The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 19, 1897, Image 1

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    ,Z, ""r"r unnus'i -' rr nil" Hi . . ,im-i'iMiwr :yft,--iH'1rirflr ' -i- ii. iii . ii'nfi n -ilium -ij nrirmrrV- 'i rii-ifirniiii,THl'l--'-rt- '"---Tiifwiii- iiw- r"r ii-tSi'-ih Y" t--n i": n - mn ;Y V: ;Vi X ' - : - ,-.:Mr&!..JJL '-1
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
Superintendent J. A. Ollleiple
'Found to be $1,930.71
Will Recommend Uniform System
for Dirbaraing State
, ' Fundi.
I, rr
(JllUapl Will Mot Talk,
The legislative Investigating commit
te bo completed the Investigation of
' the iuMtitution (or tbe deaf and dumb at
t Omaha. Their findings show a defalca
tion of 11,930.71. The booka of the
itiMtftutlon have been kept iu a very
crude and unsatisfactory manner and
many account were not verified. Tha
committal Instructed ita accountant
that whore account could not be veri
fied and In all case where there wm
doubt existing that could not be re
moved, that the superintendent or olfl
cerofthe institution should have the
benefit of the doubt. The booka show
that In addition to the shortage stated
above that the superintendent ha dis
bursed the cash fund arising from the
Industrial departments to pay deliclena
clcs in salariisahd In other wave not
authorized by law. No authority ap
pears of record showing that the board
of n til In laud and building ha ever
authorized th us of the fund lu the
manner in which they have been. The
fund and money disbursed through
vouchers of the regular form ahow lit tle
Insularity and the shortage, occur n
in other iutitutiou In . the industrial
and cuh fund.
The committee will recommend in it
flnal report that all money derived from
Whatever Mourceahall be placed to the
eredit of the Institution and drawn on
properly signed voucher a other state
tiionle, ami will recommend a uniform
system to be followed by all state Jnwtl
tutioti. Huperlntenden Gillespie was In Lin
coln but refused to talk or make uuy
statement In hi own defense. The gov
ernor ha called a meet inn of the board
of trustees of the institution to emiwider
the advisability of removing the super
lufndent and naming a successor. The
governor went to Omaha to attend the
meeting Wednesday.
Rtpll to a Teltgram Bent Him by tba
New York Herald.
," 1 Kx-Oovernor Altgeld of Illinoi wa
aitting in hi ofllne in the L'uity building
Id Chicago when the following telegram
Win handed to him:
?'"Nbw Yoiik, Aug. 13, 1807.-The
Hon. John 1'. Altgeld, Chicago. Will
you pleue oblige the Uerald by writing
u at our expense your view on the
effect of the high price of wheat and the
low prices of silver on doctrine of the
democratic iiurty of the last campaign
. and on the future of the party?
"New Youk Hkiui.d."
May WhMt II00111 la Only Temporary,
' Mr. Altgeld Immediately wrote thi
"Ciiicaoo, III.. Ang. 13, 1807. Editor
the New York Herald Kir: 1. Ann wir
ing your telegram, I will ay the Amer
ican people kuow that, while the wheat
crop I phenomenally large In our coun
try. It i a failure 111 the South America
and European countries, no that there
must come a kind of wheat famine, and
that consequently the farmer should get
over 1 1.60 lor hi wheat, and would get
Unit under the ilnaiicial ytein which
lormerly prevailed in the wirld, o that
. he In even now suffering a wrong caused
f f by leglelntlon.
' "SI. The average price of all other com
tnmlltte known to the worl.l'n market
Imi heeii kteadily falllnu, Hinl kilver,
mIuwo u hav Iuhmi r'lrirtii liy I u 1
hition, ha Hiinply kept puce with the
coiiimotlitifM, n ehuwu by the l.omlou
mttrket. iu our country the price of
eorn ami nioet ot the other farm pro
duct I u low h not lo mr the actual
i'(Mit of prodiicliou. 't he pnweut aivnni!
in wheat Mug due to a teiniiorary
(nuee eauuot ifive t iinrul or littiug
lroMrity: Miif, only a niall portion
of the tanner ol Ann ru'i rai wlo"tt.
'.t. hhonl.l lit Kloiiil.tkw roiiutry or
nny ther cwuiMi bo treily m ri it tl
voluioe ol Urn world liiiitiry it to rt
tiu priwiMTlty, it would liemou
iratioii ol the eorrctiiMi ol the tl iiio
tratie itieititui, vu , llutt 'i Iiureii lu
Ih volume ol nmiivy givr .rt rll.r,
w title a n lii linn In the UMililjf ol
money protlmi- prlyi,"
iiiw tu llvculilltan 'iMHtllt,
"I, 1 lie niviulrr im ho fitluyinl or
Hilt Itiolitti oi 'rvatorml .ii.lklwlu,' HU I
a rult, tit Krvrti ttttim null ot
NW l.tiMlnhd bill" liUl d'H t
IlifV iotitil toil vit Umir pitidiit t. Hi'
mm) otiH.'i ol Aiiiim a are on a lnke
eri'Hl fcunir aed utitil ttetidm,
A ltd ll t M 4U tit li lliH Hliijill ,
tl.lhitt WittO'r hel'4 ! d littut a Hi
Utiwi'ttur o I liMiu. nil I (ot lalt'
, kv ! ih nullum" til dilU, ki jtl
F MMr KtiUtW la it itiva ol a vntu lion Ih
11 (".
4 " ( ! fdMiliU.m of th dlil Hud koit -K
mt lulitr i tfclllitg woi.
t or k ( (ion Ik 'i!l lrut
I kliidrwt 1 wlit-t rniiut'on u
1 voiit I Mitral kuadrd auiltt duller
year tribute in exec of whut they tor
merly got from the eweat of American
luduetrie In order that thee patriot
may not ama fortune themelve, but
may contribute inillion to enry elec
tioii. The uuwNpaper ar txTeletently
calling thi proMiKirity, but theAinerican
people are not fooled by It and the
oemocratiu party I not being weakened
by thewe proceeding'
"6. Nearly all ol the event luce the
eliitlori have tended to how that the
democratic party wa right In the lat
campulicu and that the Kold-tundurd
campaign wa n colonnal fraud, man
aged by the uuecrupulou agent of the
truNt, which ore destroying our coun
try, the more lntellleiit and patriotic
republican of the laud are beginning to
ce that their party never can recue our
tiiMt itutioN from the corruption which 1
overwhelming lie, and that thi reecu
muet be made by the great mae ol
the common tifotile. who have waved our
country in every poet crlxlw and who will
rally around the tundnrd of a true
democracy, John V, AfTuici.f.
Board of Educational Lend and Fund
Protecting th State'a Intereate,
The board ol educational land and
fund baa cancelled a large number of
ncIiooI land contract throughout the
wcktero countle in t he wtate. The can
cellation amounted iu all to 435,237
acre, which, together with th echool
land vacant, give the total number of
acrea available for lea under the pro
vlelon of th new law lu the countle
named. Under preceding udminltra
tiou the law requiring intereet and ren
til pnymenta to the etate for the ue of
Mchool land ha not been enforced, and
thNtatehalot thousand of dollar.
Many of the bolder are deliuouent elx
or eight year, Speculator who have
ald only a dollar hav been alloweif to
told the laud lit throe or four year
without any other payment Mug
It I not the policy of the present
board to cancel contract held by per-
mod living on the land and who are
making an honest effort to pay for the
ame; and where thi fact I proven to
the commissioner of public laud and
building and a part of th delinquency
paid, exteuMlou to the end of the year
have been grunted, with the understand
1 111 that the remainder will then be paid.
Commissioner Wolfe la traveling over the
fate, leasing these and other vacant
echool land, as rapidly a possible,
with the result that a great deal of the
land which ha been idle, rental having
been lost by failure to keep up the col
lection, will now begin drawing rental
and will continue to do o if th present
policy I followed; much of thi lurid hav
ing been held, heretofore, by eculator
and other who have paid little or noth
ing for the ae thereof.
J he following table give th countle
and th number of acres available In
each, the amount of the delinquency and
th avernire number ol vmrs delinquent:
Dot butt
Hrowa.. ,.,.., .
1,440 I
7. WW
IH. 0I
ft) MO
4 tit
s Mr
II, 7V
CwUr ,
Fronliar.,, .........
rurmi ,
1 1. DM)
11V 700
1 1. vo
It. I'M
Kara Pattt
tw.w ml
I.lnr.olB ..MM ,
M air Kb ,
mI Willow...,
Kois- -,
Wlia.lal,. I
4 raaii llai'
4,Mi laTl
i,.hu TJeu
Tolali lft tTAMNir.'. lrTt 0l..
The 'J'.'d.l47U should have been col
lee I I by tin priceiiiii ei)iniiil-iiniier ol
I'liblin hind and buildlntt and turned
tutu th state tretiry to thecredit of
the kehool fund. The iliry purnd,
howevsr, wa one ol uUlliK III lull I lo
t roiotl and Milnlenl Irieiid. nnd allow
Ilia llieill to CilitlliU In pool Willi
Olll ItOlklllg ttiV lillilllellU fur it Ue,
t WoliH I liMikillat a'li-r III
tle' Inter! hii I will very muteiiullv
Inereiiw tiie-t'lii for th nrhool luud
lur hU tfrni of i llleai elpirm.
lUnJ Iv llnd F'tlM turih in id
iu M W, A. HtaJ.iuiim,
lor iwicfkl tlirr kn l 11 a
btfly -ili'l l-lil the till, ol I'ul.
loll WHd ItiM'k lalitud, IlillilH, lor III
Iim mIiiiH ol Ih l"'.,m.o,lel III llmMiel
ere immh.iii id Ametiii ' l,a t.i
quitf lr r at pivwul I'M'Mtvd la t ul
loH. A I th l-iat lommtiok ol Ih oi.. f
Md Ih litibii-jw, l-irt, i wa detidud In
IH11 f I be rttti lo li.xk UUit I. Ik ol I Milow viri a ntmf ry
leiMii-iioii 1 r ten t ma Ih n-Monwl, 'Ih
1041 1 wa low la r king lkt Im
bearinu- of the cae and the Hock Island
er decided to go in a body and forcibly
take possession of the book and record
of the Woodmen and move them to
their own cltv.
A train wu chartered conit,lng of
three conches, a baggage car and two
box car and the invader were hooii on
tlieirwayto Fulton. The inhabitant
of the latter town were forewarned, how.
evi r, and made ready to give their unin
vited guest a cordial reception.
A fir alarm wa sounded and line of
hose were laid to the point where itwae
thought the Kock Islander would be
most likely to disembark.
The arrival of the nclal train wa
the Mignul for hotilitle to begin. There
wu intense leeling on both ide and
great variety ol weapon, tbl combina
tion resulting in th following casual
Will Ilenuett, city marshal of Fulton,
bead cui; believed to be fatally hurt.
W, 11, Klannagan, head badly cut.
Jamc Carrier, head cut.
Kd Hare, head and arm injured.
Cnrl Miller. I-von. la., bead cut.
1', J, Carey, Wollne, HI,, head badly in
Cornell u O'Jirien, Hock Island, Injured
la arm,
Albert Hpencer, Rock Island, face cut,
Walter Fowler, Fulton, head cut.
Charle Weiuburger, Itock Island, heitd
Th o ma Hum, Itock Island, head cut.
It. Winter, Kock Island, cut over right
0, W, Hample, Kock Island, head cut,
considered serious.
Andrew Lunbelm, Fulton, head injur
ed, considered serious.
L, k, Kyckbart, Kock Island, bead
A score of other were more or les
bruised and cut. The free flicht lasted
for an hour or more, rocks, club and
mlssle of every description imim wield
ed Industriously by the opposing force.
Th Fultonlte finally got the better Ol
the iluht and deputy Kherlff Farley
effected the errest of I lend Attorney
Johnson of th Modern Woodmen, one
of the Kock Island party, and a number
of hi companion.
Ha Bn Afflicted for Eight Year and
Beea Treated for Scrofula.
The first case of leprosy in the etateof
Nebraska baa been discovered in Lin
coln. A Norwegian laborer 31 year of
age, a resident of the United State for
twelve year, applied to Dr, Everett 0
Lincoln for treatment. The unfortun
ate mau ay that be ha been employed
on the railroad tor eight year, and that
the first effect bl the disease were no
ticed at about the' time lie began rail
roading. He boa aince doctored con
tinually for scrofula.
Wearying of the eame old thing and get
ting no benefit from the medicine be
took, the man applied to Dr. Kveretr.
hoping to secure eome relief from tbe
pain at least through th medium ol
salt bath. A I alway the case before
a patient I admitted to the sanitarium,
the doctor examined mm thoroughly.
He removed a tubercle from hi arm and
Hurry Kverett submitted it to a bacteri
ological analyi with the assistance of
a microNCoiie, The doctor came to the
conclusion speedily that the man had
anaesthetic leprosy a the aymptom
showed it. Th analysis of the tubercle
bore him out in hi opinion, but to make
ur of it he called upon Dr, Lockhart of
the Willurd 1'arker hospital la ew York
city, who I here vlsitirg. Dr. Lockhart
ha had much experiencein ekin uieaea,
having had charg of tbe leper on Kan-
dill's Island. II concurred In tbe opin
ion of Dr. Kverett and eaid the diairno
si of th coma wa perfectly correct.
1 here wo no doubt that th man hud a
mixed case of leprosy,
Th condition of the patient I pltliul
In the extreme. Hi bore, arm and leg
are marked. TheskU oa hi face ha
thickened and swollen, hi nose ha
iiiukeii, the nostril hav enlaiged, the
forehead protrude, giving th fae a
leouiii xprvMMlon. line ear ha In-
epensed to twlnu it l. Ill arm and
li'K arwolleu. and white patches are
formiiiK 011 hi body. Th diae I
progressing slowly, but it will not h
long before it will hav done it work,
il I incurable, lr. Hverett ay all
he hope to do i to give the Hum some
rullel, leprosy kill in Irom eiuht lo
ten year, II think hi patient will
h two year lunger, poMihly, The
until doe nut kuow thai Iim ha eproy,
'I h d I !! i not eoliaidi'fwd herli
try, althoiiKh a diftereii'w of opinion
dt betm-u 'li.r'cinie a lo that,
8011m ph)'lelim nrrfUfl thai i becouie
luiit (inn only from coutael. It I a
diwaw of iiariitm orittiu and "my Im
eoutrtn ted hi varioii way. The lift
Ueol hiiulli America Mime thl
iiiiwiiiIim my iiipH'l Ih polMoiom
bin liiu inlo a yt 111 hltliertu In- from
the diaeww,
r, In n tt auv Im will niek vry
I'llolt In Oniblle til 1 nan, lie iih io
mite ii.iini I lie irtt uf llio diwti i
other limn In tn ImiioIv of t' wtlUi'il1
m iu i he wil I benlthy Mild liuw lot
all toma ot It rt. lia llliimU I (lot ,
coii-i b il . u tn ulnrly t v irtt Mini
th l,i I thiil mi otto r ik ki Ikh :
r'Ol la l M Ii 1111,1 ln-eomi. i,ln td bum i
thi partieul ir rM ilurie Ih igb
nta id tn In ill: lo f I .mkd Upim M (
lh low t,l il iiuty U1 1 rottlUKlou i
III Itit llHWlltt,
Th liiiiiiimto tmlroat ka Iwi
I iuiiii(l lour mr luud ot 11
men witd I'omvra Irom , I Immi n
I ml in m llifouh S.l.i. hl Imi
of dttMina will d'l ,Svlrk.i good,
Soma Interesting Figure- on the
Elo la Value of Their
A Part of the Speech of Hon. Joioph
Wheeler of Alabama,
July 19, 1897.
A Nl Profit ot $1100,000,000,
It baa been atated by tbe newspaper
of tbe country that aince the Introduc
tion of the Dlnirlev bill In th House nnd
tha favorable consideration which it re
ceived by that body, that tbe value of
II etocke of tbe great trust have stead
lly increased, Hon. Joseph Wheeler of
Alabama baa Investigated the facta in
tbe matter and give aome very Interest
ing fliures. If how that twenty-five
organized truela have an Increase In the
value of their etock In th last three
month exmwding 1200,000,000 in all.
Thi I th recompense for their contri
bution to tbe campaign fund which re-
tored tbe republican party to power.
Anyone who I familiar with th fact
will conclude (bat the convening of tbl
txtraordlnary Jscsslon and the enact
ment of thi bill were eolely for the pur
pose of paying campaign debt.
la a speech lu Congress July 10, Mr.
Wbeeler ttid:
Th bill should be entitled "An act
for the protection of and to increase the
power and wealth of combine, monopo
lies and trust,"
Nearly th entire bill! framed to at.
tain euch a purpose, Oa March 31st a
resolution wa voted Opon in the House
the object being to Incorporate a pro
vision in the bill, the effect of which
would have been to add un amendment
placing upon the free list all article
iriaiiulactured, produced, or controlled
by any combination or organization ol
perOD or corporation formed in the
United Htute for the purpose of limitfntr.
regulating, or controlling the aupply or
price of any such article.
Th proposed amendment also con
tain. J th further provision (hat the
rate of duty now prescribed by law ehall
be levied and collected on any or all of
such article when, in tbe opinion of the
secret ury of the treasury, such article
shall cease to be manufactured, produced
or controlled Ijj the Uni ted Htate by
any aucb combination or organisation.
Thi amendment wa a blow at or
ganized trust. It wa voted for by
every democrat and voted againt by
every republican, and, ae a prominent
republican atated, if that amendment
carried, the entire purpose of tbe bill
would be defeated.
Nearly all th manufacturer of similar
article in the northeast have organized
into what are called trusu or combina
tion. For Instance, the Standard Oil
trust, th cotton-seed oil trust, the nail
trust and the barbed-wire trust. These
Organization are a follow:
All th manufacturer in a certain Hue
combine together and elect a board of
trustee. They keep informed a to the
stocks of good in the United Htate of
the kind In which they are interested.
and by closing a portion of their too
torie from time t time they keep the
production down to th demand In thie
country. By these organization they
regulate the production, the price, and
th prlcnol labor. When the production
exceed the demand, several, factories
stop work, and thus laborer ar thrown
out of employmtnt. Thi enable th
manufacturer to tak advantage of the
suffering of the Idle mea and reduce
lu 1HM Mr. William Cook published a
book on trimt. H way:
A "trut" I a combination of many
competing concern under one munaK-
l.iui.l takl.l.ih llii.rul,! r.1iiAA ilia .tut
ii'MuUlv ILu Motuuitt of i,ioJjct!cu,ai.i
increase the price for which th article
ImnoIiI, It I either a monopoly or an
endeavor o establish a monotioly. It
purpose i to milk lariter profit by th
creiising cost, limiting iroduution, and
InereiiMiug the price to the couumer,
Tin it Hccotnplishe by preeuting to
lh eointitiir the nluruutiv of Join
Inn the "trut" or of iwdng rruhei out
It orgaiiiiation i intricate, secret and
'I hey then hav Ih power lo eau on
romra lo Ih closed, limit Ih produc
tion ol another, mid wo control the
1100 Vet,
I liU book aud a work on tuonomlie
mi l their Mellon lo Ih siple, pnU
lisliml by ti, I'. 1'utBain'a Hon. 'J,
Hnoine mt'onut iiavrnl oruaniia
tmn of llil vhitracter whh 4 Mitd al
tlmt 1 1 in,
in ri hi n v i ufii.i in in.
I will print lit il, ton. tin r with lh
1, ,ii of other lruu w he h lmt wn
01; inid im1 imi I one, a an pnu
du to inr h h, tu,, I wilt stale Ih
,in( .fol. tioii tht-y I.,,; iinr n. th
Mnnnoiti 1 10 M ,imi which I iloiolvd o
(I,, hi I tl, bill,
Ih iimiiiiiil Id iiinl.y bill wm r.
I orlnl I'l lb" Hot! Ill IHpltill (Im k tit
' i ot Iim oi;iU'llou iioiiiiiiiiit il
.i ti we I I timliumd lo km ivim
i 1 r sine',
In lor 1 1. uoritiou etleut olfh
,lirll Wlmlt lloM rul H, fMlltl.llot.
Iiilll I ll. Ill It. ll I III .n, I
git l l.iai f Httnie) olvtvtva oi llta
oi tliil4lbM,lrlhrtr With III amoUHl
oltk,li ttiou Aptd, It talit to
day, and the gross Increase la value
elite thi bill puesed tbe House of Kep
lets JUtfJt" Jfi"
! : ; : ; : : ; : ; : : : : ! 1
t t t
11 J life
m 3 m ti I
Cramp Will Establish Six Factor!, and
One May Be in Nebraska.
The pro dipatche aay that Assist
ant Hwretary of War Meiklejobn ha re
ceived from V.. 8. Cramo, one of tbe
famous shipbuilder of Philadelphia, a
letter in answer to one from Mr. Meikle
jobn, atating that the firm organized
for the purpose of manufacturing eellu-
ose from corn stalks for battleship
will soon open six factories In th corn
growing section of the country. The
letter add that th writer sens no reason
why one of tbe factories should not be
eeublished in Nebraska, and bint that
many more will be ofwued alter the ix
hav beifun operation. Mr, Meikleiohn
ha referred th communication to L. 1).
Kicbarde of Fremont, Neb., who mad
liKjulrle on tbe aubject, aud U'ps will
doubtless be taken at once to secure one
of tbe plants for our state. Tbe oitb
from the corn etalke, a exclusively de-
scrioea in these dispatcher aeveral
mouth ago, ha been discovered to be
of Inestimable value In many articles
valuable in trade and commerce, chief
among which i tb cellulose in battle
ships, used for the purpose of automati
cally preventing the inures of water to
ships through normal leakage or shot
The factories will be established in the
corn belt, where the stalke can be pur
chased cheaply and a new Industry will
be started which promises to assume
great proportion and be beneficial to
the farmer, vho will find a market for
bl corn talk after the Industry la
luorougmy developed.
Mt at Cedar Rapid and Nam a 8tst
Th republican state convention for
Iowa wa held at Cedar Rapid Wednes
day. There were many candidate for
th nomination and the balloting lott
ed all day. Tbe following wa tbe ticket
Governor L. M. Khaw
Lieutenant ('apt. J. C. Millman
.Supreme Judge.... Judj( Watterman
Railroad Commissioner,, ,C, L. Davidson
Kcliool Kusirinteudent II, II. Karrett
he platform declare that th repub
)len of nw vIhw wliti tli lituiaat ,t-
Mart Ion th result of th campaign of
last year and congratulate the whole
Iieopl uwn th election of William Mo
kinlejr. It hiuhly commend hi wisdom
ami linearity in directing the lore ol th
administration toward 1111 eurly and
romplet fu I til men t of the party'
plie. i laud congreM (or It prompt
action 011 th tariff aud rlr with grata
lltcation to the part Inken by wnator
and rireciittlvM in thi leifislnture.
It demand riai-l economy in all
government ndituni to Ih end that
Ih burden of the opl may be h--seiiml,
and lnit that all individual
and corpiirnliou shall be so taxed thai
they shall not chmi a I ur and propor
tionate shnr ol the aupport id Ih
J, V, Wolle, eoiniiiliMiioiier of public
laud and bmldiUK, l(ll rntnia In hi
employ a ttiau by the intui ol ft. 'ttlagl
who i oil ol Ih old rnrriipt UI hou
ring K libml i a Hints Journttl rpuMi
t m un I Uln-tr tlntl (her i aoitiiuic
low Mud HieitH eltoUsK til ruitipitie W llll
a miiuIii. IU hit tw ilt in a tl
at r Irom Id iU an I uppirtiiig Id
robber lor Hi jma a tenr.
y do- Mr. Vlollw irtm hou I It
eioiiiiiiainir tiiauli thri puriy who pul
hi m ia iiitt lv t r wu silvtnt
rata W foil lid lo HI K l.lila)' llhix. U
Mr, Volle )nt t any litthr bttoi
irom Ik popiilmt, ti dad better wihiIio
Hi, and 'h omU Mpiloy wka ti Will h
iwplvd t Ih ImiioHli-tl 4i liwrg ot
ihi.taiv- Kali t tty ld-i h at
1 i J 1 1 al & d ut J d ,
A w e' -P W a
11 iniiii
Patienta In the Norfolk Aaylum
. Heoeive Proper
Contract for tbe New Wing
and Work Soon to
Vl.lUid by Our A-nt.
Editor Inurpknuknt:
Your travelling representative paid a
vieit to tbe Norfolk iusan hospital last
week. The hospital Is situated three
mile northeast of Norfolk on quite a
bill, which give it fine, natural advan
tages for sanitary purpoaes. There ar
830 acrea of fine Nebraska soil belonging
to same, 120 acrea of which are in fine
cropa, fifty-ft ve lo about aa fin a garden
ae one ever saw. This garden auppliea
tbe Institution with all the vegetable
needed, lbe hospital was founded in
1487, enlarged in 1981) and will b en-
larged again tbl year. There ar 218
patient now and tb new building will
accomodate 104 more patienta. A It is
maintained by tbe atate it might be well
to Know aometning 01 parties who man
age It.
Ur. (Jeorge r. Kelper. auoerlntendent
i of I'ennsylania (Jerman and revolu
tionary ancestry, aud was born at
Kaeton, Pennsylvania, February 22d,
18i0. He attended the excellent nubile
schools of bis nativ place and entered
on tbe voyage of life for himself in bla
fifteenth year a a dry good clerk.
When he had attained bis majority be
went to Morgan county. Indiana, stud
ied medicine with bis brother, Dr, C. B.
Kelper, and subsequently graduated
from Kush Medical College, Chicago in
1805. He bas been three time elected
to the state legislature, serving a a
member of the house during the twen
tieth and twenty-first sessions, and in
tbe senate during tbe twenty-second ses
sion, always as a democrat. He wa
the democratic nomine for congress in
the Third district in 1872 and received
tbe largest vote ever cast for a demo
cratic congressional candiite in tb
district. He has traveled ' (ensively in
both tbe old and new wo' js and posses
ses a large fund of useiul information.
He I an ardent advocate of fusion of
tbe reform forces and a consistent op
ponent of monopoly. He was the
mother of the bill, which became a law
in 1891, providing that tb cost ol
board, car and treatment of the insane
while in tbe bosnital of tbe state shall
be borne by tbe state, a beneficent
measure in the nature of advanced legis
lation, which is now being adopted by
other states. .
W. II, Jtarber, M. D the physician, ia
a native of Indiana and a graduate of
Hanemann college, Chicago, class of
lHH.'l, located at Fullerton, Nebraska,
1880, and wa appointed in 1805. Tb
doctor has uiven special study to th
study of tb insane aud all patient re
ceive tbe very best attention from bim
that can be given. Those who have
friends there can rest assured tbat in
Ur. Keiper and Dr. Karber they bave
two physicians who will do all tbat med
ical skill can do to relieve them.
The business part of the Institution ia
looked after by one of the best stewards
the state ever had, C. D. Jenkins, who
bas been a resident of Madison county
twenty-seven year, II bos been twice
chairman of the county board of super
visor. He not only aees that the
fiat ion t ar well fed aud clothed, but
ooka to tbe Interest of tbe tate as well;
see that no extravagant biila are con
tracted or allowed; be simply take car
of tb business Interest of th stab lik
any good businee man would look after
bis own Intereate.
A. I'. Obunion and D.LMcDonald have
churn of the garden and farm. H. Tak,
tbe suiervlor baa bad several year x
prieiic In hospital work and I a vory
the matron, understand her duties well,
having been for two year matron of tl.
Lincoln asylum.
I would lik to apeak of r-adi of th
attendant 01, the varioue wards, but
spue forbids. Sulllin it to say, they
have been candidly selected from a larg
number of applicant. While they are
ttrui with the patients, they are at all
lime kind end patient with them. Con
sidering th work they do and th hr cm
they 'tid on duty, I must any that
Ih stal doe Dot pay them mlleieatly
lor their work compared with private
Institution Tbl i not only trusherv,
but in all th UU institution. Labor
i uoi proiwrly rwiiiiiud.
O. W. II.
Governor llolcouib ha vvlri. .
Ir Irom th following goraor, la
nliaW.T il hi teller ol III fittt lUatAllt,
Invilliig the 1I1 tfe rent atnte sot ol th
Miiii'pi rir to piiricini l th
Iran Uiip4 and litlrinttiutii
Mptiilioii? Aikiiionol Virginia,
Mount ol luilmu i, Tuniter ol Illinoi,
Uver ol littttl Ulan I, it tm Ivli o ,
I'.HlllillU II...I..,. II ..I I H.I.. II-...,
..I I'.,... U ..... . 111... L ..I V i t ...L
- i,-,iKKi)maii t,w , l,,
Mild Jolilialoil . Abil.iiuot W e I -
w-twU, Alabama and Sm Ii4iiipahirwin
lm Ni tlt ethitiit. New lurk.
IViiUnt ivmilfi ahit liidldtiia luav but ,1.
'idl yl, and lb gomir' iier
ari ua- otn not twl. k auUlwrs n
tihio and lUio I IUit l will nim q
1.. . .
wurT, 1 anil laforwai eioa
id iikvly b tk tM,