The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 29, 1897, Image 1

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    tJT I
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e 9 m -
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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated,
NO. 10.
Senator Marion Butler Introduces
A Bill For Their Estab
Draws Two and One Half Vtt Cent
A Carefully Drawn Mill.
Heuator Marion llutb-r ha carefully
investigated lii operation of postal
saving banks hi foreign countries and
trow bis investigation ha prepared
Mini introduced a bill into th L' 11 1 ted
rSlutes Senate providing tor their eelab
Jisbment and orutiofi in connection
willi the post office department In tli in
country, The bill wow Introduced July
V,, and l"very carefully and skillfully
drawn, it w referred to the commit
t 011 Post officii and post roods, and
will come up for consideration at the
next session of congress, when Mr, Hut
Jer will support it on the floor of the Ken
; at audita hope of securing Its pas
sage. The text of the bill introducd by
Mr. IJutleri as follows:
A lUUs-Tu establish postal savings
bank at interct witli the security of
tie government for payment thereof,
and for other purposes.
Whereas it i expedient to provide facili
ties lor the safe deposit of small eav-
lux and to make th post onic
department and certain pout office
available for that purpose,, and to
Kirn imsj '-,. ,.-,.
government to every depositor for re
payment of all money so deposited by
Unit, together wltli the Inlcrsct due
thereon, or forth Investment of the
same; Therefor,
15 Itemized by lh8iiat and )lum
of l'pfem-ntttllrtol tti I 'nlted Httl
of AmerlcH iiH oiixreM mb!d,
That ther be, and I hereby, wtab
iiithed a ityntem ol poNtal wuriiiK bniikM,
to b under indirection and loipervinion
ol tltv Ht niiwter Keneral and th wfcre
Uiry of the trury in conformity to
the provision in tbi n:t,
fm, 2. That each and every pot of
tim within th t'nited Hit whi:h In
authorized U wxiw money order, and
ui'li older the potmnter '".
fa hi deration, may from time to tim
leiK'iaie, r hereby declared to Im
)tmiX avin laiik ollliw to rex-lv )
poit and rep;y the iim to th dpo
Ur't their h-Kal reprenentatlve, a
bwrwiuufur provided,
'A, That any perion, includinif
married women and minor (utile the
parent or iruardiun of the latter hall
tile a written proet), may deposit and
oe au acount at any on of hiicIi of
mr: Provided, That a much a fifty
cent or larger amount multiple ol
au wnt mut lie deoiitfd Ix-lore an
account i opened with the person de
positing the same, but eu cetit or the
mulliple of the same may b deposited
ami credited 111 pass hook nfter such tu
wunl has iiM-ii opened: Provided fur
tler, That in order ;hat smaller
ftiMoun's may le-savd to he deposited,
that aey istsom may purehase Irom any
SU ll olllrj), lor one cent, 11 oostal sav-
ins card on !iih my Is mtaWo'd
failed Htute stamps id any denomina
tion now in gi-neral use or ess'ciully
prepaied postal savings stamps, ns the
poi mister general imiv direct, and
tl,e 'lie tulllMt SO MttHI'hed amount to
tllty cent or a larger amount 111 multi
ples of ten cents, including the
one ci-nt postal savings card, may lie
presented to nay Much ollice it a deposit
lor os'iiiiig an nccouul; or when the
Miami' iiltm hed amount to leu cents or
u'iy multiple of ten cent, including tl
one cent postal saving card, it may be
oresenled lo the olllce where such person
lias au 11 c'o 1 1 nt a deposit; mid when
u it curd mid stamp are redeemed by
iinv postmaster li sl nll miii ! tliesitme,
ll Is hereby mild" the duty of the post
master general to prepare slli'li postal
savings curds aiid ki'p tln-i.i on sale ut
ew-ry poniul saving bank olli!c; and
every "ii' li saving bank "III" " nIiiiII be
kept iisii lor the transaction ol busiues
as late a i) o'rlock post mcri'l mil on at
least two ( Veiling ill eMell Wei k.
sW'C 4. That the M.iiiin-..-r ol any
rrn li olllee sli.ill Upon nreiipi t.l any micli
d osit lor os-nlng au iii'Coumi deliver lo
tlii depositor a posialsavuiM iiaiik pass
book, nhleh shall Is-ar the luiinuol I'm
pcisuii for whom the dep"-li is made
and sui'h other memoranda maybe
ih'ii nry to identity the him'p iis well
ws the signature or mark ( lh depusf
tor, In ltti'li pass book 1 . postmaster
shall nt tlie lime enter I' anion lit iiii.I
dale ol Hie il poii, uud in entry sriall
be attested hv him In niiiIi a in an iter and
under s'i' li ri gulit' oiisii lh otninit'r
getifrut nmy iliifd, mid every suntdiiig
deposit sllltll le entered and cert iH"d III
like m ililn'f, lllld evrry irl depoait slnil
Moon Ihe day id such receipt b lepuf te.
tilth isixt nimler geiet'il, and His lie
kiio')dgiiM'tit ol ill" postmaster gi ii
Hrtl, sigliimd bv the iiltleer v lis
sliull niipoiHt or ib-sltiioi's lor thai pur
p en', shall l Inrlhnitti IratismlttetMu
Ids depositor, It lid til said rkuohdf
IiimIiI sIihII be cotii'lusli rvldeiiiw nl lh
rliiim id the ibMMitur to lh ri puj.iieiil
ol Ibv d'" sit 011 deiiiutid with nny In
It ltsil that notr I01VS been allowed Nd
viiletcd, or limy hvs mrrusil, nu I until
Sill ll si kliiili i!gemi.i I feeslvsil th
1 entry liy ih pi opt r niti r la ths id mu
pas li"k h)l t loncltislv Wldi in of
(III M reslsx I Ih dsHtt made,
Hilt, iV TliSl th lll'tfest nt lhrl
tdlOIIHi oil kll f cent Mill pr HM-
tium sliull bo computed, allowed, and
entered in tlm pas book to the credit of
each depositor once in each yeur, and
shall be udded to and becoimt a part of
th principal money; but mucIi Interest
shall not b computed orallowd on any
amount Iss than ft v dollar or some
multiple thereof, and not commnun un
til th first duy of tho calendar month
next following th day of such deposit,
or when deposit of a less amount shall
bav amounted to th total of five dol
lar, and shull ecu on th first day of
th calendar month lu which such de
posit I withdrawn: Provided, That if
any deposit shall exceed flv hundred
dollar In any 01m year that no Interest
shall tie allowed on that part of the de
posit in execs of five hundred dollar,
exclusive of accumulated Interest, ami
that Interest shall never be ullowed 011
any amount to the credit of any one
person lu excess of on thousand dollars,
exclusive of accumulated In litres t.
Hen, 0, That every depositor shall
forward hi deposit pas book to th
postmaster general, in au envelojie free
of postage, which will be furnished him
at I he postal saving bank office, one
in each year, 011 or within thirty day
after the anniversary of the first deposit
made, for examination and entry of
amount of In lures t found dim.
Kec, 7, That on demand of the depos
itor or party legally authored to claim
011 account of depositor, made in such
form and man tier a shall be prcM'U'ihcd
by the postmaster general, for repay
inent of any deposit or any part Iherof,
the postmaster general shall drawn
check on the treiumry for the amount,
payable to th depositor or any person
mimed lu hi application, and forward
th saniM to the depositor forthwith, and
Much check may be cashed at any potul
enving bank olllce.
Hoc, H, That no sum of money depos
ited under this net shall, while in th
hand of any postmaster, or while In the
course of transmission to or from the
postmaster general, or while in the pos
session of the United Ktates, at any
time be liable to demand, attachment,
seizure, or detention of anv legal prows
against the depositor thereof.
Hec, 0, That the postmaster and
other officer of the post office engned
in the receipt or pity men t of deposit
shall not disclose tho name of any de
positor, or the nuioMiit deposited or
withdrawn, except to the postmaster
general or to Mich ol hi officer are
appointed to assist In carrying Into op
eration the provision of thi act, or to
t)clf other peron or jtcrsonwis the post
master general may by general regula
tion or special order direct,
Hec, 10, That all money received for
deposit under thi act shall be forward
ed to ths postmaster general, or to such
United Hlnte depository a he muy di
rect n often it oiiceicli week, and daily
for such office a he mny designate; and
all money so forwarded shall be paid
Into the treasury and shall be credited
to an account to be called "the post
office saving bank" account; and all
sum withdrawn on account of deposi
tor, or for other purpose, shall bo
charged to such account The pot
mustiT general may, with the advice and
approval of the secretary of the treasury,
designate such United (State deposi
tories a may be convenient for the post
al saving bank olljiys and for the IreaK
ury, whein deposit provided for by thi
net may he forwarded by postmasters.
Kc, 11. That the secreturr ol the
treasury Is hereby authorized and direc
ted to invest such postul savings bank
fund in of what shall be deemed
by him and Ihe postmaster general nee
essary to keep on hand as reserve for
redemption purposes and lor expenses of
administering this net, in United Ktates
bonds, as far us possible to do so and
reahw a profit for the postal savings
bank fund; and he is further authorized
lo invest any luiids that he may not be
able to invest in state bonds under same
liinliutioiis, or to loan to banks or ap
proved deposit ocie within the stales
win r sin h postal deposits are made,
upon such security and under such rules
and regulations as he may preseribe, at
Hie rate of interest not e than three
und one half ts-r centum pel milium; and
lib such postal saving deposits are here
by declared preferred claims iigaiiiHt the
bank h 'idling the same, and again!
any persons who have b cume hound it
security therefor: Provided, That the
secretary ol the treasury, instead of in
venting or loaning such linids'iu the
manner provided above, may turn the
same, or any part of the same, into Ihe
general fund of the tieanury when, in his
judgment, the condition of the treasury
demands it "
The remaining ten sections ol the bill
provide lor the di t ills of operating III
system, such it the printing of blanks,
books, etcetera, prescribes the milliner lu
which a depositor may invest In deposit
in government bond, and fixes the rule
ol interest Upon such bonds at two mid
lour-leiith per cent, and orovide for
an appropriation ol imi,immmo carry
Hie provision of the net into osinlloii,
The bill I lrictly a populist measure
Introduced bv a ttotilllist senator, it is
lenigliateij to meet oil" tit th" most llltf' j
enl need of the plmn -ople. II enitcti-l i
Into Im It would protect Ihem from th
rotdsrie mid extortion id the present
hanking monopoly. Heuulor Hutler will j
ih 111 It Unit ih senator w-" on
ret out for or nge'iist th mol cuceilent
lllinailiM, It Will linet the United oppo
sition ol all bunk (dlli il and th vote
will lio with n id our eiituors think
mors id Hi -ople Hi 11 11 I bey du ol dob
W hen Ih rout miner id the Hocking
alley truck Mganii working lords
than 1 7, .'ii per month, Ih" unrsnsoua
Ids rrsalur showed a ileplorabl lack
ol ar I Hud, Jut now, when Mr. Ilau.
li I iuaiurting dm uitirlitl boom
mi lh hnai ol M klttl? prusnty, I hi
lrikWH vrrr unkind. If Ik pan-Is-r
td Uurnp leant id Ih prtnevly iiin
paid Ih tir, w will mv In bud. I
brush ban in ktp Iboiit out.- hutler
I omit; 'r,
Presont Warden hag Made
Oroat Savings for the
The Cost of Maintenance Is Only
One-third What it Formerly
An Kxellent Knsi iillvn Oflleer,
Time ha proven Unit Governor liol
comb made no nilslak when he selected
lion, (ieo, V, Iiidlgh of Nebraska City
to be wurden of the penitentiary, Mr,
Leiden I naturally qualified a au ex
ecutive oflleer. lie ha liud a large ex-M-i'ionco
in conducting his private bu
iiins at Nebraska city, wliero he ha
beeu very eucccesful. Hiuce he accepted
the position of warden he ha given the
eiifiio careful attention to the manage
ment of the institution for the stub) that
behave to hi private busiues, lie
superintend all matter of improvement
und repair, Mid since Its construction
the penitentiary wa never lu so good a
condition. A I well known to the peo
ple of the state all thi ha been brought
about under the most adverse clrcutn
Mtuuce. It would b folly to repeat the
etory of Mr. Ildigli'a etruggle with the
republican board of public land and
and building. When the old board
would not allow him to draw on tho
fund of the state for the support of the
prisoner Mr, Leidigli drew heavily upon
hi private fund and kept the prisoners
at work and supplied thoin with food
and clothing. Under the new board Mr
f ,1'idlgh bus had better treatment. They
bavo co-operated with him In every man
ner possible. Home of the contract by
which the prisoners are employed are
iiotu advantageous u they should be
and the board will try and cuncel them
and make new ones, Thcsi contract
were made under the former manage
inent when the state paid the con true
tor 40 cent per duy for the support of
each prisoner in addition to allowing
him all the proceed from the labor of
the convicts. The contractor either em
ployed the convict for his owuuseor
Miib-let their labor to sub-con tractor.
It i some of these sub contracts that
are still in operation, The usual appro
priation for the support of the peniten
tiary under republican management ex
ceeded 1100,000 for each two year and
a a rule it was entirely consumed. The
hist legislat ure appropriated only f 00,
000 for the next two years and the pros
pect are thut a large sum will remain
unused at the close of the bieutiium. In
other word there is a sure saving of
f 10,000 because there wus that amount
less appropriated and a probable saving
of f20,000 more by the failure to draw
the amount appropriated. The warden's
report for the last ix months, ending
J uye ,J0, show that the actual cost to
the state for each prisoner for the six
months wa f IM, 7!l winch amount lo
'2i cent per day per capita, instead ol
4; (.nls per day per capita as was paid
by the stale under the old management.
Under the new law the saving will be
considerably greater. The appropria
tion by the last legislature lieciiiiii'iivnil
able April 1. For the three mouth,
April, May and June, Warden I-idigh
hit draw n Irom this sum only 5,.T,M .'Jd.
He has used Irom the earning made by
the convict i?.'i, 021 .M7, making a, total
of M,40l.l'l paid for the three months.
During the three month the earning
by the convict amounted to 1 1,11 1. 't. Mi).
Deducting this from the expenditures
leave .'1,000.2 1 a the actual cost to
the stale for the three month, or tll.-
,TJ mt day. I he average number of
convicts r day was !)1H, which would
mean that Ihe cost per capita per day
wat only 11 ecu' for the last three
mouths. Owing to the tact that less
clothing and fuel is required in th sum
mer than in the winter, the (s r capita
xsnse in the winter will be more, prob
ably reaching a high iin20 cents per
capita per day or about ou half whul
the stiitn formerly paid. The taxpayer
of Nebraska will appreciate the honest
and faithful service of Mr. Leidigh. No
amount ol republican clap trap about
the honor" and ' ciedit" ol Nebraska
will Miilllcieutly explain llni rx'-esive
charge of III past. The figure are tfat?
best evidence.
el lb Work Htinj Don Hy lh
Nerietkt Ul(tian,
I In a slioit roit vers nth u with Cmi
! ...... II It h! ... I ... I I u I... ... I
gressillltll It I. nilliii'lMllliI ll in- M,i
through Lincoln last week on hi way
Inline front Washington learn Hint
he will rvtiiain in Nebraska until nearly
lie, slur Ihe ofiiwg id III DiceiulHr
. t ft, .(,,
amtlU. lis lilt tell RI tiff I, Sir. I , 11.
pultiriiiu la N Wellington during Ih
tuiuiiirr lo ItMik after and erod tiUom
the several hlllldrt'd Mtiot rlitllli
which Mr. KuilisrUml ha in rhsrs.
Mr, I'o'diftiiu will rroJ lhlim to
n tHiie lusioa and will lake rhurg of Urn
hw ol. a they roiii iu, , S.nber
laudU ar thi ili i i lit order
that li My further Hit i!im i. l
veterans of his district. Mr, l'olliemus,
uuder Mr. Hutherland's Instructions, has
become thoroughly acquainted with the
work and will do the work unsigned him
honestly and faithfully.
Kpeaklng of the Nebraska delegation
Mr, Sutherland said that Ketiator Alien
I everywhere recognized a one of tho
ablest lenders In the senate, lie 1 al
ways found in the forefront of the battle
when the interests of the people are at
He spoke in the highest termsof Judge
Maxwell and said that lie wa one of the
most Industrious men lu congress, and
oy Ins diligence and unceasing labor ac
complishc much more than younger
member. Mr. (Sutherland said that the
people of (lie fourth district were to lie
congratulated lor their selection of
Judge Kturk for congressman from thut
district, ill ability und Judicial bearing
command the respect of till who make
hi acquaintance,
Congressman (Jrccn made a good Im
pression In the argument and delivery of
hlsiecli on the tariff bill. Hi ability
us a speaker war recognized at once und
he ha had many Invitutlous to speak lit
several different slate and ha frequent
ly incepted, Wherever he goes hi
specchc ure fuvornbly spoken of and he
is reported as doing good work for the
The republican members ol the delega
tion have followed the exampluof tho
republican lenders und have pursued a
policy of Inaction and delay, merely
Voting (o aid lu crowding forward the
tariff bill.
4 .
Will I Held In Lincoln Fiom 6ptno
,br3to 14
The committee in charge of the 0, A,
Kv reunion which will be held In Lincoln
(September 13 to IH met Tuesday to ar-
range the program, Chairman 1'uce
appointed the following commit lee;
Uinance-O. W. Webster, Ilrad (Shingli
ter, J, I), Woods, Henry Herpolslielmer
and II. Kudge,
llurruck and tents J. E. Miller,
Joseph Tectes and P. W, Itndford,
Concessionary J. II. McClay, C. II.
Jludge und J, W. Howen,
Quartermaster' supplies C, M. Par
ker, Dr. A. h. J I oover, J. I), tjnrner und
J. II. Wescott.
(Shows and entertainments w, I),
Fitzgerald, J. II. Fox worthy und Phelps
The chair also submitted the following
as a partial program for th reunion:
C.!-vlce will be held on (Sunday com
mencing reunion week at 2 o'clock. The
speaker will lie w, ll. Iliiisieuj anil J'r.
. O. Rowlands, Patriotic and sacred
song will be sung.
Monday will bo the opening day. uov.
Holcomb will make' the welcoming ad
dress, , (jen. C. J. Dd worth of Hasting
will respond to It. Then will follow the
formal turning over of the camp to
Commander lihrliardl, who will deliver
hi addrcN,
luesday will li Nebraska day.
(Speeches will be made by congressman
ii. (Strode of the First district, con
gressman w. li. ritark or the l ourth,
Hon, .1. hlerling Morton and Congres-
miin W, I., (ireene of tho Sixth district.
Wednesday will bo devoted to mem
ories of Ihe struggle nt (ieiiysbury and
vicksburu. Senator John M. Ihurstou
and William V. Allen, mid Church Howe
and II. C. IliiNsell will speak,
Thursday will be children's day. It
will be given over to the Hag mid It
travels. The speaker will be W.J. ISryun
and lieneriil ,1. C, Cow in.
Friday there will be a great sham hut
,tle conducted b Commander Fhrhnrdt,
(ieu. J, C, Cowiu will fill (ieneral'
uniform. Captain Henry will give a cor
rect repri-seiitaiioii of Jcrfcrsou Davi'
famous retreat.
The railroad will make a single fare
rate and the aiilhoril ie expect there
uniou of thi year to be well attended.
Delegate to th Faimtrt' National Con
r September 6.
(inventor Ilolcomli ha appointed
delegates to represent the slat" at the
tin uiers' national congress, which is to
be held ut St, Paul, Minn., August, '11 to
September 0, While lie ha appointed
deli'gute bv districts he may conclude
lo appoint 2'0 representative at a lat
ter date. Th delegate named are,
Plol F. Campbell, (ieorgetown at large;
II. i;. Heath, Lincoln, at large; Dr. A, F,
I', ter, Lincoln, First district, A. J,
liliitms, Arlington, Second district;
Murk M, Con. , Fremont, Third district,
W illiam IbibinstMi, Fairbury, Fourth
ilt-iricl, Lit A, Hni lie, lirand Island,
1'iith district; S. ('. lastt, Dibbnti,
Silh district. Th alteruate are: .1 no,
F. Parr, Hprmgview, at large; II, M,
Ai eti, Ames, at large, W, II. Ilarria, T
cuuisuh, i'itl district, W (I. Uliitniorr,
Vellev, Second dislriel; J. II. Conkhii,
I alibmv, Fourth district; t hru
s. ii, Uolstein, Fifth disiru l, J, D, lleuni,
lliokvn Low, Sixth district.
IUII I lists lit I Ittrulw
ll Nebraska radroadit hv agrwd on
Im I lo r- rales, 'ti Llmoln during Ills
Nehraska Fpworta asMmbiy, I Inenln
I'erk, August .1 lu ti. I'rswul nidi.
ti..nar Hot lh alien btei wi IIm
u ry large, l it gr4t and Irrepmstbl
Sum Jour ol tienr-. and other orator
ol National rvpulalina will lhraud
i Htualcal daluiva id th aiiiUy will
Is liuiiiea, InillldiHK th tth-brats-l
si tton Jtibih iimi. lor i ibv.
1 1 ut ran I prot urn-d bv d.iiwum I pwnrtli aMeitiblr, lot NottU
I. nth strwt, also, vtimplvl rograHt
and paill"tiUf.
Tho Coarse To Do Pursued By Pro
fessors in Brown Unl
Ho Would Not Surrender II is Froo
dom of Thought and
Vs a llellvr la lllinelalllsiii.
President K. Iteiijumln Andrews, of
Drown university, lias resigned his posi
tion us president und member of the
faculty, The cause of hi resignation Is
his belief lu and determination to speak
for bimetallism. The controversy began
when ('resident Andrew sent the follow,
lug telegram to the Itocky Mountain
News, upon hi return front an extended
tour lu Kiirope,'
"PiioviniiNCH, II. I,. July 2. Owing to
the manifest strength of the blmulullist
Interest iu America, there I actually
considerable prospect that France will
agree before hand to open her mints
to silver, if we reopen ours, even with
out such nu agrccmcut, France is certain
to follow the United States. In cese
France and the United States proceed,
or either alone, Oi'eut UriLiuu will heart
ily co-opernle to the fullest possible ex
tent short of coining full tender silver at
Loudon, the India mint will reopen, lh
Hunk of P.uglaud will lay lu a silver r
serve,.iiid perhaps half sovereigns will be
withdrawn In favor of silver or silver
certiflcutes, Further than this Fngland
will not go. L'u ropeau bimetallisl
nearly all think American Initiative the
sure way to international bimetallism.
P.. liKMJAMIN Aniiiikwi."
The dispatch wa published by the
News and widely commented upon by
the press of the country, itepresi ntatlves
of the big duilie lu the east were sent to
Interview President Audrews to learn If
the dispatch correctly stated hi view.
He ulwuy replied that it did.
Thi greatly Incensed the millionaire
contributor to the university, nude,
pecinlly John D. Kockcfeller. ltockie
feller had promised to endow Ihe school
with f 1,000,000, but declined to do so
if an ndvornt of free silver was to be
retained ut the head of the school, The
matter wa brought la for the corpora
tion of Ilrown university by ex-Congressman
Walker of Massachusetts, and at his
suggestion a committee wa appointed
to confer with President Andrew to
prevail upon him to change hi view
upon the financial question. It wus
their duty to educate the great scholar
by suggesting that he change hi view
or it might lei necessary to get a greater
(?) scholar who was better schooled on
the financial question or at any rate had
lesscourage to express hi view. The
committee appointed to confer with Pre
ident Andrews addressed th following
letter to him:
"To (he Itev, Ii. Ileujumin Andrews, I),
D., President Itrown University:
' In compliance with your request, the
undersigned, members of u committee
appointed at the last meeting of the cor
poration of Ilrown university, make the
following statement:
"The committee was appointed under
the following resolution, to-wit:
" 'Kesolved, 1 hat u committee, consist
ing of the chancellor, Judge J urine, and
Judge Waylund, be appointed to confer
with th president in regard to the Inter
ests of the university.'
"The makers of these remark ex
pressed the highest appreciation of the
service rendered by the president iu in
creasing and diversifying the education'
ul facilities and efficiency of the univer
sity in inulitplying the nuinberof studenl
resorting to it. and at the same lime
professed lor him personally th warm
est admiration and regard. They signi
lied a wish for a change In only one
particular, having reference to hi view
upon a question which constitute, I a
leading issun in th recent presidential
eh cl inn. which i still predominant lu
national politic, namely, tlnttof Ihe free
coning ol silver, a legal tender, at a
ratio of six ti-eu ounce ol silver to one
of gold, They consider that the view
of the president, a made public by him
rout 1 1 ins to lime, lavored a resumption
ol such coiling, and expressed th Is liel
thut the view were so contrary to the
view generally held by the friend of the
universitv that the university hil ul
ready lost gdt and legacie which other-
wis would have coin or hal lcu n
sur.dlt.and that without chants It
would In the future lull In receive Ih
1st unntrr support which I retiumile to
Hindis It to proseeut wuh succc the
grand wt rk oa whit h It ha enterwd. Th
i huuge liol lor by I Item al the time,
Kiev prtvtl to ex plain, m ihh a rviiuuci'
atuiii id iIimm. vi.-ws, as honestly enter'
lamed by him, but a lorht arwucv, out id
regard lor th liiirrmUni in university,
lit proiliulgiit thelll, esist'lltlly when lo
roinnlgl thrill Will apal Imtal
roiigty to th passion and prvhid
td lh ul be. I h uli nlwi um dir.
land that it la piiMUaiie ol lb
hop that Ih rnstdutioa appomiing
thi a rtiniiiiills tit rtiaa-rwith tli
president wa msI, asd pa! t'to, 0
umy I a.bbd. wiihtiul a iagi u
!tt Vtth' or Vole.
VI I Ul IdtPIUHtl,
" I inixi u Im mi s,
Jul lit. IwUT. "I'atsii W41I !.''
i'mide! Adr rea l Ik Mr kd
Im-uIsxI I ha I hi HiaaK'HKl, I.Urlf , aw ol thought nwd sw h wr hot
lorl, aidad lis,t k vdlolli I
Ik wa an it la rply:
I'lior, iNOHEWs' IIIC-,Y,
"To the Advisory and Kxecutlve Com
mittee of Ilrown University:
Oentlemen llelievlng that, however
much 1 might desire to do so, 1 should
And myself unable to meet tho wishes of
the corporation a explained by I he
sMclal committee recently appointed to
confer with me on the Interests of th
university, without surrendering that
reasonable liberty of ntteranc which
my predecessors, my faculty colleagues
and myself have hitherto enjoyed, and
fn the absence of .which the most ample
endowment for an educational Institu
tion would have but little worth, I re
sped fully resign the presidency of the
university, and also my professorship
therein, to take effect no later than the
first duy of the approaching September.
I regret the brevity of Intervening time,
but um acting at the earliest possible
moment after securing an Interview with
th committed!,
"Thanking you, gentlemen, and all
the other members of th
corporation, for th good will
toward me personally, which ha
been expressed in so many ways, and
cherishing the best wishes for Ih pros
perity of the university,! am, your
with sincere esteem.
"K. mnnutu Asnucws,
"Providence, 11, 1,, July 17, 1SU7,"
The committee mailed to President
Andrews the following reply;
"PltvoiiiKficis. It. I.. July 21. 1807.
"To the ilev. K. ileiijamln Andrews, I).
i., rresnictit nrown university:
"Dear Sir At a maiding of the advis
ory and executive committee ol the cor.
poral Ion of Hi-own university, held yes
terday, Ihe billowing action was taken;
"Voted, That the secretary ! Inst me
ted to inform President Andrew that
his communication of the 17th Inst, bus
been received by this committee with th
most profound regret, and that It will
be transmitted to the corporation it It
annual meeting, September 1, 1HH7.
"Very truly your,
"J. V, Woons, Secretory "
The gold combine lu the east have lit
tle use for a man or institution they can
not buy and sell at their Pleasure, They
operate everything In lh Interest of
dollar-making, .
W K Annin In Ihe bin Journal Tells
Of ihi.Sonstoi's Labors.
There may be those who imagine that
lh populist press of the country Ii a
maliciously and unwurrnntedly accused
Senator Thurston ol laboring mors In
the Interest of the stockholders of th
Union Puclflo railroad than in the inter
est of Ihe Mtople, The only reason that
can bo imagined for his doing so I that
the stockholders probably pay Mm a
arger salary than th people do. Tbey
did before his election as senator and
probably they continue to do so. if
there are any who doubt hi absolute
Itillilit to his riillroml plliilils ll urmilil
be wed to road the following written by
w, ! Annin, the Washington corres-
ondentof the State Journal. Annin
bus frequently misrepresented populist
and democratic senators and congress
men, but we know of to reason why h
would nccuse Thurston of laboring for
the Interest of Union I'uciflc stockhold
ers unless It was true, Annin snys:
"No senator during the past few weeks
has devoted himself more assiduously to
hi duties in the senate than ha tho
uulor member Irom Nebraska. Ho ha
been one of the first to arrive upon th
floor of the senate and on of th last to
leave, Thi ho been du to the con
stant consideration ol Senator Harris'
resolution regarding th Union Pacific
railrrud, the aim and object of w hich ha
been to block the plan for th reorganl
cation of that road without forecouie
of the government's lieu. Senator
Thurston has made a very strong pre
sentation ol th opposition to govern
ment ownership ol th I nion l'uclllo
road and tin equally strung defense ol
the reorganization plan. Hi chid op-
anient have been Senator Allen ol N
iraska and Senator Morgan ol Ala
bama, The Ihrett gentlemen, for a
week before the discussion of th confer
ence report on th t hi iff, occupied most
ol the time of the senate every day. Th
object of Senator thurstou wa to defeat
consideration of the report and to hold
the floor until It was nken Irom him by
Ihe senators in charge ol th tariff bill.
In thi h succeeded amirntdy and he
the aarni thank of tlm Union I'nritla
rt'oruHiiiiathw eonimillim Ur th abil
ity and insistent energy with which he
ha lought. Ho should also have tli
thank ol those served by th I uion Pa
rtite syleiu opposed to government
ownership ol the road and who lavor lh
wiping out (d th obi gallon which will
allow lh system lo lw once iiior oiwr .
a led profitably lor th eoinbined witetli
ul lh slm k holder and it patron. "
AnnlH admit that I hurst, in lit ath
"warmtliaaks id lh I loon Pacitbi r-
organisation commit iw," It would b
llltst est IC In th people ol Nebraska t
know just how linn h th "thank" wwrw
Th Ntnuhs Cunif lutMinsa Qie a
tit tut Nat.
President McKiuley kaa rhwsgsd Ih
appomtiiieat id Una. Chute Mow troll
minister In Samoa to It iHntal n Pal, llalty, Th pr ta "ttrtiKl
Ju l W, I. IWbora id Idwlr, Nobra.k.
tti ls itiuiter to K-tiutt a Mt
a How' rvalgawtitut i sv.ptd.
thurvk Ho a a hsmmiu I wurtH
II.iwhi a iar mtr Ha lh Saaosaa
wittoa, aa l W-alde It u tw a am a
Mittr tbwirald part ol 11 world.