The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 26, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    August 26, 1897.
"The Hub" still rolls over Ne-
a am .Ml B . ,M W A
Now is the time to buy your winter clothing.
Great MaiJ-Ordtr
104106 North Tenth Street,
pf wbk;li prfflt Jt. IVopI ar too io-
wMlK"t to t lf)jiun! (j bjr bitffttTltf of
KtUr joiiriialium, I I urn iilnumt
athttrri to bav um-H m inucb valuabl
uptww io Mrriu(( to tbm lollow, tut wbat
do you tbiuk ol 11 mriy tbnt lilrm uefi
a fuau to w IU looulli pioc7
NVit w"k tb tbrew grunt conrfntions
will b litfld. Wbo will I the ootiilnon?
nil; b b a popnllut, or a democrat, or
a oilrer rcpubllwiD. If anybody ak
yon Ml him yon don't know. If you do
tint, you won't ndariKr your reputa
tion a a prop(n.7 A great many
onbav nuked m what I tliouKht
about it; not tbat my opinion was
worth anything, but tby ake4 tbrougb
fore of habit, I told tbem I waa not in
tm ronhjivuUuit hmUtntm tlii yar,
Tbl i my year oil I tbink it might
nar una a iothintf enmit it ail tb mn
around tbtat boutto bad followed the
amcour, ilayltbcy bar. tboab
1 don't know, I bar a kind of larking
dUMpicion that tb rank and fJI boold
inaktbinoniinntion and tbatmanin
offldal poition tbould k.p their band
Hwiounly, though, rry dclgat
riouiogo into tb tat eonrontioo d-
PTrniniKl to b dictated to by only com
mon mom and tatriottitrn, II nbould
throw aid prejudice and nbonld dtir
only harmony nud victory Hehould
b willing to bow to tb wlodorn of the
majority and Mhonld bar in vlww tb
good of all. If rery d?legat do tbi.
there can be 00 trouble, A bo re all
thing thnre hould ba a union of foro.
Aoy other conrtm means auicide. Tbi
coure mean unom.
Kino my bint for tb I.ioki'E.imext
many thiiiK hart Uhi1 uh in th polit
ical world. Tb .VatbriUe fizzle in over
and gone. In Ohio, tb middle of tha
road wmiii to lead to the flenh pot of
Ilanna. Coxey, who left the popnlint
party butt winter, ba bw-u driven bock
into it by kiiij. inck and made tb candi
date for goreruor. But perbap we
ehould not too eererel condemn our
rring brt thren. The democrat began
it by making fool of tbemwlre. They
did it in 01 io, Maryland aud Virginia,
lloth the populiet and democrat ol Ne
braska can well afford to aroid the miw
take of their brethren in theeaHtand
follow a wier and jueter couriw.
J. A, K.
City Wrela ad Live Stock,
Hrd Wbeat-No, 2. 89ci Na S, 87e; Na 4,
86e; rejected, 80c.
ift Whei-Ko. ?, B4Ci Ko S, Blcj N 4,
7ei reterid Hi,r, no read. 70c
Kprinir WUat-No. 2, dicj Na 8, 84a
Corn-Ko 3, 4V.i Na 8, 2ACi Na 4
22'c; na rr.ia, 'i'x-. while corn Na
X tfflci Na 8 Uc; Na 4, 8J1
0u- M iea-Na a. He Na 8, ICet Na
4, U.'yHi-. Na 3 wulte, Na 8,
Na 4, 1HH6
ye- Na 3, bi: Na 8, B'Jci Na 4. 48c,
lirn -rlrm; 444Aa In loo-lb cka,
lUr - t;h.rtce jir nine, & 60; Na 1.
I&uoi Na Z $4.3.'.. Nu 8, IS iS ftOi choice
timothy, IT.M, Na t, I0.&O(7j clorer,
i fettle lUrelpt. 13 531) calve, 47 1 s
hli4, 4.itti tattle, citirea Tb mar
ket (! r lu I DC luwer.
ltlj'liig aud dreMit Utfateera 14 40 A
840; native heller. 143894.401 native
nm I3 3'4.76, native ldr I8UOJ
4I7HI native etiiaeie. 8094411
llo(a - Met iitav t.'ll anln-d. 8ni.
The tnarkvt u uaiallr ata4y, tut
cli4 weak,
Mtievu lttli,la. 4,8581 ahlfM. 884.
Tb aiarkvl at live and aiJv a the
killer i Mea and led lo tu IS til tier.
Always ropper a tip.
No fanner rr ittaeit a full crop,
Q(N4 Judgment It a Important as la
dualry. Wlial du dlvoned wumru da iUl
Uislr wedJIng rPT
Krry tuao itilnka b tan 111 a fu
y story pretty well.
1 Wt aerer kaw a loafer wbd di4 Mt
lav a lot of DiMs rumlni la aim,
Brery year think .. of alitaaa
ftar-aU flrU, aa4 amir of olJ aialda,
Tker U a peifuui la ih wor!4
tjuaj la tbs perfutu fruut t barrtl t
II flight!
braska prairies with Suit and
Clothing bargains unsurpassed
by any Clothing house 10 the land.
Our Fall Catalogue is now out and
you can have a copy by sending
your address. It will post you on
prices and show you the latest
styles in Men's and Boys' Cloth
extra quality all wool
suits at fi'Oo and
Hats, Shoes, Shirts, and every
thing worn by men at prices which
can never be duplicated under the
new Dingley ttrUt.
Clothing House,
(Contlnofid From iirt I'ag.)
Rat the company mada their want
their law, and witb the arrogant which
cornea from knowing bow to fbrottU
j net ice and muzzle tb pre, they took
wbat tbey nedd and they ar keeping
wnat iney iook.
a a. t .
ai m nine our government wa
founded, railroad bad not eom into n
UtMW. Tber wm the water-way and
tb dirt-road and tb policy of oar
tatmemen wm to keep tb a venae (A
travel, tb channel of trad, opes to tb
A far a tbey could foreee; their policy
wa carried out, ana m tiu la loree.
hrurybody I glad tbat tb river io
not belong to tb corporation.
o m one-back in all tb land would
like to e tb Wall atreet eyodieat
wnicn control our railroad bify op tb
narannab, or tb Altamaha, or tb
-No old party Bourbon, bowerer lif tie
b may bar learned or forgotten.
wooij iik to tb uoald family, bny
op in MiMeoun nver.
Ineurrectioa would break ont all
through tb weet if it honld U knows
tbat republicnn or democrat manager
were trying to band over to C. V. iinnt-
ington theeiclueiv right toeoatrol tb
MiMieippi and it feeder.
let the V all street syndicate wh'
MFuiroie nr iron-rono invrrw
A - I ( , .
the right of travel and trad in oeorgia
mmmmy mora than if tbey owned onr
Tb Gould family could rob tb onblie
lea by owning th Miawoari nrer than
by owning, a they do, tb Mieaouri
I'ii ci lie eytem of railway.
And II the entire Mixeieeinni nrer and
it royal eatrarm were banded orer in fee
eihiple to C. r. Huntington, the people
of thi union wonld affer leea from hi
grtedy cbeme of plunder than they
no do while he eit in bi New York
office, epider-like, and epine bi web orer
all tb imperial domain which lie be
tween Omaha and the Pacific ocean
Aek youreelre why yoo faror gorern-
rnent owueretnp ol the nrer. bar, lake
ami harbor.
hvery reneon yoo can gire applied to
go vera men 1 owneniliip ol lb iron high
way, biho.
Ak youreeln- why yoo wonld rot
ngainet any plan which eougbt to tura
your dirt-rood orer to the coniora
r.rery reoeon you can gire lor eucb a
rot will nii pport our proportion tbat
you ehould rota Againet allowing the
corporation to control our Iron high
la the crolotion of modern Jifr;. the
Iron-road ha taken tbe plan ol the dirt-
road lor the purnoee of com men, inet
a the freight car ha taken th place of
in wagon; juet a the eioree company
ba taken th plnca of the memMnirer.
and juet a the telegraph company ha
taken tit pine of th letter or th
itecial ngeut.
1 bene miuhly agencle ar ol a public
character. Hie tearopli and th tele
thon ought to lie a part of our poet-
oflli-e eerrtue unt a tbey ar In Kngland
and In i'.urop,
Thweiprt-M company ought to m a
part ol the railway wrrlce, and under
tb en me control.
Not only do tlnn great aeiich of
modern ooinmerc pnrlak ol a puMIs
1 haroctcr, but o well ba tbi ln uu
deretood that th corporaliona whii b
bar been thartcril to erform thru
errice bare alwaya lawn t fen led a, to
aoiiiii extent, triiebw for the p 11 bin,
III every cae here Ihey akn o m
allotted to tab eoiii tHior devil' land
they t'liiiuiet to do It lor th public (cood.
In every where I hey akd to l
eieinpleil from lai(, I he prayer wa
ma I lor th "good of th public,"
Wherever they aked government
"aid," whererer Iher lobbitHrb-Mialatare
and not "tt aid,'' aherrr they mo-
mpiilated rlly rouncll and empln-d ih
mutticipnl lieneurr Into I heir
Inio their iImii and
, Ih doubtful d.e.
myaleriou iKMkel,
Im a bn ronaral
vtiipiif th mtuntry
Inatnad of owulng lbir lfiirl.laa un,
their romU for prlral aan alone, il.e
lalm boa always tea mad that th
eorporatioN wr 8n4e4iig publi un
etlim lor th publie (fiHid, and It I inly
uw and ha that eom eandid old
bruUilik t'oi.iinodor Vauderblli baa
ba boaeet eaonga admit h'm raerafity
to ay, 'Tk poblie to I damned, J row
my road to mak money,
When w think of fh two bfjdraf mi'P
HOMAfFMOf M)M) land rabies bar I
been girea to th corpora tioo; whe
w tbink of tb thamefe appetite wit
bieb they bar carved bona tie fror
th b-dral treaeary; wha w thmk a4
tb Javieb 'atd" whic bar bee rotd
them ia every titUr, wbe w thmk tA
tb r eitie And to bar otdl
thrir caefc drawer to tbewt aa-d mkJ
htD yoBreeire. w eaa arive mo actum
or tM a 01 tb property of th ytlAte
anle w r tbat tb eortrtratio
wera regarded m PtM rn( rt st I
working for th cabbe good.
J hat w-ina th tmm, th KMikf 1
wbictt polaie land, pnlfe? money aa4
poblm Iranehie wortb billion of dol
lar bar b gire to (lm frew of
ebarg eaa be jrwrifUl,
J tO Other Way AAA it b doftev
1 a . . ' .. ; j. .... -----
umiim (KepnotKan); or lail roar
j(ba I p'tO-flafe, Ml th tit Mr of ?
tor y of n oM coaid thml br'rff.
wb m r mvwAUt tUvntitk
in srfftf, Tb Mm o tb wwl
heir!, TbAeb(W Ybttmxn tm
fAitmttf mix "Uk ofT of tfc
plit in th rfooerti trf o tb
woo 14 Mr hut 6 h$uiAt t4A, n h
i wr not tMtt4 to tr t f.b rt
trnrxu, umx J ,r
It b ot her paaper, A ho thie, to, f tr
they bar atna4ir tmraed. aref mm
I paid out more nuny, in it,rMtt, I ha a
any qoarter aeetiow (A fan f4 w
ever worth.
rof lowiag tM utorf ar e.av e-taofer
ty K, 3m ArmetroAg tm tMt rtftUmtipky
lA iAowry. Attirfnu f mmimfA Hurttry,
financial jtotftomie. lateretat a4 Le-
ry, IMbt and fliarea, and Tb f of
Jt m a ri weft wrtk taw prv. m4
yonr tima will bw wK epeat reading m4
etodyieg tbi moet eiMtleat wwk. Tk
illoetratiowa, by V,, fmm, are good.
It la paMiebed by tb Molt i'MmMm
company, 32-32 lJrUrn atreet,
Tfce lkt fHe,
Kditor btrt,bt,y?
A on ladiridnaJ pptiJiet ia tlwt U i
of Ifefcraek A 1 deeire to take deeidVf ienM
wun tii one peraoaa a4 paper la onr
owa rank who bar take tptUttry tt
"Ilanna boodla," tt,, fa ttmmiUm
witb the atioa of tb Mtt yxyn'.mt
atat con ren tUm or other eta tea where
poptiliet bar ebowa a dipof4o to
etand op lor their owa primdftm 4 or
ganizatioa. Aearefolaeyf tMrfmah tmntt
of all tb teatimoay im tb tmU tmmUte
tobow AmngMrpopnlMtt deiegat wko
wa booght mtb JUena avr, ft
eirnply bow that mew wko weat to
Ilanna a agest for oVtxrtive tmrw
got cbecfc from bin wbicti tbey M t
oe, bat employed iAxpOMftg htm, Mo
mncb Uit tb teMtimoay,
iier ie toe iJTooeaee-,' Th dVv-rat
tat coareatio Met. Awwiaaterf a
compter tickH, adopfedi a fatforw
lavoring "ctm re'VoiMloa" iA tottmni
and adjourned without aekg vm
Uittwm or motmttg f b timtr iA tb
beoptew party, wbea tb Utter a
tb ere two coarnea oum tor ti.
oa, Tt Srvt waa to aona, Ut a
ticket aad adopt a platforn xprag
it principle. Tbeof waa in diw
band tb popolit party ia tb atat tA
Ohio. I it aay wonder tbat by a rot
of ?A0 to 170 tbfteottrentioft reevfred ia
faror of tb former eoarew? To a it
eem th only reaaonabl aad ratAl
eonrea tbey con Id adopts
It 0 bar aa end of thee -
tion of "Ilanna IxKKile," ete, Jt a
concede the right of a man to b a pop-
nliet and to etaad op Utt potmlmt pr)a
eiple and th popoliet party ia any
atat is tbe no ion from boaest aod
patriotic motire.
A, ti. Kmbloov.
Lincoln, Neb., Asg. 23,
Wbat kind of a man do yon want for
enprem jodge? Tbi ia aa important
qaeetion, and every deiegat to to etau
convention ehoold eonaider ft carefaify.
II ehould aot lev iaffoencwf ia bia d-
cieion by aay argomnta of liatioa, p
litical debt, eta, . Tb o.niift,tow o
th man and hie loyalty to tb iatereot
of the people alone ebottld ! eonetderf ,
The enprem conrt ba a efarg
bone for th reoabiicaa party Iowa
.lijstint OcB-rral Parry ca lief an
onb-r to tb commander of fberompev
nie of the Nebraeka National Onard to
hold a two day' eompaay encamirmeat
during lit month of Hptmber, Tb
Oiiard wa aerer ia ltfer condilioa
than at the ireeat time. Nest year th
Onard will bold an encampment at tb
iran-uiftippi exMMition at Omaha
t a . 1 '
for a week Or ten day. It ia on tbi a
count that tli encampment will l
ehorler thi year than neual. It will
mak an excellent ehoaing attheipo-
tbi paper to sfiro fnrad fa tb
fin fwoie htif Wpaiii4 la MrUl
ix-e In our illcl, In l I aiMnt pi U i' I
Mxi f all Mbrraf
aeausa Uff klHw 111 lee (..
rill ri bn Mher fall.
1 ite qntiia ef b4 la nl aa piiiiir 4
elH'l in lavof "I llx-l OarMimiHU, m
qiieaU" of etonparallv Mki fleawielor,
fl Fl fl
I LJ I s- V
ft Ik Dm Tom U4 f !, All tnmfif. II.
rr4 eir N n I, H A I., W
a I, Ml ef I
tk, t rit, ax
Especially Prepared for Persons
Conventions to be Held in Lincoln,
September 1st.
A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Elado.
I ?' ttlIA lf 6f IamMu
' r -
I OftUl f'0 fr tWl tf
TUffolPwitz'n$ nAiitt!Vtii 'myniHuitmrn flt ii
nn4 gt yr'um, Tf v all fetpiiht 4 fWfy ir'thU,
Bargains in wneeiS
We will tk oot out tm
tmnve UM tA
Keys Bros
Carriage, Y.titM. lUtVA
oaa ff im tr.rt i
JltUfbTtf TWA,
Iluiwu0 Co.,
Cm. O arA fh fit, Iamj,,
mLVL timet,
Ml OHtrtt.
tMCrJtT OgrytK HGVtZ,
mt fe4 a4 Fat' 'mr'tM
Ktr,ujTifi$o rikxr turn.
mom xA.TXc,mMrv
tt4 Styles fle Utm
.11 Summer Shoes
at 25 to 50 Oft
Tho Wcll Shoo Store
20H Sotth 1ilh Mti,
An Entire New Stock
Our thrifts on fww f4(la
KO'xU AfA II. A J0et in lie
tify. . ,
Fafmm' ti'l tvorkinKificn's il,,ct
rmr rtt ilfy,
H, M,HI04M,
All wko Ar lalrf4 ia trgAiiit.g
lb ('Uuitf fot MMkJ will mt ia
my offlra, ornr lievanlaj And M ttr!
oa rpia.Ur 1 , l V a, m. M ar get.
ting oni fert flat Urleg rap't frooi
rfimtf of barm Atlai, lb "
laay will ooa ba la tb Ref f aefeing lr
a bUral patronage, Aa I lb lim Ut
tfitA a h oiler oilr( Writ aa,
Will Sf Mttf timid WWU
f Ia&jAu, 1Uy Wiit MUm PMf iha t1 fyf.
in rwr ckd
J HI tfAtm, YU thi IU,
xsxa o aiKrxiJBxrr
'm lJttM tJ 4 m.
, t awwa -ra.,
At alkaA'AaTf AAA
Wines, Liquors,
and Cigars
i:mjl imhl,
Con rf tttt t. t, fl
sifiily Waling a iilly
lW 1(4 U I,
filVU 13 A TUMI-
f.f., l.iwroln,
Ka4 IbAlfAtrifMAf I yAf,
try A 1 oa bi of f . tA lav
AH Ufa A4 Awwai regalAtaf Arf AIA44V
Tk4afl lteUrAl-lll HMlk
Unending the State
P9 pHt3 itu4w A U Ihm
yv (y cH Md riMuoue lhvr psM
r Duo iTotr,
fitwtyw tut
Heavy Drug,
Mixed Painter
Whto Lead,
Oilf , Etc,
t04 txitix mbow Ut
kv llvr fkuA kiA iU public
ifhy to lUty ouf tof
4urUK il conrtetiiioa. W rir
tu s4 fuwUhtt oo4 Out
ii&M s4 tfkes r ifktl
tYuAM A ami vkfe s will U
ArittJ 4 )rfiAfs frcte
6k?w Btarvation
M A aer r' f u m
WmS m 1 m v XuWvt r- year
44V auf Muiww lui ai 4 -., a'Ji I
Awtvt vvt. v fttnm
issw, t t-4 v'ik 4f" ot
r4 u-M4f, . I
fctir wmj? v j'1 fUrm. AL
tMrv M a i' fi-', WA
a-xe'iAr au cojr ei4 ln'r .iart
I 0f. tt9m iff
mm, U U m tw tiU uvjr vvrMX
a ayie 4 y Um'm MP
tuf MM A ir, A,i.i. -. c4 a
eMiM aut I w'it mv rwv f'A
f4H (Ami t luvw t
avaiia ) Me I w4 tt4Ha
t. -''.
t v
fM f.'?vM v a wt.
fltt'f a awi'1 ( i 'it if.'Ul'H ' !'!,
I a. yt . I- . f.- ' I a
Ih! I i,t M y r, ,4,
A''V we fa t, , i I. i' .-'..! I
ty I , - ! :' il;-.-f. :', Ii I'Hl
Wm l fiv t -!, 1 '. WXdlOti,
'.-i ' .',.., . 4 " , t,a
4mh ,.. n i. ..,.-! ; a i
g '. I '(,: I i ' t ' i ' 4 ffc
i ,i . 1 1 1 it t i . i f -i i t, aia
. I .i,(.i r. lit wwtit
l airb, f. flr l'r, lib a
mmllu, l"i' f I lo" ,wi, l.lrer
aot fcl'f're l(.i(.lwrr, I'M,
ar IOeea Allinewt f
HUHlM I .lI'IO Ire,
filelewt amllvoU teleio M Mr
fima f I la he, lliel rarer
M brile ! (., M ill 'r I Meat
nl a a en I rreiul I'tilatua
IrwtM fiNfila telin frl IimnImI
f aeaee eterr IikoiIIi. If r Mfe
llIIMMl I t Oill III fee A8 oo a
IMvftllO eaeiwe IIiIm4,
IHlfAlfd Mfl UAl IMTI f Mfla
rVINKUf a KKOWIH folly to buili
OA A ef lOAAdAlMO, I lei 14 OblAlAM
i.r (eg rmptMAtA M Mt,
flood "tpfilia fi aa4 iia
latiag beef lb,
KrKiffif I' aaa4v Uk
beadaeba ldiaetlA, AilowaA, All
irngtlA. SI&A.