The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 23, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    September 33, 1807
"You newspatier follows are great
toadies," said the cyuloal visitor. "1 ou
fall over one another trylni to get into
Ties about successful Klondikers, but
why don't you write up tho follows who
have failed?" "We haven't the space."
Th picture or a cottage in a very
fitting did bio in for the populist party.
Tt Im u reminder that nmny a home in
Nebraska has been saved from the slier
Iff 'm hammer by the populist officials
standing between the poor settler and
the loau companies, Custer Coiiyty
The new ballot law arrange the tick
win 'u suck tt wfiy that the strength of
each warty will be clearly shown when
the votes lire cast and counted. Let
each populist take such pride in the
liurfy he loved that he will nut himself
to almost any Inconvenience to got to
the poll on election day and rote.
tihow to all the pi oplo that the populist
party of Lincoln county marshals htjii
Areas' on lie siun or real reform, am
tliKi'H will hi) no mistake about It In the
future, A man who stays at home does
Jrieiileiilable Injury to tho future Of hie
iiiirty, Ueeolve to turn out and vole,
Independent Km,
An exchange sayj that the subscriber
who pays the printer these days Is blessed
and In tl;e kingdom to ooiru he will be
given a place a little higher than the
angels, Hie name will be written at the
top of theeolumn next to pure rending
fruitier, on the local page, and nothing
It) the house will lie good enough for him.
Jle will get complimentary ticket to all
of the harp recital, and nave reserved
eats beside the editor, while all the do-
limjiient subscriber will have to carry
water for the performer and lt up in
j he gallery,
The Cottage Iforne ha been choen a
the emblem of populists in thl state,
Wise choice and appropriate choice,
Luild up the home, make them cheerful
and you will get your reward here and
tiereafler, J uat I all the politic or re
figion required on thl earth, flight
here at our home we can serve God, our
country, and ourselves. J lie sick, the
fioor, the maimed, the halt, the feeble,
the destitute will all be provided for If
proper regard and respect I paid to the
home, 1'uild up the home. Protect
the home, A nation of happy homes
what a beautiful picture! Hweet home
glorious homehome with eai;h other!
Midden Courier,
If Mark Hanna rained the price of
wheat in the United Htate, who raised
It In Canada? ln't wheat ut a high
)u Canada as here? Are not the farm
ere of Canada receiving more benefit
from the exiting condition, called Mark
JJanna'e prosperity, than tho farmer of
till country for. foreoothe. the farmers
In Canada are not expecting a rie In the
tiling they have to buy, a sugar, glass,
Iron, iiianufaeturwl goods of various
kind etc. for In Canada the tariff ha
ot been raised? Now, Mr. republican
farmer, dont you ee that all the pros
perity you are getting now I being en
joyed by the farmers of Canada also, and
therefore I not caued by Mark Hanna
and hi Iaws?Jefferson County Journal
The country was considerably sur
prised at the announcement that Presi
dent Andrew bed withdrawn hi reslic-
nation and would remain at the hend of
i'rown univerity. The only explana
tion given i that the pressure was too
trongfor him to resist. The 'truth Is
that the men who' sought to humble
him have been tbemsclve humbled. In-
etead of Audrews getting on hi knee
tefortbem they have been compelled
to prostrate themselves before him.
It I probably safe to aHHiime that
President Andrew has won a signal vic
tory for the freedom of speech and of
opinion. When the money magnates
ami their hireling sought to close hi
mouth on the financial and social topic,
they were aiwuied at the promptness
wild which he tendered his resignation.
At first they sought to justify their act,
but they ended ill bending before the
atorm of indignant criticism they had
aroused, and beseeched him to remuin.
lie undoubtedly remain 011 hi own
term. Ilocky Mountain New.
One of tho pop state officials recently
gav hi wife a temporary position as
clerk in hi olllce. When a republican
discovered the wife of thl good pop offi
cial in hi office tin new wn rnpidly
epread throughout the state and a tre
mendous howl went up from ilj republi
can pre bemuse 11 pop ntlleial should
commit eiii'li a terrible crime a to ap
point In wife 11 a clerk in hi office, to
drew a Hilary Irom the state. Wlien
populist heard the statement they aire
11 1 i 1 ihiiliHll'd (hat an ollhinl It it'll
they had fliiii'd hnuld make xtii'ti till
iiipiiiiilnii'iil mid IhtiiMHtter wn I in nn
iluili lv invent lignled, Hhen it w a dln'tiv-
n il Unit the I'fMulur i lrrk wn Inking a
hnrt Viu hIiipii mill the iiilii'ial'awde u
ttilmg the ptMtiilon during hi teiiipur
ury uliwtii. Sow ic ttaiiapire llmt
the llir' reiiiblicnn uprems Jm1 nl
.Si LriioiVn Mild Hie Ihr.n nilnlil nni,.r
of the iipritie tumrl, eiii h oim hn w
pnliitn itithcr hi mile or Willi im' in I r
id their rt'ttpH'tivv tiniilii a M'retre-
at a ii'iii v ol 4 I , r year, aiuuunt.
lug In il.iioii h r fir, Imt tit f .iil,i
iiiIIhi r m.I4 nothing about
thai, It one of the thins lli tbiat
waul to Ulk aleiul. I'utdi tipttiluu
tW'tk )
llil ii l ! ptipuiiaiii la tin latut
ia m Ur rultd lit tk tvlirruivHl id
Ik rfpul4iin rty a a mils iiiui
rsl siid iivreiMiMal ir, au. b
HH to th pmipte Mj lnk Sk i r sa
!! ai)itiiMlntlititi I14 I'lmw ill um
lilihi)ltulxl Ulttt Irssd. 'I ha 4
Mill ji i tUv fxnur,' mU
iik, armnir n I Immwi hl
luf IH. if lbiiMd la ISM l Mto,
1 lt llldt WH lltllllr! hlMI lf
aduvnlieH the lariuif a etwial and
i.iiiiimw ijUMinm. 1 lift t i-rti l lu
lb lltl liUl lh (lwrld t4itlt IH IhtM
(eta ta niuiutiii Ik re-
ull Hfii id iMifaiMt uUf ur
liiur pmfli isalihg, aa rsv
riM. id ail ike U lMiit la lh til l
,rtie. la lle nttg
liarM itiaatiip tiiiml nivailwt
aadladuiw Ittftit lu lk iJ amntl
Itivtr nimmua utrt ltj td4
tbti) Id riliv't id ea kiUtiiis, id
dtvt) itewplf lain Ike ttinnty quMtiea,
aleo into the manpiulat ion of the tariff
and wonder why they were once so blind
and ignorant as to be chained to any
party name.
The grauge had a grand share In pro
tnoting the partial redemption of this
great state and this shows the impnr
tance of sustaining and encouraging the
best fraternal organization that ever
spread its protecting influence around
the homes of the farmers of America.
Iilulr Jtcpublicoti.
As BncxaiiHileofrcpublicanstatosman
ship (buncombe) the now tariff law is
worthy of a gold niedul. The leadwrs of
the rcpublicHii party piece such alow
estimate on the intelligence of the farmer
that they think all that Is .uocemwy to
win his support Is to put a prohibitive
lurui on in product, it uoesnt mat
ter whether the products on the tariff
schedule are evw In danger of competi
tion wltu imported products or not.
Just put a tariff on llum and the fanner
will think he Is protected. Tlil'lk of the
Imbecility of prohibiting the linimrtii
tion of hay, straw, honey, cabbage and
vegetahles, a the J'ingley bill provides.
or even com, viweat una outs. J lie pro
ducts of tho farm are exported and not
imported, and u tariff to prohibit their
Importation I the silliest kind of politi
cal fullucy, The only time this country
Imports farm produce Is when we have a
Irtmiue, The tariff then works against
11 by Increasing the cost of our living.
The duties ou the import are added to
the orlgiual cost of tho product and the
transportation charges, While the turfff
has no Influence on our exports it con
trols the cost of imports i'eople's Haulier,
llrynn unit HUl'mm.
When Mr. Hryan wa traveling on the
I'uclllu count the goldbug press made
the astonishing dicovery that he was
riding over the HouUiern I'aclllo lines on
a pa, Aked for . un explanation, he
frankly stated that transportation had
been isued to him on account of tho
advertising department of the Omnha
World Herald, in which paper Mr, llryao
is a stockholder, This was sufllcient.
If bo wished to use the transportation of
a paper ol which he was purt owner, lie
had a perfect right to do ho. Much trans
portation is always more than paid for
by the ucwspattcr,
liut the goldbug press lias not seen tit
to let the matter drop, and the tiersiN
eucy with which they are following It op,
and the Insignificance of the Incidident,
tend to demonstrate how bard they are
pushed to make a point ugaitrnt Mr.
ilryan. The latest exhibition Is a screed
iu the Omaha Bee which sets up the
novel proposition that Icon use Mr,
Hrynii Is not an editor, but only a stock
holder of the World Herald, therefore he
has no right to use the paper's trans
portatloa. This is fuu'iiy. The proposi
tion is that au owner or part owner of a
newspaper has ho right to use what the
paper earns In Its advertising columns,
but that an editor, tierhaps on a salary,
has. This is too absurd to merit notice,
It serves asan illustration of thedreadful
straits fa which Mr. If ry tin's opponents
find themselves la order to make a point
against him Itocky Mountain News,
Thorn JurtVMon' Word,
'The germ nf dissolution of our fed
eral government is in the constitution
of the federal Judiciary; an irresponsible
body (for Impeachment Is a scarecrow),
working by gravity by oljcbt and by
day; gaining a little today and a little
tomorrow, and advancing Its noiseless
step like a thief, over the field of jurisdic
tion, until all shall be usurped from the
states, and the government of all be con
solidated into one. "Jefferson's Works,
Vol. 7, p. 210.
The Judiciary ol the I. ulted States Is
the subtle corps of sapper and miners,
constantly working under ground to
undermine the foundation of our confed
erated fabric. They are construiug our
constitution from a co-ordination of a
general and upecial government to a
gi nernl and supreme one. The
loumlatlous are already deeply laid by
their decisions for the annihilation of
constitutional state rights. If ever
this country is brought under a single
government, it will be one of the moet
extcimive corruption, iu different and In
capable uf wlioiumiiiift care over mu wide
spread a mi r lice. Tin will not be borne,
and we will have to choose between re
formation and revolution; the one o"
the other I inevitable." .luffemou's
Work, vol. 7, p. IH 1.
taent by corporations, is a question that
will determine the existence of this re
public. Uules we can check it there is
no hope for this country."
The advance of so-called socialism is
due to the progress of a real plutocracy.
Those who oppose the extension of gov
ernment Into lines now left to private
enterprise waste their energy when they
strike at the effects of plutocracy that
Is, the socialistic tendencies and leave
untouched the causes of those tendencies
the plutocracy and its instrument
boss rule. New York World,
Clevelnnit Wealth,
Grover Cleveland who was such a
stickler for the "houor of the nation"
that he bonded this country for J0O,
000,000 to buy gold to keep up the Ho
tion that "coin means gold, has re
turned a schedule to the authorities
placing the Value of nil his holdings at
the modest figure of 1130,000.
it is but Justice to the champion of
liouor and honesty to state, that he did
itmakeoutu to this statement, but
Why "Moi Ittllam" AiIvmih'o.
A great many very excellent tsioiile
who neither read nor listen to anything
that they do not approve are iiniorantly
shocked at the advance of what they
term "socialistic" not ions. They cannot
iiinh r.iiiiid why in this country the de
mand lor government owurrahip ol rail
road, gas and water companies and the
like should grow so iiiinteet.
I.X Oiiteruor Alttfuld, In hi ri inurkii-
t,!o p h oa I, ul, ur d.iy, t". r.'.t t niiMl.t
imnt to the blind, if tbry lll but nsu
their He aid;
'Ho liiiiu a IIiitm wn rompetilinti our
in iiiiie pri ferred to let it resolute every
thing, but i'oiii'iititui I l ing entirely
wn 1 out by p. ml and trust, uud uur
ample w ill la ttevouied bv uilturr 1111-
the government iiiiihs to their reJ
t Is dead ttl life tiltrttdii"
1 k iu-i 111 tiuiMireii 01 Hi'iuxirK
I ,i re 1 tiietiiiiwtilinn la u,ilatiug gas
lu thl I'll!, ll the flii.luks nl till. id
transit inn IH ed IU 'Mealing lh t'iao
wpprovitl by Mtu n4 t l.erw will boil'
ly ( an rul in it. !' tiitti iu tti pu t,r
tmmu 4 V totk, Asd thi-wi and
tittup uii.fauHilrt' o the IrskiliU
grll kas l.sill upiN briUty and
touu4 Ibiougk ci'irupit.iu, A Mr.
.ltld ii IiI
' I k publ.t' I iioide lu bay vrt U-tu
ul IrtbMt ! th U uiatiws. sed la
toldM 1 h iinvalkiu ul I'Mlliitrf
au4 In tk'a tiuWiHr vortwptHis, l 'it
lieg aa a4 la t?. v:loi4 'l s-a'SfKia,
' a. til th rimtril ul
IIIIIII.UIHI. 111 imi iiiiiiiii 1 Jim 1.1 .11 11 .un in i
II f I'lusnl k
kt 11. t tUm& mhi hl tk.
J 4 ik m u v.t
l HUH itM4, l !!. M f XM..I Ml
Miws I ,4 kt liu t ,
iv a.r .) , k. wmm
1 M 4 u US a, 1 ,M 1.,. .
l'MMIil-ll,l l.i !,i ,.!., 1. U
' 4 liw la Om i,
k. I-Mll IMI M ha M,t M (.I, M.
"' t4' Imii aul S
..' .. fjt, hh ml it. . IMM
kt .!. h U fc,i Ik mm
S a -I lk , !,
W a n an iix n.Joi Il.ii. 4
rinHk li,..k km
Tali lb !Wl!t!? I )mtt 1 1 M,
is omission 011 his part makes him sub
cat to a fine of f 200. Moitiestulistlcally
inclined person tins made the following
estimate of what Grover Cleveland is ac
tually worth.
Kaved lu twenty years.".. ,... 1)00,000
rresent value of Gray Gables,
Horses and carriages ,., 1 0,000
Ifonts, yachts, etc .. 11,000
Furniture 6,000
'resent value of Woodley 150,000
i'rtsent value of i'rincoton.
N.J. home , 40.000
Furniture 6,000
'orsonal property und other
real estate 428.000
Stocks and bonds 000,000
The Cleveland fortune 1,700,000
Admitting that this may be somewhat
excess of tits properly, there Is a
marked discrepancy between 130.000
and f 1,7U),000 which the assessor of
Mercer township, New .Jersey, has a per
fect right to Invoatiicauv Jo ut Weekly
Borne of the incidents Mr. lirvun meets
with us thousands flock to hear and see
him. At St. Louis Labor day he was
greeted by a great concourse of people.
Jfelow we print two extracts from a re
publican paper.
while the second reception near the
stair was in rirogres. a handsome
woman planted a sounding kiss noon
Mr. Dryaii's lips. He was startled and
looked it.
"1 want to be able to tell 111 v irriuid
children that I kissed a president of the
united Scutes ' exclaimed the woman.
and the crowd shouted approvingly,
tut Mr. Itryan was manifestly nervous
until the reception had ended.
At 0:J0 p. m. when Mr. iiryan was
preparing to leave the platform a pretty
young lady with golden brown hair and
dressed lu pure white, begged Major
Ilarvy 1', Halmon to aid her in reaching
Mr, Ilryan in order that she could shake
the orator's band. With his usual
prompt gallantry the major partly lifted
the young lady over the chairs and
through the pushing crowd, and when
she grasped Mr. Hryan' hand her dream
was only naif realized, for she exclaimed
Uh, pshaw! I wish women could rote,
"Ho do I," replied Mr. Hryan cour
Mr. Ilryan was lifted off his feet bv the
howling crowd that surged around bltn
despite the police. With Tony Ktenvns
on one side of him und Capt. Hickol on
the other, Mr, Ilryan. half smothered
and dripping with perspiraton. was rew
cued from the crowd and helped to the
carriage. Cret Democrat.
The t'roiarltjr of FovtlNhna.
It is strange, and yet no more strange
than true, that full grown meu, men
presumably of sound mind and memory
and of average intelligence, deliberately
and with fraudulent intent, state with
seeming sincerity to the people that ris
ing price which they know are occa
sioned by reason of short crops abroad
and low stocks at home, are wholly or
rnoetiy attributable to the late change
in the politic of the national adminis
tration. And coming from such appar
ently high authority as daily paper
und campaign speakers, a great many
well meaning people are led to believe it.
Looking back over pnci.s during the
years 1N7U to 1K05 inclusive, we find
fluctuation from year to year scattered
all tbrosgb the period. The figure fob
lowing are taken from the Ktatitical
Abstract of the United Hlate for the
year lHHo, at page !)7i. They show
New ork price "averaged for the year
given. We omit all fractions of a cent:
Mill K OK I1IIAIN I'KIl III hum. .
Wheat. Corn
K It.
IHH.I .,
lM ..
I "Mil ...
1 11s ..
IU ...
I Nil I ...
1 tJ...
IXI'I ....
I.H ...
I Kill .
.4 J
is a mode of wisdom. A wise man always buys
where he can save, even though it is but a little.
I Here is a chance to save from 10 to 20 per cent:
It mil Iw i.b.irvid that from 7D tu
1,'t, thi priM of tiwl raiid aiiuii
m dolUr, that Irota li4 to Hill ll
raugt'd ll..w it dollar, mid that the
drop Irmn 1 I to iM wm U ii-i.i
i ttiu buati4 Cora only f wt
luai-r la v lima It m i l?t.
Ikmli III tha Mifetntiliia It had tmtt N
tuuH a i and a low a 41,
lUu rn-d Utwisu ftt cat and y
b m ituriuij li priil
I'arisa Ilia )mi llU to lm, ry
liioaitrt'oa rrpitbtH'aa, thuMn
Ik r ol ahnt mm tnkH fit)
au. a low mm Hi ivta-- ili!1wrH of
41 nt -ditittg lh mltKj, kitk
iniin 1 1 in opcrnttitia mi tit tun-.
tu I I k n lr.,i 111 nraU .i J,oi
Irmn ft to imi Mtr4 dartiirf n
friul.iaM, a did ai
trt.pu lM rvt Ik a tt (tar,
I'oM'i ka an iaira ri4iia In Ik
-ha ol ftm Ikaa II ha tl Ika 0ola4
aad l.tiss: . Ika I'd-w. Wapj-ti ! d
Misa.l la Ida trkl, '-t,atlr4 fla
igiiatioa ! aa apiiriaia' i m ii-
i.itatllig VurratM-f Ikaaa u. itkr
tiii. rUla It if ad and Raaa.
Wt praaawl ail at te I li'jwk A lti
rtt Maw tkat MaaU Hi l,
Ika kaaU la, lor ) yar, im
Ik vstabliahwtai l tita ails
Bed Comfort Sale
Full slue at 08c, HOo, 00c, fl.18, 1.35, l.B8, l.0,
M.U and 12.70.
Iteguiar price 75c, 00c, fl.OO. ft.SB. 1.60, l,75,
2.00, 92.50 und 93.00
Underwear Sale
50 down men's camel hair rsjidotn shirt nnd draw,
crs, regular price 40, this wwik, each .....20o
40 down men's sanitary shirts and drawers, regular
price 40u, this week, each, , .'lie
JJ0 dozmi nmn's Jersey ribbed shirts and drawers,
regular price 50c, this week, each 41c
50 iliwn child's natural wool shirts and pants, this ,
week. 18 (Ic, 20 He, 22 10c. 24 12!4, 20 15c, 28
18c,JI0 22o,:i2 25c, 84 27c.
(A reduction of 15 percent.)
75 dozen ladies' Jersey ribbed vpsIs and pants, 22c, 29o
and4:jc, Iteguiar price 25e, JI5o and fOo,
50 pieces Columbia Indigo blue calico, regular price
on, this week ,.,...,.... ........,...,......,,1:40
C00 yards remnant prints, regular prion 5c, Jhls
week il?(o
20 pieces Albany LL muslin, regular price 4 o, this
week . ,..,., , , , 40
15 pieces I'epp It. H., regular price 7c, this week......5o
12 piece Crescent shirting, regular price flc, this
week , 70
Bargains in Shoes
Child's kid button, spring heel, square too, B to 11,
regular price 83c, this wwk , ,..79c
Misses' kid button, spring heel, square tot, UK to 2,
regular price t,00, this week JL ',.04c
Misses' kid button, razpr toe, patent tip, 11 to t.
regular price f 2.00, this week f 1.45
Misses' best kangaroo calf, button, raitor toe, pat- .
cut tip, 12! to IK, regular price $ 2, this week 1.45
Youth's calf laco, neeijile toe, regular price l,75,
this week.. .,.,.,..,, ..,....,.,..,,,, ,..,.,. .........l.flS
Hoys' calf lace, needle toe, regular price 2.00, this
week , , , 1,45
Youths' kangaroo calf, lace, cola ion, regular price
fl.75, this week , 1.45
Uoys' kangaroo calf, lace, coin toe, regular price
2.00, thl week , 1,05
Discouut sale on Child's, Misses' and Ladies' Oxfords,
Headquarters for Warm Lined Shoes and Blippcr.
Special Sale on Hats
50c Men's Wool Hats, this week'. ., .....Mo
75o Men's Wool Hats, this week.,., 50
fl.OO and f 1.25 Men's Fedora and other stylos, Fur
Huts, this week 08c
f 2.25 and f 2.50 Fedora and other styles, this week 1.09
Job lot in Stiff Hats, were f2, f 2.50 and f .1; closing
.price ,., ., ....., .Wo
921 O Street,
Opposite 2?-O., - Liaacol-n., DLSTelo.
banks in this country. But the People
Party took hold of the question In 1892,
and have aroused such a pewerful senti
ment in its favor that the next congress
is almost certain to establish them.
And now the bank are falling into
line, but declaring that when the postal
avings banks are established, ana bil
lions of dollars of deposits are collected
from the people on the faith and credit
of the government, the government must
turn them over to the banks, to lend out
at thoir usual rates and lor the profit of
the banking corporations; so that not a
dollar of the deposits can get back to
the people, who need the money unless
they go to the banks and borrow it, and
ia v six to ten percent Interest ou it.
Under this arrangement the national
government would simply lie acollccting
agency for the banks; to collect money
lor thinii to lemJ out. Alumina Danits
busted" the nation would have to
make up the losses!
And us, under the law eetuiiiiMiiuiff
muioual banks, they are prohibited
from lending money on real estate, and
the farmer is thus discriminated against,
the same rule would have to apply to
the loan of the funds secured by the
postal waving banks. The money would
be taken bom the farmers uud meclinn-
a to lend to the niercliante; 11 ml if one
of the farmer wanted a loan to a
hi farm, or vlllairo. or city, homestead,
Irom execution and sale, he could not
get it.
If the post nl waving bank is lit to re
ceive the S'ople' money it is fit to loan
it out.
Knutaud today Is lending money to
tlin Irish sasaiitM tu enable them tu se
rum homes!
if the I'niled Stale twelve I h money
ul the 1 mo phi and pays the i,.poilor,
ay, 2 r iinl r nnuuui for It, w hy
lomld they not lend it out, ou I ha
liuiiiiaiif tlm nplii under rosr re
striction slid limitation, lor, say, .'I
per rent per annum? The extra hall p'-r
lit would lulty pay all the expetiami id
th system.
Tha litre r mil laaa would ainnah
tha aix or eitfht or ten pr eut Uian.
h lli. ii 111. in v million ol dollars,
.i ur l.i.n.i L.r the poor, and till up
lh whole t ..n.muiiilr.
I ba luiitrv rivilnatiou niau tha aid
uatiiia ol lh govrraiiiaatal r oi
lh kK with ail (HerUr au I par
iit di.i oal.l. It. ia Iha Hpr-
Wil l. ti' tilVK t Palllhalkaalta
niii lu ou? U "t, Uuik ul
I sfa l.tuikl. I lira Uiila, pinipWa, liiiMr
aa I ail iwMitaloua UkJi urkM y taking
iliiiHl Mir at ilia,
lliaih I'll I a j swy
as I do fcut lotrya, ii ur (ri)-a. All
I aarwrats sliaiutat kr, kldaavs an,
huwataktvaf saka, wkwr grislik
MMMttd iaa.l, -Uo!,aif K-4ik !.
oupll wita tiia iiu rlat t.H aai
10U si, kf, Naarly w -! plfc.
,l!)i (urtlMKif Ci.
Tu I n l Ik :rliHttna. !
ll m i i. t, Vi, aad tt Hit, Aim
ti. St,l,ll, ll, a.ll.
The Blralt,
Mr. Ricbfello Mis He tu tie's shoe
lace cam unfastened, and she let me
tie It
Miss Prattle Yes, she wears such
tight curse U she can't stoop.
A flopela rata.
Friend Perhaps you could frighten
7 'j-r wife into treating you better if
you'd threaten to commit suicide.
Mr. llenn-Peck No use. hhe'dglve
me Hail Columbia if I didn't
The Secret Oat
"What Is the secret of Fanny Jinks'
wonderful social success abroad? I
hear that earls, dukes, lords and
princes are literally falling over each
other to propose to her."
"She gave It out that she was tho
daughter of a police captain."
A Frot.
The peer proposed (the debutant
Had wealth and he had blood)
liut found his hopes the next Instant
were all nipped In the bud.
No Doubt of Ik
Smith I see where a Rhode Island
roan has successfully experimented
with an air ship. What do yuu think
of It?
Jones Rhode Island, eh? Hum, well,
I rail that flying In the face of 1'rovl-dent'o.
ItaJ Itliu 1 h.rn
Old Man (iradley (ttstlty)-4?onfound
your liiiiiudeno, sir. I ve forgotten
morn than you'll er b arn,
Tom l-nrkry (ihe 'klly That may
be, i'ld man. tut 1 knw mora than yuu
tt rvinsiuUar.
v7 f,
t j i v ,Ji
kJVi, Ll
It doUat tfr I rat , l
mm yr ana wear tll korloi) ia
r Uit
I ivt 1'aia . l'l Wia the tt
wik, ra Vuy, 1 ar 1 tad It fur '
H ither Tkt Mr l'orksp la the
parti m ik joar aUtar, ia t t
lnial ta-
' IIh! I MMM.tar whki tki povarly
itrtvkaa fvllnaj tklak wt I list 114 dot.
af VoMaat M MIKfUA Seat r
he ilea' I like It taaetv sUter
Wait a4tf Ills hsd all ike
ealDf m i4 suit Ik."
And Say Rome Tary Cat
View of Creating
Illustrated Difficult!
a torn
ot fapaler
Moral la Fanatuck.
Agriculturist Bean pod (of Penatuck,
K. J.) There's that thunderin' ediot
Beedj Tart with another of bis queer
a imb. - -' r J .. k.i 1. .
.it'll rr v f
'4 sS
reckon that's
iiffilculturkt Eaflyg-rccn - Wc!!, yoa
kaow, be an' his fulka spent a week at
lUsbury I'ark las' aitiuimr, 1 hear
they all drive all their boaae Ul water
la bathiii' suit down there.
A .lbt t iii,lia.
Mr MoMorlarty- I'nal 1 your
loin' now, Mr. D'UalTurty?
Mr. OiUfferty Sure he's adopted
ih stage a a nrofaiu, Mr. Mo
tloriarty. Mr. McMurlarly A lift airsnisk
tiage U it?
Mrs. (Ilaff.rly-I'.e sway wld y't
aiiiuel It aa avl,r he la Us d
le a light rtnuad.aa,
Mr. Mi MrtarlA iuikt otud!sa
Mr, oiuff.rly Via. H sUa U te
rsnt tha liaii sailaiti. au4 lU MwutU -In
a Uia. fi.raiaat a ran.'.lt, aa bla
I'awtni Ik shouts at lh' readle ke
blow tl uuk
a atiia4a. .
lM.Kad-ly dear tha aif Is' Imwf
iai W'aiht y Yea' 4 Mtr wear
JHf fai
Wifa -1 tie tha raeJj.
llaUad-Aa4 tie joar W fUsst
ly. A lulls etpxaare oft a lee da te
re throat, aal sxre Hr l W4 t
lii'iilaeriw, a t.l da4fHs disease.
Wear Jfoat thWi ritvia, Ua ae4
ft) lki hmm ea-l warm lutee4
4, say ia,t tktea yee4 Wltei wear
a warwi vail ttvW taMearefat
sks en life luswieae la la arrara
aa4 ear tsv