO Chinchilla cloth double enpa,
trimmed, regular value,
Heavy Heaver doublo cape, fur and brnld trlminad,
CfH'li ttflt$lflt$it4lt ItltttittHtlllttHltm flit til iHHtHHt$tllHtJllWP
Fina French coney cape, 1 l!l In, Nwecp, 0 In, long,
heavy and badnm lining, $10 value, each ,,7,50
Lot of Mm' died i ii in weight Jacket, om of thorn
lined, to cIon th lot nt,. , J, OFF
Lot of M !' and Children' inediuui weight Jack
al, f.'I.OO to 7.00 good, Nlzee , H, 10, 12 and
14 year, to clown th lot at OFF
Iadie baaver Jackal, fly front, ach ,2.07
Ladiew' Jai:ket in good quality, heavy beaver, fly
front, tailor alilchlng , 4.1)7
I.udia Waahiiigtou Kerway Jiti'keta, tiimmad with
Karaey atrupx, Ncroll dimlgu, lined throughout
with wilk and bndum, eucli,,, 7,50
Finer grade upward from,,,,.,,,,, 8,00 to iiO.OO
Imported novaltia upward from,,,,,,' 15,00 to 05,00
Ludle' plain brill inn (In wkirt, $4,50 value,
each , , 2 "5
"00 Figured MohnlrHklrl, 4J,yd wide, faxt color,
well made, each .,,.-, ..., 1 4!)
Another job lot of I)reing Huc'imi, all color and
), to clown at thuir renl vulue,
VV hava jui wecured a larga liua of wample in la-
me nuitx, i lie luteal phi him) winter creation,
lu two lot Ui clowenufckly,
LotNo. 1-Your choice of any Huit In tblw lot 12 00
Lot No, 2 -Vour choice of nny Kult In thiw lot 15 00
Writo Us for Full Particulars.
Hosiery Special
Children' fuwt black, all wool Howe, one by oun rib,
wpliced heel ami to and double knee, a pair, ....... 25c
i.udicN extra heavy all wool Howe, itcamlewM, double
heel and toe, our regular 25c quality, a pair 20c
Men' fln Merino Hokw, weumle, wpliced heel and
to, .'1 pair for , , , 50c
IMil llelliiltlaa.
A recent exhibition of the rcllra of
Dr. Hum in) .lihtiwon, In Umdon, call
rth a remlnlwcence of aotna of the
remarkable definition he made In hi
famous dictionary. Among them aot
the leaat rurlou whh I he one given for
network," which wa ileflned aa "Any
thing retlctil.iicd or dcciiaaated at
equal dlHtauce, wlih Inaterclcca be
tween the Inierat ctlon."
Other ani'iaiiiK dellnlllona arc,
Cough -a convulxlon of the lung.
velllentcil by onu wharn rolty."
Man - not a woman, not a boy, not
berat," "I'eio.lon nn allowance
made lo any on without mi equiva
lent. In England It Ii generally un-
ratood lo menu, pay to n atule hire
ling for treiiHoii lo bl country."
Till lual iletliililoii Dr. ,luhnon
uat huve often wIhIiwiI lie bnd not
rlllelt, aline he bi-i line ,i petialotier
during the burr ynir of lit life, nd
hud Nome ditllcully in leciuicilliiK the
raptaitc of the money with hi bitter
and unjuat dei rlptiou.
hiw wmwtv I tTTM
T f air.4 fivaa tt.i rliiUM r.
n i r uin.i .....iu.
J;-" HniW-U u.n.a lh Md
tlmni. I) vii.t yu, ,, KoMia.
4lt viii. m in (. VI..I.,
aia'. k4 ('"'' fur i'
fHa liuoi..l iua,
h f atwmn )l I'mt"
frf H,;VI VUlk, f!.....
ItttuidtjlvKi, Nrv tail ftU.u.t i.
,, ! lliifiura ! '' h4 fiMwiaJ
AllMl !
i aia
an 4 Maia,
Shtpard Midical Initltutt
MM A It A, NtUt
mm City Grain sail Ntook.
Uard Wheat-Na 1. Hc. No. i, H3c; Na
I. lci Na 4. 77c ; rejected, 72c.
Hull Whoat-No. J, WlCi No. 8, N8ci Nu
4, Oii8o rejscttd, 74c
Hprlng What - Na J, 78cj Na S, 16;
rejected, 70i74c
Corn -Mixed, Na 3. 24'4c; Na S. 34c; Na
4,3ac; uugrile, Ul AJ'Jc Wult Coro-Nu 3,
M; Nu 8, 34c; Na t, 'Wiie.
IMU- M led - Na 2, lo: Na S, 17c;
Nu 4, 10c; Na 3 wall, 3oci Na t, luc;
Na 4, 17HUI.
Ky-Na 3. 43c. Na I 4lfl; Na 4, 40c
lirn-4Jc In loo-lh aack
llajr t'liulc prairie, ft Oil, Nu I,
KiftO: Na 3, 4 boVIX); Na 8, 14 1
chute timet hr H.oi Na L 16 tH 17 00;
Na 3 laiiOUiNI. cluvur, nilxad. & 004,6 00.
fAttlc-ltecrlp , ll.DljH, calve 430,
IiI,mm1, l.tiMti ( 411I0; nu c4lvea. Tb mr
ktt waa ateady to at rung mi good native!
ud altiw on Wedrrnt.
Iirt'md ll ana eiNiit tort I4(k)4
Mo; naitv huilr, 3.76t440, natlv
cuw. Illi1tli. naOv feeder, I8.7&4
4 o, uallv alixker. J 'J.Vjili
ll Krtvlpta 0,7(11 hitiM4. loa Tin
niaiket w6 to I oc. Inwrr Tha top !
.ii.. and ttietmlk ol i.. It 70.
Hlieep-lteieipt, lll.OU, atili(wd, 301.
Tit niai kl w i live aud ateadr.
roiliiwiiiil ar lepieMunatlv 4ie
yj nt 11m. 7i
A lo
4 T
4 oi
a 7o
rt eat H
J lu. Itw. 61
6 im! li, nj
tO 1141 nit I
tiro it ah u
ii It.
si. iu
Jl all,
s-.a i t nu.
Hi 4 fttl
IJ4 S 70
!. S fMl
a , r., now tan,
,tllwre, IUU II Hi..l.
No I lit'. To imiii, M 'iih.r. ua mMml
KlM.ltll tut keirl't ,,l'BfJ tkal II H
ke II I itf ul a.iM.lH., ! I'wrf
t'nl a I'.I'Im. aamn.i i ik 'ii I luatl
I I .) r.inif, i.aia, Ik' ul ) a
iii. i.l ki h iiioiii a iiit, it tf..i
i, i ik . lkl toa V4 km (iii ul
lllitlW,l lu.l I" .III pill
n.m i'. 'imt4inii I ! rti.t in a
tax I H,iiii.i m l .l. i W , li, tk Hk
Iff el,, ll
1 m;iii; fit kit. H,
II. . k HmJ. k all k,
Adbluia4 a '
. ... )toa,Sbra,w i-
karvkaa a4 all lh
uiall law, (alt .,
Ml i
Uru I",,
Free Silver literary Bureau,
M,ltll.kY,tllU tlttl,
Knit Underwear
I'rlce much lower now, wlien it I mowt needed, than
it will bn later in the weuHon.
Ludicw' fleeced cotton Vawt and J'niitx, cucli ...19c
Ltnlle' extra heavy il.'ccnd cotton Vet and 1'anU,
regular 50c good, each.,, ')')
LmUim' fl ii ribbed, nuturul half wool Vewtw and
Flint, I'nnl madu with French band, 75o val
ue, each.,,,, , 50o
Ladlew' high nec'k, long wleeve, black cotton VewtM,
50c grade, each...... '15c
Or 3 for 11.00
I.adlew' Kxtra Heavy Fleeced Cotton Union Huilw,
open ncroxw wlioiilder, axtra width acroxw abdo
men and hi ix, extra wide I up, regular $1 quality
each ,,. 75c
Lmiiex High Neck, Long Kleeve, Cotton Union Huilw,
medium vulght, 50c quality, each,., ., i'fc
Children' Kibbod Cotton Veat and I'intx, all ir,e.
each..,..,.,, , 10c
Children' Kxtra Heavy Fleeced Cotton Vextx and
I'nnl, I'ant mad with cluwtic bund and fln-
Ixliei Neamw, 15! quality, oach .....25c
Children' Fleeced Cotton Union Hnit, with drop
eat, I'oi'h , , 25o
I!oy' Heavy Ribbed Cotloi. Hbirtw and Drawer,
worth 40c, each , , 29o
Special Values in Foot
wear. Mixwce' Kangaroo Calf Lac Hloe, 1.75 and 2
g aid next week, a pair...., f 1.89
Mixwe' Kid I'utton or Luce Hhoe, f 1.50 value, a
pair 07c
Ladle' liox Calf Luce Hhoe. Welt Hole, every pair
warranted, regular goodx,uxt week.a pair, f 1.87
Ladle' kid button or lacawhoe, patent or kid iTpw,
welt, turn and McKny xole f.'J.OO value, a
pair $1.07
Roy' calf whoew, a pair,.., 07c
Raby ehoe, a pair ja
Solo agents for Buttericks Patterns and Publications.
7th aud 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
Call and ae u or write for low price.
Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company,
Olllce "(lib h ml Iz.ird St. I'homi 478
Writ for Price.
OMAHA. : : : : NKH.
roit kim; i'iiotoihiaimii
. . I.O in, , .
Kennedy's Photograph Parlors,
f.7J .Vi. f:'fl .Street.
Jliu CaMiuti, .00 vx Voan, On lliiamuiwd.
W aik. Oani l'i, irmi. ik'i and la
H.o.i aitloa
Vk and Htralued f:,e Hum
fully fit td
No Atropine, no . . inn.
SNtA Willi's,
ni.i.U5t, JfM.U'Afx
mints, sus, .ir,
Light Harness a Spoclalty
Nkrmii raouittt taiki,
lllatlMtiikkr, . LINCOLN, M.t,