August 12, 1897. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. JAVSON TO JOHNSON. A Second Letter to too Famoui Republican Liter- ateur. I WaHIIINflTGX, 1), C., AOifUHt 9, 1807. Mr. J. W, Johiieon, Lincoln, Neb. ; . My Dour Mr. JhoiiMoii I have bi'cn waiting patiently (or you to an-awi-rmy letter, and the many fituiou luquiriea 1 made of you. I have alao been waiting patiently for tint jfovfrti- mi-tit job lJivn Mercer promiaed mo, and it uimirn tliHt I will have to wnit aoine time, un Mercer telle uw uelj tiling come alow, I can wait awhile f longer, but my little tor of money ia rapidly growing lea and lea every day. It coat an awful amount to live here, but I will toll you all about thin aoine Other time. To tail you the truth I am gattiiiK worried about Ktll(ia '!' at uU There are ao tunny old coui r(J", tlmt, on tha pled that tbla wa to be h aura enough, old aoldier admin- tot ration, coma on here for tlia Jiiaugu- ration, and here they have remained yi-r aim-e, hoplnir and praying that they might get eometliing to do, but mi far wilbout aiiccee. I have made Hi" acmmititanca ofonwold otiirude, one, with n eplendid aoMier record; ona who left liia riiflit arm at Chimuinugua in JK-.(nixT, JH'J-'I. H Miiw here nix month ngo, on the protnian of n pine, ''and here beatlll la, acjmnited from hi old wife, unable to get buck borne, living dn,y by Any on promiec, Jli Utile home i anon to bi aold 011 it. morlgiga und il In-due not ancw-ed In getting m place hi lioui", lka mine, will be taken from biui. Tn poor old fellow la worried to dentil, II" any a it looka to bim that nil Him politician wnut of fheoldaol liter, ia to get Ma vote mid anpport. lie nt y when It come to the olliwa the veierm'Wt 'in lt,"Jt ia Ilia young fellow who tlii-rel IVolmbly becuuee they run do bettor w-rk nt Hie polla tlni'ii u crippled aoldier," lie aaya "the poliiieiima accm to think that n young fellow with f wo anna can vote luter and fdtener, than th old veteran with mi empty eh-eve," Ilia trouble Inn worn on him ao und ha line worried ao much, be hue writ ten Ilia following poem which be en I idea: "UKi'WU TllKHK." Thr ar inun urumli (nilliia tlroiii t'litl auia'dtMld. Ami rrry limn ti nil li" nl,l. Him l all rldlii, ('ill hxr Ik f It lliliitf, aiioiil'l thea erttifi Im l nt 'foioel by pf IHIi'Hl lUm'l M , 1 follili-lmin llilnd w iM mlillr nr limit, a lb" '' ' ernmO' r '" tool. n tliy iiM!r, uto l,lk, llk minl army ' loDM. , mJ pt priimlalHH M tie-et wiila III Hi '"' Kowhiitl iill know, (run fMi'iid. f front fo. And roii'll all air iiloii I fair. I, Kl.ooul n ol) ola 11 Umr, wliu loilKht tlir I or lout x'or Vn IdHtliia 01.I Olorr" op Mir, Ybouv li 110 trirtotiMt blmir, lioult It b "laid Oil Ml lll. Wlill lb uniitf. and tholr toola, all 't tbf7 Tbla may uot aound to a literary man, iika youraflf, lika K""d poetry, but that it contain Iota of truth la th aeiiti ment of aeverul bundreda of old veter an atlll hre iiHtii'iitl.v wuiMiitf for their aim re in the diatribution of thn urumba. And, would you believa It, I hav Iwen told that 1 ! plneano defaiideni! on iJuva Merwr'a promiaa to obtain a poal t ion for inn. I nnnaot beliava thla, wban I recall hw liiithfully and aurueatly ba pledged liimaelf to take cir of ma, when no needed my naaiatanee amonif th old aoldier around Harpy 'enter one abort I rear iiRo. Hut tlila ia what they nr tell UK of him mound the eapitol. Tha.v any that be hna hud Martin Knnia mid H. ,), J'.rilit diamiaaed from the houao foldiiitf ro'im. Tlieni men nra both old aojdiera, from NebruakA. They had iffit their Bp pointmeiita nt. the l.elntiinif of the Fifty-fourth eoimreaa. They ar both republicim. Their membera were not reelected to the Fifty-filth eoiiKrea and Mereer wanted their place fur two lieu nlle youth, from hi diatriet. Had it not la-en for th x'r aeaaiou they , would havnheld their job until Decem ber next, but th bejfinninit of tha extra aeaaion In Mureh MiT-:er demanded their place, Mild k them. I will toll you mora of thi. when 1 writa aoine oilier tima. Now I muat tell you of aoine of thathinua I atw and beard on my trip Irom Harpy Center to thia city. You know I have nlwnya been a repul'lienn mid 1 never expected to lx nnythiiiK ele, Now, .lohnaon. I want you to think aerioimly of the oueationa that I am iroinK to ak vou. i'ou't K to jok UiK about thia. It doe not aeem to me A iika a jokltiK nihltir. HI too aerioii I mil viiiii- hum tt ,r a In nu IliillDxt. mull. I,v way, your ridicule will not do. I feel end mid depreaiM-d thi tiMiruiiitf . 1 have tlioiiuht over the iliinu ao much allien I luive Imimi lieniMnitititf for my nupoiut meul, mid then Inat nlKht I ilreume the Hlii.le nluht throiiuh d the dear old farm at Hiirp.v ( 'enter. I eiiielled the Ira uiaiit lliiaim Irom th ondiurd. I drank from tlia ol apiiuu. I heard the cricket nnd the kalyilid, I lie loud breatllHitf d tint en I lie, mid the lamlliiir bark of our old Miiteh Ana and I Inn I il llieloiir, Willie l,,blu alalia, Irt tKiitti ilia Haldttiu apple tr.e, In ti e enrmr otlliMold orcharl. Hut I will nut trouble ynu by r-'Uniitf my aiitron and tny ilream, lor I linVMU"! Ihu iden, ' iimihii, ttinl i'i do not earn to bear in h tblnu !oketi o atipl in way id a )(. but, J.iliimi.ii, II U hard to appr cliile a juka libtiut i ni'a trial aad urrowe and ilieiii nt mil llilliu, (a, to ill" Viet nu, like iniikihu luit at )mir mother' iif(M. Put ln'ieiua i ii of the tli'im wiati In till )i'M I oiiiIhii IrniiM Uilit I (tin waled Ixlillldu lillH iiilliiil4 llirtll Id I, If itiraxil Who M a talk Mia to hi iiiiii anliiii nlioiil liuw pri run li-o -a bud l "W IlV," hx iild, a MlaH I II ho riiiuip(Nr under tin U K tr H'liiillil'trillU'U Mini h"" ili'i vr lii ufh r br lil lae'oamw, Mir,ir I hti mad uvrr thirty Ava iIuium I d l nr 1 IIH' 1.11 I'llilHnry, Inline tell foil I lioaldidlt. lha alaai voted lb reimblaan lKkt,lb worked mi nay to ilia Iri'Ui, I know what I aoiuii on. ml ll Nut Uf if tint am aj uim nbM-rvpf, thl an nlilo tpiliie a, that U, oil id l k-M.f, U hh In iMdiH'a fur ( health. U by, Mm tlttl kMnli'l 1 ot thia In 't ahi-a I wa a mall .nv 3 j t Maanld, tihiis t the break mat out 1 ntlhawar, l,a pit aH.(n laiy i'l elal, lion. J4 fknaiaa, or "llonet Joliti." a ha ia known, wa then our inernUr of conureita. He wa on th and Mean coin in it toe. They were then tryinirto devme way and meana by winch they could ruiao a auflicleiit revciiUM for carryinK on the war and auppreaainu; thn rebellion, Tho committee bud fully determined to ulace an Internal revenue tax on whixky of two dollar per gallon. The proceedinKa of thia committee wera auppoaad to be aecrat, but your unci John anw hi o portumty, ha teh-Kratihed a friend of meana to coma to Voliliitoii( told him hi aclieme, tha two ralaed twenty thou aund dollar, tha friend purchnaed all tha whlaky in tha diatillerie at Monroe vllle, Haiiduaky and Cleveland, Ohio und even went to Kentucky for mora, before the bill wua report! d by the committee, Tim bill bacuuia a law and every imllou of wblaky purchoaed by "lloneat John" and hi partner at elKhleen cent a gal lon, wua worth two dollar nnd twenty five (Mint a k'Hu a oou a I'reaideut Lincoln alKtied liia name. Well, know ing theae fact I have kept my eye open ever l nee, 1 wu around with Murk llaiiuu a Kooddeal lat fall, and 1 know ! where he itot a lai'if ninouiit of tha twenty million dollar that h ruae-d to convert tha voter and i reaoned that no mail, firm, truat or corporat ion. uh- acribea or pay money Into any republi can en m paKU fund unlea he or t hey expect to K'4 It buck a hundred fold by IcKlalnlioii i the parly come Into power. Knowing thi und aociiitf that. Ilavemyer and Sear I of the amrur truat were putuiitf bundrodaof thouaandaof dollura, I naturally concluded to put at leiiat one ihouafiiid Into thaatock of the truat, Thia 1 did In February, I put up that amount on iiiumin, I'cul iutf t uroiih a atato broker, tha alock wa then worth $l,l per ahara after thn limuituraiiou of Mckin ley it bi'Kaii to mire, a 1 knew. When I lie ex'ra eaioii waa culled It made a lump, and when lint tariff bill paaaed the lloue it jumped higher iin'l when tha aeliate iuereiieeij the duly on I'eliued auer It juat booilllfil. Well It coniiuued to ko up until it reached f 1,40 per ahare, wlieu 1 i.old. With my one thou und dollar invented I made ona thoua and dollura, eveiy tuna th alock went nil one cent, u-id of noiiraa I cleared over t flirty -ft va thoiiaaud dollar liy the wholw deal," The u"nllemnii ha wa talkltibr with aald "lid not many olbera loo-e, or In oilier word doe not your lhirfynvelhouufiil dollar wliiniiiK rep reaeiif that ttllioillit of loailiK; of ol her'e" "(hi you can put. It that way If you wlah aouia of you 'tfciitleuicn of tha cloth,' Uacdtocull itatock nuiiililiiC, but it ia noworoperly known u trauaiiclloua on tha Hoard of Trade, Of couran the chump who thought tin prim of atinr atoi-k would K"down k"ptaelliii"; atock, u:id of courae loat one thoiiauud dollar everr limn thn atock went up ona cent, Why my dear mun I In-re i not loup; like belli if poated, and on the iiiaide, Tha ihacou who aiibacrilied two thouaund dollnr toward pavniK off your, twenty thouaund church debt mada over fifty thouaund In tliiaaume auuar atock," ft aeemed that the ifiiitlemuu addreaia-d, wa a miuater of the Koapel of Cliriat who auid, "Hell what thou huat and i;iv to tho poor," A fallow all .ting ncroa tha aid Irom ma hod txtcu liateuiuK to the talk, and lie aakud ma if I would uot w iuto tha amokliiic car and huva a cignr, 1 went und alter we bad Rot to amokiiiK 'hit fellow auid: "that aharoa talk reminded me of Kamhlina, of the old Kama of Furo, tlx augar alock atand for thn enrda, one fellow beta a certain card will win, the other beta that it will Ionh, In t hi ahurp'a Ki'"e one beta the atock will go up, tha other tad It will go down. Well tha deal la fl nlahed in each Kama. Neither of tbeplaver own tint curdeor the atock. There I juat u many card a many ehun-a of alock, and jut a much money in axiatenca at the cloaaof both name na there wna when the Kauu- Opened, the tiinik will It iuri!efilime in the card icame, the broker win hi in (In-alock ileal, while the man who ha KUeed the time on either the curl, or the t(ick market wiua, tha one who faila, looae, Tim game of Furo, ia for bidden by law. Hut Let linn on the ne or bill of atock 1 recognized a a h 'inti mate buallie, and theae latter gambler are the leader of faahiouabln churchc and awell aociety, ".John ami I never heard of audi doing nt Center." Have I laieu deceived in John Sherman? And ura our party leader villuiiioti Hcliemer? 1 had written thi much and read it to nu old Nebrneka man whoi rooming with urn and he auid: ''What are you expecting to got from J. W, JohiiHou" 1 replied that I had alwu.v been intereotcil in your writluit aud I expected to get aouia exiilauation from you, in reply to my Inquiries and ho ojieiieil out on you he auid: "Why that man Jolnieou I uhou. a tender hearted aa an upucho indiau, do you know Ina hiatory?" I h-phed that 1 did not, and he nid "JoIiiimoii came to Nebraakii n the nui'iit of eaatern Cupitaliat. Ha loitueil a ltre amount of money in tha fnrmer l Hi tal. When u farmer wnuteil a hum any of one Ihouauud itol I lira, Johuaon chiilai'd twelve per cent iulereat which wa all that wh allowed by the law of thetiite, lie alwa.v pre tended i hat be had greit dilllculty in getting the loin placed, mid never laih-d In ihnrue 10 r rent coiuuiiion, tin lie Hieketed liimaelf lie nlao received 4 ri'litof the 1J pern-lit ilitoreat, an that be made one hundred nud folly for huiiiM'll on every one tbiiliMiiiid dollar loaned. To th farun-r who borrowed Iim turned over '.ioo, inler.t payable Hem) Annually. Tim lh larim-r gave hi iiolu aeuinxl by niiirlann'i nu hi biriu, Inr one thoiiaaud il iliar,, ba only ut :uo nt tin, I lie other hunt ret la-llig kept by Juhliaou Inr com. Iillii, III ail innlith Iim farmer paid f DO aud f 00 mure at thn end ol nu tear. Hn Inr tha ue id ftMHl on Inr nu ar b paid to liuinked and twentv I In. dull ir and ltly cent, lH-iib th cuptiiiKi ol iitnknig o n tui l r-1 i-riliim Die niiirlaaae, till Jnliiiaiill make Iih fanitr i-n abnul twniv.flve inr c'at llll'f.t, li.r die ll-e nt f liailMI, III It ! all I'tat he Ini Itml Ihx u i'. hVI I In iiiiiii JnliniHin nik ut tin t.iiii.- null) lh I-Miptviim I nnrt id Vi tuH.kii, ilii liltnl Ihal eiiiiillilxinn labeH II lul iii it mi. I i uiirr au-l ilvgui, aal einew llnU he Ini put la hi 1 1 in abllalbg Uiu diiiie ami pO, for piMiiig Ua at -'Mt 10 l-nii'iii- a nt luh wav Mllwry. No John" what dit l en-nit f (bin I waul inn In au-r in. Idn nut w.iut In bd Una alt tha riliu', aiid I ha linn k liMtiM to I vil )oi. a,,tHl ant nM id th l tit"- I ha ttt wla Nimg I limn It tha mining ilium, im hi ttr. I wa altna liiii.irir and ieuN4 wild kuaarr. I will am ni thaaai aa Iniaf hell b lur. Hat in lh rnraa tuna Juhuaoa, writo, and if it I a possible thing, do tor (toil a aake deny that John Miermaii i a rotten old fraud, deny if you can that our old party in run by a lot of awindliug ruacula. Aud for your own aake, deny if you dare, that you have lii-en a leach and a blood aucker, living on the labor of the farmer of Nubraaka. l'rovo theae chui'KtM to be untrue, that our frieudahip mny continue? I an x lone ly awuit your rpply. My friend baa written the following which I cncloae. CUK TO IIIXHV. We like your poetrylold, bay, altout tli duinlr nun iiic pupa, It Hill boodlent oul with joy, It Ilk extract n llop IV; make fellow fi'i'llug wmr, turc I th wortl w ini'MM Wlieu yon wrllo up th iniirtKK''l hour, and loiinilllMJriTlni, Keep mllkliiK tint old e;ttv(l cow, don't ytm let upon ui i. Of courw w know tlmt you ura now, a Kurkliig urn mini M ui. Ilon't you let upon hi Iim, If folk ticlilitil the i'ne Ciiwluili' tltut you are tltvrvul Itorit, and re actlnfl vttry itrtieii, J lift rtirtke eld apotly bellow, mill Ititikn the block ooar a'jtnwti . Vet yon ir not tli only fellow, who ride a 07 Wlll-Kl. While wu like to hear you treble, and rlillcnle ttinl prtwit, lUu'olliu't; you're not Hie only pitblt:, Unit mm UJtOII III Itl'Ul ll, Now let m bear from you at on en, Your, John W, Javhok. (Coutiimoil Irom tint ami revelation? 'Tin whole creation i groaning und travailing touelher in pain until now, wnitmg tor the muui fcMtutiou of the eon of Uod,' for men who ahull live na brothera, fur a am-ml Incarnation of tho Chriaf, Spirit. The Chriatlnn comuiouweiilfii ia not mi ex. perl men t, but nu ohcilhiurc. It I not an lMolato'1 community, but u movement with pronujruiida nnd plan to to meet everywhere the need ot humanity, a movement email, now, In it beginning, but having in it and behind il the eter nal lorce of truth nnd rltflltm-, It i not uwing the aword or the hullnt box to lorce ita brotherhood life upon any, but will di'iamd upon lova for itaincrenae and colu-aiva atreiigth, font organic life and harmony, In thia it ia vitnlly unlike and diatiiiKuialiable from the new kocIiiI democracy of A merica and the ao claliat labor party. In the aiiine way It differa from French commuiiiuiain und French and (lermuu aocialiam. We are oruanilng lo do, na u body, the iudu tiial and fiuternal redemption work of Chriat.of love. We are to bring glad tiding of pn-acnt good, lucent love, preaent brother, preaent heaven to the poor. We nre to tnke the bunh ua ami loaaeaof the oppreaaetl ouea n our, and by ahnring our all with them rdeem the earlh and the children of God out of the irrap of the aelflah, Lund for the Itiinl leaa, Home for the liomeleaa, Frntt-r-niil lova for the fi-iendlea. The hen veil on earth of brotherhood, of the kingdom come, I hla ia the ineaeau" we briiur. We hnve n divine meaaage for all claaMea. To tlite-e who have proH-rty and power w bring the new of aome thing Incomparubly better, love that money en mint buy, joy that power can not gruap. We have diaeovered how to bind inen'a heart together, and ao liuva a aolution for all problcme, the good that all meu long for, the loat chord of heavenly harmony, Yotira for n Chriatlau Canniin, "u. new t urth," a redeemed Immunity. (JMdIIJK IIOWAUU fJlHHOJf. Caacareta atfniulat liver, kldneya aid xtwela; never aickrn.weaken or grip 10 Tha Fiirmer nnd Merchanta fnaur unco (,'ompnny of Lincoln, Nt braakahave aatlafactorily aettletl nil the oe which ocenred India lala tornado in the Kepubliciin Valley, Fleven i'l number, THE MARKETS. Kna City drain and l.l Btook. Hard Wheat-No 2. 7'Jc: Na 8, tbe Na , 73c; rejected, 6.'ii6Hc Soft Wnr4t-N( 80tfc; Na 8, 76c No. 4, 74c: rejected. 76c. Kprlnn wheat-No. 'i 78'47314,c; Na 8, Corn-Na 2. 2:; Na 8. 22HCj Na 4, 21Sic; no gr-iite, 2oc Whit cora-Na 2, 24c; Nu 8 22c; Na 4. 21c OaU-No 2. Ii.c Na 8, ISHci Na 4, 14o. N 2 white. lSftlU'ic; Na 8, 16-$ 17c Na 4, 1&'4 tile, Kye-No. 2. HHAVJc, Na 8, 8037c; Na 4, S3HX3IC llran - Klrm; Ao37c In loo-lb tack. Hay Choice new prairie. j &0; Na 1, liOtl; No. i 14 60, Na 8. 1348.60: choice new timothy, ia. Na 1. I7'(47.&0; clover, mixed. iw7 tatlle-lleceiptti 9.02O; calve, 697; hlp ped, 3 404 ratllej 191 ralve. The market wa R'.roiiK to 10: blither, feeder continue tonell uluher. hhlppinii and drc;d br f teer 6 ()0 native helfrr. 13 0o.( 4.1X1; cow 11.60 H (Hi; native lredr 440, native ktm ker. i.j-) tt. 17 i ilea natlv 18. 8 Jii lUn -Itccrrt, i iit.irt, cat. Tba Tha IIUI krt .li & to lite lowrf. Kltrep Itdi-ipm, 9.413; ht'iMS(l AOS, Th market a ai live and atcadv. Kulluw niii are rvprrkeutatlve ale; ItlNIm 4 5 !i ! aft N kh..U. 3 10 .'bl N I in w ft in i lol tk ... 7U..8 lai IN in in 'to a on I a ik....ui,.HMi MINIiu. 7.' hk 4 fft I bU I 24 tk. I l.ti. i Are the TrhUMph ylfln "I the tal, lliitllit tt. mi tlie hlalit liieirry (tail el lla- )1. iii. Ntrveaa'e nl hy thn iUl. and ara, llteie- fule, Ilk It - weak and Hint II lite .,t l lllllt, l-iile, lltiMilt - Nerval ' 'i""t and 'el) llr nu lH-iilalgii, l-raili I uie loiett it II lit ,I.h k in i, et rt. I'Htf Nvrv fttet a tiu ita in) In llil a.if ipa t i 4iiv It Hi.ikii l lit h, led MHt, II in ' III .llet die"toii. InlOOdl' Sarsaparilla lilt, tin tt. HSihmI 1'iinU'f AMdiiJil II. 77 i tii u i" 'i lltMKl M I 'ill aw a l.4.a. aaM. Eiltn-tiM t( 1(1.1 tit f .rU V'li"iiona" railroa I toaa, . . .tiiit.S.iiika,wHhar llthiMil, ihMht-aaad all In meit-aa-int-a id a mall tow a, t all un or ad Irvaa VI, F. It nut t', trawita, braka. Especially Prepared for Persons Attending the State Conventions to be Held in Linclon September 1st, . A Dollar Saved Is ADollar Made. The busiiiesB nun of Lincoln will offer many special btiraltm to jmrlies ftttemiiDg apy of the three great convtutions to he hi-ld iu Lincola, Sejitcmber 1st. You should toniii prepared to take advantage of tlifs splendid opportunities. If you need clothing, dry gomh, hardware, ft'rniture, carpets, a har ness, Wilson, carriage, or farm 'implements or supplies of any kind, it will pay you to dtday your purchau until you have visited the big atoreti in Lincoln. They will make priced lower than ever before, The following in u lint ol the tnoat important firm that invite you to call and examine their good and g-t prices. They are all responsible and thoroughly reliable. Mi K, W all) It v a clerk In tint ludaptmdiint offli' rwralvl cab lor aliript.loii, Bargains On Wheels. We will close out our im nicnse stock of Wilson, Moline, Studebaker and Keys Bros.' Carriages, j'hnctons, iuggk-g, Koad Wagons, and Spring VVag ons for the next thirty days at wholesale price., Humphrey Broa. Hardware Co., Cor. O and 9U1 Ht, Lincoln, Nebraska. THE A. IL DAVIS Co., WhOLISALI AND 'AIL CARPETS, Mattings, Window Shades AM DHATKItlKM. 1112 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. WE extend a cordial welcome to visiting and resident delegates. Also their friend and the public generally to visit our store during the convention. We are headquarters for up-to-date cloth ing and furnishing goods. Our methods and prices are strictly reliable. U A visit with us will be pletisureablc and perhaps profit able to yor. PAINE & WARFEL, 11 36 O St. IN8UBAN0E DEFAKTMEBT. i. V. M. Hwlgart Ell tor-1111, C'relaaa and rira, rnn mud Town-Af nu Waitlrd-Mrli 1 dltur of InuraaoU uarltucot. I.aat jreurelnhtjr-twti aUiek Itiaumnca i-miiiiiiita collected $l,.l77,OHfl.OO for in-iiiiuiiia Irom Nt-itriiHka -(iile ami re tur I to them f Oao.ntl!) 0(1 lor loaa. 11 v (hut lillla unma ol bueineaa audacity 7.'i7,077.00 waa rollit l.l to pay of-llt't-m, i-to. II that bueiiieea had la-n dona by M .trit tly mutual tlaii the $700,000 nt 1,-ti.t could have la-en eaved to thoae alto iiiNur-d, but, il that waa the raa uo c.iitpiiny that waa nrtftmliHd taeuty or tinny yrar ki aith .V,1MMI,00 ritah a itiilil today btat ol belliK Htate-or ol ,,iio,oooootol,to,iMi,in aa maay nl litem do. Neither aoiild thfy l-e able In make roiiibiiiatioii, Kila or truta ttiut aiiiild dt ly lh iaie la id aay lti.-, aa tln-y are now doinif in I In iatf, in the anil lrut law ot lnl ieir. In Kanali eomllnl ItiUlnal liln Ht tirIiiiittiiittitl. are having a tlt with l elate i-UIitM. The iiiii iiiH are iltttiiK buiaa rtittrni to In. 'I he u,M are aabba,'! I.t Hit au l iiit4t tt. viti. 'l it iitiiU'rtiiit iiiiiiir llo ial t.iuit aid no to a uii.nnr n"M in t ultifatlii, hual til aa old toMilleiftl HMniy uU Iroiu .irkaii' aud ak hint l,i make (low iiry Kaaa k'll-ia k..,, thtir hual i-rte-wdiitaa aan..l tl.fttl an t to i lltriti (the itat.ftua) lit riuiMitiM to o hi-i aail lake nine thaa lo dollar Irom th iaum tur oae fflwtat-1 wattl mi N tune a b actl'l l .lal to aar lh Kaua elala oifl-r'a id d tha lory. I hr 1'1'U iM a b waa aktt wiiHoul trouble or lata ol tott'Wile (d ha haa at ol that nrtiilf,, la elate nl'li! mf a- alUtilem In Ik lminir enr ol a i-la il .namM Ut lluatlar la Ik jtrojatr nturt (Iba Kaaa urHia r-il lo usiNEss Directory. FALL OPENING si'i'Ti:Mni:u it, mi. 8UMSTEA0 & TUfTLE, Agts, 11410 8 treat, I'unka 0n r Honae, Giro. W. LORMOR. EXCLUSIViJ CHINA, GLASS aod LAMP STORE Examine Stock Before Furchaginir. When In Lincoln cull ami ace ua. We liuva one of the LARGEST &T0CKS OP SHOES in tlie wi-at. Our price, are rlgbt. MdeteScfciirSrmn i2i9 o St, call on tha compnnfea to ehnw cauaa why thi-y are doinir liuaineaa in Kaiiane with out author.ty from the inauraiica de part ment. All huil to the offlwre who will atond up for tha iieople when it ia to flht th" ai-ctiniiilnteil million of iil-irotten khIii of the ao called mutual of tha aunt. It ia time that tha weatern atatra abould know whether they are able to eiiHct Into law any act that will in the h-aat reiiulutM th encroachment of eaat ern corporation. II it ia found that the Katittaa olllcj-r can not control thone compnniea a IibimI of tltlevea cnu lie orgnmrM in New York to do buainaea in Knuaiia nnd la-eauea they do not lira in Kanait a federal jndir cnti be found who (wi-iiiiiiRlr for a elipulnted amount) will ih-crt-a that tha Kanaaa ofllcer cannot, nud further that tha law nuu latiriKanid thievea ia unconetitutional ami void. Hut wa m-ed not ko to Kanaua. Our own atia-k yarda law cornea to our mind. IIhm tiiMKtitla any right that our nuto ratiu Uniid !',iutw. tuUrt licci rrrj'trf KSf-Lice Killer .Nil httlitlhiiK nl (N.iiltr.V I lifetl etl, Biniply I'li'til rtMita, ntt btin-e, ei at-ka in l.onnl, and Mil Kiteriiiiiiittor will do tha reel, irailnn ol Mite Kilerminator will make Iimi irallitii ol a aolu tion that will ilttrnr all klml fit ilie Itt-K, eilt'll a cucumber, 'tiaii, puuipkin, r.ihttje, oma to, relry, lf. Atfenta wauted, rxitd Inr riuuiar that tll all about It, On- alf I'M, t. .!.. Ualluk ... . ,,, M Mil II.M It Wt aVtCf a JlUfH rmillON, Heater (II;, fed. Will U "t w't.t.. I ..(,-" '..J M iat ,.kl t'K .It- f."" " t. Itri. t, W til lw. it'lu '. Wu La. Atliir&vf Mtili fc. t lixiut W ht il. -" r-l l-l t lk.Ul - ' '-! .tll. 4 kl t 1 1 lt t i t4i, im, i ...... i. 1.4 a (,IIUaa l I" I III i t.1,1 t..,lut I n. .! t ,t.. a.l..., Hi ljml 4 (,, Ml k l t.t k .tr. I.. M tt., h tit. , I. iki t at. niit 4 k4 ivvt ttf l ( t t;. tt t,ltO k 'l .M.k , l i,kiii, im. i 4t.t w.i4 ia 4wM llll kM ! I, ul kMI b Ki4 ttliVit.i'iil 'i im'4 tm wti tiiittt urn e V..4, a.ktoM eik, I'. Nil URtkoll.. W I M. kM ll.k- .M. 8 EOY'S DEUO STORE, Cor, Tenth and P Streets. PrescriptJcm work. Heavy Drngs, Mixed Paints, White Lead, Oils. Etc, Standard GLASS and PAINT Co.. wmoiu jearaii. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. Aifont'r tor Mitond City I'ttlnU, mi 3 lo ma o at. J. 0. MEYER, Mgr. Cramp Wot 1,730,149. WaaiusoTo, Anr. 12. William Cramp & Kuii of Philadelphia to-day brought auit aainattha United State goeerniac-nt to recover damage al leed to hare been incurred in build' injr the battleahip Maaaachuaett, Iowa and Indiana, and the cm inert Hew York, Ilrooklyn and Colombia. Th amount claimed atfjrregat 1,738, Utf, ; , . , Kiartljr, Gilgal Tb mem her of tba club fairly gormandized tbemaelve at the annual banquet Pcrkala Then It wu a atnffsd club. Nw York Trio un. OVER IN IOWA A Paatora' Wife Who Ilaa Been Taking th Mall Treatment front Omaba. Mr. A. B. Brewer, wlf of Ilev, C. W. Brewer, paator of th Melhodlt Btttacopal church of Malvern, la., wrlta: "When I tt(an your treatment by mall for a aevera catarrh of the heed and atomach, I waa a treat iufferer. I had tha uual ymptuma of thoae coinplalftt anil wa much debilitated. I am .leaed to publicly aay that I can rommcnl your tratmnt aa vry aurf(ful. It haa brought m mtj"h bn-tlt and comfort and waa Juat what I neetlwl. I do not full lo apeak a ood word for you at every op portunity," tiik ktiiivrAMT, or it. FOINT 1: Th Phtan1 trtallt cur chronic catarrh. Thi I frankly conci"d by th"lr profmNlnrinl bnlhren, ami they hav thai reputation. I'OINTI: Th Hln-pard prlall"t cure eathma and bronrtiltl, Th point la frankly cowetled by thflr prftfetional brethren, and they tmva that renti;tilUn. l'ttlNT I: The Hhepar-I a-eflttll: eure tnallanNnt catarrh i f the rt'iinii. h and kid ney. They have that reputation. t-iiINT t; The lliftr. ?! llt cur rhronle dleae by mall. They bav that rvptilnlloli. I'd! NT 6: Th ".heturd peeltll curt eh roii If mala'tlt with rreai and utjtiatml eipeili'ltin. Tt""V Imv that r"i"t;i'on. rill NT : Th Hte.nrd -ittl'e K ill BOl "llie lip" Ihe'r pstlelil or try 1 1 took Into thi-lr irft-kett.fiik. A f-ttl-1 wtli a roll tl,i would fill a hitl wniil'l rt allow I to t'v a ieiiny In ei'- of th low uniform fee fate monthly, inedU.n-a inclucltil. THINK OF THI, Tba ahennrit Mrtlleat Inaltltite, Omaha. !., la known lliroiialmwl the rouniry. Il otlleea mrm Ilia lent In liiualia. and lr Itt paid and irf roniill Willi a bowl on baa dretl Mllntilallv, lliy. IHKVI MKM HV MAIL I a leadlittf feature Meilleloea are ett lo er alale In Ilia I'hIoh. M.klt't ami I anaila nl llar lr lr lil artl a lamoua I unallallttn lllttitk Miol In new limn.. llMllel tin I a rlau wow a l'e ileal! ltil l read. II I lr Hi Intuit V "i"l lrall Who waul l lturet aiir-elaHI! All I hriiil lleae ol -rve and lilttti.l, alarrli, lluplwr. I'll and oilier ailment Ilial Ilia laiullf dttilor i annul ear, pel la I Hank l'r Mn, trll Olank Inr Hi.niea. $5.00 A MONTH. IHalanl .llltl are w rlretiue loaar faiouu iuitliii liUttk. thai rnver II ltrunl llaa, Hfile tor Ihetu nil t Irra ! tatelMl wplMioH fiwnt pkf atrlaa Www lrat ItMWiJrvd f r iHonia. II " ak lrioai br mail in ( I ta OW a tuvalH, Medlel larlade!. IHI-AMO MtOICAC INSTITUTI, Olllkllaj 11