mm m. I II - tl J"mm 4 V .a gmtum mmptnmnt The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. IX. LINCOLN, NEI3R., THURSDAY, AUGUST VI, 1897. NO. VI. MKET1NO OF DIRECTORS, For tbe State Exhibit at th Trane-Mil- elppl exposition. The Nebrnnku KxpoMilfoii Comiufloii met l Omnhu Wednoadny afternoon. Itoiigb plan f received from orebl. ted for tlm eoiidmction of tfi building. Drawing were aiibitillbid by architect llitfiilioiio of lluetlng, Craddock of Lincoln, Vo, , Zander, and Irvine of Omaha, and John McDonald. Tlm pfnfiM of Crnddock and McDonald were ndoplod end tlm rate to be paid tfiM architect wn fixed at 8 per cent, It wu decided to appoint iiprln tendent, wboeo duty it would In to pro ciiruch rxliibll its will bo liewMaary to preat-rvo during tho winter, audi a gruln (in 'J grit), which 1)0 tot mature in time for tlm beginning of tint expo Dillon, K. I), JohiiMon of l,exliigfoti wn fli-eli-d nuch auperlntoitdent nt a Mili ary of oo pr mofitli, bi dutln to bit- ((III U, OW!, 'i'lllt llW MUperllltcIldcIlt will probably gnllmr audi exhibit n Iiuvm not. already been procured tit tho vnriou county inir, H. A, iVglentf Lincoln wn f luiielcdfd Miipcrinlemlent of tit poultry depart, incut receiving li v vote to one for Mr, dwelling Heuver City, Mr, 1'eglcraub. mitted recommwiibilioti from many of tbo officer of the el nte poultry nanoela tloit and from prominent poultry rniaer, If WU llperllltendllt of HlO lltnl Mill! poultry ahow. Ill aulury wit tlx ml at too per inoiilb with the underntumllng that in-live work 011 eulury ahould not Itcgfii until noOctt from tbewtmniinnion, A heml oftfut liorticulturnl ilcpirt iiifitt l'tr youiKr of (Jmiimvi, trwn unr of I linn t.n Mi liorllonlturnl nwU'ty, wn uiifinlmoijMly ijIionixi, JIwhiik lit' lorl by fli tolity, ll Ian fiiirM-ryimui, niul in mniiUrt n flrnt !iimm in mi for 1 lot pined, 1 fin H'tlitry will l' piT intuitu, TliftommfNlon will py tlt r"iion . l.lwxp iiit'Kof nil KUp rltit'ii'linli, ItwtiMtliw KWitliiiwiil of tint couiinl nloi1 tlmt In H'WWtm of t)iipi'ln(ii'lntit niul eniil,y" nil lioiiKri'Miounl liHtrli:l In tli xlnlii mIioiiIiJ ) IrcntM'l nit ttirly ttlikii tin priHiilMo. OHIO t'OHifUSTM, Ntm a full Mutt Tkktt lltidid by JaCfb H, Coxty. Tim l'oiiillt Ml! ('ouvMittion for Ohio wiot In-lil nt, t'ilunilut VVi'iliii'H'Iny, ('ointiili'riililn lmi'ui.iiiii nn to lint l vlt billty of fitxlon ri'Kitlti'il In iivldory for thoMM opiowii f it fintlon. .John H, Hi'llz, ol Tttftii wnit tl't'(J piirimtiii'iit cliflr tnitn Mini A, M, f.lulit wnUr, of Nnw I'liil iiijMlpliitt wn flMcti'iJ attirtflnry of Ilia conviction, Moth wum opponwil to fti nlon, nnl thulr flwtlon ilnniointlritti'il ch'iirly Unit lh mi'lillH-of'tln"roin) mi'ii wcr lit th imijorlty, Tim rt'foltitiona mJojiII n'(flrini Hut prlimlplfN of tint OiiKtliinnnl Ht,l,oul ilitlloi unMlmiili:oiitiiiii''l n-vi'iiil plitnka ol it tin til I'liiinii'li-r. Tim followlux t ick ft wittt imiiiH'l; I 'or Kovfrnor, Jnwib X. t'tiXfy, Kltik ttoitnty; lli'iitfiiimt Kovruor, Morrm U'liiii'oiiili, Tiii'iirnwiix ruiiiily; ttiiirfuni jmltft', I). I'liiimroy; ttllorni'y Ki'in rnl, ('. A. It'ilih r, Wnyii'i tiotintyj ttlnl tri'im iir'T, I'. I', Morrlit, Anliti,'i tioiinty. WILL WATCH THK klUKBHS. Oovttnor Tanntr Uputlta a Man to Ktap Him Fuattd. Sirii'Kfl"l'l, HI., Aun. 10 (lyvfrnor TtiniMT hit roininiNMioiioil II. H. Idty. wcMitry of tlm KlAt liotnl of rnilriunl nri'l wfiri'hoiiMK nommiMionrii, to pro ctfil toiitorrow nfO'riitioii to lifiitur ami wilrli Dm iiilucra' wltuallnii thettt Tliurmbiy, wIikii aHVrttl liuinlri"! inliiira In iii HprliiuNnlil, l.lnrnlii niul otln-r piiintM will itrrlvKitt Uit'ittiir iiml i ihIimiy. or to ItnlitPH tint 'J'iO niliii rn working Hiitii to Ktrllo', niul to report Hih itiiii 1 ln to tlm Kovcrimr, I lt In ftiml.HK tit pro'ixl lint iniini in r nt Himr llmt ntll fur iiKnUnluiii-n, Mm. Mitritnrt't Mitry, wifit of V. f.. Mnry, nt tlm tiiviTiinr'ii tilllit', lnl Tiit'Nijny tvfiiliiK nt Iter hoinn, 1 77 WiimIiHikIdii titni. Tlm In tnl fiiMiiliilnl, iiriii'iiiln, ilvi ipcil ipiil" miililt'iil.v Nttij thti ili'itllt wnit a tumbl mIhm Ii to lnr lml.iiii(, Mr, nml Mm. M'try mt iitur ru ttliiiut 11 yfiir nml n linlf hki nml wt-rn nlluiili'il an pnmMTiiiil,v niul Imp inly Hint mn h tt t altiiiiiiy miu ilnnlily li inl, Mr. Murv n n lovi'lv wninuii niul fih n.U ol lititlt lii-r nml Mr. Mnry will tir.tiilv mtnirii Inr unliint'ly it mi tit. Mm. Mnrv'n imtl.b it until una t'miany nihl Inr lioiim waat Itm hwli-r, Muni, lu tii l.i.f Mmilii r Iiiuit n im lrtt hr llrn In in an, I on i' (rout MitiiMntii l linn Iitt. 'Itm fiiiirrnl tif Mrs Mill m lu'l.l at M. I lnr..i'a I il.hv 11110111114 at u, Itn, It Mill Imi vtry KUIxirNtM. iilt'imi liiyli t"'Hnn iun HI I iihm ,y iniil i'.r, I'riilmatir Muriu b l lna. I Im nilmi r will tm VlfMta U1111, tin tt, i.ktc, Mrr, l.italur an I ll'itl.r In ii Mtilira lull. ir Sit nt will ! ivli t.riitit, I Hr Matliiti ! mini, I Hif itaili mi I nt. aiHitt an fallo-r irinit 111 ml if ol rvt.iiiiiaii'. I nHiir Nutfxnt aill pn ai'lt tlta miiihui, 'Ida ampiiiim tl ttia aat Htvt mel ilmlUl M,nli.lliiii l l avttiiil))i hx ilf, Maty mhi a a to at lata all. Jila 1 liinii'ia i-t ttraml llaal at In I.Iii'hIm Ul , II. nt. Julia II, Taj M til Ontah a a allr lt -! la a iHrtl ur a rutry mmb at t't tr, N.'t.fiwka, ttNuM jadxia hilt Julia Mt l' ait, JamaU imk rtta, S FIGHT Womoo ttnd Children in tho VH hi la Dplorabl Poverty. PLENTY OP COAL IN SIGHT. A 'Troflt Sharing" Plan of Settlo raont Now Under Con eidorutlon. Ilrfuli Monti In i'liWK, Yin mhiim, 1'it,, Anir. 1J. Cottl lit atill jibottlful Ihtm and prlcua ur nUtwly, Timrit la atill h liirn tpittntlty on I lot river ttvallubls for fall alilp iiiMiita, end rmioli of itln-ld for vmut WiuiU'.n I turn lit'liitf aold, It I r Kuniml by tb opiTitlora it ulutotir' twin tlutt a lruul will bu ininlo by tlia tnlui'M (it Mivvrul lAmwn within tlm ni'xt ti n ilityn, Tlm iviiMott tivi'ii la Hint tlmru la trvut dtl,ltiitiott uinoiiK tint unillica In tlm villatfa Mirrouicl Init tint inlima. 'J'bo t'Ofitrlbutloita front tbtt pnblln liavn bntoi dttyotttd Inrittly to tint firi'iliiitf of Hot 11101 at tfttt fumpt, whl lit tha wonati find clillilri'ii in Dim vllltt(M biivtt been ;irlti't,i'il, Anpciila U tint ollk'lala coma from tint yllllf ovary Any for aid for tha finn-illi-n ut uitf ii who ar tit tlta v&rioit euinpa, (tpf rntora think tin l,H!w will bit teontinintd at cwrtuiti plui'i-o innu un tha (!ontrlbuUin artt lllffitl. but tint 'Itoitltulloti tlinl pruvaibt In lint vll IdK'' U rttlled upon to 1 11 'I urn tlto mvti to ''si'pt tha ofra wblch Imve .U-en tnaila by opcrutora until a auttlud rain ulillll bu ttktublldlojd. Ad U)(U M 7V ct-nUatoii, I') ctotta mora than la do mandtid, bu Iwtoi ofTttrod by aomn op era tora, whoiwi t!otitnila aptn-lfy coul of a i-urUln grtulu, and whlcli la only obi til ltd bid at fancy lluri'. The Oak Hill inlorn wIiom wii(f wt-rtt wllhlmld by tha iJuArmitt earn pnny yi-aUinlny bwiiiottt they bud (truck, mat ui Newton litnt rtlffht and afUir di-itouucintf tint vittnpiiny'a action, dKcldttd to nonaln out until tint (1Utrl';t prim of !'J t t-nta pi-r ton ahould bo pwlil, Kotwilbatundinif thla ax.'tbtn worn mtn wnr at work in tho mlno to-day than 011 any day alnco Hut nmrtdiera appttarfd In tho nuitflibor bond. At J'lum Creek thu for; waa IncrautMid, 'J'bo full 'pntta of SM iihii wt-nt in before 7 o'clock and tit Utf Arutltt aro jubilant, Thu utrlkliiy marchera wati-liod tlmm u in but they mill bold that limy will bit out in a fuwdaye. At Handy t-n t-k tboro Iota bien no diantti in tint altuatlon alnc Monday, Jt la rejxtrtiid that tbo com pany baa iindor conaiib-ration a plun ofkhnrinir tha prollta annually with tlm uiimtra. Tint plan will mt bo put Into 1 Ili-i t, bowt'Vur, until uflt-r tint utrildi, , Tha pound puriolu nt tlm rump of tint atrikt'ra In Ttiftlu cmuk brought to tho ciiiuuiUmiry provlnloua Itunlly vnnutfh for oni! iiM-al, Hoveral tlireiiti-nlinf lcttura bavct been -iu'cI'jch by I'rtoiliboit IleArmltt rriiotitly, bo aitya miiiim of thton iiipii acliia bint Mirmiually and otdi rn thu propurly of tho finupimy. NO GENERAL LABOR STRIKE Tli I'lilon Organliatlon Will Nnt ktut Hrh to Mol tha Mlr. Coll Miitm, ttltlo, Auu. 13, Tito Aa (M'liitnit l'ri baa a alaUotn'nt front hltfli and rallablo authority that tht-ro will not In any atrlka In aytnpathy with tho miin-ra. If, aaya thla author tty, tin atr.ko cannot bu won an the prxmnit plan, that will oliiKU tint inci dent ao ft. r tha laUir iirganUallona aro roncurrnl. EX l KND8 AN INVITATION To all Kaatatn lltatta Id Patticipate In in Tiani -Mtaalaalppl lupti ilon (lovHriior lloli'iiinbliim acitt tlta billow. Init inyiutlou to Hm liovurtioM td ad id Hi.talcfut td tha MiUiupl rivor: .mik- I'll tVtMMI, I . .y;(, uii, ' Hir-I tnk p li'il" U If III fltrltillUK to yu, Htitl llinult y mi In Ida ioplt. i, your ialM t'nrdntMityi'alioii to pnr Iti lpata In Ilia Twa MnwiMlppl tnl In li-liiiltuiit'tt vi pi ml Hi nt, tn be loltl III tha cil y ol HihhIih. Nnlrnka, nntim Jttiia I, and fntiliia NtumnWr I, I ! Taia iiwfiirl had Ha liufplioit III lh a. 1 1. hi 1. 1 tha Trait MiMiuip. t nutv nl nti itti'hd-"l lor mi Mditotl t'' Unif Iniiii Itiatai iily oiil laiuii l i triliuii ol tlm ittral I illlr ap rt'i,lnnt tha rptoiml tlitt nUa IttalilaH honor rml irv. Py I tin I riia-Miiotppl rotta'tvaa lit auiti In- Hiii.ilnt a ll piaiw Inr 1)1111)1114 Ho Hrval kiMwiliiiti ol tha pro.iii and r .iitoa, Iha iiihihiIii. lurwa, aria and In Uunti4 nl IM Trait MiMimippl riu. try, Ika ailiaa of Vtiraa, aad par iHttUtly ll li-t MiUipili, data dona atavry IbiHaJ tn.'ul In limit la- Rttil alHttM a, a !, I a taa-MiMMippi aad lalrraaHuMal at pitmlma aia latloM, a i'irniiat tt nr. ?iaalab lor that iturinwa, tliaam a raara-a. MnfaUaw Joo,imh)i ul theeapllal etiak ka aira I; ! M1NEK HUNGER pnld In, nml the atata appropriation of IOO,OOOIa In llmlminU ofabourdof ibwloia uppoliitcil by tha Kovtuuor. It la our titti iittat wiah that your grout domuiouwiiulth tuny tmrtlutputo In thla fXponlllon on Nclintrntu aoil mid In a inttniiitr liMmlltlliof thi iinpor'ntictt of tlttteMtarpriae and ih K'"iluaa of your UiU, to tha end that Iricudiy tiiw mid clomt-r t'oinincrcial ri-lntioita inny ba pro moted Ittttwt-ttiiyouratttla and XuhnmUn and tint other atiiUta uud tnrrltonua of tin; Trntia-MlMafaaippI country, I IniKt I lint you inny find It not fneou venli'iil, or liicoioli(tit, with your ollhiinl duty to brltiK thla iuipttrtuttt mibj'-ct to tha tttttnttlttn ol your pnoplu at tin twrly AnUf, and, If It uwittrda wild your vinwa, UiR'i Hm coniniun-liil uud otlicr orK'inl ittloiia, muuh'tpulillca and your btiala I urn Ut mnkit audi proviaioua na will in aura n prtipttr axhlbil of Hut rttaourwa of your alnjw nt thla fxpoallloit. Youra very truly, A. JIomiomii, A KKCOKD HUN. Union Hacific Mptcial Makte Remitk abla Time From Ogdan to Omaha, Ottwof tliKinttl'it ru 11 a known in thla tjouu I ry wti inudtt by a apccinl 011 tint Union I'ficlflo from 0ibtu to Omahtt, A t many point I he pttl Kxcut-dcd I'lhty mifcaun hour, and anvt'iily and aovtmty two uillita on hour with common, (Umrun litlrd wu In tdiurKu of Hut Irniii. Kiikiu tiur (JroKun and rirmnaii (Jrilliii wore 011 HiiiciiKlim, number hint of tho itowalylo turuad out by tint Oiuithu ahopa, Tint party on bonrd tint trnin wr jUcclvcra Mliikniid AnditMOit, tb'iicrni Miuitfr Jilcklncoii, (iciu'ml Holicilor Kully, Mital r In Clotiir'i'ry Citriilch, On Kuttriutt'uii'iit jchola, (iiuicril Cottln, Atlornny I rnr of tha rcor:ul Z'ttiou com ml Men, Clok llillla ol tint United Hltttc mturt mid theainrtftarii. Thaapccini left Ok'I''H with no Intention ofbreukiut; ri;orda or inukliiK a pnr llculitr fuat run, but when tho Nebrutiku divialon wua atruck Mr, Urwer received a leleKram that madult tin iuipcnilivu itu ttetiHliy for him lo ctlcli No, it at Omaha a ud reach Itoaton end Net York, (Jem ml MniiiiKer Ihekiiiaou iamntd tho ordura to t he conductor to ruiiko Ida n Hunt nml overtuktt the fniuoiia total bound l.iiioit I'ucilli! flyer which had left Oiidim II v bourattml forty miitulea ourlier Until tint apcelul, Tho ordera with if I veit to luitineer Hroifitu and l-'iro-mun Ollll n uud they aeitt tha truin for ward at n wonderful rata. Tha ri'Kltr howd ttlhty inilea tin hour in aevernl (iliu-ca uud tunny timea It iudinnUtd aevenly nttd cevenly-lwo mile on hour. Tint run from North I'latto to Omaha, a iIIhHiiicii of 'J',) I 111 Hen wua Hindu in 275 iniuutea, Thla win tint I nut end of tho run ami tint puk inner "nd fireman wer iieurly exIiitUKtu'l hnviuir been 011 tho engine till Hut wuy from Odmi. Thla run will tit kit If a pbtca tiinoiitf the hintoricul run of tint Uniied Ktnlea and la a cIikjIiIiik itrKiiment for tho lino vomliliou of thdl jilou l'itclSi:eriilpm'tit mid roadbttd, nn well a for tlm edldriiey of ItN emploex, Tint annelid reached Oiuithu juat behind No. '1. ao that Hint train wuamit, held a iniuuti to wnit for Mr. Urecr, I Id wua trniiafurrod di rect from Hut ait-chil to thu regular, Thel'oiiiiiciiiiK t'ouMtruci ion company of Ihtkoln (.'ily Hied tirliclfea of Inoonio. ration yeatcrdiiy. It liuni cnpltul atock of l()0,0()(l nml Hut Incur porn lorn ant fowler A, Knutiuin, lwter V. Wukudeld uud ( hnrlin H. Hitndtill. It i roitorlod Hint thia compniiy will build it InidKO uoroaa Hut Miaiiourl livir at Yankton to connect with a proposed ruilroud from l not ha to Yankton. Ux-Attornry (iiiueritl Chun-hill laonttoftho lncorio rutora of thu rnilwny L-ompuny, THE WORTH ASSEMBLY, Tbe Virat Ancual Mtaiii g Wae a Sue ctii In Evty Way. Tim incctinn of tha Kpworth Iciikuh which Iota bt n iu a. union nt Lincoln purk in thia uity tlurinic Ihaptiat wia-k, tliouuh tho flrrtof Ita kind, htia proven H Kntii'l auciifM, Tha iitttuidauco oxuued til Hie fXpcetillioilit of tho lliont hopi-dil. Thebiiiin kiii ud alundwhera tlifl con cilia 11 nd apmikiiiK worn held in thu even lnax wua tilwiiya eriiwdud nml hundred Wf re coinMird to ataml. Th nullit-rinK wua n flnauciul ntccia. Tha rrculpt eia l.'lJUn, not ini ludiiiu tha lut day, wh t it will imike thu total rtiiiaiilerubly ciiKH'd 1 1, "no, tmy IUt( till bill Ilia HMiM'liititiil Will litiVH liiiii-u Ihilll 11,11011 biiliiiu tin Imi lid. The elm' Holt 11I nlllttt-ra lor tha coin iiiK mr l.ioim'it im m Iniii ,ti'inioM. Tha 11011111111II114 com mit tr pre 11 bitllota ttlt.r Ihi Inrni id Auatruliiiii bnllola, 11 ml Iwo ciin did.ilt ai t liliuo d l hurt lha leaua lor i n. ii niliati, 1 li i'iitiniiii in Invnr of re- il. tlilU preeut lt!ciuU lillely Ma nvft whrliiiHia: mid with moat ill tha td Ibvta ilit. 1 In I-nn wnaii'-tuly 11 uu 11 111 ui. l.i.ik Him lhaa HiMa litillfa lit III 1 Him ritillil itn l they found I li hilltiania il. ted lor Iha )ar; Tola! iiiiitila r it volt i''il,lUl, num lt iimMrtrv totil, liT; ptiiiiil, I.. II, J.iio., 'J iJ il", tlto prvai.ltut, t , I,', raUiemtt, i'Wll J'iilidiM4 Mtary, li. Ii. Ih, ft 1 5 riiriba; rr irirttr. Mit bin lot I Mad, 'JH.'i, tra arvr. Mim Ita ,M. Iluaard, 'J, )undr WfU aU Itiy laHttxltl, Mm, It, IV, Uli am, UTI. Mlary l l.rmtlaa iilUAhii ilf par I man I, It. A. lUrai-, yu, r Urv MiiiMtoiiary aot, Mi liatli Moiiltiia, Ml I KaM nlttivra, witkflva iH-4aa In ta.(vi at tha rouhraara, una Irniii vai li tluirwt In Hi mat. f am , will mint priaa Iha Mtaaaaiug board lor tha i )ar, SHOT THE PREMIEK, Frime Minbtar of Spain, Sanor Canovae do) Ceitillo Aiiaailnaud. , Keitor Cunovua del Cuatillo, tha priintt mlnlHtcr of Hpaln, wua aaHaaainated at Moot ti AkudiIii, by an anarcliiat, Tho murderer fired three aliola, two of which atruck tho premier lu tho beud and tho other lu tho cheat. Tho wounded limn liiiKerud uncoiiKcloiia for two hour and died nt li o'clock iu th afUiriioon, ilia wllti wn but a ahort.diatouco away when ha fell. Hii n I a A(ued I noted for ita butha. Tho pltico la betweun Hun Hcbioitlaii, tho an miner reaidenco of tho Kiot'ilah t-ourt ami Vli-l ) in, tho oapitul of tho province of Aliivu, alio ut thirty inilea aoutlt of Itllbuo, Tint premier wont thero luat I'liurailtiy to tnko a thmo wet-ka' eoiime of the bulha, after which he ex pec led to return to Kuu HuhuMfinu to meet United Mlute Minister Woodford whim that Keiilleiniin ahould bo otllclilly rccelvud by tho tpjeiiH re((eut. 'IIIK AAHIH AUIIKHTKD, The itMMiiaaiu woa immediately arreattid, lie I a Ntinpollltui ami K'vea tho ituiiio of Itimtldi, but it la believed Unit thia la tut UMKumed iifiumuml Hint hi real iiumo Im Michititlo AiiKino (lolll. Tint murdiirer decbirea that Im killed Heuor ('aiiovua"iu mwiompllnliiiumt of a Jijnt revenue," nml tlmt Hut deed la tlm oiilcomu of a paat anarchfatiu coimoir ncy, lie la bellnved to btiyo arrived at Hnnra AkuciIh tlm aumoduy iu tlm iiremier, and ho wua frtnpiently anon lurk lux in I he piiaKURi'iiof tho bathing ratub liithment iu a HUnpfcfoila milliner, PKEKARINO TO MAKE A LAW, 0 Sound Monty Man Prrpartng to Make e "Sound Currency" Measure, Tho I'n i ted Hluto Kenalo refuaed lo Kraut authority to J'roaidout McKlnley to appoint a currency commiaaion to In vtliito tho currency ayatetu and for mulatit a meaauro to bit preaeuld to the next noiiKreaa. Tho j(old advocate do not aetiui to be lu the Icuat diauiayed by thia tlefeat, Tlmy propoao to have a coiuiuImmIoii of their own make up. They will unit" in detnaiidiitx lint piwanit ol tho bill which tho (sommfainii prepnn-a, Tim -h of Ni-vv York and Chi' cuitourit till behind tho project. The executive coiiimlitfo appolnU-d at the Imliuunpoii (ionvtiution wua in aeaaiou lu I'h IciitfO Tueadt.y. lla timinbera are: M IIokIi II. Iltmia of tudiauapolia beitiK chnirman; M, L, f'rawford, Uullaa, Toxtm; W. II, 1nun. Ht, 1'uul, Minn; i. W, Friea. Hiileui. N, Cj J, Y, Jlauaon, Mucon, (la- C. C, IfnrrfMou, J'hiladelphln; Itowlnrid Hnzzitrd, J'tmchilalo, ft, I; J, V. Inah, (bikbitid, Cal; II. II, Kohlanut, Chictnfo; A, K. Orr, Now York; lr. Foal or JVnbody, Nw York. i. ('. J'ower, Helena, Monl;K, O, Kluudurd, Kt. Itui, Mo; A. Yi, Vt'iiaou, Louiavillo, Ky, Thia commit too will wh et eleven men to di'Voto their tiiuo to tho work rnaiied out for tlmnt nml to com pone tho tiomiiiiHHion. To them will Imin trualod thori'Hpoitiibilily of uiideiiukiiiK to de vine M011111 aatiafactory and nccept uhlo plun for roviMiuif, reiormiriK and reiriilutiiiK tho currency ayHleui. Tlm jirimeiit outlook la tlmt what i known a tho "Chicago plan" will firob 11 lily bo adopted. Tho uommiNalon ap pointed will work upon the ifenenil Ncheino mapped out by the Indiunapolm convention nml will bav exclunive power riitardleaa tif the oxetrulivit coin mil tea and of tha convention lu tha cou nt ruction and preaeutation tocoiiKrn ol a new financial ay tout for thia gov ern meut. AWARD THE CONTRACT. for the Conatruction of the Wing to Iha Haitingt Inaana Aiylum, Th Hoard of I'ublia Lamia end lluild intra htia awarded tho contract for tho conatructiou of tha new witiK to the llimtiiiKK inaano oayluin to Healer It McCtmlin nonlriu lora of Lincoln. Their bid wim tlm lo went aubmitted nml (-till lor fJI.OJO. V. I'ouiereiiM til ho ol Lincoln wua nwaribul tha conlrin t for rni'ilinr tlm aland pine and atctiut ( t iiitf Htid plumliiiiK at hia tiid of 7,7."0, Tli In inakeaa tolnl nl IJ,77o, Tha leKlnlllturo llpproprilllad .'I0,IMM) which Inuvea tha board abulaueonf l,y.'IH out id which to pay a min-riuleudnut nf com iruuiioti ami other incidentnl iHtiaa, Heater & MiCiinllu are wall k iiowu Mini llioroliithly raapiniNibhi cohlrHi lorn.uiid tha ulna will lai toimlru. .d lu a work maiilikv imiuiiar. t l.UHly ( IHllllH Tlm ibile ior lioldiiia thu ('lunly I on vi'lllioiin nl I Im 1'i opli lildrpviidetil I'arly ara tia Inliowa; t'ointl l't.ilt 1 1 4 t K Hufl'ihi Kaarttay AUrfUnt 'J hurt T kiiin.ih AuKuot 'J I Hull (I' tu-iil UI lUiliuutuit Aiiitiixt 'J1 lUiolia Aibldll itM Ml a,lia Aulmru uaut J Vadey Hid Aiuu-l Vf lli.w HirncUw Vutut yi I .nor Itriikfu Ui Auil !l 1 Vi.tx Vm It Auut 'in t-. tVilUt ludtmtU Auant -i I WrUl. f ta. I, loud AtMlt V liaimld Aua-imt ill pit hut dn Fall I Hy Aun'fl J I hm itk4 tlt,i.ftf'lltfc..Hl mtt iau.t a. rbartir to a prltat loiali akn ii U In l nwltad at Hrful liU by J. VV, Wal. loo, ll will haa a, raptlal t k id i oon and I- kbitan laa FirhaiiB lUak id ! 14111. Mr, Welptttii rwaally t'ld up hia bank al liraal, atrr pailn4 all t laiitia, aad riuovd to IHjallal, 1)1 1 Located at Commonwealth, Ooorgla in Making Good Progrcx. ONLY ONE CASK OF SICKNESS. Bomotblng of the Plan of Co-Opor,-tion and Its Practical Working. front raa Howard (tlltaon. TI10 following lelttir from Mr. (Jibaon, formerly oditor of tli,WaltliMukor will Im of luteroat to many of tho reader of tho l,iiO'i'Kiicvr, Mr, (bbaon wa an ciitliunimtlo advocat of tlnr principle of co operation and it wn duo largely tohl effort that tho colony, now) ao pronperoiia at ('onimonwealtlt, Ocorglu, wa or(aitft!itd, It further proKnmn will bwa tclmd with lubirt by many ol Mr, Oilman' friendnin Nebranka, Hi letter I a follow: t CoMMownyil,Tii, 04., Ak, , f!7, frank li,, K'., I,Ihm;Ih, Mali,) llK4i Fuikno: I Itnvo your of the uit, cotitalnlnir re'pnmt for another letter for publication. 01td to bear Kood new conceriii(i the ItUkCfcttiCXT, Well, II mt of all, our people linvo oacuHtd Hurlou alcltnenn, We have hud to call aphyniclan but onc-o during a period of aoven month, Thi Jfor over forty peopla In a- now country I a (food record. Wo have bad mi cao of nuw, and eiii to Im uoitH the worno for chutiKO of climaUt. The heat here I no nrmlr than lu Nitbraakn, but tho heated term of courao begiiin curlier and bint louicr, Tho month of J una unvn u abuidy hoi went her, mercury running bllitt W anil raiiKlng: In tho ulnotie tptiltt a num ber of day, July ba been connldernbly cooler, lu fm:t,dellhtiul u miner weather, W uaually have a gcntlo cooling trmm in tha afternoon. We liuve not luid a liiht yet thin aumuier that wan not cool enough for comfortable edecp. Our u la mer day aro not icnably nnorbir uud ou r night lonr than in tho North, ami tho rain uud dew and humid air current from the Atlantic help to cool the air." I. We bavo in a crop of corn, cow-pea, Nweet potattie, ptinniit, chufi,' ugar cu no, Norgbum, melon, tomutoo, cab- bngo, beau and other garden truck. Junt now we aro outing our fill of the inont luaciou molfou. Never ate la tea year a many a I huv already raten thin year. 1 hey lot vo Imen on our tulue nearly a month. Wo alno hiive great fuantit)ea of lino tomntoc. Hunt lea bunhel to town today. Have been eat ing aweet corn about aevmi week, and leu day uko plaulod a field for fail u, I Our nwei't potato crop of neven or eight ncrti in doing finely, and wo bop to liuve a croit of 1 200 bunlmi or mora, In tho lino of fruit we tiro having anplea and iienclien, Thia la a iieuch couutry and lu a your or two, when our II mt 6,001) treea tnt to bearing, wo ahull hnvo tfreut (jiniiititie to ahip nml una, W bad rip ng on our tub lea bint week from our own tree, (irnpea tiro alao ripening and there aro great quantitio of wild a woll a turn grupen. Tha t raveling grtiup of twelva ail Na. branka )Oplo who ltt Lincoln In May are atill 011 tho rond, and arooxper-ti'd to arrive at Common wealth uboutthe 2oi of thla month. . 'I ho iwtiplo hero raitut cotton chiefly, and they know how to iioika It, They would ba much hotter off if tlmy went Into the fruit buaiueaa mora, lint it la only Imra and tlmra man who know how to enr for tlm tree and handle th fruit. Co-operatioit will help ue In thla 01111 thing a grnt dal. And It will Ita tho aniim In other Imluntriea, Wa have bu aximrienced California fruit grower in our prenideut, I'r.d. Imiuoii, ami other are column. Homo ol my friemln would, doubtle, hke ao nk if living ill tha clone Million ol common projatrly ami united im ir oata la m pleonunl a I aipaclttd lo find it Yaa, mora platmant; and wa are tain porurily, rrttwdd alltogaHier, lu one Itouaa. To th milt centered It would nut l an Ida, Hui h ciini in im, and alter m inn leava, rialllnh paopla would ballar baa aa much at piirnllon na poa ml. la. Hut una It tha m ild id I lillnt ha run live uio.t happily In rlu Iraier mil r-lalniii, ii-iviMtlii4 will) HhmjoI lik pirit 111 roiiiiiiou a-rtic, "It I Vnora bleaaad to a18 Hi nil lo twi'i," fit rt Hi UU to Iwm-rvail, In b lutad Hi 11 to 1011111111. 1 Willi litom y. Hit wa Dud It You Will nbr. I tt. Hi teftll -ll 1 111 1. n d, I ha ll ciul r'l rin walil In f. I, o l.a f tad, In InKaollii't lalior l..f Iniii and Id II anptta in-Uiu "4.10.I .ttr4ina," t II014 aiiiiirtliiu4 lor aiilhli4, 4 Ud or i.lhaf Hint Imia.i, hi Wft.ilHi h( Ilia labor ltia id 11 lift. Hall ialrJ petipla ratitiut Ha loHg liwalher, n w ara luiuo,. Ii'il IhiMat ehiHut will ba lii aitrtvM.lerwl In Iha liin will uw and in I py brul , to !. "VShl' I doablad lb id Ihaauibtlak'iia'.l batauatlar. tl.uiit iha aplril with htk yntt want lain II aad hay ani'tai iald II. Nt hum a Nibraak lltaud, ApprwUtaa nn' i-int, taluk It net wotk a aUl .t I a g'ol rn nPifiMTiviJ COLONY vjmm mm in thing, but It in wfaer, aufer to bo aelfUhl You can't aafely love ami truat anybody but yoiirclf, I 1 hat the Ida7 Nouenne Thl I a practical denial that th Cbrhtt Hpirit live In men, It I unbelief In good, In It profltableiieaa, In It power to ovorcomo vil, Jt I aolf worahiplng, eodnty-dealroylug, anarchy brettding ulheiam, If Im, liovfrlltttloa, "buaiueaa?" Kxaclly o, And " bitniuea," the ench-lor-hlmaelf etrlfn for gain and pint! 11 ml power, I an nccurned thing, it I the nuked muuifeafallon mid menaitr of ain, of aelltahiieaa, and tho ciimo of about all tho evil which afflict mankind, "Woe IllltO them (hat cull evil (nelllnhucnnl good and good evil or Impractical; that put durkuoMa for light and light for dirknenn; that put bitter for aweet and wtHtt for bitter. Woe unto thoui that are wine In their own cyea, nnd prudent in flmir own Might!" - Thl I not tbo arbitrary, unreiinon tiblo decreoof an auirry Ood, it I the majenly and power uonwervlng of nalural law, lbt'au everybody, Hourly, oiiter tho private prtijierty w eklngatrifo, uud liven by the amilidordilmwill rule of "buaineaM," ciinnot mako It reaaottable or "practical," and cannot nhnngo the coiiactputnco of the olflnh t.ruagl. ow thero aro Junt two way by which to live, nauielr: Hv tho nach -fordtimaolf rule of bunlii.w, ol tho money ami prt- vttta profmrly aeeking atrile, from which nil evil How; and lu t he way of Ood' law, by obedience lo which oil good inuat come, i utilflnhllo in bunllienn a good Ihilig awiaotlilng, lit only "prectlcul" wuy and mean td life? A fflrui It and you deny Ood, A (II r m It and you call Cluitt a fool. Affirm ft, prac tic It, ami you do your utmoat to drive Ood out of hi world and to rnAwM what in culled Chrintluitily to a matter of dead form and aenelea coromonlo. I!nt how can a man It uefut in bunl lie? ifo ha commercial rival ami be can not pay hluber price for labor or !! good for more than (ho inammat and keeneet of them, il miint iirovldo for hi own itounchold, and tlmrefttre inuat couiH'if with hie neighbor for a pbK(0 to work, I la luitnt, If ponmlle, lay tip money agairiNt timo of inlnforl uim Ion ol place, eickfto, old ago, etc, ami therefore oiunt let hi poorer nelghbtr ;are for hlmaelf, II cannot lor bi iielglibor. ' Very well, Cboono thoii latweeo (lod and mammon, between otedinc mid bunine, between life and tleuHl, 1)0 not profen Clirlmiunlly aul praetlcw (commercial) atltoleiu. Do not profcae an ad mi rail 011 lor tho law of love, and practice nellnhnene, )oubt the wiadoui of love of Ood! )oubt that men bav re.telved ttower to become Hit eoun tl Ood (John A2) a-d to aticially Inearnato In Hplrit! l)ld w ao doubt and deny wo munt cttnclmbtevil aupremeaud aauity limaa Ity, We munt cult Mnnoii Irrational and g'tod a drtittitt, lit a mailer of tenliinony bear an, VV'e of tlm (,'hrlNtiau common wealth ere not angel or perfect people, Put men and women, with tbo annul inherited wenk-m-n ami teudoncita, We era atill more or lea eilflh,through igtioraucw, uncon- rciouM habit and incouo.uered waakiiea. Hut w mm 1 iinntcnin, wo iicinive in and deal re th Chrlnt Hpiril., Wa have lentinl Chrlnt teochiiiga and know tnat "It i mora bhtned to give, than to receive," to aorve with love than to com mand eervlff. We do not wlb to lire without labor, by th aweat ol other. We have luriieij oumelve nwny Irorn audi titeiifitiea. We really and truly be. liuve lu the fat herhood of liod ami the brotherhood ol man. Therefore we ranch out helpful, fraternal hand to all who would enter the brotherhood life. We bnlieve each ahould nerve according to hie ability, and reeoivo aseordirig to tti need, Wa do not love "In word uml tongue" merely but ineoaur our lore by our labor, Now all tbi I rational am) right. Love beget love, A brother make a brother. Lvory eervice beget n a dcaire to reciprocally ewrve. Ixtve pouring out all call forth all, and ao we of the brotherhood luck nothing that our etored-up luborpro luct or prune nt labor aliettgtli can aupitly, Hy Uai iitg mit lually today the burden of the young, thonged, tho elek and the dmabled we have neither need nor temptation to hoard lor tlm fill urn while our brethren milter. Wa are living aa tho flower and bird live, naturally, without nniiou car or fear. We ute living canity the hie of fitltb, kuowing that he who care lor the him ami tlm apnrrow nitre Im iiteiiauriibly mora for u, who hive, who who aerva, 011a another, Hod ha made a m pie pmvialoii nml delniine. Hut 'Hum who Ilit nml devour on another m it! luk heed leal they be com mimed one nl another.' A I luliiii'tled uleiVM, wa tire wl ill liu a.ta t. Wa lva to biylmtlr and n lieiitly Imar with the liior.ii-e and Weaklia' ol one aitother, Hilt elllth" in niaiiifealnd In ibiily tile la Hi excep tion, not Iha rule, lloitilleal lt'll llf I'l'b'ii tally, Iti iiN anionwl bllU Ihlugn.iiot In Hm ble w.ok mi l pirjift ol lh imtivldual, We r hrlng hanuliily and Iiwltlitty, Wear oik 0.4 loo. I ami living Inually and .iii.iiiin'tliy, but wa era ur id our jolt. ' I hera nra miim aimotg u whi mm aiery liunary, or mid, nr Iuult1i leallf, or out id work, or aaxuMi lor the morrow, ' I ha im k Inherit tha earth' Mt t ottiitnMiM v.,ltli l. r they l' tn toilld huitae ii, iiihahit (Iihiii, and pboit yimywrd wttd e Ilia It ml id them.' VVa do aul Nn-d IM M r iuiH lHia way In VUt ,i, n ntlur thrual, 'V but mi d to anil gmieriMiir Mud futtivat II111U4I1U id aotl, or in thaul our rial. winking Mil l at hattiiiig til 4H jriiiti oilier tlm aia.ili'! inwiilil ahtiM Hi Iha attltaU alruaaU, 'I ha atri'4 ' Im work l"r Iha wk, u l Dm Mr li'itdeily att-ii lod to th iron Nttd Milled. , H mm nrH4MillM4 tha lirothe li -mm mi iiium. Aad mm nut iha mulum W yaaret 1114 nr 11 rl btiiilit'iliiMitl iirriawiittU'iai U unl'aueif tM e 1) V