The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 16, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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September iC t&f
B5 Nebraska Mtptn&cnl
CulUl4m mf
v tw
Indiperjdiit Publishing Go,
At 1180 X llmt, .
oifr-M ll m(l'nll.ii to, M
Van, 4,fU l , J"' I"
tmk mwr.nur.rr t'Vtt, w.,
Uwt.0, ,
for fruitful rfH)-
rfOII , III ',1.1.1 A. ;,lml
for Jteffl
K, OM tontt.U Kearaey,
h va im r.r. Hr.nowr it, w ir,
, Many form morfgng bav been paid
off by f h aberiff,
Mat Traaurr Merr bo iaeuuda
call for 145,0'"' It"""''' fund war
mat tiJ atopjied lit fin flit of fj pur
oent iateret on that amount.
Only on thing i neenry to main
tain the parity of gold and wlver money
"both mut be a lull bfgal tender (or nil
debt, public and private, Neither can
mr pa current Won par.
To maintain th parity, both metal
muNt rw!'lr equal right of mintage
and th debtor mut in every intane
b allows to xercla bi time-honored
right of paying fii iMit in tba mouey of
Tb only pcopl fa Lincoln abl to ob
rv Labor iMy wera tlt banker and
government, urn elate official. 'Com.
mouer cannot afford a day for real and
recreation, A day celebration for tb
laborer mean a day of hunger fordid
Ireland f another country in which
f.ll 'Opl Will c tlftH time tb coni
ng year. It la ataled f heir iottiUf crop
in afmoat an mil if t failure, urn J th con
dition confront ing lb native ar aid
to be alarming,--)4eward ludejnendent,
' Peed them N'ebranka wona corn and
wWtt it a nuUlituU for pota(o,
John (i, Hulliran, th auididatc of tli
roform low for noj-rnm jii'Jf, U f b
Abraloim Ufirolo of .NVbrnnka, If in !,
tloa t m ecrfnln as any fufumvtit
powibl esa O, an'l th jk-ojI liavc
Irtadjr bcun to brntli nir at tli
pronM!t of a JuifjP'Oti tfmiiprom bfi
wbo will U frii'fl'Jly o tUir lntTnU in
tad iof MohkIuKi todily, oul and
bm-cliim to the corporation,
A republican cicliangn, wlilirh In am
iotiM to tlr op prjudi! and ill Ming
WtwiMin Ih populitn and dfinocraU of
Nvbranka, mjm, tnat ''Unwatli tht
mootb Hurfac offimion th lima
wwtnliitf volcano wlilcb fnajr or ma not
brak out." Don't worry yourwlf dnr
frkiid. Tli vmIgiuio la tlmra and it will
"br?nk out," and ! eruption will bury
tb diKra-d republican mrtj of N
braftkano tWpou tb 2d day of No-VfcinU-r
tliat it will not b a factor in
politic for another decade
Our nilrer dollara ara tli Krenli t ob
jct IttMon ever known in tbi United
Mated to teach the power of n ten
der. ('ontainiiiK mnUirinl worth Urn
than JO.eouU in the tnnrket to-day,
acb dollar buye n much wheat or corn
or clothing an lu mythical yellow
brother(lor fher U no gold dollar now
coined ) It f an evidenea of ignorance
or downright lying to talk about, tba nil
ver dollar pawing at par twcnumi it baa
a ''redveiner," There U no warrant of
law for redeeming eilver dollar in any
olUr iiiiii. ' ami it U but duue.
And now coined !'' lUiby In the
Htnte Journal eome day ago and id n ken
a moat aHtounilinif etnteini nt. Writ
ing ol bi Miiiiieeota trip in "Itnily Iri(l"
be mention a well-to-do farmer livid"
near Hebron who ntlrilmt hid pro
perity "to the fact that be never put a
Mortgage on hi lanu" Hhade of Al
geriion H. I'mMiekl Had lliiby forgot
ten tlx cry of noma year ago, "morl
gage are viilem of proierity?" A ml
it U needle to ny tliiw who eald it
were republieau.
. --, 'j-!. r. . - - ::. :...3
ft' firaixl Ixlmi'l PeiniMfat, a niirtt
leellent paer in writing Up the llOllil
imw of a demon alia nty eonveution lu
that liy mi m lied Hi nam of one of
h raadidnle, 'I i rnmlliUlw mu
eiy angry and eoin.Miile.l yoliiiniti.
ttiiely u ( ttmUnoriiH of lh editor ol
tli Itomoerat. 1 he opinion id lb im
iiiee raulidil It wa an unpardoio
Mbliol tlieeihlor not lo know bow
tnill lh inline of o by lour ward
MitMlii r ii reel I;, Thaed'lor ofth
jienuM rat, wbii bad taken lh Irouble to
laiulne linbM'rlplloB lie! of tli lem
Herat (t get lh eorrt Mlllug and
hili'd to Had lh nam of the iiihim hwi
poliiH tan oa Ik lut, uy properly !
plalaed la lb infuriated candidal that
"au ma a l worthy Ida aupport of any
ppr,bett h I a fundldat, that U
loo kiaeb ut a log to upjairt M parly
par wW bUki)litMNdidal." And
Ikfin'a nur wmliMet.
Pew word ar wor dietorted and tli
meanitg Jena readily nnderatood than
"redeem" and it deri-atir, eepeeiaJly
when u:d In fowweef ion with tl wiooey
qiieetioM. Tb dictionariea gift "to pur
cioie bok; to faneom" definiliB,
I5ut the goldilea try to mak eimple
exchang or "awop" mean redemption;
bowerer, only o far a will ar their
priiae. and all other exchange and
ffflpdonot mean redemption at all,
but eonoif hing !.
The nnlortonata who barea hi oer-
coat at;a pawnehop, i order fo ecur
a few paltry dollar, "redema" i)&m
laU-rifbaf fortunata enough to a
uireurtlcient UUitwyioio do; that b,
I... "f.nrcbaeea it ba.k' When he
pawned it h mad a conditional ealej
if the condition m met within tba time
fixed, b "rejinrbfle;" other wiee, tb
al iiM-AHtwt almolfite, 1'urchoa by tb
pledgor alter lajiw of Iba eondition,
eould not m called "redemption,"
The original pledgor of lljofie i
the goverXTnent fimU TudmQttf rimv
iiiglt flriit band baa jierformed mnm
mtrvk for tba government, or In mm
way entitled to credit for baring caneed
to fi i-rformed aoma aerrk; and tb
money i a pledg given without a oVfb
nita time limitation, tofa retem, at
mtuw futurt day by tb pledgor (the
government) In aerviije airoilor or
equivalent to thoea for whkh it wa
pledged, lfenc, all Intermedial hold
er of tlii pledg (money) eland in the
dual light of pledgee and pledgor, ac
cordingly a they review It and pay it
oat again,
la Ithl light, money ia truly "re
dmiiiimi" acb and eyery tirna it pae
from on to another in payment for
commoditie or cancellation of debt;
and H final redemption by the original
pledgor i accompliehed wlen It ia re
celved by tb government for taxe or
other duea owing by tb individual to
tb government, ,'
Hwappinx doliara 1 not redemption
any mor than it would be reibiinptioa
if I'awnbroker Uutum nnd Pawnbroker
Jaeoft aboold exchange pawned over
coat in their poeion, Kreij If 1m
peeunlou Ira ehould exchange another
and bet ter overcoat with Pawnbroker
Iaac for the one Ira bad previously
pawned, it would not w;iitltute a real
"redemption," for Ira would atill owe
leauc t.l money h origimilly re;eivel
and would Mlill bava on overwwt "in
Ilenc, ft follow that no legal tender
money i irieib-emnbh'; yet none 1 re
deemed by leing "wupped" for other
legal tender money.
All full legal tender money in net, by
tb very term which made it a legal
Wilder, b redeemed by the government
Wui'ig It in taxe and other due. It
wtarta to circulate by being pledged for
oervice rendered or eomnioditie furn
fehd by tb Individual to th govern
ment; and complete il circuit, and i
finally redeemed, when it ia paid by the
individual to the government for pro
tection furuiebed by tb government to
tb individual, ' :
Krery patriotic AtiK-ricaci citinbe
lieved In theutmoel freloin to be al
io wed all pernon of proper age and un
derstanding in the matter of entering
Into contrurtd, o long a contract ar
not illegal by reaeon of being ngainet
public policy or tainted wit h crime. In
fact our whole bueine life i one vaet
auiiceweion of con i met. Dozen aremidn
every day even by pernou who If aked
uddeuly, "bavl yoa mad a contract
lateltT would anawer "no. l cotirae
a large proportion of them are execute !
on both aide alinont immediately; but
theraarea vnt number of executory
C'liitrncU and it i of then I with to
Under our law it eem to me, there
ia too III lie Npedflo (lerformaniM and too
niueb dumngee computed in term of
money. A contract fa defined by I'nr-
Nona a "an agreement l-tween two or
more pnrtie for tb doing orthanot
doimr of oma imrtieiiltir thing." There
ar many olberdeflnltioiiH, iH meuuing
proi-lically the eu me thing. Ho long a
the thing agreed to be done or to be re
fralued Iroin i not a crime or ngimt
public policy, and lb partie are com
petent to contract, government lie ab
solutely nothing to do with tb making
of contract; in fact whether I becontract
be legal or illegal, void or only voidable
Uonly. neer I nlmd after a breach i
iiiaduit coin tneiiiN'd for damage for
the breach or for aifla teilormnne a
agreed upon.
In few conl mi l aide from thoae af
btiug lh till to real eetate, I epecifltf
erloriiiiie ver dered; but damage,
mtiiii'Uted In term of money ,arawardd
lh Injured parly, Nothing but leg.l
(einb r money will raiMvl a judgment o
Sum it would aeent lliat in all eae
wher eN Itlo 4rformnne ltill poi
bl alter lh In in h of eoiilraul, aq al
teruatit jiiilgmi'bt ehould b rendered,
llii'teeilig 'i(l pt tliil llialH Within N
eertalti lime, and in d (null of I hi, Hi
money judgineut u beooiiiM ft. tirn,
lor limlauee, a roiieldetatloii hn
panel froui A l I. whereby II agree
iidlivr A on bundrril butlitl of
wheat ou th flrel day of Ke.inUr, b
fail to do to, and on lh I bird day of
Mepteinher A uea him for lh market
prii td lb wheat, together w itb l oel
t, If jm'gmeiil l rlnleird (ill tb
third da; of (a tuber fur fW nd i-o.l.
of enit itcafd M entered directing tba
defendant, ii, to deliver within ten day
on hundred bnebel of wfef, oftfev
quality inentkmed ia tfca eotrat, to A,
taking A' resr-ipt for wheat m delivered,
and opoB tba filing of vM r-vnot witfe
tU er;nrt, aad payment of ta, tba
judgment Ut ataad ChtnU-A. in Admit
of wbicb tf money jndgoeeat to imtmm
ff(t.ive at tba expiration of t day,
Xataraily, thr ar many eaae wf-
ecifl perfor nuance would f ffnpibf
after tba breach; but ia a great ttitt'ytr'itf
it would be ,ibleand very proper fo
have peif) performna decreed. If
penalfyf ay ten per cent wold b added
j$ the money judgment ia aa of defaaf t
of jex;iff pTforman'! m mwti t1i bet
tr; but tt ia donMfnl if it eoM b dona
Tb g'ldbng pre jut aovr U food i
il praiee of tba adroinietratioa on w
count of tba alleged proeperit whiefi U
about totu to tba people of tba entf
fry, W ara UA4 by tba propbef fa tie
tempt of Ma mtuou that tb prfaiperify
hn ulready arrived and in proof of f leir
aeaertiona they point to He great r
t'rnm in the vafaa of efoek, fyiid and
euretie of the great trmtM od crpora
tion. They aaaure a that dollar wheat
and th inereaee ia valua of tfer art 'f
cle ia tla direct reeofl tA tba eleef Uu of
Mi KiiiUy, lAt tin eonUkr for a mo
ment tba flret jopoeitioa, ,
U it true that the price of boiide,t It
etc, baa been fnireaoed? If no what ie
the co-1 and who ei, joy tba proeperify
t bring? When tie Wngley tariff at
wa under dieueioft it ia aeaerted that
thtock of tba eugar frat SutmnivA
in value noma f -V),W, M, ''! U
extent tba owner of Mil aloe W"f
uitvUi proaperon, but Um aay on beard
of tba wagea of the laborer engaged fa
th production of engar being raieed?
Tbeoveraga tfuini'ut of eagarln
th I jiiled Ktatea i d'l pada for wh
peron r Annum and tb increaae in
eot und"r tb new tariff will m ia the
neighbornoo! of 1 ce.t r H;nd, In
other word tb people are to b t
CO cent for every man, woman end
child ia order that, proeperily may
com "to the poor widow and orphan
who aaving are inveatisd in eugar
Unn" Ifmor'ir of ahoe boa fea
raiaed to M cut a pair, l! for
thetienefltof the poor -ulSi-r irnnt.
ftrailroad tock bav increaeed in nUt
but have yon beard of the eecf ion band
or lb laborer on the railroad receiving
an fncrea in hi wage? The price of
wheat i a feature that will help mater
ially in bringing proeperily, for the
lmple reaaon that it will bring an iro
meneum of money into th mnutry
and thi money being widely die'r bated
will find lf way into th general chan
nel of trade and tlwreby increa tb
demand for labor, Pat tb proeperily
we enjoy from that eoarea will I
tinged with a deling of regret becaae
our proeperily mean verfy and tar
ration for million of our fellow being.
A ehorlage lid- en r of tbre hundred
million buehet in th wheat, producing
eouiilr.e may le changed another year
to a eurplu and with thi gret foreign
demand removed noon witlianaloni
id rennon can doubt that the one will
go lower than it h ever been.
The tru proeperily i realized when
i lie la oorer receive a pit recompene
for hi toil, wlwn the man with only on
commodity to well, by hi labor,! able
to find a ready market for that com
modity at a good price. Men are ever
ready to exchange their energie and
their labor for tb comfort of life which
they deaire. There i no end to the work
to be don and all that I lacking in tb
medium of exchange. To provide thi
medium the eople party i pledged and
when another election roll around the
peopl will ana in the Wbio hone,
with Acougre to back him, a prenident
who will carry out their deire.
The Omaha lie and a lew other re
publieau pa iier bav been greatly ex-
erciwd over the removal of Mupi-rinl-end
entJ A, (ii!lepi of the M'hool for deaf
and dumb and the appoint ment of I'ro-
ImMir II. I'. Iiiwei hi i(-eiir.
Tliey have leeii critieining th (iovernor
and claiming that be made the change
for purely political reaMiii. 1h(iov
ernor ba only don hi duty lu inn king
the change, The h'gielative inventigat-
ingeoiuiiiitti- alter going (drouth the
rmiord of th lntiluiion very care
fully, found that Hupcriiitemleiit 01
leepi wa almot i,O0H abort in bl lu-rounU, Hueli a man I not of
th proper character to le at tli head
of any lnt inelitution. Th(iovernor
removeil hi III When the fin I of hi ehort
ng Ufcam known and appointed I'ro
hiMor I'awe lu iiM'd him. I'ro(mor
lawel thoroughly oompelent to fill
lh piMitloii and will not b found abort
in hi caali aeeiiiiiit at th expiration of
hi term.
Th It would bav the pnopln IhiIV
that Mu'iliiteiidniit iillci wa Id
only mull III th tat couiia,
tenl to fill lh pimltion h'ld
thai for that reaaoii hill ih lnli ullon
of Ncouplaol lbnuaui dollar ehould
not ai iillh lent lo eu bl removal,
1 1 U h Miuaold ery of lh "holier
I hull Ihuu'' republican. I hey bare
ralli Hi populuii "bog lu lh par
o" aud IneUled that Ihey Wer iiloiu
aileiil In hold puhllti olllea, They (nr.
iti that th preaent tl olflner ar
populUi, and Ilia IhmI tba !! vr
Iiad, Tby appareatly forget that tba
tat' credit 'm in trtlrr ttfrnditkm tbaa
yr ft waa ad epbf: naaag
ment, They forget that tb nW hU
tatUM ar mora KttnotnK',j m4 at
vAnr.VirWy managed by pspahat otr
than ever ffT, Tb l and ofUt
repnMieaa paper ebarzed tb goverr
with making the earn rrt ot aa error
when baretaoired Warden Prer and
appointed Hon. , Vt. Iid gb fa iu$
IAhtm that by ar mow in tb
eaeeofth deaf ad damb la t. fate.
Tiey eirealafed ptl I iaa to bav War
den jemer relainel oa tfx groaad
that b waa tb only man nMiitt4 to
fill tit pfacw, Tim ba proven that tb
governor knew beet, lb peaiieatiary
ba never ben ao well ntnAwiA a it im
at preweat. It ttmt lU f at mif om
Lill what it erttt utnt rroabfaa ma a.
agemt, Tim wdf prov that to g'r-
eraor oeted wieefy ia making tberhang
in tie bead of tb Omab fa-til a le-an,
Tb fSe wiff learn that all tb brain
and ability ot tb eoantry ar not td
np in tf,a nmtir of tint trpnWw.Htt
ry, Tberaar other peMfeaoa tb
it uo't tm.
Col, , W, Pnebaeff, vrriUag for tb
Ktafeoarnaf eajr, "It would bar
been an object bw totb voter o'
tb tat Ou'd they bav ben wit aeaae
tb two rznvenfioft that fcav placed
-adgwKallivaa avl 4adg Poat at tb
bend of tleerir ticket thi bJJ, Tb
atraightforward bnie way in wbieb
rernblkan traaeacfed tbr work waa
in etnking contraet et,, ri'
ObJ "fAn-a off" fid, 15, you ean't
foof th people witb eiiefi idole chatter
a that any longer, Tb traxen aomp
tion that Si T",'mSwnu wer f be only
peopf who bud brain eoongh to do tb
bneiae of tb atal in baia-i;fc
way, need to "g'' bat "it don't go
The peopf of fbl at bav become
acuainfd with tb "efraigbtforward
bneinfa way" in wbkb th repnbliea aa
bav conducted I b atala'a Minea and
they ar not to b d-tved any bger
by acb in,frftt aawpria of orior
boneaty and ability,
lumiK i',nrt'0f' Urm of ofw,OA.
Cu-hnell wa one (AU'.oWm f-sreeaod
wa f.i f -fed friend end WUeseffir,
and very maay oeopl h lev baH.'of,
Cn.hnell km a givid biebarof tb
moiu-f fbat waaetob-n from tbfaf
I reaeury, and now toee tb fUft.,rf
tend to b aayf bin that i"tri'gbt
forward" or "ba e-fc-" irove hi in
to be an arrant byperil who believe
the peopl ar a' fooliab to ti de
ceived longer by ba mie-ff( lying
It would eeem that after tf repnbli-
ean party baa b-n proved to be a thief
for twenty-five year, and to baverobbed
tb voter of Nebraska id hundred aad
hundred id tboaoaodaof dollar, that
rattier than defend ft, an boneat man
would bid bi fead in ebam.
Maintaining tb parity of gold and
ilver i on thing and maintaining tb
parity of gold and ilver money i ipiit
another. To maintain tb parity of th
two meinl at 16 to 1, or any other ra
tio, cannot tdon abeolafely any more
than human ingenuity can devi a
de:k that will never rary even tie thoa,
and tb part of a aecmd, Pat our beet
tini-piec ar ac'urat etiotigb fr JI
practical pnrpoee, and o i the parity
between gold and :Iver bullion at tb
legal rniio; tber may b ligbt varia
tion, and only light one.
I,at Friday a body of tnking miner
marching peaceably oti tb public high
way in th L'brietian tate of I'ennryl
rania were met by aa armed body of
about 100 depoli nnder Hheriff Martin
and utterly without provocation wer
fired upon.
The reeult wa 21 dead bodie and
about 40 woundeil aeveral of whom
have ijied ince, Thi wa not ia ltuia
or China where a titled nriocraey rule
with an iron band and where the right
of free ppM-cti and fre aemblage ar
denied lhe ,eop!e, but in liberty-loving
America where the written contitution
of our land th chnrler of our liberty
gun run lie thee right to every citizen,
ThioulrngM i but th legitimate out-
l!Olfl of th eouree pure ued by a ervi!
judiciary apfmrently under th complete
control ofth grnt eorjairaifon. It
li'iuld bring tot Im attention of every
man who love hi country th danger
Involved in a yUin of government by
Injiiueiionlinauguraled in lf-'l during
th A. II, I), lrik and extended .during
th conl miner lnk until lil-ry i ail
but destroyed.
In il iiieipieiK-y I he elrik wn inaug-
urated for Hi purpoof, .'ariiig lh
right tsllv, Itedueed by lh rapacity
and greed of Hi great corporation to
acondiiioii of eerfdoinand degredation
almoct beyond le'lief they adopted the
lriktt llmir only weiioii ofd"f'ii,
and notwithstanding th fa t I bat about
iMtum men bav , lu ngagnd in th
I ruggl elite July 4 no overt art ha
!tl committed, Th alruggl ba b
oiuou of motiieiiton Importanc to
very laboring man aud every producer
In lh laud, It ia no longer a it(ion
(d wage to Imi oelllwd between tliaininer
aud th operator, but 'juenilnu to
hat Mtent an oligarchy of wealth I to
be Mruillted lo oonlrol our goveraim t
aad lakaaway th lllerfle whiih wn
lurle of lima and untold iiffwrliig ha
tTeafbed to tb American peopf, JZ3
ffow then fa tbia tpmtMm to f t
tled? ot ftf tSA'n, no by iov-ndiiry
pb bat by tb eiUnt baXloC Tb
hoe on tU'm vmtvn a on to mowy
qitmt'iM ar ciearfy drawn. On on band
tb repwWkan party rkA by th con
eentrated wealtb o( tb nation, tb
baak, trate, combinative aad atoaop
of, on tbotarfaad th people parry
and (b aaifd reform force pledged to
rmUr9 to tb popf tb r:gft to "life,
liberty nd tb pnrn t rd bappine,"
Tber i o eboow fortrodiUng ifyoo
wat gvemawtt by mjanetioa, aef.roag
eefraed gorernyot eontro!ld by tie
avkey power, a farge taading army ant
tb rapid eaeentration of th weafrb
of fit ati in to baad of a few
peopf rot tb repabfkaa tkkt. If
yo want r'af ymttf to atl aad pial
prtrtfegea to noa, aa fargd money
nappfy aad other reform that wiff en
alf tfe prxtaer of wait to enjoy tfee
frait of b falyr then rot with fa re
form forea.
Tber im a wid dieparity between th
exxomereiaf ratw aref th legal ratio d
gofd and eifrer; bnt ther i no
it between gold moa-7 aad eifrer
lrt,ey, Tb reaartn M pfaia; t,i !tl
ar oot trea'ed aiik at oar mint: gold
i a(fowd fre aad anlimited eoinage;
aiirer i wbotfy -hot oat from eoi nae,
fimitedor otbrie, Pat both gold
aad eilrer nwfty ar faff legal fader;
t,hr i eflgbt baod'p pfaeJ oa
ao'ver moy, "except where otU-rwie
expreafy atipaUfed ia th eonrraet"
bat that not p,erfuf ertough to pro
da aay appredaM effect,
lr, M, P, faff, ip"rifenfene of ttw
Peatrie iet,tation for fef! mi ride)
ba reaigaed aad Governor floleomb ba
ppfintd fr, Cfcorle f, Hpragn of
Omaba a bi aeaeor, Thw end the
controversy between th board of poh-
fifand and txiifding and Dr. fall
Tb reaignation take eflW-t Octofr 1,
Ir, Kprago baa bad no baaI ia rh coo-
troverey aad i eptabl to both fac
tion, Jadg ferg W, Doan bo reeigned
bi povifton a nv-mbr of th board of
tru te bariog charge of th inatit otjon
for tb deaf and dumb ac Omaba. H
wa a friend of Hnpr.uUwU-nt (iUUuut
aad did not appro of hi removal by
tb governor.
T b g'ddbag pre of Xt.rafka i very
or. It tf,agbt th reform fore wo a Id
maka bfaader in nominating t bait
na for uprem -fodre aad it bad it
goa already loaded, primed aad cocked.
bat tfe a,fotflaioa of Ma!ivn ba ift
it witbont target.
It ia aonoaaed that Ketraror Thar
fon expect to b appoiafed to th aa
prem bench rd tba United Htate,
Oorernor Ifofomb bn aortoiarrf
r r - -
Cbariea W, Pry an, a brother of W.J.
Pryan, a mrftbr of bi taff.
XMkir.x4iinx oxavr..
f frW4- 0( r afrMtn rtonrrtr,
Tfcv J irrM, i- poor
r,i mi atr lt.
Irir4 M' CIV 04 Wt l,M,- of frlvhr4 Of,
4 4 M,IO fe-M tlMiw from IM-V tlOfr
ll,4,f lfil tbar inir- slionna,
44 rVfc i ' from il ow, on4 ra;,
Tt or ri. TS wnti in i- r,t ni
r( ! or afsl prtin xi.i ttw mm.
,, o Ik- low. Tb o vmMf b m'I prlrt
TM p it.i mr p,K niQjiiM
I'r b . k- pxrk'a xrno honnA.
lot h'rrmm. n oq,,
Tb- fit- ttn wtnm b- iiml-a in mikn 4oa,
a,iw tb- tat,arfiir,io b-f lumtmtnmtn
If m '. k-T wirary ,orr -r -n-n.
Idllaaam Vnr- lb tmu,w fr'tm ih tnmm,
A tb- orifl b a arm irwlvt Hi,
w ! f I tari f- -npoim,
W bli- lis- tb- l-l a-l-KiMd (or pl,iint ail
U 1ml tn pt-al'W (t, r amis tb- fan,
Tba fa fb I ,( t n ,
I aalarf anapwat rbaema at r-t mrrY4:
'i Tria io ovi-f.i-, i- pi-aov r ,
If- l-la, mtriltm I r m mmm - .
lb 'kit mettntmmA b bn', f,AM , ..1. 11 i
Tb- aioarnraf r-' lead- bu bumi.l- i.ana.
-a wi a- , viuim ana aera to -,
i r bioom a ariaa aal a aiar.
I Vrnm "Tb lwaarf-4 Vili-" tf Oliw Ool,t
taltb. mr.ittK r-of-i Mir ti kkt.
M ,,f A m-rlm a b t for- .
r 4roar b tb r-,in y -,a
W k-r-fora raa a. lb ton ai. mrr,
Tk rteb rolva fmt luimmm w-nr
W liriirala bo', hif or ii
I lial fa fcalit -i.ail Vait,.r. ,ii
H'br l (-.! m nt n-l
Wb, if jrua aili It, -r a mn-t
Tb- m4 ft ao tin laa ll.K'.l tvp;
II I M ag
... t fo tU ttnuolrt Aboov
Wnen you duy paints jtirpu'.-fMUfrm tu mnu of
, f-otory, W Mil ati rfirocev
Lincoln Paint and Color Co,, 9tft and 111 Sfs.
Th amilfb v .tiTfW lir;.
Tt mHP frwnff. (tWiri(if
To mrt0 f9loW, m Blfeliwrber,-
mt iw-4 ejT b lrtrrt re '
K'u-I wltto in l ooe ?ltHi wy..
Wtmnftf, ihm: it wmwiW te..
runprieM, let aoo t lrerm tufwrT
ril tfcOf'frw WnwwewfiewaH,.
(Tim('( TO'e iwnrt n tt rw jirlir wW,
V, rtirlK fi exJofB" ewn-- iina
TtMrlMiHoC tHttlJHiwrMHi
Papwlt atM Wtri fmm(-
if. Enltnt-"hiii..
Mr How-, Owtar W. It!1, ,
Cowttr, Comm'ieeia. aifre-.
j Alee o B Kwn Hif
nPr.,.,.tf a wtiiiat;.v.,i. eewie
nnr ... C ihfl,o-,.,v;...vv',.-,. .af..rf'
aKi...,, ...
KoM T Fwt'...., ..... AIMo-
B- J Kaiilrwa. .. . . awmwnw?
Hor4..,-,0iri('' Ktp ......... I!'ite'.'iry
Urtira ,,o ,,,. iiw,rh
I'.irm... ,
enr. .,. ,
f'bH .,,.
fi-tr. ,.,,.
Imwm. ......
Iffttfwril ,
K W ftrirrmut
...Vrml I, Isnnrtn..
...Hnr? H-Tip.,;
...4 M r-tteif ... . .,
..,0" ei(ra,.,.
M itwr -.,.,,,.
,( i,-f.,,. .....
,. . Hney Mewtiiwf. . .
,,,.tli ,-tir'.,
...lyvii ! .,
...... rfwnvlr-
....!-' t fVy
,-...i'nl (ier
,-. ... . Iw-r1
.... ...
- Wt-wr'
...Tsrioe miettAv,
.'.JBlolrr .......
...William iloener...
.''(' trie-
..dim.- fwr!-r ..
.h-efet WiHlie..
..O II Wfin..., .
Kmwii ...
tV C Ke
' ml i-w!wf. ......
,.'inrv Wlk-Hw)..
,.T V H-mm-f t... ...
..W Milt-r... ......
... , ,. p.i-we
...jroel w4
,. . ......ti-fw.-r'
. . Wiwmr o
...... rt'wrlrtnt
. . .... ttrtUf
.-. Wiitiway
. .... frrvtmorH-
....... F.fltfr
.... i-"' nTvw
rtrwtHM ,,,,,,
Iewfl ,,,..
Pronr. ,,,,
Ow v.
H-mllto ..
h ,;....,.
Hi I ,.
Hnptir,lr ,,
H.wr ,
i"tiTon .....
Hfirnty.,.. ,
K-itb .
a-v Putin
0"iw. ..,.
MTebroa. ,
, .
F'f ,.,..,..
Knllr , .
I'.l WtlOyr .
KXutrimra . .
Kr BlnlT..
TiiHVr,,,, ,,
Thorn r. ,,,
...ttnitt Wmrtt.
,. H irv ...
,.oha K rttwBjowni
. f il Hr
iiT A-ar. .
.J. K HimoifliKl ...
.WrirW crfr' ..
,-,mi(t W H'wwl..
! Bmr,r.. ......
. W H Bane. ...
. 9 lriirT-rl
. fan,
K K-0
H Vtdlrr
. H Jt MM'rtf ... ..
..Murf Horn
Btir Bnehiwa .
..CM .-lir..!-;...
-....?'') iweHt
. ... l.m-nHf
. SnrHt
.-. . , . . . Tm'.nf
..9 A V(r-V....
,.CT Moir....
. VstiUntrtnn.,.. ....
. I, 'tiiwml ,.
. (lrw.s
H fl f-ixnrrfh...
, f O i-1.
,T K ri....,-,...
t.' Hw
..I I, Alhft .,
. i K-M--T.
I. vfK-r-r......
.f a mnrifw .......
. . . JrrrfW.t
........ ?--rf,
.. ... . ITftlWfitlW-
...... 'fimt
..... Hnttrtmr
. ..!. "n'-t-
..IC Snht
..H-I Hfah-v
.1 'J TirrTrii
rhnmn iyr
.lie. H H Cifnmtnfr ..
..V.I I. HWH
. Ai'i-rt icKma
f. flrfnri,
. C "iTi-r
i 9 Mnrrtmnn
,H Cnmlrn
.W 1 WiS'y
,f MWatf ..-..
,c wi,fr,
. K .V Tfa h-e-
. . I, rteanwnrtf;
.. I. Bln
. (1 Prnt .
... .
.. r f-tt-rM
. . rl -rHn
.... 'i -r"
. . Tb-foea1
. . . . . ifw-r
. .TTTf
, n;4-n-
0letma ytaafaTK-Kf.
Frofeaaor H, E Dww tfwr iterty op-
pointed atJperSntitdeiit: of th in-t1ttv
for the daf aad dumb at 0mh hnirm
locted tn folio-a-imr ?orp of"aettrite:
O. W, Hnde and 34rw. rt; irnfe,
both of .-'aiifi eoaory; Mi aw JUitu fUnf
of tfiindT ettunty: Mia flinrt Bantord:
of Omaha; Mie HiMtntv Ktiirefrmrtf ; of
Polk eoanry; B. K. Dtmmirv or i),v
aonnrr; William !lire,of nba, prro".
Mia Minnie Torti, nt D tin ha-, arirr
teacher, Dr. H. R. Town, of m).!!,
Tboa rottfivd ar" Miaw Mora
May Wood. Mi Gre fnH-ier-foa. Mi--Oti
Crawford, T. K. M.i-etey, rU,.j.f
Planlomafiip, Mi Sor- Johnno ftH
Mia fx.ora Oawfor-i.
Knmmmm fflty Oral a ana fc-w WoeK
Hsir.1 W"i-at-foi J iwtc: ,Vo 4 aej vv
I. ery yo W ; rfjeny), kc.
Soft Wheat S . . UV; Mr, J, Jr, y,,
, a'4c; reectefl. 7c
pr.n- Waat- So. a. r2 XV: J
Corii Miiel-Xo i iVt- So i"-"'
."fa , 24",r: bo rr tl. Ki'tji. vr r'.w .
SX 7h,f : So, 3 'Jfl- S. , ;j.
Oat Mi!tetS). i. 1K. s, i.
4. IV-.; o. i Wtllte, M;: So. .1 HPif, V
4. 17ft
8 ve-Firm-So. a, 44' ir; Wo, ,
4. 4e--Brn-44
in I0O-ih
Har Choir prlri-- f 7ViH- Si C
i2.vj.i..v- sn 4..yvaT so, ' mr-
"iiXTf, cttrAcM tlmolhr .7. s, it,
a .iOtal; ciorcr nrili-I. fr .,. .
C-tt-J-HpU lOirTi- Ciln-i,
hiprv.l, 4 71 i-att'.a -fhi, , V.
ket a low to M rrn'a lowr
Draeil hea f an export Mnf,
: Ballva Drlfara. r 4 ,',4 -,,
ywa. Il 00 4I..0- nailv f,,(r,
4..aiv. native ''-r-. .7 , ..4ii
4 1
H"- K-erly. !1 1' ahf j,p-,t I'y -jr,,
murltt w.t tte'i-lf to r ,0'. (ii or-t.j.
Hitilta V hltrtipr.
.in 1- tr.v!., 300- l?r..f -KM flw
mir.-t m Kt-:lr on u;ti.i ----vv"iTrr!
U iturvrnly lowrr.