The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 30, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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September 30, 1 Sq7
If the monopolmt ha th right to eail
-out th militia to defend bin aargreaaionw,
why ahonid not th laboring man har
tb privib-g to nmna lb aiiliri to
defend himaeif Mai art th oppwatoa
of tii moBopoliat? Paoplw'a Banner.
A syndicate of American millionaire
ill oa October J, takeehargaof tbca
torn collection ia rfoodura, ander aa
agreement to pn t& ttrttiOOAl debt of
tbateoaatry, baifd railroad,, coodoct
babfc and eetabiieh afem ithip 1 10.
ow look for flood of literature to en
tice American who am not millionaire
to Hondara. Eieing City Independent.
Searfy every tow in th wt baa tt
lawyer wbo aercr ha to pay
ear fare aad can get pae for but family
aad friend. Why? Weil, yon pit make
rot of it. Yon will find the m
taking deep mtmrmt is poUfiew; tby
pack eMflwi aad convention; and
very time yon find them 00 th aid of
eorporatkww. CImtty Howler,
fttafe TrArotr Meaerve iaatilf paying
off general fad warrant cad atopping
tbe payment of fie per cent inter,
and general fund warrant are etill in
demand at premiom, Meeerv i re
deeming the credit of tbe atat by tratt
aaeting th hnainea of but office in an
bonet and bnaineaalike maonr,- Polk
ouaty Independent,
Th much derided popnliet economy w
again manifested is Kanea. Over two
mill. on of dollar of the atat debt m to
be refunded at per cent, thn aavlng to
th tax payer between eveaty-fj re and
one hundred thonaaad dollar a yenr.
Th old bond were id in 1mh7 and
tor ntret at th rat of 7, 8 and J
per et-otr County Beacon,
Mr, Wolfe baa don more real work in
tb fat' intereet ia tb few month h
baa been in tf,c tban ba bn don ia
m jtf by any of but prdfw. It
ia ftot sarnaaonabi to blir that Mr.
Wolfa witt tb atat on bondnsd
tbonaaad dollara darin? bia trtn of
offi wropiy by betas? dtli(nt ia bi
work and ba&dHngr tb aebool and a
tba aw eotmt4ata it xhoold M
baadld Arapabo fVnr,
Tb Omaba f ia trr'mar to prowtiat
Joda HoiUvas k jroid democrat and
ia order to do ao goes baefc ten year
wbasMatHraa waa democrat bov
br of tb lejfiafator aad Toted for.
Hu-Tiin Uorum and Oorjr I. Mitler for
Tailed fttatea aeaator, Wbat mabea
neb a tbir rid in lone ia tbat ten year
aot b gold fjueetioa waa aot aa ieaoa
aaj w bad ao wrb tbinga aa froidbnga
or Mirer adroeatea, TbBea ia atrain
taftata, antl and wont eren rwaU
low xaatebaySer CinitU
Wba yoa or aeked to et yoor rot
r'(eraber for aay eaadidat oa tb
r,olieaa ticket from imprem joda
owb to road aoperriaora, ao matter
bow tra&Bai(y pore a maa b, bear ia
mind that b beiona to a party tbat
baa robfied tb people of oar rfate oat
of tboaaaoda aad tbooaanda of dollar
aad tbat b m ta farorof tominsf txwk
tb control of affair ia tbta atat to the
aama gaa(( of sabl oebiog ttiieve rtoa
dera foaaty Joaroai.
A ftilrer dollar will bay nearly two
onaeea of par ailrer ballioo today.
Wbat ?irea it ita parebaainfr power?
Clearly, it ia aot tb "intnnev! rain" of
tb rata! spos wbieb it ia staosped, be
eaoa tbat ema to be ooxioir ooC to
ome myaterioaa (?) way like it baa
tieeserernaAe 1873, It cannot gb it
redeBability, (or it ie not redeemable
ia any other money nor baa it aver been
ao redeemed. Cannot any aivmwUA,
eiear-beaded tbinkin? mao e that it
legal tender quality keep it 00 a parity
witb gold? Pittaborj? Kane an.
Tb govern meat agrkaitaral bnreao
bowa tbat En rope wU bar to import
425,000,000 bneMa of wbeat from .Vortb
America tbi aeaaoo. All except 25,000
XX will Lara to eom from tb Caitd
Atatea. Tbe French republic ia abort of
laat year's crop over 85,000,000 baabela
and tb Italian crop ia abort 54,000,000
brnbela and tb loeoaf played baroe
witb tb Argentina crop. Witn ail of
tbia, in tb face of abortage ia tbe
United Htatea, a rely tb proapecta are
bright for good pricea for year or two.
Nebraaka Farmer,
Wbat aeif-reapecting republican orator
can eonacientkjaly go before tb people
tbia fall and attempt to dean op or ex
coee tb fearfol record of bia party in
tbia atat? f lad it not been for jiopn
liem tbea criminal woild etill be Hlliog
all tli important offtcea in tbi atat
and witb no eheck to tlieir tealintfi', in
tim tbe atate would b "nanciaily
fankmpted. Will repnblican orator
dare to adria farmer to rot tnrJwtgn
I'oat again? Tbia man baa enabled th
railroad to defeat tbe maximnm freight
law anJ take million from th produc
er in axtortionata rate, and no repn ta
ble repnWicao dare denr tbi. Eren
alippery 4ob M. Tbaratoti i not endl
to tbe feartal tak of defending refnbli
caniam aa practiced in Xebraaka. Ex,
Tb one great weakne of tbegolditea
at go men ia tbat ha attempt to deny
tbe working 01 tb law of anpply and de
mand while claiming that tb aame law
appliea to erery product excepting gold.
Th law of anpply and demand atway
fixe tbe valo of tbe article onleea barn
pered by legialatire reatriction. Th
weaknerf the golditia ahown by their
claiming that it aJway remain atable
in Taloe, Krerybofly know tbat gold
meaaored by iteeif never change but
fneaanred by other product it fluctu
ate tb aame. Th aam quantity of
anything i equal in raluewhen th qual
ity i equal. Th golditea argument 1
weak lor in reaaoning be alway anmea
lain premie and conaeouently Uie ar
gnment I falae-Staotoo Itegintrr,
Anfncreaaaof 1130,000 in th Drat
cbool apportionment mean a great
deal, f 140,000 for all th yearaofr
pablican miernl mean that tb republi
can bar atolen from the children of
tbia afaf between $2,000,000 and -V
000,000 and perhap much more. A
tl fiopwIMa atop th leakng cauaed by
repaMican atealing. wher they have
lenaed f tie acl.ool land out to partiaau
favorite for nothing; ttoa arbooTafirv' ImMH rtvt1iv.trderff .lUxu
tioamenr u boaad m inermm,, oirnl ;r mtiq' :or? ttrnmuftvi .wt
m nerhan be mtto-nti m af rim -m-A mentt-
tir school erpeneea of manr ditretr
wiiboor ivyg w wiiwv aeaii w . :iwi"Fwmi -.-.w,.. .
Th exprwn of IUrrty ?' trtev ,rf t- Crtirtj !': if- U -JJ' .t-rdtit jgo :
not hxna to r"J t nrtr ol fw-puli -iniejr'.. rf'-:Ue aid.
Sieao ptrary tfcMt Wria etii '!?a-,iarr ;ftooe jiirfi tfiavaawwirMta
baa a parry ro Inptfty tbf will wl - ki eir ti;. beMie
from tb eaol fund and puf fti .-, 'iwM:nn nirtr o a
iBUfiofo tbpofetortl' ar t rttr;. ii'.iww ttt- MwtteWJ' C-
itew? taad op SPaatfc iJJiM' MMeu ufc ,jJiiiwHitte
.4 tar, ; 44tMeff. S-;JMW tlert(iett'0 ;pajewt
4iimmrti 4vllie jaili- ;U.r
Bryaoiero Oieana rqtrtiy mor ttiflWt; ffi i
fre eoinag of ia!. a rt- rui.vof : IV ; iimMAmkm.
tol of gold.- 1C rneatwr oo;ortrtrt'v s .mv
tb power of coaotraio: Aittt1. ttH ; ift-Ua ... iff latba-
nWwar ooa.gorao ot rlw. ..! to
It oieana politWti
coantry tb aa;rrtty
Rryanwan aad all rti' mi)
Sea, boc tbr dirid apvM -iiiterta awl! ; ,VM,;,?' , .
ria,onaryi4ea. wti.l rti MT,...a, lU-JJ '
Jariogoff ttearaTflof rtim.. ;b f'f
m.n mdiV:d.ia fiff- ,-''lrWiw'' nl!! 4 ta
qnewtSoaof aoma mm 4 W-ahffrt.
naooeofclr)) liberty jl pa.rto.-fioflidi ! t?rr2Trl 1 T TJ'Zl'tTl
baraaiae and uVtUer:. ti,. f Tftf'llLlt!
tbwtqoewttoa atior al otttew ww -.f''1 ''T,
confronred to-fa? -Mortiing- j:Mll;,!idiirf
"" !llitef tf WII" ifHUeyCiete-.
Awi,0 ut iMiHtUf.- ("HOMdi t?J ! 4hpI vHt! bttliie,"
5etrt DiritT,, aiior" oftJi- .-Jiuwi ttle ?1itaU,o1iettHw,H ie
tariff, in a letter wrUtetf' tb UN1 Jew;'ll..jatttl ite.ol 'otry
Vort Wor!dr give if awiiiw Hfl'?fwt:;:w. -JiMPa
next yr tber will H aoJd'Jlr"wiea,!j -adbabo
pmtJtly Mmtt rUnti jHn)alirta,-iUi j;fwt ,tlwy to t-r-deflwitaof
rwone-fof tf jwwiewMniriii,,.. iMljh j,a :U,a
ooferbi bill may r tft tt,tVtf:1,,ljM:p',,:j.-UlUvffi-milliooapermotfifMt
flfirtJ tfWiitiieert.tiVMo!'Ol pvitt tbat
aixmonttwr. ft ttiirir ' ffM-ipM(t-!:(H-kWrti )WKd -M ., xtwrwo
ernment wtll b' comfjefled! ' JVmww ' ijMttfjmbiearti ;jMdje rf.;id at -tb
money. Ho will it do-tlfliff Trfivviwflii'rt,, Mf(iiH. iiJwrnf stif
bond lewieaT T.MrKogJejf iiWr ill nr- njt)lM.;iHffI.WtVr0i.Jf -tut
prortd revu noofi ale-r atWIaar J,wW tM(t
aadmroatirtaii rb aiM(uiH?niir- itiilMie. .jmd uwl ,oeof
ontpataebotti ao Owe 00' pwv jU! (PitfiK b !ltitf
that point whr importir Mt :0itaMitkH..ittwvilJf.-ia cwttt'daatar
high duty and compete Wttl. tSi iwti fivl tte !feuJilow tto mm tUm
prodwction B mnmmnt mtt-,'., jji iuiiii jiiwr ttit fti pwii? of
bar to par tti" l4gf a birtwj?!, nblamo javty
doa-ttoffalo Rreniog-T.e ! Uv:Mrt!!ier :tbtii ttie fiaw -of -tbe
;Ma(iiiu.t ibe.iinirtii4rw(l pn bofr-
&JrJ dtfi
tter tbatOHly f5irBiii burtrtdi
owa tb boaaea eby' liwr AVI I fib!
factagoeoetnobaiaev tlJ twidenc?' tifi
tb eoacrotrattoa of witi iip tSii
country, aod to mnkut .pmKw w(uw-
tt 1 gmng twaod;. Taa 1 wnmi
wanlc mwtb jwWm; owomrti,$p of 11;
land aad machinery of nmdijcorfi,Il
eaoooc dottbti rtcar ad! Kanaatu- !
8ompopi- do 0o aeeffl)
at and that tbe moo who- faWM rJi frw';
coiaagw of ail war ana abav juaf aa mifJb !
n favor of tbe frse coiutt of gtvifi aw
tbr who-aty!- tfcmefKr ewitwiir
Told men. Peoolnrtorr toT onuldJ
take either gold or ailvr &v tSia ttiiurir
and bar ic mad indv dollar-.. u
they can tab only tfwir gflldt- 15:i
conaeqaaoca ia that? dnwar1 fJwr- doll-,1
lar being mad,, aad- wttinay?vvp
waataon a mWOlW:i.!'',rt,' lil.imm
naoaedto.- Mea w?io bar 'VMa;.coWHrtt,
dry good, real eatari;. lto;. oe" aoyi
thing b moat gtWrtwcHi morwof Sm'
than ooghe ro buy dollar" wtietP rti-
want 00. To the- pmflf?y of! rio
irho u nmnr ftiitr inettxuae ini jh
value of tb dollar ammtfKW ftvatiaoliuie;
conflcat4oa.4haae Cooaty UrtHit;-
, brtr.Utfp dya ibulvreba Ohio
Let oa aoppoe rtiat? Adiuii' an- mud iHiM'.
aix tfiooaaod yeanr aim;, ao-t' rtiart ibr (VMcarwdiwiMtl ibohor, Wr igb
atifl live and bad laid by on-dollrr ibolat V-lu.a e to bufttan iib-
day, iodudiug Snodojsr. m'WJrtiMijidbea,
would b be worth? ($rf t6M4rr f tw Mff ,4Mtcav And tootUera,
Aoawer: $2,Mii,(W. Mavfiittiaoi iiuitiou ttwibtinK Jtame
8uppota be baa mvV tm doU-oilutrtaat: Lm4afl .iwaraiy -to au(a
ra per dav; how muchf jjrfrt .,)ttbwU;or yeyUmintuaX y&
ktumr. fil.300.000: !:lrtea!otrMttiMiat!
Suppoae b bad laid by o' nuodiwj .bj: ,btm' -Nr Tork
dollar per dar: how much?' ; j vViCijt.
Anawer. 20,fVlO,(V)0, or" nortudim-;
bly lea than iobrt R: RokW j
op io lea than ewnry yara' (KJ) JPAT
Do yoa beiiev Oiati any marti ut!j .
boneatiy earn mora money im ary'j
year than aoottier man w$ urta ' MtaMig it iiiiAaiaeKki by
on hundred dollar per day 111 rtionj cMwUi e iMbM.ue u) Ui Obe.
"ITZrtjtirif rv doa'f.Varwrti'1 WredWW, iut willyjt ia
IjrlHMUr (fii5pejftiai.ttlid hyaicittfiH a well
...irtum'tir iSbe ilKitt -atp -to take in at
Italoa -itfinli ' ;Jirtiijitrti!ftH ufiiKxatioo i to diet,
fo round flsraw,. fSrw tJaiill 'rsier-tivvjaieajtiiiif vwcuin fwoda oud r
agwad ro barter away "iff;(VW;WlO'rtff : enti '.vtlifo;, ur 9 Kcwtiy .(liiiitab
th indebted oea du by fSi fTrtloui
Paciflc to- fh govminertti- TV ."Cirrf
denounced tb bur oti ar tSie rtmeaie
aerting UiaC flier wa niiluf tw rtvr'
efiudow of law under w!ii'fi f5i evuH'w
had any a)tborlry to comjmie' fti'
rihtoftli Toited .'He wir?i a t
onraniwifion railrad'cvmmi,ti:.
But tii job 1 going- flimuofi. "Plioee
wno inuoigpfl in to nop r"nir'li4rill.M(lj m,jiiiitni jviuii,j(1 diet
McKmley would ahrojptr fi 'Mf'rilw .vr-atwf.vution ti a hiii aufiriiig
prefp-iwr am deetSfied fob' dboww-1 ijtnii,il,vppHm, U4ue indigatioD
pointed. lc ia pracr.call5f aMioimi'MV, v, v u,, ttutj toVKry UwrVt,
that be Will floe iBtrfew t''MWfllf ltl,;4itiJtce.ii!tbr:bliiy.
mi wbo bav alrwufy r'innd'?.ie rvV iari ti-i,vpn'tVi javtfti ia abuud-
ernmefit and the road of millbiair :ioH';4Mrt)ttukritwii, vvliicb toettna plentv of
pocketing f'2."i,(WOr(l00i mowol tml! ivwfl.i.ue-tuia; IUooaifd loud and
Thi determinarion oT rti prwaidenri; u,si ti,r-,v iuiit tbe Uuuf:i
neednotbe rrdad wflW-wmniKiwi:- i
iaexplained by ttie mmiuer m lrrtM;.ivrbHli.Mef al,vappai-tibaU! are
Tbaraton now afoii-!aiitrtfi diiniiiriiflitpWfJiOnfl tla .ia-tu mti.o(J by winch
tnaentir campuign. viw enioe w-wrjiOSiayrtinrnrtne stry .it oaa ,t o,va
foryeara tlia gtier-4 atl.vmev of rtiei ;pjwin.,ui,vtii'r r-iKde -tiie pttttett! eole
fTnton Pacific and baa been! anilU" ll!) .pwny wi wwfl bSaoiirt! itAd and
their political matwgir-m-chief, Ua -it'i tnwcf (i,vieu(ai Kopbrt digeat it lor
wun w;if nfi rne nrwniTic wvmrrou'
fhi ateal. No womler mefi iiiv a
to proflr by it could eonrrt toil-m iMlate
ally to tii campaign fimdl Tiieir i!5nckrf
fVfraoNnr nrawmfl
ay Inl awiimafKHr a -r HeX
wr ir Mm aM T ' rf wMMH(lrtial
eMll rvmfwMr ! iM tr n .nflnn -
diiim or 0w aoimwtir iimnr f tfc it.itwxiMr
T h W!MmtH w- :n ,mM put 4-t,v
Bltnr winl r irwifH lrffta, wuf !-. j! ,tt
ewtlrwly i;wpt, lirrHm th iwiIC owl iillmw
Om nmil, m M imitm, , tMu
fw ! Ii afriMil XMtHlmtt iMwfnr' WU' ie
4MOnr4 fw-r: riln mm jn -nmif
Jy 'Ijrtrti wurH ! rv.l.i.. m: niiW(.!a
at Moo the irnvwHi ifv
f lln- (iwimI w aMmwOi tW (MMitMtt r
enrwl nf (lI'a irHl Ce i4ea tr rtH-w-far
Take tii ftOBrawg'? Jyaajr, W-
iVtimntwe iia Uet ,itiK,spwiar
.'jnme -M
Abwe !.4tbNW !ltbiMM
UaiOiarTtiittt(Urti.Woodiord baa iaiorttand
iftb. ..wfifi1 jsMwariiMwtjtbtit ff b po-
i,,,,, ww,
;titiiewiii!! y.jto
rtiiiuttadir f$iifiiieie 4t ;lipertr $0
,pairtwruU lttll ftbuo im .pa-
;jawtteytfcPwfH opiW4jll arft-
W:!iJia.'jrk. ;Ai;foiy iitcUi tout
;ilull!t'.i 'tMiao alily be
Jttortbfl jftrtK uaWily ,bUi
Vttittif)j! b .pttUMib J50erngt
iiaarttiiMf vetMaaaa iinotje, -tud that too
itt4p liittimatMm 10 wciouly munUid
ft irttt.ti be UtiiWd t4ta at lib
laei.y ttdlV!wMtfar r jotbing a
Wiljy ttt-4rtd rtff iobar-Ueiobar J?
1lutliciutl.v. ,i,t,(l (vntTuawdar wo
dJva ibiitM;jeopie ttff Jlr. JIIcKiu-
;iiiiell!jvHi-tbe olk 4wJ aay
!liilraw iwW (VrUHMr vwgir
jflwtdloliattMr tilfiua,-tbe jpttl of the d
llifletl lUtmueud ittia nmvcmim of toe
nilWMtHij' .uaualiy tttW, 10 -otbar
; vr-vnii-:tu--avir-vutiuu j)Uo ja by ttiany
rmiliJAitl -Ivi ie- tiie :tiMt autial.
!!, jiinut leicittiii taiiure of tb- Ur
tttrtaiwlurdapejiaia boat proven
;nie id(l W.Uili, -put tlll -tlM! mounrtit
, ,fl,wtvpiiiu lutu.xr tw oppeorautioa oum
(O) (iiet.injf ir m'-vii' ttdviawd.
.tfnll'tliie leirwHttll.v .tvcvliK- t ja lool-
::rtvdlwtt,rt H'iiw ja-atljr -tbe tNiruoae
iitlH- Uinilv it lie vnUtfii ia bour-
l.whi'dl jOiifl ftlie loverwurkad atoniifih
itwit'.if),. tlxcmiM' tl- -tublifU will dig"
jitiavlwvfl 'ieitier tli Wiuii'!li work or
'tior?.- fVlic rttiewc tUl'Mta Will fliOMt
:tiiWV jr.'otiie o' iu'wt or eg$.
(MilK 1M-Hr?utt Will rtcll ,VOi tilOt
'iiiwcf 'r U',vtpiia 9-WbbrUi ia the purt
niifl wiiMrtt jniiijKly aoid iur Uinu.'h
fVMiir niid i.ifry Vml iiiuiwua one mor
WJiuip ;ir ttilna .eAMn'iit ireparution.
rtiifi ti 11 emu- Iwr lull aunrtl ywXaw ut
-Uli.lirtuf atwoat.
t ;lnii;iK tbo .on atouiuch diawi
liiHleid - 4d(kiHig htuart V.,
.'aWriiittll, Vflcil!.
for $ttUi.
KaciOiifi liiiifJ,(,
lnlliJIW tWiib iimm-lovt eb-itor uud
aH- V'li.wr. jNuurir ua jIh!uij for caah ,
lpiw 3wi.jH ar Co.
oarg for Sawebaa eaitverad
ia Fobtaf Caanpaics.
Tie fyaiAteaa paper ia lows bare
Uf aenbir tbat Mr. Brjas w&a paii .
W every pcb be durw! lb tb Iowa
ampciKn, Tb cbaimas of tb atate
ionaiittee m JUwa baa iawoed acurceiar
Imiabuf tUmt Mr, lirjam ru not pad.
7. be $t cbaMrmaa aav
view of lae atabtoewta aow being
u,&uKrtuJ,j tmai'fiM iff tb repsbli
aa prtvata iowaaad ei-ewbere tbat
Sit. faymu m betag paid lor baeaMpaiga
ta tiiM atat. I wia to aay, Srwt, tbat
Air, jbry aa pawd bowapeea a oa
tiig here. tWAfttd, tbat be iaateted OS
pabg b owa afpebaea wbil bere, bat
tbi I aotlid not perawt. Third, tbat b
ba atad a moat liberal eau eotr!b
twa to tb eaMopaiga load ia Iowa. 1
Cboracterti :aa abaoiateiy antra tbe
mutnmvt that b wa paid for bt aerr
atee. lie ie aof paad oa a-at or aay
otber amotiat byettber tbe atat or
ksa3 iftiiaitUm, mtbar to bm Oiraet or
y otber pwraua forbtaa. Tb paper
ptibliebibg tbia mat ta bar aaid tbat
ti iMCba at iara and iewbere eoav
Maa2ed tWA each, if tbia b trqe, tbay
abotiid KvbiiB credit, ia addttioa to
bia eaeb Ovrbauoa to our 1 uod, or eoa
inbtttiwa to tit eaoaeia Iowa of at
ieaet tV,Ma, for be make eight
Mi:(m in tbi campaign. Further, I
bae pwrauaai knowledge tbat Mr, Bryaa ,
irelitMi aiMKMuteiy ail ofVra of taoay for
iptttng at ay Una except at piaee
wbere aUMiiMwoa cturgd geaeraUy,
te:i a ia, etc., aud at tbat be r4 o
to te at tl at ucb piace wttbia a
ataiewbii a pauel eampatga at ia
prfj in aacb tatai. Tou will deta
lM:.rUf wbetber tbe OppOMfioe papa
o ready to pabib faie
tirfMews to aiiow tbeararkw of Mr,
lirjmu wiU ptibiwtb tbMrtal Iwrta wUcb
prove bi eX'Mtfibg getieronit v.
'.gied; C A- Wauk,
yknitZ EXOXOMT ia baying ned
kiMei a in otbar matter. It ia eaoa
oiny to gat Xlood'a riareapariiia beca
tt cvvUtiua mora medicinal valo than
any otbar J00 doaea on dollar.
JUOWKJ'TLLH are tbe only pi!! to
take wrtb Hood' araaparUa. Cora
all br ilia.
Compariaoo ftw tba fiacaf Y Boding
Juoe 30, aad juo jo. jy.
Owing to tb geoeral deprmaaioa in
buainea io tliia roatry and tb feeling
in uropa ciontri tbat tba prevali
ibg couditiotia in tba United Mtatea were
bO better tbaa ia tboa eoootne tb
(lOKiber of luimigraata to tbia country
baa fctuatly dacraaaed.
Tt eommiaaioner general of im mira
tion furoiabaa tb following com par a
tive atateibenc of tb i tit migration for
ItiSrfJ acid Jr7.
T0MI IwMiKradoa Jt&r7
iMwxwaM i VW!ae it
P t( iiwwn .
Jbiuaufr dbarcd fnia tnrtrw
od ftorwia aaiiia ur ar
irfiCT iMMtiMt
Pr tluwnei Mel fctamea.
Ti MtMiMT ( IliibarMr
CmwuKiI UiiUtraUr to baal immi-
aia w IS f f of e
FartMttof total iiaiigciuBQU-
iur rm aatru-iuncary,
iUUf. f'OUMMt MWl kOMUl
iur frua ta I uilad Kiinfdum,
at 4
n,m mw
2 2
St it
11 is
A'mi mtoomf tifuaKfat by baaa.
KwiU 10 aatce
?r mit f bftel iuiKHKratiua faar-
iiiK bocKxattaOua wlMtmer ...
f r nt of tuuu uaiaiKntkw k
fMWe. IMMMt in
MflMl ..
ff Mrt.f baal ImmiKtmum im
li1 ( lor (uor rtaVm fit ill
m g. T.. w F
rar uiHiot loUi Icoaiiifiatlua -tiMfliur
taww iKuth of tbe
-Auwar fa.. 4 Ui
Ou,i kifm or mm, trt Uie Mi
Mimi RlWK . ....
Xot yet tabulated, bat undoubtedly
aiwiiar to
dumber of pro ia eacb bond red
imtuigraat over 15 year of aga wbo
cannot read aod write their own lan
guage, from tbone nation of Earope
wbicb aentopwardaof 2.0i immigrant
to tbe L'uitd Htatna during tbe paat
ftecal yaar:
iMtututtk . , ., ... 5
nw!o m.m .,w,w $
itofrnxf ,..... 1 I
Utrmvitj ,. V
t Str I i
lieiaod , , , 4
y,u,Ml . , . ,...,., 2
i iiumii .....r-n
j Aftvi llar,xrj 1
J t'uMlll , A
I hZ;T&YwvZ: '&rk'i
I au4ituHrte . 14
ii-"i' uUHuuKr. llaif, Kulwd M
ku.a - ..
AraK truai ail euumriea , 23 2
Of tbe immigrant aent to a in 193
by the varion ciuntriaa of Europe, bat
a ainal! proportion were akilled workman.
'J hue among iuimigraat from Scotland
there w one akilled in four, from En
gland and W'ab, one in five; fMgium,
one in aevaa; Framje, one in nine tier
moor i, ud Norway, on in ten: It air, one
lu 1; I'.UMia, one in eighteen; Ireland,
I Poland, oo in twaty-
thrw, Attetria-iluuKary, one in twenty
niue. Caarrata atimalata brer, kidney and
boaaia, navar atckan, weaken or gn p, 10
fmrm fur Ht.
Finiwt amall farm iu Nefiraeka, To
i let or lor aale, quickly, cheaply. Writ
' V. li. j., care of A. L. Millau, Harvard
rkjutwe, Cambridge, Maa.
ImbXl fauiMv is aMiranka. Muiliir i.a
um arrfwMl4lrMMa n' ir niriop, Tfc
bvunaiue Cuee, bV ! ;uiMM((.
.lf fate ta 8t- Lonix fair
ctoUr 3 to 8 tb Miaaoorf Pacific
will aell tajtet to t. Jsouw and return
at one fare lor tb round trip. On way
rata on Tuesday a and Thumdaya will b
only V 50. j-t train bwarea lineolo
daily at V y p. to. Further information
at city ticket of, J 201 0 frwrt, F, I,
tornuil, C. F, & T. A,
0w n Cm wiry Wbfcrh Obwi OwTrhrw'
DnaiMiruMrta rait t'iMler ItirfawrCj
JtaatofMna C f Hr t Cmne 'hea1
O rieyle tKll li Ttr IB''
Tb iniieritaone a crown 'caniftt'ba1'
Jim to tb ,vTWt a it iny be in-
berited and held t-r a k icked ierirtM
who connive with tlo next tohiiti-td''
Uk mittMtu of tb blplf.r'br!f
ili and unjat pnrjjr
Tii Hj!Kfmtirt of a crown' t.hmbl
ooC carry Iwwa'aait may fall bitli'
pat of a knave, libertiuv a'biUr' tvi
Hi wearing of a crown hnld l
mark of himtT ormfermf by the who
know that tii recipient baa ouimn LI
MJowa ia good work
Tb iaftuenc of a crown should ' aH
be tXfmA U uak ein ipecfafile;
if'boea, greed atwl raacality bmtor"
al4. or any kind of wrong' atmeaf ' to'
b model of right, to be imltattv! by
Any tool caw wear a; crown attdcall'
bimaeif a god, if om on will glv1tf
np to bim and exumy aervilf' thint'
will atand guard over binr wt.iW b
Tb inherltanco of herd of 4 awfrtO
cboald confer aa macb bonor a tb"irti'
beritanc of a crown. Cannt tl awfn
baaoblajvl arrown botibt wfth' tba
T3e levll tor a crown of glory fiMtii
brow of rfghtMwmea atwl tstiA is
with a crriwn of tlwima, and b i rrtftin
tog op and drwn thecarrh atwlr;t!i
plaiflit of ranrala, alaveji and fiiols- lit
many place bia rhnninion m nlldli
that boo dar nut to bitu and kS,'
"TVre jfoe tii devil ' II' iref.r bi
be called "God,' ami bia will i
U'mt than century io "yonr
Wsebingtwr, wbo knew thejar ' thlitr
wa reared anon tb t.hre of a tiVI
world, awl for year ti Uonrihed; for
bia rabfwa good. Ilia comttry grw
trrog. aye, even to th prwer' of ! rfil
ding iteelf of mighty wrong Avfib'h
bad grown with it Tben tlie bv11 lie
bSd a migbty enemy in tbiweotrntry f
Waabingbm, for tii peopl wcr4 grow
iiig m iatfiYinewi aivl in namliera, and
EKai wa atarring who wonld wnrfti
and all wi-re imbibing a Kpirit wti'ii'h
woo hi at tolerat tb injiiarieof rrty
ftlty or plutocracy; Ho b rewfKt' td
trk-kery to aabdu it II sent thqnn'
of gold, witb ail berlnxnriant' lieantv
and her siren aongn, and on by o t bi
cbildrea of Washington' fell captive
no til tii pranp of platocraey uml tb
wtilof th poor wr nict door ui go
bom. To on ah ahowed tbawtir to se
car rbbe by tb lirrayal of roffIHl
trnata-, to another aba gav flii n1
pal pit and s good living, that b might
trot ia tb name of tb Laadf to an
other gbe gav great waltb with paww
over ooort, judge and lawmaker. And
many other did aha lar to idn,! and'
finally eb got' them togefberund'gfcv
them a ixii arm with Which tO aahf
gt humanity.
And an wher there bad ' bean!1 dH
crown or great pomp or'pwrrtodba
trea tl people ah flrwt gar tb pomp
and glitter, and then Mid to the wicked
horde, "Jkwt tbat tboa bar! waxed
atrong and rbwn above tb- laltorwtib'h
wppiirt tb, it in timo mii fittliig tlva
tbon takeet meaanre to chain' tha' mil
Uona below, leat tbeyqoection thy rtgbr
to tba fruit of tbtr toil and by Intel
ligent co-optration bring tbemaelrea td
coraopliah thy overtbrowi And' ah
bebi in berbandaft beaatifal i-rowti
tboprtcaof mach aiuning, nayiiig. "Thi
will I place of am tb brow of biin who
ball prova tb greatear of yott all in
way and mean fur aeenrfngfor oor be
loved plutocracy pernianenm' in'' tb
land of Waahington, that it may' do
longer ba ft light art npon a bill bt gold
tba lower million of tb world. ' Then
tba slave of ain went about their work
eom by deception and honeyed word
ome by brutality in mine, factory and
bop, and aome by tb ua of bag of
Aod it cam to pa that wtillo manv
of the propl slept th cohort of hell
mmrrt a party famed for1 baring liM
crated alavea, they mad a lalKir iTnarierf
it ebb ami another labor crnahernnf
lieutenant, and at tbe nnggearion of tii
girni tbey biok a man wbo bad talked
bind and much forth people and pbwiad
him bef or them a standard benrerlri
tb name of hnmanity. ;ow, tbia man
bad Ui-fi atrong man in norne vrfirS
againt tlnm, and they oaed thia gr"-1
ly iu in fVfir. Many of th pervr,l mw
the old lead'T and the old larry awl did
not e tlie ir-n ami th plutucraf
wbicb atalked behind, awl they' bott
ored him. Tb plutfirraef had helped
bitn much and befrb-nded him .rtH
it tag of gold, and th tnn' artfltf
her wet aonKa, nh'rwed him lienntifui
tbinga and flattTi'd him much; until
there wa no room in hla ear or' hi
rye for the wrong of tlwt people. And
when they w-nt to tl great city to ae
cure grjijil of bfm, lo. tliey found blit1
in tii' en i law tit th airvn. When t lief
returned and told tiieir lirethrfl; they '
Wo loath to believe ir, bnt when they '
aw on afNT another of their ofiernie
in high plw, a lalcrr Tnher Ler, a i
gKmey chajicr there, a diert'r liere uud '
there and trietiiljer of jilubifTaey vvry-
wbe a giiidea and tvulor titer 'j
wad wroth, And th-y were itatimnv,
to on of their opjjrenw.r and t hem. J
aelvca at one to work to undo the mite-1
take tliey hd male. And th iren hiid J
ber wicked h'ird f!-d to tb-land' of' j
her nativity, and th land of Washing
ton waaowemorea land for the pcopl.
Allen Ibairy Smith in CUii-ago -preaa
IHrert UfWiatna.
I)ir-t lesrielatlop or theiiilf latlra and
refiTf-ndum said Uie rvnll ia JeffHrarm
Deuwieraey and I,iiM.fJn ltfinlIltiian;
It ia the funn of goreniment' whb'b th
f"uil-r of tbia Atueri'"ftn reptihlio
Worked for, fooght fur und laid down
tbeir liva for. Mm 8. C Semp'
I mmmiLmf
j "'.ItnerCfcrtittre bMi.KfdW
t& b'hm Vffi in4 mtHt of 1 UV4tiJ'
I YXtfIJnla,'s'tilHikaWvi?iit;1H;t; r'anay
-i fi,' bM ttft&'iM,n'-,Ukjftiy. ,iavpip
j Ta1-fiefj't ys6iPr?r,V:!faA ioat-yfr
ican" aVM otiHv'iM'-tvViftWM -VHeMItVr
nmtf'' ' awl'1 fibBbt-'
l'.io tft-arwo Zfto nmU i8bt
frwrt 'tw,tAdWavfftjW'ftMileifefii
jMA'cMfikii''ho .vWopd
AitiderWHiiii' $ixpi :VW-y
'aWirat4W'Hiro'V)eWlWfrliWiJ-' '
i And'W,f t nWl M'WMVsMk , iWr
iOnV-hhtVi ltitK 13iw?rHifK.ftrfWi
Itkirsar nt t!i'i.ieVfA;Jo t,iio, y
pawn v.V-hrW';wtM iKii
inMrrehed' Iri tWdwn' ' Yi4i )ior ul ;li
piatiif'i .V-rfrittVrnlsUy.-.W'VKiiMI! hm'V thi
flrW WMMMhMii&iMJnyiteAlt
iwnM'kltd'lkffete'Llb cat'fiHir!-
If t'a" uiM'hiliwtJ'tAKUWilMUHh 5,to
T'aWaflrWtft.HiMWtfWtw itin
;tfiM' tAi i tid(i ;Hiti dJ uw-'t,; jiMww
jffJMnt3e'ilJ1.lIeVf J ,4b
; Cm ltiVf isftim-'XkJhitooWIBi V.K i' t,lan
ottf aiW,lanW'- lt!MJi'.iHWW-1 4tUe
grtld lirl ifjr t' Wfiwn' fAf H-jfd WitWh,, bpt
elWW 4H ' t m-iSf H't .1 f llJiMftR'K- l'r.'iy
W' ar'5 n- prtipyyeWUWMMtd
:wftn;tli' iifert'Wtd'1 rft'ftviVWtni
rmrk'i flirtf iM llewf k 1 1 Jkat .Ud
joHl ' anfl' 1 vSf V'l liW'&i .1ft . tf f e.WiU r.fV
i'lBr'ssnjM ' -f'l'1 af. hiet
Ittort!'-" Sle,OfttlVeflneltilfJwBt-Vn
bertttt1 1 iiicMliW'jrti'nM ySVaV BP
,-wft li t rti-t- ithhivm;itr$Uj
arW ' pttfVrMwrIl t(iil':&1,la :.:oa
!ftMi frftWsimwifti'i iWIfiif4 Trt
la' rrittW' 'avt.yy pbatfpl omjteq.. t"trWM
;nftw4i ' tilirvid' iltiwtrtii'K- iiyitiwK.Uute
,liW'tlMrti krW!Vit'-
I 1M u--swif-t liat roir.Btc ,1b
.lahor;, wn'wiSAebrl Vu-InrffntU-'tlW-flft
UV t tef-tfte PBUaW! sW":.8.
j hV,r. yA'WrrWHi'blaVt uaVvl A0
ntf Wif tinWViflr Sierrt ! lSew.v4rtraiiot ;tbc
,ar bff rtftetiiat!rr K4t ujn jbww'
jWy; fhe"ft" hir,V''
invent? !lt (iiSWBl'irfVefiU.ftM'Srifrf u1lrl
'khldJi TfcW:ll'lifllwkytrnV.'t-haija
gdorfi rAii'iibW.". cy
:ofuf.vd ref?lrtWirit,.v:ig turwn
!cf oat- pi' j'Aifrtwfi'.ta,;; MbH
j lib: rl ftd1vtfvt.'i)iblttj
invira 'brfti !klWtiiiwWieVW('H fW
iTlien iB'wn'Jbri ;ib tfrB
carrt!i ,aaVitWrt'- vmwg rfyHW
cftllerU'nfemlViKopf itU s,iliWM0 '
orderrt '-OMfllt Vowd'1 oM1 1 iletveitirD . .ff
ifefTolliy? "tftMfileWy.18-JeUld,-'
aaid tlWftJWWf.l'tlit'Vireo.a
wVbnl,a4'l dHvLWvaKitt
'jdfeal- of'wWHfK-I 5.'JaM !ffwi;id, ,bw
orden rf',l; '
I IVyrJr'artd.WMUi.fMX-
nled awl iirw'.l. Aklliuiay
Iiwf wwrtdlyi "s:UM'h:hWrb'
diachrtwt:'o' pirtof )f t'Ak'J r
eW'ffed: i unvl v-l-l,liwio;v'l vwkui -nten-h"
iffi,it!Mf Hanttr.tWy.wUl
I Vlh liecnnlefpf yV-AM) aMifll.w-clal-La-TOictiiet.-
! T'Tlt'JfliiJr't'ty.!Hi
sir1tiercrrviiiiu jifcujiM'AialyuaKS,' brr,fvar
and bM'artd'iotofliV rKf :uiiio
rTifritW'oKaJ" iifiJfwlr?d jhprur
Will tieffbiefr' W tliWeWMM t- l'Ma
tH lMei til:.iSi'rt
crwrntdliat!' wl UM.'rf:ti'aeViUi
tibrtfti bMrt?i.vfafwndJhl
lleref-'-. littf liilf.WW' ;la.1la.r-l
ofrMad ttllt.4Vr(erH.W ;. J
tii ohlyfiM! it ' .'' no( HHOiboy ., ol
evAoy Wia'
Jnof irrtei unUrMaW pm
til hrwv,f u.WitMbiw1! ,S' h r.rn
PH?eflieri't.i,'3Jiow .-.V'"ji eke rAiraMt
U-'rHy1'tvVKt'il.v'ytiv,oU'r. -0:,
end 'iwft iiM kM yliWfoS lMri 4w n
gtwmg 'At' i&"-:,'nV Lo. . i ;tii;i, ,pi
alNtWVhaf rMHy.Sbv pi' i favb
ar,1 ytt kMr nfl ! I .wKt
M -bw iWd- T lW'car'WM .1 V ttf M
Mid irt,t,ii!f;iirfW,b'iti','-tl'
pbwi bi-'hfctM tiV'-jaMH'i ;.U
anwatK' 1 8'tJ'-W'Laabt
really - iib'- paaittjei'---ytf
know'- 3j,' i.H'f.wfi'l' bVk
lr'WiT 1 Ati Vv ;.Hi.a