The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 30, 1897, Image 5

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    September 30, 1897.
I Won't do for winter. The cold
after us and our "summer togs"
and samples of woolens are sent
We would be glad to send them
name and address.
. , ?' - XJncoln, Nbrn1a.
A Mayor' tloid-up-Our Water Work
Corporation , Flhlng Iloloomb
Ilipotulbl-Coal Strik-Tb U, P.
aad; TburstonOoveroment Rail
road Canal or Itailroads, Which?
Itepubllctin Argument Injunction or
Bust Tax Ineont or Debt The
Kicycle-Cuba Irrigation.
If Mellck was hold up for fire hundred
bow much wa Thompson held up for In
tb street lighting contract.
Wby did not onr major think of run
ning dynamo for lighting the street a
well M for pumping before he let the
Mormou contract?
W bar bod three well spoiled by
boring too deep and pumping too low.
Wopderlfour council are going to let
the Antelope well bepoiled. Go low
nongb and we will aurely get .brine.
Eventually we will take aait creek at
Hickman and bring it into a reservoir,
sear Booth street tand pipe. Halt creek
i just a pur a Croton river.
Jut a we expected. Thompson
want to doth pumping for the city,
then next be will want the entire water
nlant. and of course th mayor and
council will ar amen and it will go just
a the ctreet lighting contract did.
According to Joe Jobnaon, Ilolcomb
ia responsible for all the republican
stealing for the last ton years. He did
not make Joe Hartley set better bonda
than be did hi first term. We are not
told who approved Joe a first bonds.
All the stealing may have been done the
first term. Neither are we told wno ap
proved Cap Hill s bond or who approved
Moaner's bond. Tbey got away with
half aa much money a Hartley did.
Though I suppose it all happened be
cause ilolcomb was going too gov
ernor. If Johnson keep on and grow
it won't be six weeka before be will
ewear that it was Ilolcomb who killed
Lincoln and OurHeld.
We read every morning that the eoul
strike baa been declared off. In the
aauie paper we read of new trouble. The
American people might aa well face the
aolid facta. The time Is coming when all
the miners, railroad men, irou workers
and factory men are going into a uulou
a the money men have, and Congress
will bave to do as muub for them as they
have for corporations, and millionaires
or something will break. Then the big
pile ol legalised theft better look out for
the spliuters that fly. Thre will bs lun
on horseback lor somebody.
It i hard to see how ths l com
pany sain to pay a part lor the U street
viaduct hre Im .Insula. It is a great
dam to tliMir business. The It, A II.
waoted It. It Is worth a million to
them. In turn Iht-y sent John Thurston
to the Ht nsle where he ran make gtmd
tbsdamau-s and Wn tint more, lib
he wheals ailbia a wheel.
s s
From Ids report of our eousul at
(beinnill, l)rutany, a Warn the Uiiluw
leg almul government orhip of
"Htala ownership of railraad plays
an important part la I'ruseia nnau,
.rnug enormous sums, art ring eot.
Brw and mauitlweturer I t ton td
IM', and fur all slraUgM purpoaae ia
ikiss ul ear, hr have lours lhaa itt.
fit.) ths arguments that urgad the etv
erf! to oa lbiu, a4 the ItUraJ that hav put tew 4a and
pushed them oul into all part ol lb
be reeslpte lor I aO&T have gous h
toot the eatlm-! ul the hudtft id t.
banUlMiH) marks, and the aatimat
luf IMUT-V U I.UM.VtO.a.V) Mark,
hit the tolai Ism me id Iks htkidont w
sly slightly wtur lbs UCVH,U.WW
Tk Wadaary all ever Ik tatplrt. W
winds of November will soon be
will be sadly lacking. By all
odds the best time to buy is NOW.
Our stock, large and complete, giving
you great variety to select from. AN
OTHER POINT is the rapidly ad
vancing prices. Thcie has been noth
ing like it in twenty years. Those who
buy now will buy cheapest. No mis
take about that. No matter where you
live you can buy of us to your entire
satisfaction. Our mail order business
is large and thousands of men scattered
over ten western states order their
clothing of us by mail. Our Catalogue
free to all buyers of clothing.
to you if you will send us your
toward state and city ownership ol all
kinds of transportation facilities, as
well aa of telegraphs, telephones, and
other means ol communication."
If we could only try the experiment In
this country by taking In the U. I', we
could soon decide the question. But
there Is the stick. The millionaire do
not want It tried for fear it will be suc
cessful. .
S e '
Eminent statesmen are urging the ad
ministration to go in for building a
ship canal from the Hudson river to
Lake Ontario and tbence to Lake Erie,
to facilitate commerce and give Idle
men work. No corporation would go
Into any such job a that. A govern
ment railroad would be the thing, it
would not freeze up. Go in William and
build it from shore to shore It would
be a sight bettor than building canul or
e s
The following we take from the York
Time of Keptember 15, editorial:
"What a pity that Altgeld and Debs
and Ilryan and ths rest of the agitators
were not In the front rank of the march
ers when the deputy sheriff fired upon
them. There ia no question but that
tbey would bave been justified in firing
nt'der those circumstances. But you
never o these tboeretical anarchists,
who stand back and encourage others
to defy the law, getting Into any danger
How much dooe that lack of being re-
Kublican anarchy? How much does it
tck of murder in a republican editor's
heart? If Bryan comes to hia death be
fore IVU4 ft will be by the band ol aa
assassin as Lincoln did. only it will be a
republican and not a democrat. The
Lord Dnrpoaea that be shall live till
1904. There wa a time when the slave
drivers did not like agitator any better
than the goldbug do now.
Why don't the republicans swear out
an injunction to restrain Uryon irom
stirring up discontent and agitation.
Injunction are doing almost every
thing nowadays, and why not get an
other to restrain him from being a cun
didate for the presidency in 1900. This
Injunction seneme to override trials De
fore juries is preeminently a republican
e e
Should the supreme court persist in
their decision against the income tax,
suppose we try a tax on debts, notes,
mortgages, bonds, and all kinds of
credit snore than six month old. 10
insurs an bonest return make no debt
collectable by law tbat baa not been
taxed. The amount to be collected
could be divided among the states, ac
cording to population, so that coustltu
tional requirement enn be met.
e e
We thought at first the bicycle would
be a short lived mutilation, something
like the roller skate, but ws huv
changed our mlud. W now think lbs
machine ha com to stay, at ths sams
time we have no wheel in our head. It
I a fact a man ran out travel a bore
and almost doubt hUtdistauc in a day,
Ths sams muscular effort as is applied
in walkiug will cover lour or Ave turn
ths diatauos,
e t
CubalsabouJ to have a little atten
tion. That bloody work baa got to slop
and ought to, Ths Urk slaughter was
lopped ia a few days. Hamuei alons Is
reHuslble lor the continuant ol the
I'tibaa slaughter. Mckinley has got to
do stum thing or prosperity la going to
rap I but country.
Ths Irrigation eoavaaliua meets in
Pamila this wk. Without (ml ma
lum It Is up;!! they are lor irng v
liou aittt aalrr, pure void walr. He
are not struck on land irrigation yet.
Il Is alt right wr,r jou have got to do
It or starve, Mbl s d cut a fuao
baaroaal' IrrutlMa tt rouiiwt lis
SoustrMi that have sutffeieat rata fail.
About the oalt eiiHirt trout IrrusUxi
slates u polatoia ai.d fruit, Akd pots
! am nut lsr shiptovat at tnsa
T&eeni or dollar bttshvL and all
ths trull ror are whiutng for a hah
proiM tits Unit so thy tea gt la
toads ptk.
wsaivertfc 1IU the fcewteeltsai
0UN4, NW, wpl Ilea. Isse
hi tfealwerta has wrlttea Wt Wsrraa
vltale. aeerslsry at the MaWeaal
Haaiasf stl euwatittee, dsstlslag h b
taadMata rue ftm Jadga at Mm
Endorse the Cbicsge Platform and Nom
inate a But Ticket.
The democratic state convention for
MassaciiQSdtt met at Worcester. The
old leaders and Cleveland democrat
were turned down. The convention
adopted a platform squarely endorsing
the Chicago platform. The" principal
part of the platform reads as follows.
The doraocratio party oppose the at
tempt to fasten on the country gold
monometallism and demand the remon-
etizatlon of silver at the ratio to gold of
The domaud for ailver would be so
enormous aud the demand for gold so
reducoo mat trie two would meet and re
main at parity, and the paralyzing bat
tle of the standard cense, and the world
enter upon a period of tusured prosper
Just now a shortage of the world'
food crops, culminating In wide spread
and ghastly Asiatic fumluo, ha raised
prices for out product. Those abnor
mal condition have largely eliminated
the competlon of silver using countries.
But a recurrence of good crop will re
new the fierce competition of these coun
tries which will again underbid the Amor
lean farmer, and reduce the world's
prions lor agricultural products. While
republicans may place their reliance
upon temporary distresa abroad, demo
crats demand such just and broad basis
of standard money a will maintain a
a stable staudard of value and stable
prices, with steady employment of labor
and capital.
1 he greenbacks Issued by the eovorn-
ment bave proved the country' best
paper money, and should not be can
celled. There can be no privilege more
dangerous than the control of our cur
rency supply by private bankers and we
stoutly oppose their attempt to
strengthen such a monopoly by the sub
stitution of bank note for our national
Ileforrinff to the recent abuse of iudl
clal injunction the platform declares:
"Let the people remember this massa
cre at Lattliner and resolve that govern
ment by Injunction shall not bo tolerated
and tbat American liberty shull not per
ish." The following candlddtea were placed
In nomination:
Governor, George Fred Williams.
Lieutenant-governor, Christopher T.
Hecretary, S. D. Nash.
Attorney general, John A. O'Keofe.
Treasurer and receiver general, T. A.
Auditor, J. L. Chulfoux.
Name General Benjamin F. Tracy
as Their Candidate for
The republican convention for Greater
New York met In Carnegie ball last
Tuesday. Gen. B. F, Tracy and Beth
Low were candidates for the nomination
for mayor. Tracy was nominated on
the first ballot be receiving 207 rote.
Low received. 49 votes. Asbbel I. Fitch
wa nominated for comptroller by ac
The platform adopted declare that,
"There I one great Issue before tbe peo
ple at this time. It cannot be separated
from any political contest. It Is the is
sue created by tbe Chicago platform,
and aotblng can be made more obvious
than the results ol every election, na
tional, state or municipal, antil tbat
platform has been formally abandoned
by the party that made It, must count
for or against it odious and destructive
"Every intelligent voter knows that if
the first mayor of tbe Greater New York
is the candilute of this convention a
mighty impulse will be given in support
of every sound principle of government.
"Every intelligent voter knows, on the
other hand, that if the first mayor of
Greater New York is a Tammany demo
crat, tbe effect will be greatly to revive
the hopes and promote the schemes tbat
are grouped in the public mind under tbe
name of Bryanism, and at tbe same
time to deliver this magnificent metrop
olis into the bands of an organised con
spiracy for public plunder.
"We indorse the St. Louis platform.
We bulieve that it neede the support of
the Intelligent and patriotic people of
New York as much today as it did one
year ago. It is not only the cause of
sound money. It is pre-eminently tbe
cause of social order. Every vote cast
agaiust the candidates of this conven
tion places both in peril."
Geaerai Tracy was chosen with the ei
pectatton that he will prove satisfactory
to thecitiiens anion organisation which
has placed Heth Low In nomination.
The republican leaders are auxlous to
bave Low withdrawn Irom the race.
What be will do In ths matter is a ye t
very uncertain. His last statement wa
that he eipfcta to bean independent
Suprsai Court Reversed Itasll to Sav
Railroad 9 J si.
Judge I'oat' eandldary lor re-eWtioa
to ths supnrme eourl recalls some inct-
dut lu hi reeord sine hehasUeaoa
thsbnoh. Thsuf ths Omaha aad
IWpubtKau Valley IU It. vs. (lark (5? S
W &M affords aa siealWut illustration
af the 4iMt Me eoulrvl tbe railroads
hat had d the suprwius eourl si new
JuJgv NUtsll's tints eipirvd. lathis
awt'Urk's team had bw frigbtud by
he sm'w'Uul dtarhurge id slsaat by oa
ul ths vouipaay' sngia standing at a
ertMMisg u a puWer strvwt la ths tty ol
Norfolk, aad ran aaay breaking Hark'
Wg aad IsHH ting other Vry severs Is-
ttrtas, us rovtri a H Uiut for f i
1 t.Mt.r a jury lath dwirtot euurt.
The eoBJpuay luoh the ea to tit
,rateoift wbre it 4 hoard la
Ino'Jasdth ju.tsateal id tk Uttrwt
court affirmed, all the pvlg, lists!!.
Mortal ai l vl agreutng, aad II was
lha hU thai ahfea rowuaiutnesrunu
ae4 tha principal lrusi ul aetlf
a her laat are stiaataatly passing. a4
whsre aa etapiuj havta ear at Um
gine, UNNECESSARILY opena the valve
of bia engine, (a the jury bad decided
was true in this case) and let steam ea
cape, and frighten a team and cause it
to run away the company is liable for
the damages, provided tbe person in
charge of the team was free from contri
butory neglect. The first opinion was
written by judge Maxwell, and every
fair minded lawyer will concede that the
tbe statement of the law waa correct.
The railroad company moved for a re
hearing, which was granted and a aoo
oud opinion written after Judge Mux
well's term bad expired. The second
opinion will be found in vol. 50, N W,
545 where the judgment was reversed,
and it waa held In (act that there could
be no recovery, and rulea were laid
down a to the evldonoe required In a
cnxe of that kind that will forever pre
clude recovery in such cases. There must
have been some powerful influence
brought to bear to change the minds of
Norval, aud Post after Maxwell bad loft
the bench. There was no friend of the
fieoplo there to write a dissenting opln
on and reveal the scandalous proceed
Ings of the court. There was no friend
of the people there to protect this
mau's claim of more than 14.000 doclur-
od to be honestly due him by a jury of
twelve of tils peers, There was no one
to point out to the oititen of Nebraska
tho shortcomings of aoine of tholr chos
en servants.
The Importance of this decision and
many others of it kind, to the tteople of
Nebraska at this time Is In the fuct that
they are called upon to deotdo whether
they will return Judge Post to the su
premo bench or whether tbey will choose
an honest and fearless judge, John J.
Sullivan, as his successor.
Ths Opposition of th Sugar Trust to
Hawaiian Annexation Is Msrs
The claim that the sugar trust I op
posed to tbe annexation ol Hawaii will
provoke a smile. Tbe allegod opposi
tion of the tugar trust to Hawaiian an
nexation I about tbe moat transparent
scheme tbat ha been planned during re
cent year. What the sugar trust I
most Interested in I free raw augar and
a heavy duty on the refined article, and
it ha just those thing under the Ding
ley law, or a near a it want. A our
relation with Hawaii now exist the
sugar trust ha by far the bost of it, and
it has no reason to take any hand in the
annexation scheme unless it ia to favor
annexation. Tbat would give it a
slightly better chance to gouge American
consumer of sugar.
But the scheme of the annexationist
i to make the people believe that the
sugar trust oppose annexation and
thus play tbe prejudice of tboae who
are opposed to trusts. If the sugar
trust oppose annexation, argue th
annexationists, the people will at onoe
conclude that tbe present arrangement
is good for the augar trust and annexa
tion bad, therefore thoy will take ad
vantage ol an opportunity to give the
trust a blow and demand annexation.
But tbe sugar trust I not opposed to
annexation. It rather favors it, but to
reward those who nave tbe sugar trust
everything it asked for in the way ol leg
islation it will do anything tney demand,
and lust now there is a jrlirantlo political
deal on foot to annex Hawaii. There is
no more reason lor annexing Hawaii
than there I for annexing Samoa or
Haytl. It is foreiarn to American polioy
and baa been opposed by tbe wisest
statesmen of tbe nation, mat were is
a corrupt deal on foot I evidenced by
the fact tbat the augar trust naa been
called upon to take a band in tbe game.
Shows a Decrease of More Than 8,-
000 Compared With a Tear Ago.
The Attendance at th state fair in
Omaha abowa a very great decrease In
attendance when compared with laat
year and a still greater decrease when
compared with tbe attendance, when the
fair was held ia Lincoln. This seems to
Indicate tbat tbe oltiien of the state
prefer the fair at Lincoln on account of
Its more central location and better
railroad facilities.
Tbe following table given out by the
fair official show ths actual docreas
when compared with 1M08:
1'ald adoilwlon n7. ISM. Inc. pa.
nwiroag cuvpuniM...... ,n,wi ,B,,v ,.
Uii.rl Uiulwln tlekU W,M3 17,04
I'onmaloo.r'i tlekW.. 77. 1,41..... Til
MvresBtll tlck.U let IM 4
Total paid aumlatloM 4S.97S U.1MS
Kr aUiulMlou
Stock tlrttU l.tM .rt .....
CliMk pa I. l I.Mtr
ConipllmcBUrjr 4.7M t.?! .....
rionnr...,. SMI 167 SI
Old aolill.r 7I 7I
Total Ira sdalaaluM., U.tti li.lit
Total atloalaa M.l
l'. la paid adaOMlua .!
pa, la ir sdailwluu.., .... ... .... LSir
Total a. attalaa . I. MS
As a reeult ol ths decreased attendance
ths fuir management Is confronted with
a very lanes di-flcit la cash, Omaha
patter and Omaha toils ara greatly
annoyed over the taatlr and are bias
ing at rrookd work oa th part ol the
fair management, aad are euvgaating
thai there may have been a leak la the
eaah bo I. The traniHWtatioaeinpanlMi
claim to have hauled aior pop!e to the
grounds I lias tbey dtt a year aao.
Rich, Red
I sMkitry tia Id altH It la aaaut
loik ta ! it ltua alla4 awr Mots
s4 ite ( tkt ta twNk
rr, tn'iu tmu, ! kt 1 1 ft, Ta
r tiuMi a4 tM4 aiitK w
ll -l rUttafxMitU. iWt has Int.
atut all Ova tiMM, ta s-ltiM H
anal a m - tha t swjta MiashW4
h4mJ. Is laS
ItlUtiua TtMlkM4 hMtao. alrus4atal.
iiuwm run
1118-1126 N STREET,
This is the only store in the west in which you can
furnish your house from garret to cellar at prices that are
not known by smaller stores. Our carpet department is
very large and receives the patronage of a large number
of people all over the west.
Our China Department
is worth your attention.
There is not a question but what we carry the best and
largest line of RUGS in the city, It will give us pleas
ure to show you through this department, thus convinc.
ing you that what we say is true. These prices quoted
will show you that our prices are the lowest.
Moqueti Hug, 37x03 incite .......13.50
Moqucttsltug, H6x7a Inches , , 4.00
Hmyrna Hug, SflxIM Inches 1.S0
Bmyrna Kug, SOiOO iuolies 3.00
Kurdistan Itug, 80x00 Inches 1.75
Ilruasel Itug, 37x00 Inches 1,15
Velvet Itug, 37x00 Inohe 1.35
Uabia Rug, 37x00 Inohe StIWMt4MttstlMeaatt 1.05
We have jubt added to our immense stock a complete line
of QUEENSWARE. The newest shapes, newest designs,
and latest colorings. We have them all, and in LAMPS of
excellent workmanship can quote prices which are the lowest
of the town. Do not hesitate to ask to be shown these goods,
for it will give us much pleasure. ' . , , ,
Wholesale and Betail Dealers.
MftRBLe, GRftNITe and SLftTC
for building and cemetery work. Several hundred finished
Monuments of modern design always on hand.
Write for cuts and prices. A personal call preferred. Address,
Cor. 15th and O Sts.,
Mr. Brjan, Got. Holcomb and Els
Staff, and the Stat Officers.
The management of the Nashville ex
position at Nashville, Tennessee, bave
set apart Friday, Oct, 8, as Nebraska
day. .It baa been extensively advertised
all through tbe aoutb and I expected to
be tbe greatest day at the great south
ern exposition. Mr. Ilryan. Seuator
Allen and Oov. Ilolcomb and bis staff,
th state oltlcers and many other prom
inent Nabraskan will be there on tbat
date, Mr. Ilryan will deliver tbe irm
cipal address, lbs railroads bave made
siweial rat for the occasion from all
points In th sooth country aad are
considering a proposition lo make still
lower rat from Nebraska, air. Hryaa
received th lullowieg telegram from one
ol lbs director today. It show ths In
terest that I being take, la th affair to
Tunis it a sue;
.Nsssvii ta, Tenn.. Wt. 3. '07.
Iloa. W.J. I'rjuu, Uucola, Neb, Have
no rear ol th euccsas of Nabraaka lav.
The crowd will be her la and hear
you. Absolutely ao danger fruia tvr.
Your day ta bigitniljf advertised,
llad ha atade your headquarters at
thia houna, Itutttus will U ready lor
a. a a a.
your party, irtag sir, nrvaa.
J. k H4uh.
Datts aa4 flat Wber Cantpaio
MHllr-flwUVw 1114,
tlairtaaa J. II, KdwiaUa bs aa
aouaosd ths Mlowing Ul ol speak era to
III appotatawah a Mioasi
I at, SMt Itaatata,
tlar Wtoher , T so p, in.
Tkatuah, tktoW T, T 30 p, a.
I'aadar, loUr a, f Vt p, at,
l atarawa. lVltf , T 90 k iu,
lkuta Uty, lwHU 1 1, t 3d a. as,
HoathriMathiy.itrt..UrltT0 a. at,
I'tnaea, Ihtnthae 1 Sa ,
(MJ fcW (frfclBBl(fcj
JaaiaU, Oitubet 4 , T 30 , at,
t r
t I
Minden, October 5, 3:C0 p. ra.
Holdrege, October 0, 7.80 p. m.
Klwood, October 7, 7:30 p. m.
Kustis, October 8, 7:30 p. so.
Cotad, October 9, 7:30 p. ro.
Islington, October 11, 7:30 p. m.
Kearney, October 13. 7:30 p. m.
Kenesaw, October 13, 7:30 p. m.
Harvard, October 14, 7.-30 p. m.
Vutton, October 15, 7.30 p. m.
C. J.Hmyth and R V. Forrell will apeak
at Wahoo, at 3 p. ro. October 9.
Very Irequently ws bear inquire re
garding tbe Hhepard Medical iuslitnte
audita work In chronic disease. Th
physicians ol this institution areapeo
lalists in their particular line ol work.
Alter years ol regular geaerai practice,
they are devoting their lives to tbe prac
tice ol curing cbroai diseases which the
busy family doctor has not time or faeii
it ice to treat. That their effort ia thi
direction have baa a a great eueoesa i
proven by the tart that wlthiu ths last
X year upward ol eight thouaad pa
lUuUbav received the bnli ul the
Hhepard treat ast. lr. rlbeartl aad
hi Basociatee have tha toast and best
quiiiad suite ol o(!W ia tbe stale, and
are daily treating more ialiata lhaa
aay other atedwai flrnt ksoas. Una
drod t4 pat la are treated through
th maita, The bubm trealmvat I adit-
lo Ihtwa who eaauol cotn ta the ttiy,
ns wouia sirouaiy rmttuaMtad J ol
our rvadars wha arw iBtralxl ta write
tor lr. Khlrd btMk, Th .New
Treatmeat, How It I'urva,1 Alau r4
asaouuMtnant oa paga M ol that Utt.
rittaiit. t alarrh, arv aad blood
dtaaaava, tepture, pike, uVafu,
Skat t a Sa Ma4 tp
Cbubj, UL, HpV (Ok-Twa waaheA
algbwayea bIJ a tha oeUl)
Ug vesUrdav afWraaoa aad J. aV
karaall, a aaMagr, wa thai aa4
btUr bU4 by el tha rhbr
Tha rathe seaared Ihra imasa
base aad dUaapaaradL
TVra CtUlaeaa aa4 te
Aula. IWiti U-Tha
Im at A la tlwrduav aaUai
Itvsu aara, bra4 teal atgbh Tra
U4r, aged a, ! aad tk ah mm
altMM to U kmm )rtaa4 It Ct