The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 09, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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    September 9 1897.
it V
Crack Regiments With High
Sounding Adopted Titles.
Their Few Survivors Will Shake the Kra
teriiHl Uan4 at the Huftalo Kucainp
tuent, but the Original Organization
tiOUK Since Disappeared There Wore
"Tigers," "Zouaves," "Lost Chllilron,"
liuckUllo," "Ironside," and Last, Yvt
Not Least, 'Uouudheails" of True Crow
wellJan Virtue and Valor New Vork't
Gallaot Jtoll.
Copyright, tSD7, by American rrcs Asso
ciation.) Now York atute richly merita the
honor conferred ly two vetcruu iu ae
lecting Uu'iTulo for tho uationul eucuiup
mout thin yeur. It opmia Aog. 23. Tho
Empire Btutn furuished nearly 600,000
volnutenro, moro ly over 100,000 thuu
any ether atute iu tho Union. Counting
quota of ineu furulidicd, there were
three greut war attttea, Now York lend
ing, withlYiiuaylvuiiiu and Ohio in the
aucond and third plucea respectively.
Fuch of them made good tho wold cf
the nnivernal war ong:
We're rouiliiK, Fullicr Alirulimu,
Tlirou liumlrud Uiuuwuid mure.
Iu tho grand total of volunteer regi
ment, two thousand and odd, New
York wad rcpreaentcd by 201), including
separate eoiirpuniea about oiie-aovcnth
of the whole, With tho exception of a
balf dozen militia organization tho
regiment diHappeared in 180(5 and have
iuoe been reprcaeuted by aurvivora' u
sociutipua, ulthough the roater of them
it by no lneuiiH complete. Iu tho major
ity of cuaca there is nothing left but the
memory of the deed performed ou the
battlefield. A few regiment had local
celebrity. Failing in that, only the aur
vivora now recall what wax done by tho
soldicra who merged their peraouul
idontity with that of u thoutiand other
iu the regiment kuowu n No, 1 or No,
9, No. 60 or No. 100 on the rolU of the
Begimeutal synonyms nerved to rivet
attention upon particular bodied of men.
It waa euHy to aiiiglu out by the titlea
"The Iron Brigade," "Tho Jersey Uri
gado," "The Philadelphia Brigade,"
"Tho IriHh Brigade" ami "Tho Kxcel
ior Brigudp," and ulao regimen ta
known ua "Bed Legged Duvila," "Bil
ly Wilaoii'a Men," "The Ira llarria
Light," PeiiMHylvanh "Huektuila, "
"ltouudhtudsl"ctc and the"Duryea,"
"Uawkinr," "Wallace." "(Josline,"
"Fire" and oilier zouaves.
Fighting tiflli."
The New York, Beumtylvauiu and Il
linois tegimenta were given to ayno
nyma on the start. The regimen ta from
the New L'nglund and northwestern
statea rarely adopted titlea. New Hamp
shire and Michigan each bad ita "Fight
ing Fifth," a title given tocommemorate
valor ou tho battlcfleliL NeW York uIho
bad a "Fighting Fifth," bet the more
pictureaqua title adopted at the start,
"JJuryea'a Zouaves," waa a favorite
one. The (Seventeenth Michigan earned
tbe name "Stonewall Regiment" by
charging atone walla at the battle of
South Mountain. Ofteu tho synonym
waa auggested by a composition of th
regiment or the locality where it waa
raiaed, aa will bo aeeu by the list of Il
linois nicknames, aa follows:
Twelfth Illinois first Hootch
Twenty -third Illinois First Irish
Twunty-fnurth Illinois Kirxt Meeker
Thirty-third Illinois ..... . .Noriinil leioniciit
Thirty fourth Illinois Hoi'k litvir rivliiioiit
Thirty sixth Illinois Fox liiver r-K t jik-ii t
Tlilrty-suventli Illinois Fremont rilh-s
Thirty-ninth Illinois Ystus ihiiliin
Forty -second Illinoin First ImikIus
Forty-fourth Illinois Northwestern ritli's
Forty-fifth Illinois I-titd Mini' retclim-nt
t'lfty-nrxt Illinois CMc-uko legion
Fifty-Ufth Illinois Clinton rllles
Fifty wntti Illinois Niitionnl Ktuirtls
Fifty i tKhth Illinois ....... .Lyon Color Kiuinl
Hixtyfourtli Illinois. ....Yute kliiiriMliisili-r
BLxtylUth Illinois Miuhlniidcr
tteventy-iieeuuil Illinois . First Hi nrd of Trndu
Hevinty-tliircl Illinois I'nueliur refc'hiieut
EiKhty-Nfi oiid Illinois Heooml D-Itur
EiKhlyt-lKhth Illinois.. rks.-ond Iksinl of i'ludu
NliK'tlotb Illinois Irih 1 kIoii
Unu liumlml and Twenty-fourth 11'inoin.,
The "Fox Uiver Itegiment," Thirty
aixth Illinois, was also nicknamed
"fchci idau'a Beta" iu the Held. Tbe pet
ting waa by no menus favoritism, fur
the regiment lost in three year iu m rv
io i3'J men killed uud wounded, about
64 per contof its rosier. The "Board of
Trad Battery" of I'bieiigo and the
"Chicago Mereautilo Butt'r.v" licled
tiluke history ou tlm bhsHliest llelds of
tho west.
WtM-uule's Mljgle ltgluint."
Vi- (,i,lirs BiK'litli regiiueiit adopted
the title "hatile Hi jjiuu lit" after It had
ru tuiteil I t,t f.niiinis live 1 nulc Old At"-,
w hii li liurt iu f 01 1 u lie for four yi urs.
The Ninth, r'fifnil ami Twiuiy
fi urili Vm 1 nsjii v. n ieselle
ly lln "l ust Ui riiiiiii," the ".Saudi
Uaviuu" and lite "Milv. ns. " t ni
ne nt, "Zji; .ill's ll.uuln ii"i ( M'ssuoti
ena'ry, eII.U " ! . nt'n Is ijr -gmtid,"
bi liii iHiim.i tali 1 lu
and et f r its hi- ut h'fiiigh Id.
lh lt lluiuiti'd iol Tvkttitv htili
l)li li In ou id at I bi iM4ti t I r
t JiiK isI Vis Him "Titf KiMHiuiii ut
Milti. " It M' l Hit I y i,.i
f 4t'.lltt Mu ! ( l)i-, 4H I lh lilt II
etllHUt'd IllM ItMkllSlllM illttl "t'
Iftk'' lirf'l." 1m t..i tilli loll
11 U lltliKU M "l W Wsil,n -'S
tut l ail tUft iiu His ri ef ti
te wt iiciiM Will Ui)m it iiiuVsl In
i. U'l,ifi. i,t bk llM mi ttmu lli Ihlt
ly uiti ! It w !UJ the
4.1 Mi'lld U'mm ut" f ut uO t
M A (Uf H t f llm XiHUIV if MM
ff the ti.illui HI if M ,'
.i ui i,j't'U nit a wtit t4l
4l i.i .i;it . f 44. t'b
a i yi, 1II tf ib r
tfttii Btf V T 1 ! 113
f Mil, A f I f I he tti'tMilil it
Ihvee t;Ui U In the iui i)uU
that tbey bad already Rent to tbe field
l.JloO son and gMiious.
Uore than half of the New York regi
ments early adopted a nynouyui, some
cf them 'uudergoiug modiflcatiou iu the
Held. The following were among the
most noted:
First envnlry (veteran 17. 8, vjluntwrs),.
Lincoln cttvnlry, Lnriiluo r-uigi-rs, buuer
Second eonilry ., HiirHs Llht
Fifth cavalry First Ira Harris nuiird
Bixth cavalry Hceoml Ira Harris unnrd
Eighth cavalry. , Uochesti-r rogliaeiit
Tenth cavalry Porter guard
Eleventh cavnlrv Hcott'aNino Hundred
Twelfth cavulry Third Ira Harris unrd
Thirteenth cavalry Meinour Light cavalry
Four tw-n 111 envnlry iietroHilllun cuvnlvy
Blxtocnth cavalry .....Hprauo Light cavalry
Eighteenth euvulry Corning Light 'juvuliy
Twentieth cavalry JloC'lnlliiu cavalry
la HrllliBiit Cavalry Churgea,
In cavalry churgea led by tho gallant
Kilpatriek tho Second New York cuvtiN
ry made ita cyuonyni a famoua one.
The Eighth New Vork cavalry, cm vt d
out a brilliant reputation for itcelf tin
der the leadership of the heroic Urim's
Pavia. Thut waa tho regiment which,
under Davia, cut ita way out ut llarper'a
Ferry, Davis waa killed in a hand to
band combat with u lieuleuuut of the
Sixth Virgiuiu cavalry ut tho battle of
Boverly Ford:
Fifth infantry i , Durjca's noiiavs
Blxth iiifiintry , Illlly Wllwai'a amaives
Hevimt h i af'aiil ry HI nuiii n gill' d
Eighth Infaniry ..Ulciikor
Ninth infantry ....
Huwklus zouaves, Lit lie zouaves, Zoo 'hm
Tenth infantry National Ouard xonavea
Elevuulh infantry Ellsworth Fire aouuves
Twentieth iufniitry , , , Turner rllles
Twcntythlid Infantry.,. HouiIktii Tier rllles
Twenty-fifth Infantry ,, L'nlon rangers
Twenty-seventh Infantry Union regiment
Twenty -eighth Itifiintry Niagara rifles
Twontynlnihiiifaiitiy Astor rllles
Thirty-first Infantry., ., .Montejsuiiin regiment
Thtrtysevetith infantry Irish rllles
Thirty-ninth infaniry...'. (JiiHIhiUU guard
Not ml truck Fighters,
The Fifth, Ninih.Tenth and Eleventh
New York helped to make fumoua on
the battlefields of tho Potomac the pic
turesque gouuve costume, Duryeu'a
y.ouuvca were among the noted crack
figliteri of tho army. At the battle of
(Julnca Mill, when thrown into confu
sion by a dt'Hperato Confederate charge,
they counted off fllea and corrected their
alignment tinder (Ire as coolly aa though
upon the purudo ground. At tho second
buttle of Bull ittiu thia regiment lost
the highest number iu killed ever
known iu a ainglo battle during tho
Ellsworth's "Fire Zouaves."
The Eleventh New York waa a regi
ment which the gallant Colonel Ella
worth organized and led to Virginia,
Tbe Seventh regiment waa led in bultlo
by a Clermaii nobleman who had served
ou tho Ktulf of the Bed I'rince or J'rua
aiu, Baron (ienrgo W, von Schnek. Iu
tho charge on tho utono wall ut Freder
icksburg thia regiment loat the highest
of any. Out of 85 odleera and 450 men,
10 otllcera were killed uud 8 wounded
and two hundred and forty odd men
killed and wounded in about 20 minutes,
Tim losa of oiMcera iu the Seventh ut
Fredericksburg waa never exceeded iu a
ingle battle but once, in the war, and
that waa ut tho atorming of Fort Wag
ner, In that alTair the Seventh New
Hampshire ht J J otlicera killed and the
Seventh New Yoik 10 iu fiont of die
tone wall:
Fortieth infantry Moart regiment
Forty-first infantry Imi Kalb regiment
Forty-seeoml infantry . ...Tununaiiv regiment
Forty-third Infantry Albany rllles
Forty-fourth Infantry.. l.llMVorth'a Avengers
Forty-eighth infantry Perry's halnts
Forty ninth infantry Keeond Huriiilo
Ftfty-flist infantry Wiepard lilies
Fifty-second infantry.... , ...(lennaii rsngers
Firty-ftrili iiiitilia Ouiirilu ihi Ijifayetto
Fifty-sixth Infantry Tenth legion
Fifty-seventh infantry ftsik's voltlgeiirs
Hixty-tlrsl Iiifiintry Clinton giiaid
Htxty-thitd Infaniry Third irlh
Hixty-fourth Infnnlry , . a.taniugus regiment
It is easy to ue otint for the name
"Tammany Kegimi nt" bestowed upon
the Forty m coikI New York, but not so
with that f the "Mourt Hegiment,"
Fortieth New York. The "Alozarta"
wero not litldhru, hut were tightus.
Only four enmpauiea of the regiment
were raised iu NiwYoik; tho others
were from Mafsachusetts and l'euiif-yl-vania.
The name originated with in
patrons, a society of politicians aspiring
to rival Tammany and having iw
hetidinnrtcM in iMo.urt hall. Li d by
Colonel Thomas Knuau, the Forliitli
fought 2u tdoody buttles uud scon il a
roll of 2UH mi A killed Wi action besiilis
over 700 woundi'd who recovered. Ti e
Forty-srcnnd "Taiumauy" waa ii gisid
regimei.t and has its monument ou tbe
front line at Oeitysbtug.
"Kllnworlir Avrngrrs."
lb Fotty foiiilh New York waa nr
gaiilzetl to nv-i'j:" I deaih of !im'i
KlKwi'illi, and if l ull ta si nt hume do
it tin ii the nt w is well betowed and
worthily Ionic,
Four coiiiimiiiditiu i Ulcer a of the 1'ir
Ir-naiili Niw York wete killed in Lai
tie. t'oloiii I iMiiict ItidMi ll Ml at Ce
dar Cm k, Col. m 1 K. U. Holt at hMi
burg iu the ic iuli A r 1 1 H, l.l. u
lell.tlll Cololu 1 tl III t'l'tt MeVellS,
Wu iniu"! ii, and M.iji r Tills in H e I n
lie at u-huui.t. Tl.f I iliy lu.l
New Yi ti vi .is i i-e i f a liiiii'i 0 ii u tn 1 1 r
of lul.tiiiiy r (.lull nt i ( our
Jim) mi ii k.jlt d In I iitle,
Al H"' "liiis dy .i ,li " Ci uiit iii
llutike iiil IUiom vim fli id ti, luili is
on lurb uiih (ii.i (l.i l'io i, ii aim ainl
atlVIHU as line i i:U' is With lli "I r
lllull KllikiH," ll.e ill) -Mitilid .Si W
York, Win- klibd'
..HI" li.l,l., lii. I F,il I-
ts-xti llol . . .. . I I I l I ii
ii,i'., I, . i . , i ! I evel
r,i lhl, :U .1 I 'fe I. ' !..
. l 1 IUl -ti I I I lU .-itu'
:att ! I .l..i, I.i.iil t , ,.
Mt.l ! . 1 l KI.I ll-.lil,.
l,-tU-li i,.,'t ... lt si
i,iif tol i i tnU i li.4 l-l
l ... I Ii.,i,i r Jf Ik. - I I Ml,! . ll !
tl,l II lllWHl (I'll Nll.i! lli'
l l.UI, U.l 'i lt,i .((1, i
.un.iii I ,.4l a, ft.k;ia --. i
lgfcl K'li I .,, hi.i.Uh ..,'
I i(h i i, h :. ... -1 jf , V W -al r i
Mi 1 1 il i .'.. .. s i(in''
Hi. ...... it i,i . (Iblll ,t iiU.
!. II .k.l,ij M .'! nnr '
P. . . I I H
l Uu4.l M.ik ini .i. i
u, iw.i-iit'S ivi ,.il
ln HtJ4 IIm. litUnlif
! It.i
Im .MH.ir4 M T tii Mica
kttnt lh m i ait
One Hundred and Fort 1st h infantry....
lloehoster iUu Horses
General Sicklea' famoua "Excelaior
Brigade" waa composed of aoldicra from
geveral states, but each regiment pre
erved throughout ita atale uutuber
aud also carried the title "Excelsior."
Tbe Sovouty-Hixtu New York fought
as a legiou iu connection with two in
dependent batteries' and twG troopa of
cavulry. It ia mnva to be to.'a ut thia
date that the regiment which gave to
tho Army of tho I'olomao General Fran
cia Barlow and General Nelson A.
Miloa waa known ha tho "Clinton
Guard" ua well ua the Sixty-first New
York, Tho oflloial rt corda from tho bat
tlefield arc dotted over with reference
to that regiment under ita numerical
Colonel Cameron's "Highlanders."
As the "Cameron Guard," tho Kev-enty-iiinth
New York took tho Hold led
by Colonel John A. Cameron, brother
of the accrelary of war. Colonel Cum
eron waa killed at Bull Run. The oM
cera und men of the regiment woro tho
pictureaque highland costume., and tho
term "Hlghlandera" wna given them
by their comradea, aud by that title
they were beat known. In tho end it
waa udopted by tho meu themselvea.
After tho Fourteenth regiment of
militiu rji-cnliated for the wur ita nu
merical designation wua tho Eighty
fourth. At first tho regiment waa known
aa tho "Fourteenth Brooklyn," "Brook
lyn Zouitvea"uiid"CliiHM( ura," butuft
er u time tho uickname "lied Legged
Devila" became iipulur in tho army.
The Kighty-aixth New York added to
ita title "bteubeji Bangera," tho leg
end "Fighting Ucgiment of tho Smith
eru Tiger."
Meagher' "Irish llrigade."
When General Tliomaa Franoia
Meagher recruited tho fumoua "Irish
Brigudc," lie reorganized tlioold Sixty
ninth militiu into the Sixty-ninth New
York voluntecra, Tho original designa
tion of the militiu regiment waa arbitra
ry and waa taken from tho famoua IriHh
regiment iu the Britiah service known
aa the "Fungh a Bullaba." Another
regiment for the brigade win organ! zed
under tho patronage of Mra. Meagher
and wua called "Mra. Meagher'a
Own," It waa given, the number
EiKhty-oighth iu the ' line, tho number
borno by tho "Connuught Rungera" in
tho Britiah army, Theae two, with tho
Sixty-third New York, composed tho
original" IriHh Brigudc," Afterayear'a
bard campaigning it depleted Meagher'a
ranka. The "Morguu Jiiflca," Nino-ty-third
New York, came out of the wur
With a reputation for "auperior disci
pline, drill and elIh'iency,V It waa a
lighting regiment and in the Wildemeaa
loat 200 men out of 4 1311 in tho ranka.
The "Conkling lieaervea." Ninety-uov-en
th New York, wua noted for ita cuau-
allies iu ita color guard. It lout 8 color
bearers killed uud il wounded and SiO
color guards killed und wounded.
Itochestcr "Hmca Homes."
Soma of tho aynonyma adopted were
misleading. For instance a regiment
known ua the "Ironsides" never got a
chance to teat ita armor. From unalogoua
nicknames conferred in wur it might be
upfoaed that the "Itochcater Race
Horaea," One Hundred uud Fortieth
New York, luul adopted the motto 1
He that fights and run away
Villi IIvb to fight another day. '
But the Rochester boya did not run
except after the enemy, bayonet in hand.
Two colonels were killed ut the bead of
tho One Hundred and Fortieth, Rorty
on Litllo Round Top at Gcttyaburg,
where tho regiment has a monument,
aud Ryuuat the battle of Spottaylvauia.
Those whose memory goea back to the
war diiya often link what becanio of the
"Eufana i'erdua" (loat children). It
wua an independent battalion and after
ward waa merged into a regimental or
ganization and its individuality lost.
Tho men wore a striking zouave uni
form. I'l-nusylvanlau In I.ln.
Pennsylvania had u handful of noted
regiments with aynonyma that meant
something. Tho Seventy-first waa arbi
trarily called tlm "California Regi
ment." Colonel E. 1). Baker, the hero
martyr of Bull's Bluff, organized it and
led it iu battle. It wua afterward in the
noted "i'hiladclphiit Brigade," which
held tlm line where Pickett charged at
Gettysourg. Tho "Baxter Zouuvea,"
Seven ty-aecond Pcnuaylvanla, waa also
in that hriKudo. The Ninety-fifth, call
ed "Goslimi'a Zouuvea," after ita first
colonel, wua a apleudid fighting regi
ment. The original "Buektuila," Thir
teenth Pennsylvania reserves, waa so
initio d bcciiuMt of their tiuiquo budge, u
liucktail worn nisin tlm i-npsof loo in. o.
Tho One Hundred und Forty-ninth uud
One Hundred and Fiftieth Pennsyl
vania n glim tits were also called "Buek
tuila" for the same reason. They went
organilcd tor u "Buektail Brigude" If
Gi in Roy Mime, a gallant oillci r of
tlm oitgiunl "lllirlluil" legion lit.
IU Itrtr.l la (mhI and ( uli Slsrl,
Of all the warlike nli -kuaiui adiliil
Ly lb" Ati.ineaii vuluiitin none wua
luorn to l be ptirpioMt than ihal f
"RouinlliemU" civi ti o i hit One Hun
dredth l'i iiiivlv.itiU, Win n ('a tain
U'Hsiirn ai'i'lud In the u niuiy i f var
fi r Hlltle i ily In IsUtt all III. h I . lei. Ill
ti gum ill siiiuiig llm yn iiiuiiiy of n ii
Ital IS iiimyhaiiiu, Cuimiiii said, ",
iMiia ii, if liny will Is- itou wl.o In id
Uvnrt'i U' a iu ag ,iui Hi . m,, a
rtliiiu aguiosl liiiiii e i!) aiidwill t alty
tin ir Bll ha Into ( stile.''
"1 I lei otlur kind It. bring,'
aiol.i llm I u lain.
"All mii."t laiimd (imrl tvtl,
li imt.l In l itsrnt, "Wewill
iil iiin "1;'uiiiiiiUh
'I he "14. lileiil. JI.U" foilgbt In lh
I n tm. is, lii YHfiiiU, M.irjUiiil ati'l
Jinn. .i Hint suit, i . it MJ wouiol all M 1. 1. !i Uil wil" limltl. 1 '
i.ii.i. i.l b -i a . ii. U, 3 c Ijiti and
to ui. ti .l is lulu . I Im I hi'u e i t
l.i, ii tut I n i mi!;i,im lie i ilf
I nMi( Hi l it, I ill i? II rit)Uli In ale aul-af
lUir In lUe 4i til allttf f U rhr
auiigo, w1mh I St. altli ami Ita l !
mi lbs iii h filth ant l i l t:iIef
I t 1. i I U t t.r liiioi.til ia U "
" tun KtkskiH Uitnta
Oh, My J What a Rush!
Men coming in crowds lor Hats .
Women coming in throngs for Dress Goods
Mothers hurrying for Boys' and Girls' School Shoe?!
Workingmen crowding in for Pants and Overalls
No Wonder; Just See Our Prices for this Week:
Dress Goods
20 pd-ce BiiIIhii and Itrltluny Cloth
S!J Inches wide; regular price 15c,
thia week 1 He
15plecea Damaase, .11 liichea wide,
henut ihil colorings; regular prie
18c, thia week lG$o
12 piece Novelty Bresa Honda, 84
Inches wide, they era benntiea, reg
ain r price 30c, thin week.,.,.. ....... .2-1 o
10 piece all wool N'ovmIiIcm, 40 In,
wide, regular price 50c, tins week.,4.1c
Outing Flannels
40 piece Trueworth" Oiitinir Flan
nels, real vnlua fin, only,,,,,,, , fie
25 jilecea Ho Outing, thia week 7e
.'18 iilecea Amnkeng Tenxel Bown,
regular price JOo, thia week..... .,H'e
1,200 yard Itemnnnta in
worth 6c yard, thia week
18plei-ea Lakeside LL Mualln, reg
ular price fie, thia week 4n
np'eo-a Pepp II. Muslin,
price 7e, thia week.
Ha Mattered lha Science of Deniiairy
ZZT and Located at Wymote
Dr. II. 8. Ganaon, the well known den
tiat, formerly a resident of thia city, has
moved hia office from Omaha to Wy
more, Ngd., where be baa opened dnal
parlora complete in every respect. Dr.
Ownaon ia an enterprlainff youiiif man
and the citizen of Wymore arefortunate
iu haviritf liitn loente In their midst. II
wna a atudent in the atata University for
aeveral year where he made a most ex
cellent record. A poor hoy, he waa com
pelled to eiirn money to keep himself In
achool. Thia aa ia well known to many
citizen of Lincoln, he did by currying
newspapers In the morninif and working
iu a dentist offlco tlm biilunee of hia
apore time, I la bccitma verv prollcieut
in dental work and eut hi au miner
exclusively at, that work. In order to
thoroughly fit himself fur the trade he
decided to tnke a course at tbe Iowa
atate university. Thia he did end grad
uated with honors from that school.
Hince hia graduation he haa worked ex
clusively nt hi trade and hn accumu
lated auflleli tit money to enable him to
on an otllce of hi own. All of Ilia
dentista with whom he hn ussiciiited,
some in Lincoln, In OuihIih, apree
that Dr. tinnsou hna thorough' mas
tered hia trade. Ilia many (rienda in
Lincoln will watch with interest the
growth of hia business at Wymore.
;f .- . . ... ......
; "
;: ' . ' :
v.' I
J. I, riulir.
Tke (mpttltst, d mm rats amltilvit
iTj ubl al aa atlrr roualy ! a
ihiJ Uvltia war ky atr4H-
JTi , li ln p alliirrNadidalfiir n.Ml,
iarr, ll la Uii iviJit t
Trat lor UT Jae anj at iliild
kUiiHiea4 aiualma l Urmiii aa l
Haetlia l raiar. A a ttr id "e
In- k I kanwa la aHrlillatlal.
921 O Street, v .
-P. C, - Lincolaa, H-nToTo.
t ft "7. n
DeLOACII MILL MFG. COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga., t). S. A. $
tbi WkMUMi SU new York
lie ha not engaged in politic more
than to know that he waa voting for
boneat aud capable men, Kinee the
organization of tbe Farmer' Ailianco of
which be waa a charter member, he haa
alwaya voted the populist ticket.
Mr. Itishop nerved three year in the
army aa a nn-ibr of company II of the
67th Indian Volunteer Infantry. II ia
54 yeara of age, In good health, indua
triou, capable and honest. Hn ia ex
actly the kind of a man that la needed
in the county treasurer' office. He la
neither a politician bunker or a apecu
tutor. Tlmeouuly luuus would be per
fectly aafe In the handa ol Mr. Hiahop.
The victorie of llood'a
Hareiipariba over all
Form of disease
Conclusively prove
That it ia an utiitiulled
lllood l'uritler. It compter
The deiiiiiii, ecrofula.
Ut-heve the llehlug and burning of
suit rlieiiin, cure running aiire. ulivr.
Im s, pliiiole mid every other loriu ol
liiiiimr or ibs-aMi originating in Impure
blood. The rure by Hood' Snraupa
rdla are cure, almoim, peruiaiiHiit, pt-r
(nt iiira. They nra lid Upon it
great puwvr tn purify and enrn u the
A hil-ril judge will enjoin a mau Irom
Irtmg In ,i fsuiiils anoilur iua loipni
utliiiig Uir J ;i."i a r a. ( annolask
)mir n. iiililir to iput wutk. The own-
eisolllis nilhe eaa talk to each other,
l-rUrtiUi aud egr In .n.T unit IJ..'I1 a
mrk, (iiiyiMi Honk the sniim tnurl
mil. I rkj.iia the mine owner Iroiu In k
iHg to naill tilbrrf Nil I n.
tfcaa eil 4 leatLUa
fyo waat t nmt aluf
vastly ad lrvr, Is mad wll, ilroag,
in n I , lull ol ! hi and vigor, lake
Wlullart. the .i.Uf eoiisr, thai
aiaka ma lma. klaav fata
la imaad ta UN Over 4a.MH
tarnl. Iiuy ,Ni tVielyoaf druggl!
WHiM tnraal to ure, 6U or 1.
i.Mkl aa4 earn pi wailsd tree. Addrea
lMhi IUm.U t 1 hw4 !
Special Sale
on Hats
50e Mon' Wool Htta, thia wwk,..M
7 Be Mu'a Wool Hat, thia week 50o
11.00 and 11.25 Mcri'a Fedom and
other at vie Eur Hats, this week.08o
f 2 25 and t'2.50 Fedora and other
tyle, (hi wek . 11.6!)
Job lot In Miff Hat, were 2, 2.G0
and f.'l, closing price , ...,.Mo
Great Bargain
in Shoes
You t ha' calf raiior ton, J 2 to 2, rer
nlur price 1,75, thia week ,..1.85
Boya' calf, rnxortoa, 2 to B, regn
Inr price 2.00, thia week ...1.45
14 palra Boy' Devon calf, lnc,
aqnnra toe, '2 to ti, regular priea
2.00, thia week , 1,05
20 pnlra Youth' Knnireroo calf,
luce, nedl tfx, to 2, reflrulai'
price 1.75, thia week 1.45
30 pair Hoy' Kangaroo calf, lac,
needle toe, 2 to 5, regular price
2,00, till week 1.05
Bchool Hhoe. A larire variety,
good in quality, and cheap ia price,
VarUU) rrktkMV.
Water Wbedt,
Baliag Preaeea,
Corn Shcl
Shdftimi, Pulley tf
and Mill Gearing.
trotirn ewers.
City. Ill i. Nth St., St taala, Me.
Anron stwtlna (kcteh and dMHTlpllMi nay
auliiklrwHMrUln, frsa, nlmtbsr ii IiiitmiOoii M
prtii,siif iHUoeisnia. i fHiimMuiw..n.n r,..r
eonmifliitisi, oi'i'Mt wiMr fi.riiis mmoi
lu AiiMrin, W hsv a Wuliliisto onie.
u Auisru-s. ni nsv a wuniiii;, um-.
etnia uuluh li.ruusu 2Im X C9 rcCWTS
uwusl uutio lu tb
NwtuOfullf lllinrtrsls.1, IsrviMt HrrnllliHl
EHumiiiao I'niruHl. w-tkif, owniiKm f
il month. SHviiiiii utiles sinl U.
K U i'A f KT muI Irsa. AdiUsM
Ml Uraaawar. Mew Vera.
uur ...
Special Watch
.. .. 1.
fmt il.u ..Ml amttold It allh
tnsr asJ alilrs. j
HI ) jro Ihls hl.iiitN r
WaTfli it tiurs
ammsliua, a iii.l at
! m a srl o aui
isHiii, II k l ".
full ! It l
d.u.ul.r It a li te
terms ss'iil I aia.a.
sal it U Is I a I Jit
li.nsuJ Huit.isi l'll,
t.Kiil hsir li'.
b.SI.'K S.
, lir.isf lud, a
haft IW t hl
uiu a.
rt ii m i.titiiir.
VTeihiMlr Sav
raaraiela i'mnAf ( athartla, tb Meat
etiadatful aiadH'ai dieuvry ol tbaag.
laaaat and rfreb.b ta the Uete. eel
geatiy and Knivly ta ktdyi, Uvet
aad tiht, tlsausiii the vatira rat to,
Jipolila,fiirehraJrb. rr haltl-
aal aiii,aliiallia Bad lilllilUsUsM. l'rjat
I hay and try a hi til '. C U today -111,
J 15, N !, Hold aad araale4
tare b U druxnUita,
& .