The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 05, 1897, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 11.
Nebraska Insane Asylum
Is a Model In Every
Dr. L. J. Abbott and Steward E.C.
Bewick Deserve Much
The Employment of ratlents.
Tbe history of th management of the
Nebraska insane asylum at Lincoln
forms an Interesting story, It is well
known that in that institution have
iiiu.ii 'nnrnstrated some
01 greatest
(mud and nnblio robberies committed
in the state outside the state tread-
urer's omce. .--. ---
office. Tbe Stealing nuu
robbing continued ior iu.,
it. (Vint In nod as long as the institution
.. t. Mnuhllnan control, 'lb mat-
- to Hirht In 1802 when
Mr. E. C. Rewlck, the present steward,
delivered a lecture at Lincoln r nd other
places In the state charging and prov
ing wlth'indisnutable figures, that great
Iraud wore being perpetrated on the
etate by tbe officers of the institution,
As a result of Mr. Rewlck's charges the
Wblatureof 189.1 appointed a commit-
y, invnat. irate and determine wnewier
-- . , . i.
vw vw ix --rt i
the charges were true. Mr. Rewlck sub-
stan tiated all of bis chargos beiore tne
committee aud their report showed that
the state had boon robbed ot thousands
ot dollars. Mr. IlewicX travelled over
the entire stats and the matter was
thorouffhlv ' discussed in the next cam-
" m i . I
It was an Important loeior in
seeurlna; the
w.tlnn nt flovernor Hoi-
comb In 1804. Ia recognition of 'hie val
uable services In this line and his pecu
liar fitness for the place, Governor Hoi
comb appointed Mr .Kowick to be stew-
.r tha nuvlllin wbicl) DOSitlOU be IS
boldinirat prsHDt.' The governor ap
tiointed Dr. L J. Abbott of Fremont
cue of the best known practitioners in
ts.u. mtatn in )iu aiiiinrlntunat'lit. lie nun
lxn an active meiiibHr of the party for
vanrm and was flVfifV Wllfr lHCOg'
um a in an woll (Jlllllilliid for the
..i..nn Tha inanaireineut of the institu
inn u in Mintrol of thso two men. A
ot the IndKI'ENDKNT vis'
tha inatitution one day this wwk
...itt, uivlnir nnv notice of his in
nlil vlit. ft was iust at noon and
tV,a nutlunta worfl all tireoarinir for din
ner. Notwithstanding tho fact tuat they
are crazy the patients nearly an under
utnnil tho mmininir of the dinner cull and
will full in line to march to the
dining room without disturbance. The
attendants would take those that did not
voluntarily get in line, by the shoulder
and n-ontlv move them to the line where
thev would follow without further dis
turbance. The dinner was well cooked
and was liberally served. Every patient
had all that he could eat. There were
two kinds of bread, tbore was boof, po
tatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, raisin pud
dinir and tea. coffee and milk to drink
Those natlents who are sick or for any
reason cannot eat the regular meals are
Klven a special diet of whatever tbey
may ask for. Everything is kept neat
aud clean.
At the farm tbey are building an ad
ditlon to the barn. The addition will
consist of a basement and two stories
above all constructed of stone aud brick
Tbe work of construction is under tbs
direct supervision of Dr. Abbott and
Mr. ltewick. Two or three skilled work
men are employed and the balance of the
work is being done voluntarily by tbs
patients. 1'atiente are not compelled
to work but are merely allowed to work
when they desire to do so. Dr. Abbott
believes that linht work is better for
them than complete idleness and en
courages tbeiu to work wttsn tbey are
abietotlu so. Much wt tU Work of
tannin and rare ol the stock is tier
lormed bv the natletits. When it is
stated that there are 52 rows, 16 work
horses, and maay tiigs and calves nearly
all eared Kir by the patients the impor
tance end value ol their work Is appar
ent. There is a large farm owrated in
eonnertion with the limtitetlon. Tbe
garden alon occupiee 0U arras and eon
taius everything that ean be grown in a
gardvu. It Is Ire Irom wmhIs and the
rrot are tbe twet In I ha locality. Tbvre
Is ill mi a're ot earn, T J aorta of oala, a
larae aiillet Geld and an abuadauee of
litaliMM, tomato, eabhags, onxiita,
itivlous, squaab, pumpkins, everything
that rant groa ia a nardva. The
Uiuiatu tati'h Is tinklm about 111 buh
Is ir dy and thr re about Io.immi
rablmge plaat. I.arijs iualtti ot
lb are twing eassatl aa sluretl Ut
iuUr nae, 'IhesauMi ears and alta
Una la gua y Ins ntahagpui! that la
via by a Brl ! larsiaf la at Isrm.
Aayta a ati aiU ! llauatilviita will
Ui eintiut!Kl Ikat the Mtnaa'at la alt
that mU be ai4 fcif.
Tksf have U wry r savlegs la
tsetit a Iks elale ti foMtrt
,tathae( asJf lurMe a-liinit'it a-
tuiN. I r I ". iti ii
, isattale M lat h l alaisl n IJI'i.
tl, 1 k as K tuat tM years twKtre
tbe tlsr mmU tV t. KaH, llav
tra i'4 atiH,iinla l'. lU.amns,
amral. U.i "! a rl wt tl
ail ! Is ihd Im m i la
I a I da iv.it4 la rlu. inf Ua i
present management took charge in
May 1805 and tbe porlod of 1801 to
1806 shows a still further reduction to
1106.08 per capita for a year. Tor the
first six months of 1807 the expense
have been running at a rate of 1162.08
per patient per year. It therefore ap
pears that in spite of tbe opposition of
the republican board of pubho lands and
buildings and tbe many other obstacle
the populists hare been gradually re
ducing the expense from $240 per cap
ita to $103 per capita. Mr. Rewlck'
exposure has saved tne taxpayer! oi
Nebraska many thousands oi aonare.
The current expense account, board,
clothing fuel etc., for 1800 to 1802 (re
publican) was l64.877.iora4i pa
tients. For tbe porlod 1804-06 (popllst)
tha current sinenses amounted to only
$118,T78.03 and the average number of
patients was 55. In other words the
populists took care of 14 more patients
for two years with $45,508.48 less than
the republicans, ins repuoiicans ex
ponded for fuol and lights during two
years f27,oo.ou. in last legislators
appropriated oniy fii.uuw w vf ,or
the fuel and ngnts tor tus ensuing iwu
l aI. .. III 1.
years, and Mr. iiewicx says mere win ua
no deficiency.
In the lace of such nsrures oy wnat.
rKht can the republican party auk to
reiurneo i pr
pnail to tiownr in tbe state 01 We-
. . Nbr-kai wlth a ulwrin,
ti,n(1nfc .nA ,tl0mMA that I, performed
thnlr duties in a manner onual tour.
Abbott and Mr. Ilewick?
If Sustained will Make a Consldsrabie
Saviog to the Taxpaysrs.
Attorney General Bmyth, at tbs re-
auot 0 th9 auditor, has given his opln
on on the question of the amount of
iMl. county treasurers may reiain as
: .
collection agents of tbs state. Under
tha law the treasurer receives a certain
per cent for the collection of stats
moneys, this being fixed on a sliding
,CBj8i Ten per cent is to oe counwu ior
tnt collection of tbe first $13,000, and as
tj,8 amount Increases tbe per cent de
. fl
creases. Tbe county treasurers .nave
construed this to mean tun i tney are w
hnva 10 tmr cent on tbe first 11,000 OI
state money and in the estimate of com
pensation the county ana otner moneys
collected by them was not to be counted.
The attornov-irenorai ' uows mai an
moneys collected must i counted.
Th nriinlon of tho attorney-general
Wtt KVba 0 thenuditor in the following
letter which clearly explains tbe points
Involved; . . .
Lincoln, Neb., July at). u. u rooi
Esq., Deputy Auditor ol l'uuuo Ac
counts: My Dear Nlr-iour nivor oi
July 13 with draft of vouchor attaciioa
was duly received. The question upon
which yon ask tho opinion oi mis oincs
is substantially as follows: In making
the computation to ascertain the
amount of fees which a county tceasurer
is entitled to for collecting state money,
should the amount of money collected
for tho county and from all sources up
on which that official is entitled to fees
be taken Into consideration? My an
swer Is that they should, except the
school funds. Hoction ) ol chapter vo
of the compiled statutes makes this
clear. It is therein provided that on ail
moneys collected by the treasurer ne
shall receive ten percent on the first
$3,000, etc., and In computing the
amount collected for the percental, all
sums from whatever fund derived shall
be included tOKether, except school funds.
In the case ot the state vs. Iirodorick, 'J5
Neb., 520, the supreme court was asked
to say whether or not the treasurer of
Gaits county, in collecting the amount
of fees which he was entitled to receive
should separate the city money from the
county and state funds and figure upon
the city moneys alone, ine court , de
cided that be could not: that be must
calculate the amountof his fees upon tbe
entire amount collected by him upon
which be was entitled to receive lees, al
ways excepting the school fund. Tbe
same principle applies with respect to
tbs question submitted t you. ery
truly yours, C.J.BMrTii,
This construction of the law will result
In a considerable saving to tbe tax
payers of the state.
Must be appointed by the County Judgs
Prom ths Several Parties.
Tbe last legislature passed a law pro
viding for the appoiutnieat of Judge
and clerk ol election by the county
Judge instead ol their election. Th new
ia was draw and lutroduoJ by a re
publieaa, I'aul F. I'lark of Lascaster
eounly. It was deslgae4 tu enrrm lu
evUol the old systw by which a parly
la (he majority ola pretitict el-c led aad
euntrolM all ol lbs olHcers aud clerks ol
tbesWUo board. The la pro
vijs that the eoualy jude ol cat h
mealy shall at least oa week prior to
lvlUia day appoint thro Juts aad
IwuvWrks ol Miil pivriuvl la
vuusly tt srvs tur Ids terui ol use yr.
Ibex shall eai-a bet soti.1 k4rrpf ,
ai i rvivvt lalarilv. wall iM w.l, ahu
raa il, writs and spixtk ta lb t tia
Usuaeal kavs r"l'l t ti-
u i-ibct la wkii'li he M tu safie !
os r it t.rwdisg kla aHialeal
aa4 be tatllM tu v'ia l.ria. 'A
ti.l( as a-rks shll, ilsriag tn
taMwlwin.a.t at all asfaL siiJ
a4 iaiiaiul k.M h tkt
ewxaty. riat tr t-tty t4 wkitalie
Ui -fv iart la fcwalssy raflaKr
a iif. I'ruVitWd. Ikat Ike roaslt
I !' ekall a oia as 4lj and eWiks
of election three Judges and two clerks
nominated for such offices In precinct
Tbe county judge shall select for each
precinct one judge of election from the
party polling the highest number of
votes at the last general election In the
precinct, one judge from tbe party having
the second highest number of votes at
tbe last general election in the precinct,
and one judge from the party poling the
third highest number of votes in tbe pre
cinct. In cases where there is one or
more parties still to be represented on
the ticket, be shall appoint a clerk of
election from eaoh of the two parties not
represented on the election board, poll
ing tbe highest number of votes.
If there are only two parties with tick,
ets on the official ballot then the party
polling tbe highest vote shall have two
fudges aud one clerk and the other party
one Judge and ens dork and in cases of
three parties on the olliolal ballot, he
h All unnnlnt a clerk from each of the
two parties receiving me mniinv "
ber of votes. Vacancies on the board on
ulixflnn dav mv tie filled by th re-
I-.-. , ., ... .
mnlnilnr of the board belonging to uie
an ma iwilltlnn.1 Dartv.
It should be otmerved mat me prw
lnnr nrlmnrlns at the several political
rm.rt.liia maks the nominations of their
Indira nr nlurk as the case may be and
tbe county judge is required io u r
t in accordance with the
Professor P. W. Tsylor Actlvsly Pushing
This Department of lbs Expo
sltlon. -
Professor F. W. Taylor, tbe suporin
tendentof the horticultural department
nf hatPAtis.Mississliiri exposition Is
crowding bis department to the front
Through his efforts" the, apple raisers
will meet on Auaust 13 to consider the
advisability of holding an "apple carnl.
val" on one or mors days of tbe exposi
tlon. Representatives of tbe apple grow
ore associations from many states will
be in attendance. It Is Intended to
maka tha "annls carnival" one of the
leading; special attractions.
Professor Taylor Is making an effort
tn hnva ths LSue flTOs raisers construct
a blue grass palace similar to the one
ntAd at Creston. Iowa. The
nnptiua who constructed ths one at Cres
ton have the matter under considera
tion and it Is believed tnat tuey win oe-
pld (nvornblv.
Tha Nivt nnn Nurserymen s nssocia-
il tha Amer can association of
agricultural colleges and experiment
.t .t inn will meet in Omaha next month
as a result ol I'rolessor layior senoris
and he Is now making an effort to secure
the meeting oi tne national r ore
fid t Inn.
Thexliroctors have set aside $ri,uuu
for a horticultural building, l here
should be a complote exhibit of all Ne
braska i ants. The lurmers wno aesire
in ava irpiilne. Brasses or other pro
ducts forexhibit at theexposltlon should
pitj. to nrufuaaor 1. v. 'iayior. umiina,
Nebrasku, lor iiariicuiars as 10 me os
rn is ttnttP r.f Tipnunrlnir the uroducts for
.liii.mnnt. Information concerning frelgl
phaririisor any othor luloriiiaiiou in
that Hue desired.
The Chicago News Publishes a Com-
psrstiv Wheat Crop Ststemtnt.
The Chicago Daily News says that
this year Nebraska has come to the very
front rank as a wheat-producing state,
with ber splendid crop of 85,000,000
bushels of spring wheat, averaging oVer
twenty-two bashels to th acre, and C,
000,000 bushels of winter wheat, which
will average tweotyon bushels to th
acr. Th table given below, which has
been carefully compiled, show what
will surprise many, that Nebraska
stand third among th states a a
wheat oroducer. aud it must te horn In
mind that th state that outrank her
are almost exclusively wheal states,
whereas Nebraaka Is a couutry ol dlt or
sifted crops, eura twiug Uut i-rluclpa!
. . t l.Ci.kA I . .
Actual nuurxa iur inu mnn vonetTva
tiveeatimatesfor 1N07:
Mlaaaaoia 4,tM,M
KutM tu.HUi.iU'a t,iMiJ
Hunk pakuU o.wm ms . .
Nobraata .", II fta.aaf
Suata Palais u.wai. 4
l.lilwfilurj. s,aw.Mi i.tnoana
miasmas t. . ... t a.Ka 4.IM II .IH.aiM.aMt l.M .41 1
uaa ,, in Mt.4l 4.4 1 t
(.ua Kaw.MM a liMll
A-Iaaaa t,mmm ! !(
t'alMufaia U.mmm t aMS
r..l...aJu aMMa l.tat.M
wli.ial la.MM.aal S.IM l
Sala , )
t4ab ilMtaMl 1 44.111
W .ataaa ... ,a-t '
WIWMIM Ial (tllM
ka Mun. .-
j fiak aiMi ft4t
Ikmii , HAm
A ttaml t IMM4,
The It.iyal Ilijklaa4s Uutssea
4Htmisy l Aurora, Nabraaka, a fra-
lafsal luaiirtt Miutpaay, hat IM
f wiirlk til "4 sM'urilkMi wlik Ike
atste asdiliir. IkM k Iks If at iVaMw
es) by a IraWrant voaipasy as.lvr IK
Blaj,Pik l'ut i.ia Ikataa wai-
sv a,,M,.r saving a Nt luad
aisy laat It la ill baariug smut
Hum as l .l-'lall lH4 With U stale
sdittir. 1 he ajpvritppa aVHaa4 arm ot
1 i 4 v!lv asd sat Ml 1 1 fHi
)ttki4 dslttt a. U.i4 UiJ as l a
rat nut tgf im real talal.
That tbe Charges for Telephone
Service are Extortionate and
Test the new Larr and De
termine the Anthority of
the Board.
l'reisnt Company Shut Others Out.
lion. John 0. Yelser of Omaha, who
was a member of th last legislature lias
filed a complaint drawn In accordance
with the provision of tbs new la w plac-
ng the telephone and telegraph com.
paules under th control of th board of
transportation. Th law provides that
th board may regulat the charges,but
tost case will be mad and carried to
ths courts where It will remain for sev
eral year. Th complaint is well drawn
and It Is generally believed that the
court will eventually sustain1 the law.
The point raised by Mr. Yelser in hi
complaint are as follows:
First That th respondent owns
and operates a system of telephones In
tho city of Omaha and In connection
therewith also In th city of Lincoln aud
In lh many other cities and town of
Hecond That complainant Is a citizen
of the stat of Nebraska and a resldsnt
of the city of Omaha, being engaged lu
th practice of law. '
Third That as a resident of such city
and state be is greatly Interested in pre
venting obstruction tome extension
and more general use of telephones by
ths exactlmr of estortlonat rates fixed
by th respondent, a common carrier of
Fourth That complainant Is In con-
rant need of a telephone for th carry
ing on of bis business, but is denied the
use of such telephone by said respond'
ent excepting upon payment of the ex
torfionat rat of fii per month.
Fifth That said respondent Is a com
inon carrier of messiKOS and delivers
m il iiiHaamrHs from tioltit to point In
ths state bv moans ' of central office
Hixtb That the respondent charges
It patrons for each delivery of messages
by t.hs month under a system termed
"rent for Instrument."
Hvnth That said unlust rates com
filnituid of are f S ner month for deliver
In r ninaanirne from residences In Omaha
and about the sain rate at all other
tilnrota In Nebraska.
Eighth That such rates are unjust
exorbitant and extortionate and an
nnn.ll rsturn to respondent an amount
greatly In xocss of what would lie a
fair and reasonable return upon the
worth of the whole plant In the state of
Nubruska and the reasonable aud neces
sary cost of operating oud maintaining
the same.
Ninth That such rate are unlust, ex
orbltantnnd extortionate and annually
return to respondent nn amount greatly
in atrawa of what would be a fair, reason-
abls and lust return upon the cost of
'atilnntin the state of Nebraska and
tii MAsoVftbl and nesessory operating
expense, ,
Tenth That the Statettii'lils in inn
two foregoing paragraphs ate true with
respect to that part of th plant located
respectively In Omaha, Lincoln and each
and every other city or town In Nebras
ka where anv naft of said plant of re-
iondent I located.
fcleventb That also tns rate charged
for delivering message between the dif
ferent cities and towns ol nsbraska ar
unjust, unreasonable aud ,iorbltant
and also th revenue from sucD source
greatlr contribute to th unreasonable
profits of respondent company.
i- f anw ihii lut rvwiiuiwna ia
tenttteg to pay salaries and othsr i
psna which are fictitious and unreason
able, paid or pretended to be paid, for
the sole purpoee of defrauding the sub
aorilmrs lor tsh.phoue and iwopls of
this atata hf swalling iieiises to try
and nrevsnt a raduetlon of rates.
Thirteenth That said respondent baa
also fraudulently and by amdn raued
the city councils ol ths cities of Omaha
and Lineoln to paas ordinaucr rulr
Ing telephone companies plsre their
wire nnder ground lor the sole and only
purpose wl preventing othei mii tiauies
train eaterlusT said riliea aud rmlueiug
said oulraa-eous rate. Thvrvlor, the
ripsuaa til placing such wirva under
ground J" at eoustltut a ktfitimu
or awMpaaary eoat ol t'laal uihiq wnn a
anv ratura should be ret kiinad.
I iiurlavslhThat th other items lor
outlay ar rlalmed by roepotnteal, bal
ibay are ul ths same aatar and lor sim
ilar DUrtHMMJ,
t'lhaaalk That Ui agraat tat fra
latapkuae atrvMk Wl and Is lieisg
ftiraiah! tu kiiih taas aad uttleials Iur
IxdiiM-al IstluaiHW aal lavorsaad thai
th et ul link l'tf Huiial etpeaae
umIJ Imi l.n-a. upua '! patleg sut
a. tl'wta uiilxM suok IteMis are lakaa tela
(.! .rt his in aatvflatw as) Hi a fair
ss! lual rale kvraia irf ! if.
rtiilwslk-I ast a uuil.irm raNol J
twf at.iati) W(pil itald a raa.mU tli
l4 ssl rUraaiMa said Uatwtr
asl aUne k ul MtaiuUiuaa") s4
twtaiaastk-Tkat k Ndaetlna
uul4 ta"tiM4as lbs r4 aad iakr
pilr Ik earns eMurtuou ptvlt
srlrx eos)iiaisaat Haj I bal just
ktiatttabls tHt4 saultliah a tvaiaaktt
aaires bv th Nebraska to etihon coin'
puny or any other telephone companies
succeeding to the right of said respond
ent in said companies business or con
iieotlng therewith, whether such rat be
a certain sum ner switch or message, ac
cording to European ystems,or whether
It be by the system or monthly pay
ments for all messages desired to be sent
within th period.
To th Complaint Plied Bsfor th Board
of Transportation,
Ths several rail roads that were mad
defendants In th complaint filed before
th board of transportation have filed
their answers. Tbs Union Pacific denies
th jurisdiction of th board for th
reason that th company is no longer a
common carrier It being under tbs con
trol and supervision of ths receivers ap
pointed by th Judge of ths circuit court
of the United Htates. Ths company ask
that ths ens so far as it affects their in
terest he dismissed and Intimate that
the on Iv proper place for complaint Is
before th court at th present time con
trolling andsoperatlng in road. An
swers of tbs earn tenor hav been filed
br the Omaha and Republican Valley
and Kearney and Mack Hill braucbes
of ths Union Pacific.
Th Rock Island denies that the freight
charges ar vxcesslv or extortionate.
The Ht, Jo and urnnd isiana nie a siro
liar answer.
Ths Northwestern answers tbatthscom
nlalnt is ambluuous and uncertain and
asks that tba ; complaint be made more
Hiieclflo and that the classes of freight
where rates ar itoruonais oesiateo.
The Kloui I tr. O'Ne and Western
denies th jurisdiction of tbs board for
ths reason that th road l in th hand
of a receiver appointed by th United
Htates circuit court. Th II. ft M. an-
a usv Is short. It Is a follow:
'Comes now th Darlington Mis
souri River Railway company in Ne
braska, on of th defendants In th
sbovs entitled cans, and move th
honorable board to require tb said com-
tilalnant to inaks his complaint trior
daflnlu and eertaln in 4hls:
"First That he state wherein tins d-
fiindatit U ' demand nir. chanting or
curl no for the transportation of freight
within th state of nebrasxa uniair, ua
reasonabl and extortionate rate.
"Hecond-That h Ute ths commo
dities upon which th rates or unfair,
itnpuuttnalils or extortionate. ,
"Thlrd-Tbat lis state whether lis I a
shipper and wherein is aggrieved In
real met to local rates," fi. i
It la irnnerallv admitted that th com
plaint Is Insufllclent and will have to b
amended In soma particulars. Thiscau
easily be don and the companies can
Die supplemental answers.
Tbs Ncbrasks Msrcsntils Insursncs Com
psny PsyTbsIr Loss, iv.
Tho following cotnmuicatlon should be
sulflclent explanation to refute some
th slanders which hav been circulated
about th Nebraska Mutual Mercantile
Insurance company:
David City, Nen., July SI, '0T.
"The Nebraska Mercantile Mutual In
surance Co., Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear
Hire: Your esteemed favor of tbe27tb
Inst., cam during my nbsenc from
home. Allow me to thank yAu sincerely
for the par men t of this second policy,
making 12,000 in all, th time (or pay
ment has been considerably Inside the
''-ins of tbe policy and Is entirely satis
factory Id lllfli . . . ,
While my lusuraiic uUW elMfflod
25 r cent of my loss, this Bloti Wimo
opportunely, and Is being used Iff rf
building on a smaller scats anu wuu mo
hojies ol gaining lost ground. I am not
unmindful of this heavy loss and th
payment of It by ho young a company,
and 1 want to thank every member of
your directory Individually, nnd espec
ially those whom 1 know and esteem.
very iruiy,
James Ukix.
This I one of th losses which was sus
tained by th Nebraska Mercantile Mu
tual Insurance company, ana wnicn nas
boen advertised over the country by tbe
stock Insurance companies, stating that
the Mercantile Mutual denied liability
upon, and would not pay this loss; that
It would break up ths company, that
Mr. Hell waa disaatis:.ed with bis treat
ment and many other uutrulhlul state-
maute. We desire to say that every just
loss ol thl company will 1st adjusted
aud tiald as Promptly and in th same
sstislnrtory tuanuer as has thlosol
Mr. Hell. W, n. Lim n, secj
OnlihlbitiansndPof 11 llh Land
Commtssluntf's Offlc.
Tk World Iterald say that when
.sd Conimiasioner J, V, Wolf rvturued
from bis trip tt Nui-kuls aud Jrtrria
emiatlva ha brousht home wilh him a
HuaaiMHUmaa ol the Monkey Iseed owl.
ItUh was raptured by a boy la Nuckolls
eokittir. Ihe buy roiiiuiiaainiM4 Mr.
W,ii la In briHit ths bird to l.lueuln au I
nhrr it fur aala la parties aterl4 ia
autUthius. Hid lor Ike purebaaaol
itMiiiwIhavs Ua ru. tlnriiigth
dsf sa l kavs ma up ta ovr l t out
ati.iuer Wolfe Ikiuks Ihal li It k ul
..I4 Mure Angtiat tfiUk lharsshoal4 U
hdmnliy la d aHMiug ol it Its kl
rvnublaaa slate iaalM li U
as a iarlr etetitata, lis ikisks tkal lk
atiaiaaliua. II ktial p , Will
at wH rw '' Ikat It a ill Uealimly
appropriate, ! as It bn.k wN
sa l ! l S'MM'la. A lotlttittaaluMat
ttdlssavs "Il ltJ t ka.iw e,i
at a as4 tlutw m bllK )4st bk tha
Proclamation Issued Concerning
tbe Trans-Mississippi
Exposition. ,
Appropriation Made bp
State la now Arall
The Slats' Vlrseters Appointed.
Governor Ifolcomb bo Issued Ills
proclamation formally announcing tbe
Trans-Mlsslaslppi exposition and declar
ing the appropriation mad by th last
egislatur available for use. Th proc
lamation is as follows: t
To th people ot the,tate of Nebraska
(i reeling:
Whereas, Pursuant to a resolution
adopted by th Trans-Misslsslppi con
gress of 1H1M, participated in by all of
th state and territories west of th '
Mississippi river, there ha been organ
Iced in th city of Omaha, Nebraska, the
trans-MlsslsslppI and International Ki
position association, for th purpose of
holding an xposltion of the product
and resources, th manufacture and
arts of th great west, at th city of
Omaha, from Jun to November, 1M9H;
and, '
Whereas, Th twenty-flftn session oi
th Mslatur of th state of Nebraska
duly passed a bill ntltld "An act to
provld lor in participation oy tne '
stat of Nebraska iu the Trans-Mlsslss-
l and International exposition, to b
bold In th elty of Omaha, state of Ne
braska, In th year iwu," t cetera,
which act waa duly approved by m ana
IxK-ame a law on th 10th day of July,
A. I). 1807 aud,
Whereas, riaid act provide tnat tn
governor of the state oi flsnrosica o
and Is hereby autboriced ana directed to
appoint a state board of directors of six
members, consisting oi on representa
tive citizen from each congressional dis
trict, for th purpose of carrying out
th provisions of this act," et cetera;
and, 5,
Whereas, In accordunc with said
provision, the following, members of
said state baord of directors were duly
appointed and commissioned by me on
the mh day of July, A. D. ISpf, twlt:
First district, ll.M, Roydston, Nebras
ka City.
Bacoud district, C, A. Wbitford, Arl
ington. Third district, W, A. Povnter, Albion.
Fourth district, CD. Casper, David
Fifth district, W. M. Dutton, Haste
Hixtb district, William Neville, North'
Platte. j..
.Which said directors .Immediately or- .
gauicod, as provided in suld act, by
electing the following officers: President
William Neville: vice president, W. A.
Poyuter; secretary, C. V. Casper; and,
Whereas, Hald act further itrovldes
"that for th purpose of enabling the '
state of Nebraska to moke an appro
priate exhibit In said Trans-Mississippi
and International exposition, th sum
of $100,000 be, and the same I hereby
appropriated from the state treasury
out of any funds not otherwise appro
printed. Provided that no part of th
appropriation shall be available or used
until at least 1200,000 in cash shall
have been paid Into th treasury of tho
Trans-Mississippi and International
t'rnosltiou association oy ins isioc.
jjotef of said nidation,'' A.nd
Whereas It nns bnOO ttiaus lb fthhuAr
id tbs certificate of Gordon Wt
wttW tifssldotttj and John A Wak
flelo', secretary of th f fans-Mississippi
aud International Exposition associa
tion, nnder th seal thereof, beicsr dated
Jnly If), A. D., 181)7, that tber ha beed
collected In cash from tbe stock subscrip
tion mad to and In aid of tu exposi
tion and paid Into th treasury ol said
corporation, th total sum of $211,612.
Now, therefor,lHila A.
rnor of th state of Nebraska, by rea
son of th fact set declare that
all th preliminary requirement of said
act having been fully complied with, th
appropriation therein mad I now
arallabl lor th purpose and eude In
teudmi by th legislature aud prescribed
in said act, and that undr the provis
ions thereof the stats of Nebraska will
participate in th Trans-Mississippi and
international exposition. And I would
rerpjest all cltisen ol th state ol No
break a, all organitations.aoeietle eouo-
liea. cities and other munlelpalitle lo
li'nd their assistant and best effort la
behalf ol this worthy eaterprisalo th
end that tbe state ol Nebraska, may b
properly repreaaated, her varied pro
ducts, nnaxesiled resounsM, her rapid
protiriHss la manufactures, arte aud In
dustrie DttiNly displayed, and that
lh smxwas ol this i position may rnect
due rnnlii on lbs great slate la a hi hit
Is tu IMI hi'M.
la taalllimuy whertNil I hVS berawilk
aa aiy hand a4 rauaad lo m afflial
tha graal s-al ol Hi slaw til !lirak,
Dun at I.iikoU Ibis .14 tAjr ol Aug
al, la ths yttr ol oar Lord, INUT, th
alal year of ths slat as4 ul the in4
I,.....m ul the I sitrJ Ntala ol AtutUj
ka JJI.
iy h guwraor;
ru t A. Hmiiius.
W. F. ISisita, .
rWrvtary vl stlte.
Tk Aaiarkaa F4aflloa il l abor,
rraaaania' knrly svary aattosal lalnir
iiraaiialia la this eoMtrr, hvoa
ls4t Iti eitead aaa.aUa iaattttal
ul tu. rat, to lha stnkiag foal wilaar
la lhatf Sltlta'l M b'g
iMeMll jliat U4ll,
tai k'f Ik tarry lag m( talephua
rapwblws triy.