11 .! THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT September 16, r8g7 f h Sfy .WONDERU L BARBAiDS! -AT -FOIl State rair Visitors Furniture, Carpets and House Furnishings of every kind at re duced prices before we move into our big new addition. Furniture Bargains Full lis0 Cobbler wiit ronlwr 11.05 The first time a ranker of tide kind has vi-r lM"n offered fur this money, Now lot of iinw white enamel easels JtruMH tipM nt HTtn, fl.Uo and f-1.85 Combination cases in oak at fH.Hfi. fU.CO and ,.,..,,,.,.............. f 10.R0 Chair seats, 1 4, J 6, or 1 0, at, unoh... 7o Wo can make you very low prices on all kinds of furniture a the present time, and think it to your advantage to look us over be (ore you buy, Ouk (took eases, 11.75 nnd f LOT) Ouk Ciwe sunt tthalrs, Hfiii, lifm and 1.00 Ouk Honkers, fl.UO, fl.bO, 11,70 nnd 1,05 A lot of frames and Mirror at Go, lOu aud, ,(...,..,, ..,,,, .. ,'.,,, 1 5o Closing out our furniture before wo move, Sewing Machines A strlutlr high grade sewing inn nhliie, posesslng all the modern lm iiroveiuentB and warranted for Ave yeara at Carpet Bargains CottiiifH Inirriilns, a new and very durable fabric at 2H? ICitrahnavy. half wool Ingrain at,,..,.,,.,., 15o Wool fnctid UruwMilH carpet at ...45u h itumlxir of pattern of flue Ilnm ' sel carpet, slightly soiled, at less than half prion. Curtains A few of our fiimoiiii 1 value In cur talim ltf e. to be nlosed out at, a pair l 50 A (NHijcIi curtain, now design Mru. aula outturn, a rurtiilu that would be a bnrgalii at 5, our prine $.') 25 lapi'Mtrr portiere from fl.tm up. Nhw heavy Art bunnkyard 15o Dresden brapurln at, yard INo Curtain Hwlss at, yard l'io Very tine China Cup and Huuonr worth 11.50, jnr set 00c Fins beoorated China Festoon Kdgo l'lates worth 8l)o each ; Ho Fanny DenoraUid China Festoon Kdge rJauce I'lut4. worth !20o each ,. 8c Fancy Decorated China Cuds and Hnunere worth 115a each 15c Tin Top Jelly Tumblers-all antce pr dotuu 10 Granite Iron Tea Kettloa regular price 11.25 50 Oraniu Iron lih I'aue regular price OOo 85 (JrurilU Iron Tea or Coffee I'ou regular prloo 00a , flOo On Reform Irly ana How tu Turin It In union there is strength. Division ii weakness. No great roiorm was aver AooompliMhad until its frhmda united In Ita favor, Meu now living who bare puanod thiilr fiftieth year remember bow quickly the autl-alavery aeutimont ol the country oryetaliiud In a new polit ical party after the laat barrier between freedom and elavery la the national ter, ritorlee had been removed by the repeal oi tna aiia.ouri compromise Hue lu pur. uanoa of a declaration by both the tlieti old partiea on the elde of the Uva nower. la IHO'J thaoountry bad been brought nndur the dominion of the money power, lore vastly stronger tlmu that exr clsed by the slave holdera of IH.'a.and in order to reit lie lurther enrroacli tneuU, the people party of the Cuited (Hate wa formed, justifying it exk teuve by "the oouditlona which aurround na." In Ita declaration of principle, after Betting forth the condition of the coun try, thi new party, lu the fourth para graph, made the following etateimuit and charge colic-ruing the pollriee of the old pnrtiee: "We have witmwmid fur more than a half a century the atrugtfltm of the two great political partlee lor power aud pluuder, while grievnu wrong have been Intlicted on the eu(fr lag iwople. We charge tnat theeoutroll tug lutlueuee dominntiiig both tbeau Jmrtiee have periuttted the etmting fou Ittloua to dewlop without eerloue eftorl tu preheat or reetraio tUem, .Neither di thy how proitiiM u any eubataatial ret.trui. They have agrwed together to Igaure, la theiHiiniug rantpalgn, every tae but one, Tby propowt to drowu theoutoriMot a plu.liil people with tne uproar at a ehui tattl over the land, ao that capititliete, corporation, Hattoaal bank, riuge, truK waterea etot k.the Uiiioti4lioa ol ellver a4 the opprweaioe ol tbe uurrt may all be loei eight ol, I hy propMe to tacriaiw our huiMK. lire and rhilJrea oa the al tar of mamrnua, i ktwtroy the muiti tade la ofdf lu evrarw curuptioa la U lrtw the tnitlioaaire. At the eUt'Moa ol the ilwmotral perly tiiUI, h4 the oeilad laiHwtraUoa aieM ell Ita rvd- or l Ita rrmoMitl Nuadtiag, ned the 1rfy I lUl, ehileepprxtug tu ht ury, d'UrJ lvur ut rUrig et, vrti.tt the prew Ivgat rwtia lUt with tha aid t i'.p4li'e a4 ! rpMaa, It UI tJ !, a4 the ehaatpUiM ol the g!4 etailri a4 a klgh prtiteliva toril ogaia tuu fnmm toe the loverawtettt, Th u eret trlf entahle tag all the lure ol the vp,ag VttWr im oevef ware 4ImI Ihaa It U taw. t'ray with ae a4 the AAMripaay. Iswfll apwaM t4ie ot i, the n HAYDEH BROTHERS publican party with ita almoet military diecioline. will be more formidable than ever, for now it la the lout refuge of the clime lutereata that have brought all our trouble on UH. Union ouaht to be the battle cry of all nilormere. Let the people rul, A the abolitiotiietM. the free eoiliT, bam burncrH and othr antl-alavery bodiee, united with the dumocrate and whig to form the republican purty iu 1850, and an members of varioue farm and lulior organizations rombluitd with republi can and democrat in IHVJ to form tli people' party, eo now ought democrat, republican, ocialit, ningle-tuxer, nationullNta, populleta and all other per noun who are onpoeed to the policy ol the lant and tho preexnt admlnlHtratlon to unit in one great body, under a new mime and creed of our own cuooMirig unu togiither aa one mnn make war upon th common enemy. Till la the only way to aecure the full vote of theoppoliig element; for no one of the exiting pur tie enn net an.vwhnre near all the vote of other pnrtie. Hut if allure brouuht tone) hr In one body, then each member will Miiiinort and defend It Much a union, the Advocate think, could be effected through a national con fcrmice of accredited delegates. The work mlicht be beuun In a atate in Kan miin, for liiNtaiice. Kiiiihu popullut were (I rut In the flelil. The Dame, "peo pie' party" waa t)i-t uned In n atata oaiiipalun In Kunaa In 1800, Hliouk th popullNt etnle central committee re- (piet a conference with Ilka committee of other political bodie with the view of ultimately bringing about a permanent union of all tho reform force, it would bo a good beginning. Kx-HenatorW, A, Cower in lopekti Advocate. The Kmpemr 1'nyi HI fur, Kiiiiieror William of Germany pays for hi railron.3 trip on the Herman road the ame a other mortal. The aver iiiM receipt from the emperor during hi relgti to the 1'riiHMlanroad alone amount to over JOO.OOM murk. l or liltrmeii and hi retlntio the ooet of rallroud travel for every 100 kilometer (about 05 mile) is 2.400 mnrka (1000). The caraueedby him are hi private prop erty. HI favorite train la white auu gold very pretty to look at. It may not pleau our republican friend to know that the deficiency under th flrt month ot the JJInitley tariff bill, 114,504,4118 In amount, was greater than In any month for twenty year, niich wa the oni, however, and more than that, the dellciencr for that one mouth wa within 14,000,000 of the deficiency during the entire laet twelve month of the Wilaon law, STArLUIJUHHT. Neb.-I have taken Hood Hanoi parilln for dyepepHia aud It miiied me no much that aluce then wa nlwaya take It lu epring and full aud find it jutit a ropruNcrited. AI KM. ft, W. i Kill), IIOOD'H rilXMcure all liver III. I'erlr-Dn Acre Farm for Mule. All firet bottom In ml in lilirh enlllviu tion, with dwelling houe, burn and bear ing orciinrd, Anjoiulng a rullroad town With urnded echool. eliiirehe. nnd all convenlencea of u Hinall town. Cull on or addrcH. M. V. HKVNOi.im. , fiatiiewtou, Neb. ItlvBl. May What a wnnderful lmrtn&. uon jur. do j union he Agno (coldly) Why? Did h tail you that you were urettvT May (mora coldly) No: he J1 thai he thouaht you would L a. mia mita iur Bomeoooy cie. , Denlad. Colonel Are you onn of t)a "ad- vanced" women, Mlei I'aeT Ml P. (hl.UBhtlly)Indend I am not I waa S3 laat birthday. llvfdr tha atorin llrdh. "That remain to be aeen." aald Dick. abent-m!nddly. "What remain?" Mr. Iliek nkfii. evlnv him. rin r li..f,, h h cauuht Bight of a velvety daub of green paint on the eat of your pant. DkIIiikiI. "Ian't thla a cold anan?" mid l)unty Ilhode. "That" what it la." mdted Mti Will iam, and then the two worth! pro ceeded with their tnvfHitgutlon of the hont worklngnmn dinner I'ttll. raratlutlral. Jack I don't think I care for the now woman. Jea Why not? Jack Hhe I uually too old. Vrjr Naturally. Ml lVrbiua In New Ynrk do the prominent anotul tight atnohe? Ml CauNlliiun W. imrlliuliiiiy after they have been turned down. A l'riill MiiuU KwtHy- it (H yi a leu-rr fi-r a tart. Cm I y.ehl.i 'long I dnt want H wrap u anytlilng. Nat t aaaaak rrlnd-Yu muil inak allottaataa fur yir kuia hoi t..ivln It ma tha tml. na tlutrvaltul th nxra allow him Ut ehotur he tMltA th Mae. Kty kirrl4-Wr ielhf In law la vMilne- te vtalt tea Ut a Bn.ih ttUMdTuu ilv.li nmrf a..rryv Nawty hlarrl4 -Nn aha tan f,,, tha tBWi, B Bay m eaa at.ll m hama. aa.t a.n haw It, INw hi thatf !, ye , hi mm la aiiMr miih, JtM er IttvwAi I 4 h4 hh-h." - I ir jii TO CUBE DY8PEP8IA. A Maw Itaintdy Wliluh Will Do It. Chronio dyapepwia la coneldered by many people to be neurly it not quite in curable. No good reaon can be given why they think o except that perhnpa they nave 'rieu various reined le with out much, if any benefit, Hut the pro greH in every branch of medicine ha been audi that among other thing a lux ting cure for Indigestion in It chronio form u well a temporary ha been die covered and la now placed before the public Htrlctly on ita merit a a perma- rent cur for all etoinach trouble or dilflnultie with tbe dlgeetive organ. Thi new treatment la culled Hluurt'a PyHpepMia Tablet, being put up In tab let form bo a to boeuily taken and aleo to preeerve ita good qualities for an indefinite time. This remedy has Produced aiirprlelng effect In the wort forma of Indigestion, and In many cne where ordinary rem edie failed to give even relief, Ktuart'a iJyaiMipelft Tablet have fully cured. Tha splendid roMiilt from lining thi preparation are owing to the fact that It la prepared and Intended for Dyepep. iila nnd atomuch trouble only. It I not a cure-all like eo many advertised remedies, claiming to euro everything undor the sun, but It I claimed that It Is a certain cure (or Dyspepsia and any one aufferlng from any form of Indiges tion cannot fall to get permanent relief and our from ita use, It Is so prepared and the Ingredients fir of such a nature that when the tub Iota are taken Into the stomach thnv di gest the food no mutter whether the stomach la In working order or not. You get sustenance and strength to mind and body by reason of the food being properly digested and at the saimi time the much abused stomach In nl. lowed to rest and recuperate, ivotwithsliiudlnu- the irreat bene! it. lo be derived from Htuutt's Uyapepsla Tab let, the prim is but 50 emit for full sired package and all druggist sell them, A little book on stomach 1) sense mailed free by addreusltig HtuartCo., Marshall, Mich, The Jary' Byaaaalhlsa. , Stranger You still have lynoh.ofi bare, do you? Waatorner Only in the case of bad characters. When a fairly good cltl can get arrested or anything, wa hi way Ut tha law take Ha course. "Thitt'a encouraging." "Yes, you sea au average Jury can Always be depended upon to bang a good citizen If it gat a chance," llngan Work at Oaee, Fond Mother And so my little angel joined tha Little !eendrra to-day, and will alwaya ba kind to dumb aul mala. . Little Angel Ye'm. Comln' Jioma I met a man wlf a bag full of kitten 'at he waa going to drown, and he promised to bring them her for u tc la kind to. A Golden llul fur JCngllth. Auntie Do you find your leaaoni hard? Little Nephew Noma of them is but aneilin' and pronunciation iieuav. "They ara?" "Yra'ra. All you haa to do Is U pronounce words tha wav they Isn't apellad, and spell 'era soma way they mu rvuuuaviu. A I'ractlrel l.ittla MU. Llttla Olrl Mamma, wa la irnln' tc have a church fair, to gat money foi vua ueainon. Mamma That's a lovelv idea, mv angel; but what can you get to aell? Liiitia uin-un. wa a iro n' to have the people bring their own thlnga, an' aell thara to tbelrtelvea. an' give ua thi money. street A rimith a Uood Waws. Koral Advantags. Stranger I underntand that there haa never been a court caaa In this neighborhood, The people here must be vory peaceable. Farmer Way back Tain't that: but you see the squire Uvea so far away, that by the time we fit there we for git what we waa quarrelln' about A Wattara llraaie. Kaaterner Do you do any yachtlon out west? . Westerner Oh. vee. On our lake and rlvrre. I had a yacht but it blew away. "Why didn't vou follow and tret It back?' "Hadn't any balloon." Ilr Dadacllon. Mr. Hinge-Mr. Nexdoor told me vou cnoe wanted to marry thai Mia Upton. She wouldn't have you, I pro- auine. Mr. lliuus-DId Mr. Nexdoor say Miss Upton refused ma? Mia. Hlnira-No, she merely re marked that Mia Upton been a very sensible girl. had always A ThaHghlfal Wheelman. Farmer Way back (seeiiiir a rneu mstio tire for the first tlmei-Wall. now, that there b wider haa a haarl la ma Imaoiu. I a'noae It don t hurl folk mu. h to be run over bv una of t&em eoft thlnga M mfurl. Miaa I rettla-Whv didn't v,.u tell we my hair wa la au. a a atate? Lord Nattil, must have tutlid It, Miaa Urautls- No ti ta lar ureal Bit aar. I am aura he Uida't are lu lie - - - - w- a m aide t oaee lMk at you. II Majasif iw.rtiv,. llA. WelUvTuaek hlat a I.IL IiaAiUta whata er the hw that hill -". Vy Jetet I ureal bash U eawiA, ri'b"'ei I SOME LAUGHING GAS FOR THE AMUSEMENT OP OUR MANY READERS. Tha torrent llotlgat of Wit, Humor and Satire fate of a Itesldeot of Arlxona On the llrldg at Midnight A Had Mistake. (lent and (lentlemen, Flrit Hoy Ja there any difference betwen gent and gentlemen? Hecond HoyYep. A gont la a feller wot will knock yer dowo if you Bay ha ia no gentleman. In Arliotia. Eastern Man (to rraldcnt of Arizona Why don't you got out of thi coun try? l'ewclothaa Iion't no train ylvcr atop yere, stranger! an' of I done try ter Hag ona I'd be taken for a train robber an' filled full o' load, Tim to llollra Them. Mttle Dick Aunly saye all y saye all thoa oi'lc-a brack used pretty thing called lo be in rog'lar in-e. 1 wonder w'en they went out of fashion and gotatuoU way up on mantelpiece,' Little Dot I guess It wa w en folk found that ome of their children wa goln' to ba boy, Wanted to (in Mouiewlier. Little Hoy May I go out to play? Mamma Not to day, You hare a cold, and I would not have It gut worse for the world. "May I go to the store for you? It Is olose by, you know." "1 don't need anything now." "May I go and have my photograph taken, so you 11 know h"v I to ,od when I am dead?" "Mercy, no. You had your photo graph taken only last week." "Well, you might let me go and have A tooth pulled, any ho m." Knew a Thing ur Two, Little Dot-Why i-n't there any milk this morning? Mother 'i he milkman suv his cutv are arying up. Little Dot Oh, yes, of course. They isgoin to ue arieu oeoi, A l.llll M''l. First Hoy Let's go trout fishing. Heeond Hoy Trout won't bite this time of yeur. "Why not?" "Cause It s'gftlnst tho law," lis Hid Ul Mt. Mother Horror! How did you tear your cioines so? ronaii jioyjryin- to get over u barbed wire fence without tu.rln' e n. Iluuuil t be Lady-I.lkw. Ethel What did you do when litis propoea to you.' Mabel 1 was so surprised I pu.:l'rd up my mou into wn stiu, Put t lie n i remembered it would be unal,-li e so i nurrien ana pressed my I p. agalnat hi to keep myself from wni tling. Not Left In Imulil. Neighbor I hear tliut your father Who Intends to put up a new iiunu, ia the builder? Hoy-What s that? '"Why, the or -one w.io Ihsmo Job?", "Oh! Why, ma, of course" the Ills AIThi'IIimi. First Hoy Which do you like lest, your father or your mother .' Second I'ov Well, I like my father best, mostly, but I like my mother best at n ealtiuiu.-ii.Mid New. r (ruara Sllfrl1lliilla Auntie You should ask lo l ex cused when you leave the tublo. Llttla .Nephew -Miould I.' I iimuwht from the way you noted an nil Hint third itiece o( pie thai you d 1, glud to see me go to,d ,wi, l'lr4lit I'Dllleiirs. Fond Mother And J on gave up your seal to a young lady In the aoeet ear That wn very ptdile. Did you have to stand un the whole way.' Llttie I o,v - i ll, no: 1 didn t atnnd up at all 1 ilhnWd up in her lap. tae I anal Slav hi I arts. Visitor-Did vou atay long In I aria? Little liirl So'ui, only jU' I tie enough to get so we colli. I say "l areti" real natural, "I BlM4 th UrMg al MlilalsNI." lha aaafla4 !, I'alae t ar 1'wter (oat wU-tWia' f ah ase ao fa. tah, till we fete tt de tail at da trip. I'aseeager Verj well Jt a $ r.fr, rerl.r-Yta sah. Yea aee, dee hrala robber always gua (v ase tMat, a' at t hia t gut a tin. day at a Mseeftr alat l aartla a fw4 at. 7f if Vfa$? 07 yuzzling the Press. The following letter is from the publisher of a live paper in a live city where several large clothing stores advertise to sell clothing cheap. It is a fair sample of many we have received from publishers in Ne braska and Iowa where we hive fall: IGWA,Hept. 4, 181)7. NKDRAHKA CLOTHING CO., OMAHA. Oicnts: Your letter received. We have been consider ing the matter and have bow me convinced that It would not pay us to run your advertising, hmmiint of ltn vffuvti on honm dvalum who patronize our columns liberally. We will return the electros prepaid and hope you will overlook any trouble we haveonHnd you. Very truly your, rublislior. New tl ere goes the cat cut of the bag. The "heme dealer" knows that if people once get our catalogue his trade is bound to suffer, His day of big profits will end right there. Otherwise what are "the home dealers" afraid of? Are their profits so enormous? Are their prices so high? Are thev afraid that neunlo will comnaro our croods and i m m m m m prices with their'? Or arc they simply humbugging the public where, they advertise to sell goods cheap? The "home dealer" may need' Protection in their business of making big profits but the home sub scriber the man who pays for his paper what about him? Has he . no rights? I he to be led blindfolded to the block? Should he be compelled to pay two prices for home dealer" holds the publisher should, We hardly think he will when he understands the situation. And we know that he wont when he once gets our catalogue in his hands. Get a copy for yourself and pass it around to your friends. It will enlighten them as to the methods of "home dealers." vVe Keep on " mbu c"rtag. Hug! W """ low.. Prto4 , JE Blankets .Jfii Retail Store 1028 O Street. Buckstaff Bros. Mfg. Co., Iliicolii, NtIiraMlcii. Makers of the new Lincoln Steel Hangc-the best on earth. TlNCOLN A ( NeBKftSKft AA --" ' "d. Having a la.mlt, tw j . , . " ."'" M.l H. n.o,, many of them holding diploma. Iron, th.bel " P, 1LI i T can t'ouservatorin. ol Mu.to. togsther with a Tii.nion.it ai. Z 1 1 A,""r'" leading- to gradation, and founded ou the belt I rllg J, 12 lustruelion, Wrekly pupils' r-eltnl., laeullv concert.' ind thi ZZ L T S.IKB obtained ,r We have many pupil. U.r.. ,g h , " " ' - i, a. w . (rom other musle .. hools, , nil Irst'ty , ,?r ,T' M,,l;"'"" taking .truetlo. W. will be ,,k,al. M-r Vo Z 1 1 1 u "" ,''U- TSaeia OB eiaae 4si(sT. tassly k it kusr Imms. tissra 1 kail Sum tern.., taa t laMli lk .saiiaf kuaf Sw.li . la mm Tt tusi i . asamaat. Txsif kxai KaauM ,. ,.., ., t) hqT.VII Initio muaL' lw l.ald ih hsll .... ,.nia w m rata ),ra n wj . . , will sol Im mad. ap oaly in proimrud iilaJa " 1 ANDY CUniCOHSTIPATIOH I0 L 'it I a ai imp i fnuiiianMk iwk i m. wnw i im n.rzr;r,: ; lit Bfeanft k4 ftotaaBisal IwehSk. A at- II III I M hh k bk ... been advertising our catalogue this his clothing simply because "the by the throat? We hardly think he ONSeRVftTORYir TUITION) T.....h..uv..tl,;.v.M,,, lolmm&x , llT.alkh.,,' tmim atasaiMi.t ...A. A i d t ...I h.1,1:?A", a-t.a. lfl- . l'lt l CATHARTIC :i; ALL is i... " . e17 a ' V1 ' Im IS 11 IXmT 3 1 M as J llf.fll a 11 vr uwwri J