I mum f w I 1 X" The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated, I, VOL. IX. J. J. SULLIVAN THE MAN Populists, Democrats' and Sllrer Be publicans Make Elm Candilat for Supreme Judgs. AN EXCELLENT NOMINATION The Contest Long and Intense But No Bitter Feeling Be malns. Tudgs Wheeler for Regent. After deliberations lasting a (uli day , end night tb populists, democrats and nilver republican agreed upon tbe nom- ! inatlon of John J. Sullivan of Columbus, 'eb., a tbeir condidate for supreme judge. Everyone Is well satisfied with th result. Mr. Sullivan is undoubtedly a strong a candidate as could bare been named, Tbe populist fought long and hard t? secure tbe nomination of Judge Wtn. Neville. Tbe democrat were just as energetic in tbeir demands that W. II. Thompson should be tbe candidate wlHle tbe silver republicans voted repeatedly for Judge Cunningham It. Scott. It woe tbe understanding in each of the conventions tbat a soon as any one man could secure tbe nomination of two convention tbe third would also nominate bim. None of tbe three loading candidate could secure a majority in two of tbe convention. Tbe democrat withdrew from . H, tbompNon and presented tbe name of Judge John J. Sullivan. Tbeir vote for him wo unanimous. They presented the report of tbeir action to tbe silver republicans and populinU. While the matter of nominating Sullivan was being favorably conwidered by the populists in their convention in cane they could not secure Neville's nomination, tbe news wa brouitht to tbern that the silver re- publican bad unanimously named Mr. Sullivan a their choice for candidate. Thin gave blm the necessary two con vention, and the populist promptly and unanimously made bim their nomi- nne. lie will make an active campaign V- And will win. la hi own county which i Iho tbe borne of J adge Post, the re publican nominee, Mr. Hullivan will have a large piuramy auu win rvwuv iumij renublicnn vote. The populist named E. von For- rell of Kearney a tbe populist nom inee for regent. Under tbe term of dl vision a reported by tbe conference committee the silver republican get the other candidate for regent. At the hour of going to pre be bad not been named. Hint Convention. There ban never been a state couveu tion of tbe People's Independent party in Nebraska where tbe Interest manifested wo so great a at the convention held in Lincoln Wednesday, Wednesday night and Thursday. It wa the longest con ventioa in theliistory of the party in this state. Early on Tuesday delegates, cundisates and their friend began to arrive in the city. They were all an z iou to be on tbe ground early in order tbat they would not fail to hear the great leader of tbe party in the United State at tbe convention. Among the speaker were General J. II. Weaver, lion Cba. A. Towne, "Cyclone" Davis, Hon. Jerry Simpson, Senator Allen, Governor Holcomb, and Mr. Hryan. There were many other not so well known. There were two very large meet ing Tuesday evening. One wa held at the Lansing theatre and was addressed by Mr. Towne and "Cyclone" Davis. The other was held in the large Hohanan and wa addressed by Jerry Simp- no u and others. During Wednesday fo'enoon little was dona except to or .nil the county delegations, distrib te the admission tickets and get ac quainted. There were several confer ence of minor importance, in the inter est of particular candidate. From the beginning It wa plain to b seen that the almost universal sentiment among the delegate was in favor of co-operation by the three parties and tbe nomi nation of only one set of candidate. The Important and difficult question was a to which of thn Hires parties should choose the candidate for judgs ship. I'.neb party claimed tb sitiou. Titers was much discussion around the hotels and opinion seemed to b divided about equally. TIim convention was called to order promptly st 'J p, m. by I bnirinun J. II. Kdiuistvn. Ths call wo rend and Mr. LdmUleii ked lor nomination (or temporary rbuirmsu, lion. Hidia'd lioUon of Fillmore souutv named J, II, power lor lbs pines, 1 Imrs were no other nomination and on motion of Mr. 8re'Ui.r of Colfax county Mr. power ass elected by Acclamation, It. F. Aden ol CaM rouniy was ehowa for temporary rctslnrv. a motion ol Jvroiu Mi snip of Lnneasier county n fomiiiHtes d fls was ai'polalrd on cre dentials, eonsiatitig ufjeroms Htismp, H, II. tiros. t, A. I'liiiit, Jolm McKay, II. I, Mi lis, Jsnies Hits kttniii. The coin. (.Allies Mannnel His rrsdelitial pi. miud, found no eoniewis, r-e.irtd timi Hi list bonded hi lb seerslary sor ri and Ins report was promptly adopt d by Ihs rosiiio, lbs (ouvwotlti then irisssde4 t ltcl It rmaunt ergaoitlliMi. Mr. UhhII ol Lancaster situat; sawed W, A, Pointer lor ruia nent chairman. Congressman Green was also placed in nomination bat b declined to be a candidate for the place. Mr, Poynter was then sleeted by accla mation. Mr. B. It. II. Weber, If. V. Allen, and Warwick Haunders were elected for secretaries of the convention. Motions followed authorizing the chairman to appoint a comaitte of seven on confer' ence of which he was to be chairman, and a committee of twelve on platform and resolutions. Chairman Poynter appointed the fol lowing: Conference, First district, George W, Make; Second, C, A. W hitford; Third J, N, Campbell; Fourth, J, N. Gaffln; Fifth, I, A, Sheridan; Sixth, Otto Mutz; Chair man, W, A, Poynter. Platform, First district. 3. A. VAzr ton and William Leess; Second, F. E. McOuckin and V. O. S trickier; Third. W. M. McOann and W. V, Allen; Fonrtb, Itichard Dotson and George L, Burr; Fifth, John K, Thompson and H.V. Sutherland; Sixth, Koy Itbone and IL O, ctewart. Tbs committees retired and began de liberations. The committee on confer ence met like committees from the demo craU and silver republicans and were In session nntil after 1 o'clock in tbe morn ing. The committee on platform were ont for several hours when they brought In the following platform and resolu tions which were unanimously adopted by a standing vote. VLktrouu. The people's independent party of Ne braska reaffirms the principles of oar national platform adopted at St. Louis. Ve stand upon every one of the grand truths therein enunciated and specifical ly reiterate our loyalty to tbe free coin age of silver at tbe ratio of 16 to 1. Ws pledge tbe people that there shall be no faltering nntil private corpora' tions are stripped of the privilege of is suing money and until all oar currency, whether coin or paper, shall be issued by the government and shall all be standard money of the United States, We congratulate William J, flryan, who, though defeated,: yet triumphant, who having neither rank nor riches, is still the most popular citizen of tbe re public. We congratulate Senator Allen on the splendid work be has done for Nebraska and the nation. j We comment the position taken by our congressional delegation, Congressmen Maxwell, Stark, Sutherland and Greene, and we appreciate the efforts of all who in any way contributed to the success of the trans-Mississippi exposition or other measures for the benefit of oar state, W are thankful to Providence rather than to any nan for the messare of prosperity with vbich oar state has been blessed and we attribute tbe rise in tbs price of wheat to foreign scarcity rather than to suppose it to be tbe result of dear sugar or an increased tariff oa straw. W are unalterably and unequivocally in favor of the recognition of tbe inde pendence of the Cuban republic, and we condemn tbe republican party for having failed to carry ont the opcciAe pledge of tbeir national platform on this ques tion. We view with alarm the settled policy of tbe present national administration to retire our greenback currency, and issue gold interest bearing bonds in place thereof, and we denounce each a course as a change in the settled policy of onr government and a betrayal of tbe inter ests of our people. We commend the striking coal miners of the east for tbe orderly and law-abiding manner in which they have carried on their great battle for bread, and we condemn the fresh examples of "govern ment by injunction" by which these men have been deprived of rights which the constitution guarantees to every Ameri can citizen, namely, freedom of assem blage and freedom of speech. We congratulate Nebraska on her splendid crops; on tbe great exposition soon to be held within her borders; on tbe re-establishment of her credit, and on her redemption from political mis-rule. That tbs populist victory which was said to mean ruin, has 'meant ber salvation; that a new era is opening before ber; tbat new industries have come; new capital has sought ber for investment; that today she seems tbe most prosper ous stale in the union, and all these lieneflcient chsngen hsv come nbont under populist control. We commend the safe, sonnd and sen sible adinistrationof Governor Holcomb and of the state government In all Its branches, L'uder it ws gladly notice tbat revenues ore flowing la to tbs state treasury from many channels that be fore seemed clogged; that the floating debt Is being reduced; that stats war rants bavs gons up Irom 0.1 cents on tb dollar to a premium; that tbs school lands ar being leaded as the law In tended; that stats defaulters ar being vigorously prosecuted and promptly convicted, that stats Institutions ar being run mors economically than ever More, and that ws will never again hear tbs campaign calamity cry that a populist administration will ruin ths credit of tbe state. In contradiction to Ibssplendid record ol our sipulist officials, ws tmlnt to lbs prodigals acts of their republican prede cessor vtlio bavs robbed Nebraska of a million dollars, AIM hr stst Institu tion with rorruptmn and srsndnl. taken lbs patrimony of hef school idol. ilru and farmed It out o predict "b. ers ami smalPUor isiliiMsnns. prae-l twwd nepotism i nil branches id ber stats government; pla d aimkeos clgd defaulter as msyor f hsrrbef city, and htt finally driven from a thirty-yesr feast at lbs publiserib.smots the tinnd Hist had fd II and sous')! to Injur Discredit o It lis stats by dismal loMiodiiigt, command ths si hoa , U Morm k-g sUtuis In reducing appropria tions a ImiI ml lion dollars, la regnist Ug lbs irg d ths slisk yard; In planing telegraph, Nepbons and si press forpuratioss nudr state control, as I LINCOLN, NEIiK,, HWUHVAY, WVTmiil'M t, tfr in many other acts for the U nninerons-to ttmnUtm here, W imihim that while much htm bee do, w yet remain to An, (ftm of te avert rs porfaat fields of fat are state fegMte'w is reform in oar system A aKnt and taxatio, which we pledge ottrsetrew to bring abont, W regret that tf mi'mm 1tMki law passed by the populist fegMaf are of 1493, has) beew hUi ht the fs4ef eoaru so that tbe peot eoahf vf 1 eor its beneflte; aao we Pledge owrssf vew to do all i oar power to bmg Utt m speedy m4 pisi redato of loceji freight rates. Wspfedg oarsef re- to trfle- prem eoart frotn partisoashrfr We den on nee ss sr A flUvai' tera&ts of tnzfitftwA wtmttk to able men from edostieJ iMfifefev beeaose of thsdr views o asyf ecrmomu? raesf,ow Mr! s tmtt of scientific thonght sxwl ftesf,ijrte, We send greeting to fs other gr4 convention held i tftsv city at thm time. We congratulate them m ib anion of refovw Ut.tm effecfed fast fWi, W realize that the A of sncft t,k still eostfnoes. and for tho omvje of this con rente-,, whatever their' Uwf affiliation, ws tavife th mpprtt tA CTsry popwfist, every detisocrat every silver repnblica sa4 every wm4 of good govern mest, The democratic aadl frew sler eowvew tkms were organiMd iw practieeily ta samemaaner Thw pltfWradopw hf' the democrAte proclaimed iteg!aeto the pnneipies of the party ss MvtAtA bv Jsffevsow aaf ackso eadorsed) the entire Chicago pfAtforsv ft A aoances the "marked1 attempt of ti sdb ninistrAtio to the reireet tA the greenbacks," ft comsve4 tlW coarse of W, J, hffMi, SbVr A'b, the- fast fegielsfnre, sef th prewtt state officers, and fm$mt,ikf for the striking coal miners 4 nfsw glmg Coine, Tbe resofotions of the- silver t$t& cans were to the earner effect tvg!V somewhat shorter A OOOO FLAT OKU, Adopted by Hit fapo'itt tA LM,tsf County Ls4 Wtek, The following U the- ptArforny adopted! by the popoliste of 1 Mrtr vy l their cos ventioa M4 h 1ajJ Uuti week. The People fadepndef wtf tA Iancaster eonaty reAfRrm atrMseow- veatioa the prindptew of ryff,rlw freedom and politicAl reform deelr4 mi Omaha lr2 aod M. ism 'm Wrt, W are grtefnf to frtriw Proveinie which has biessed or Sfaf' wiflk aTevsye' ant crops bat deplore IN sAissry m lksf the world that k smittem wirl fomvss and clamors at onr gfe fo hny re4 Nebrask i jostly pronf of taw ptMut servic of Senator AH 4 fwaprwj men Maxwell, ftntnerlAAdy (V Green, and w send f hew the hearty -poval tA the voters tA Ibim vitotij. wesewd gretisgasi ftw Ry& thi victory wilt reward the effort vf theowf miners in their great sfrnggle; to . their liberty from fadantisi sfvry. Ws dnotmc as ss-AmertCA five f- tempt of organixed wesJr.h' to fwfce able men from educaeionAf msfifneione fiecn ose of their views of social nA economic qnestions fcermed as a resoit of scientific fhonght Anf investigate' Ws congratulate every eitiww rf f h State of Nebrask a npo her rdnvfiow from the mle of tha? pfiticaf pttf which has rotted the; state treastirf tA more thaej a milliow dollars, derttofSiF ixed evry stats metitafiom m ste contra, brought diegrac aad shame ow the fair asm of the state, desfr'tyeif pnblic and priVAfe credit, drrve or warrants to Shy Utk'm tttrttAtr s sfcor ths door of schoof honse m tM fcw of little children. We approve the Kmntm tA tho state administration rn rsorieg ptfrk; credit and ecrmomy m pnWwr ssrvice, m bringing stats warraate to A prsmm and state thieves bhi4 prmtnt Ws call th attea to of the VMers tA Isncaster eonnty to th Jong hs tA r pnMican defaulters in thwejnafy fh reckless vioUfion tA law by thow sands of dollar of sinking fund are now held for private gam Instead tA trttJfa service, A&.1 livr.te aT5 g, and ail tUitm slemenfs leyiisMM fHocing men in the eonr hone wso wwi titfimm th wrongs and ry fhla, Ws condemn thsnejnst system M A crimination by which th wairn nsyf corporate interests tA this etr tf4 Iheir just shars of taxation fif (kssp jiorl of government a svidnced I tM lax lists tA this eonnty and pfe-fgeonr nomine for ascsor and timlf tA flcsr to pi sew th infrestMival frroting with ths farming and lsdtrnl Clasnes, It m th snss of this onnrioA f hat Ids rbgate elected to thm Mtate ( oo ventlon from fncalr cmsty snafl sipe-irt Ihs nnmination tA bv tA th peipls's tndepsndent party f'r th olflnsfif Maprsm Jdg, nstsg D itt,nf al'lerff'M'ts l seenrs n so-rdisl finmn tA all elements n,fwesd to episiw, ral and Mat If on robbery, I hsf.otato crop will I a short tut and prices will h high, Ws hsfs srged all along Ibst fsrners shldsrr lh r ns -oite ,n qisntity a'fx'st fo di litem anl with a fw liht , To do Ibis tire-sMly the ysr ho tm. qiird h" mors skill than ho-l f 1st l,niight to l-esf In fh matter evry ;er, l'"it a great many havs fallen hortofeOfhitig Sp ll I he rinireftfa, Ths oneieSC Is AShftflag IS h crop with pfH-es now ranging ff'iei Hit fSl lO STent-f Cents t IrS'fc, and Mh a pr(l for higher prtc lair, li Is ltter that ih ffrr should fnhs on p'i'sbo fia fo buy I lro al ftlty rH hi ons d'fltsr pr bushel, sad both mih lh Matter of hauling Insnt bom from lowsc Ne braska I srmr. iMEsararAASMSiSsaAMW Tir hunt mm gttf Afi far Ukt tttm til ttM0 A ptAM4i ffuu VittmMf mi nv VrtriMtm, ii, L, Xytmtt it A 4m44 dlM a tvi dfrfMwiow if A U miA tsm rwg,wttiw u4f4kf rtAt A4f9, rmk rt-ww tkii tif Uit4 H Utymiti tv ref Ai fttA, A4it A ptxik, Tit ktitf'HH s aw trtftwl ktm ii fsSegtl reo5WiO JUe it tMHAH pM mA f U r4. liAat ft MU I'r-swfewf of rvvs-st tMmdi-f- ttytitm tin 4f tMiA MprMt, mmiy A tM -r"Aw w-MMvt fvUeVl' w m m tpt tm Ut tmt in'WL tiW pftmt .sMt.4V)M ttuA ttMmtd tA Urn if tit tA il wfmi m w uy wwie m KMv mto imtif tm wysfr tnmAmto4mtnHwttiwi sa titMW ftswM i&wtxtA wtJ&'M itAMfrtm, v fUr 4 M ev, ssrehn M UfM, fW fvw tm t,m tA )wr awptm tA et- itesyy Tmw rvte Af 01 S-Hpr-sw-s ncW sUdUr y fib wy lfMW&MmiV&H A4 sseu A4 teW Merit SVS, 4 iSM Af iU A4w,.nwst of a tmtmAtm pvvMbv vlvy(yvMi toM( HirtA tmvm' tm4y, TktttatowK A tc&mt mw-y tnnwgi'V si eoWMvWx ,ba tiertAttr, f frt I'virs yvn )rtMtt mA tffrt)? ttrm tA 'tU ww, ttfof&K m t& to Aii rote to & -w" tA t:im aim swA yoiv li! S4 ieW "It itntff trwt tM ti iit tptottt mtMwn4 lb 4eir-4t vwi evfWv o U mim4kjr ftft A-f 0 owir r tmm w mi.f $tAiii4 Aivlbr of tkww fcOW A tO M We 4lJiMUt!Uf &AHHHf tA trtttif Iky fcW f - SfCWf svy is. At Uas4-ASi AiteMtae; fSr AV-WmUsI a (U Mmmlf mA tb HfiHftoot tA fftvf fisrw Aprmmt, mtct, irlyt r'y to4..4-vtf, H tM t wr itv ft yvv ! nomd rrdl wr fy swlUwiweW Av yvn UmAsfw tA tmw 'rrtevs)e AkW- j rsot rt vw4 it fa ynttt tA Mlvm tt ftttt HO tAire- A leW Wr Wl AH PArftsWA s,tV,S SeVv A!y fvw eneren nvor ttu&wntdf Ut lift rrf live- nptleg "ffM, i fteW) rwev tJU afrtteriiv AAyiW' hamkI Vww rr tiitt tfvmv fytmmt Uf A tiwtrtM ft f,W iVMrve'y, f'r kliiwi4w e'Os skvi &( Aa-f iUAi M I av am, Uft, m4 seslk to 3evf tArtwyw, !tUviigW fx&M MtlfrtAfUtwrtt' mrtttth 'ttiM,u tA tour Mrvny Ai'f tnHw iy every tffhW mit tuti faft tA t'm tmttfmti avpiijUo trtnttA tktitto4Af tA -w fsrty tfttmttfft ttf tA We VW.i4M (Mf y atsx, Mtt ns tA isjf v f 's ciU-rler, I tat Af t'mfifAk Utft, w1WAf AeWSMVs hVsM WJ SHU ftvil, frsw, nawi'atei 4 sMiiuvrctd Werfy ftf tvttnfM e?w (rwf,-m r fnevgt a4 -prev, M eniwt ff IJU4 t faimur&M tA try iw tfittit tfmm tn4 tim Mta U Mrrvy ene yvs a4 la stismfeor 4 tA tvtftfttitlvrtt i tut m4tf ' ca f Mjrev tis ,ktf ffc eorpor(m pvt;Adf WiMttt4 tsxgrstsf f r yos nos rdrd fo tV Aiwrersv'y vd yf yr grnf swcvimsi a4 14 H, It l Mr rsr svrev of ltfV est rei for yc yf t' vdt fc'cp at yo M U.drs yvf iMtUtm " 7 Mr SAJ d'g I let Above res, tAftH WO ''( WHtHt I fs'f tA 4ttAtni lb thnn d pv Mw,gs sy hnd btM4 d A'nit. 1hf tvtH tA le fard te ssU-iest bo w vr lo o fMt (leey d Wt list I levy nAdacfthAo;y n-f nniafy in Ap poe'sg trtftntttm Ut fstst IV', 4adss on tl. a? qsii's Asd trm Uw Ui 4r4l lh gold !Xr1"f fsssty eenisn hundred was ( ld lo h pff 8'r Ihi wssfe, 'listogb on tie o its tmft bet a nin M Mrt fr lies p'r Ut-r m bo hss hes hfht.f (ft tttkf imt htf H,rs pit-aaej.-Prhii rif, 1 f 'fwt bo A toku tiif 4 lb Alef r d ssf of nal'b, ls pr'S fttm Hi iiHum last sr ws IMe-eVrO'r, vVosl Js'l II M U)lf rf h i.Vt.Vt 0I lh Sl Into lies POl4 tA lie MMe a,ssIs. wrs pt let- H.s I rf Stat' rasyf-Wsmtev Jfess, f tb Irmgl 7 Ml r ! sed A faib s of ttut 1 ,n o,p, j iii,k nhsl it Axght d' If it ws bsd In this 4m txn'Und f lies, AM HOMKVT MILLION, vtt Il4Mtix)f figsrss Cobcerolog It Accumulation, fjlv never Ueuu ujpred by A pisxt wiews there was so littl to see m by 'srtJb oe I be bo sue of tb owe wlMev feutls fib id wis teachings br so ysMiariaUy U&wm& tbsaJvfb d srorid, l b plavu is not partku. Isurt Iwipresslv, but oim's tbougbU ar tlwuit4 with tmworlu tA tey;bings nhkb trgu At w;tber' Ikmni, tlieo eou- (iwud lu USuudy school, church, , Aud u-td with vsry sacred r rivtMii, as iiriteuijg, ws-ldliigs, and fvwsis, Attd Jew wa pis bowisl W at tVA4iig tb very utreeis that b tr 1'Jiet riews tbt tuset our eyes In very 4rion ats sceues oims fmiliar to VwUr plain of lisdrAelon, bi ire y'ossed to get ber. was well liuow t IfiMi, youder iooiutain is prMUw!y tb ssiw w as it wa when M a A fawiiJiar figure fu ili daily land- p, f nut Mr te4 uit tiigut witu an twvrmaiv r-ttiuU'm that I wa to Uy i tbe low wbkb ws ouc lit bouv AMd wbA Umvmn tuustday f y)U tttrAed suy iors A)out to look AgSM A4d Agsviu At tb lUil tows And M swrouud'ug bill u4 yaJhvys - t4 Mm 4ly tit U few yea, during rbb;b tbs U4vMfut ousstevA iiASASsumAd m:b iAt upvrtjMi i vur ouotry, my Miiud b ofw ' bavdc to tuoss ww mi 'uliU, I bv thought of lb prpai unr, ot a a Utv:hr, but as a orig'v--turputer of (iaiile, M4Mjrc nod uu)ti-iiiiilkiiiAire bare lUieoMev Auuew-ou in our VAtmUry, brlug-J Ag Ml I MT WAS AU AfMiy Ol UleVUJploy!, suaiiy of wuvui by force of couditlous, KbigeoevAte Mito tTAUips Aiid vagabonds. Ui tbs c1asw, tb wiiHotjaires and t-AMlpS, A A 4MritUffi to tb best i iUrr( of our MjvuUy, I bar piad a CAltvuiAtioii beewiug upon tb bonssty ol r,Ua AuiiiMMi i privet coffers, and to b'!vM io reAlix what a sum a million 4mua's is Ad what it i to Actually ari A wJ)io 4ollrs, AU will Agr tbat 'W a wttfkmtf mm t'AU nave f 1 erery mrk-'ntg 4f mi tb yw b i doing w evA begiu with tb birth of thi rpvW of OsliUs, ft us suppose tbA4 b was Abl Ut begin work ou the 4s of ffi birth Abd tbtst-h working 4y be was Abl to save f 1 Abov but b'ug,xpHis. IM suppose that b iwvrlus a day l fn or Pod MUwr,Ao4 tbnt fit b(od bsallh au4 edrougUi ,r OiirACulously prolonged VAti) b sball ou iwillio dollars by SAVsg f 1 for rry work mg day, J ben A lU t Avl W rSAllM WUAt AO bObSst MtilJU is, M will travi our workuMKi who begaa work oa t-b 4y of bi birth. At tb bielvrk tiu of bis 4tb, At tb Age of u1a44va is y; iJJ0 d ay wiou 2 Ji4?ui IJJ3 wrkiug dsysiu y y, Multipf tbat by years A4ef bar f VV days; but w must 44'bt 4s for iirbt leap years, 'I in would uAkit iW47-u4 Ml Pr 4y ved wou'd equal a iiiAuy dollars f JV,W, i'AT frM A iolliou, yet 1W fkgs-s At birth, Atid juever boli 4y av a dsy bet by aickiM! J-t us mvypoa (fchat b bad iived tb alUttd 7V AT, tieu JUOW WOU14 lu WAHllil id? uty fnUl1 Our vwkuw b A lojvg AOd wary tk before biui bv c so brg as uouit a a iniilion VWats, ; Our bro suust trudg Along tbrovrb' svuiW bAt au4 winter's ior ms, )'rs Aod 4sande cou and go vuts tbey grow into eturMs, And iM ift work os for bis luk I only ba gs?, li see kicdoui Ad empire rue Ad te-U, but tJI be labors on br 14 g;rtsUr part of bis task is yet befors hm, i.hfiMiutMt at perswMtited in various ovitri, tb H'iuhh Lwpirs disap ptMrs, tU dark Ag coio And still bs UWsou, bwtArk not yet eompUted 1 u wvsA'bs) acs bought, America is die-vr-rd, mfUt mmutm Asskeus th svrid froo it ebroudof dArkuessand ttHbslAbr4 0ii, Tb stirring event ( mo4vs btory UAOspir and bring sd't' lb prmMMt moment, And, ,M,'d V'A levUM' V ef efM,fiter is ti; lC'fiug ou, not yet having saved A ftttiilio d'Hrs, yet not having missed A gW woikisg day from m kus or ay otber Ia aU Ihs centuries. M As bow bis lk would stand a! Um 'turn, W ars wot eouutmg Iulsrest trtit ourxir tos Arungs 01 labor, ws bvA (hat bisswviugs would b I'M 3 imt year, this would t g-f I ,.J'Hr le-r 111. lury, Put Adding 'i't days for 'i', up yws lr iwsiury, it would m.,'A2h prnlury. io 'tieruiM bow Ibis ac mu wwMld stand At th beginning ol Ik ptaut titury, multiply ll,;ii.' byMd'h rmult is f.Ql.n.Vl and dfllO,Of for lb Vd years ol Ihs or 1 wntur nsd lb aucijnt 1 f '.l- fcVi, Mo lb tk at lbs pre, ut lime oul'l leinly A bill 1'ior than half 4AS. t ms la iMisgisstioo bring blm lelors ss, ilvs bs tomes, liioe w rrd, lonu hmukI, llr nirsd, Ws ak blm qstioMS. II Mis us Interesting stories of bo bs b bull ted homes for princes sad eaul la loser fownlriu, id bow h S',e-I On IliS I oloeoeUIH, lh Af'lMIII bra and 11 Peters, lis KienUoti IkiiiiI latly mli master a Mm haeMmiilo. HsprsiS'S 1 1 g'H J fortuiis in baling td emploiueiit during all lbs sealurssJ, sd I hat bis wag'S were si S)s prompHy paid and that bs sas A'iossd ' l'sks up lbs lists lost by go- iiig Imim ons lot lo another lr mghl work but su'l lshly b ;; ' I Imul S'l lrry, I am He dtudgs of lh Siln b lk of earning A nullum dol lars. I MUSI get II honestly, llielelors siMst rn It, My task will rsqulr Asf, Msny tests, even rslsins ysl, l AdsS." Milk Ibis bs leave US. 111 doss k t bstv Mas rstlsctluns eon NO. I5. cerning our millionaires and their million? What shall ws say to those who obtain not only one million, but tunny million In ths few years of th Adult fwriod of a single lils? It Is plain that 00 man can earn million dollars in a brief human life, however bard be may work, but many bars become riiilllotiAires, and while it is Impossible to do so honestly, In a strict ly ethical sense, ws will admit that wimi bav don so legally. This shows that the men bavs been soablsd to do this only by tb many Advantages of tbs in stitution of this country And Aldsd by tb protection of th law. Tbn, do th men ows nothing to tb country and to th Iaw7 Indeed, they ow much. Put a a rule they systematically "dodge" Uxss during life and At death at permitted to mass any disposition of their vast possession that tbsy may desire to order in their will, without any contribution to tb government that . mad possible th accumulation of their vast fortunes, I It not lust arid fair that percentage boufd so to th government? Th peopl of other coun tries think so. but ws. as usual, ar !, biud-Dr. C, V. Tar lor la th Medical World, I'srahls f rssnt fraspsrlly, , Tb animal of! a certain country Journeyed together! and ossding Aader ssfscted tb slepbdnt on Bccouiri ui bit six, trut thi saia sbt sausesf blm not onlx'to eousum the greaterpArt of tb prjvnder butt trambls upon th aU And belpW ones Then tb ani ls dwiidnd to tak p, new Isoder, And itc b could tray louder and look Wisest tbey Ahoss tits donkey. Now tb donkey f rod on no on and could live on bard ' gnd scagty fars but tbos of bis filows who refiised wseds and this tle for food and liAted Assluius slowness ruMM nrd Again th elephant was mad leader, and so it went on, .Vow in , tb land they Journeyed through ther was enough for All And to spare, but with ths suffering And cruelty and greed iness of th elephant And tb slow dull ways of th donkey, much suffering fol lowed, Pys And by tbs nil of tbs donkey found tb travsier in a barren country where tb benvd donksy choose to bold them, averring with many wis brays, tbat thistles wers good enough for ths average animal and that tbey. needed an "object lesson anyhow," Then ths uors came forward and begged to b permitted to lead, bat tbs Manuals, All but a lew, declared that ths bora bad too much hair and that tbey de tected a wild look In bis ey and so tbey gala put tbs elephant up a leader,' .Now tb animals bad suffered much And crtod out for food And water, so th ele phant wassors perplexed, but it chanced tbat in tbeir wanderings they had com to a river of which tbs elephant knew not but when tbey reached it fresh ' waters And grassy Prinks tbat wiley An imal cried out with mush trumpeting, "He what I bar don. This is tbe promised prosperity," And all tbs monkey and parrots bcljcred bim, but tb horses And som of th donkey knew better and together laid A Plan lor bitching tb elephant op to pull heavy load rather than pose a ths maker of prostsrity, but thinking better of that decided to drown bim in tb river he falsely claimed lo here made, And they did so and lived happy ever afterward. tVosuiUteta for Coutsulssiaswr. Hon, A. K, Sutherland, th populist, democratic, Abd silver republican norn u for county commissioner in Lancas ter county, wa bora in Illinois, where b bred on a farm until b wa 20 years of ag when b cam to Nebraska, if bo been 14 years a resident of this state aud tb greater part of that time b ba been a resident of Lancaster county. His farm is located in tbe northern part of th county and while It coiiite of but bit acre is on of the best kept in tbs county, Mr. Suther land is well known in all parte of ths county and h bs many friends In ths city, lis was a member ol tbs Farmer's Allien' before Its organization in this state bsvihg joined in l;i under a char ter sen tout from Georgia, nine tbs time of ft organ i tat ion bs has alllliated with (lis fwijMiliet parly sad has le-eij one of its most active supporters in ths part of Ihs county where bs resides, lis In ober, industrious, honest and a rapabls man that tbs taxpayers ol tbs county can fully trust and depend upon to pnqeirly look after ths biislueo of tb county In th capacity of county eommissiouer, Mr. Sutherland is lit year of age, a married man, having married Miss Min hi Olson of Colon, Nebraska, IulN'.ni. II will inaks a thorough canvass of ths county during ths campaign and not withstanding ths usual republican ma jority lu I bis county bo a good rbano of election, Tb ber trust I larger llian first sup posed, It will reach JiMi.imo.ooo, out put of br will ls Inws a much ni lbs big LiigUsh sytnlieats which niiuual ly n mounts In iJ.Oihi.immi Imrrels, If ihs Pabsl t'oiiipmir ol Milwsuks and Ihs Aiiheusr Itiiwlt il St. I.011U go Intit II, Ibis ,tm irii'4tt trust mil. it is said, sm brace all outside ol Ihs Puijiisb, y mil. cite, Arapahos '.iii.r, Mr. V. M I'- iimaa of Pilliuors eousty nsd t. II. Wnikr ol Tlyr suuniy were niuuug I boss alio railed a I Ihlsottlo during Ihs cimveiilioii, They report every thing politically in first il as nbapw In I bos two sou 11 ties. 1 bs mlihini lo be planed nt Ihs bead id Ihs ballot adopted by Ihs Hipulit parly I lbs ilsgs noun, ag getd by J, C Hprw hr sad on hi iiioiiuu na n lopted by ths slain son vsuiion. HuWrlU Inf tills PApSf. Kssp BJlt4