August 19 1897. ANOTHER LETTER TO JOHNSON. uicgests a ltvmedr for the Coal llaron of lViiimvlvanln. Washington, I). C, August 0, 1807. Mr. J. V Johnson, Lincoln, Neb, After hearing the Ohio republican, tell bow easy he made thirty-live thoumuid dollar, and hearing mo much other tulk of pruH rity, I became" enttiuMl uuiJ hungry, that I conclude! to ko into thu dining car and get a good ""ul, ul"' did get a good too tu" c"l)r,,l man brdught me a plat with two largo ellce of melon on it, anil poureu out it ilus of water, and I concluded that I wax going to puy about twcnty-llva ent llir IL Mil till Uicul. 1 told him I didn't come in there to make a mini on melon and water, I had all of t hem 1 wanted back to Harpy Outer, I nld I wan hungry and wanted some coffee and Nome kind of meet, what 1 wauled wan just such a meal 11 they wi t out for a quarter, at the hotel, at 'ho countysent Where I liad once Mopped for a week, when I wan on the Jury. Tho blaek feller looked at mo Mort of fiirioiiH, mid bund d inc a lurge pu ce of pasteboard with all sort of iiiiineM of thing printed 011 It, but I told him 1 didn't cere to read ttiiythinit. whil 1 wu waiting, to hurry Dp whatever he had to net, out I could not tuako out what all w'n printed on he big card he give mc, there win t Jim iiuiiicm of different kind of flh, Vege tabli'M and meatN but no liiueli of It wan income 01 her kind of language than Fnglisb, nnd the cur jerked around mi ininh that I could not make out head or tad to It. Hut tho waiter dually e.iiuu back with a great load of stuff, two or three kindM ol meat and about thirty dishes tilled with all kind ol ruling. 1 looked it over in Murprisc. Jt wan thy biggest spread I ever saw for a ipjurlcr. F.verylloiig wn cooked grand too but I had not taken three mouthful before I Kot to thinking how plainly Mary and 1 had lived lor ovr thirty year, and in ver 111 that tune liud had Much a meal UN wan now before me, and 1 could not swallow another mouthful. I tried hard to cat, but It would xtlck In my throat and I thoUKht I Mhould choke, I would inv choked, but 1 kept washing Itdowu , with coffo, (they had brought me a full pot of that) and It win the bout coffee 1 ever drunk. When I could cut 110 more, of course I Mtopped, und thu colored feller ankcd mo what I would have for desert. That Mtumpcd me, I wn au old soldier, but I bad never decried, and didn't Intend to now, but, a 1 couldn t ouitocatch-on to hlH nieaniu, I replied 1 don't want anything of yau now, except my change and 1 handed him a dollar, lie looked at me with a surprised Mort ol look and Hiild "there I no change coinui to you Mar" thin In the exact amount. "My Lord, nay I, ha our iMkv nil ver money come to thls.'only worth a milliter." YoU W I tliOUKUt of 1.01110 of your argument hint fall, when 1 you Maid the Milvef Hollar wanoniy worm fllty-threoeeiilM, and I thought It had tell twenty-eight cent more, but the colored man xaid, "Oh thi dollah I m good a it ever wiim, meal In thi car, urn worth a dollah wheiher you pay in papah, dver or gold," Jut think of if, 1 had eaten u inenl that cot one dollar, and my money mo near none, but I consoled myell with tho thought that Dave Mercer would surely get iiat a government position, and get my pen Mion increased, and Uuii 1 thought pro petity wo surely coming. While 1 wa eating, four fat, Hnsby looking men camo in and eat their dinner near 1110 and they talked of nothing but pro'rity and making million. IVy all drank nine, tho kind that mnkMlhe crop pop, und Mpiirkle, ihHmimIcm liko Mprklin cider, They inch had a quart. A I understood it tlnar wiiih wn twodollar and fifty cent a otll and eaeli of their IiicuIm the am a mine, 0118 dollar, tlii mad" the Hhole bill lourden dollar, one man inited on payiiiK a'l and l.andei) the eolored man a ten and a live dollar l-ill, "keep the ehaiiKo" he aid to tie waiter, jut a if tWeen dollar annum led to noihinx to him. Why 1 have mak d hard at liirni labor, lor one whole mouth, to ear': u 11. u h n thi man had n-nt lor lliee four i:: 'iiln. Tin John hi, n, I mum no more u."iuiwd at thi than 1 wn at their conv"iat ion. It appeal that they were all niin owuei und operator, and they taked of 1 1n men who worked for ihem u II tiny Here t.rilte. no of tin in, t he oi.e who paid for the dinner, Maid. "I'-v i-d e have not them ut whetii wn want tin in, they urn in debt at our company toie, o that we can prevent them l living, d they want to, lor w have a Ian to pn vent it, w hav got tin 111 down i' imv nine cent a ton, wo ue our own MTeei,, o that we urn ur of 11 lull ton ol yoi coul, und then we hav a ton t 2'.'lo pound by which they ibjr, and one of ytMio pound by which wo w II. We have a M,VMteii of blai klitiun, mo if a miner nei out of debt at our lore. and waul to leave, lie can get no work at j auv oile r mine in our nwoeiniioa We l,v our output s;j nzWl ! I A out all 11(11111 lilllnl r of tons, I and then shut down, thi not only en iiliUn iim In ke, 11 nn ti e .n e ol coal, I hilt II keep these men idle hllllol tlief tune, and ihey are never out of oiird 1,1. . I ti ll J on t lio only )slelil totfel too. j hihor lor a low price, In to keep their I Moan" ha empty. 'I hern U noiiiat'r like Milliter, to llOlko thenti rUMM'M win k, I Wiv mo will inako miiey by tin! strike, , .r the price of coal will it op, 1 Mini litem devil Mill be slarVid ill I ' MOlkniJ for Mhut they K UlllK. or ; lea ll Me cliooM) to Illlike tliela, I for ) one ma Iu faior ol making Hn-ui woik ,r l than Ally Ki'i" a Ion, and I I'M It ti il ,tnu u N li. lae. Iim know the gruitiry now made against 11 a Is-ean-id Ilia Minrving wivia and ilol lreu, ol 1 !,. miner. J he i,wptij r are inn. Ilig till r.nt howl over ltd, a'nl want lntiu.itloiis, rlc. Now can u' aroiiiol nil Ho. I l"i lrte.1 II end I know II will woik. Wa must slop em. ploiOig inarmd mill, w. nl child i u Hoist t link Mow u In our n-iineg towns, we tnuat iinljr flnplny eiiioaifsd blr, I'oUa Bed I'MM'-s. !) tin el tirgaulxd la -Hi.U id rlgUt-rei h uad mul l lotte wnlliaa lor hm dot bir h mod ih tib, to krp hnuiH, rek and wa--It lr tli pi I, nd bm I ll woisnh ruaid b la oa td oar rvii- any Ma a lh rMt Ikal Mow ihrw noil, r lor Id lumCy, thu n4 wf Ikat the tkl nnw ! by ,H Miaiiwd iiiiMr wcmI'I Iw divi.ii-4 bf iMU t, bu I ha l-na id loo.l and fMhlH, lor m ila Med ll rl.lldra tu .e l-y ai k B.atfM. Milnr woeld U d. W wouid ka h I wuikvit Id a.k fcousw, Ik lr teiH vt Hii,y boUasM, ad Would n HioiW id tkM Ml. kl Mt'ttiW. H;,wbwni MtKniMi itr i4 jg ones. I have Bevcrul Hipiad living with 0110 woman, iu thi niauuer, and it work all riht, and thu women eoeia to like it jiiHt an well a il they had only 0110 husband to look after." Well John Mon, don't you kuow that all tho other threo UKiced tliat.Hii would be a grand Mcheuio, and thu tirat 0110 continued, "I have talked thi over with Mark Jlnniia and ho ay it i jut the chocHc, Now what we want to do I to crowd out the married men, who are not willing to Himd awuy their fumilie and livo in sipiade, and fill their place by men who will, then you en we need not have i:hool to support, in our in 111 1 town, and our pauper tax will bo lee, we will also net rid id the church and Hundiiy school nuisance, ami smipiiiK preacherM and worker will (put tronbiimr 11." My (tod Johnson just, think of this, t'au thi be our Murk llninia, our party sa vior of hist full? Want labor ho cheap that a man with wife and babes, can not work, and live, just think ol it und thi proposition wn made by a man who had just paid fifteen dollar for four dinner and the wine, Filirwi dollar, jut the amount, t hat i got lor my best linrse, und he wa a KO"d one too, that I sold with the rest a low day before at my sale at Harpy Outer, One K'od horse to brinif what the wealthy pay for a dinner. Think of it Johnson, One of the oilier-spoke up und said, "l',v Kcol'KO I hat I just the scheme, I put twenty-live ihniisiiinl dollar into Mark lliinna' cainpai(u fund lust year, and i cu 11 get, ten I iiiirs 1 hat amount buck by thi system, but can we yet tho women,'' "Why ol course," said another, "most all of them would be uluil ol the chalice, What does one ol these wive et now hut her food and cloihe and mighty little of cither, Hhe ha to cook and wash lor husband and children, and they would rather cook und wash for eiKht men, then under thin system these women would have no children and that I what break them down now, It I breeding and nursing younu one," Well Johnson I must: close a 1 havejust. Kot a letter from I hive Mercer and must read it, 1 suppose II, I either about my pension or position or both, Moon alter I had hen id the conversation that I have written you about our tiaiu came to a iiilniiiK town. Wm had to wait there lor neveral hour, because of a wreck up the road, and there I w here I saw the pinched and hungry look of women and children, that 1 mentioned to you in my lust letter, and 1 never can forget the Horrowful woe begone look of the men, llrewd lu rag. Their eye had the haunted pleudiug look ol animal. Yet they were men. and every one of I hem wa ready and willing to work, bu t there wa nothing lor them to do. I will tell you iu my next of u!l these Nad scene. I am anxious to hear from you. I read my N tbraska poet friend what I hud written und he has written the following: I tlilnk, w wenlil all lie ciinli-lileil, If, fri'wl frum nil Irl nls, uml mm, J I tit 11 11 one lie l-riivi', wiin works like lnv. ' Why rlieulil nut (lie wenlllijr lie lniey y IH'II iliey mm- iiri iniuiiii- i iiiciiti, lint leiw i nn one inlU', iirliln troulle Ih-kiiIIu W hi'Mi lilliln-n r crylnii fur linsil, Tli'ire hIi xiiinniler (lie -,,r 1, 1 ntf nf elliers In .ntlsli uml vii Iumc illKiliiy W lie iirolll hy lln. In nut iim my iniulu Iiiwh, in- 1I111 ri'iil h 1 , a r 1 1 1 I ef Oiloy 'I In- eii-ti wlm nn- Imylnu llm vuler Will Hii lit-11 lory In leil If they will Inlli e, uml im II lime Ims il )irl Oer l oinitry will s-xm kii tn li- I . ,loIM W , ilAVSOM, VymrjUiHf Nvt Mo. (VirtenietN ( undy Cathartic, th mol Moiiderf ul medical discovery of th ag, pleasant end refreshing to thu tal, net gently Binl pusiimely on kida-y, liver Hiid bo,-l, I'ipiiiming ths entire Myatem, dispel enlil, 1 in,, ticiolaehe, fver hablt liill eonsiipiiliuii and tiilloiJ-lieM, I'leiSH bay nii'l Uy n box of (', (',(,', today 10, V'., r0 c-Sold and Kuaraiite-d to curs t, ell ib iik'is(N HAY FEVER. Rvryns wlio I subjeet to liuy tmwr (lurlnu .uat uml eplember Imiilil leuln irimliiietit u w. Ili' ri-urirni'K ill till anno) lns( end Ul trussing malady ran tlins r- THE MAIL TREATMENT. "Bend another month' supply. Am Im proving wondorfully." "I'lit iid symptom tilutik." "I am ever so iinn h li-lter." "I mii irrselly ts-iielin-d la every way. "The niemclne gu rlatil to the heart f I tin trouble. " "Many thank for the food you have dons ma." "Am eomplr-lnlr rKiveret. 8-iel m a yiiiptoni blank for a frletel." Th ara eenleitee lekcii ul nm-lan from our ilally mull We iik- t reiilnw poil In all .arla of tlm wv't ilirmuh our mall iltartmeiit. The -irresi-oiel-Niit Mylin I quit a elTeitlva MM III cttlea traatmniiL speciXlties ( atarrh, llaafnea. Hay IVver. llhM Miallsin. Illsoaaas of III" l,uua, l.lvrr ami KMnsy. Al lluptuip, I'llea, OrrH IllMMtava and Alliiisul of Woman. i'oUNUltalloil Irae. CURED PATIENTS. Any tnqnlrwrM wUhlng .-i"iml rrf r. em to BUi'h llelil Insv have Ui on 'J la any western Biale hut h iuU .,if,il wlliiesM. Wllte f"i cuiif nittnl atlnia In Jfour lniiy. POPULAR MED I AL LITERATURE FREE, Ir. Wliaoard'a hr ,IUsaeand t rtr rule vll he "t nt Iraw t any wditrw. loai-t'or nun ,lrs ol lila ImhioW roil' l tlOMl fclai.h .ldr all IMwll ! Oefwra fci.airalla.Ulwl. Ill lll I i-d I i mtm Mlw tMg., IMiiaha, fKLice Killer Sit nO"U'i,g ot . .lilin U od l, sill-l l I ,1 at r -ots. ie-t I..' r, 1 r It in l o.if ), wi,, I llrfiuleaior wet di lh rvl. S Mallow ol Mil I tlfnileli'f adl leak lMt rri l,,Bd Miedtt lion Ikat wl'l ihvlrnv nil kludt i fine bugs, nn k m rweuuitwr, iiN-h, pumpkin, ruhiw, irnuw In, rvh-ry, rle. Asm wawd, K-a-l lor tiiruUr Ikal tll nil Is.ut t, rkad iialw . ......... ,,,, , , V mf I'm in lua II ( ftl Mi l Jim- rtiiKox, iiMt.r ui, b ttiH ait iatttiua 1 , t4 aw tti ! aw . Ik liliiit M il aka itnlts. to ke r' lwa-a. THE NERliASKA INDEPENDENT LANCASTER CO. REPUBLICANS Met in Convention August 12th nd Named Ticket. Tho luncHster county republican con vention wu held iu the Funko opera house at Lincoln August 12. It wa n vry noisy nffalr. Cundiduto were numerous. The convention wa called to order at 1:15 by Chairinaii Ktephen M011, No eonti'M were reported und the list of delegate handed to the chairman were uccepteil. The temporary organ! xalidii wa effected with II. A, lleese for chatriiitiu and I. f. Dure and Joint well for secretaries. The temporary oi'kii'iUntioti hum made pertiianent. Tin call for the con ventnm wa read. Judge Allen W, Field moved t hat a there were no contention for the llrst four ofllces, treasurer, slieriff,elerk and county judge, the pri'sen, incuuibentM.Mi'Nsr. Huliivati, Troiiipcn, Trimblu and Cochran, be re nominated, The motion prevailed. There wiin a Mjilriled eon I est tor the nomliialloii for register ol deeds, (lenrge .1, Wood wu nominated 011 Hie second billot The ticket named wu u billows; nilJMTV TU KICT. V'orcounly treasurer A, l Kullivaii For slu r If...... lohn .1, Trompen I or con n I, v clerk ...A. M. Triinble For register of deeds.,, ...,,,(ieo, J. Wood For county Judge T. Cochran For county commissioner,, (J. W, Weltou For county Miipcrinti ndi ni.W. A. Ilawe For coroner ,.lt, A, Jlolyoke CITV 'I'll hKT. For just h e ol pence,.... H. K. Hpencer Forlusliee of peace W, A, l.cese For Justice of peace,, For constable For const able,,,, For constable,,,, I. J. Itobert ..FriiNt Hunger .A. M. Jtariram Churle Melcher For mii ii 1 tu ry trustee,,. N, A. Ilueoil Lincoln h'rost wa elected chairman of the county central committee, FREE SILVER CAMF MEKT1N0, Oivanbyiha American Mi-rnetell c Un ion At tringneld,Obio( Urp tember 15 to at, Tho Aiuericau I'-l metallic l.'nioii have arranged for a griind'natlonnl free coin age camp meeting to be held atHpring fleld, Ohio, from Heptemla r 15 to Hep. tember both day Inelnsive. Tho theme will be, thu free and unlimited coinage of eilver und gold at the ratio of 10 to 1, iin a monetary policy for the United Htate. AddresseM will be delivered by muny of the ablest ami most distinguished advo. cate of bl-mctullisiii in America, nu ll of high naUoiial and international reputa tion. Among those who will be pres ent and speak are tho following: llr, K, Itenjumln Andrews, of Uron liilverity, rrovideiM!.-? ft. I.; Dr. John Clark Kid oath, the eminent historian und editor of the Anna, of Jioeton, Musm.; Henaior ,1, K, .loin s, ol Arkansas; Henaior Mn r ion liutler, of North Carolina; Kenator Wm, V, Alien, 01 Nebraska; uonoriil a H. Warner, ol Ohio, prcMidcnt American Hi-motalliu I'ihoii; lion. Charlc A. To wiie, ol Minnesota, chairman National uepubllcan Hllver ratty; Hon. (leo. Fri-d William, of MasMechUMotte; Hon. Jos. V.. Klackburii, of Kentucky: Hon, Jo. K, Hibh-y, of rcniisyJvaniii; Hon. ('has. H llartmau, of Alontauu; Hon. Jo. li. ltailey, of 'Jcxas; Hon. .lame Jl. Weaver, of Iowa; Hon. John l.ind, of Minnesota; Hon. I'n-rre Humberi, of MiiNsuchUHcti; Hon. I'raiiklia luimby, ol New Vork Journal; Hon. Waller Ita us dell, mayor of Lynn, Ma.; Hon. ,1 nines II. Teller, of Illinois; Hon. Jo, Hheldon, of Connecticut; Mr, Flixabelh H. Tilling hast, ol Connecticut; Hon. Francis (i, Nfwiauds, of Nevada; (iovcrnor Hubert Taylor, ol Tennessee; Hon. Kenton Mc Millan of Tennessee; i x-(ioveruor Claude Matliew of Indiana; Hon. ('. II. J. 'l ay. lor, ol Washington, I. C; lion, llorato L I hapman, of Ohio; Hon. W in. I Mark, of Neluasku; Hon. J. K. Hover- ign, iresidi nt of tlie Knights ol Labor, Arkansas; lion. Oliver Downing, ol Mesxncliusetts; Hon. Timothy Tarsuey, of Michigan; Hon. John Khulroth, of Colorado; Hon, II. F. Kartine, editor National KimetalliMt, Washington, l. C. Oilnis have ttecn invited and their nanus will be given a soon u their 11 c-t-eptaiice ha been received. The inaiiageineiil has good reason to bi'ln vv tiiat Hon. Wm. J. Kryau will be present, ullhougli In formal accept ance ha not yet l-en rejeived. Senator Henry M. Teiler, John I. June and John T. Morn n it are alio contldently ex- s-cled to attend. The iiieeiiug will be held ill theClnrk county lair grounds, rinnprising 7.' licri s, Willi alilimbilieti id tllulM-r, water and 5'S:f!ttr!t:r t lu attuiduba, ;u well as ample arcoimno, bilious for tea ma. Airaiigeineiits have been hiitde with the railroad eoiupaulea by which round trip in ki ts will Iw hoUI lor a Mingle lure. Two hundred Ihousnnd eoplii ut fx-I-' l.'d to b priwlll. i'or bid 1 arlieuinr ad lnssJ.C. l!ob ert. Hprinulield, i ilun, Their Is 10. teiiMoii on ear Hi why Mill Irltr N il I should lolisult 1'r.slilelit McKllliey belore lllliMilig Up Ilia lull, d Met.s II ig la IL'lioliilu, h prevalent did lint take (he llouble (O co,nl( , p. i p'e U lore he tiWOllntel His Ileal ) l in.'.. ml ,011. Ha Midi iha 1. jr dmnf l l the llawwiniii lob lie roiiuiiiitti-d Hii l ti e .lit 1, 1 lot dnlarvd. Vdatii I oniity J'i u.ot-rat, IlilVe ttm liotind koW Ihv Cut-MH wur lo w 1 .1 11 ui pr. .d ol bile in II... pp l I Ins Un done UeallMi Ihe j,. l-.,n buoiiiihg aroidloiii tv, leg ll.e -ei a and wirw Imnioieu too I bl in of una lit tit ta I to y.ttt f. I Ut aoina ailloM In Ih hall d t! t ut e lo ml ll.e KpaiiMk tioedloil l.n, and ae i-rdiMgiy Ik -i liiiikr rt h mad u I.Mt i utwr awa limn lb islabd or it da Issm to tunl.tiUtd thai rrl aya aol aewt owl trw.11 bi-t m lu How I wha a. athy krt lo d.s dowa. but "(ul wi Id) b K'M ley I lnUuratd aej k Mduaoaw lliibg I Uknll !' I til.,"- .ut.fhr limi, Tla hiriwif gleaa 1 Ua . Illkatiwa, Kelll, rttrtiftlaa ar )iUMr, 111 I v I PATROLS WILL STOP ALL MARCHERS, SHERIFF LOWRY ACTIVE, Tern I'mk lurllu (reel Mnrrher Mini Vluhiied llm IrijiiiU'lliiH- I' re mil Women Alt 1 1 1 . '. to Imliiililuta Men on Ho, ty in Wurh ll'o-iV Olllc'il, r Well enHoliiil. l'riTHliriio, I'n,, Auh'. H. Sheriff Lowrv him ili'cldcil lo piiliol nil of the roud-t lending lo the three iiiIiiuh oftlie Nciv V01U unit Clevclniid (ill Colt! company tnnl pui'soim w ho cinmot (jlvu Mtttiiifuetory nccotiuU of tlieinselvcH will be ordered to Iclivuaad II poll re fllsiil wilt lie nrt'eled, Tliu sherllT will not ult -nipt l' brcfiif up the cuaip of the slrilu'i'4 until tho court Nhnll have neteil on Iim InJiiiwHon eaio, but iiliiioaneed to-da Unit he wa deter mined lo Moi t-lit marching1 and trea (nt'eiiii upon 11, e compariy' property. No mic will be allowed upon the coin pnnyVi properly who tuUn to have a pnvi nliied ly Superintendent IleAr mill. BAt Turtle 1 reels My M-i'ilujrM, with out lender or mimic, marched thl morula;; on the Ouh lllll initio, Thi wa In violation of the roNirululug order temporarily continued by the court yesterday. Keforu they reached the mine, Sheriff Lowry and a posse met them und ordered them bach to unmp, The atrlUer turned back oro ly lisu,ipoluted, but peaceful, While the men were woluif to work thi mot-ntti,;, they bud to pus be tween two row French women headed by Mrs, Jennie HeWltto and Mr, Mti rle liroght. The women onlled at the men on tho way to work and threatened to hit them with stone, although Ihey did riot do o. Thu men hurried past ti ftut 11 they could, When the men had nil passed thu wo men went to lln'11' hornet, Maying' that they would bu out ngttlfi to-marrow monilntf, P'J'lie iiiiiicrs' olllcliiU i'KpreN tlu-m-nelvcs it well siilUlled with the In junction proceeding. "Ai-cordlng to the court," Maid I'rcNldent I'olun, "the iujnuetioii only restritlu u from do Iriff what wa huve not done nnd what wo do not intend to do. The camp will be continued and conducted a UNUiil until further notice. Wo Intve abundant iinsui-iiuco of help and all the report that we ore destitute have no foundation." Dolan mii il ho wan misquoted or mis understood ycNterday when giving hi testimony at thu injunction hearing. "1 diil not Intend to May or coiivtjy the Impression," said bo, "that operator Shield, Klythe and Steytler and other operator bud requested me to order a itrlko. They never told mu to fret HcArmitt' men out on a trilo, but they did ay, and It I tho (reneral opinion among all operator, that I'e Arinllt U responsible for tho deplor able condition of u ll'u I r in the I'itU burg district." -lUy.Kt.Toiv, I'n., Aug, 17. In the Honey brook district to-day no attempt iv 111 made to rename work at thu miiu-H. Tho Mtrlker are confident of nieces, but unless u compromise shall be effected the tie-up will bo lengthy. Tho coal and iron pollen are guarding the mine, but thu fur they have not bad occasion to arrest a single striher. WF.ST VIUU1NIA MTKIKKKS (JA1X. Wur.i't.iNo. W. Vii , Aug. 1. The utriker show material gain in all mvtlotmof Weht Virginia to-divy. Iu the Wheeling district, not a miner 1 working, while upon the Ohio aide of thu river tho last man except those who are to furnish coal for water and electric light plant will be out to night In the Fair 111011 nt district tho strike leader did not succeed in closing the Montana mine entirely, but made de cided giiln. In the Kanawha vullry about 300 men have fcoue to work ineo yester day, but more than that namUr huve 1 rtielf KANSAS STRIKE POSSIBLE. ( i.ntrltJtitlun for alrrn Miner llulug ksi't al lli.iti. Tocrat, Kan, An,? I. A local commit loo of tiiiluii m. 11 ami atrike mpiitbUor be derU, tho pt two waerf Is-ell collect lilt' tbnir, luekl, ba con, cl illi.n huI inoin'v for tlul itrlk-In,- mile r in lite I..11I It we -tlnuU'd tloit throe ear would t nu. 'b-1 to c irry the gssU collected, met arraiieiiieiit wer 11. , ! to l-cfc-in 'o i lin.f I'i'day, but yn l. idny atlern-sMi t,t-oir II. Lvaiis, wlnl 11 W iiientb I of tti eoiiiMiltUe, re ceived llejfrtni f0111 olilevr of the K iiuat bran. '1 of the Mine Worker' 1 i.;,iilVl,n .Uoit- I,;, 11 ix-t ,i .md i'n wvek. w 1' l'i;i ! needed in Kiinii lu vis boit tune No e ( u'ioi i f , i tt.o r"H'el wat ,., .U 1. l i i-'i'l Sm liM ' ' w ea, 4 I A ifrm il knanhUl wtiOMiika I to-If bad Mr e, la thu illy be 1 1 a Mwtliir Ut ni.-tit at t larwwd w ball, "to rwUbrate th dkiltli of tNw ) Kwtf drpo ol l -ltt, t a.v dH alm e'ttte4 y Iha aaarvattt, M,ihal Amrii liutlf ke apeakrra were lunm todbwan, V I'wilauiweiwt, 1', Later, ftieite W. Mowbray, Aieerdo A, Ma e.v M Kelly, Mrawn gwtnlawe at leer wi be rale noWMttowa, who Mie ttwrw Mul iiuiuwe4 (i (i nr fiMiiiTTm imirn ; rUyM nil 1 1 r GENERAL SWAIM DEAD. Iha Itotlra'l Jmlgo Ailvooute ftuooambf to Itrliflit'w Illsnisa In Washington. WAHiiiN(vro.v,Aujf. IS. D. tl. Swaim, ('. S. A., retired judge advocate gen- erttl, died of Krigdit'n diuano hero to day. David tluskill Swiilin wa born In Salem, Columbia county, Ohio, Decem ber "V lrt:il, lie wa educated at, Sa lem academy, Kindled law, and after admission to thu bur In l,fitt hcjrnn practice in Saloni. At the beglnniu of the civil, wur he left a pros perous, practice nnd entered this na tional Mcrvlce, being eomitiluMloned Meeond lientciiant lu HC1 and flt'hi lieutenant uboiit thu clone of that year, In the Sivly-llfth 0I1I0 rotriiaunt,. He was promoted to be cuptiiln and liNsKtuut uil j 11 1 11 n t. general May 10, )HU'.', und fii:.rnged la the bailie of Sblloli, Murf reesboro and I'eri'vvllle, lie wiim here till December, wu iin- distant adjutant general on tin) wliih" of I! o-ii'cniiis and 'I'll' on tin till Kovem- bcr, lHil.'l, and was pre , cut at ('hick- amnii(f:t, where In was wounded, uud at Missionary Uldjie. From January till Oct o be i', IH'II, lie wa on liiUKterliijr duty nt W'llmliitftnii, Del., and utter wurd, till Si-pi luliui', iMDiJ, nwshtunt adjutitnt nnerCkl of the depurtuientof t hu MlsNoui'l, I lu wild breveted inttjnr, lieiilennut colonel uml colonel, and appointed second lieutenant iu the Tlilrty-fourtli Fulled Stated Infantry, July !.', IteiU, wa promoted major uml ludK'o-ttdvoi'iilii December ti, lMi'J, and been me Judiru-advocatu-iroiuiral of tho army with thu rank of brlirndler ifon- era I February IN, 1mH. In iHHi he wai coiirt inarlbiled on vartou cluu-jre and suspended ten year. Ha wa an Int mute friend of President Jamux A. Uarlleld, MISSOURI CROPS, II11I11 llinlly In Meud Ovr the (Ireatsr f'rt of tli SI sis. Coi.tiiuiiiA, Mo,, Aurf. in. Over tho extreme uorlhwcMtern eouultea, and In a few locnlllle lu other section, the rainfall for the week ranged from one to three Inches, but over tho Ifrcater portion of the Htate it wa 1cm than half an inch and in many locull Ilea there wu none, lu those section where ood ruin liavo fallen corn I dolnjr nicely uml it I also making fair progress In many of the counties where thu rainfall of the past week wa lltflit but where good Mbower fell during the week preceding, Over the ((renter portion of tho state, however, It I badly in need of rain thu lute corn especially ami In come district the crop lia uf ferod ffiueli further injury from the drouth, Furly corn la now bcirlnriliiff to burden, Cotton, In the southeastern coun ties, I ilointf nicely in ome place while in other It 1 NUlrerlnfT for rain and In New Madrid county it In hed diiiff badly, l'olatoe will be a (rood crop lu Borne Vountie but In general thu yield will be light. There 1 some complaint that they are roiling. Where (rood rain have fallen plow iii(f for wheat I progressing rapidly, but in most counties the ground 1 dry and bard. 1'asture are (reltlni dry and abort In many place. Apple and peacho bavo been eonslderably in jured in Mouio Mection by the con tinued dry weather. HIS AGED LOVE SCORNED. An OntogKnarlitn MlMiiurl Farmer Rarely lllai,iolntail, liiisar. Cimcaoo, Auie. IM. Jttiiiea A. Speaker octogenarian farmer, from Kuuknur, about twenty rnllea from Kna City, read an advertisement Mtatlntr that a woman descrlbln? herself a young and pretty wu willing to mary some body. Ida, l'autry of CarM,ntervlllo, lib, wa tho person and the old farmer decided that she must become hi bride. He rame to Chicago, registered at tho Hamilton hotel and wrote to M1n Pantry to come on and have the knot tied. He, however, neglected to take more that l.'O with htm and In writing to hi prospective wife he told her be had spent all hi money ami urged her to marry him. The woman answered that a he had no more money khedid not care tocome to hi 111, For several duy he sat about tho ho tel. Later he disappeared and now the police are looking for him. It la feared that be committed suicide in a tit of despondency. lirrr Wall Hlrh Aala, Nr.w YoiiK, Aug. li Kvander Kerry Wall, erstwhile "king of the dude," i once more on the high rood t i pro--rlty. He recently tH:in qulvt deal oil the st'M'li tinirket and a few huu dred luve bona run tin Into thmiund nnd now it U nld that lie p.i.-n I a ifuodly ied fortuao. lint there la iioiiti nf the o, ttipiay In-.ti-id lie ha settled d umi into 4 ttld limine Irkrli' Sw I'ualllua. W oumuC'V Aug i - ( oinptridler Jame II I .UcU wlil sis.n Ink up the dull, 1 of pi. lent of the recently I n nn d t o.on hit trutt roiup4nr, of whloli loxttt'll I' I lower i the a, (leg pivt t . ni. IU bid bad aa otter of Iha pmid. in v of a ihieag-i l aaW aa-Wr ,oni,b 1 jt,on for k .me ln.i. , tut Hn ally ac pte-t Ilia Saw VoianiT.r mKIi a sa'.arjf of II i,11'"' )ar. I'llt-.H I uiI.M .l4l JirH.. t in. l , Autf U Hi rreor l,n V tvphwu ba t. Iha f .llort.ii ,i 1. prtkeet MMtrl at Iha ti al annual ri-.n vtiiiiM, la ulia, lk isu.l-r 1 lu '; J It Mte ul JiTr-n Illy, T VI Hra4 I'Wiy i.l Jr?.rv tllv, J It ltdtejel 1 r Itrr-oitt t il, John , el Jef' fvikoaltly, the W u I'the el Jltr I ly. taptsm W M. st t el V l.uei. I. IV (Maae il H.atUe, W. It Dakar t tt...ail!a, John T. Vti.rnoi k! alle, iWirwm MarMta lake el Ml Mpr iiif, J I. !' wl h-jiUr luufl, Mr i rtaa4 el I MUieotl.a, Colli Comfort. Fussy 1'asHenger Why does your company Insist that passengers must purchase tickets, befdro entering the train? Are they afraid that if we pay money to you, that you will steal it? Conductor (with dignity) Certainly not. They ara afraid tho trai n maj run off tho truck beforo I can get around, . A. Here Tiling. ( Kinkera Till life insurance idea la good enough if a man die young, but suppose 1 should live thirty or forty year longer I'd be terribly out of pocket. Agent No danger of that, air. You'll Moon kill yourself working to, pay the premium. Ilia Ann of Hclrure. , Lady fa few year hence)-Mercy! What I wanted l'ollcenutn It'a ropr rted ot th' sta tion that you've got a cold. Cold i contagion, and the ambulance is hero to rush you around to the Cough Kent house. Step lively now. True l.iiillty. Little Ktliel Nellie Nexdor 1 tak ing painting lesson, and the teacher any she i a perfect genius. Mayn't I take painting lessons, too? Mother Do you think you have any talent for painting? Little Fthel Of course. Our fatnl Ij i just us good as Nellie Nexdoor'e. Wauled a I'liang. Little Dot Oh, I'd give anything If I wu old enough to have a husband. Momma Mercy mo I Why? Little Dot I'm so tired of being petteiL ' Anklnc and Telling, Teaeher Define "obedience. " Little tlirl Obedletico I w'en girls don't go anywhere without asking, and boy don't go anywhere without telling, - Not Much Known. Freshman Where did these thinge come from? KxhibitorTlieae, sir, are Instru ment of torture from tho Inquisition. Freshman I never heard of that college. Oues they haven't any foot ball team. ' Kspaimlva Taste, Father Yea, I admit that your lover hue a irood Income, but he hue very ex pensive tastes, very. Daughter You ama.e me. wnai doe he ever want that la o vory ex- penive? Father Well, you, for one thing. 11 1 A Wft-li Old Keu.a. m: ww? Millie Oatstraw. you needn't be afraid, Mr. Kleecker, that dog boa no teeth. v Charley Kleecker. Oh, I know It! I was just doing this to make hlin mad. No Nodimii Now adajr. Modern I'oet (live mo a rhyme for inllucuzu. Friend What are you writing? Modern l'oet An ode to spring. Vary Vliiaary. Mother How do you like your new teacher? Little Diek I don't like her at alL ; She has such a sour, early strawberry 1 . , 100 a- -. Had Mtaillxd Tastaa. Miss Krlghtlie-Oh. Mr. Searoh, thero'a a young lady here to-night I know you will like, Mr. Search I feel extremely flat tered that you bare made such a close study of my taste. I 'lease describe bar. Mi KrlgVitlin She'a worth a mill, toil. A t'oMMlsalli.Uk llarheM,r, Policeman You say you alwsya re fuse to aelt a man liquor after he ha , bud aa much as Is good for him? I Kai tenderThat my rale. Whea . he tiegln to see double I l-onnce him. j "Aa' a g.asl rule it la Kut how do you know when he ta-gtti to see doable,'" I "When he hands mo & rent for a 10 ( ere I drink and lni.W that be paid me ta- A llaaiaa Ta 'I he only rax en record of a dvroa dat whiow swaltuMitug the ruialns if her das I husbaii. U that of Ar-It-mesi dtinliliig a ! of Mine la mIo, a ib asite e' V.-ede had Wa l rrv I for that iurM The rtUa I-. ti rviuataabte IraasartbM ware l.toiUvr and suier, aad aUii WaabaaJ net tit Muiln ws eta i.f t ai'.a, a4 retgttod. at wat J ' yar t hrUt. Altr Wla dsala kia re 11 1 a rw turasd au I the aha ill f-oaed el a ralatetl (vaaia As fml. A very AasarU-aalaeJ teralaa tit tbU I reai-H la aa Mlewai 't elrwaada if stale Hag take aa-l arraage taie h a Ml iv-1 e 4ul laal a hi seal le labia. It safe taee wtlll aaw4 lriet week mariaiata4H 111 la Malar wllli tfeartW 4 fmt htfa4 raa vt all"