THE VOICE Of THE PEOPLE. Id tola MituniB wt will poollab eominunlfattooa of a worthy Mil aulUbl character, rwwtv.d front auhaerlhera to this naoar. No eouimunU iik .t...l.l .nnluln in lira than 800 Manunrlpt wlllnolUretarimil. I-rttrr lo J. W. Jobnii. WaalllNOTON, V. & J, VV. Johneon, Lincoln, Nb. I reckon you will be sorter eurprieed to hear from me, and to know I am her at the cap! tal of our glorloua republic. The reeol lection of n may have eacajied your mind, ua your time I nil taken up I abualn tli "norm mid dmnli" a you call them, no I will tll you who I be, am John V, Jayeon. Into of Sarpy rt,.i Nnmv CfiiintV. N'ebraekM.' 01 couree, you will dierememlier that come to ee you at your home In Lincoln laet winter. Then 'yon know I wanted your advice, iind comfort, and I got them both. It ie aurpriaing howmuc ad vie on una if It lor nothing, nlut it? Aud a for comfort, that come plenty cheep o a feller if bt aiut toopurtic ular about the quality. I had always been greatly atruck by your mterietln Icttere that have been printed in all tb elate republican pup. era of Nebroeka. No matter if the crope were bad or. when tbey were good, If th pricea were . low, whether diacournged by thernvfiK' of hotf cholera or r.blnU bug, I eould pick up one of them paper contameri a letter of yourn, and Kit cheered up lu no time. You did noke 'aicb fun at the "pop and demb'' and aocked the rldl cule Into them ao bard, that your argu ment were unaimwerable, and I could lit keep from knowlo t hut you wn right and thev wa wrong". Well, aa you had writ durlu the i-uuipnin, that the elee- tlou of McKlnley would bring proaiwirity to onct, that be wn the reat a-poatile of protection an, when the ballot were counted, and tie waa ueciareij eiccien, very induetry would etnrt up, and all our land and produce would Inerenee in vnlu). ao vou aald If Urynn waa elected, "thlnga would jlet continue going to the devil, an at a mora rapid irate," theme about the worde you wrote. Well, you know bow I waa died, family broken up. inortitTtic on farm, an me a Kitten old an aauffcrin Irani my old wounde and diaeaeee that I Rot lu the eervlce of my country, (or "Inkurred" aethe peneion office fellere put it.) McKlnley waa i lect ed, but we dldnt aee no proaperity in November, aha dldnt ebow up In Decem ber, and In January I could aland it no longer, and 1 anye, I'll let go up to Lin coin an aee thia man Johnaoii, and Kit aome comfortin aeaurancea from him. You know rnv old farm waa then odver- tlaedfor eheriffa aale, and If thateuil cornea off before proeiierity auled in I waa ruined. I can't help reniemberin what your hired band eaid when 1 called to your bouee and naked for you. lie aald yon "waa down to the l'iret No tlonnl bank, a .bavin a tulk with the preaideut about the aubject of your neit fetter" no be Baked me what my bueineue with you inlitht be, and when I told hi in that I bad come way from Hnrpy Center, Harpy county, to have a talk with you, aa to the time proapi rity wua to arrive at Harpy Center, an to Kit a few crumba of comfort from your learned, intereelln dienouree, be aorter emlled a earcneiic anille and aaid,(uo thia la b la remark that 1 keep think in of), "I reckon Johneon la about the amarteat man In thia whole county, he know everything, or at tenet he think be doe, an that eeerna to amount to the aame thing to a Nebraaka republican. Jobiiaonl a great philosopher when It cornea to other peo tile'a troublea. lie would comfort a woman lu child birth by telling her bow much more ehe would have euffered bad they been twiu or triplet, and when I have the nick headache he brace me up by telling me bow much eeverer the Aeiatic cholera la. Johuon can furuieu an lu fallible prescription for any dieeaee or trouble that aflllcU aome one ele but when become home alck .with the grip lie aaid lie rauglit irom eome republican rueiiibere of the lcgiluture, you would have thought he wiim goin to die. Hh kept the w hole lamily and eome of the neighbor awake the ret ol thetiight, bud half of the doctore In the city here and whh goiu to make hi will, when he got well enough to remember that the preeident of the J- irt National bunk had a mortgiige on all our proiierty for more than we could eell It lorthway the time U." He eaid thi kinder bitter like an I didnt know what to make of it, an i uont now, tint did lie mean; n ell, I bad my talk with yon and I tnuat any, that you did brae menu. You tipluiutd to me that the reuaoii, or one renon, tliut proiHTity had not route immediate on Mckinley' election, wn that thedntnphool poo and demic rontiuiie! to put up their regular old rnlitmlly howl, an that cnrd off eat era rapitaliat an InveMtor. an then vou told me, ronndeiitlall.v, that IIkhw nubia rlillnntlirophiet and true atatcNim-n, linvemeyer, lUx-kieiii-r, Morgan, ( nrue Kie and other, who had eo nobly aided our party a envior, Stalk lluuiia, in raialng the twenty nullum dollar liiiaaiuuary fund with hull we em Verted Ui trttlcra and I hllinpa; that they n nd coiii iuiimi io aiiiH track prownl.v until lUnna'e end ol the bargaiu thai lie had made lor Mrkiulev had Iwn iHiintiiied with. If I am not miainkru you eaid that the full tide ol prtiwritv would hot eel in UUtil alter a new lunfl bad Uwiin a law. V VII. I lied to lw roetrnl with tto, an I etarliHl (I Harpy t eater ruiiiparatively happy, (lu lay way bvk hoai ai(,p, utonr eoumv t to m rould not n-t (da aale ol mi v luriii imaf (mti. it m t it proa, vrlly eouUl ai (ir. taly ut ift tl, en'e weld llavemver and eoiupany Willing tbt weahttulil have Kvx.d liiuta, Jual uHld h land bill lt'iti , , wkieh I'Uf lrkul, wh.i luruihe U With Ibe iiuitiry wilk lnh we eouvlitvl Ike vt'l'i. ahuiiM ittovcr limn iw luitirter oiik ktikdr4 loot Ike aiiiouut ti uIic.-iUh to 111 tkiha' It I eoe'd do ihu lri-uM4 muiTlLtug Ik ( ItolidlmtN wtv w tM nd n id Ihirif law jtare wl o the Ixtbk and iha tl.ttl ll wet wo u o k it. II' trvaitlml ld '"tier ewalvta iNimaptiiideet will ktiletakdU buigvr, la lli(i.l lkf km rhwitnllf li,n I ikir iHiirv lu the 14 r utt id Idle UI 1t veal, but ll p tltiHiv ai Ui eurH , hnwl leal k rlre vvltr kaie livm Im(Mt,-., I e r alrwld Ikal Ik kviiatr will paeeaj law making 7 per cent legal Internet, and they uont propone to take chance. Well, what waa I to do? 1 went back to mit,.r Hlrnoat broken hearted The good old farm muet be eold. Hold i.ff thu uiii.piff I'n n vou iuinifiiie howl felt? For over ten year t bad worried diiv and night when I thought ol that irriU'ln fiinrtimifl an d increasing inter ut. Thouirht of both them climbin the mercury In a thermometer in n. .Inlv ami. I (I id nt take any com fort at all. eeptin when 1 would get holt ,,i ii,rn fKiimr luiviu your lelU'relu them. Why, it got eo I couldn't eleep without dreamiu about it. A eleepin or nwukln tu nld farm wa on my mind eoiiMfant. I could hear the voice of onr -l.riff vuillii "ldlll. ffOIII. gOlie," I u,.nii iiiiiin iii from mv eleep with a heavy feelin a preeein at my iieurt, and Miiold aweata etrcainin from trie. You cant tell how dear the old farm wu to me. The happicet an the euddeet daya of my life had been epent on that aweet, oldepot. Johneon do you ever ever re view the dear and tender recol lectiona of the puel? I chii do nothing elee and the fler fihl farm la the oot where centera all mv lov nnd aorrowa. 1 think of the aweet June daya in JH05 after twoyeara lu the army, carrying two rebel bulleta in my body, I brought Mary, my bride, to that quarter eection, when It wa not bin but unbroken prairie covered thick with wavin graae, that came to the top of the wagon bed. We bad come all Ibe way from Indiana to make a home for oureulvea and for our children. Now the old place muet go, and with It thirty-two yearn of bon. et. womanly and maniy ton. ma old farm where all our loving hope were breathed and all our nmliltloua plana were laid. How wa labored irom earlieet dawn to clone ol day, yet love o lightened our beuvy work that both Mary and I were content ami nappy. Our children came, adding to our curee and trial but making more joyoua everyday, and mora light our uurdene How carefully we eaveu ami now jiiuio IoiimIv we planned in the hoiie of a com. euiniie In our old age none but thoee who have made a life atruggle will aver know. How proud wa were when irom ourflrataod bom-a, wa moved Into our frame eottaira. la that rottnge where the mornlnir glorlea climbed the porch, oureiirht babea were born, and In that cottage three of them died, then I think of the graud time wa bad when we moved Into the large frame bouee that muet now be eold with the old farm. Our efittaie had become too email, our chit dren were growing op. ana we uia ior them what all other living parent do for their. Then trouble and aickneea came, crop failed, doctor bllle iricreueed. J lie boy a grew up,dlatlaea wnu larm- ingthey aought the town. 'J he girl married and left for home oi ineir owo. Then, aa lo Mary and I were left on the old farm alone, with children gone and that Incentive for labor abeent. Mnrv began to fail, the light faded Jrom hereyea and I waa left alone iudwd,that voice that I loved to near waa auenr, the heart tbat had ever thrilled with tender In tercet bad ceaed to beat, thoee tired and weary band that for ao many year bud rendered cheerful toll for thoee he loved, were now at reet. Mary wn dead. Now the old farm muet be aold, my throat knota and my heart throb a theee mcmoriee come to me, I thing oi Marv'a nnd the children' grave In the family burying ground In one corner of the old orchard; tbat old orchard tbat I bad watched bloom for thirty year, and which baa never bloomed but that 1 am reminded of the June of inUf when he and I were married. Hut why ehould repent all thia to you, I told you much of It when I wn at your bouee In Lin coln, I would have told ou all then but thought you did not care to near it, you acted tired and 1 etopped, my troublea did not eeem to intereet you much, you who are red hot after the iopa nnd denilea cannot tie expected to mve Intercut In the joy and aorrowa, the romance and trial, and the love und the death of other. Hut thee meuiorle are all there i ol thia life to me. Hut I will fliiUb. Lnt month the old farm wa aold, the people had no money and none turned out to bid. Hut one bid wa mude and that wa by the vntern money lonuer, he bid three thou Maud and oue dollar and it wan Mtruck off to him for that. You ee they had appraied my old farm at only only four thoueaud Ave hundred dollar and the lawyer had bid one dollar over the two third of thi. Hheriff Hturlxer, who wa one ol the appraieer. wanted to ap praise the farm at 140 tier ncre, but two of my republican neiKhbor euid the way the tune were it wa not worth more thou f '11 wr acre and they had their wayullhougli theeheriff worked hard to linage their mind. Here i another thing that I can't " t through my head:, When 1 made n,y loan, theae twoeaiue' republican nclKlioor awont that my land wa worth f 50 per acre, but they now iiiHiat that it r iiM not worth more I han I '11 and Judge Howard aaul that If it had not been for tha act ptiaaed by our populiatic legialuture, they would Iiuvh got a big deficiency judgment Hgainat tee I did not iiiideratitud thia what did he mean" Ihirty-two veara ol hard work and the old farm void fur leaa than $-'0 cr acre, wheii I had been offered f 0 lor it year ago. Well with Ihwiild farm gone what eould I do, broken In health and lu pirif I wn about to giv up when one ol the comrade of the t). A. It. I'oal nf which I am the eotnimtiider, reminded me of what Pave. Mercer told me. It waelnat fall during the campaign ami he wa at Harpy t'eiitr blinking lunula with u and a-king u to tote and wmk fur htm and lu get koine ol the old boy who had gone over lo the I"1!' and demit to Vole lor him becauae hi father had be u a uniou ol.ier, and Hun I tld In in my trout. If about the iiiorlgntfe and he ald the lime would be all right u Ha Bimii a Mckinley wa ulit ii-d and that hwaur that I would gel out id my fliirtiicittl trouhlrt all rghl nud thai he would aw that my iiaiun wo luvreaaeti piai aa aouM a wa not m reput I HAD riilltltiltaltilirriif elialtma. Wild then k aald that if the Hmo nr eame, HinI I "!. I It, i wtiliUI kI n. a a uttu gov- rruiii. el iHiaiiioa, w lo. u h vtiuld eallv bi a ii n Mi kluli- a prvanleitl. aa II would l an old eiihle r admiMi- IralioH, aure aimiiita I wa l'iw t tint. Mtaa.lrr wed Imd him4 deal d in II 4- ti lillKOig Iheolt) Vt'tvraea, mid ntitv t THia I'UuiiiM'.l iiur limn havoul l rry out, toil I o.ul l Ihiuk ol wu wav nMlt'leiV IneiMe tt ao ail. m. I ke I. paid ' !' hi. I lf.d Itir M aahierilou, hut I, ll.via I eotkrf H.allir I wael to Mk Vi.tmlMiul. I a uv ma mm mrut w ai. iitrr id ft lltiH luaMii4 rMHd Iba tnuit kimad ad wlia lhUrlt kaVte Ik old Una utl aa4 Ik aitiy bad atated that that waajuatthe amount Htraiiiet the larm, a fellow who bad bven liatening epoke up and eaid, "Talk about bard time in Nebrueka, jut look at the mortgagee that are being paid off, here fa another $.'1,000 debt paid. How could we pay our debt if the time were bard? It ie ail nonaiiiee gentlemen, here we are paying up our mortgage and canceling our debta, ol couree we are loeing our hirme, but thank Uod we can pay our debt and we are doing it." Now what did he meau7 He epoke aorter bitter and the lawyer called him a pop, notice you keep aocking it to the pope and derniea about drinking and remind ing them ol "wbieky Itidge" Well want to tell you confidentially that on my way here a lot of drunken fellow got on the train at Cleveland, there wa bardlyaeobcr man In t he crowd and being a good republican 1 thought 1 bad atruckulotof delegate from the Ohio atate democratic convention. What waa my eurpriee when ou iuouiring I learned that they were delegate from the con vention of republican club that bud been held in Detroit. 1 couldn't believe it at firef, but I had to, they were cheer ing for "Mark llannu, what' the matter with Mark llannu, be' all right be can buy nu election or uuy old thing." Thia wua a ahock to mo for while I knew all dema and pop were not drunkard, 1 thought all drunken! were pope or dema. 1 read your letter out loud to a fellow who aut with me and 1 laughed at what you eaid about the "Little Giant" and the trouble liryan ia having with the pop and dema and it accrued to rile the other fellow aud he aaid the rupnbll cuna would have a good deal more trouble than they are having, if aome ol the ex-atut officiate and other were not lu the penitentiary, and that there were more of the gang who were afraid they would land in the pen themaelvea, I wonder what be meant and who be w7 He aeemed to be thoroughly familiar with Nebraaka and our people. Well I timet cloae, I will write you aoon again to tell you my lmprealone on the trip and of the capitol and bow Have Mercer get along with my ooeltioa and my peneion. I know you will keep aock fug the ridicule Into the pop aud derniea but I tnuNt con lea that i nave acen aud beard aome thing alnce leaving Nebraa ka, that aomebow or other that ridicule doea not appear to explain uoranawer, I read your hot ridicule of th pope and dema to my fellow pnaeengci' ami naked bim what be thought of it and be re plied that it reminded bim of the eaylng of an old plilloaopher who aaid of a cer tain cluaa of peron, "when they can't anawer our argument they make fun of our clothe." Vow what did be meun by tbat. J. W. Johneon let ma hear from you. Very reefiectfully, John W, Javmon. glOOBewird, 1100. The rendere of tbla paper will be pleaed to learn that there la at leaat one dreaded Ulaeaae tbat aclenca baa been able to cure In all Ite etageaand that ia Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure ia the only poaitive cur known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being a con atltutionai dieae, require a conatitu- tionnl treatment. Kaii'a Catarrh Cur la taken internally, nctiug directly upon the blood aad mucuoue eurfacee of tb ayatem, thereby deatroylng the founda tion of Ih dieeaae. and giving the pa tient atrength by building up the con atitution and aaiting nature in doing; it work. The proprietor have ao much faith in Ita curative power, that tbey offer One Hundred Dollar for any can mat it inn to cur, anna ior net ol Tea- tlmonlttl. Addre, P. J, CiiNfcy, A Co., Toledo, u. noia oy aruggiata, ibe IMatlnnt liiiproramant In Naliraaka, The New York World boa made Inqniry among tb large citiee of th country in order to diecover "how much proejMirlty there ia." It ia gratifying that In thia report Omaha make the beat allowing inthnlmt publiehed by the world on Tueday. I lie headline ued by the world tell the etory of the condition in the vnriou town ao fur aa heard from. Here they are: Fifty thoueand Idle in Philadelphia." Twenty-five thoUNund unemployed In isuilaio. Labor market overcrowded in Indian- apoli. Condition worae than at veur in St. l.oui. Labor condition deplorable in Han r rauciaco. Woeful report from Connecticut. Many idle in Lhode Inland. Hetter time exacted in Kentucky. Worat Hince the panic ol 1M73 in Ho ton. Not no bad in Kana, No improvement in Denver. Hood outlook at New llrlean. DiMtiiict improvement in Nebraaka. It will Imi f.liiMirved that "better time" are ei-cted in Kentucky," a elate that declared for Mckinley. It will nlao be obaerved that Loiiianua, whera there i a "good outlook," k a nana, where it I "not o bad," nnd .Neliraaioi, where there in "diatirt impiovemeiit" all declared for Nlllluui J. Hryan. World Herald. When billon or a faacarat candy catbartic.cur guaranteed,) Oc35a UNION PACIHC KOKKCLOSUKK. Judge ianborn ia Knurlnj the Nactiiary Uaciaaa ia the 8vil Dlvincta. Judge Wal'er II, Hitut.orii id Hi t'uiled Htnina ciri uil court ba lormnlly ulerd diH-ra-a ( ltirioaure ngauial Ih Cuioii I'u. itli- rail road eompiiiiy al Omaha, and fr Ih dialricl id Miammri ami Kaiiaaa, IU will r-uiwr aimiUr iIh rr at Ikimr lur ih diatrleU of 'im rad.i, SVjriMiilag and l lah, I li tbit nl aniw Ima yt hm - t lied upon, ill ke plnti,! I lintttitt after utilue h b.N pi.rl pubiLf,,,! la lk bptti,ra, A ili'.i..n id mm.iHiii, Mill rr.tuiiH of bul lm n a iu.traul llmt tkv wilt rnrry nut lb If una id tboir bid l ih alv la wwartlfd .i I haul, It ia autiiaiii t, M.ul.U. atta Ihlk III "urw bltxl" Irtldt'ia lu Ili a .1.1. wad I lira MUuc nwr Iba unt,t niUHI wan Mir tat Wk Iti rail 111. .1 .1. ... pulbmH roavvalinw. Ml i, rd waa ll.nw Imim iMtiniirt I'oat ,i th n ima.t. Ha aii It a ldor. The Ittt.l ii id "waa via a ,M , w aa l Iha'naw bloitd' wa har i, the rrpublHWH prtV (Hliiraa, ,a win old vataa.-Mta.aioa lNir. EDITORS' IDEAS. The atate republican committee ee- lected the eagle ua the ticket emblem. 'J' hie waa apropo. Hither the eagle or vulture would do. Hotb are bird ol prey, and truly erablumic of latter day repuoiicaniem.--Adaina county Uumo crat. No burm can come from watching an bonnet official, and the only way to bo aure that nn official ia honeat ia to watch him, and watch bim clonely The worat fraud can poM ua honeat men il they ure not watched. Auburn Granger. How eay to publili a republican paper when Mark llanna furniehea the editorial matter and Joe Johneon. the blggeat fool on earth, the reel of the matter. Oue nice thing about it, when you have read oue patwr, you have read all in th atate, Ited Cloud Nation, To deny the juetue of the Initiative i to deny the right of petition. To deny the right of the referendum i to deny the juetue of allowing the people the right to vote ou cormtitut lonnl amendment, the iaauunc of bond or nay other ( ligation affecting their wel fare, Hledge Hammer, Ilepubllcan paiwr any tb reoaon our elate warrant were below pur under re publican ring rule, wa becaue of fear of calamity In cnae the pop ehould win, Then why are warrant at par after the pop did win? Theae fellow are rattled. Like the erring children of Jerael of old, who worahlpped the flrat golden calf. "in their humiliation their judgment Iota bin taken away!" Clay County J'utrlot. Arc ther any job in the Dingley bill? Certainly ther ar, l'lenty of them inea jooa ought to component many of the contributor to the campaign and conatltubia atandlng offer for further favore. It muet be remembered that it ia a republican nieoaur rtuhed through under tl-efalee prelena that an over flowing treuaury timid a larger aurplue but really for the purpoae of adjuating th account of the republican oartv and providing fund for future cam paigue. Hll var Knight, Doea a corporation have mora rliht than a private citizen InNebrueka? Yea. Look at the record In tb atockyard cue for the proof. The company ia aup poaed to be a body corporate, occupying a level with an individual citizen. The atate puea a law affecting tb Intereata of tb corporation. A citizen of Mueaa cbuaetta aoya b ia a part and parcel of tb corporation, and a bandy United HtttU' court enjotna tb atate againat an enforcement of the law, It would be difficult for on citizen of th atate to etiread bfmaelf out from Nebruka to lioeton. The Time believe the time ia rip for the atate to promptly annul the charter of every corporation which tramplea the atate law under Ite feet. l'apillion Tlmea. Dont tax the poor millionaire. Judge Dykman, loat week handed down hi deciaionin the Tarrytown aeeement coeeain which John D. and William Uockfellcr, John Terry, loul Htern, John C. Harrow, John D. Archbold, and other multi-mlllionairea aought to have their aaementN, a made by the board ofaeeeore of the town of OreeuburgJ reduced. Judge Dykman wrote the opinion In inecaae wnicn wnin lavorof the million aire, aetting oeide the naeeaament in aome cnea and reducing tb aaaeaaiiient iu otner. To tax the neceaanrie of life la alright J lie poor are tiowerle to help them aelvea. Hut the wealthy mut lie pro' im-ieti irom exceeeive luxation Twen tleth Century. A vtelt to nny exclualve and coatlv eummer reeort thi warm weather ehow how well the politician live. They own fine carriage, have private bathinir pavilion, live on the fat of the laud and play the part of lord of creation. Thev ure auie to uo tin owing to the larirc an in of money they net from afreet car companiea, railroad aud corporation Keiieruny. 11 ineee politician were con tent to live upon the liberal aulurie they K,et from the public treneurv. thev wouni not, oe put to the iieceaaity of eel! Ing tlieiiidelve body and eoul to the tnagnateN. I'.ut they want to ride In carnage and amoke coatlv cignmand at the aain.t time accumulate big for tune. Ho they give nwuy fraiichiae and iM.lray tin: people. Theae politician ore ueHiiiieni iiion the vote of the two. tile In th tenement liouaea and ld trcet for all the limine theveniov. luelead ol attempting to ameliorate the coiiiniiou oi the maaaeathey make term wnu i mi ciiinm'n, it I lion live v in uwent in tllen repremmtatlve ol the iwopli to lend audi luxuriou live, lliev know the herd no t IibutmhI inn Joriiy are lurcfil to endure. Hut they ar iihi veuai ami imiorant to play i noble pert, They do not know any thing atiout MiM'iul nucNtion and thv do not car anything about tbain. They ure Kitr man unele. llifiit-oii a can. not be ton vigilant In watchliiir noliti. cian. Any enulor or renreaentativ w no o ana nouaea ami carr aire, rouutrv . acuta miiiI city inuiialoii I nut a tit rem n-arinaiiT in ina llinaae. II III Han rial ar. railway mngnate ha ia ilnnuer una, niian ua utHMIltea I'llllliael lor a trwt railway eombiue be ought to be liiailH to underataiid that bi uaefulueaa aa a public nmu Ima roine to ait nnd. uriHtralloii lui itaa ahuuld ba ahol abed. Tweiitieili tVnlury, Haa'l Takaaa apt I .a Bwab last I.Ira Away, If you want to quit tobaeco ulf any ana lorvr, b mad wall, atroag, Ningnat e, lull ol aw Id and vigor, take ,Si i i. lh woaderworkar. that make wk iua alrnan. Many 11 tea paiuiid In l.a daj. t)vr imi.ikh) tur4. Uuy NoTo-i ol your lruggia eitder guaraala lo aura, Ao or l. IttHiklel aad iainpl in a I lad Irw. Addr kc bag llauiatly t o., 1 htoagu of New X. 1 a iMaalay Hill lumu al Itatluv lata tlun aa aiala Arm la al naatlj, It lncr-Na Uialitm on iienrly ry articlw. 'I It laiia produeii,g rapai H r id Ih hew law H largvly a mailer ol iim work. lUtffta I hhi t'uittw end uihiu waa-i run 11 in In lw Ida lb ON aura Ihieg la Ikal II will roaae't arable iurrvwaa I. a id living I iry leiMiiy In lha laitd Hlala. Liveir DdOs Like blllinine, flynx-pitla, headaclie, constl pation, Hir HUmmcli. iiidigr-Htlon are j.ron.ptly cured by Huod'e I'lll. They lo their work lnldl eimlly end tli'irfniKlily. fTi "II JleHt ntU t filmier pill. I JV I I I O Wcciln, All (IniKiflat. U II I W I'rejiareil by C. I, mm1 & (U)., Lowell, Maf. The only i'lll Ui Uku with IUhhI'b Huraapartlla. WW 7 r? SI I i.Lfl Ceacart Planlat, Hayn Piano "I uMth Kimball caclutively, lx:caue it meet my requirement in every YX repect."7 3 Htnd fur onipliraciilary collarlion U liejrapli lA lh wofld't (.aUtfralsd etwiuaun. A. xroranf Nat C MAMA, - - NBIMAtXA F. D. SHeRWIN DENTIST.... Conaulting room BTTDa) T3T V Becond floor DUrf DljJ LINCOLN .... NEBRASKA ISO. K KIBIPATBIC1. Attorney and Solicitor. Winrrdr'c CfafllWlNO MILL HkBlalla uatnuta4 aa almpla. Aaaraaal WorM't Valr M ploma arui Ma4al, Taolu, kasnlatnn and (I Has an, ai. at. uiiuiiu. waa TamaawCUaaaa. ef -a- "t'i 'i-l?i4.J--y;l NOTK'Kt To I'linalia Wh-liloii nin-raalilant (lifi-n'laiit ru ar lirlir RiitiHrd lliat on lha l'ilh dnr of July, lH7, Waltar Hhlion a patltloii itifMlnat yon In Ilia plairln I'ulirt of l.ancaalar coiiniy, Nnliraaka, th otijai't anl ini,vr ol ahli li ara to olitaln a illrorra from yon on Ilia vroiiml that you tinva wilfully nliamlonail lha filalntlff allhiiiit flood cauaa, for Iba ti-rrn of two jr.ara la.t aat, Yon ar. riiilrr.l to anaaar anlil patitlon on or nafor Sonilay, tha Jlmi ilar or Ananaf, A. V N!i7. H'AI.TKK Mil ICI. PON, lly A, E. Ilowian, biaaiioruay. (.'. If. Mann, K. Ilaldwin, M. K. Iliitilwln hava awii iiiUl llirmarlvea Uiii-lln-r for tin' liurpo.r of formlntf a riir,riiiini In the inUt of Mt'lirnnka for (hp Iniliaa. of liiialiicaa uml r llm iiaimi of Ilia lluliiwlii llnw. ilitrilwara Co. The lirllicllilir liliua of liualm-aa will mi III l.lnrolii, rouiily of l.niiia t-r anil alnl of Ni'lirnaka The naliira of tha lata Incaa to Im Iraiiaiu li'il ahull ha tft ncral liarilwara liualnt-aa with all traiiaat tlmia iH-rtoury fur anhl liualneu. Tha raiiltal atork of aalil roriHimlliiii ahull lw lha aiiin or ax.iHNi in aliari'a or i!rii h all Iti Imi fully iull iii at tliwrniniiii'iK un lit of lh liualnraa. 'I ha rlli'ii or Ilia , orimMIIopi mill roninirnra on Ihi.fnli ily of Jiiiim A. P., Iti7, ami ,'iiiitiiiui, twenty flva Vrnra. Tha luialnoa aliull lie loiiiliictaa hy iHiaril of nln-i lora In la- vlpr Unl lit. the t. khi.Mi ra, m. in pnei"! three In mini lier, aa ahull lw rll, in Ilia lawa of m il ror IMirallon. Thaoffh eraihali latjirealdt'iit, Ireaaiirer, anil ri'lnrr, I tta liulieal aotount oi iii.I, l.l, .1 In . a In ahh h anlil roriHirntlnii ahall al any time Uhjrl'l Itavlf hull lw I,WI. I . II. MAN, K liai.nwia, A. K luuiai. Epnolil rxcurilon via tba Burlinjftou Indinnniiolia mid return, $H, Aiiuat 111 nnd 17. fvptember 7 and M. MufTalo und return,, ,iiku1 21 and 22. rialeui rhalaunua, I J.'.H round trip, Aiik-nat 7 to l.i. rhieetfo, l enrlii, lllootiilna'loii and Ht. I.oula, $ti pt) on way, July KJ to 21,2.1, 21, ll, Aii.i 2, 0, It, and 13. ti. n. iiohnm i., V, V. and I', , OA. B.-BufT.lo-Throutlb Oar f ervioa- III in MiihmiI Trim Hur Teaehera' Milwaukee) I.U'liral.iu ana (ii auci-eaaiui, aiii our pa iron a ao well plt-aaed with our u i M iti line nnd through aervlie, Hull W propose lo Kiva all who iHiiitampleta avallitix tliaiiiarhaa . Ilia vary low rale lo liiiffuUi and Mum .uuut 21 and 22, an oppioluNily In eov throiiHii rwr arM, l.llieoln in liuftu'o, via th lin-iil Niatlineait ru lin ami iHimiet'liott, ll vim Hiii l vou wiinld like to travel via th In ol I. in la t bliaKO Jul rail iri tn lur parlit uler. (lui ui Iiiwh iwitple who woulilllka lu gtMi ih la-at ninie ia Ihrouab ear ara r'piealt t lu anla ma eoiieamuifr. Ihlli, X, H,, T. ,V. 1 1 T i''! atrael, l.liniilil, -!. THa i'riMf gtvae all iktatw. all tiiua, Head II. r 3k mm ice cReftM- in Sweet Cream ..and... Milk. Telephone 2C2. Kpcclal rrleea Whole lavu ItJCtUKAM 1841 0 Stree la. to lib. ii v vtinnarn . a..i. i -f , I rati, u al ikr !. arm. r.dtef Hawlaltlwial It tkaa hlJ lM aarklM, Hl-f.l-t, flrtHH, MaitM, I Mrr HL, lrrUm, iMtf, Hmiiwi NaraM, Unlm, Httf BIHa, tllw ynnn. ivka-rrva, Trwka, 4ll, ' M, ( llrv V. Mllla, ttUrt, limit, en4K-Htv MmmMuwn, '-lllt, fnrtt, llt."l, '.f' "S l'rm Mfc-ll-rt, UmA I aru, KarliM, V,Mlt, Dnlim, faaaJx aillt, IfitwHmn, UHi Walrlia, I'lallilwaa, Hr, . Mmtar,, riatfara awl I lr u tlM. N-mI fr fp- atalff a- aa4 . l a Mfff, M I. arta i. CKlOaee 1011.1 CO., eaUactVltk IT'S RELIA i The limit ana Cbpeiit Mill on harm, fully wurrauw;ii. niunol. cii'fke, write at ft one fir pme mora Ivt ana Awtut. toaitiff y of ItiMiiam lima any hr mm I, txjra, aaftfrmwiwi, Oata, Wliaat,A.,fiai aturuab tot any furpino. Uadeeulyty JOLIET, ILL,. 9 i,r.a tit Watfrii, I Mliu 1" Mavbliutly, WInJiiiilli., T. A. Carothers, r4E- IE1 6 Poorula Dally to Anf I'art ol the City, $3,00 Vet If onto. TeWp!ion,478, i i O0.ce 234 EHt E. T. ROBERTS UNDERTAKER riina474. liurr lllock. Lincoln. 9feb, 124 ortl; J2lb St., PaiCTICE LlMITKD TO lWEAHKa Or THE DR. S.E.COOK, 1216 0 ST., Lincoln, Nebr, Eye,Ear,Noseand Throat Iloure from 9:30 to 12:30 a.ra; 2 to B p.m. No matter how hot it is IIKKK it ia alwaya cool in Colorado. Colorado ia nearly a mile higher than Nubrie ka nnd Iowa. That ie why it'e eutniiwr nro eo fdeueant why thouand aununlly exi:haiiKD the awelteriiiK heat of the plain for the delightful invigorating, life-giving tttmoephere of the moun tain. The fuickeat and moet comfortable way t.)get to Colorado ia to take the JSurluigtou'a "He nver Mmited," which leave Lincoln every ufternoon at 0:10 p. ui., reuching Henver nt 7:15 a. in, the next morning. Sleopcre chair ca r diner. For ticket and liine-tableH apply at II. & M. depot or city olllce, corner 1 Oth nndOatreeta. Lincoln, Neb. O.W. FIOSNKM,, C. p. 4 T. A. CALIFORNIA! i:i X'lxxar' Li 1 r a r r wi 1 1 vnvj Vy( ROCKISLAND & PACIFIC RY. Glvea you the choice of TWO HOUTM, an via Colorado and tb Hcenla Mua, and tb other via our Tetoa Llueand tba Houtbarn I'aclfla. Our Teiaa I.ln ia much quicker tbaa any other Hue through to HoUtlMTII JAI.U ')TVI A FOU PERSONAlU.Vi7ir..EXCURS!0NS Tin: i'iii..ui . IKKK IMUMI KXtrilrllONM ir th Ilioat popubir. and earra ll,. larnaal buaiaeaa id any ( allloriiia Kouta, Vhtaaiguiaea thai you He ha at. WalUiB and feeeW ImmjI aertli. I h towaal rat lUkvta to Calilortila ar available ou tba eieuraUm. lioa't atari on trip In I alitnriil until ou ae our Touriat Folder, eoiitaliuukr lap ahow lu- route and all Inforiuatlun, ,'nr rata and reat-rvatioiie apply to auy nt el th C. II. I. k V. lly.. or .l W. tioiiN aniruw,u. f t , altaa, IlllauU, Kubavnb for Ik at Paiwr. Kaan i..i..i uiHodala" r ' " nod 7W aaiaf y . . -m. .-. 1 j' 9 V O ft a