THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. August ?9, 1897 Sf Ntbraokct Jnbeptnbtnl CmulUH THM WEALTH UAICtKS mnd LINCOLN INDEPENDENT, 'fublished every thursdav T TMI Indipsijdaijt Publtehiijg Go, At IUO M Itrwt, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA TELEPHONE 638. $1.00 per Year in Advance, Addreu all omiiiofllrstloni In, and leak H avraiie, won uruer. ve, vmJn,,,w TUB IKOJCfKNlKNT J'UB, CO,, l.l!Of,, ft. BTATK INVENTION I'KOfT.K'B INOH- , I'KMOKNT I'ARTlf. f ,, timiui. Jul f. 1W7. II f order of tb Hint 'antral Commit! of tb JVWpU'l Jlldpadt 'rt Of 111 BlMlM Ut tt breeka; we brl;y eall lt 'ootii of tin lrl,orof ld part to ml in in any 01 1,1 coin 00 Wednesday, lb Are! day of September, IwrT.utf e'oloak p. m. . . . , Th pnrpoe 01 ll reopp inoepeniiesi,miw Contention I lu pine In nomination on sandf del fur pel of tb ujrii court, slid two andidu lir reeent of the tnlrerelty of K brwtk, and to Iraimwt m'h other toiel may properly com before esid aonventlon, 1'iit rpreitin I liaeed on on vote for eery s) role or ninjor fraction thereof esel lor llntirwir Slln A. Ilol'omb at tb IobIIoM of Jswi, which nmkM tb followln iportlounittt by ountlM; nonary, osLketvs, Adarne,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, Kl haulier ,,.,,,,,.,, I lloon,., ,,, ,,,., I' Hord, ,,,,,.... Hnffalo,,., , Ita'OIr ...,.....,,. 0dr.,,, ,,,,,, ID I'berry,,,,. ,,,,,, 7 f'lay ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lk ,'afiiln,.. ,,,,,, l lkot. flWOM,, ,, It Illlon., ,,,,,,,,,,,, II Dongl.,,,,,,,,,,.)?! flllmor. ,,,,, I frontier ,,.,,, 10 Oa ,,,,,,,, 'I Ooeper,, ,.,.,, 7 Orely,,,, Hamilton .,.,,, II) liar, ,,,, I Holt It Howard ,.,,., 13 JobneoM,,,,,, ,,,,,, ill Keith.,,,, I Kimball.,,.,,,,,,,. 1 lncajitr,,,,,. M losaa, ,..,,, I Mediaon,,,, ,,,,,,,, 17 Marrick , II "Hemaba.,,,., ,,,,,, In Oto. .,,,,,,,,, 27 Parkin ,,,,,,, I Plrn, ,,,,.,, I Folk , ,,, IS Kh'bardeos ? Ballae ,,,.. t Mssnder ,,,,, , J esrd.. .,.,,,,,., a Sherman Miantos., t Tbomaa.,, Tharelo,,, ,,,,,,,, 7 Wajraa,. ,,,,,,,. II Wbaalar ,,, ,, ,,,,, f loixTr, tiu.tutritj Anlalopf ,,,,,,.,,,,, I, lllolii". ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, dot llatta, ,,,,,,,,, ( lirowa., i Hart,,,,,, IT I'naa ,.,,..,..,, i! I'baaa ,,,,,,, ,,,, I ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, I: Cualar,,,, ,,,,,, 2? Iia, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, lMl ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, J l,d., ,,,,, 2 Idiinlr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ? r-raukllu VtirnrtM lt Oarflald .,,,,,,..,,-, ! Oraat, ,,,,, ..... i Hall..., .,.... I llarlao, )' HlUliPiick. llnokvr, ,.,,,,...,, Jflroo ,,,,,,,,,,,,, I Karnr...-, ........ 1 L... l,li a raoi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, l,o up,,,,, ,,,,,,,,. Mel'liaraoH,,,,,,.,,. Jlania, Kkolla I'aanaa ,,,,,., V bl pa,, I'latla ,, Kal Willow k,,ik .... ... 1" 'l I 1 1 l It 1 1 I I . I It f It M la Harpr Paotla II 1 11 II Kbarl'laa. ,,.,,.." Wool., ., , Tharar,,,,, Vailr WaablBKtoa,,., W.l,ur, York It If racominaadad that aaa aoanlf alant alUr. aW eorrMpoadlna la aamliar to tliMr llaaU-a ad It la turtbar ra'offlmaadad that tlw dalaaalaa prawat U allowed lo raat Ilia full rota of tlialr aoautlaa asd that ao proilaa lia allowed, i. If, KUMINTKN, (balrmao, B, R, B, WKUBK, Caeratar. Paoplaa Indapcndaot I'artf ranraatar t'ountf Convantlon, Tba rotara of tba I'aoplaa ladpidt part? of ltaraatar foaatr ara brtr aallad to inaat la oaaly cnavantloa, Uw Hull dHaUa, la tbaaltjr of Mnrola, at l o'rlork a. m oa frlday, (ht 7lb dar of Aagual, ImrT, at iba Kla Hum ball, firrtha pnrpitaaof plarlaa; la aomlBatlon aamll. 4ataa lor tba followlaa' coitnif oI7Ihi! Traa rar, aharlff, rouuljr dark aoaatf daa, raalatar of daada, anprlauadflt of acliooia, toant atir favor, eonnlr aonuolaaioaaraBd oronr;ad to aalmt 11 dlala to tba alata convention of tba I'voplaa Independent party to lie beld at l.ln aoln, tteplamlwr I, lV7, and to aelart a eonnty aaatral aommlttae for tba I'eoplea Independent party, and to tranaat en-h other Imelneee aa way profierly rome helora the ennrenilon. The baala of repreaertatlon for Iba eoneentlon III be ope deleeale at Inrwe Irom em h ward and preclnrt, and on deleaaia lor each IIIImb vote or aiaor IraHloa iberanf raat for lha II oa, HllaeM. Iloleonibat tbelaet aeneral elect Ion, lieleealea Irom l.laroln will meet la ronrentloa ImmiHliately altr lb adoiirniiient of tb conn ty eoureniloa tor th purpoa of planliiK la n.iml aatloa Hire nil' of the pei, thre rnmll dalMl for eonetalilee, and one randlunta lor aeeeaor from aa-b ward. It la rmim BifBded that tb ward or preelnet roinmllle Hiea rail their eanrne or prlmarle lor tb aelea tloa of deleaaiea na Nalunlay th 2let, or oa Monday the sad day of Annt. I7, Tbevarloae aanl and preciarie will tie en titled lo repreeenlatlua la tb eonvanlloa aa fol low: firat Ward I IWonil Ward,,.,,.,,: Third Ward 7 Konrlh Ward I riltb Ward M Hliih Ward U fteeeath ard,,.., . . Kuile I (Valervlll. t Ixutoa f Kik a llraat i llarflaid a tlle-hiaad 7 I ,aerlHr. ., l,ltllMIU Middle Mill SiiihIi . North Hlufl dak fill llranrb ... I'anaina... IliM-k t reek Maltlllo... , Hoaib l' ..... Htorene t reek,,. , HI nek I on Wawly Wat link Weet Lliirola.,.. Yankee INI ... ,'.'..' II J'. Y. W, It W HI HT. Herrelary . ratronlwoor ivrtlar. Kvwrlaalliigly aWi'Miitf to it law hit t pay a. Htay with Nbraaka, Nbrak ami bar aialar atitti ant tha granary from a hit h all tha world muat draw auppllf. ('tMiwration if ipl h llit alk ia tha cuinmon aouaa way ol tlr-atlug Itb aavh iithar, la uniua Ihvr la atrangth. & , ....1 ..... W hy la It that auitia id Ida rrpubiUtan pNr ara advocating goitramaMt aa lagabaukaT It !.,. thay atw fiafc. lug, UroVef t ltflitu l WnarlM ted prwilil. Ht ual lu tin to tk th blama of tattly flf enr rl U'loa eHtaUlUi! fl tha ahoahlera id tha r tttltttt parly, t. httr tO J. W, J lib !, t tea Mal oa aaT, It nUi ne taUmUng talirtuaiia a boat h ma-H-lUmtd tha vital ulai ol tit I Uf d rUIa, Thr at tw4l iMabl wii. taualralloaa to . touad la tha t.tiuina aalitM "Voh-a ot tha Vola" ta aga 9, l atll pay o to rait them, Thra Uaa tuflUal attwta n dlmct batata. tliMi t paga ft. r.iaaoaa tka laaida Tb republH;an don't -em to be all to tll tli difft rnifie butwwn t! band of rrovldenea eiidiii a bountiful crop of wbeat and corn and tlie jiromiw) of Jkfc- Kinfcjr to brin(f proKjwritjr. K. Itoartwuli r, editor of tb Omaha I5e, in atill th biKt man In tba rtf wibllMio party In Kubrnnko. Home r. publicimadlaliketo admit It, but It in ft fact jUMt tli nariio. f Tli wbnat rrop Jn fori'liyw wmntrif, ja biindrwJa ol inliiiona mior mm jvnr, iu h fin-t la rwpoimiblnfortlia Itmrimawl pruviiiTA Tn wittiT"wlia t. Uut tli gold bug prt-aa liTimylng, "w did iL"zZi., Kever, alica tb civil nnr, bava tli people bad wo mniiy arfifc in advo cating thlr catoiB, bom-afc, brainy uii'iiof all inrlli woiii to navo alli UimiindIvm with tbafrlfiida of ailvwr. and tliCttmjal(ti of i'dunatlon ftrowa mora bwaled tvtiry any. Do vou think tlia land monopoly TZZZiun ia wltbout Imnortttiiwi? Tlia liOIW'l ...utuiiiuu ill 1 cun lit !uri!Mr III ..I- rfioTod ritatca la Kri'a(r tliail tlia pr (Tiiiaun of moHt Kuropi'im count rlwt, aiTd that lulaiilta of tli fu:t tliatwe fiuva mo much cheap land, SL Why la It tba gold bug pra ia no loo- itiir caliliiir tint populiafa "cat tin," "lioga In tlmMirlor." "haywwda." "fool farm r," "fiiudallla of aocltdy," "clodliop t.r." "uiiarchlata." and a lot of otlwr ,.r rinmoa? Wa aliUll M'Klfl 10 IHI ....... allghtnd prntty aoon, At B timaa mmitiiig cullod to liiHit In thaataU bouw. lha following commit taoon arraiigi'iiitmta for tba atatacon vcbtion waa niipolnttfd, TblacommiUaa will bttvetntira chorga of lbaprpara tionaforthw convantlon. It conalafaof Joiilon Maret. W. U. J'rl, J. Y. M. 8wi- gurt, W. Kdwnrda, W. V. I'orlur, J, C.Dublman, 3, I. Ttra, T. 8. Allan, Quo, W. Ulukf. JKupi-rintHidHit II, H, J. ttVbrr baa an courugid thapupilalo tha girla Imliia trial at bool at Gi iit-va to bgln tba pub ligation of monthly pupt-r. Tbla ia a alp lo tba right dlrtctloii. It will tnch tlnitn tnttrpriaa, and will be an lnctnif Iva to moritorloiie work that they may re ceira compliminlary notha In tba Hcmluary Journal. When you go Into a gromy a tore and purchiiaeadollara worth of eugar you Audit caalnr to carry home with you than It waa a abort tuna ago. Don't ftccune the grovoryman of giving you "light weight," Juet remember that tha time baa coma for you to moke your contribution to tba McKlnley campaign fund. Tha National OovemitiHDt owna and operate the tulephona ayetein in the city of Waabingtoii, D. C, It baa pro ven n urand aucceeH. Tha at:tuul coat ol each telephone per year haabwn $10.35, Teli'phonea In Lincoln coat f IH.00 Hir vear. and In Omaha $00.00 per year. The Nfbraeka Telephone Compuny, a corporutiuti authoriwid and incorporat ed under the lawe aud with the iriiiie alou of tba great atate of Nebroaka, oMTiiti-H tha telephoiuia in Lincoln uud Omaha, nut the muiileipalitiee them- aiil vea. The big conventiona will be held in Llueoln Wedneeday, HpU"iiilor 1. Do nut fail to attend. One fure lor the round trip on all ruilronda. Three thou auml deh'gatea and their frieiida will be in tha city. Tba obhtat epwikere lu tha 1' 111 ted HtaU-a will be in atteud unee. Iloiiry M. Teller, t'harlea A. Towne, .1. It. Weaver, Jerry Hliiipaon, Win. V. Allen aud Win. J. Dryuu und uiuny olhera are on tha Hat. Theeier ciaea will In-kiu Tuerelay evening and ooutiuua Wedneeday uud Tbureduy even liitf. All who can do ao ahould alU'lid. Mut'h credit la due to I huirinitu J. II. Ldlliiateli lor hie tirvleaa uud eraiateiit ellorta to Uiuke tba coining atata euu Veution tha greuteat III tha biatory of tha atata. Mr, Ldmiaien la tha right kiud td a inau to ba chairman ol the atate tHiiiiiiiittea. lie Ima I will lha moat auiHaelul i hulruiitu tha party aver had, and baa dune mora to complete lie or- ganliatiuu. Ha baa thoroughly ae tjuaialed biinaelf with tha pulituwl eon aniona tu all jmrta ol the atata aud haa availed bimaell ul every opprlunity to aliengtheu and eompUle the orgaitUa tin n td tha party, A ivatilulloii eiprwa lug the thania and appnxit)ta ol lha parly tu Mr, IMiniatfa would I luor iter at the nnivmttou. tHiiabikbaaaaaathieltif m.Iu. The tra a ba ta a bum au I aaaotiatea lib thiiua and gautblvra, lh Wwrld , rl I eaia b l uptight au I pioste, aud )uat tha 'it td inau Outaha h4 for the.! td hiIu lha t'llKel., Ilk h i,).(.4(ra, ar aoltteabat divided a hi ,ualilUalHa. Th hiir.itf will aithhuhl IU opiaMH ol Mr. tUU. uheruatdb baa lk IihhI, There I phaty td r'lil Iff tliploVetteut la th M.,.a) admlalatraiUia In Hntahaj, W blu thai Mr. tiiiahr will mti himaWI td lb tpHirtuaity thai prt Metl of b' to to elf a a up a ad punly th city and inak ltr blutaait euHahl tepataliou. I'KIK or WHKAT AMIHILVKK, The goldbug preeu la exultant over the fact that ailver la declining in price while wheat ia riding In price, liy tlila they at tempt to carry the idea that free coin age of ailver would not iiecewmrlly reault In ony higher prlisea for produce than would be paid under the gold etandard It la a fuct that eilver hint declined in price and wheat lute rieeii, What are the real caueea. It la nupply and demand that govern the price ol every product If the eupply ia great and the demn,i(J limited the price will be low, If the dr maud htatrong and the eupply limited the price will be high, J'iret wltb regard to ailver. It la not eiirprmlng that it ehould decline, The peeent ii'J 111 1 11 lei ra tion la lioellla to IU nee, Ouo of the principal demnndd for ailver, Ha uaa by the government for money, hint been dea troyed. The "demand la limited (lea aened) the price will be low," It la not proper however to chnrge all of the apparent decline In the price of ailver to the lock of demand for ailver, A part of it fa due to the liicrcueing demand anil coneetpieiit appreciation In the price of gold, The demund that formerly exlet ed for eiiver baa now been added to the demand for gold and will enhance the price of gold by that amount, ' Hecond, with regard to wheat, the op poait In true, InaUiad of the "demand being limited (Iceietiicd) and the price be nig low," owing to abort crope lu Europe, Houth America, Auetralia aud India, the "demand la alrong, the eup ply limited, and the price will be high," Aa wheat advancea In price other pro duct that can be uaed aa a aiibefltnle for wheat will advanceaomewliat, though not to the euifie extent, CONTAIN I'Ol'LXla-r KlUTOKMI,, Many of our republican exchangee are filled with popullat editorial', The re piibllcane buveeocn the wonderful ad vanmiment lu popular favor made by the democratic party wince it atole one of the cardinal principle of the popullat party contained lu the Omaha platform aud Incorporated It In Ihe democratic plat form, and have decided to follow it principle, The republican paper are continually advocating governmental! inga bank and almot alwaya forget to credit their urticlee to the Omaha plat form, I'oetal eaviuga bank are one of the greatest need of the people. They would be valuable, no matter by what party they were ealabliabad. A populiat aeuator, Marion Iiutlcr,!yie Introduced a very compreheualve bill providing for their eatubliabinent and if the republican party la aiiicere in ita ad vocacy of poatal aaving bank, and will eupport tbla bill, the peopl alll aoon get relief. It will come up for conaidera tion at the next eeeeloD of congrea. We are willing that the law ehould be panned by a republican congrea ia order that the people may get a partial relief from the banking monopoly at once. How ever, a water tan tee better from a clean cup than from a dirty one, we believe that legislation eccured from a pure part I better than legilntion eccured from a corrupt party. We do not think that our republican exchange 'exprewaee the opinion of the majority ol the repub lican mirty when it any: "The idea of fNtubllnlilug pontal aav ing bank in thia country ia meeting with general favor. The people general ly lavor It, They k now that money no depimitud will beealeand ut their com mand. They know that money an die portited will not be at the merry of aoni Rpeculutive bank nfliciul, nor will it be endangered liy the iieulignuce ul noma over coiilldent and carele board of director. Thenw are item o no little III oinelit to depoaitor. The rute of In tereat paid ia not coiiaidered alien nafety ftlmolutB ami pirfeel, 1 in the lutlatica ngainat it. In fountrlfN having pontal aviug bunk thrift ia eiieouriignd, and Mron not before in the halill of (tut ting by what they can, Ikh-oih regular depoaitor. The reault I they become eapitaliala, aiiiiill cupitallMt to lm aura, Imt eupitnlial iiavertheleaa, with anoiiah to tide tlieiu over a abort icriod of dl. treM or a time ul uniieuttl dinuiid. To have juat ao iniiili where It iimy ,lm had 011 call la to add to the pein ol luiud ol th depoaitor and hi da Mudeut (itinllv they will nut auffer dur ing a petlod of irhiira, uor et during a riod ol enloreed hlleiiiHui. 'Hi, ra la 110 privat auvliig bank that euu give audi alwotut guarnaty of aecurfy a run th government. Th noveriiinent Iwlug th ru uiutur td all It money and lb vrvator td itti, euu hold it dMMi tor aal (rum !, ahil lb ptltat lu etitutiou ruu da no tiui tha to guar ante tu theftteut ol it ability, I'uder thraja aoadilioii It ripjlr ao arau itieut to vouviuea deMMiiur thai there ruu 1 ao aabr eavina bnuk dexiiitry thau aovernuitat tr poaiul auvieg bauk. lb) again, aiuay ilrHiaie. Kith th govvtumeul U a Iuhu I" lb iteruuiut, Auh It ail) lake lu tun lrtui th budboMi lKir Um U and pluca to lhf radii ol lb tpt th debt th a'retllfUt HOW - lit tl ulthy tew, ll ill Ibu bnug th pi la rter D'b au4 aid tui pairUtlMtu, tenauaettery tl oiior will )! thai b to Mm ailaut, I a Ut ter ia maiutaluiHg thvrdi td tb gnvefu Boat," Aaothrr ulu. I wtiadef II M KlaUy a , 1a gold bag rtMi h t tb aatbt.r id ihtag gti4 that VHiuia aluag. MCKINLEY ON THE STl'MF, It ba been announced, informally that lWnleot McKinley will aturop the atate of Ohio In the iritereat of Mark llnnna'e re-election to the United Htat Henate, Tbla can hardly be true, Pro, Idunt McKinley ha alway been con aidered a a man of pergonal and official dignity. He will hardly debaae aud dl' honor h!mclf and the high poitiou o Preeident of the United Htate by engug, Ing In a local conttit In one of the tateN in the Union over which he preelde. No matter how ardent a friend and aupportcr of Mark llanua he may be, no matter bow great hi obllgutlotiM to hi cam palgn manager may bo, all combined will not jiiNtlfy him lu debauching am! proMtilutlng to political purpose the high office with which the Afiirlcun peo ple have entrueted hint. The chief ruler of no other country in the world woul be guilty of ao humiliating an act It i well known that the prcNldcut hue wit hheld nearly alt of Ohio' patronage to nee In keeping the politician in line for Mark llanua, Thleof llnelf I uu warranMid Interference in local affair by federal authority and dccrvo!riticlifi, We underetuud that thepreeldeiit I am ion about the political ait uaf Ion in hi own ttle, that he I fearful lent it be found untrue to the republican party, but he ehould not allow hie anxiety to overbalance hi judgment, lie ehould remember that he I l'realdent of the United Htate and ahould conduct him eclf lu audi a manner that he will de- nerve and command the reepect of every citizen of the nation regard le of the po litical party to which he bclougN. He I prcNidcnt for all the people and not for the republican party alone, He ahould aland alool from local, parlian and po II Ileal content, whether III Ohio or lu any other atate in the Union, An evening paier of thl city ha glv eu the true reueon for the dlecharge of Prof, Wolfe from the department of phlloNophy lu our Ktale Univereity, In the abNcuce of nnyiiiing more authentic from the author) lie, w rnut be content wlLb thl column of editorial aiiimndvcmloii. Friend of the unlver- lty bad 'hoped that ome on having knowledge would correct or auppbt liieut tlie atalemeute of the editor, but no further word ba yet been beard. lt mcciiin that the chief reaon for the di;hargi that th profeitaor ha a father, who wa o unlucky a to be elected t'oiriuilnnioiier of Public Land and I'-uilding on the (union ticket laat full. What better reaon could a repub lican board of regent dealt fur firing the profeaaor? Put the editor tiude other reaaoiia for tbeectionof hlafriend. He proceed to ignite the very paper up on which waa written the letter of Prof. Wolfe a published lu Til iNDKl'ENbBNT of recent laeue. Obaerv tb flame. "Hi whole article, a publiahed, I an attack on Chancellor Maclean, lb latter I a loyal republican. Prof, Wolfe I a pop. Hi father In th pop land cone fniioner of the atate of Nebraska. The pope are the moat expensive, uiibulno like, bigoted, unprogressive, radical vie lonary, impractical, iuckadulsical und neiitl mental coterie lu the I'ultcd Htute, hanudlor Muclau know this. The whole world know It. Why should be feel kindly toward a member of tha Ilryancrutic purty7 1 1 1 i uot do ao und at the auuie t ime be a patriotic American citiwm." "Ho lar m the charge uKuiut l'rof, Wolfe are con cerned, it i enough to uy that they were enough to force hi disiuissul from the university. He has imbiUd false leu of political enonoiiiy. Hi I n lic ence on the youg mind does uot work fur it betterment. Ilei socialistic in hi idea, uud a visionary dreamer. Hi Idea ou tliiunce are false, find he Incul cate wrong Impression among hi audi tor whenever heeeeuya to Instruct tlieiu. Ilia system of plul taophy overatepa the line required by th student whom be would inatruet, II i uot a aouud aud reliable Inatructor of th young. Now thM fnrl were lltit Co III III U II lea td to Prof. Wolle by the bourd of regmt. They ahould have Wu, however, und they alone ara to blumw lor not having pokeu fraely to him lu thia coiiihh tlou. II la not in hue alllt progrlv thought or aciiou. II criea out ugumal the "eriin ol 7:t," aud lorgvl all about tba gieid b might do ia 1'J7," Moat readera atll reeoguit at leuat una lulaeboiHl lu tba aluiv aaortuiul. All uawrliou tbernu are r.p4lly dia laut Irom tb truth. Tby Ibu lorm a aorl ol lr I aa II ware. IV 1 hap II luay may t ouly a utH-ao, Itaill be a d day lor Sabraaka and br at hied Ua j Mipulia I uot ulhiavd lu leach la lb Hint I'ulwraity t-Mau ba utaHpuluii. pn., WMila'awiuk U btlr kuowa lu bltudehtaud ttilitptit all 01 tb ailvd Btatr Ibaa V tb editor td th null," Tbei I au old adag b!h mi. "lu u III aiad thai h.Ih good." and Nebtaeka) Uruier at lb tal lu in ia a ptwiUou In appiUt tb truth td tb adag. Hot aud 4i.wtu ludaaud tb utoal uultitotabbt toudi- bav bri.uubt a ttvp boNr la l uti'i. Asia, (toutb Auiu aud Au lraliaa a tull id lb lutlur la ladia itl..u Bior tb la tMille td pt havtarvl to death, lb Uilurw la t rat la ao fiiBtplet Ibal ke baa beta hli ia ! l:glaud tro Ik thauMl a I raa. a hut M aulauttby that it baa been chronicled in all the European paper. The AsMociuted Proa dispatches euy that Austria Hungary, a country that generally ha million of bushel of wheat for export, will not have a eulflcl ent amount for borne coiimwiptloii. The crop In Iliissla le very abort. There will be almost none for export from the Month American countries, The abort oge In Australia I mo great that it I necessary for them to buy wheat from the United Htate, On Monday of thl week Mr, II, Hardy an old resident of Nebraska wue in thl ofllce. He had Just returned from Han Francisco where he tin resided for several year, lie said that the people in Han Francisco could readily understand why wheat waagolng up, He said "just a few day before starting for Nebraska 1 stood on the wharves in Han Francisco and saw the exporter loading enormous ateumbouta with wheat billed for Australia." He added that the people of Hun Francisco know that a a rule American wheat I not shipped to Australia. They know also that the enormous lncreue In the demand for wheat would naturally Ira crease the price, lu the same way it will to a limited extent Increase the price of any product that can in any way be used a a substitute fur wheat, The price of rye, out and com from which rye flour, out meal mid corn meal can be made, will to a certain extent follow the price of wheat in it upward movement, urn jNeuniMku iurm"r prosper u a result of the 111 wind that have brought disaster arid ruin to their fellow being in other countries. They should be thankful to .Providence that the failure I In India instead of Nebraska, A fall urer in Nebraska would increase tha price of cereal product, but Nebraskuu would not then appreciate the rise in price a they do now, The present Land Commissioner, Hon. J. V. Wolfe baa a large family, nine or ten children. They are all well educated, most of them graduate of the Univcntity of Nebraska, com)iotout and qualified to fill any and every position in the Land Commissioner' office It can be said to the credit of Mr, Wolfe, that while he could fill hi entire ofllce with member of hi own family, be tin not done no, He I j not given a position to any mem. ber of hi own family or to any of hi relative, In the past, republican atate officer who have hail member of their own famllie capable to fill position in their o'ilce have almost uuiversully ap pointed them. There I no nepotism In the Laud Commissioner' of)!ce,nnd there i le of t In the Htate House than ever before. Wk are in receipt of the (irt number of "The Ladle Journal" published by the pupil at the girl industrial school Geneva. It I eight niche by ten, no eight page and a cover,' Typographi cally it le a beauty. It it edited by Nora Kent and L'dua Patten, two of tha pupil In the school, and I devoted entirely to the Interests of the seminary. The edi tor apparently understand the bus! lie. The following pnrngruph taken from their editorial poge ba the right ring. They say: "The subscript ion price is $2.00 it year, term strictly cum 11 in mjvniico. W bile we are very lond of hen lis, cab- nige aud other delicacies, und will ob ject to 110 don ul Ion lu that line yet when it come lo pnying a Nubscriptioii, hat must bo cash." 'Mud" Liudsey, the notorious negro politician, saloon keeper, gumiiier and everything else that, is misty, still con trols the republican party in Lancaster ouuty. Tin wu clearly proven at the county convention the otherday. "Hud" nominated th chairman of the conven tion aud th elate Hint he had fixed up went through without a scratch. -" Calamity make populiata and pro. rlty make republienne. Omaha ltw. Populiat make prosHrily by their usiua like administration ol the atatu'a affair, TbaroforH, to rnuk more prosperity to tuuke mor republican a very lurg iiumlsir id rwpuhlicun will vol th Mipuliat ticket thia lull, It la tha only wuy thay euu aav their purtv, II th McKiuloy ailniiulatrallou ran ouly prevent aa tarty froal, it wlllwr laluly have euvwhh'd lu restoring proa lrity lo Nebraska. II lha prwaidcat will ouly .ive 11a warm night and plenty id auuahin lu th daytiin w'll have good tune lu Nebraska. Many td lb tanner bo Ml Ntrka on wct'oua! td drought thr) yar ago would do well tu rum hack and vleil their mot determined aiMor who bav endured tb prltatu'u ol Uilur aa l i"V ih tbciit a bal id Ul lituu Vl.raekw'e priHlm IM soil, AprMi id tb lroaa I aivetaiiy IwMi, il mar uieMloaed thai laealt. lour t'Ut ol It lhltt e-U lfhr fcaviHd a ptirl BMU Uet Dr. ,! ilt' iiU", wbb a aul be pfvavul. ev to tb bitrd m vuralota at their ui,wtiku ta N 1 tuiUr Ho uiu b (iur 1 i th i..mm4 vmUhlitd la III bwu Uieat, Ibal It ia Hut raard a a guarantee br diiwl, au I uwrU IlitU tb ht thai b WbuWawt rbaeuM wnuld iav lul Ikirlea-a la lb Uruiiv, la lb toeaaliat kaa aw lraar uigi thai I'rwat.leal U. grvw U Kftifml a ahetr lu lbauivr4iy ul thai alata, "Money I that which pnese freely from band to hand throughout the commun ity in final discharge of debt and full payment for commodities; bemg accept ed equally wltbout reference to the char actr or credit ol the jstsoii who offer it and without the intention o! the person who receive it to consume it or enjoy It or apply it to any other use than in turn to tender it to other in discharge debt or payment lor commodities. A careful reading of thi definition will disclose the fuct that a number of thing which many believe to be money and whicn In a measure js'rform the work of money, are not uch In reality. Nothing but a full legal tinder for a I due and demand, both public and private, full meet all the requirement of Walker definition, . . "Final discharge of debts" doe not mean a compromise between debtor and creditor, whereby the latter agree to take some commodity or ot her thing of value lu cancellation of the debt. It I uot a question of what the creditor may afterward agree to do or passively allow to be done, but wholly one of what the debtor can do, against the will o bi creditor, In "final discharge of his debt,", Considerable misunderstanding exist as to what "legal tender" means; many suppose that an offer of lawful monev will discharge a debt whether the credi tor accept It or not; but thl Is not the case; such an offer will not prevent or de feat a suit at law lor the amount of the debt, but all cost must be paid by the plaintiff creditor which may bo incurred after the defendant debtor ony Into court, In legal tender money, the amount of his debt, The plaintiff, afttir such ten der is made, (,tnd It must, be kept "good" that Is, In the court's bonds) can then, go on and tuke judgment, of conrse, paying all costs; but be cannot have an execution levied ugaliist the debtor' property so long as the tender Is kept up. The reason for thl is that property eciised ou execution mustbesold for legal lender money and the money turned over to the plaintiff. He can in no event get the property without such execution sale, und should be perchance be the buyer thereat he stands In no better light thnn any other buyer-it lathe legal tender money that makes the "final discharge of debt," (lolil coin iiro the onlv money under our present laws that fully meet all the requirement of th Walker definition, not because of their "intrinsic value," for the rson who receive them doe not Intend to consume, enjoy or apply them to any other use than In turn to tender thorn In discbarge of debt or pay ment fur commodities; but becuuse coined gold I the only money which i unqualifiedly a legal tender, nuver aoi- lur are a legal tender "except when otherwise stipulated in the contract;" thus allowing private person by agree ment Irequently entered Into by debt or who are unuble to avoid It to flo mouetlM ailver money so far a that particular contract I concerned. United HUtes notes, commonly called "greenbacks," are a full legal tender ex cept In payment of Import duties and In terest on the public debt, thus crippling them lu "final discharge" of certain debts, ' - National bank note are "receivable at par in all parte of th United Btate ia payment of all taxes and excise and all other dues to the Unlud Htatea except except duties on Imports, andaloall salaries und other debt and demands owing by the United Htate to Individ ual, corporation and association within the United Htate, except Interest, on public debt." Uut they are not a legal tender as between individuals. Treasury notes issued under the act of July 14, 1800, commonly called "Kher inuu notes," are emasculated precisely like the silver dollar. Oold and silver certificates are mere warehouse certificates of so much gold or silver coiu and tire not a legal tender. Hence, the contention of our gobflte friend that gold is "sound money" is good, but they very discreotly keep in the background the cause for its sound ness it full legal tender quality. Aud the only reason t he other kind of cur rency are not the best money is because they hick in some particular this quality. They pass freely "Irom hand to hund throughout the community;" they are iicceptoii "without refereuco to the char acter or credit" of the person who offers them; they ore accepted without the In tention of the person who receives thrill to consume, enjoy or apply thein to any other tie than inturntotepdor to others in discharge of debt or full payment for commodities; yet they are not "sound money" lci'iiiie there nra certain spe cific debts which cannot bo discharged bv them without concession on the part of the creditor. Hut this legal Under pros-rty U not Ood-Kiveu; it is nut inherent or intrinsic; It is simply a man made decreo, aud men (some very scheming, avaricious ones too) are responsible lor the defect pointed out. These delects can be rein edied becuua they nre caused by man. Heine, our shibboleth that all money, whether gold, silver or paMr, 1st made a lull legal tender lor nil debts. Ciuiii.ks l J. I Fiu.m K. Lincoln, Neb., August 1 1, lN',17. For some unknown rvusou J. V. Wolfe rommlaloiir of public hinds and buihl inga, atili retain iu bia uttkw una td the iiitiat titfeuaiv republican partisan tbut the slut vr produced, Tbla mau la rVhlugU, uud ia on ol I ho rvpublirane who brand verythiug deans rs 1 in dam nable. With him, at leut before ! Hon, ib'titiM-rate war n ls-la, traitor, ale, II rvbrrd to Mr, liryau a au aaarthiat and charged that b awe carrying uu rampHigs ot diahouxaty and rvpudialHia, It 1 anything hut rail! ting to democrat who voted lor Mr, VI oil uud put up their money tu rarrv oa a ramp gu wbli h el.rte.l hint, to r ItM-ti ),Ve K hlHl retitilted IU h- eiiuihl aud ruiuuiuliv wilioua. A luioet allies) Iba alula Im Olgait-lee-l tki uiau ! hbtgla kaa xt lu h ewipltiy ul tb aUlw. 1, us (, h rrU. g taut ba pUh.l. r. the lrur In tseulv tear nd ba Ua wotliug aud pulling up pwt fl hi stUr u k.ri tu mih gang lu, lloa raa Mr. Wo!h rtiadurt to uibe In a all.'ai .,ry aiauair with amh uia I 'ably tatuad ileunarala. i.' .ili.i ,t,,r rv u ioi. for Mr, nil U-t )r, I 11 peit,i lbi id all thai uumUr uu ou raa Is uud wko ka UKUsb In uk tba pUeeul thi a,wilwi id th ttl.l Slat how rMf rg? i.ii,t.v hi ail, deltea lb t'wrtusi tb ptueisl aiHt la n'tkw, aud br hi aott ba bll U kauaa wha Iba Hsu amuiKaiiug ataU atbma arriv,-1 el' t tty .