THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT August 26 , 1897 TMI VOICE Of THE fEOPtE. ta tfcU eoteaeae wlfl aeMIk eoawealsatl fever m4 Miutl rtutf, reiv4 Ores, sabs to tele , ssl. a4iaabaI4 sestets " tUl a) wer, MMMrrffi will sot to rrfirwl, (to gdiu id the ls4te4sU learfllr-I 0&( among tb llver democrat and ailver republican regard, fog candidate for Judy of tb uprm eourt an actirity not manlft among the populist. 1 I blub tlft candidate abould b a pop- tttkt, W bav aa good timber any Hop, K. 0. Krtefnger of Ueatric, In my pinion, la one of lb beet qualified men for tbat imaitfoo In tb atate, )( I an able l;r nod jorfot; fa la young and tlgorou; b I a brilliant writer and a fiumit talker, and coo Id eipre blme)f In convincing langung, If f an boa t, upright, tourageou nod candid gen talma. il in 11 wao of great fore of character, tbat le firm la blaconvictronn. nHni tu nut on I laent aoroadMarir quaniii) going 1 sugars Imported, every aonuror will Kurope, Meilco and Botfth America, A ,, Ilia nmuuil nrlca Hint ins Ml f lift. I lorK uroar Hr mill 11 wwa (vwuv- 1 m. .ii.iiu.L.m ,,. the Mo. I Iv filled here to b taken Into thadoin o- Klnley administration differ from tbat ion of tb Kedlv of Egypt. 1 h long of Cleveland', In Botany, Tbt on leaf pin form tb greater proport on of fouirbtilvr.odoe tba other. Tbelr the timber, although voriou pce 01 flnancloipolicle ore the aarne, both for oake.evprn, bay, aweet gum, noiiy, gold etandnrd and for th contraction magnolia and other kind abound, of tbt currency. And botb wort run by Many pint tree can b found 1 feet In gold bugs. Tbt policy of either admin- diameter, etralght and tall, 76 or 80 i.tmfinii it-mis to malt money scarcer feet to a limb. Tbt beavy timber bat and of greater valut and alto tenda to mnkt vrv other product of lee voju; whttttt and otbfr product may ttmpor ar y rtm 11 valut. owing to an in crtattd dtmand cautod by a falling off In tbt world't product, bat tbttt rlttt will bt only from tucb natural cauH, tbt ttndncy will bt toward tbt dwprt- elation of tbt valut of trtry product mtnturtd by inuuff mi long at monty it niadt tcurut and battd uooo but out wittal." "Wtll, now Jobnton, tb It follow got beyond mm, and I couldn't nntwr blm to 1 writ to yon and 1 want you to an twtr nit tbimtfluftttlorit." .. : , "Art wt purtuing tnt aamt tour in montr matter that tb Cltvtland lui inlnittration did? Hay now, art wt? bmm taktn from tbt land niott tatily accDtitiblt. Itaving tinall trw and! broktn flown tlmir ana trtt iop teat. ttrtd ovtr tbt turfaot io largt qoanti tlf. JtinaktawrMon ai to mm no tnucb troltir to dtcav wbtn if it could bt dtttributtd ovtr tb plaint of tbt great wat, it would provt tucn a 000m 10 lit Inhabitant!. Wood lor ful la lrt to all. Alucbof tbt toll la andy. torn wltb a claf huIihM, and tomt, both aur fact and tubtoll I clar wltb a tract of tand IntMrmixtd. Naturally it i not vry furtllt rxcpt along tbt rlvtr bot tom, but wltb a vruimr ayum of ro tation and a iudicloua on of birtillcr, can btbrongbtto product good crop of mot anvtblng adapted to tni latl- tudt. Jlil irnniDdiaU tfctioii na not mora bour generally than in tba north Colored girl for boutework, 11,00 per ww) aoa Doara. noma aiuau game la found, quail and wild turkeye; and, 220 milt from btrt on tbt Alabama river, dfer and occasionally a bear i found. J. II. Wiixxjx, ,. l,,cft'n.,.'! lo?"ty, Ala. 1. o,ji vroiuer woir alr any mon mouKtyiacta owit, to prent to ul republican Irltnd, would bt pleaaed w amy una out uan uoxn or exret. J. II. WiU'ox. t t THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION to At Viwd by Mr. Black io Ktlation Jta Adoption Io Auatralla. Tba Twtntletb Century contalna vary lnttrting articlt on tbt propomd adoption of tbt American constitution by th Australian colonlea.Tbi proponed conwtitution ia modeled odoii our own and it would place tb inland continent under a aingla federal government in atead of aevaral colonial and ludetien tletldta being on of tb ableet lawyer In Will tber. bt a falling off In tfift rwlpU bej-n farmed but very little, tb. prlncl- t regime a no w. 1 be eonteat over tbt etatt, bt It populMt tnat 1 not MbftHitd of bit faitb. U, A. liAMItf.WTi LETTER TO JOE JQHNUOM, Jobs W, aytoo of Waablngton, V, C. Ak If in Soma QwetJ, WitnwoTo, V. C, Auk- M, Wit J, f, Jobaaon, Iineolo, 'b, I bad Intended to writ you abou t tb Borriblent of dettitution tbat I eaw io tli mining town Io Obio, wbera our train wo detained by ft wreck on tbt railroad, wbeo 1 wo on my way from fferpy Center to tbla city, I will writ abtot tbw yt, but tbl morning I got to arguing wltb democrat about tb taut of tb rft of tb print of wbeat, aid 1 boldly claimed, juet m you lav often done, tbat It waa canted by tb return of confidence, wblcb bad been In' aplred by tbt election of MeKlnley, and tb enter) j g into official jjf by our party' rturat aavlor, Mark Jfanaa, to- getlterwitb our returning to a gold bati. Well do you know, tbla oVmo rat langbed t ma and taid, "Wfay you repulIkan art tlit biggeat crnk or damfoolt I ever beard of. four year ago you blamed tba droutb, cblnU bug, poor crop and low price on Mm i M M urover ueveiano, ano now you ar ready to give McKlnley irmWtUit tba failure of the wbeat crop In tb Arun- tint Itepnblic, Itnaela and India. Wby tb failur of tbt crop In tbe countrie boa iioo an utvntuma demand on our wbeat crop, end tbat all tber it to It 1 nee conHirw ote iivr, not baring a crop to move, tbere ia little demand for wblte metal." Talk a Unit tbt pfp bttng rrai,, iney ar not a marker to tb average republican. I can anawer an your aib-geo argument, a I an- awered twoeoueina of miat about four year ago. On waa rd beaded and botb were red bot republieana, oeb were foncbina: tb lorW land of Old Naidrillt, Well everytblng tbey could Hod fa a republican paper tbat reflected la tb mutt on urorr or tb dno crati party, tley would dip it fromtUNtom under tb Mugley bill? I Now . will tliere? bote tb Dlngley bill put aucb blgb do tie on certain man ufactured articlea, that no article of tbat clot can be Imported and eon ouentl no duty will b received by tbt pat buNinet beretofora bat been making turpentine, and retln and lumbering, but a tnatbUMlue become more cir cumscribed, tieool ar turning tbeir attention more to agricviturai purtuit. in principal cropa art cotton, corn, u potatoe. Moat kind tfuvertifiient. but tbe borne manufactur- oat, tweet potato, irieii i. tA n,li Arti'loa will tm etinlikid ia in. UKr Can and COW bCON, ereae tbelr pric Up tb full extent of of frul t :icept applea and cberrbeidoe tbadutroad tberebr make tbelr Amer. H, Ibia baa teemed heretofore tb iPMi, miijHiuin f.KV thet uitih nior bjr natural bom of tb near, and anor tbelr a-ood7 Now Jobnaon la tbla true? ou yield hav beeo produced, j jet let up a little on demo' and answer me atifiirfiMjwt tliet m. tariff oose tA raleinir a revenue to uioort tba " '1H prlmltl v. One bor or mul tbl iu Is one between tb rich and tb poor. Tb rich want the constitution Tb poor do not. Tb debat naturally bring out many tbinga in connection wltb our own loderal conat i on. 'I'd- constitution of tba United Htatea la a colossal bumbug, but never boa tba fact ueeu orougut out ao luminously m In tba sixteen ol Ueorir 11 ack. tnumUr 1.1 parliament from Hldney, la tbt b'glsli- 11 Te asseiiiiiiv 01 tne colony, in sixteen wop uniiTvrvu UH iiuil iQ.aUQ tilt BUOW n tb pox and butlaatyear tb blfgbt at ai.k.d tb inlge of our lntltutionolplay.d by Mr. tbl qiestion, I tree wbkb threaten to de.troy tbem. iia:k I surprising, II quofei Moncure f waa for tbt pur- Agricultural wwthod B(j mplBt ij, Conway a aaying that wt in America Ko moment. I did not think it waa for tlia"bMriot ot comtxfiiing u to pay tb NewKua-land manufw'lurer more for their good tbao tii'y cnarge foreigner for tb earn article when they ship tbem to other countries, bat tbl fellow ye tbl I tba fact. Now Johnson, la It? Then tbl fellow aid,wWny you Ac braeka fellowa bav no kick coming; don't tba l;inaler bill but a duty on ail corn imported to tbl country of fifteen cent a bushel" and then fat smiled and J aa w blm wink, and 1 goe bt must bav been fokinft'.for what a-ood would a duty on corn do ua when w bav got corn to burn, a duty of fifteen cent a bushel on ait. Wby by george, wt couldn't get tbat macb a buehM lor our own corn laat fall, I waat you to atand by m Job neon, and write m what to eay to these fellow. Yonr araumeat don t setui to tak liere like tbey did down at Horny center, Wby I read a good many letters of yourn to thee fellowa and one ia almost invariably tbt team for do ing all kind of term work, Twoborse bitched to a plow 1 quit a novelty, Tber fa hardly a barrow or n two borse cultivator in u In tbt country, A mowing macbiu or a bora rak I very rare. They av tb leave from tli corn by bulling them by band and tying tnem in bimcne about aa big aa your urm and banging tbem on tbt ataika to curt, when cured tbey put ten or twelve of tbem together in a bundle and put undercover, There i a kind of grae and a eoecia of clover called Mexican or Hoanieb clover tbat come In tba cultivated field after tb crop I laid by, tbat tbey book op wltb scythe or sick I a nona: tb corn or cotton stalk and mak a little bay for driving and work animal. Much a tblnir a devoting a plan of ground for tb pur I urn of growing grata lor bay la un mown In tbla pnrt of tba aoutb, Not withstanding they have to buy a largt "art uuder a oreroitati va lea reeiiom.ll.u and mora liable to corruption than that wmcn our revolution overthrew." Mr iiiack add to till oreirnaut etateirint. tbat those wbo bav atudied the hi store of American politic and those wbo bav read in bitory ol tb United Htatea know tbat ever tine tb onion waa lormed tn constitution ba been a con unuai subject 01 quarrel and distrust. eir. itiocK pointed out tbat from tb very bear un no: "tbt vested ano tb exploiter ol tb United Htatea" bav recognlMd tbat It la to their inter est to strengthen the constitution! cbnina by which tbacountry la manacled. a., ih, uiffif t.uTTur w uanuia tn political macblnea detienda on Im. luteaovereift-nty bvlntriciven to the but. eral authority, for tb reason tbat a irong central icoverument. ijrii!tl-iiii i . . . m . - r . ' VI wuiiiiiiisu yond tb tb SIM 01 euirai government, pricticaJly ited ower and practically be 1 wopi' control, by reason of j( Ite contituency, practically don't yoa Jobnaoe? Now let npa while fifbtina- a tew women, wbo bar bad place in tb tnt office, and stet down to business, and writ in noma lacta ao hat I can contradict tbte Miowa, Hinca I bav left Harpy Center 1 bav been trying to improve myself In writ ing and on tb question of tb day. " f ' - - - 1 . . - . - , . - muni, riwi uv Bwiuvui 7 VU unnum 1IM 01 tnem aavi yon oton t now tuoogu w 1 -"" " " - own limitation and Interpret tb con ponno aano in a rai wnn, ibi juu an, i- ."r, , , , atituuon in Ite owo laahlon, ia moat :"VrZ"XTr"ra '.- llll'y manipulated, and therefore, tb ' - government uuder wblcb b g monetary ton. Tb notiv graesea moka good Fnterette art ..ut iikel n ... boy, Tbt Hpaolsb clover belnir a b-aume ti.u i. ,. 1- - r: " ' mm m . ... . . ,r . . I f'tev e ut ta ytii iu B iiun liffij. Jl lirrim. 1 voiuabw lor fertilizing tb o i, but flnt feature of tbt proDfjaed Austrli, uoutia maoa oiit ber lor tbat pur- constitution 1 a federal judiciary xact- ms r m ww-f m f ww mwr w wvvwahM mm liw llVfl IM W Atarai BV1 tf l( ub ......... . A A L a. i it 4 I 0 "mw VM rw Ur Btt a'lUVpV U fJ I J U U IJ CHI a4m t.fkAmnuA l.tjs as mh w.t.l er t a fkm I . . weiivuNw out, write, paste it on a sheet of paper, and "UearCof, howlafbi," Tbey did not dare to write mora (ban tbl because I am married and my wit read my let ter, and tbea Wis in all she think ft ia aeceaeary for me to k now, Weil, tbey finally et n a cupping from tb or- riewm iieann. it waea parody on "America," and run, "Our Father Orover C. Author of Misery, to Tfaee W Hiog" Well It no a good parody on tbgood old bymn, and went on to I blame Orover witb all lb financial fail- Mr tit IP 4tf aiti.tiM tmti.M-.rn litllMM ww w r'w F(rA wr, www rymj ymii yr mTWt tc, I conbi ttond it no longer and wrote tnem thefultowing: My IWOlrU A ttrrU la tttatt P, tm craeks l-is to the (1, 0. p, Tto tlMt ers krl, tMji Mmrnt hits. Wot SisSiss ell nr iH'iimmm liw, A4 Mla UH,ittm, raa.sls iWp, kleei klM toraua wr aru taoaii. mu4 tiwe ttof trs ss kill klsi oa4, IWasM Ito piMH urn oil ut Iraa4, A ksti, l smI. M(ljr 4kMla'l, ftlawta Ututm tut laiaa, uaa tMt4 As4 IkM U, Maw4 UtHA, hleeia Sim, bmmt llwf kr kM. Tkla, Vrat irl, tmp la fuar mhida rnmm mrm raws "I aaaiaaa ase Mtir. a thu wa4 Is ka i lit Itakt, frtmm alll (all varr klufc. Ilk a klla. bsiesaa tto r ! (sumo e Ik 4sis4 www, eiay rat ar4 thai Ito erlr atll ba low, Haisr Ikla laa afurmv, sail elll ui muii. W tos lkr aiuar aimial la tafrir k dal, fnr laaUixa, unl am, la lalalas ia, WbMlalkteaaeuMS lu la., fcijr4 tm, ha etlas klpfta4, Is a !, lta. IuSul ralail list a uun a at a im klskl flat la ttolbr eton (tor an mttf toaslllsl tL i'l U 4saa4, ktsoa ten ul kriim. li Ikl (a4 u4Mlwa I kiw fun III mm. luskavs faaat la blaai alikr Utufiwl mm, tm,, U be aur lit a kul4 dibar to laaiaa, W tia II hat fur Ito law, la mtr u dalk. Tb parudy you at conlalu tb loiloniug mural; 4 hiauttiHMii a,iae , bust fala eiviaaia. aaoaiq u, aa aw saw, a 4 a ii,l l, wur ra4a1 I lav alto been writing to liixby iairt and get blm to learn m bow to write poetry, liixby aent m tb following just a a sampl of what fa can do witb on band behind Lira, it read pretty good so I tend it to you. I don t under atand it bat probably you can make it out, liixby call it A Jtoverte at tbt M4elf. AtttoMs'MI kotwe 1 elt, tkleklsa Owlgakli s4 tto M seat sia ahbk turn 414 .. 1 b laatalater fee t,fc la Uif let ut lib tit. Waa res ai,faMS tt ae M8m a vnm (ik tba eif tarllss; Us, we cap se e tto brlw With Bawls ear simxi aa ,aaiaa tfmj 44 to' ekaaua e sir witb ad kl atiakl 4 h kaskers lf Itoa uo4 old tlfcw eso aiur. Tbat lee tkaa4 4Har fa, ea Ito rallrwU aMiMl II aaMl. Iweblaa tf arkf , Ito tvseiM Ilahara4 ierry ' te tblfk, kla4 el kuaal awrk 4 to Is sue leal rkr, wltb tto fame. Ji,kmm mrtmUw kl ba4 fflat, a to I bisk ut I a4 in i, Aa ui kl biateeieilasfM s4 fcK cpurt toe to f ut eiae a true, U, lrf to a aluat Te tto kouk Ibst M kit Is kl susrt, Itr tiirunmt Ik ptuprttut, UH Ilk bolj J lb Hour Wtoa to tkla tool all tto true 14 to" ut Is, atfrua) kl brow to isuu, ba k thlsk u Mi la ri'm II U4, r tofut to sol te arfllsa ale. km Ito tbusbl k eosi wmt, abal asa la tto 0. O, f. ho k Ml fcl Ua.i-fi frl4 la Ito Isrch. II k Is is xi lar, Ikal to ua4 as bar Aa4 ha to hut e ba4r Is tbarbsr.k, fnpt as4 taik, aue ar fuaa. la tto toal buld a,uaa4. At lb l.lrtll Jukawis eaa at fci buot A4 to ! al a,b bs aba ttor vrr uru turn tut lu- uf lb bacMidl or A tool. I autipos vow will know all alniut this, of course you are not tb only Johnson, writ and let me know what you think of It Very respectfully, JOIIM W, j4tOM, a A FORMER NKBRAIXAN. demand. It I- shipped Infrom tb wt .if tb com lilil ku.M 9td,m Mt. MiiinlH .Inn. in m I , . , .... -- --"- " ',ri ," juomiary win invariably be away from .mall way, coro at 60 to hj, ixjr buhel ibt!Tty 'uU(1 , th- direction of oblliarcl y oat 45 to GO cente. Moat of tba atock u -in, H. ti.- a m..iJl. , ....! ...M.A i I.IU ... ,1 I M.,n.ll Buiireiiia hw ai auiiaTvu w auii lor lumi aelvea tba year around. There or oni loa ia winter, but many com tbrouab i pretty fair shatxi, A little feed for eattl tbre or four month would be a great Improvement, iiog run at large in tba wood and ara j(euer ally an Inferior ball starved race, at tb age of two or tbre year when balf fat tuey or butcbered and will dres from llftf to 1W pounds. All kind of stock here ia of a very uniform a-rode, except that in eitfe and town and torn Io calitie io tbt country. Milk cow bav been to torn extent Improved by tbt Introduction of jersey blood. Lumber I cheap, can be hod at the mills ot tbt sunrarna court," aaid bt, ''baa practically made tbt federal government tupreni In all mattetaby it doctrine of implied pow. era." ibladoctrin not only clvea the government the power conferred upon it by tb constitution, but all powers tbat May b Implied io tb rrant of authority. r inally Mr. Iilock ottered a ao emn warning against tb adoption of the constitution proposed, and th languor be employed should bo pondered ia tbla country wbr w oow auffer from tb bllo-ht of eontltutlonalirn, "I feel ure" t aid be, "tbat If tb people of tbl coun try ar apprised of tb danger wblcb iiu tbat constitution bill, if Are You Going ... To Study Music? The University of Nebraska School of Music . Can furnish you as Complete anleducation as any Conserv atory in the country, a very moderate rates. SPLENDID PRIVILEGES 8UPERI0R FACULTY. . g9Jjtffl.lftg.Ifl.CTlPft: end for Jf ew Catalogue to WILLAED KIMBALL, Dlreotor, LINCOLN, NEB. aoy to Take aoy to Operate Are features peculiar to flood' I'llli, Small la im, tAstelcM, cIDcleot, thorough. A on man said i You never know you bav taken a pill till It Is all I CJ 1 1 over," Zfic, C, I. nM 4 Co,, 1" 1 1 1 S I'roirlepr, Iiwell, M. " ljiejnlMilljMl"M IlirL will, In tt,m r...i, I. Ill following prices: Framing 1 7.00 per mad TarVo teTol llTA 'UT"?. lt.tru.bideousneMi.lald bare to tlJ tbey will not for ona moment think of Horn iH H.aia a ul4 l bl,t ante iklat, lur alt M'e. tlu. aal fiU ra lastlar, Is last alaa el viaiaa, "Now ahst (lii you s M,ae tb rte tint) of MvKmley las Io tin alik the tail ura of the wMat triip in luriM enuu IrleeT .t on thlinf. Vat that U lbs uhiy rm oi aa tin raaa. il.inani,Hiil atinaHiiei)ily an liH-rH .rtra r beat, IIiisj bee the Mi klub-v aliilnia, trallii dinrd Iruiii I tai ui t m, tiriiverT lua ffii(lf tmve iiaaH a new tend bill, but thai aill only make inl!i wuiae, 1 ha rewlpt iritiii tM.loiii tlutiralnr U prveeal ar will 1st mmk hm h war Uat yar nmUr tb Wu.,ih ,ii(, You will got little or an mau from aiigarbir the miii that l,e suasr truai linirul aver on milliiia Iom ol raw augar Into tbl emmtry Uure tb bill beaaMMi a law, la tki atr tb aia aba avst reral HihumhiI i. lar Iw it vi.r aiaa Mr Kiel y aik f twenty iniiliKH dollar by Id lrtal prbw Ibey l ae f.if relaml wgar, betatias the duly blaeeit oa tbat artwl by lb luagk-y bill, a bila lbuvarasa will aut at im sal rvMiM IrniM Ike trust on tbli us fMilliua tee able they Inifl! , tb tbttaladg that tb diy of att Writ a Utur from Hi Nw In Alabama, Te la fCdllur ef lb litpsi)l; Having lived Vft year In fanraater county, Nebraska, but ainc tba fall of NUS a reelib'tit of aim t hern Alabama, perhaps a letter from bera deecrlptiveol this country aa seen Irom a Nebraska landMiliit would l of intereat loyour reader, I bia pine la liHt. about ten mitw Iruiii the nurtbweat fornrr of llorlda, 40 mill a from tb gulf, on tba liulsvill and NuhlH It. II, Tbl altiluil Is lltlil bt above IM alr. Tb eltniat I all lhal could be iU Ired, and waiefgiuxl, aMkotigb Io mt- til fuiiiliig In i hi lb m.rib, lb water I not "'felly liked, at first, ua arounl ol It tinralur, t lby mhim !!(. his aivustoiiiit) n ami It lba aeema o be mi eauugb. Vl!g are Iroia (U In T'Mrat d., lha tnHifstur ol the water bieg abwal btt drate Ureabatt, iria abbb ar uaamiietuua ar aboul b seme inf attire, ablla b piiierMr ol ll la Nebraska ot b 410 lb tb if afau fit degreea, Tba ivrfara If fiiing,lreaii atniul tsitts Ur, par water, fluaiag over bed ofaad and gravel, Tbt aerllun I bealiby, an Malaria, nr prsfailleg teveraof aay kind. Tbgruwlb id tint. bf la beaty, Maeb ol II ba ta uka bit, and giad lot tior timber anj planed and matched 17.00 to 110.00. ceiling, matched and UaJeJ aarne aa floorinic, biuKlMi 2,'ir, to I.'i.OO. The colored element Is seen on every band. many of thern ar trusty and mak good help. Tbey bar at'iiarat school and their own r-hurehes, Whites and blacks ar often seen working together on tba aarne job. Tb ar-hool system needs Improve ment, W bile iu citb and towussubool ar maintained seven or eight month in tba year, yet in the country district, tbre or four mouth i often the eitent of tb publie acbool and If the term ia prolonged It must be done by subscrip tion, w bile the annual ralnlall here I fc-itierally mora than twice aa much aa in Nebraska, yet tbla exoson ba been the dryest in b'Hlitii, e nnd in many years, awordiug to the observation of the oist Inhabitant and lias cut short tbecroM in many places. Laud eua be bouttht from 'l.U) to H,ixi mr ai re. Northern NHiile ara aelnomed and treated cordially, can eipreae tbelr opinion on Hiliiii- ut any oilier aubiei't with rl t irwedom, every man vote a he likes and In tbl locality, hi vote I corns tly romiinl, Hie Auetrallaa ballot eystem iirevails, Many from the north ara ssttlina- lu dltfereut part of tbeatate. Ibis sei'tiou seeina tb ba beuuflc ul to those auffarliig from week luims or from catarrh, bronchial or other auctions ol the respiratory organs, lbs ambkn rbaitgi-a aNl ranaa ol teiiieralura here Is iiiucb leas than In lbs northern tatee, Ibe raiitteof UinNratur in Nshrmka Istroin lid ilirHi la summer to UO dogrM-a Mow In alular, The iinrmrv tbua inorlna over l.'Kl itnira. Tba ranee bera ia from t) ib graee m amniir to Ji detirana above la later, moving over only T gree, roni.timM, r haps mini or leu la to or lhrm yiar Iimi di-gr may be ribei, It nvr freta eaoiiitb brs to slui lha plow, lUreniayU sii or elabt aigbla In later that ba will loriw tety Ihia wfeia a bm ket of aater lautllHi am door. tirroal and heavy HoihlHg ia little eli, abile, wtiftt the Ibariuanivler mark Pl dnireea br, tt may aaeia a hills aariuer ia Ibe sua I has It ibwa at the soma point la Nebraska, yt ia lb ral It .! footer ihau it dnea la tba shad ba, I'ersplraHoa tawnia Io U Utur prolus bera, oaleg brobably lu Ik baiuidity ol lb ateo hra, eta nratlua being I rapid. Hora ea la) biuwl ia bioaaiiNj M fft taoiitb la lb !ar, ;.bl.Wa ran ba bad Irum lb arda Iba year around. 'aola ara nw plaating lbakarly kind id tagst. a hire for wiater as, labor I rhr bsr ibaa la lb awrtb, I'arm band rsaUkadlor T4 rli day and board IbeiaaalvM. Mill bauiU fl.tHI Io l 4 oad lad lstl. Tbey worb accepting federation under aucb princl plfs, for to actpt aucb a federation would lie for ua to aay icood by for good to all reform, to all advancement and to all prosjierlty. We should ba saddled, and our posterity for all time would be saddled wltn a burden wecould never ahuke off eicept by tb blows of a blood revolution." And Mr. (Slack ut ters the simple truth. If the peopl of Australia bad our experience they would never dream of putting their bead into the lion'a mouth of constitutionalism. It Is a lystern dneigned for the apeclal benefit of the great property owner, it reduces tba poor to holie subjection. What the Australians remains to ba aeen. There ia too much reason to fear tbat tbey will not understand the peril confronting tlmm. in a moment of idleness or tboiightlessnees, tbey may fiermit the rich and powerlul to saddle thern with a biirdea tbat must, before long reduce them to a eervilude aa batelul aa our own. Mod; To Loan. Any On any good Chattel ecurity amount Irom UUU to anou.uu W. kl, Dknnm, Itoom UO Hurr IHck, Lincoln, Nb. (Mention lha Iadeendent.i Only lin$ via (Varr lUitlltflrhl Through Yollowstono Park on a Dlcyclo. Among lha geyser, waterlwlie, Ukea and tr racasol )eiloasoiie I'urk Uhesvrr wbtwliuaa buuld swnd bla 'WT boll day, UimI illihllul out tea iiiiaainable, s' laaive ibaa a wk al a abioaabl saiar resort. Ottod. rnU bttlll bf lbs government, Wgaat buleia, l ias IUbig, ftpleadid air, Mflta lor booklet ei lalaiag a map nf lb I'arh a asll aa lull la lormatioa ateiut Ike roal ul Iba trlji, abal lake, wbat Iba road ara lib, ft, J, NUSU, UNral I'aawagef Arl IHnaba, N'eb. Special Excunlon via tb Barlingtoiu Indianopolla and return, 18, Auguat 6 and 17, Heptember 7 and 8. iiuffalo and return, 124.70, Auguat 21 and 22. Kalem Cbataoqoa, 2.C8 round , trip, Auguat 7 to 15. Chicago, l'eorla, Bloomlngton and 8t. Ixiuls, 110.00 one way, July 10 to 21,23, 20, 80, Auguat 2, 6, 0, and 18. 0. W, Uonnem., a P. and T. A. Ceacerl PlanUt, Ssytt MI use lha Kimball PlaaO esclusivcly, becsuae It nirctt my requirement in every reipcct." hB(l tnt coaiiliaiiilrf (olUrlioa ot .hiH.iiln ut la awU't tUiii anwHiaai. A.xionrx!, !, . cmsh. aanaaaaa I'lnffor'c (fAfllWiNO llllgvl 9 Wlwwl MILL fcesUell eoaatrnetad as Impl. Awanla World' Fair lit- S lama an a4al. Task, fUffalaton and OrlnA er. m. m. uiiuiul woe TfTu,Cktaao. Doa'tTabaeea aplt and amoka loaf Ufa a war If yon want to quit tobacco ueing easily and forever, ba made well, atroog, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, tak Nc-To-Boc. tba wonderworker, tbat' makea weak men atrong. Many gala tea pound in ten day. Over 400,000 cured. Huy No-To-Dao of your druggist under guarante to cure, 60o or $L liooklet and earn pie mailed fra. Addresa Btarliag Itemed Co., Chicago or New I. 19 aa. ta 1 lb. suwarcmr ear aa Wf WiflllUOlU Iral, S; fOk. SMlwlnn. uadr.diof SpaolaltlM al 1m tbaa IMmli rlui .la SaHilm, St.r.ln, INui, ria, IU Bills CarrUfM, I rt, Nwff HmM, SafM. SM Sill., Murl'rnM, Ja.kx.rnn, T,.ks AaftU, II., l all.rv V,,m Sm Sllla, SlatM. IMIla, . h.4ri .w, l.. H.nn, laSSIIk, Sarfs Ulan, ll,larta, i"rm Hfc.ll.ra. Haa Carta, Rarlaaa, Tnala, eira e,arv raaalaf Sllla, Craw Kara, S..ll.r. Walriiaa, MalhlaaSa, Ha,, Mart, aU.alar, lUllraa; tfalfara aa laaala r SCALU. a.a Aa.rral'aaalafaaaa4aMaU Data Sana,, fit . Jaearwa . 0SI0AUO aOALl CO.. QkUlfa, IU. a 7 2 IT'S The licit and Cbeanei Mill on Kurlli. Fully RELIADLEXo JS t ZVAV rlMAr.fnr tat men - M. r av Hl.AaV Waf or wurrmitu'l. Will eUiike. Write once for p ml avpm f rloa lowi Itelegatva can arrura K""'l meals at thaAnuei lUatauraut-llKI rUiuth 1'Jlb treet. 15 uta. llii!l!il!i. vi - di i I' ll Htxa,H aMla. I t N.KUIa k axwik .uai,i.ta la la !! MX. Iala4 ISaatulo a falkaf tut fc Maw i,Ota la la ui hi safe,., lit liau.a. II, a ul aa.iuraa M-I It rloit toauydiarM nauaaa Ihaa an, otUar aiUL Cnra, aarorawll4, DaM. W Iwal, .. flaa eaoaab t or aa, aurao. UadsMiirbr SWVllllltt'lCl. rm rf" wllla. JOLItT, ILL urara of naanna. tcblaia, M luilwllla. T. A. Orothcrs, LEI a rals Hall l Aar fart f lha I l, l l rS Slaala, Tflrphaa. !, UBrS Kit 4 ia Haltlala Six lUtJaa.a Cu 1 ba mlktli ta alaaa I Iwimh a III Va ta I a, ul I a a. 11 awl Hill al fcakiaak 1 a aal vt IkS W i litkiuM akl aa ! ai4a lailHN a) lib) all iaaa0Mit aa., .i i.ij Va.lh.M Ibatabiul al Ml (ta ball ba lb taia Jl fviaj la l (aak, I I ba b lH aai v al tb aaa a.i. tat lb budit.a lb laia 4 lb 4..'il'. tbail aaa,n aa Iba rtb Vtr al una 4 it , lvt, ftwtiat , ( ai lb ! ibaii iI4a,a, ba 4la4 r at4 4 4lrab W a ataataai bb..l. all b bull,. lba.1.alail ! Uletnlii) 1bkifal ia but baata4 Ibta h aaat ball b ataartlb) la I' laa al b au IWtlS'KI tbail b,afl4ai, trMr, br lb tb bull. b4 atr SaM ba Sbkb Ml MiuMlk bt IVm ( kU Wl k bti I al Ia4b4 I alaef I', It Mtsa. 8ieaa, tit .sets, f:.?.1.: vv.'llidr. s, i. coon Ey8.Eir.Nos8 and iiiiuhn Throat . r-, lie coin, Nebr. tUara haaa 80t II 3l)a,ajij lola-ta. i TAIT TIME, s TBI0D0B01U. Ta Oieka, Cbteatnaadpolatela Joa, f gad l liaoba, tbat' MUM J'tUt ICia aeetioa witb tb l a M. W, Hy. tkbt aervlea and Iba taateat tissa, ( all ar ariM ta twa lor Data earda, ratea, II. tC H. Cuksaoa, tia. Aft A