The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 07, 1897, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 20,
JtepuMltmnii Who llftfi Kodomod
tbe Fr'f Cototx of
J Knact Accord With tht Utter
Aries oi r'ou Party
'rait ln' I'enerlml 'rMJl.
Several of the leading republican "M
j.r in the atal have enld fhat the plat
form adopted by I be ellver republican
4ti ihir ttM f'Mi VnilllOfl OIU llOHlticnir
for any trndltioiinry principle of the
riml,htau party, lb weekly irooi
Htf publlbe In reply tt IM of famou
leader In Hi" republican i'W'ty who have
nit moui tone or other declared In favor
of 1 h free wAiHW of il ver, The follow
lug, taken from Hm Fremont Tribune of
Mpl.mbr7lb I" " ''"l'l
abuelv tone ihM oki wi repumieaii u"
when referring lo Hie Hw r''iifll(iim.
'iiio Tribune any;
"(Jen tl reader, If you will biwi "r
the platform adopted 17 m
republican" at Mneolu, you will Ind
that there I not In It a I"m principle
that any republlcim of authority from
John C Fremont H" Hblvely, ever
'I'iiuv .'till thuiniet V repllb
mun, but itpopocrnt under any other
' 1 ,F ' II .... I.11I1HU ,l.,,t l, M
flltUie WOIIKI Milieu 'I "'. ""
Mfimed Might (nor honorable, '
'i 1,,. Aflmr iale rco v ngNy:
"Tli platform adopted by Hie "bee
Milver repiitiwnn n i.iiiiiii iiiii'mim'i"',
again! Hi gold etmiderd and declared
or then of both gold and eilver
(Uixlrtfl oiiy, lt'f t' IdrtoMfiiwif
hriiiM Ik'Iow 4 Jrliw for your.
wlf If Hiy r ittvH ly rHiblli!ttiii ul
wimI4M mo
iinriuK mil di y'if nt IU of tli
KOVmillWHl, ll, C-'lHrttlltMlf) wiw dUlion
OPilllf OHM of Hi 1WllOIH )'Ul, oimof
onrKWit i'oifti(!li tm',ru'iHit n)vuf
HHii KitUnnnuiit Uiu irUm of ttM, tin
wit4 Airmtm in muitmt I li ermin
iUni wfAUun, ioi'flw oiw of tin.
;oiii of enmHwtt', inl limit tin vohimw
of money nmmm lMo)li.,iiiiiliioiicy
mwi'M, 'l fliwdy 'J"r, If" would
lntv)iii'ri'i''ni vl" ' money 11 ml
diiiiHiiilil l)i vitlimof HwrylliliiK l;
moiiny tli mHtf Mini ivi-ry tlim'l
Mm m rvuhl., II" win notUniiliiii of l
ioor tl". Iclot'l l"'i lHlrM. il w
fiot ulitmfliiK forili lr iMr ilf"iiw,
(,'lint i!o, r 11 liilioc iif di'iir
money) Tli (omor mJ romolirof
fin; if'ofMMiuu: o f'i'Mj KMiinl over
tlior M'I lowlyl Wnn tUr nvr
iiiinu uUiriiiH liwimii'iiy or re''kl"
MMiiiiiitioir (f f"lievci ilmt overiy
in n IIomIik lo In iroiiiol."l inn i ii'miir
nitit, nui Hint it nlirliiknRM In vi-ry-I
IdKtf fiuHnoimy in nntMnnil IikiikiIh!-
Ion Mi Kuiley m Tolwio, O,, JMl;riiiiry
IU, Mow Urn "lilo leiixu" of r
iiililii!iui kIiiIim.
iHMM 0. lll,4lK, MKI'CIIIJl A.
tinmu l, IHih I" ')'' I'l't'ol Hima Niinl;
Cli, f, l7,
On lli 111 unit vieif iiii'I I"Iik mooted
lieHlifill of It hilliiilllllii! or flioiioiliet'tl
flit Mlffi.l'irf, my own view lire milll
iMwniiy liiiliritil In tlm wmiirli I Imvn
intt'l", I Mii'VH lint ruuxu now xoiiitf
on In Him fonriiry, imd 111 oiliermniic
trie lor it utilise koI'I NUmfitrif would, if
(,i'.'.'hm(iiI, irodii' Jioiixler in tliuend
tliroiiKliout tlm I'omniereiitl world. Tli
dnlrui!lloii of nilvi r u money ind tlm
mlitlilii'lifiimil of K'lld mn it unil of vitlne,
iiiUKi liiivu u ruiuoiiN imm on mm loriu
iirooerlv ei
eli'Kl t IIioiMi Invent men
Hid kiiilil h. IUhiI returu In inline v.
'I'liDM. would lie euormoUHly uilntueed in
vitlmi, it ml would Kiilu it dinirioriioii'
nix, und HiereforH unfuir itdvMiidtKH over
nvery oilier 'i:ie "I iro'ily.
II, HI til" llin-l relllililimtlttiiilli'a lilllrui,
titer itw neiirly f 7,iiio,iiii,lMMi of emu
or Indium 111 Hi" world.uoi very unevenly
divided lietwM ii oid iiu I iillver, It In Iui
ionniIiI to lrikH mlver out of miuii"
ii iiiniiey wilHont rntilu wliicli will
rovn ilmireaHliiK in Million mid utterly
llHlriHH lo leu of HiOMaittld Aim
under lliimllti'ii, in Id niU mid Itivulu
nlilu riM'it in liflou llie ikIhIiIihIhimiiI
id n liniil, d't'liiieil Unit "In 11 mi ul Ihn
line of elilier iiul'l or iUi r n iiiniiey i
toitliriK lli iiMiitily of i'lriiiliiiii
medium, mid i luililu in nil ilim.!'.
lion wliieli nrlMi Irniii it noiiiiiiitiu of
lli lielieftl III II ItlH eilnlUill Willi III
DVll III M K'HHly f iri'll i H 1 lull.
MIMI1H I M' 1 M 1111 Hani.
It I Iwiler tllllt Wttkllilllld, if lli't t,t ul)'
laiy mIi Mt w riiiluiii In Mill I our lor
tiinu liuliiii' i wiili, limn (lint Hid Aiiim.k
run n u'l lini'ld I .MfielUid In iiiy
liiilu r irn" mi li uui mi Uliiir mnI Ihiih
I'liiletlVnr Ittr It tlcllltr Ueitil ul lm
wdnlittii ol lite Hiili' K'lld luiidnrd.
I Hill M I'IIiIi'IIIhI t Iti'W III lle le lit
ti'illt itli mid iir it iiiiiim i, I Htlur
i'nIm'I Hi rlirtiiMui ul lr rnii..i I.
.iH HhV id lli" wlin r n li Mtlf
lul iliuii't'l. im ul mlur in Nt.iitkit
hud 'r uimd llt,r iwnii Mi tul)t t.
I MKt il iliitl Hi im um 11 ..i.).te( mid
fiilHlly tint ul lit wl, 1 1" 111 it ud lit
live Mid Ulililinlwd IHilintti n Mllfir,
t liv HutM f linn li W (fiituruiuwHt "'rt'l
I Lnvit Inn in tu li I'niiii y t iit ti'iuiM,
I lwtlttltM ly ImMHHi III llfi'dillttlil
t f I till UllMH, lOIHlliH li ftllHUa
I umillnf,
i, , 1 it mm, Nti 1 m n ,
TU wm ruM mniilii! mid Id
itml liidi ul, ur tl luitj'triiy idtnw
Mtm, I h Himii.'ll iitiuiiuii winr
llUd Hklll It M MllM tltfbl, Hud II
will not Im KetUml rlitlit uiiIkn It In ulna
I'd 11 1 10 11 it lilmnliilliii IihmIm mid n ratio
of () to 1, J 1 1 tlm money of Him noun
(ry nnd it wiin tlm money of Uiu
oountry ilurimf II period of unnUmt
jiroierlly, I,nt 11 liiiv 11 jinmldnut
wiin l not 11011 1 rolled ly eio.leni iniiii
"Due. Tlm tieoilii will ruin tint noiintry
hi !M!i7, 'I Im wniiliinwd ru of ('levif
liiul, tlm New Vorli tiitiikiii'H. nud tlm
li'im trader, Im lienu morn iiiittroiiN
to (Id nun ri try nud Im eot ,lmi!oun
try morn ifiiiu did tin nlvll wnr, J, H,
Uftrbiioii, reiiuliliumi mitloniil iioiniult
fmminii, nt lieiiver, J miliary 10, 1 Htr,,
John a, Miuan, iiki'iiiijiun,
(Kili'M'it fruiii nIiwhIi In tlm .iml hIii1 Hi
nli uniiril,
I for 01m emi mm tlm Iniuiiflt only to
Die iiione holder nud llumn who reeeiv
lnlnret nud li'tvn flimd liicoine. 1 (fait
Menu II renljlt Of fill leitlNllltlOU, OUT
IiumIui' 0ieiiitloiiN crli'led nud Wiitfe
forlnlior rediiimd to it luern plltinuie,
I cmii e tli lieiitiliful urttlrieM of my
own liil nud tlmitrett wet( wliinli itw
Moomliiif it iiirdeuM, with (tlieerliil
liome riniuit liku wliiM tower nlonir tlm
imlliwiiy of Inijiroveumiif, nnnin mIiikIiik
hi t t Ui idletmi. I (iitn eu mortK'tK
fiend itt llmlr imllUli work. I can e
Mm done of (in. induMiriou farmer
l;liiln ) iin Im uiirii corn for fuel lieeaiiMn
It mien will not tmy tlm eot of tran-
porlntlon and dividend on milium ol
dollar of fliillllnii lork and tiond. 1
i:an mm our iieopl of tlm wet unmiilim
ami iiirdened under taxation to pay
ileil of ulale, iiountin and i)lifeln-
(iiiiied when money wit more abundant
and brftflit liooe of tlm future were field
out to lead tliem on. 1 can mm tlm peo
ple of our wimN'rn tale wlo are iirodim
Km wduiii'd to tlm condition of i r( to
pay interHton pulilioand private debt
to tlm money naik ol wan utrent, "w
York and J lireudimudm Ntreec in i.ou
don, KtiKlaud.
imnjAum imuiiihon, um'vhi.u'ah
I ii lit DmrnmUur , m )
Home montlm of further trial will Im
iiemiiry to iletermlue tlm permanent
effeiit of tlm reoent e((iNlatioii upon ilvwr
value, but It In tfratifyiii; to know tlmt
the liioreaued iilrouhttion e(iiiwd hy tlm
aiit Iiiin exerted and will eouUiiim to ex
ert it mot bemdinial luflueu'ie upon lui
lie and upon itetmrai vuiueN.
While It hit not Imeil thoiicht li"t to
renew formerly tlm NUiwtJon of an in
feruaflnnal (iotileremw lookltiir fo an
iilireeiueiit fouelilui; tlm full imeof mlver
lor eoHum" at it umiorm ratio, care tin
been tnkwn to oberve elonely any cIiihik
in the ltuatlon abroad, ami no lavora
ble opportunity will leil mt to promote
a reult which it i viiitidently believed
would coiiler very luruu benefit upon
Hie uoinnieree of tlm world.
It I ruriou lo note that tlm advane"
in the prnte of ii r I Icle wholly unaffected
by tlm larifi mt wa ly many liaelily
iimu-lbeif to tliat m t,. Notien wn not
taken of tlm fniit that the "ueral ten
deuiiy of tlm mnrket wu upward from
luflueiiee wholly apart from tlm recent
tariff leifmlittioii. The enlargement o
ourcurreiiey by tlm eilver bill uudoubt'
edly Kave itu upwitrd teudeiiey to trifle,
and had a marked effect on priue, but
thi feiiMlntiou wa by iiiniiy erroii"ouly
attributed to tlm new tariff act.
HM, II, AI.I.INOM, Kf l'l 111,11 4.
iMniminr Aili'ii nt !, i,oiinii'iiiii4l liwi.ri),
lKVH, feline i'i, fin i,)
The followiuif from Hmialor AIIImoii'm
eei'h ofJanunry ll, I Mt I ;
Mr. rluiiili I he weuiitor pok ol
rudt'li" a relating to the ipientinii ol
iiiijuf men! of value letweeu tin- two
mi'tal, What doe Im think of tlm de
iiioiietl,nlioii oj;t of 1 M7'l a mi net of
IlllllllU till' "'.'
Mr, AlliMonl think it wit a itreut
blunder: a ureal mi") eke, I do not di
iiKive with tlm Hunator nbout that. I
did not e'iik nboiit rudeiie In a per
(iliitl MeiiHtt, I im au lo way tlntt tlmw
l a difference between IIikm. two metitl.
I tut vh heitrd that tlm bondholder ol
Itm ('tilled Htate urn chiefly uff.-cteii,
mid tlmrefow liotjn to lrw eoiuitK",
The boii'lliolder are now bound to take
their puy In mlver dnllar of tlm preent
Nlniidard. limy have no Hunt to mini,
plain a Iniitf a the miIvit dnllar con
iniu il'J Kf'illi id taudard eilver,
Tlmt I their contract, Tlmrefor I di-
iiiU t ti" nt
Hut In lH7''i we mi i t uuwiwily ileninii-
ellneil mlver. fnllowiii llm policy ol
tiaruiaiiy end llrent ItriUlu, I In eo
luci'lent nciioii on the pnrt ol tleriuituy
Mild III" l ulled Hlllle, c ,alitf I Im mini
of both etiuiitriM by law to llm lr emu.
ituii of Milver, forced I'ritiice mid tlm
oilier litlt' i 'I llm l.itliu union to adupl
III mini" pulley, Mini I III) III lliree Hlinrt
veitr ilver wn iiiiilnweil by llm cnu
Urreilt li'Mlllttloi III lliewi enilllllercilll
nouiilrie. I Intl it went tlnwn mid do n
In vnlnet'iiiiipiired Willi K"lil mi it iit(i-
citl rrmill, ttii'l, but br the Uin llieni
lig.luiliMi ol 1(1 and Hie cnuir"iice
iiniiiiiritl"d by llil lt'tfllitiiini mid the
iim iihiiii Unit fiillowihl In l.urnim m
Well ll HI our own I'ttUliliy, I Itu Inllnwrr
ol the "l'l ul itii'l'trd Mould lott tri
uiuplii'd pi rut. He nil) .
w u, It, l I emi, Ul I I ill M At, Al'iH I id t mtl kihh Mllv
t'wtwn l, I'M I iii,iuimi l u.,.
rrf l"A I
Nn, li llutt Im true, Mllltl i II ll
retttti lli ill iti'iiid bir llm 'nmini
III"!!.' It I lotflMlitlltilt, I, t4 miit I Inn
K I V 1 1 lit III" I'lveiuti llnl!ii, mi,
lite iiiiiiiitt.r iitl v!u viiiiply ttnitrd llm
t' llel'tl HI id li'M'nUlli'H Wild l'l lvii.41 In
Mi I'lvii'iii lie I it I , It litld tier lliut
t nil liHMt Ml In llm llimtt'l limtkeU til
Itm wiiib In ntwrlnt llm vnhiiiiil IIii
pt'i mm nn'litU, h lei mw ili'-y? Inn
tju to ltltditii wd lit twine ! mltwr i
title in K"l.. nlii In lU iilitittt,
iirrllinr Imd nu miiim llm Mure
11,1, itn uniil'lltitt In iM'l u(ld iiitli,
lnilr, Imtllth ui i ilurntwtty
llii j tlii'H li HH iltr iiff Uiil
UiuUr, lu IIimI lUlUm tb-jr limit kd
rt tlilul gold lutnlwr,
Now. II .'guUt.m fivitlii Ik vliwl d
in nd Itir iiiimny, K w h -'Ut mi tn
MllliM llff, llii'h'itn.1 Ik dxlnmtd
d tkii lei fwe Hi twin ul llr,
Our I ii I ere 1 1 to dniilare our own not
icy and then invito tlm nation to join
it In that policy, mid by no doinx we
eliull have weight In micli u ooiifereuoe,
Without It we Mhall have Utile or no
weight, Wo en ii force, If 1 may un that
lerm, tlm tuition of Kurope to the uen
ot Milver ugaln, If we ruadopt eilver, I
think It I unite nrobablu, more, I think
wu tuny fuel cei' tul n that the I.iitln imlug
nation will loin u in contluuliiif tlm
iih" of ilver,
Hie Mingle Mtaudnrd of gold iiman it
reduction in the volume and mi lucreiiHii
in Hie villi" of money, The double
Mtandard mean that the preeent volume
and value ehnll be mitinlitiimd u near
a may be that the Mama cotiitiiodlile
which at a given price and the Mitme
labor will tiav a debt to-day that will
puy It ni'Xl yeiir; Hint our debt mIiuII
not beefialed up for the beimllt of our
creditor nor cn led down for the bene (It
of debtor, but Hint each hall Mtund on
the vulii" fixed when the obligation
were Incurred.
The demand for remount lieu Uon doe
notoome from our country alone or
any Mention of It. It doe not
have it origin in nelly malice toward
the puhlia creditor nor In It a dihonet
demaml made by debtor ' Thoee
who favor thi iimamire do not propone
to violate any prouiUo mid leut ol all
to tnru!l! or impair the public credit
but rather to elubllh it upon more n
during foundation by liicreaelng our
ability to pay' according to proinien the
heavy puoliu liurdeiiN wliicli now weign
un down,
Ill a book entitled "lug"roiia" Col
Hubert (i. ltigerol taid;
Vor my part 1 do not ak any Interfer
ence on tlm nurt, of tlm irovcriiuii'lit ex
cept to undo the wrong it iiae done, 1
do not aek that money be made out of
nothing. 1 do not nk for proepcrlty
born of paper, Hut I do ek for the re-
inonellulfoti of eilver, Hilver wa du
monetized by frud. It wit an linoo!
Hon upon every houet debtor In the
United Htate, It uuluated labor,
ft wa done in the liiturt of avarice
and greed, and eliould biundoneby hon
et uum,"
i 1', POI.MVKR, liKI'l lll.ll'AM,
Cmliir KwijI.Im. luw. (Intntl,
Joiiatliaii J', Dolliver. of Iowa, In a
Mpecch delivered in congro and found
in iiongreMNioiiui record, volume vi,pnrt
'i, mige VlVJi and 1orj5, uid:
"Tlie act of July 12, providing for the
free itoiuage of the whole product ol ttie
Anmricaa ilvnr mine, i mouumeut
to the wiedom of thi congni. It ex
pan. I the currency by the annual uddi
lion of not le that f 00,000,000 and
keep the money of the people a good
a gold.
The Immediate effect of thi law ha
been to advance tlc price of Milver, and
with I lie advaiKM or Milver every pro
duct of agriculture ha felt the Influence
of advancing price.
It ha Molved the eilver oiieetiou and
made the way to the free coinage of the
world eilver MUpply eay and plum. All
thi ha lee u done without panic or
fliimiciul t'onvuliori, and in tlm light of
what we have m'ii and done the word
of Mr, I level n nd'e I net meag to emi
gre like llm hue of comedy, lie uid:
" ho eecretury recommend theupeu
iou of the further coiniige of eilver and
In Much recommendation 1 hoiemtly con
cur, I Im comedy lie in tint riiieer lact
thut the very lellow who areuioMt oagi-r
to make Mr, t'levehiiid prcHiditut again
ure to-day the loudet in their pretended
liiendiihlp of llver. (In the other hand
liHteu to tlm word of I'reeldcnt Iliirri
on' ft I'm t uieMNitge, '1 have uiway been
mi udvocittu of the lot" of ilver a cur
rency. We me large proiluuer of tlmt
me I ii I nud Mhould not dicredit it.' I
predict that before tlm udiiiliiilration
of premdent llarrimm end Milver will be
coined by the. I'liiU'd Htate without
limit n gold I now coined.
ilierual anarchit of our day I not
the iniMerable wretch lu a garret working
out In idmt with git pipe mid dv mi
nute, We need fenr ii o euch a man.
The miitrchiMt in modern time i tlm
bloodle Hpirit of wealth acquired with
out conscience. A eplrit that In all eye
hit couiiidered prniertya a mere pom'
iou and treuiml the coiiiinoii wealth a
a cheap itiid helpln word,"
('lr l(ilil, lun, (li(l.
I lew I it lei i.T, under date of March
10, INIIO, written by the diHtlugullied
M iietor Iruiii I o wit. Tlitmii oniiviciiiin
to wliicli he reierred, we nil have I hem
but they get woblily MoiiietimtNj. The
letter reit'l n Inllow;
"llniiiteof UepreM'iitatiir, Wituhlng
tmil). (', M nh 111, lN'.m-My ii.r
Judtie: I Imve your ol Marcli II hihI
iioIm whet you ay on III lifer ipieation
I here I lit! tpitln Hi my )iigmi iil
that you ere abmilutely cnrrn l In your
Mimllnll yini titk on llu iitini, lit
dig Hver a w dig imlattM, nud It
e mm Ii a product ol Hi nil m ttiiy
I long elu which riMtt Inteir In prtnluc,
wild I wlwit) have Imu n the tipinmu
I hut It wn the bnttiidi'tt duty of thegnf
eminent In emu atlver lr auylmdy wlin
iii'ty pituil litilhou, Mullyim know
I ln Hint a btre uumUr ol nerit hi.
pie arc lillluity ijmi, tn ln rnlaugH,
I Im tdiiiliiltrwlliii l"f the litt twwntj
) tti, witlintit etctplKtii It it d ail
liit'ir iiitliit'itiHi itdvftmi In mil h tt lin n
un, but t Htiiik lit duy will iiiinu. itu. I
Unit Hi Itu d'tiUitl time, liu itii t tiudy
wlm hit Itiililtnt run Ittke in llm lrvt
ury wil l Itttvw It itiiititl mt 10 titt .
i nun I nl Mini jrtni li'iimriii Hvtipv
id ti tillmnt lull, lii It I.Hikid upue
lilt liit, itu I ll inif le. in In In wild
nui.Ur t unit' I nut, would la my
ii Iiiii iiI e ltrtHin tl piio n tfr lu
U lltwe 'iiy thi. mill ll i uui m
lMrmugiiaei. With kind rtmr l.l
in fnur truly, Jmn l litte
llmi I. lUhty Huilib, iiiiliuiini, U.
iiilll m tut etnt, Ml n m tl,
Jons m. im ints,
tlmwltw, Jan. kto, Mil W Unit, It. J,
(CtietiHtK'l tut i; Utk ri,
How the dovormnent Will Settle
With the Union Faoiflo
IntoroMtini HUtory of the Oroatoxt
Robbery of the Public Ever
NhI Nut fur Novemlier II,
The much talked of "eett lenient" of
thu c ovarii men t' claim Agalimt the
Union i'aciflu railroad In cIomo at band
The Union I'milllc yeteiti will be "Mold"
to piy the mortgaged debt. In fact the
Male I not a Male. The road will be
turned over to what In known it Hie
Union I'liciflo reorganization committee
for a certain epcclfled amount, which
amount In about tOOO.OOO e than
Kufllclent to puy the government claim,
The Mcheme wa developed during Cleve
land' aduiinfetratlon, and wa ap
proved by him, rreeident McKltiley lia
aUo npproved the Mcheme and the "ulu"
will take place. The 125,000,000 which
the government Iohcn in tlil flnil deal
I Miintll when ootiiparod with the value
of the land donation and upeclal grant
made by the government.
The Farmer' Hentluel contained an
Interextliig review of the hietory of laud
grunt to different corporation, and
particularly to the Union I'uciflc ralb
Laud grant In aid of wagon road,
railroafl And river Improvement were
before 1 802 made by emigre appro.
printing part of United Htate public
laud within the tate to be applied by
theetnie to Hie coiiMtructlon of the
road, etc.
In W2 one-twentieth of Male of
Inlfod Htate bind in Ohio were thu
appropriated, but never uea to uuy
great extent.
In 1 H0d ii per cent of ucli Male were
In 1824 and IHU7 the Watiueh (In
diana) Canal received u bind grant of
!J0 feet each efde of the canal In Indiana,
lu IMiE7 one-half of five miction wije on
each ide of the canal wa given In In
diana, ilut t lie cuiotl wa to remain
free of all toll to the government.
lu 1827 one-half of two Mcctlon wn
givn for a road Irom Hauduky to Col-
urn tin.
In 1828 400,000 acre of bind in Ala
bamit were given for Improving the
'fen ue river.
In IH.'KJ Illinoi wa authorized to
make grantN to all canal and railroad,
but hn built canal.
In 18.'I5 the Florida railroad wa
given thirty f'Mit each Mide of track, and
ten acre of bind at the terminu, mid a
right to take timber foruee of road from
1 00 yard eitch ide of t Im track .
In IH.'iO the .New Orleitn & NuhIivIIIo
railroad wu given 80 feet wide "through
uch portion of the public land a re
mained iiuiioiij, unil depot plat not to
exceed five itcre futch and not nearer to
each other than fifteen mile.
In 18KI the DcMolncw river improvo-
meiit iu Iowa wit giveii one-half of five
mile wide lu alternate ectiou on each
ide of the river, and the itme wu given
In the hii mo year to Y imcoiimiii forth
rox river Improvement, Pot the govern
ment agreed not to mill it removed ec-
tion for ten than 2.50 xr acre (18(i)
I hey built a railroad out of the He
Moine river grant, and are fighting it
out in congre nud court yet.
In 1 Hsu the Illinoi (eiitral railroad
received the alternate Hevtion in even
number lor Mix miction wide on each
ide ol the Mini, Government fixed
pi loo of iUrcerved laud at 12.50 and
required the road to be tree highway fur
the government.
lu I8..2 the 1 1 a n ii I Intl mid ht, Jn rail-
road reeeiveil auraiit of ix ntn'tiou on
mu ll ih ol It line,
III 8iii'l like graut were iinulu in Ar-
kmiMit, lu 1 h .", Mlimlar grant wire
untde In Miiiacmitu.
In n(1J i Itu kviiImui nf litiel grant wa
httiigftl Iroiii llie tat yliiii to thai
d ill reel rraul lo lliet'orporatinu from
I he ai l of July I, IHU2, rrale the
i'iirinritiioii kii'twu Hi i I'lilou I'lteitlu
nt'lrnit'l cniiipttur, ami gran l tu it;
I. Ilight ul war IM l't mi euch
m.le id the due through pulilio land, l
gather with netvMary gruunil fur !
linn, Iiuililmg. wtirkdmpe, ie,
2, r.vtry aiteruai wtiiiii uinuble
mid tn lb Miiiiitml nf live allermtl
II r mile nil farli iil nl tliernud.
mi l ail bin I whieh bar Imwii diimui
I ur rervt, and iitiuvral land
I. iiuii'U ul lit- in i Hiatv in the
tifitt ti J'l.iwio r miU,
Ur lit aiu mi t Pk era! urn Hta-W
lit I Hitiral I'ltt itte, i Vetritl branch nt
I It" I Mint tic, kut lily wad
Slum t iljf and I'Mi ifld t'tiiii.miu. 'hr
i grawU Ifii uttl fault t, id I It
I Im l nt July 2m I, I ti I , autfttdie
ii' at' I Mate leit rtmiir iMty hium
i. tt i til ta iia , wed tl't I'trwl lltwl
ii, luritiff rtwrvalinH td miuvral btad
II I wot it.i'luil lrin ur enal land,
lb et ltd Martlt II, i I, rt
Ik lour mad IkwrtMa nantl lai
Htll wld tW th ld (.1 lh llutM,
in. ,ii r ia KHna. and Ik road wrrv
iva ta 'Militntal note na iH i
nl lb lie Itt IwdeiUHiiy thi for land
lrtltiigr ettid or rtfh
In May, 1804, elmilar grant were
made to road in H'IhcoiihIii, MluneNota
and Michigan.
July let, the Northern I'aotflo wn or
ganlzed am) like grantN given, except
that forty mile wide on euch lde of the
line wa gi veu, with etill further land
beyond thi limit to Indemnify the com
pany for laud iireviotiMly Mold or re
served along the line.
July 27, 18(10, the Atlantic & I'aclflo
and Houthern I'aclflo received grant
Mimilur to the Union Pacific.
Marcli , 180W, the Denver I'aclflo re
ceived l In grant.
March , 1871, the Houthern Pacific
and Texa & J'uclflo received their
Upwurd of twenty-four grunt were
llefore thi oongre convened four had
ticeu declared forfeited, but they are con
tcMtlng the tunlter before emigre and
In the court.
Over twenty grant have "lapeed"
that In, have not been earned by the
J lie growth of the donation ha
thu been from:
1, One-twentieth tiart of certain tiro
ceede derived from the Male of land.
2, 1 hree per cent of euch ale.
ii. Thirtv feet each lde of the line,
4, Kighty fimt wide,
ft. Ninety feet each elde.
(J. One-half of five miction on each
7. Onu-buir of ix miction on each
8. Ten mile on each side,
0. Twenty mile on each elde.
10. Tienty mile on each lde and
coal and iron,
11. Tlvitlitv nil Ion m, aimli ,.f llu
coal and Iron and 20,000 per mile; ami
ten additional mile each elde of llu a
"Indemnity" for land old or reeorved,
12. Forty mile each elde of llne(N,
I'lu.'lflc), and ten mile more each Mide a
indemnity, con I, iron, timber and 120.
000 reir mile.
J lien grant Include more than 215..
000,000 acre, or over Jb'15,000 quare
nine, neuny eignt tune a tiig a I'unn
ylvania, uud but 6,000 mile ! In
extent than the original thirteen Htate
For the 10,000 mile of road built.
thi In at the rale of 1 4.3.'t.J acre, or 22
Nouaro mile and 2ri acre per mile.
1 Iiomc line to which emigre had not
them, the vaet territory of J 47.5'I7
Mfiuare mil
1 hi I larger that the area of all New
Kngland, New York, New Jcr, Mary-
luuii and Delaware, ami would lack but
a Mingle Mipiare mile of furnishing In ad
ditiou a territory equal in Mize to the
combined area of Mummed uctt, Kbode
Inland mid I'eiawaro,
in in n i j we nave py act ol cougre
donated to thee corporation, domin
ion larger than the Auetrluu empire,
larger than the Herman empire ami
Italy combined, larger than Fg.votand
i recce, larger than Frunwi, Great llri-
tain (the I,ulted kingdom ) and ISclgium
combined, larger than Hpuin, J'ortugul
and Italy combined.
Not content with thi they clamored
or more. We gave them more.
We have donated to ix of thee cor
poration, the Union I'uciflc, Kana
nicillc, Central i'ecillc, II, J'. Cent ml
branch, VVeetern I'ucillc &. Hiom City,
and I'ucillc road, t(J 1,02:1,512 of M per
cent 110 year U. H. boud.
On thi donation the government ha
paid on it guarantee of the boud
(which the tompmiie at flrt prom wed
to reruiy) about f 75,000,000 in in tercet
up to the pri'eut date.
1 hi make a caeli donation of about
140,000,000 to Mix railroad already
enriched by empire of land.
Thi would build and equip 14.000
milt.' of railroad at 1 10,000 a mile, or
more than all the railway of New Eng
land, and their eide and double track.
1 hi um would tuircliuee nt govern
ment price 120,000,000 acre of land,
or about 105,000 qiinre mile,
If added a land to the laud grant it
would be a grand total of 181,000
milium mile, or a iiieuHiired lu laud,
'1 10.074,71 5 acre, an area larger than
the original thirteen Htate, Vermont,
(ireat Hrilaiu and Irelaud ami lielgiuni.
Nor I thi all.
CoiigriM relinq ii lulled it tl rat mort
gage on time, road aud took it eecond
mortgage In order to let theae compau
ie pledge their dominion mid frauchl1
to loretgn and untlvr money lender who
took nud uow hold a drat mortgage fur
the million ad vunced to the greed c Imp
w ho wanted more.
The goverumeut ha taken "lu trade"
I, ., fur lh traiiportatinu of lump,
mail, good t tc,-p'rlni 2U,(mm I, iiimi,
of the intereMt paid for themt cniupanie
UntWitlmtUudlMg the road Were lobe
live tu thugoViiriiini'iil.
They Htillow oil the bnlul and I Ittef
ct tl." uui ol nearly IIH,Imhi,ihiii nr
w tt it- tt the guvtirumeiit hold a et'uud
'I IivHiuux City aud I'acltte road wa
vintnweil umr ttitHNi gram tu build a
mail wt Iraiu Xmui t ity. It bmlia
mud ituthat. nr rrttmuug lh river
aud m-rurrd I ,;ttil,Hit axre nl laud aud
I,5JH,.I2I in btind.
Tit road I u d a a part ol lit trunk
IliitHwtftity U linlea nl It) id Hi l li I
lag't au I M. I'aul radma l.
la ItiJ ni"a 'niiiiii in knmti
liiiitntirialiled iut" l it un I tli
imiti.lvlinii til ll rttttd. I iMr
eraivl additittintl Uut by way
nl iL lllU lT Un fam up wu I l
K'Hi In c'ltiiH ami rt-iv ' ii.. ihi,ii "
Ittttd uulil lh uelit entirl It 1 ,
utiffuud I In ruloig nl tb Uad ttlli.w.
I li rnttpami Itt. u ''ll tatHiw
ttvmt m Ul Ikelr ttgvbl li alj
ia at woik aa I wi, a mtl, tnv
ll t iiiilwnrlky Ikai th Mpiut
eurt etidxaily wnt danite In nit ttm r
tit iu t Hwttina to tit railroad, pro
d l lit "tittrite" that pnrima td
lb. w Kraut wbeli y "u lh aul
md hall Mona a a publw kiVy lir
lh ue td the gnvvi iuiil, fr Itiun n,
ttf nlbr rbar upna th iinjri'
Una td Irot p or tithr prttrl td lb
United Htabei."
In "conetruing" the plain wordN
the Nupreme court held that the perpoiw
of that olaiiNe wun to allow the govern
ment the right to place lie locomotive
engine and car upon the railroad
track, and to uw uch track a a pub
ic high way; nd that thi reeervatlon
doe not entitle the government to have
troop or property traiiNported br th
compnnle over their roepective road
lie or charge for traneportlng the mne,
A a Mpecimea brick" of thoee laud
grant, lllimtratlng the "beggar on
horeback," permit me to cite the Ceu
tral Faolflc, The grant and donatlone
to it were:
rirat inurtMK Irnml,,,, , f.ine.iaenij
urmiu Mud iIumiiH'iiik of varlon
lI'irMl'1'1 eo',"'",l'"1 ' -'JI-iCro.H
MinoVat'lotii' 4"lVJlVl'.l'ua'li m,m M
Krjm.(';Vf'!ViiV;B;;;i7i7,;;:;,; rffilSS
,1!::!,o",r."-" ,,r '""..' wmm,
ii,.,i. ... i, 7j """'. . wne
' "I ' THIIIIIUIO,,,,,
...........,,,,,,,,,,,,,. IIM.Mll.iUJII
I rom Fiek & Hatch' Central !'
clflo circular of February 17, 1881, It f
learued that th ame company earned
iL'lulV!?,imr fl- 18(59 in December fll,
187, 139,000.08,4tt, They expended
In the Hume time 72,280,? 17.55, of
w ilcli over eleven million wa In 1870.
I heir net earning were 07,73,741.74,
of which but 18,463,070 wa paid In
dividend, and thi made 34 per cent on
the entire capital tock, and left an an.
divlijiid.-urplu of 10,104,985,11 on.
hand, equal to more than K) per cent,
in addition to the 84 per cent,
Thi I otily cited a a type.
In 1 1882 It wn officially aecertalned
that of the lad thu granted to cor
poration there had been forfeited by
twenty-Nlf of the compnnle ao 1cm
than 110,070,434 acne, or 187,403
aq uar in lie and 1 1 4 acre.
One report ray 135,000,000 acree
have been forfeited by tulrty-eli corn
pan urn.
And It In a fact that about a doien
year ago a large quantity of land
though none that had been grnrted to
the I'ucillc road wa forfeited by con
greN. it wa done In order to "appeane
the pimple,"
The Houthern I'aclfla hold a vaet
body of landN in California, eome of
them under Irrigation and hlghlv pro.
( iicllve, mid being mild at high figure,
lheepay the tale no taxe uecaa
the patent have not been lued.
Then thee compnnle evade the law
by organlring "land Improvement com
panie or "colonization and Immigra
tion couipaiile," who take up all the
land that, if not patented In four year,
become liable to entry a hometeud at
2.50 per acre,
The Credit Mobilier obtalmwl rn H.-.u,
2,5J4.287for coimtructlon thatcot
the company 50.810,958, making a
profit of 12,825.328,
The railroad mugnate have Iot none
of their cunning. The old one may
have died, but the new one era ln.t
crafty. Aiukfng fund i provided by
law out of the revenue of the trnrrn.
ment to be placed in the treneurr of the
United Htate, to redeem l'aciflc Railway
bond. A Mcheme wa put through eon.
grelnvetiiig thi fund In firet inort
gage bond, and put 5,300,000 into
.Jay (Jould'e pocket on the 53,000,000
of th em- bond.
It will be en that the period of blir
grant commenced in 1802. Of the ev.
enteeu big land grant Mince that time a
yea and nny vote wu hud on only even
of them.
Huch, in plain recital, unornarnniited
with "flaehe of rhetorical eentiimuit."
and without exbauHting our fonta of ex.
clitmation polut, are the facta relative
lo laud grant.
In eonHiiNlon let n eay thi: The gov
ernment flrt mitnke wa made uwav
i t, i .i.-'mi t. i I . . .
unuK m inn u, ii miuu in iiava llllllt
the road itnelf for the entire coat wa
lett than half of the auiouut of bond
granted to tb road.
1 bt'H It ehould have oimrnted th
road ut actual cot for th lieneflt of
the pimple, TraiiMPorlation would have
bet a about oue-Hf I It W bat ll ha Uu,
Then it Mlinuld have kept all tin land
for t lie umi i actual net tier.
Hut you av: "It i Ion late!"
Ynuay: "There I no un of locking
th tubl ilimr after lh lmre iaatolen,"
It I true, the borae litt Imwii to leu,
but in tliU C it the "iiire" I where th
guveriiiiiiuit can find it.
And it I alwav iutitlabl to take
Mloli'U prntfty wh"rwrlt omii b found,
with ur ilhuut priHtMof law,
Instead ol Willing" with lh thivt,
the g'tVfruiiieut almiild raclt nut It
IroiiK arm, eit lh road, itntncata
th laiid,ltrli the eherlur aud bang
th ItilnVea,
Ynii will Rd th date al wltk h ymir
utinpiiiit M'irvd inrk tut Hit
wfk' lti nl ynur pajmr, Tk untie
of It and If ynu ar nt arrarynahttult
Htak a paniieiil at inn".
The I' uriimf A Meri'baiii Imurmn'
Cttitipitur nt l.iiintH have anMl la
"trlr every tsmMi ia lb tu, atnl
wn r alf in wa lwra l kir burning
mh luniiih,
aM ttt imii4
I,uii, itav .-l.tUr4 I awf try,
frvtr bt'iii4 uf tit I MHftrr, th
irt, wlttt rewlly ttiUin4 a tU
ttNi frtnti ttiut 1 t'attMttia, au4 whw
I I4 tti ! iraul tuarrl4
I'rtwe I'ettil 11 lb any, kw Weea
rtit4 waniUriwf In a Wmal4 ei
dtuna tw tb rii way line aar l b
Ur, aa.t Ua aettl lu aUatlajla,
Jt try 0 (mi at (aeeejrtka, laele
tt bvf anil J rwlatMt eret Mtla