HOPE OF TUK WOIILI). UCM 6COR0C KEf-WIV OtCUfltl THf UNIUD TATIS TO ft, fftf thM TUU rytm JMt lftf tha 4M4 7rH S tAI Wa With 4 t fall e Mlrr WUAmf, WdMi fa t Ctama. Jaorg K Kttf, national arguniw m th iltnt purty and nil ronud i totr lot promt oojuat mill Hon, tutnMnA m luUstrkw Ut putty f tmwpuy-t wn iu waablngtoo ewntiy mi tb jiolitkal outlook. Mt, JCaenay muktm th startling yttAkilon that the United fetat will M'to unity fM bar 14 flht W(VfeI of tb hied tog ytwm ot Kntop in combination M tt resell ot nntugtmlmu on Ut tmmy qutUot and It think w'll Ikk 'tun nil That yttiUm ot it itilnln Wbkh la4 vp Ut th ptiplttnj ot war tolUwn "Do fw uynst Ut Ut e vmgtm iu tmr "I bllv that tit eogreionl Jaetloa ot IM urill tAuiw m mut wMuilng majority in favor (4 im oolong," vm th tply, "A gorrsl o4 pioUntgtA prUA ot industrial and Unlit Aprmtuu i 0 mvtttn but fft;tlr Umitr. Jfot only th working 1, but unhnt will hut 1 r4 wwukmltig btm tint tint wmttm. Unny ot Iku bar bad It now, will tfliim that ptUtUsl miit mrtlmtiry Ut Ult bunkt umuUi tf and not tlif, and tint tho only luryt ut ttitUnKM tm ttmntm, titbit iuAinUiutU ut $ mtUm, U In itm mi&tf ttftirl Ut throw oft tit yuk iut ym4 til tint tin wito wjihuA pm wl ut tit wvrid," "tUi Um Urn propoA wtiHruri HitMUm ut iht tim,ikmmr' Ut, JUw;m tkl "Vuu't jim iitiuk timf mill iml rout timuAiT' Xq," tpli4 ti llvr MtUit, "$o Xmt m tl tUfimMUmn ynttj r rnniu in tit hutnUt id tint (ioUl trmt, tit ttnt ut nil ttunUt i4 tit twmt yrwurl ul miuiAn ut thi 01 n utinn it will im AittU:ul Ut nmrlivm tit ytpU of tMt tiwMTMj la tUi tKrd. "InduMrinl ttud ut tut tit fjfttarsl 09UXHU ut ptoUHiud t ut UlMnt prUm &mmtnmut vytn txmUmXimt ut lb ofW$ nAuut ut tunuj. It U yntril Ut tumut tfot 0 y4HUl ytv tf wittm 6itiimuiMin (ttutut i it mniuUmutm i4 tit m dIM gold iiA u4 wuUl ttt w"M h)k Ut tVip tit frj ua ttyjn wuwn It biymti tut IU mpiun Unto jiu4 tnuuy ut It tiiU. ttt iUtputAinut tuv.itUt wiJI not tm wAiu-A Ut m vtt tit Umb uym wkku ft lit. "T ptmttt tutn Urn, ytUkh will pit Umt M,W),oA into tit yrkt t4 tit fta&t troflt during ttt iMt itttm yr, mf V Uku m Uit munyU ut thr luututitm in titi rtgnfL "lltlt 6l will yil4 to tit nputf ilma yutf fau4 wbkb, wlwa AM t ttt mmtriUtlkMi titmt may im ttyrnt d trout U tmukt, will utk It th Uwt eumptlK (sad rt nmd In mjt lmtitm on mn. "It will U tt lit tM Atn utroKnU ttv b tutrntUml orKutttUm ot tiukiry ud UmOn wt4 now nmUoi tit gvrumut ot sir ili4 vittUiu on Ut ut UUt u4 tit AumintB yuipU an Ut ulitf. ttt ntftgnitiid ot ttii tmtmt mu4 it UmmMu itayittuum Ut Ut wiMfefcoiuan tv t U-ymA Ut tllxtUm iA Ut taytttiAitl tltliikn, ot thou who liwit tbir ttnAyot Ut uum tyqwmtUm Ut cmtl inquiry or fault tot tthlliclitxtnitfttt tym Ut faljxct la It nltiou Ut rln yAitUm mid in AmtrinX pnmyrrity in Ut United P.taU. "Th iiiUrrimlUiuitl (Jold tmH hut bum cotnprd Ut bun m-ryttt win urn lt4 11 In UnuUm, huIkUuk la Iu H017 VilA Ut wntimitfut ot kurop n4 irU hlug tt wnm Ut AtlmtUi, gr0pittg in it unit tiitliUwiuf wniirtc tit mly noftruntfut tbt I urung tmougn ot Ui MMuj(h to Uk It by th In k and trunk iu ymet tut ll tint, "WUu 0 ltmilU:M frnrty bu tbriAiM thi irvi, It eta tUn uwl'-r-Uk Ut tk ot ii-nnlulif)K Iu tlUr tad uiiru t t4 1m lmHiritnu, It I 9txttAA by Ut Mtmt fcurj'o UtU tlcinit iht thi mmituy b fuor tint th h rtrr ot nr thru ut Ut great Kutnyun iwt nuiniiUmii Tfaat mu tlmt w lut liit riNtural Ot U-iit yiyrnt to uUln norm in n Butlcn mtnliiat omuiAnntUm tit Kurt pun ci'!ul lii i " ut la wr. Ilmt'w It it Mtl a ju tiiim of dli'(iiig limt oxrur Nrtd n -r'ttMtf (lint iowr, "iiiiti r(lljr what Ilia InUifiia tlimai (told iruni n k to trcffiit, and what It liaa pttffiuUA thu far. Anting IbriiUNH lu iirgaiiiM aicuu In Ihia etmiiiry, Ut baiMial Imnka, allM WllH ll Hogar truat. Urn MamUnl Oil ti and all roml'lMailmwi (if AiriaJi ki4 ftirnlga ( ajaial, II haa imwM In uriiig and liilliitMallug Mit (inly Ilia laUKrr iiut ti Nir haKl, and tU io faaaiimal In an, Ilia Millfga rofHaanr and Iba pew Ut i Itat a iwit i'al lla luflyiica if I In Ir Urrxai Idng arguiumila Mim :ilu iif my, Urn id raMtt,itla uImI 4 ax ial iwlraolaw, M I tut Ilia dawn (if a lie wa l ! (Mwhlitg. Ida lalar Pu4 titat )ia wagra fttutluiHi la ! itxtuil (ml Ilia fi MUi i1 lint 'm4ii,' Ilia maun fa4uifa and Ida imit Unla Oml li lia laiikri cm. m l dtliill.rm In a. tlM.ll With Ida Molwwliinal man II1m una aia adiwur Idan r. ' "At Idia lni. luif, iii Ida ara if Uia llacidKi In liullaua and Udln, In whli'li allr tlala Mail lUnna la cauilhlala tut aM lli'N li Ida Uiiilvd rlii.lM til, u4liiig inutt l iI'Mia 14 (limit Ida glli lilli'il i t Ilia ni fii.14 Idi'lr ann litltiM, aiiiiia a tutitl U lin ll an ouugt Ida lalutff bl In Hil', Im aaf Mtking id tuaaliia: llllla at In waaal a a ilia ua ! raiukaltt put, di ina wat anara' u In da pfimm of dl'i'iUilit,M "lluw nUiat Ida aiuM i t ld Hilt- , pnmt" Mr. kLtny waa tskfA, Ym vinut wkii'wU ilu tvm Ita Umo flmt tint iiritinh uoferiiihi-ut niut Ut b taking Ida matter nitUmniy," "Th litUUh prt-mt tnuy itlUsvt Ut m'titlmfiit tit Ut Mtinit ynpW r- pVA lit, Kmwy, "1ut liMr Jlrltiab yA fry i hwtihA by Urn tnon-y yiwtn- Ut ihtfrimtiiiiinl iiolA trout tda m truat now in lumtrol ot out own uovmt Vttut, Juat a a wiryrution will nut tght itm It, m Urn lirJtinb untntnumtt will not Unlit tti United tftate a Uing mm tit tiu rnliiml UoUl truat la la ym tmlon ot bMn H'rtnrinni iit, "A dwUruDon ut war with Orat Britain on tim ptutut Ut VniuA Yau would titnttn th ImiiMUM ut ytytt iitun ty by thi nirnuiut, W bata m-li Jcr th g'J4 iff ail ff with wdkii Ut mi' taifl war, and th putrlotUtn ut tim WitHit, th ItohnonUt and fb IiuIhwh ot Urn frfnd tynilUnt wotUl nut kw; op out H'Aii pm-rv in tint ot war i'apar vtuwry wouUl tt tmr only ra uoutiji, and thi tim tnomy ytwttt now in control ot both wnmrnwhU would niA purtnit tt Ut ttm, "mwM war with Orat Hrituln or my ottmt totntgn ymtt at thia lima ia a prwMiMl itiiymllAlliy, Tim ,pmird uiy tumtiuu tMt buUUrry ot hftpti'im wmiMt nA chiUltttu in Hub. Tim nulli fy ymtr lnbl HtmuMt ttonA, and tda internatinal (ioUl truat kww no xmr ey, "Hint utA th inttww ot Ut wmy ywt in ymmilng a war iMwtn two graat nttUm b trnnrfa4 tm a Imi4i Unit Ut th human turn, and tuaum a yrwrn tot K'n4 in Ui world?" waa aaM, "On Ut Umtry that mankind ara AfniUtiA Ut lnry it might h mt r troi'4, " waa Ut nply, " Wlt would yon (Ut aa th owmt ot two bmnU ot hn wlut Unn a quarral UMy Ut mult in a rioua Urn ot lit Ut luth tmitA uitfi a Ion ot pruy-tiy Ut yout im would utp Umu tt a matter ot eimrm, but ttmuuiltw that on ut yout baud abould mtmA in (taking awy whatw(tild yun&titlwnl Hon would Indoor tb mnalnlna; Un4 to enptur thmn it ymibl. "That la tit aolutlon of tit prohlfin. It la Ut AfMtiny ot Aumkn Ut uplift botiiHtilty. lUtt miaaioii la Ut trt tit world. 'I'd la aha cannot 60 without atruggl- Ti tury tlUnwM ot AnmrU:u Institution la a aland I ng utmmUttti UAUiring thronttt ot Ym top. "Tit tyrpltig ot Ut mint ot th United gtatea to tha ttm mt4 oollmitei vAn ot ailm at t)a ratio of 19 Ui I would ton tin ittttrnum in Ut world a lolaut ot uniwy. It would ma that with Mir produotlr tnmgyw &mUl and would turn Kuropumt nation to ti tlnital)lo atan)ard ot totm tifia out ot Ut trull tnnrU ut th world, lUinm it tollow aa a logical nwluninu that nbftiry ot th ail? nt tmi-m will b followed try a war Udwmn tit United Ktatea and aamal of tha yrnitt ui YjUtiiu vmhIAiwA, Ut lik tA wbMi will v wnifiut pTwMxiit in Ut MUl ot butUiry, "Jiritiab atateaniwa bat not tu alow to tmp Ut aitoation, and tha pnnultitut Koruymn imrul frankly admit tit IJkallhood of tia etrntinw-my and org m yAky id immediate aggrna aioo againat tlia United rttatea, aa waa down la r-nt pnblU;tUm on th aaaling inmtUm. "In Ut light ot thi ttpprimMng ariaia it UAtftovf Intelligent Auiriraiia mtywwt Ut Avip tut th tint mlo ihit partlaan pruAUi and join hamla with tbo-a wIki ara prptlug tot thi graat ouuUt, whkh will dtrterroliM for otntartea Ut mm Ut (teatinjr of tda wboU CmwmUn tf. OifJi tit dragon la alain, furtbr innigrnm la mada yi hi. Until Ita fata la h terminal no fur thar progrf-Mcau lm ollI," Mara llaaaalmn. ' Tha n-adJcnt la not en tilled to tha allghteat aymjmidjr fur tha cmdarraiMi mania Into wdu d tb annlln vagarb of Ida ttmctf tnry tit atate hara plaugad td admlnlatration. Mt. fihwiiau la onfll for any offlna of troat and rtionaldilii whatavr. J'ar tlrolarl la bdltiallfted for (ma which prmopima Ida jxiwM-anloa of unusual qoalltlaa if lii rrtl(rti and ta t iu iu In eoiiihent. Tha fcrgetfuiucaa and tda garrulity of old aga bava Uooma Mr. rilmrmaii'a dominant tliaraterlIlca, Mora IIkhi oik a h haa hrought tha na tion to tha -rga of a dlilniuatio crlia ty bia unguarded and lrrmninldla prattla ujm aul jnrta of grava liitnrua tdaial lniM4-laiMta, Horlnua rcaulta data hwtii arcrti-d only by tda ronteiiiituoua tolrratlori of tda Llumli ra of our arn tary of atate ly firrulgii dldHiiula, Tha Unlliil Alalia It put In Ida mortifying mallloN of M'niiiM tda ai r loua eonaa. quHima of Ita edit f ili.lnnillo onii lal'a Mccntrlritira only lv Ida wllllngiieM of Ida furHgil ofld'a of Kurni 4i regard dim aa fundla inlmlnl aud lrriontidla, Thi i '' trl to ly f"r th lirxaoniia ot Mailt llamia Iu Ida UiiIIihI Mtal ariiala. It la a .rl a wlid It Trial-ili-iil Mt'Kluhy biKW juifwily wll would In rnlalM whun ha a j'liiUd Hdoiman In of'd r to flr Ida iath fur llanna, f"t avin ldn Ida awrHary'a IukiiUI liinrmlili writ iimIIi r of 'ur rnl iooiriy KiiiIinII ally Ida lima ha r'Mi wdi li Ida xij la am Weary f lliflr dra In Ida daigaln luada fr lliKin. I da lluallun In Ida alala ilr'H laaiit I liil d'UlU and aluiuld b t -dally rriimllnl, an If a n faawll lUima'a iiaiiiial .ri ti Ui wl In )"'.iiily, N w Yoih JimiuaL A fcitilf at WIM' Wa womiif if INmiln M Im yl baid if Hm "ruinnry riuiiiiiiliin" luggitiid Ir Ttil4iit W.Klnliy, If ha haa, iN im a ft any gil t aaon or iii um fur hi (Dmii In Ida tUnx-Uon i f a iHteiuallinial iinUiy ioiif.iMi"i Wa ifuiii, iMiwvfKr, Ibal ldlia will May ali1 at hmg a Ida JIXJ,CHh Itita, 'ldra it iioidiiig itnan or aiuall IkmI tMwaid. a It on hi hi Jh'd, and bl ) d c'i.uu in aaiing and iitiukiog ami Ulug inriif at Id tiiit (if Ilia liri id Id fulled. Mu Ihu f Itiwdj THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN faralaMal dr iba Qitimrmmmm Crmf $tm4 Wthw ftavaaa lAmmm, Na,, A ug, U, 1BJ7. - 0KXKKALBUMMAK1T, Th faat waak baa haaa cool, tb dally maan tamparatur balog balow tba soriual try Any ot th waak, and thaararag daflciaoey baingl. Tb daily maifmuin tawparaturaa war abora V) 9 gaoarally on only two day of tba waak. Tb miolajun tarn para turn wara balow GO, and la many filaoa war bataaao 40aod45 A itty light trout, doiog bo damag, ia n porUA trout a faw placa. Tba rainfall waa coufintd to local abowara, aad waa ganarally tary llgbt, Th aukouat of rainfall teAd 1 iaeb Is Bttrt and LancaaUr couotlaa, god $uAd unit ao locb la faw l nail araaa acattara'J through tb aoutbaro and taataro ytrtluu ot tba tat. Tba waak baa baao uouauaily faror bla for a tack log, tbraablsg aad baying, Stacking of amalj grain la naarly eon pluUd. Wild bay la balog cut, and tba arop ia ganarally good, Tba third crop of alfalfa fa balog cot Kail plowing baa oontlauad, but tha ground ia gattlng ratbar dry io moat action, and In many plaoaa tba ground la too dry for fall plowing to auccaad, Tb cool waak baa haan ratbar unfa- rorabl for corn, but It baa mad fin prograa la all aactiona. Lata corn naad not rala fa many countiaa, and all aoro naad waraa waatbar, lucroitT M COUNTim aovTMcaaraag uvmoti. fiatlar Corn la maturing alowiy, tba algbta baiog too eooli tbraablag pro graaaing rapidly mora rain aaadad for fall plowing; potato abort crop, , Caaa-vorn baa mada good prograa, and aarly plantad la beginning to dant Clay Too cool for corn to do Ita baat, but good waak for ganaral farm work; aooaldarabl wbaat ia abock and baing tbaabaL Oaga tiood waak for tbraablog and plowing; ground la Una condition; core maturing ratbar alowiy; aariy corn ba- gianiog to ripan. IJamiltoo Tbraablog la prograaa; priag wbaat and oata yialdlng wall; aoro lookjag wall, but moat too cool to aaatara faat. iutnuon Moat corn will be folly aa good aa but yaar; aoma lata corn naad worn waatbar; larga yiald of bay. Jobaaon Cool waak, oot vary good far ripanlng corn; lata corn ia filling out good, but aaada dry, warm waatbar; larga amount of winter wbaat will b Laneaatar Corn crop rl pacing (lowly, Nanaba Early corn doing wall; algbta too cool for lata corn; fall plowing lo prograaa; grapaa planty, and coming into markat; potato not mora than half a crop. , Nucbolla FarorabI waak for corn to matura; fall plowng In prograaa; aoma wbaat aown. I'awcaa Continuad cold and damp waatbar kaapa corn back; llgbt froat flrtt af waak, no damaga; fall plowing wall long, IUcbardaoa Corn doing at wall aa caa ba at pactad with tba cool nights; lata oora naada tbra waaka of warm watbr; wild bay a good crop; a larga tcraaga of winter wbaat will ba aown. I'olk-IUtbar cool waak for corn, but It aaama to ba maturing wall; gatting too dry for plowing. fUUnaNIca dry waak for tbraablog and plowing, but a llttla too cool for aora; lata eoro la aaring wall, but mora warmth and molatura art naadal, Baundaia Waak too coul and dry; aoro making alow prograaa) paatur au (Taring ; too dry to plow, Baward-titill vary dry, and oora la not gaining very much, crop la bound to ba vary llgbt; a larga aaraag of wbaat will ba put In. Tbayar Ut placa of aoro In roaat lag rj aarly aoro fitting hard 1 fall plowing In prograaa! tbraabiiig from fboch aoetlauaa. Tfk-Oround too dry to plow wall; aora la baaplng gm rolor but ! rala) per a la two waak lalarthan utual, aoafniiaiiaa annua, Aatelopa-Waak eao and clouJi out Iba baat waatbar fut maturing oora, but tap doiag wall; baying (a prograaai tWovl bait tba ataoklag of amall grata doaa, Boyd-Oofo itlll la Itattarlng adl thrn 1 atim aaily euro Uglaalng la iltali tbraablog In Mjraaj d fir yiald aad of aii?lliit quality, iuit-TwM m4 for nk, many lata aboalala all liadla, and thaia will ba moth Ml owtoi fall I'luaing la prugraaa. (Vlar (Vxa baika Una but aaada mora but waatbar; kli Juat) mllltl balog cut larga amount af fall plawi laaj batug doaa; tbraablag In progia MM rl w.-pi wbaat llgbt vrop. Oulfai-A fatoiabla waak ft uo ftodgraaa. Cuming Tb'aablng U pitajiaaalrf alavly bmat aa of damp waatbar; aro la ouUrlag ahiwiy aad to baebwatd. aaajf WlU ba balaV Ovaragt, 00 7-0 0 - it A Diioofl tacking and tbraahlng In prograaa; corn improving; hay crop Laary; flax poor, Dodgt Corn la advancing favorably; thrashing from abock about complstad; grain lo stack In good condition; aoma fall plowing dona; paaturaa fair. Douglaa Com, aapaclally tba lata plantad, baa not mada much prograaa during tba waak bacauea of cool waatb ar; pa4uraa continua to Improva; aoma fall plowing lo prograaa, Holt BraalJ graio baiog tbraabad, yialdlng better than ai pactad; corn do log wall but naada warm waatbar, bay barvaat drawing to a cloa. Knot Mora hay baing put up than uaual; augar baat doing wall; aarly po tato fair; thraablng lo prograaa; ooro maturing wall but otada warm waatbar; much will ba unutu in two waaka, Madison Corn la good condition, but waatbar ratbar cool for rapid davalop maot of aar, l'larca Corn doing wall and prom la to ba out of tba way of froat by Baptam bar 0, Datta A good waak for tbraablog and baying; corn doing fairly wall, Sarpy Much fall plowing baing dooa; raina bav balpad lata potatoaa; ooro naada warmar waatbar but is filling lo aplaodld ahapa, Tburatoo Nlgbta ar getting cool and corn la maturing faat, moat of prop will ba out of tha way of froat in two waaka, OmtUhU STATION, Boona Corn ripanlng up wail; tack ing naarly all doaa; paaturaa oaadlng rala, JJuffalo Corn la Improving aa a wbola aoma aarly corn driad out, and aoma lata ooro lo am a condition; amall gralo yialdlng wall; too dry to plow; much winter wbaat will ba put iu tba corn nalda, Cuatar lo conaaquanca of 00 ralo, ooro baa mada rapid prograa aa to ri panlng; rain naadad for fall plowing and lata paaturaa, Dawaon-8tacklng moatly dona; aoma thraablng from abock vat; corn much damagad aicapt whara Irrigated; alfalfa good; paaturaa abort, Hall Wtacklog amall grain about computed; larga crop of bay baiog out; corn doing wall. Howard Corn baa mada fair prog raaa, but too cool for rapid prograaa; much plowing and tbraablog dona; many ara baying, Marrick Soma bay cut, crop vary abort; com filling nicaly but would tand mora baat and molatura; potatoaa abort. Sbarman Corn vary backward and would ba banafltad by rain; paaturaa drying up; too dry for plowing; wild graaa thick but abort, Vallay Cool and dry, but planty of molatura for corn; tbraahlng prograaa' Ing faat, yiald good. aovmwKarcKN awmoa, Dundy, Corn coming out wonderful ly after tha heavy raloa; tha wetteet Auguet lo thirteen yeara; corn will ba lata lo maturing, Frontlar Haying lo prograaa; thaeh- ing making rapid prograaa. Harlan Corn growing wall; aoma ara cutting tha third crop of alfalfa; fail plowing being puabed; wild bay llgbt; peachae a fair crop; paaturaa good and all cattle doing well. Hitchcock Corn doing loely; ground very wet and lo good condition for fall plowing; alfalfa, millet and nana doing finely. Kearney Too cool for ooro to matura rapidly; plenty of moietura and large aara forming; tbreahing oontinuea, yielda better than rupee ted. Lincoln Corn growing well general ly; parte of county need mora rain; pota toaa and bay good. Perklm-l'rotpect for beat ooro aver raleed In county, Red Willow-Corn ia booming and tha proapeot ia for a full crop; grain all lo tack and thraablng la going oa. Webeter Coro doing well; weather little cool; ground getting rather dry oata and wheat being threshed, yiald and ijuallty eatiafarbiry, wiaisan a 11 month waaTiNN aaoTiona. Cherry-Hinell gralo being tbraabad, and turning out good yield; too cool for coral baying progreeelng well. Keith Good week for making bay, crop good; early corn maturiun third crop of alfalfa Jalng out. Keya 1'aha-lUiveetlng BnltdaJ; tbraahlng begun; moat too euo fur ooro, Kim ball-Corn doing aioaly, and It about two weak will b eafa, a aoaa but aarly varietlee raleed; llttla tbreah ing doaa yet, but prvepevt for good yield of email grata, Hook-Haying In rg reeacrvp muob better than utual, but ooro lata, aad aowta would ba damagad by early froat, Hootle l)luffWaeal benea! aearly Oouiplatetl; oata till) being cut; polateM very fine; aora prttgreaaing fiaaly; IIJ bay fair crop, Tboaee-(ra baat l blaMy of Mualy) wild bay vary large, U. A. Iiiunn, tUatUm DUat Uir, Uhih.U, Neb, taiart Vila! Cnt04o, Aug ll Alir two pro Itmlaary baarlag and Ihrae maatba' iaRHiuHl In tba eniy Jail, A4dpbj U t.elrl Ida MaallH.v aaatag maker, charged wllb taa marlr af bla wife, mm pat on rial tmro Jtt.lfe Tulatlt In the erl.taal wnr tedaf, 1Mb the Hale aad tba dm faute baltate that l.owi vantrawan will ba aiM.laed aad that a wi wiU aaa betor lalf man aaaepUbla N boibatdaa wUlba tnui We Want Fresh Etas We want fivo thousand now customers on our booki this winter. Wo 9 want to iproad our peculiar bunincsn gonpol. We want to make un b'eTiovcri believe, l'or the pait ten year we have iteadily enlarged our circle of buiinem friendi along the Unci o( ruged honcity and good faith, . We do buiineii right, Wo build ilowly, but lolidly. We have niver loot a customer once made, and our method arc juit old-fashioned enough to survive. We don't atoll everything. Wo deal only in ready-made clothing and furnithingi-Suitf, Ovcrcoati, ranti, Shirt, Hats and audi thingi for men and hoys, Our whole energies are bent on finding the best values in the market and selling them on the clovest margins ever known for cash, It is nothing un usual for us to save people one hundred per cent. If you don't know us; if you have never bought anything of us, it will pay you to do this today sena us a postal card with your name and postoiiice address. Mention the name of this paper, Ask for Sample Hook A 1 j. If you are the head of a family or in anyway interested in clothing, it will be the best day's work you have ever done. rap'Br'ajB'ByB" REDUCING fraction Sale RoelDruIiStoiie COllNICIl lOih All HAmtYinrVs ax. Actual cost : : : Mixed Paints, Load, and Oils, : i : Very Low : : : OUR MIXED PAINTS MUST MOVE I a "2E50-Z"S" Tenth and P Sts., - - Lincoln, Neb. r 1 4hekeewleAnAahi TEACHERS WANTED ! Ovar 4,0(10 vacaucd aavaral tlinaa as many vm!tnob n mamliera. Muat hava mora manibara. Havaral olaua: two ul an a give f ma registration: oue ulna (lUAItANTKKrt poaitlona, IU eants pays lora story of Collage (lira. No charge to Mala 4 Nunhsru fakuulM im tblM" onwa, aaiar imamm wiitih vmom una irw mum is uui old tn w "v v w Vl DclOACH Mill Mf G. COMPANY, Atlontrt, Go., I. S. A, W V k mteMatlaaltHVat(llr, W t Nib ll., It. leak Ma, ANDY t 1 X "V. CURIC0II5TIPATI0I1 '! 10 USOtUTKLT CD WiNTIF.0 r,t7?JZ71 mm 01 August a6, 1897 Til Our Sample Book Contains 22aampli'of flu Its, Oviircottte, fant, and Hoy' Clothing, and tell you how to aav ball 00 any tiling you buy, You must auk for It, It ia not thrown away or given away, I I I I STOCK AT At 1 NTJtJClCTN, PflrnimnsL Hf.Ar.1nn a rv w soaps, all at &?f:2Ti lor book, containing plans and 5UU emplorare (or rnoom mending taitcbera. DeLOACH 1 Variable rrktioo feod Saw Mills, Mi SmmjieMllle iii and iHaoera, V limmeeiMd W BolWa, Cora, tlAg lead aad t- I lour Mill, U fane Mills, ili Water yb4s, jf. 71 I lour Mill, "If Dallas PratMie, J lorn Mtelmra Vj umi Na rUttU.77 baaftma, NlltUf MMflOftNII. ad MMUarUf.li IfWHi lit. U 4 airieiMi irartutv. I WW fMMOUl 1111. CATHARTIC il: t?h, Uwm !