The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 05, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    August 5, 1807
'toby tha Firmr II m Ktartcd Haw Party
and What 1I llu It bf JTa Getting
All Ilia Into ft Tear Ago
ttocballa'e ArUtoeratla Sags
(Special Corrt noondfnc.J
Not Jong ago a friend gave w thi
clipping from a Kew YoTk daily paper,
owe of the extreme advocate of tbe di
vine right of the plutocracy:
In ne of the July mmrnztn Professor Har
ry Peek, th of New Roehell, says thai
firmrly, whi-n tlm -AriK-riean (rmr'i crop
failed, m Kimplr worked the banter and liJ
Dim moru eeonornleally till tha loss had
tnadu ii), wlillft now h let his hair grow long
arid starts a new political party, Tim epigram
Is smart end accural.
This hail a hoifal soond. There was,
however, n thing laekintp The great
professor of Latin and Oreek at Colom
bia college, the sage of New ftocbelle,
while seeming to grasp the present at
titude of the farmer, appear not to
know what ha led hira to take it, Per
haps the farmer might hate continued
tin he wait even to thU day had he not
been forced into a portion where, work
and economize a he might, io many
caw bin lo would cot be made op.
If the fanner had "let bi hair grow
long and started a new party" 80 years
ago, he need not have had o many
losse. The legislation of the year sine
the war in favor of the sharper and
against the simply ludaatrion manoal
laborer ha been so monstroo that if
Professor Harry had not buried himself
in the dead pat wirb hi Latin and
Greek till incapable of understanding it
he would, instead of casting ridionle on
the farmer' present attitude, know that
it wan taken in self defense.
Ten or 13 year ago, when I Jived on
Connecticut farm, a man came to the
house trying to sell groceries. Little by
little I learner! his story, A few year
after "the war" be bought a farm,
Having bat little cash to pay down, the
greater amount remained on mortgage
to the former owner, "The crime of
1873," which was the culmination of a
aerie of the blackest crime against the
producing clause that ever blotted the
pages of financial legislation, made it
Impossible for him to pay anything on
the debt. He "worked harder and lived
more economically," trying to make op
his losses, but all in vain. At the time
I knew him be bad been paying 6 per
cent Interest on, nearly the whole price
of that farm for over 15 years. 'He had
nearly paid for it in interest, but the
owner was threatening to foreclose and
turn hJiuoff. This farmer wa saddened
and discouraged. lie had "let bis hair
grow long" because he could not afford
to have it cut. When 1 first knew him,
be had no thnngbt of starting a new
party, but 1 did my best to show him
that by confining his attention to bis
farm and leaving others to attend fo
the laws nnder which be most live,
work and pay interest be made a most
grievous mistake.
Not long ago 1 received a letter from
a Long Island farmer, in which be said
be was working harder tban ever in bis
life before, and be is not a young man
by some years, but is still falling be-'
bind. Whether bo has "let, bis bair
grow long" I do not know, hot he ha
Joined "a new party" and is folly alive
to the wrongs and insults heaped upon
bis class. He know that the paper
which delight to ridicule and caricature
the farmer while at the same time np
bolding laws that rob him of the profits
of his labor are not the ones for him to
patron iw, and he is telling others.
Professor Peck's ssay on a part of
which I have been commenting is in
the July number of The Cosmopolitan
Magazine, followed by crisp editorial
comment. As a specimen writing of
those who believe in the divine right of
the few to govern tbe many it is well
worth reading. Here are some sample
sentence :
"Tbe vast majority of mind are lim
ited and feeble, Every really
great thing bas been accomplished
in the history of man has been ac
complished by an aristocracy, It
always meant one thing alone tbe com
munity of ink-rest and effort in those
whose intellectual force and innate gift
of government enabled them to domi
nate and control the destinies of states,
driving in harness the bewers of wood
and drawer of water, who constitute
the vast majority of the human rson,
and whose happiness is greater and
whoso welfaro is more thoroughly con
served when governed than when gov
erning." "The va-t majority!" Twice thi
braggart emphasize hi superiority to
"the vast majority." A long a be can
make them believe that their Bind are
"limited and feeble" they ma, 1 Con
tent to be "hewer of wotsl atd draw
er of water" for the likes of him; but,
as John Hwlnton own rcmsrkd, "The
gutter siiljie has learned to read. " And
in spite of nil lii'i efforts made by the
"sacred band" of tinivi rlfy men to be.
littia them, iu plt of the i ffort of
trickster to mislead them, some day
"the vimt majority" will Mime to know
that they are "of mom value than
luany spsrmw." They will yet stand
up in the dignity of m,iultoMl and wom
anhood and tell 'rofeor Peek to hew
Ids own wood and draw his own water
whilu they attend to strengthening their
"limited and feet." mlmls.
"Kvery really great thing that ba
11 M e' ill) llln t III the history of
muii Ims Ih n eniiiplii.lnd by an an
It racy," say Professor Peek, 'Ho
jeslly ureal thing ha aver bet-ij av-nm
pluhed yet. I wili the protestor bad
VlnKI us to hut he meant by n ally great
thing. A great thing w tegtin when
Vjeuif Nsiun ilt linf resd a portion
Yf the human t with too Idea, of oi l.
ti rul Irothcihcsfd and the Innate Vslu
of a human I lug, for tohU Ii m hlng,
w ith 4m i f the iit?Mry axomaiil
instils, llu .Istorrat promptly ifird
bit rt QiHt ,1 m. Was (Id ote of the
"grval Iblvgs" thry haveoinpllhn4f
tUJA 11 WaJTf4l4U.
th fopnllut fimfMuMMM ftawafca fa I
tepW Charefc aw f'awstfc'
On Invitation Cngfems Jerry
fimpson and! Senator Mhn mmU a1
dresse f s the l'eopk' cborefi in WasShf
Ington on the morning of JSy 4, JV,i
lowing is what Uf, tisaym auM in
"1 doubt if halt a town w at it
timti who took an interest i t& mf
really nleroofl tbe fall Smynt (A tUt
Declaration of Jokpdea., $tu
onderstood it an1 ti4 it fows M e or
dinal prineiple, Wb;t ltfl mt w
have achieved lie in thm
Jefferscn fealfed th4 ittff(tf.1fA
therein wjoality of oppftnadiiy ISfsal
ity of opportftftify for all taJer-
"1 hold that UAxj tbe- tittU p.t
etietence and fie eodtfe of Ah mt
harder thm in tfe 4y of itKnmm,
and that we do not receive tUi ffl
efit of mi govermwf, Wt hatt t Vim
causes? W se tfx fcsftef t&ew l
control fed by syrx-fieie, mi$A to
devote more ttUfntkm to pUvUttf t'm
eanee of De mier of tbe muttt tA l,t
not and should moifct an Utntt in
tii ortditioft titfUf fthitit fbey wran
gle, What is ttw iA tim i trm tA
every laboring mn t f feet L'aiM Af smVav
We say that ooght tA ttt im in VvgiMvt
a larKl, with all it tA it
inventive genius of labor fo
cbinery, Yet ih-m mi t b mttfiWMMt
confrontmg o trUf, W tm tU
fergeof a rvoJf 'ut a pcditM! .
perhaps, a peaef 1 orr pvhf$, I 4
not believe that peopU wbo Mit in
annual 1'onrtb of ?a,'y titkx v'tii ait
down quietly mA &tmit to fbow
ditione. It i fh daty A every ,
man to proclaim arx-1 point mi wbew a
get an opport anify tMt evil b
however id,w& b may t,f w mi
tbe prejudice of theee it &tiA tint'
"One of the gret erllir U tbet yvi
of aBRalafed weaftfo, If y6
ose your eomnvn sens asvl tatAbi wit
for Just a moment, fm tstvar
that many of tbe mea i
only developed in tb faeIJe (A KM
wealth. If you point ttt thn KkWA senate, jm wil htA tdf A
millkaire. There are t to
dfMTi states that wi.l e4 to tbe;
M tana without tbe eapaeify of
wealth. It U the wf.iw tbe lVw,
Wbicb, I should say, feasi g it.Vf tt
band of a receiver, Jt J o tbirf we
can't even get a report tt'm fott
ceiver as to lb a et, fX, bow f lb
ship of state- hm firitfA ii'm it nav
age 1 hee bow the; represeftfative t.i tiU
nation have sarrenr edl tfter rigb of
tii poopl to oe Tbomae fH,iH
of Mainef J vertar to fiUt be
trntb gets a l-ariegitwill fc pn
a tbe most shanW 1 sirrvr la
rlgbtf of tb Anverkas peopJ ever
"Tbe leaders are sfrw4 be sbirew
est of the land. They pat a
Ied arwad af fereveryeiectiow or pJ
io tb Wbite Hw tm IVa WlCtn
ley, who cam bcr molded at wiL 1
not a pessimist, afhbgb ay rwbift5&
may leswl yow to tbi&k sc, fef fT
10O year trA4 to acjfre w.
Now we enter opow tbe; new sHrsa Je,
that of if AUftitMtkM, Tberw a
time, ottly Q year ago, wb tier
was a tbir.t for wealfb, CotCow
king and slavery 1&U-A, After rx
was actually rtir.overed f,M dy tivMl
there were 2i gri ron, Ji waw a yt
oro and atomorrab, Jofcn Ifrowa, wf.
21 good rrtn, went Uf$t' Trry,
and before end w in view tv
stars and stripes mant it(ttM, A
million men wsre snrjficed for a pr;
c iple thtf gave t "v biacfe ie fria (,f
erry, May trie- tm come; for abn
2Z good me:n will go to i(r$f Y-trj
or some other place and gat Us ti
liberty of the white slave i
"Let o demonstrate that tb4 Lw.kra
tion of truU veitfU-t did mean or
thing that it trear,t reward f'.r tol of
latior, awl w4 that the rsalt of mtti'
bard work sboad go into tb pockef
of Mark Hanna or any other WfitiK
J refer yon to tb last eampaiga, wfc
they wanted to net aside fiaf day ttA
Mark Hanna, tbe patrk, ife, wa
to be ma1 (be banner bearer of tb oc
casion. The iw.le pnrp of tb jffsa
tlonwa to txdsterap tb ifUm
ftAicj. Tbe porposet of Mark llant'
flag ia to cover op tbe dirt of th li
publkM pity,
"1 hope th day will nom when that
flag will mean af,ribing ji:ity f
opfrf rtonlfy, 1 l!cv in tlie Areran
pxdlc. ' '
f Mftiiii,
1 have rel tmttif tUf.ritkm tA "mm
arvtprn," and 1 have n a fw lay-
:lf, bflt tlK! Otbef Af I JOW-T4 tb
from the y-u of Chart's IJ, ,Vs,ti,t(
and I want to help give it tntf inj, a
it s fns to me to ls move all o fiwttiv
than tlKi rst i,( its timt.4UH.M;
"(Uiii rvatism U tl i fog of wk
mln'ls, a t'vf' 11.1 shelter ff M4
Who have not the cmim of tlr.r t,u
Viction or ar entirely with' tit opin
loin, imr having b arid Io Ihtk, It
I a srrt of 'tiMtittita f,r tt. tt,U
tliliided ' retreat' ffV ef,pJ .-tl ,
i f IhoHKhl, " Ihxl t'Ver th gf'.uod
roin letely s the Mlld VtnU u
of "pahlte oj,H,l." "that tUm if
Irfli'l.tle Sk pt'Jtldiea whi'h W .l
n'lH p1i.ef, " Was it I'aflyle n
llmiey who swid thatt Whoever II wss,
be only f mi ed l Ui ttf and - u
till" l tin Vand fhlll ting a f l,
pul.lirt and Ms opudon. L C, Ot.
thaill ill i!"j ke j r,
l ilf tM Iraa,
Fhsll l-tli'T l-e affiled) I rjnttkfi
broimht ft ward I r eetefsl ef,tH iMl
Kak't lately, W ixlgi.t trust fw
of litem with guns, tut If they (I A w
show mora dh than mynUf of
Ihelil did wlen ll.ey tf,er .)ot
11 fall It would M ry dsog- ton, f
thry would I a apt Io Mt lUm
ev a tlif en iae Yi-eMi i,f 1-
Wm ! M WV VtHt,
$4rm Utmim, Mf,
' MVr, rtwsi, aatsi a4
mm 4fHtMyit ttf if ttt mtt
Ifc !-
A VpNt aw- rueilW srd
4jsenv4 r l4 ttsA tmt
yr rW eV'f mI
ll44 Jl3i() X;a
r pmg., Wf tetttKf 4 bas
bee lf tJUe HriHA l b t,sr
frww t)U taawMi o-lip'Mg,
Tbrcy tmti'mim tb M5 l
eyifct w tb n'i4 b -'
aa;; fS bvw 1m, d b -a
rKjoaHl by arr bfiv vr Wa
sivetAj i,om4 tb ro, m
mtA, 11 mut Um tb t-g. aprg
frr ttkivAi4 et y- b b-a va ig
Pom 4ymt A ttUt,g H a
erl iM, haiM w tWiitr 'f
siu4 av4 ab'vt tw avr -
tAt 4 ev tu f tl U4 m
T'k MtjsiAtal tA thm y
Utt-k, y'w iMiM
iwd(tJ; 4fr4 tty aa M M,
Av yr, W bv'vylt rVt.a
Imwm IUsam Irvsw tb ulbd
int)mf; ii ipifcg
tW AfHiMHf 4 thf'lfi) tb jftted
d!v, 4 Ciuy MvijfutjC ut ibis
Um rtyvftmt U w
lb id, Kvt MMMib;i b4 L
ee4 ! ribsa4i
1 b lUU m vJ Unm to prea4,
4 f.ill mwj4 t tU Pyrthii
tUf mttA a ait t4 rf tmt, tb
Jtttt Hldf nMMjt Ud
W tvr Ui4 H, t'M
Uiwt bar ba
avavlUy at 4ti4 vi4, M tb
avei bvsAsi 4vAyi kUt fox vr a
1nfiM, It tmmy3Ht t b
(ke JfiiS,
AttrH. tir istJw -r-iie ail
ev,(U, 4 bv bav -
v jc,! rv''" vr'
o mm as)' a4Mr pr ytHtMitg
W bkMi-y, bKIM M 4w b4
t4, aaileifV t.Mt. ti'Ayin
M4 mr,!, tt tl4, ba i be
dr Amm bvSt t" b:
A fMMM; sy A Way tt
&wmtm't t sMA.
UA yw kv- Ut ow yat
go" g-r!at rt'y wt bvt
tb of bsisay sip rr
bv ttt4 UU fp si
U rse A if twwyr
tsu prty pfr ba4uy
tt.&4'kA 1st sMkia- tb vbn.-TT
ffy'vsfkv fbai Ha yiti b4
a- tbw ita i tb K'jfb!a
rvraf, yrs o av b- eivt
h b -jraiVvi ' rir?
kc tt wytHtm
hym tbat bj(iy, tb teYw ap
Mb.'b 4 4i- g tx aU!T
lod o ksya tbat tb ynAm at lag
b', ar robfUtv by Ibis gite wtifty
Hy t,itnA i'y, 4rg JJ tbaw
bgasvf orry y orpriv
tA ytt ItW tit 4 aw tb -;aw
atrb ar aovttaa- ia ul 4,
M'ya aot trv of e4 itfunnfAy u4 t-
f a to mtt'tuu, m Kftt g4 u'r
rri at a bad r t, br aa4
y bm-bsi'Slid?
JM yo kyw t.t patrva f th
(iMitvM tnyt abo bad I' pay tzlla to
tMr S(iyabi thrifty Af
ag f 12,"" yr tv aa4 UftnyAy
aad f bat itu t io owgrt
a ad yo'd grvrt aa4 4add
fbat 4 aoraat bay o-at ad
tu toy kao (bat "r g d g. a'-
t at mn4 mij Untt4 Oi tb
U of i Mg fcd b ruHttuy,
h4 npynUt4 m ntHfUiiHi1t tst HvM
iMr of ej M'aoffgab! aoo-
th'iflr hto'lB St (d Ut'fltt,t"ff,
it,g aa ia m irrttrtm, 4t4 tUt
t t,,ir fca! ftttv, and tfeal i ft
rr to t at a bigb ym1
tui t h lh, tbai yotr rMb aw b
liftiKf mt 'A to lrer t' fny bra
r rir bf ' a-g aad bl "iwiHuy,
.d tn,ltir th'miUi it ,rb li
l r "liir1ir" ti ftf, lmt it?
't ii-d off fA 4-i tat w'i'
(dr biM b O.rottWJ il toutUf-t' A a
yroat twlM "l fi'iog to
arsaT'adtt wa doa. 'It -ool
', Miiyni tb M',ii',ia'' I t a
r 'r a I Htifgut 'a d it; m m ,'t aot
O.'f l;(tili t rrt tlat lt faopta
w,r rf,ietV nrfii,t It af'itf
ll, ',hl add r" b -stirs' f'li t
, " i bai.'l '
i,f li, l it awoi ag Io b'f M
ir t,f 6'i tit tt. tror t?r
f,d N i t ' frfur i iit, ttb' N lb
1 1 id ',ralxeMS ait it dot
H it l o a inatur d it inter
t 1u lie. ftiibtd efpof((t'ia t'bir
ti M,o(jaila iniiiiiiitiit lbra
Miitf,n aa ! t lb aay nr h
IN itttitft iskiig
rt ,,tf H !' tb fititiia-U' d
f1M ! MN'oad lbs ti!r -! ixi Id
g'tvef fcteei,! jl fOCf ,fiM t ill l
O'te. W bN thai dV t''O tb Olili, wifl n'll leaia lb any ar aii b
rVltiftvr lb piriJyi.f )- asut
aarthitg lb eealitili"M e"
yjtun a-! lU ii tttit to fall.
lt)oal.a lb inM waiitanr
Ibllig d" ilmt on eoMliiti b
a htil ytttnyttu wttb 'iiil
-r1, aal out eU bos bmoan it
ff t ti bar a folly tMM with
I liuf . ,t4 t-iu t urm tlut V . H. fm.mlk.
t v i u, yH tb pri iSvl tuny n n I ioas.
If ytnt aaat tu frolwk wtb tl umA
u ttry u4 pay Un what ym
aK,t tb vvAm utnY. iAu tit irivi-
i')fd &rytftiu.
' a,
J MOMS r w to.
r.rrV ar ,
Caat-suat fady f'atbartie, tb raoss)
'adrfyl iMed:ai 4mvvrr iA tb a:.
pbawftt aad rtArmUuic to tb fast. at
g'y ad ymiuAy tm kldy, lirr
KI iMfi'm, tum,hy; tie (Ur ytt,
if td eoUbi, ear beadarb, lvr b hi b
mi tstnmUvnWm sxid ViiUtwutma, Pla
by and try a b d C, C, today 10,
i fea. JM4 a1 gtiarantaad to
ear by all oVtitgwta,
Py&mittA tb WWI of '
trnik utifaOviit fd during tb
p a ssvatb road a that io
fcrtk paid tabot $7,tt(4 lb
at,'ttt by UttiM'frtuK Urn titut 1tut
it hi Utrtm t't mm WmkU in fvt lof
W sll aata taaty ribr
pirMe, batd wokigi-ffr tumuty
itya abo tnAy4 la tb way bw
ram tb HiHJWtHt mt laldy a II dd
to by tb t'urttnry Katerpr, Ifwbroa
blea at at, bt wbo at lb t
im radrd tb4r bot1aa,
lo- aay tbgo44 aeld did if, Voa
ogbt u kfc"a-f'wrt,y iturutA,
fttnOn AlUit hint tnriUr adad
bie4f to all blrtydrbg AumifHM
by 'ty'y aad evyaragly fjg
'iWtutmt iU4 what a 4iiut rdlaia b
MthmivftA Um, iim4 h4 jt alrd
lb evat ebo,lf a ad nuttMUt
tb pyt tb tHtytw mu4 tfasufw, Ui
btbM puMe,y fldd, A!l tb tt
ira iept a aaealf ra of t ba btglt
tfttfium, r di,gbtd, aad AIIa wa
,yled aotfe fcrtltt.o at
lb m of tb wukiUrtil 'a M'ab
ivWtt bHtr,
CWp mrk rk tl MisAhisMln
ffttA ty t4t Willi add lf U
$rtbMrta ba to ytuU tm dab
aaed at ra tutttUiwA biow,
IfH f iifHti,, K, lb, A Wt 3, 7 far
iuAmimyi., lad,, Agt 15 aad 17,
mtAyjmAmrl aad , 'ir7. lrf.
it-m Ututt rpjetiWy V-ptrtolr 1 2
od 17,
IRo , f,, Agt 21 d 22; br
'li.Vt: bant pttf 2,
A, K. VtMt tttty tkfcat at, 117
y J 'b
LOtf KiTCf
Tit tt 0at IVxfc IU4 v(tt
ladiaaafdie, fad, aad retira 4 1 4,
Aagut sued 17tb, rora limit
Acy vt ltb aiib rir1Jg of WptaW
iVin adr rtM) yftdMa,
t4Htuy, A, aad rra til,
)(j,W tb aad 7tb, retara hw.t
jtfab, ?, f, aad retara 2I 70, Aag
A Kl4 aad 22ad; rra bmit4Mt
214 witb pn vdg .d rVptabr 2'lb
rrta-a oad,f ea,
bago, Vrivaad 1 1 0t
tr way), Agt 2ad, fttb, Vtb aad
Artaaaa, ladiaa Imt'tUny, Oklav-b-7,
T( od Iiia plat on
bp!br road tr( Aat 0d
aied 17b. r-rpttaW 7tb aad 2 1st,
t-4Af ttM 4 JVtb; Mara bwot
t BtyMt 4y ftm dtd a!,
tjmiiHt'AZO Ut at dp-t,
TaitHbadO atreed lor Irtbr la
vrav, I', KtrararoaK, C, J', A,
7 bat tbeeUirb "le- k I-daad" Trala
fria b M'H to ',HtnXt r tUiru4
Army liors aad tbr lriad "adl I
b,Mxr." l-ara Osaaba, Aag- 22,
) ea tktb rl dyJ will
provpt iWnet ay "1 Waad"
A ft, jxbf mk yovr arr-,.-w
r v a,, stad g, tb bt rvM, 1 1
aJrv ibrovgb wtbvt --bt,if,
W &gaa PJ;s ar hftiUt m la
v c.iC la A1, 4 tb t,t rat
a, I b b dfa4 frow aay 1
Wd Afat o addr -
4ot ,, H. P, A., t'bieago,
A, tUJTWKi'Okif, i. V, 4- I
trwaba, Xb,
"-OblMtU II Kl ftliJI ratl.l
f A4j'n.mjr a railroad toaa,
fTraedraka,w itb a-radd aeborl,
rboreb aad ail tb vavaiaeMi o
i3i tow a, 1,'aJI or addr
M, F, llftflr OMS,
FARM TOn SALC 'iod fftn
of I Ml si M on-half totl eat
d 'trli, Mbrat, lo-r sal on r
1 1 t w. itai -ia tanning ifl i.eii
w- lMat l i .V r a- r, I or pr
im ,lar ad l" J. lb 1111, ti'UHvti, Mi
,, j m f4MaM waalr ' ,
I f w nitrt f'i'llia fwtt "t lnlf 'iilf
Jl. i, f i.', i i b . " fMf
' i .'nt ti I'.. ' ! '( liaia
' , ad, . ,.4"M I" ! 0ll',l. i.i.i,'.f
, t i" t t4 lie, ,et i I
' , - 4 , i I, to4, ,C ii-, . ..,.li,t,i,,i,
j , f,, , I ,1 S, I"?' I'i I' '"i
I , ... .. Btt. ( M Ix ll l HJ.dl. , 1. k'-I I ll
i., 1. ilrt l-Ht l tm itmt i-." I-,
. .. Ij. .rf II. ,,III,H 1 1 ' ll l.f ! Itm
m i I At .!, linn , b
a I M (-.!wl i.4 thm lti. ('itt'ttt It
i i. IM .c l,l' l,,',f ( l it Sei l
' 'i,. p,, t, I.I ,1 , .-' l,l WilM I
' i,, U tm (.if ,! aiil ihi l liiini, l.l 1 1
i 1 . I 1 ,.l,A., l l, ll , III ..h, ' ('1.1
' ---I p I l',ll'-" ll.lm I 'l. llt I'l
' ' ' i4 l, I 11.1 I ,.4t'lnl 4 f l , ',11141.11.
' -I., ,,. )i'ii f M I, b it
, I.- 'iui t Oi- ! i,.l, l , I, I Oi-t
i. ..- l . l ,,! I bat li 4. . ,l i-1
; . . ,i,4, 1 1.! 1 1 e ,i. im i i o. o, i fi
I .,1 a I W fr ill I
f ' .i I -I i-i. u., I II. . iii i, a il ii, 4..
I ' I I I ' - lit .l ll'l l I, l-'ll'
I i.t v, -. ifi
i i i j ! m iii I, ml Uii in! .li,t M
j I' - e alatl"
j I ,..t W'fi-t ...
1 , 4 M ,4 ,
I . ,i. W.,a
, r i k M-i l ,.,
( f '"I- w'4 ....
: ,ii m 1 ,
' eib Vt H 1
t; i M,,l , .
I) j l. Ill
n b.Miii tin,
ft . Il.k ,
)M I ft, l, b . i
l ' I . S
I I . J
f ! .iiiln
, n.nilli l ot
4 j :,,. 1 ttt b s
1 i. bi..a , , , S
I tttfl't ,, , , I
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t' I 4t s i
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W W illbi, t bi,i
. l itbr. .u.r
. -. (aiabiiaiaa
AKTIJICTLY f f JOH (ilUMJ IXdllTnTIO.I wbronly VifM C1AM tnnd
m laatraet-on i glv, aad at t,r t; r.tfKnnf, ol of lif itttill,lo
mA lli kind, Having a faculty of twelr rntrtviiuitn,y (mut'titr,'
tmi i tntm, ninny tA lim bobling difloma from lb beat Liiro-an and Am'r
e Oitswrralori of M'", tgtbr with a TMOMoimaj iw fmmur,imivit tAWtinv,
ttH4iuK to gradnailon, and Utwh4 on tb ltwt ItrMitn and Amerieati tbodf
biatrial iM tfWkly ipil' rtxMht, faeultr oerl, and tb ' rtov.r; 41VAftt'
M tAttnuttd mmStr, W bar iy pnidl tbrougli till and adjoining lat
a well a from otletif nmU m nttiU, who adl leatity to our Iborongti ati'i pama
taking UtnUMthitt, W will I jdtd ti rfer tt myom of them,
Tsnm o Twirioai
aerar, " ' "
t"a dW b, imstHH, l0tnr,$ 1 1
't mtmty i,al tttntr Mwiw, lav fc, I I
'I l,Mt b,t ,,., It I
D a'r li'sr i, ,,,,,,. ,,,y, i i
eie tvaasa 4serr,
1 bvsr ttMttiM
k'TAH tmihk must. I oald enrb half
will not b aiad ap oalr la ea tf
IttHtH H4Ht; mtAir, tAtnw.ntto.
tb ! att fHUiA iUtmmHtm tttt
ta it l , a tmtAtf tU a s
ttttttttm at ta 4 l ia eW gVe-
, iwm I lAmrtm un W4b4ar, smi!
f , a J g, ., be lb yttipttm tA I '!
al4y a a4bti O j4yi ,T IV
wr d JHt4i4t0 Utf rU Ibw atat
nmtufmU, a4 live lb taeO T ,a IW
b ' a ,r ytitymril t'rUM Mtto H,
nt b tttrmwt i lb fttittiyUtt t4 b
Vnw-eaiM 'r a VaowJ is tb ebi.,i
yituttftm, 4 a I' ( aitl an (m
4mtf ttt0 pttti f ttt iariu.4 ,i-iaa I
ta hM' at iM' O Uii,ria,
'llUbf'tw-a''a M IO AeMwatelif
ea l t'ttm, ttt Hi it fit tttrtitt I be't. ' (f
IOy, w, 4, leers v Kiia mUm e at
tb uMttttui ie,a t law, -b n,tjr,
re, (4 bat ' lai mw ij.
yttttm mm M !, iw untt
tirttttiu In raveatM U, a-tart a4a
a-a lb' ti bats Is ,y,vaU4i
I tb wnit,
H b bxO.i(r T tb limw4l S'nOt
tUmmttttm mM tm at lb M4ti bvfS. aW -'
ne star a fc4.
i v owt'w; b ta ttnmmt m it vi
ttttttHlftt t I sii4;
a l . .
ihhstttt I
4 ) Ctyie1V ft''"'
$Aliittt istt ttt tsr
tyffWt fM tit r-ft
fr'tt f,HU. ,',,
w tftti4tf rt
tftfit ft t f
,,,t , trtt
Hurt .,,
ttt$0f . it.' j
iiAAtttStSsrfstf t
tor f
ara fsb , , I
a i)4 , i
P sV rtttftift I
I MfaaWtstfls
$Alf4f40 .tff !,
it ,,.,. f
11 v..,,,,,,,, I
UnAmtHl, ..,,,., ,
&tf9tti)4f1$ I
t MAtf
4 tfttrnm ,.,,
t mn ,,,..,,
4 W
tAt4f rJtttfttf !
OVff .. I
S -
MiU i
T MMiyw , ,,.,,,,,,,
UmkAm f
' it fi , ,
KM Wlllw e
.. i.
tnvm, tt
Uf1 I
' u
tf '
tuwu4tn ....
' Snn'4
! fttwrvj
ii ; bb-Mi
tyttfAlf ,, r,
i aio,a
f , Tbrr.,
' 1 bwa
It 7bfi
II Ill
I- ,
S . V4lr , , ,
! W aablatrti , ,,
' W',-
j M-U . ,
I I w bav ,. I
I J tt II
II i Tal l
Jtwra C iikiUMk. ti,as,
l,fcg llfcaDM, Tter,
ttt 41 k t;orito -or tttr. tut.
UvttiM, ., inly IS, 17,
gf f tb be,ti,ni rfral .,
mHitm t4 itt turn mtitr rl,la ofiMs'ai
a JMat. a tvretur ll t I ,, (liy
It uiut tA 4 M" att Is la r
af M, W44r. agiasr I, IsvT, a
t ,,,
1 b ifHtp'tm ut ai4 tttuwimUim I ti in- is
aowisaU" i aaiaa lr )-(- tb
ftfrtkii t-ttntt. a4 tat rsat lb ir-mif
w ii, ! f ,, a, a4 I !at b
abf bMM a ssr aertr "m Umtutt ai4
K nii'-'T If
at l a4 4ms t'e ,, J ia
m.)'if OaKa I b,X ,at li,f bl . AilMfla,
(,,.itital Me, ia b ib aMI aiat tb
li n(i,ril,Mit br timttlUm;
! , ,l.l
ia, im til eeemili
i iSf,ia S
I fcmtb . ...... I
f b a Vab I
i k laaOaU I
ki ....
i.NNir . i, r
I ,a', . . f
4 i 4iH I
II llll .... I
It i bUiliw.a .
U' l'bi .... , .. . I
M.,(t. ......
I b, . ... . .... ,. .
Si Mila .... ..... I'l
Sn.irti I
t ; O'l II
I'. s
II I I I'l'M , I
It j I bi . ,, . ..
ft j I' ,.!
t I'm" , , . . . I
I l -. , 1
5 ! In. Ml. In t
I j ....,i,,H II
( i 1(1.1 I
I lll I
1 'l
II s .,M 11 II
; . .in, i-M I
1 j .l,l
II I ,1.1, l
I Sbl,ll 4
, i"int I
I f n. I
4 :, ') um f
: I" t
1 1 h,.., I
I ! I
1 M . I.I !. , . i . . t
1 w . I
S, a bif I
aM,b .
baa, ...,.,,,,..
hi,iu .
twu . ,,.
a., lull
Hi'! ... .....
ImSn'i, ,, . .
Ii,i .......
)Hlt ,,,,,
i . .
l .
i ba .
I b,
I .,! I
I ..... ,.
I ll ,
' nt.m ..... .
!(., ,
Imk'ii ..
i , , , ,
!, li ,
let-, a
i'i'i , .
I ! a ..
I iliMi'il ...
tit HI, ....
I l ....
IM, ,
I,,.! ,
ll ,
lll a,
II 4 I
IUr-t . ,
!.-( . .
II. . ,
IO,n I
It biauabM'M bl b wil )
IIMIM lut b bbi, nil lbl lbs
aitoal l Mll . bs sIImI
li ( ibr lull Ml i4 i"r. ll i Niibm
rMiaiiaii44 Ibsl s iiil b s ')
1,1!, fS ,lbiiiass,
Mil I MM It. l ull g, is',
4 , vxc asssaracar,
TWimlf hiut k'ftt nmtmt ,, 'tt4ttt00tllA W
viok osssstr, .. .
T'r Utti nmttlrt h'imr lin ,,,,,. .t'lH
ftmmt,tti mn vr aserv,
T fiiif! bl-bi, ummiM .7,,IS
. i ,,""'ok" avitsa,
raiy bl( .,, MM,a.,,,.,., ,,,,,,f f ts)
(fiv weeks) la adraoc,
jmmtMt lost
jrolra:td mmm,
II, II, Jliatt still owe thi alfie over
.' oa subacfiption, alter rf'ilng to
tak tb lieaeoa oat id lb post tfbev
( utr County i'nwtt,
To Oaiaba diiVago and prdnfa fit low)
and Illinois, tbLIOS( YkiAVWAnnm
iieiM with tb CkX.WA'.y, iAif
lb bt aervie and tb fatt time,
Call or writ to to lor lim eard, rat,
t K 15- ftmon,
Our $2.92
1 1 . Special Watch
t t ,) t 4 4 it alt
V'-sr 4 Mrn,
wHI r i MMikt
m n't i ll i,f tb-t I'r -lira,
, reiat t1
( a a,al r '!
atala H b lb ate?,
iwa it 4 g .
ttttttMtt it a batcaea (,r tb
mimm t lb bala,
17, 4 in I r's 'tb
it a ! i4 .
Y4 t-.ttiUtm Fiat, a
aabnvt bair y, tr
a' a4 ' bar
,,t4. le"! UtAtf, a a
,ir bass 7w tf ! at ibM
n:t.i.t, a t,4WHt r,.
la,Hra rt, . HtUtt,t,
We'll "Put Tou Off at Buffalo"
Wb yon arrlr tbr on your trip
over tl
va vrra v
Grand Army
o". Republic
AUGUST 23, leST,''
Vtfunttutff tb Jloefc Island run
tbroagb train tearing Omaha, Aug, 22
'!,r will le no cbang tA ear nor
Uhtioli r M wa de-pti ia (,'bkago, Tb
train go through oa fast tiro and yon
will bar A
if 'ICK TltlP TO iJ.;mio.
Tut; IUtk i ow aad yon should
fal ami raelf. T La -ool at.OiOolir
around ,Vm4 Psl.M will invlgoral
f ou. Hon t in th trip Met ni an
from any lloek Island Ant, or mAiitmm
tut Mow. . At Hi riimroHU,
ti. V .A, Ib.llmaba, Vb.
or I'Mfb. IU ff. T. V. A Cbleego,
oh rnuri, 0, P. A., Cbieago,
k . otiiona
ltt1' ,-. .... A.
'rrt eoavaiCHTS Av
l (batib ni ,i4i,.a ar
4. driitlf
ii li'iil
,.i , .
i 1 u. tauaa
iail A.Sia It. I l,M
Iwaallfiilir HlHrla. Imyt ,i,..,IiiiiS af
i, .ilm. I .,lul i, , Iji,i a cat j
I'm, W'liih, i...i.. ... i v 1 1' ''! il
buvia as l ii Mi Im. aaaiM
IDI Ilia4asj, ftw 1st lit
rjr.iioru rArtu
A naedil In yim a a vraal Id dally
(r mil l & a r. iiir iUm vr,
All lb bswsnl all tl aurld all tb
Hum, A if i iimM as I Utr In vsrbiilf,
AmxhisI lrts and a'l iniihuMilia,
I ri Imiit llliitlratlim. P-torn br gra
aiiibui In etr autiilri Uplaadbl
! I i a lnr wmiieii and nllir im il
,Kllllieil (d IINUOial iNtsrtsl,
Hie ai hii t l'it a iiumg ""Ii'
I ir la an, lriiei ,y id pubiioatuia
and lo.iihea, vaiiei ami rviiali.lii ol
(Miulfli la,
W nltr ll biialt natiaprf
tnMiir ou ;ar lr l Hfti
trm MlM( i
'.ih,!,i i,.nm f iimaiiiiiiiait..
e,iin iiiiial. Ii i.i .Maii
. .. , . . . to. L.m t ..l.i.
Mil , -,HW1, MB, B ll I1
I-Ml.l lh,.M ll.,,jMk bli.a