THE NEBRASKA INDEPKDKNT July 29, 1897 For Tlie Dlngley Tariff Law Doc Hot Afford Tbem Any Pro. 'taction. ILLEI'B PIETIBEST 'QUrSTJOSS. Drawback Bounty for Manufactur er, but Ho Bounty for Farmer. 0 NsutrMlJ? Hi HUf w MW' Tb republican pre ha attempted to take great credit for Jte liberal trai- ment of th former Jo placing a duty of 15 r cent upon bide Imported. If lb f.uriii.ri.l.h lili Irfl'll Oncd ft it WnS ploctld id tb bill ill lb clllte It "OUld have increased tb pric "Idea ' Ofcour it would not rrtult In any great good to Nebraska ' it would ho hflV increased I h pric of lint. Tb ill f teirood It contained tor tb farmer lin been di-bated by n "pr"'""" t ttukA in Hi conlercnc mmh.H". Tim Jaw am passed i mx follow; "4.17, Iliil" of cattle, raw or tincured, whether dry, salted or iMM, I& -r , cent ad valorem; I'rovided, That upon Mil leather Mwrted.inwJefrom Imported hlil. tbr sIia'I l allowed a drawback qUaltOtb AUlOlWt Of llllty paid on each bide, to I paid under such regu lation u th secretory of tb treasury way prescribe." It will b obi vd Hint Hi manufac turer who mnk tit nun for export get back all of tl (duty h hit paid on hi hid, il will u American bide to make American slow- and foreign bid to wink foreign aboe, Tb bide raiser will get practically 00 benefit from tli htw. When tb proviso wo presented to th mii it t by Heuator A li) rich of t,li confer ence committee, Heuator Allen aros ami Asked him th pointed oucstion; "1 should lik to ak lb senator from lihod Island (Mr, A hi rich), why th proviso I placed in tliitt parugrupb7" Mr. Aldrich. J two ut ther At tb auggestion of f b couwree on th port of th Hons of Ib-presentatlv, in order that ther might b no mistak a to whether a drawback wa allowed upon leather mad from imported hid, Mr, Aljcn, Why should tbr tea draw back 7 Mr, Aldrich, Tbr I a drawback on der th priMHit Imw, ( 1 do not think tin chcing th lw a 'it now tumi, 1 iiiiv no UNtion rriylf tut what a drawhif'k i pwinitt'! undr tlint infC law lor iportd lathr innd from i'tivortud bhhr, lti only a qution of iih'fitillitttion, Mr. Allii, Hii ( th prnt law proride for a drawbHfk, f not th 1 1 mt of th iiroriao in thi paragraph to pay out all th rVMiu th govrumni limy rcnv from imptwfiiK tax on Mr, A Idrlcb, ifthyar all rt ported, ytm; and that would m th fh-,t of th law a it now tund, Air. Allen. I uppo, a a matfrfof fact, lhat th Krul mniority l ln,Nrtd bid which ar inunuliu.'turd Into oo and ho, and iu olhr form ar n wrtd? Mr. Aldrlch. 1'hi proviMlon would apply in that can. Mr, AIIku, Or whn liinnitfiv:tard in to bfAthiT aim! MporUid in thntfonn, williout mui iiiiiiiiuiiirtl Into boot nnd ho, th ri-Niilt of It would Km to d'prlv ih K"'Ti"'"'it of tli rv I'll mi which it niiKlit othcrwimt dwriv umh-r thl pnraKrnph. Hi Hint portion whuli impotti tn i ni'iiirnlld hy th pro viwi, and noithi'r rvuu nor irot'Uon will lw Hi rult d llm i-iiK tiii.'nt of thi clniiN into a law. 1 IukI MUppoxi-d tliitt Ih iiniONitiou of a tariff 011 bid'- wn for a prot-liv purpoMii. I niiili mlood Hint to ImtliM ttiinouuriimnt iu th m-natc; and w Krifd Umiii '20 r ciMit ml rulorm fluiilly, 'ib llrnt propoHilion wn to iiiipo a duty of a ci-nt uml u hull 11 pound ou ilrii-d, niiKi-d mid frli lii.-. Thl wn chanted iiy Him (Ofiiiiiilt to 'JO pr wnt ad nlor-in, hIih Ii rr ur, would l eipilvali'iit to, if not tr Hutu, tlm niM.iflo tax. Now all On. U'lii'llt to l diTivnd Iroin tlm inioi. tion of a tariff on bull m to l frll tcn-il Away ly a drnwlcu k; iu otlmr word, th Kovi-riiim-iit i lo obtain tli nv.uu In tli flrnt Inittaui!, I prinuui, and tlnn that rviiiu im lo Im rxtiirimd to the iuiportiT of hidi'M, who limy nmniiliic tur ihi'iu in 1 0 h'uilicr aud export the lunilHT. I hoiild lik lo nxk llm liouorubli! miinlor from llhoilu IkImimI if Im tin land a rnlriilaiion by which Iih 11111 in form th won Ih mid tli I'linulry of llm Aiiiouut. or probabl nimunit, of n-vi'iiiiH that will bdi-rivd by tin piiriiKrnpli if mi net im! into law? Mr. Al'lrirh. Ill InipoKNibln to miy from nny lat ii ii In th Miw,ioii ol III Cllllllllllll Ullll'B tliM ' Itll Mil t !. hu had oin kliiliMiic ol Milled I id) not kuow Jimt what th rvniiu will In-, I hould aoiini it lo Im li-oni Hmhun did to tvin IiiiihIiimI and lllly llinim. and dollar; but that i Dimply nn oil mat mad mlhout any data hIucIi Miitibt b lulled r-'lial'lu. Mr. Allen, Now, bnini( Ih fiili nln I lull upon th proM'iit law, which tli ualor ny i iiltautially thwuaiiiH H thl, whiil would b pn id bin k ill Ih form of Mini!' ' Mr. Aldiu h. ,ot a very Iiuk amount I think. M. Allen. Would it Im half thwaiim ColkM'td? Mr. Aldriili. I IioiiIi think not nvr A third. Mr. Allen. What i Hi iiudrl,yiini pulley of Ho priVto? Why hnuld ihrr b a proviso id Hu kind, any war? Wl al I lo b HAiud by tli tmactmcnl id audi a pro mu? Mr. Aldriili. lb Mnderlyiu policy i th policy ul th I iiUd Male Im rrgard to Mil liniiof arinh wlm h r tporiiHl, thai llivy shall pny a draw bark iilllllly ripial to th Miuiunl of Ik duly, Mr, Allsit. It amount tuau timrl tirtunly. Mr, Alilihb. TMai simply tht twit' arimiHl id lbs vils'ing Isw. Mr, Alla. Admiliintf thai In U It us, t Ainuual, In tuUiauu, tuauiHirt NOT FOR THE FARMERS 'bounty on.foreiifn hide which are brought hir And manufactured Into leather. Mr, Aldricb. I no not tninK ma io. Mr. All. Will th bonorabl nator explain th diffwrnc btw-n tin kind ol a drawoacK anu an Mr, Aldricb. Tb Kovernwient of tb l'nild Htat Io nothing, of eoor, by Importing hidm her and fanning them her and shipping them out, if that triemploymnt to our own iopl, Ther in no lo of rvno to tbgo ernuwntofth t'nitd ftat, ft ma wlicy which w hav doild, and I think with tbAMjaieencandripportof th friend f tbnAtor from ,N"elfrk. Ortainly they r in farof id liwnn iug th xport trdof th United Htatc and iiakiiig it a larg a poibl, Mr, Allu. VV ar in favor of increa Ingth Mfrt trad. ifr hot fw wek ago th enior wuntor from Utah (Mr. Cannon) Introduced an amendment to thi bill providing for th paymnt of mi export bounty on wheat, 01, corn, aud other farm product of th I uited Htaleo, amounting, 1 think, afintially U) nbout IO,(t,W, Ui th nd that th farmer of th f 'wtd Klale might d riv if;m dirct benefit from th pannage of thi bill. That amendiriMit wa lm medialely voted down, W wer told th farmer did not ed it, ft brought about tb united ooitioi ofthr publican aenator, and it drw t i oppo nitiott of ;m of tb Hfor on thi id of th chamber, I h farmi-r wer not fo b proiectd in Ih lighl d gre. xi;ept by Ih Imponition of A light tax on om few arllcle whndi they pr due in mll ouantith-; and jrttvry lime w touch any of th irmnulacf.nring iiiMiltutiou of th ynntry,ihat moment w find very on d them rlivd In th form of a drawback or in om ot her form. Of course, Mr, 'rident, it i umtbm to argu th intttter, Th ilecre ha gon forth from th other id of Ih chamber that normou taxation hll imiiOMd upon th farming andln- duHlrial clae of thi country, Jher i not a !rut or a combination of capi tal in Ih I ,'nlled Htat, or a combina tion id foreign capital located i thi country, that I not amply protcui oy vry word And yllabl in thi bill. 1 her i not an Industry, ther I no capital, owned by th armer or by th indUMtrial clae which receive th littbU!t orolMition from thi bill. kntrr burden In th form of hign nfiecificduth', ad'h-d to which ar Inrg ud valorem du lie, I Imposed on Ih industrial claMol oar country, in bill la mad prohibitory in many of It feature, Th A rnerican markt is to b turned over to th American shark; th A merman romriercial highwayman I to ail hi black flag of piracy uncliet ked, and b la to III tb pricof vrylhing consumed by th farming and Inooring cloed th United Mtate. )f ho Ampl liierty under th provision of thi most inbViitofi bill to impos larg ely In excess of raonabl profit ukii what h may produ or handle. Uut tb mgular thing Aliout this tm, Mr. I'resident, I thi: When w com to manufacturing institution, everything la don that possibly can b don to prevent tbos manufacturing Institu tion from paying their fKrtion 01 th revenue. Ho- Wl, bow iniple, how foolish It I to suppose a tax of 15 per cent al valorem ujKin bid and then turn around In th next orealh ana in th next senteuc and pay out tb revs nu derived in that form to tb men who bring tb bide int thl country and manufacture them and export thern! Wartold that thi I latsiaanshlp; that it Involves a very high order id Intel lect to Impose a tax of thi kind, Mr, Prenident, it Involve About a much intellect a it doe to play Ih deuc in seven-ap And not much more, AJI th benefit to be derived from th Imposition of thi tax nnd a similar tax upon manufactured article, and all th revenue A be derived from it, ar to b actually paid back to these favored in stitution. When th deficit com in the rev.-nue, n they will come, when this piiiiMcei lor all industrial evils shall be gin lis work and fail, a it will fail, then, Mr, I'resident, are to be treated, nt the behest of the gold-money power of thi country to the insuiine of in bonds, to the increase id the ililcrml tx.mng nnd. mnl didit to meet tlne deficits. There i more Catarrah in this section of Ih country Hum all other iUeuse put together, and until the last lew wo wa supposed lo lie incurable, r'or a a great many year doctors pronounced it a local discaiM,, and prescribed local remedies, and by corn. I unity fulling to cur with loi'al treatment, pronounced It iiicurniiie, M'lcnc has proven catarrh to Im a constitutional disease and there. fois reiinres coiiMtituiiomil treatment, Malls I 11 In it h Cure, miiiiiifiiclureil lor F. .f. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Is the only constitutional cur on th market, ltistnku internally in doses from 10 drops to a teitflpitiiiiful. i nets directly on thii blood and mucous stiHnce of the system. 'I hey offer one hundred ddlnm for any case it full to cure. Mend fur circulnrx and teniuiiounils. Address, I'. .1. I iik.m v A I n , Toledo, , e,rHolu l,y nil druggists, 7.",c, Warden lidigh thing 111 ruiiiig his lime nguiiiNt sheriff OlilriigeOUs li en for is dniiinc the right Voles ill I he proT who nr chmgiiig I'lllifjiiig .iiiiiiei lo llm pciiilciitlury It is v holly out ol fllshiou fur one Olllii r lo i-n Ins liiolilli iih imisii 11 not her oiiiei r ndis .iiils or county, but Mr. Inligh iI.mWi hu.. much lor fmhion nnd puis iu n vigorim kick wiihoul wailing until 11 Mill only I,,.! proiioiiinci cniiipiiigii In., Mr. Ii- digh showed that it hud cost thuslntnj tunny ihninniuiUof dollars uuiiH'.-iirily, simi mat it wii a common " ' among sherilfs to iiinkn a good big haul out id th stain treasury when they lot.) lo coin,, to His i with a conv 1 i, hill ther was no iniciiiats remedy ifo-n lur Ih bills had be n uul.l. l and pmd, Imt now bs i.ropoMw in put n itptulli ri.l.lM 1 y, Auburn llrnnger lS'l tslHlsHl Halt a4 SMitths AWSf, tssi I II II you waal lo null lobaiwo Using vastly and lorvr, b imtd wsll, trunt, iHanitsti, full id w Id and v igur, lk ,Nu-'luH, the wiibdsrworksr, thai mak weak in a atrong, Manv ala Ira pound In tea duy. Ovr 4iHI,inh) rurd. Iluy No. lie pw id tour tlruggUt aiider guaral la fur, IUj it 1, hook l and autpl tusilsd (r, AdJrM Htsi llsg llsuitdy t o., ( hkiagii or N'tw Y, (lovsrninvnl ownership ul imlnrsl IiioM'I'uIm-s. inthii of I rjwMirl tiuH. guvernitisHl bank, and Ih rloraliiit of tinsMrnsd Uml arants, ar all lit isius lu da.-Uihttia Importer, FROM THe CAPITOL. Umn., urn., July 25, 17- (Xpeci al torresfjondew.) 1 bad an awful x perienc last week. Ye, it wo awful. So otlier word will decrife it. 1 con Umplated suicide, expatriation, abso lute and eternal annihilation, Jf it hal notion that a good KamaritAn in th form of a free silver republican cam to mi aid and M in out id th dark wild' ernes of despair and info tb land id bop 1 doo't know what may hav hap pened, 1 uroynmt to gi v a tro account and detailed desfrriptioa of that terrible do, Karly i the morning 1 went over to th state bouse and in th rotunda J met A frii.J id mine, a good, old iniddlw ol-h-rod fif. Hit bad a hi band Mvro! rpublicA paer, Jli oic wa husky ana lii eye wer lloi tear, 1 asked hiio what wa tb trouble, ie r- tliei): "Th idii-r ay that all th ifpoffi cial ar i net id thieve, that f jovernor Jlolcom went in with I'tnrtUtr and Moor to rob th nchool fund, that the smploye of 1 1, senate a nd boa robld th slat, and, Oh I don t know w ha? all. it' awful," "Uut," J said, "ihese ar republican PPr, ytm know how they have IM about "Well her i 'I'm Jfr,M mw M.Vf," b replied, "It join l I fie stat- ment, it bring charge against tb auditor, Hi upermfendent of th blind asylum, the slat uperinten'-fjt of pub' lie mst rocfiou and other, Then I went out, sat down on the I step of th capiMd, lifted upinyvoic Bll'J nowM-o, v mi 1 sni nierw iiownng, an old. white haired dvr republican cam along, if essayed toindortm and I told him all ny woe. "Ifavo yon examined the publk record to m-ti il Hies things ar true u ask'), I reoliod that 1 baf not. "Then com wifh me," h said, "and ire vill find out," W wt info th auditor' office, got th book i, and thi m what w found out; - For th fegislatjv session of iHH'J, h-ngln ol Ih session 07 Day, tha seco. tary of the enat reived W and th assistant f'W, for th mtmiou of JMf , day, tb M:relary got '; and th assistant For th session id r; day, the secretary reeivd I'OM and th assist ant 0. For tie session id IMS, 0 day, th w rtary wa paid and tli Ait' ant32X. For th fon of Ir7, 74 doy, tb sewetary wa paid th aitant IWi "'ow,"aid thold ilvr republican, "ther i tboffl;ial record of th amount paid to tli secretaries and assistant d ih aenat for th lost nv legislature. They ar All About th sa.n And tb Cull, wh, and Journal never thought i,her wa anything wrong till now' "Uut'l replied, "ther wo onei rulnry, th on for tb session of J tf'.Jof he only receive'! a litti over naif much a all th others. If must hav l.n a disinterested patriot and worked for half pay- Then the old man laughed until b (ell off from tb bookkeeper' high stool u pen which he sat, 11 got up off th floor, held his id and roared again. " J 101 Hodgewick, a disinterested pat. run. ' J hen n roared again, "null that beat tb lulcb, if got Uior out of that job than any man who everoc cupied that oiiU-M, if 1 th chap who got out that lH'Jft Kennte Journal for which be charged t'iM'i mt tiig. '1 ben h took up tb Keuat Journal of IVJ.t nun said; "Look At thi enormous volume. If padded th te-glnning of it with thebiog mphies of thirty-four .Nebraska state. men, including John C, W'ateou and John T. I'.ressler, for whhdi there wa no authority in law for printing, and in serted Itev. I.llddeii' relief reports, all of which and many hundreds of tln-so page were printed, to pad out with and make more pages, making aw hols line out of two or three words after this style: Impt-riai. - M, Otto r In-sbuch, I On sacks Hour. I barrel rice. U harrel uioIosmts, I barrel of sugar, 1 ki-g kraut. I sack salt. '1 bushels bcnli. I i-i bushels wheat. 2IO biiahels corn. I l'i buhels oats. -I m. 1;, salt. In car No. VH'J 'V. k X. W. "I bw printing of many ol these lines t out in,, re Ihnii the Value of the urlicle sent thw drought sufferers. I nn Hedgi wn k, it patriot working lor hull ,i,y (r the good ol his country'" and then the ohl 10,111 rourd again. lie then took ,ii lo hi lihrnry and showi-d im. llm rporis from 01 herniates, "t oil wc, he suld, "that ulliioM every Wht'ls Ml TCtUrll of th" legislullve tid- le ar al'owed for over time, forth n-iieon tha Ih'ir work only ln-uuo. when Ih bmly adjourns lor the duy. If mht si'Saioiis are held it Is only one legiftlu live day lor the member, while the sicix. 1 11 r ics win king mghls in allowed over lllne, VS hen llm h gmlul Uf" adpHHilS over im 11 ul ditys the pay of lhecuiiloyi-s gne mi, Imt Hot lllll Ol Hill lliemliem ol the legielat lire, Ihls innkes a difference III I he I one lor employe and llieuihers, 'I he 1 1'iilltile Willi you is tlllll Voi ex- ct p-. olfleers lo busaiul. If they only .'raw nil fin. money iney ihh ell- tilled lo under Ih" law Hint is nil you i nn , x -cl 'loin ofiliioiry huiiiiiu N ings, When jieb's ciiuiuiouweallh arrives and liiiiiiaii tialuiH is changed, then otlliw hnldeis will not draw their lull sulmies, but linn 11 good part of I hem back inlo the iMil.liii treiisury, Vow h i us look a little liltihur into tli MiH.nws ol Ihs NelifnLi MHoits, I Iih old Min i Went lo I III) liook Hg'llll, "Von si w," li said, "that Hi record show thai III" lupliiyet ol Hi u imt wer paid: For Ihs .-..... i ol Itii, IJI Inlil t. For thss- Miou ol lti, jn,7il'j ii, For tllMWSSllUI of s,il, 9 1 it, (1 1, , For i.esiliiii ol Nti J,JJT f.o, I or Ihs session of Iti7, I Jo.4,',7 ,mi, III lA'il.1 th si llille had 1 0 employ imi, In I al I they had only 74 tmployr, Tb liHiiif I Ntift lit tints long Nad liial of lUf 74 day, voveiiug a lrliloli il), Isiing lb ! ,onvsr Mil, M' rw i a Mg lulling il.iw i ol H.sns.,sesol lb iol, - ,,rwM,Bi tai-iff rnisrs,-Huf1iilii Kreiilng . . i I H MM. MM I . I . Il . kiadlL. UiiiH smuii'ii, ins nsii iiwis yiiti ran r.!nouieiiHiri rnsipe, out tnsr iki.Mu...i lea IawI IlialailAii lei tlltlfttlltAf frllU b bragging atejot it on every frot corner. Here i every state institution in splendid condition, warrant op to par, tb expense of th state govern ment reduced oyer t200,u00 in two year, rot a dollar mbxz!d, and very tat offl'-r doing hi whole duty, what mora ean yon ak? What ar you howl intr f'r, anyhow? , That wa what th old man said, T. If. liM-Axn. "TU Utv.t'KK.T join in tb state ment" appear in tb above, Th I xw.i-r.xiMT did not and doe not Join in the statement mod by threpubfH eon paper, that iolcomb ever had any dealing with Uarth-y and Moor in th improper manipulation of state fund. When th republican paper e cased Jfolcornfo if irregular trnnsa tion with th treasurer, they Jied, Tli lPr vtuv.t did niufaKu nepotism, (favor lusm m relative) wherever it wa known to b prwtkwi. Th mpKx- ur.H't mu that th present state official r not only th best th stat ever had, bar thfct they ar thoroughly hortttt&uA eiiiuhh, A man may be honest and capable, and yet that is no defense to th charge of H"jMiii if it i true, I may b honet and ' capable and yet from inexperh-nc makan error. No man i infallible. The newspaper lhat serve th interest of the pcopl beet, I th newspaper that tell the facte. Concerning the charge in fhKnate, fhlir.i'Kinr hi Already published A statement showing expense for six session, Th rea)er of this paper hav sufficient intelligent to form their own conclulon,-.F,o, JKrrytMkl s Bo, acarte Candy Cathartic, th moat wonderful medical discovery of th og, pleasant and refrsabing to th tat. at gent) nnd poitlvly 00 kidney, lirr ami bowJ. cleansing th tntir vtem. d mi tori cold, cur headache, fvr bablt oaf eoeatipAtion and billousn, ' puy and try a Imx of C. C. C. todav10. 2o, W cent, Kfll and guorautd to eur by all druggit. A might hav ten expected th state house leach th Htat Journal- bowl and feel sore, becaus it ha lost anotlr monopoly that it umnterrapt- ;diy enjoyed without interference until rirw Johnson in IMS bad th temerity to ncroach it by compiling and publish, "K Ixgf1ativ Manual, conceded by all good judge uprior to the old trotyp4 Jouroal dition, that bail reprinted year after year with very few change and alteration. 'J in new cmpilation by Krle Johnon did not cist tie state a nickel, whil forth Journal compilation th faf treasury had lieen mulcted to tb tun of I.VlO. Htlll th Journal company bad the gall to charge tb tate f l.0 for every copy of th blue book furnished each aiiccen. la,.. lu,I.Llnn I mm it M.......i-4 every tun it ha to let go or a public teat. It I a tndnig remark Among th knowing on that every brick in th Journal establishment ho cost the state it weight in gold, Th 1 H'Jl edi tion of th M-gislAti v manual, Inst ou b- lished by Kric Johnson, cost tb state only cent per coiy, a saving on 400 copies of I80, a again what th Journal would hav charged the state bail ther beeo no competition, lo con tent And making op it will bear just and fair comparison with any edition issued by the Ktate Journal company v shall in th near future make com parisoa b-ked by fa:te, that th Ktate Journal will not relish. Wahoo r,ra. 0Lep Excunioni via th 5ortbwtitcro Line- Hound trip ticket will be sold by the .VrHiwestefn line Ut point on dates and at rate mentioned Wow, Hot Hprings, H. ., Augut 3, "Jl: turn f I .,oo; limit .Jo day. Indiauaiaois, iud., Angut If, and 17, and Hcpteuioer 7 and n, ".n: fare f la; eftremn limit respectively Heptembcr 17 aud 17, Buffalo, ,, V August 'il and 27; fare 121.70; limit Heptemoer 70. A. H, Melding, city ticket agent, 117 Mo JO. Tb Nkiiiuska Isitr.vKHuv.xr is true to its name. It is ludept-iidcnt enough to call altenlioii to mistakes or wrong doings among official in its own parly In these days when party journals di" vote no ineonsiderabla portion of their space to denying, covering up, or while wnshing th delinonencies of their party official, it i gml dying to find one lhat honestly culls attention to ipieslionabhi act or wrongs that need righting In It own politicnl household. If this course were uniformly pursued we would have few Hartley ihcln nit ions tognecn over. If, limtend of ridiculing the charges brought against him in past years, the fouruals of his party had honewl ly in vestigated them, and called af tent Ion lo what they should have known to 1st wrong, no f ,',00,000 would havs leaked out ol th treasury suck, Hint ar party journul at th center of political Action for If not lo ndvis us honestly and impartially of what is doing, and how it Is lieing done not alone ol com meiidabls ncilon, but also of what Is questionable or reprehensible, Alltclojiti I ribUlie, When bilious or costlv.t a CaAflarst randy rathartic.cur guarautd,10e35 hugsr 1 f mI siol I inigrM.. To II cost Ih sugar trust tin discov ered lhat lhrs is a different paMyln power now from what Iher wn when it mute lis former attempt loriui Hi gov. eminent and emict law for It own ben efit New York I'res. For iiionnmi'iilal rbw k and unadul terated gall Ih above Inks lb uu- rtg". Ntvrr tedort III IU wtioi nisiory in h monopoly hav lhare reached Ih high premium that liny hav under lb present administration and He rote bcr jariff , . Nil doiihf, howsver, the pre is flghl when ll remaiks: "in He ro.1 Ihs trust ha lerse. ihs! another patty U m iiiiwsr." II must have cost in irusi a inetlr is nsv I'lgUlM H pollll wi 'ft Ih t. itse all Ike aewa. The Ilirini. ail lataewe, all lime, Itead it. Much in Little I expreiany tm of Ifwsfx filU, P naratdl etiss ever twAiuixA m snll er;WTe pmer fo a mail pstee. Iney r a wix,l nr4kin fiet, oiwsyn ready, i way eflilrrt, lway at isfactory; prid a eM Pills ick beadacti, tytyvYwrn, jmMynlttem, tin. ise, Tfie only JU to use wish JPf touynlU, m4 Ux Arditi "Ta Fthr tA ntetoM " Say? "The Klmbafl Piano j a noAe inKtriinicnt aJ worthy of all pram." lAwuynA iA tin rM' ,l1rfid OMAHA, ' StAHAKA P- D- SHeRWIN DENTIST.... Consulting room BTTD1D OT T Hecond floor X5UAf DLfk LINCOLN .... NEBRASKA E. T. ROBERTS UNDERTAKER fhas 474, 124 Xorlh J2tb EC, ftarr fll.wb, I Lincoln, Xb. is4 l sllsb t nf six or ffislui of bum u- UUnmHA ilii,4 gri4 sil UlntUvf grain, it mimAttnl muf.hw. Also uMistrerf Wrt Wln4 Mill, i. i. WIS6EH, lUtlOS R. CHICAfia furrier.. 'to I'hienlis Hbe,i,n lossslilrat MmAmnt ton r hrlr S'.HHd ilisi us ilw l';ib im, ul ioly, l'7, Wio.r liiili,s DM wtitis swMlsal y Is lli VfiWl l.'irt ot ijtnr,tr muuif, H,rnVn, , it ) (,mjr ,A sheJ, f I, ol.tsls (llfiifm Unmyim on lb utuxtnA tst tn born wii'sllf l,n'l.,t1 il,. lilMinllrt slili.iit ttooi rnnm, lur Ilw ttm i( l jrnsra Ihi. ,it, V i,w ntK funlrvi lo nf sM ilili on or Mor Hoinls, tli 12ti4 rtsr irt Anrnmt, , l) WAII Kit nilM-POX, '-t A, K. ll',i,, bis slt,ru. FA8T TIKE, TE ROUGH OARS. To Oinuhn, Chicago end polntsin Ios n ml Illinois, the LMH.N PAI I r It in con iieclion with th ('. 4 .V W. Iiy. the best sirvice and the ftttel lime I a!l or writ lo me lor time tnnu. mo efs, K. IS, H'Sho (e. Au fipecldl Fxcumiuo via tb finrlingt i. Indianapolis nnd return, f IM, August I n and 1 7, September 7 nnd n. I'.uffalo and return, 7f,70, August 71 and 77. Hob-iii f'halnuouu, H round trii August 7 to 1.1, l.hiciigo, I'eoria, Itloominglou and HI. Louis, flO.Jlo one way, .Inly in lo 21.73, 2fi, JI0, August 7, fi, '.. and 13. li. W. lfoMn i T. I, and T. A, O A. K.-BuffJoT'trough 0r Pmicr ll.i ii ii .1 Trl. (lur Teachers' Milwaukee. Excursion was so succciMiui, ami our pn irons so well pleased with onr siiMrb line and through service, Hint w propose to glv all who coiilemplnl availing ihemwlves of Ihs very low rates lo Ituffalo and reluru Augut 71 and 22, an opportunity lo enjoy inroiigii car service, Lincoln to nunaio, via the Ureal Northwestern Hue and eomicflioii. If you think you would lik lo travel via fh Hhorl l,iu lo ( hicago Jusl cull ou in for particulars, Out of town iM-iipl who would Ilk to go via Ih bet rout lu through mi. nr rs'iuesteii to rn m iomeriiiiig thl lnp, A. M, r tn pisu.r, T A, 117 Ho. Illllinlrsel, l.llinolii, eli, lp eltl ricuniua to Hot Ipiliifi, H. I) tna Rturo August Ad lb l.lkliorn-N'iirlliwsslsrn Huim-wiII . ll ticksl In Hot Hpring and return lor lift do, 'lodeve. I'riul matter iIim rlblug thl hsslih and pUus r resort can b wldalusd at off It 117 Mn JUlh eirwvt, A.f, I iai Man. C T. A, (DIV-C ice CReftM- lit Sweet Gream Milk. 1841 0 Stree MiiiKr,cm)i l4M.fll, 4m4s pi 40 t&fjot I). S. Standard; trmt, Pf 4thn Mm ilnlli IIMiWVlillMUUHlUOkwMl, rrtM S. )wr UMtftmmM S,Im, r, eMMM, S lwf. IhwM. IIWKMy U Smm ), 11.. I.i'iW Mwh fwH .,''r. r, .- Si.'ta, turn, S4r Im.iXIu.ot, l4li4 fww, I tt-mftwn, trm D'ilk rrtoM, ItMMflilb, ,,-Sw vil. .IAlfclH N-f, ert. i.'mb., Umi---A, mnrm M.AIJUt. fc u-; ttuntf .. fcw. swf, lt f,iMs M, .ICA4e CAI4 C., CkttkIIt. ; 5ire -awW , Th lst ad CVatnt Z e'u,vi. Writ a, Ox tr'A V, lAti-M tut Ht'uMt XjW ATX toon, Oi, WlMt.A.,MS mmk im so ws-1 Jiwte :r if m JOUETJLL,,, f.jtrtMf -i4 Muntv- fp tru ut V- M'ntm. turn MttUimrj, W),ili,J SteelTanks OsJr !, IJIM, tirtuA.uM'Kt ur inumf jb. m. viMQzm, iff) cAia. T. A. Carothcrs, m. fomi itMf la Anf fmrl, t th City, M9 Vmt Mouth. Telcpbone, 47, t t OflJec 234 E Mt HO. g. glEKfATBIf K, Anorney and Solicitor. TllACTU r, LlMITKD TOl )v,km or rut J UR. S.E.CCOK, Eye,Ear,Nose and TiiroatsaeMi Linooln, Nebr. Dour from :30 to 12:30 a.m; 2 to B p.m. No matter how hot it is UKllK it is always cool iu Colorado. I'olorado is n curly a mile higiier Ibnn Nebras ka and Iowa. That is why it's sumns-rs are so pleasant w by t hoiisand annually exebange the sweloring h,-ut of the plains for the delightful invigorating, lib-giving atmosphere of the inonn inins. 1 he iiicket and most comlorlahle way toget to Colorado is to take th liurlington's "Iinirr li TO Limited," which teitn Lincoln every afternoon at 0 10 p. in , reaching Ifenver at 7:1., a. m. the net morning. Hles-r chnir car diner. For tlcketn uu timitiibhs apply at p., 1 M. depot or ci'ijr office, corner loth undo street?,--. I Lincoln, Net,. ' d.W. IIO.NNFLL.C. P. A T. A, CALIFORNIA! one -CHICAGO, ROCKISLAND A, PACIFIC RY. Gives you th cholcx of TWO ItOCTKrl on via Colorado and th Kcsnlo Lin ad Ih other via our Tela Lin and tb Hou thern I'litifld. Our Two I.ln Is niui h quicker than any other line through to Moiillirn CAIII.'OIINIA. Kilt PERSONAUrClTTM.EXCURSIONS TIIKi'HILLII'M IUM K IHLAMI KXCL'rmiONtt Are the most popular, and carry th largest business of any California flout Ibis Igiilfls that you UKt th.te.t.,1 tentlou and rlv the tosit eervice, Tb mwest rate tickets to California are available on thsse einuraiona. Hon t atari on Inn to Califort.te n.iii oil get nur Tourist Folder, eontalnine lap shoeing routs and Ml inlorinatina i or raise and reservation am.te i. Meat til the (' It. I, A )', K,,' i,r addrsse 'OMN kMUSTMN, .r A , ' HllssU. rairoulM oar admit,. ff