The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 23, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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    September a3, 1897
if. -
s l
la tkia ) iH poWl.ll tmaamintioM
fa aorta a4 ealtM utanrtw,
fraa nbrttn te Ula paper. So ojoi-
atiaal4 aoatata wm tUaa f or.
ktaeaaerlpt will aa be exaraaa,
To w Editob or thsc I.tnr.i'EsnitfT.
So iBtelligeot patriot who ha any
b-art eso b indifferent to th complica
tion of political matWi in thin atate and
nation. If I am of aeem to be, many
otber ar ennaii r ao. Then let tw look
ttM faet tfcey are fatly in th faee,
rinrr J ACT.
William J, Bryan i bo longer creating
ptliaatiiMWt The thing i done,
ami bow wiat? i'r-nt condition con
trol biw aad be baa bo tow m th mat
ter. To apeak oat mow than b doe i
oat of hie power nntd he eondndea to
break with th democrat! party, Tbm
ad sot b expeted now, perhepe never.
If be Mitm th whole popolial platform
no one need expect him to aay be do,
until the democrats party say o
That be may be a pmadential candi
dal in YieiO in likelv ae thing bow
eem, tot greatehange before that need
not norprwe anyone,
rxosi r ACT,
The democrat party in power, or oat
f power, a not be depended opon to
lorm popnliet principle into law. It i
rv r tain that tby wonfd not have
done it bad fcryan been elected in "i.
Tbia m bow. elenr to mmy thoueand
DOKulwt. aad ontof tbie (fro we the
thir vncr.
Many thoneand poputiete are appoeed
to any partnerehip, alliance, fueion or
anything eiee that eao be eonetroed into
heireng dmoerat to power. Any at-
tn.t to Wad. eoai . drive or arzne these
voter into cooperation or fueioa, di
vide the bartr. and awaken dietroet in
leading nvtn. Already tbe two reeolt
hae Arrived, aad onr enemie are bank
ing on the facta. We aeed not deny it
lr mo rood can corn of denial. We
anot deoy what all of the world know,
aaH man who avmoafhiste with oar
platform Uad aloff and refne to iden
tify tbemeelvea with a iet becaoee they
aspect to mm n o to piece, Holcomb,
Alkm, Uatler and other bare loat many
friend jut becaoaa of the part they
bar taken in tbia matter, notwithstand
ing vry one of them ba doo a noWe
work, Tbeperaonal danger might be
btaved aad endured, bat the divided
party, poaaibly m deatroyed party, i a
large matter of awiooe eharacter, fnv
oeraU eoant oa oor deatrnetioa, Tbey
bavaaot eaid ao ia print aofaraaf
know bat they do ay it ia eonveraatioa.
Tba atory of the boy who tied the rop
round hie body aad threw the other end
over the tear' bora aad foand bimeelf
wain off at a raoid rate, wbo when the
boy aked bint "wbar are yoo going"!
MawerM -aa n wr, m yritj r
plieaMe bere. Bat tba democrat are
Bot ail tber ia a boot tbia eteer. The
ateeriamade spof more thmn than
democracy, and the deatroetios of the
popaUnte will hardiy pot tbe democratic
Btaer ia tba white honne at Waabington.
ncrra rcr.
Tbe progrea of event w very rapid
ow, Tbe Omaha platform ia little mora
tbaa fir vear old. Nearly every W
tnre of tbb platform ia now advocated
bv mea aad aewepaper of alt partiee
aad eepMinlty bv independent paper
lik th Cbicago Keeoro. So ooeot 'hem
nerbap advocate the whole platform,
bat om of them are for government
aavinir !-, aaother for theown-
hip of all municipal light, wtr work
and etreet railwey. another for the
ownrehip if all ralroale. Tbe very air
ia full of or dVictnae, iml we ehall pre
ent to bitorr the eabttiniry of lootmh-
Bee it we divide and die now. More
than all thi a anion of the labor vote
into on movement ie pomible and may
be in eight now. tiovernnvmt by injnne-
tioa ie well op to the Irl cott d-ieion.
and ie ore-rating lat a they rtn. .in
oth.r Job a llrowa may be eipw-ted now
tlmml anv day. In the year A.I).,
IfrfO we may a!J Cad onrlv forced on
br a flood, and not allowed to chooee,
and bararain and eomoromiee. VVher
thea 1 afety?
Let a!l iKftiiiif(ret together. I would
not interier
ma't". f arry on. all we have begun but
qtiit r ght there. So more two or three
convention for conference. Onr plat
form and party are th only livinir bop
lor th nation bow in uht. If theflMwl
are to overflow we have th nheei anchor
of anlety and all the world will have
eonfi b-n'-e in ne. If ao John I-rowa ap
jware, no barm i done. We hall mun'h
right on to victory. I'.ut if mnet l a a
Unit I fore with eonftbn'e in one
another ahd eeijefially with condib'W
in onr b-lr. Ail fuion worn ha
faileif op to f h dite to '.irillg or even
bold on to eoofl'b-nfe. li till g' to
gether on our own platform, hold ur
own convention, ed-ct wh"r we ran,
and vote every voter with or without
election, con ftbne will eoou romnmnd
the whole camp far and nenr. We miirlit
leave two vaanie on a fat tirfcer,
and invite men of kindred fnrh otitic
money fUeflort to tt it nut the tirWef.
I,et them take the offr or reject a f hy
ehooae. Our central eomtnitteeeHU oii
All it. Then Irt n adjourn and iro hom.
We tha prenerv a manly digmtv. We
dlar otireHve rapaMe ol atendnir
to our own luin. Th nthtr fellow
will know then Ihttt w are to bon
BUlted and Wll treafe.l ftf no buinee
Heed b eterted otltl(e ouf own line ol
ac tion. I'.ui yoa auv union alone run
keep rot tea repulilM-an out, pleaa tell
a elm l a iliti bd party ran do to keep
rotten republican ouf. A nmied vigor
011 parly on onr whole pleUorm, and
no taint anyahore, ruitftrrf maay wn
tie on first trul, and later on rrrf
everything. Tbmn who )oine. ia the
movemeBt to !-1 Hryea mnrrrf
lleved It to let a Wien move and 1 ("-ld
wee.. I'.At 0t riePe W proving it
arxtlf el jrl'n at o eoatijr ia m"f r
but ia "f thing vaetiy more v eiu ii.
tbaa ioy, I or love of liod tad roua
try let u K-t bark to the eolid rm li of
auMy. 'I hat ror ie fmwhed the m
twuit w get Lack to eonrt lnc i.i ail of
t haiiion at ibefrwat. The rank ad file
ar rady aad aaiMia for it, let Hi
trunut how and ever aft-r 'ive
nrrtaia eound" f be fealbatlle eounl
tb lent II fry ol freedom "
J. M, ffvrnra
Twdurell, ept, !ur,
To the Editor of fha tvoroV
With resrard tottia atrlka- amotiir Oi
coal miner of Petmy!lv wbic i
now going oaanrf which & bmonMH
each fatal eonarojienee 6o eome oi wemv
rtaecma to me ta the' dlepoeittott'
which i ehowa & condone fbiir maee"
ere aad paee it by lightly tW ajjoli
ogy that if waa beef 0 kill twmty t
or thirty sow rather ttt tiav frv Irilli
a few hundred after while,, i a rni-
on fhaf it waa a onjjwtirtaol crtrtwr.
i. . e
Thieia the only pjetincatjow vmw (t4WrtuM1VMK A be
find attempted J .jrtiivw? rfiot iiioy bttwk
The earn would1 have- jinrttfM tii,wMfaM4mv $ur.46 mvuey by
maBere of Hugonof fl 'JJ
mr. rnnaravia Meadow 6ttt
o maeeacra irt Mirtrteeotitt
H..rib rime hair har.H' cooie-j
. ... .-e iit-rt'a.lkUetrtnv!!nMf ittHalilWtiy tJ V Ww.
man.aloneiumlen Crtine p
h .hooting, b6 f ha rtUlte- M.,.WfleWfJdlli.M AbeiiiK wt tbe
altempwnymeomy i-"
m htM nAVpr neeii-rw riiiit-
wealth which nw lai
to mankind, to live
and keep hie family, .WW r,.e m oW o.l vt
tione have bo more rtee for nlrtl'iirtf!. a mam wrf. -p ubifi 4ue aar.
policy of killing them flSVuoMi b tbe
inaugurated, of or fm 1 J nvl it
Ia mmt do the killing; rtiu fffSXi $ tKiWiHwai f b
reapectability, -rtd if witorwttt-lit -fW fn M , itfiurtiiiiKVou.Wl tb.!Wiibw
dreo Happen to rop wi 01 m m
ao matter; it nave- 7'- ,
. . ' . , . ., .1. 1 . J 1 1 l tli ia I
hireling wrltew of ie! oligvirt'liy' Of'
wealth are no neing.
Thl maeaaertwavHaaeltotf' wWOoof
th moat; natrfaeol cHcm evef
mi f ieri 00 American' eotl, aod( taWW
place along ile the fudiart miteeactMa'io'
colonial day. In race rwe mey of)
the coal and oil omnbittew Of Kemtayi.
vania and Ohio, if written,, would-efHfp
the commercialient of oof nrtie- ae
bloofl etained feinlaiiem hiflH' rtW rtHil
The wageaof a elawa- aw bit 1000;,,
ClOtoe, meoicinw atHK wmwy
maeter mnet pay for flieee, B W
dom the wage lavr muef pay' for ttiettf
himeelf.r il be cannot tfiett gv wWmvwA
A acute of wage which' make-it? itwpo
iWeforbim to have thee- Beweeariee;,
nnte him in wore conditio pyell
amt a deeper (brredntiort1 rttocHtiy tMi
fhechattej Java.
were inetinVd irt eTtpemlinr mllliotia ofj
treaeureandrlvem Woo,JitVVfr fi
chattel elave from th pbywiaJ! iwVSe
tione and moral degradation oi!i omi
ditioo, bot we eeem to-rwotroi w tttfi
man obiigar'ioo ae mett' or doty ar rt--tioa
to the wage elave- who' rvcervleew.
for bi toif aad ie treated5 worver..
erv erieted ae long aer tba f v owrterw;.
tfirough their attorney dortiltwtV!d'
government. The laborw tooay iw twr
Cniteo Mtatea ia beimr eycpolted) fVy rw
poinC of poverty and eraneartort liyr ttir
utiu.ruf everirteariOfiir wtnea' we utw
efava power fbroogli it amrttey-
mate the fl'overnmjtrtC. mtm- roe na j
rhi. n arlrtnaiWihrtoeanif ceSme dtriHuetj:
God? JVffereofl ttodemoo twa senj
tralied wealth wa tlwr fortdoof'
deepotic government?,, o eouirh
praveattbiaby deetroying: flrntWU'of i
ano, mt later Ott When ce grw nu-
taral wealth of the nartort' timtur W
parent, tee patriotic- mr' dewirlrtg' fW
comoae thi wealth,- tlirWMrW legiet-
fioo bronjfhtiut'O' eiettmce a inetU; 'if riiiwrt il,V4efj!eitt ,iu ,ite iCbrouic
tion called a corpornrVMii. wtticlf i ar ijrtbt'oerjeritMJtttly jh. jUut
much more formidaoia' aa srrttVllf j Iwtitvwihtitf Miitw- Jbp,iti itbtttj.vepap
when generally applied fhao1 tit- ttwrt- lltfwtibK'rVW j M wiU .ditfiyuit
tory and intjete over which aeoftjor i,. i(t 4jpci.
tion can operate i grenr riaf om .;
limit of a Kmrtieti farm; , !
It interdict ao aiee tbe- edict'
of Almighty fol, tbar martWirtd eluMH'P
h w dominion overall rtMttrfl' ntiniKc,'
and take to iteetl the- eole' ttenefltw-ot':
God boouty. Iceay to tVie ruw of1,
mankind, nature" rear etor hvnee,e-
mine aad from if you cannot" ett i
the litorr it eaye you ar. tieiuiir"i
by God and by your count ry- f (Ww
corporationj alone mn tlie prtui m
power, and thi nnnif ie fii I'.iiar eie
of oor grar comnierfiHliiu. If'- 'e
pnrpow i to grittier into it- ineiOHiiue
eeif all welrii withmif. rk'niWnur art'
ecjtrirabmf, and f'.ie iiHriOfl and' all'
l.ral machinery alidletK mid atwoMbvow
the wealth prolueitlg Cltllsfrt f.v til'
mrcy of tbie law eo-atl rtioueer..
Sffrry ie a divine ntldlmie hlc'l rtluM'
reflert from Gvf. ilae a eocjior iHou'
any divine attritmtee1?' N'o; not' one.- (VJ
ie .imply the mieerfy mxtinct' rtf rtnm or--gunizeil
into a urrt power' to -W
itnelt, hut for whoee itreed no litliO tdor
i.v,.p nnn found It hue no hertJ ro-ieet
f-.r the eilftfTiugof if Victim.
It ear are fuelled (O- h"ar itihliMr
tintthejmgleof lw It eye oi i"t;
n tea-, their buniimr ,Pptli fiv'si
mthiiiir hut the rapaett y of (Tie tiil-er
avid the greed of demon, fn Mu- 10
il to hv, and tnw Mr rtof ty,vulti.'f!
With the fenr of hell
Crime, iiei(.-, pe.Mtl'.rHinou iilif r lUM'l!
and iliiniinrii"t hotuear ) i5m ilelitftirtr
it t .-.. alofttf -nfhw,y iiii if
rouftiM rhe -nii!i of it- tor-r oxf inoe
ieree fit it li'er t itw'l 1'
infrumiit itaaeei the .itfliwt -f r'e
Inw, it shadow loom up iwhm.l1
jiutifeon th tvnel d prompts it
ipwiMiiin lie rviibr.
And a eownclty nnd ll.'eurt e-'a
einif it prte artd-rtpologliMr foe ;
Tin picture i of rtsr.e,fi ie file
drtilr ibr,nl of their o,er HOUr l
prov. The corjor tnou' niuf jt. a
elvil lilertr I f-ft clvee ,e li
(or ne, which .ball tie V vier rive
lilerty, I' V. itr9.
w 1 i aw ae .eew r raw
F-iitor tfrtiiiu U
.Veitrly realty for the pre 1, fr',e
o market iH,f grain, whiea pr-oiMr
nu ilioil of mark-tiitg fiiar w il auii
the farmer ia a poit.oa oSt fn
prx'o on their rMi prtdoer
The atxtv will I m paotv'"- fo ',
and iH coatai from fl'tr r.v if'
png, The 1 ten nc of rin Uf '!e IVovr
1 the e i !, elf af rtd!
Ihonehfeof oa- at fiw rarmer v t.
br fka, put in regular ee , i f,
and epriv lauif Me, ftvr move'
matem and e-p-ml twnetlt of fne fW M
er of the I attf rre.
Ail eibfora faV'Waww to- fh new a
Cli farmer plea eof.V
S ir r- i
f vrrov, ,,CiV. I
7, h billon av eaeti ve, ear a r .
and ratbartientra g.iar r.ila
lhwrt!tw!ft 6WJi k
fottif'Vri' off Ale "ecioti(lep$ 4f
!rfotVvtW at 'Mliiiarttrti
i!iicri' :i! tm;u AU usl Ak.eptitti
r5iMl ftietM eieiU;, eetjaeiWliy -tbe t,
tietiHie-iVij4! -tie yvyw U-
'ViWiiHUUWtUfVHrmfrm' www mwv
toto9HA mwVM
... , r ,...1 Mt
!ii a...i.lLmA,v Artlffunr mA. m. stliittll Oet
rte!iw fiiw ,UittMVKavtwP uw.n
; ,) jU,4Ui, ah- jbr v A 'Wet rtlwur
iLimi;. 1twrr (WKJfte d"WH U
,miUmt,v (jece -ive
MUlilll(( A. ArW.tWife
OUO ven
iirtinttwy onii'it ;jHMitUd itb'P
j:ji.. .riu.rl tl. iUr aiui our.
!;'; r f"rr ' 'T. ; "i;.,:,..!!...
li,!....! j .1 -ill .with .iioothir ouC'
,1 ... 7... It 1 ...,.1.1 uflii-r.
:( ,i--ni.i until wit 11 lull.
II- if i.- i" - 1 i
I v.ietp ttie ofiil itituey (Jwr ba
!rfeotlM' vVlWfJ 4lMj!wU j jaejwKl. UP
JrttP atfjU'HrtHtfi, rtbe UpriuttJ(lHUt
;rtt',.,wWtt), fW'(l Vid ,ilMpllUi 4M'e
U'pawil rb wiOt uPVfi ift ifotid
UwiuUtl si- liiieatiW sIhc ftuviiey jiii!b
,rfme aewiti;ldl AVetwii hue
- , t,lkt,.M. jfiu,,,, lUf
'jmu, ,wl
eftiUid ile jw(itti sM'beU) -Uw iiiiae, dinuere
rtiefhitHWaldJ (WiW jpwVi.bu.V4i Pe(l
rtjtf-rtWMtetf Ollier WiM ivr 4itvine
tto,. t.Vl (Jibe fVt rftriMK :beiii
rtbe ce Off a i 4t fteaKlvilJe,-Vyl..
vWbV jpMbHeelJ K' oH'der -lyr M'MW,
6HWib AVItliwill4.Pfl WMlitrUd the
fwlfi m
JrJ TvT. XZlAit Le-iiiooev jeith
rtV tbv iitiiefett JnUfiU J VUll
liW AieWWdl fi4d b ilUW beeu
&iA4jt-'MW ii1 r Vtbrtirlt!
,HMiMetPo1, Hot nal vuooweiov
detttrtrtdielJ Sbyttl le-fiueut Mtrjmw-
l!iVile'of'!biVfay (VffJaryateffl lMi
iWtlk m aeorid V e lr
rltenHy'rUdW W 4t U H Im?
pVtefV 1l,Viie,jbcHVb iAatflie
JleWtdlMMerwW,'od rde
fW B. iiwtetwefi, 4Mfl Vftwiirti
tin? (tbe etAMl 1! -tbe V(bre
oanrej 'xhx
H!ilir iad e tbwuxb e w
(JtHHrtif-irt ;irtrtie W'X bieJttUee it W
lUMMtiiinf itLrijilUlrt fb.V 'tl.e liiMlorily of
Uie-tHvPiiie :W PsA.M ,m -tutu
M HiuuitHy MinK. retiwvmg
1,,,,,. oe-iviiijf tv vipoeitB ma-
rvMtii4r(V t' (kiMiiiXtbniicady over-
rt'iiauiMi MvmrtV tp'!bitta.'' fter
(J)l(rtin (jMlie:" .lici .ittvrinbly iu
eaatew AM'dJfJejiit.vJ.vHi.if iiiaMUtei'tteMi
j?tvn -nU'M -Wiupoiorj' relief,
,ui!j rvtt'uen tff ;lU' Mumieili itiinply
,-ti'!l rWt'uei
itiiiUe-tiinSUHe .voe'. V bat tbe elom-ti-fl
r-ol'U- i ie' Nv iiva' n tbe
rrtWiHiM'H' :Uc;wil' KeU(l, lw;liluU;(l
H,(: O' mhiim- -tiiiiMTtbt; bvKl.V Ui;ollie
'I,l,inr.lrttie 5tif.t Mtf:mi Hi tiiie ie illeo
',1,1 rMet V1 Uj' (Olliotlll eliwie ui hill
' ii'.vwpMpwrti J.abiwte. 'I bu ir a ;lll
jrtr'U!, iM'r ifii4l.', but io mjinM
ll! ImoiiIhV'i'.' iunlw U liwUUI in tu IU)
Hef ikC
'P,(-!,iiiiiU- ,ni ti,ij(it tin- food any -w;
ai..t4 fleev 41I ;wiittitH'i if elouiucli .
I in jfiifiiftie kwlii ,loj(jjnui iiwmdiiij;
!lVi.(ltteHnlir ,ir :lv ' UH lllillli'iuiiM' wl
gSiOrtl. )io,oii' iuu(l Wd liw tin- lab
.etlr liefoai- Onti oiler ci!i, lumi! iiid tbe
wtilit l -U -tiiot -tin- U- (h-
jiMrtUp1 H' lim'ili io i'Utl ,Vuiil (ln)eti-
jii us U , Ue;iiiow . ne UeUei- niit!d,
rlie :V(lliiitV '111 tlijitmt -the iuvd i-vi-ii it
:'! ..liit)i w evi.vtl,v Mii-!i' e. To ll-
iimd,! liiui 111,,-iulil, (l,tlill',, if ,11)11
tWtte- P OUl j!, ttt il' lliMU,.-jrace W 01 ill
iliie , in, (I , it ij ii l- iniH-rui uri
,yl iy- , (hi il, I) (ml nt'li it ojie of
T.niTr iofiteeiii J iili.nU I' e ill liquet
lit' Hifft iH yy,r lliluwnl 11, HtTl,.i-l tu
f i' iiii'o f ur t't''l'iw '.I nu'luii llif
i ui- nlvii'ii-'l' nil'. U -etiireo nii't
'',iiM Ani'ii'lr tMl JKil'ilM III tin- eork ol
tiij.iv ton, null tin lo't' oiid liinu te til
'U je !, ikhh t-i (J 1, i,(l itt ii- nihil'
'.urn j, 1 4 tii' l . iiu-'n, 1 tin ot tvpe'tei
II U liuilii win iium- H,i li.ui'li UliIMiJ
- ..-(!. i.'Ji e U ie jon'ii. me i ti iM.
. He!- .eeitii'd 4vrt.. ) MW (trulTwl Will
U' ij -'.i.,' .ot 1' Mitn ii iiH'il., ad-
l(l'l,lM.,f1 iv IHI PpiHi illHll 0 UtHII
limr , v MonpieU IM,0 'IhmI iu(
fluo" iui. ir 0' ini'r 1 e(e-;titt J uWi.-le
,lif US'' H lirt III tlliix Ull f ill
Hti t.' 4ne i 'ie 'uhH 'tnt fiu-f ui- uUu
'.! .' .l 1. I ",. 'U- IliOft outl Jo
i in ,n4 Urtwj
i ii i Inn'i. 4.iiiM ui.d 1 iii ol
',ui!'t WoiHi. 4iil tn t.jr udKreiny
e iie ,v ., ,1'ii.iei.u. .Miiili
r.4U4.i,y v'l.afe, !. iniMit
.MiPi'.) 'Mte4i: 1wma,hi irt i,r r,
'e -MO 4.1.0 J,lirt jt v !. teU , ut l
' w.f jierf.,.'y . 1,4m)0, lnr,
A.-.", VKKi.iy ii (14,1,1V 1
pe: 4ai,W 'V 4e4li'l, t..i, lnt,.i,
a AMe i.MV Mi) t,ieWto. 1'imuh
aif 44fle, 4h 4 4e) I'J,
'"V e4. h4 jruiiU tv
! d , Mfi-.eeliV
1 t y A it be Krtoef
Vweit 41 ; e ti woa bt4eU-e4 aha
t .1 oibvO' v a e'.ia' bw 'W '!,
' '.u it,ue eie ifl e !H.nit ti
! 4ivi'!; (Wot be pummmi tk IU p
.alrlw-ir ae.eiHwat) eUaw- lok
; tiu. M mt i-M-k Mti .i-Aia m.
r (fcnJit j t-H ,,v benip,
iteaat f XpfeeoatHB at tba Fiftb Ao
oual Coovotoo,
le voe id (be largeet ia tl b'mtw (A
tbe irriatif u Mociatiou, W any of tbe
ktudwe in tbe work in tbe United Ktate
bv eiKwfind tbeir iut'jitiofl of attend'
iug. 3 b Jtoliowiugi tU official rail
and baei of ri-preoittioa allowed:
U't tbe jPiepb? of Jijbr4iek: Tle fifth
Atiiiul ou veutiott of tbe Kebraeka irrb
KiltlOU 4teX!iatiOM Will be beld iu ilM
win, &'ebrtekJvti''ttirlay, Wedbfeduy,
and 'J'buieday, MeptainUr l, ', and
The -epreaeuta tion lo aaid cobveutioo
Will be U lolioae:
'J b Koveruor d tbe tt will appint
twnuty 4liwtUm ul Jarge, 'Tbe Klate
Bottid vf AKfX'Oftore, f,he MUte Ibr
ijoiiiniiaaiou, the Mate l.jiivireity, ad
tlie l uivineity AKn:ultMral Iepartmetot,
eliall beeiititled to t" d?bgate each.
AH r at mere' Jiietitu ten, (jrnunfn, County
or,Jye:ttl Alri-ultrttJ or ilorte.ulf ural
eocietiee 1(1 Aebrajik, not krnu of bT
iviei! provided for, ten di'bgate to ea';b
ortfutmutioii, to CecboHeii or tWited
ae tb; ofliiiei of t lie reepat'tiva orgiv
tione nauied ebttll oVi'Jm, IJwh irriga
tion 4uMKiiatiou larger tbaa gcuuty
hiii ue entitled to M ention of nil it
ofliw dud ten Additional d?bfe.
litt'.'ii lo;ttl irrxtiou tuwociatiou will
eutitled to delegation of all iittwrn
and leu iiieuibere, W y ore of j tie are
tetjuueted to tippoiot ti n debgafe e;b,
village five 4b'gaU, vrU'i!U ot
board of twie nod comioernial fiil
Cve di'li-Katee a:b( private and tUuim
itiatioual college, tbriie debigf ea;b,
and every labor orgauteaf ion. local or
etate ebull beeutjtled to f bre 'Jebgatee,
fyvwy fcguiariy orgui4 irrmtitu
iiU;b oiiioafiy elmll be entitled to three
delegate, JvJitvre of ngularly iiei
ueaepaper 4r poriodi;ul wifbia tb
elate, devoted iu whole or in oart to tbe
l,-j!uif,urttl aod oiiuercittl develop
iiinot of ubraeka. ebail on iaeeuialea
of ledeutiabi, be entitled to ( end
one rote eucb ia tbe contention. A Wf'
tlittl inriUttiou ieeiteu'lwd fo all beet
abdreeeut lueiuber of congree from
tbia Mute, 11 pant and oret etate
ofiicial, 1) member elet of f be jCelra.
ka biielature, aod all county official
wow byldiug vflice, including eoont
coiiiiiiieeiom-re, to gtteud deb-gatee.
J b rariou ppointiiig tv.fW,wM ar
earaeetly ft-ueeted to forward to J, C
jittrjibam, eewetory of th local elects
tive wiiiMiittee. at Jyilicolo, ft full bet of
tlie delegate appoiuted, witb jeefffic
ttddreea yf eacli,
A - G, Woik ha bofcii,
i'reeident 'ebraeka Irrigation Aa,
jUiuovlfi, b., ttept, , 107,
Itoevfo Vf H tba fU'ttoio6Tbf Latg
aat arad in Macy Yaat
5'be citiaeue of Jiexiln aeem to bar
aaakeiifd to tbe value of local pride on
oocaaiou wbeo tboueaud of rwtitor
we is tbe city. JUuring r,ptiion week
f-Viday wu aet apart a lAwuAn day, A
parade for tuw jafteraooB w $utuow4
and Jyiuwia' bueiuee lie- were aeked
to purteiipute, wy imterpriaibg firm
prepared a float or in aoin toabber wa
repreMUtd in tbe parade, 'J be weather
aue ail tLut could be aeked for, cl,
with juat little breeie and bright warm
uiibiue. 'J'be etate officer, eoonty
otlicera, city officer, old eoWier, mill
itory organization, pole, mail earier
and bre departiuent all were in lute,
lut of tbe liottU wr elegit, Tbe
purade began nearly 011 x'bedai fine
and aae uu bour in paeeing. It wa
more tbau two mile iu b-ngtb aad
moved with preieiou and without av-d'
(leuf, 'J be ofiici't that bad tbe parade
in choree bud irefully made tbeir plan
and euelully carried them into ene a
tiou. 1 be atrM-t of fsincoln were ind
with pwjile lor unlne and no one can tell
boa many thoueand eaw tite prale. It
aue e dy that will let Ioig reiie-mlred
b,v tbe citi-iie of mmiu uod a! by
tbe thousand of vieitor.
31 b ixcicieiy of War O-vc tfc Oid
. .. 1
riecaaaary lor J t,rf joovir g
U'webingtob, Kept. Z3.-riwrefary Ab
j;i-r buegiveu tbe iiMti ordi-r lor tb
ndig of troop to Aika, Taenty-
(5k iulant, fie-u will be -nt from r'l, I'.
A. i'.UMeil, under tie- bad of 1 e-gtniiit
. A. Handall of the eitrhtb indmlT,
uow at 1 Ini inie,mi4 tin-re i!f l.aeur
Kiiou and thr inrinicr ffhe army
boopitlil corie, b 'i,f id tli r port of
prevailing eiekaee hi ieli,
f 'ri-eH'-iif tt'enrolttie AUeka MOiipaur,
hue iulormed f be (Mir'-I iirjr tnt flieroia
pttiiv w ill etuii Hiiother b'iel from
ht'tittle lor rt Mf liaei eitbin tbenett
aefeb 1. 'J In Ixitt will Ink U'
luiill,! lood end ilollillig eilppbee, but
tbe troop ml !e t ili -ii alu if I lie war
di poftl'iel.t d e-le It,
lb a alive lug frweee,
Jaet yur tb po awalloeed tbe
4'iu'e ret, and tbia year tbe (biiie ft
tbut onbt to leilborouybly ditfwtd ly
tlna tune, l.u ailod tb pope.
NH I ir if will lei I wdr lor the po-a
to aik a Iu I nl are'b. Tbr e-ii
to eiipy llo 'blitw mode tf'ib
aieting i"a e-b, and boho-ly I
n bneg'y e-e.t llioa otb'f hllo
thai ' notion to do but to aawllow
Hi ftoga fbelf lbroMl.H'llr
I l-roiie in.
HF. I...IIW.H.H .1. Him mm I i 1. i'H
,tfc tiu-...M. m, be'Uh,
(il UI U ! I ' " ' I
r.e l Mw4 f iiii e ' "
.ti ii4 tu.'.t. rsij 11
t 'or a rii'. l" I I J 1
Wt.U at, iff U W
. 1 1.1 I 11.. J A a la.H M.M.
' )U ; f iu ie U a ,i H4 t .. 11.
Are You Going ...
To Study Music?
The University of Nebraska
School of Music .
Can furnlah you a Comploto
an education a any Conserv
atory in tha country, at very
moderate rate .
tnav" jJwAJV'wrarVn"ia'Wifw " "l1!
Head I'er w
W2LLABD KimAhh, Vitvtiot, MJfCOMf, KB,
- - ri r-i n f
Anton Seldl
Taa ett W(at( faretter
"TVe'eijrb pv"few
I trieJ of fleii IClmbaff foirsr
faatifxt tMt ie &mtit A tw, 'i
A iff t,t ttM fW !? fcs
t!M ieM'arecet "
A. HrrK
0m Ae, OMAW4,
; "w ta .
Cofi.ult lug room
g room fufiv, wry
,nd fl'eir tUI
f W9t i 1 1, r
U. S Standard f
14 a. fa I lb. a--
1. 14 IimNcmhh
I -4.i.
,.. , .-. a, ".,
i.a jw, .I'"'
t Bw4IM1Ih f I "H, ' fl'
4 a - i,.i., .,
a... M- wm, h.-f4 rMo ,j . .i, moj
t U k. In, ' win O ' . 'l' .
f Aim k talt 1 mmmMi
A latk 0'lll-l!i
If yoa ft a l' 'I"1'.
ael' I tut My, Hi 1 adabf, or I or ty
II la or la fart ar I'wMt la A 'a a b
Bet ito im t.a aad !..
bat lb fety lalMt Bde Itica 1'iot
lead aad leilll. fl, W, Honeall, V, V,
A T, A , ofr Talb ! f i'l)
I 'at ling log llettlt, l.leeol, et'f ab.
m TliH M k tl!t XV AX
.ai i
I u Mii sJ S KT
rrvw rwLSf Jf l"
' IT I aw nftt4,
.ex Irf,V no 4,
1 Z' , )," x ''
JV V 4. ioutG"-"".
., JL2fSi -e- "'- M
.' -e "" fv
Cy?- .-'i; ", ieti jj
l''WJ I I ' '. I i
Ctfw tw
4M w Tgg un' wuuiw
jfe,Ear,o$eaBdl oTe,
Throat . r-ifllncolfl, Nebr
fioafB ffo 90 U2Mw,'lir p.m.
Vi tU 0t( frk Ii!ao4 Bt.
Atkateae, Jwdlan Terrltor, Okla
boa, Trt a ad y'iieian lut on
far pj fr foawd tlp AMgMt 84
ftftd 17th. tiptmir 7th mu4 Hint,
(JettAtZtU Ht4 i'JiU return limit
iwntf'M day from dale of
VtitthiZO 0trH ut at depot.
Tewtetb 4 O wd for further I'
VtfwkJm CUm UgtTirm
Ifarveet mmrdm m fbe fJreat
Jd ftta bo tba Oklabotia dlef rct,
V b Knae nd Tex a, 1 l-re ar
fit eeareio arranged fr- Tbkt
rate, 00 far br ronI trfj pig i,
afar Ag, -17, rptendr 7'JfI
td fvt,, f'!J, Kni'r of auy Tikt
AttntttAlm"i'i''k Ilnd" yem, or
4ow Xr;m G, T, A,,
;bKgo, III,
Om 'A Ut lb Mi'uri IV'ifJc
;i efHr'k! t Mhuh ity end rw
fr, wmul i'fnU of I'ellw IVrade,
at 0 fr fvr tb rnini fr'p. Two
fbro'igb f rain daily i e b direction,
lor frlir inlormelbu iply at city
le kt offt-, lOl t) Attwt, V, l, Cornell,
C. I'. A T. A,
Jf.i k'f' .ufibbl
Via ii'ttUiiiioH rouie, r-pfeiiiber 7 rijl
2J, C o,f,er nnd UMb I'u'buiftou mil
I t'IOi'l llp ti'fceia III on lne plua
i fo all iMif in Ait'M,im, finiinu
'lutiint), hkMtmi'H, and 'I' nnd lo
1 rl e) point in lj,wnuim, Mieeourl,
awJ,o K c o. I nil inloMiiMtioM
gardibg bmif. atop over. i m ij, i
I M, d'pot, or rifr old e, rof m r eui
' Irtifb lnU, , W, lioiiiii il. ( , J', A
T, A,
abo are eiiiii.n ,
rilt IHI, jnat li'Ll 11 pnat
aiflpt Ilk tin "IU ur
Mill I lik 11 Ilia ItuHlliifliiii
llmifii, ft'a 11, , 11 1, 1M w,'
oil nt ijiiii ,,,,
big Mil l,u,iii 1 1 it r rvii
ItolM I lilmtfu, I'iiiMii, ,
lima, in,. I Keiieii I il, in
till t llll l-ll. I. Mi, mill l(,
till, Ml I nillli. iu , tf
)iil a tfuinl a mir mi1, a
fo I bo ,iiiiil. At d that
a eirrtlili alio I antiii
la llie l.i.l tin m
I hki l 11 ii ) thiM l!,U
o ai i.11,,,1,,,,, A
b l, t 9 11 r oili, i i.fio r
I Will llll I u . I,, 4
0. w, vmuiu 0, 1 h T, A.
1,11)1 k tftM
rii Tinr,
1 'jpj'jrij
i .
To fw.alia( aa.d.oitotala ni 1
and Mihuie 11,. I i Hi ih rn
Mriina aitb II H, H , tr, nM J
tb beat wtflea !, Ik. f.t,.t l(M f
I all nt Bin la in br lu. n, rata.
I. II. r-Kaeoa
btti A,