THE NERBASKA INDEPENDENT 9 7- Perseverance's Pluck By EDITH SESSIONS TUPPEB. "A police cletectfveT'' repeated Per- vcrance, "How kind lie u and what leimoii I've lcnr mI. ' ' Her MpiritM rebounded from the effect of her recent unpleasant cxperletieii, uml ho hurried on to thu door of tho Young Women's ChrlHriitu association. Him tatd her errand to tho liullboy, who aid listlessly. '.'Fifth story." and l'or- evei'miee took her first ride in uu eleva tor. Bho wax received by a woman of mi certain yearn and cold, stern fuee, Who, after IiuhHuh her tory, nuked; "Are you a l'rotestant?" "I miiiikjsh no," Perseverance said, "though I've never Joined anyehoroh," Tim woman shook In r 1 ad dubious ly mid continued! . "Then it's ijalto useless to fttk If yott buvo a rofurciuio from your pastor," "No," tho lrl mild sadly. "I didn't know it wim necessary." "I'm very sorry," suld tho other, "but our rule am imperative, We cum not receive any girl or women without a reference," Perseverance thought of tho street and the tfreut city with positive terror. Bhe bcKau to realize what thu relentless hum of the bl town meant, and a sense of utter helplessness rushed over linr, Bhi turned mechanically to if a "Don't you think we iiiijlit stretch Ik. full.. 11 trifle In this case?" fluid ft weet voice, "Tint child looks tired out, 1 really do not think wh should send her away. Hho In quite at, the mercy of ineLiiled tieoole. us khe is mo utterly a Ntrai.'K'tr, " l'ersevcrunoe looked at the speaker, Him was a beautiful woman of about 80, with a Ntrmitf, sweet face, Mr gown wim plain, but fitted her marvel ously, Her only oriiuiiients were a clus ter of violets, whose breath came to the Hir Jlk a waft from the xoiilh mead ow of her father' farm, and a little Sil ver nroNS that tfleamcd on her breast. Vtu,r eiiihl." went on the ifriiclotis peaker, ami comln over slm passed an arm about 1'crscveiunce, who at those words did what every other uood lrl would do under the mime condition tin mt t ii in a Mission of tear "IIunIi, huli, dear," mild the gentle lady. "There! you aro tired out. iJomw '. with me. You shall have a room for to 1uy mid toniuht at all event. Tumor row wo will talk mutter over," And f .! tl I (11 tlm iirl Miin If ft lu-r fllnl It i mmiI. dim corridor to a little room im ir"i'ri'- maculate and weet. Here hu removed l'uriu'veriiiiee' hut and Met the cold WU ter ronuiiiK so thut mIio luljfht batlio lier flimliiirf fiuwi. " ,,r 1:,. .1....... .I,.,..' ....,f ' ilOW IIO III1WII, I1"U1, l'"l wcrohcr ruirtiritf word, end this iJuiiifb . i t ti.ii kinir ui'iit out and closed the door behind her. Perseverance uhuiccd about the tiret tv room with It dainty ldonlntf and XfurnlHhina. Hhc read thime word on a little Matin banner: HUv "wi't wltliln UiU (jiili t fxtu t thou, whim'er tliml nrt -iid )rt no fnonriif ut yimttirilua UtKturti Uiy (jutot Imurt, K'T l"t toiiiorriiw wiirii tlijr rent Willi (Iri'UMix t ooiiiIiik III. Tliy MhUit i thy rimiiKfii'M frioi'l UiU love mirroiHKlK IIimi hIIII, From far below roue the moflled roar . rf tlm uieut eitv' tranio. The bed eem cd Blnuulurlv oft. Into the downy iil low tho fieuehy cheek pre Ned. Down dropped the tired eyelid, and 'into the girl' Mlcep crept dream of two aiiKel one with n Milver cron Kleamliitf on Jiit breiiHtand ealtei ln the fierfumu of violet a "be walked; the other, a k n eved. Mliarn faced anuel, who whiMMn'd in her droWNV cur that he wit "u police detective." l'erHeveraiice'M heart waN beat Imr with (ixeileiiieiit ii h nImi ruiiu tiie bell at, a inoilcMt iiimilnii'iit, Iioiimc up town, It wan thp'C dava Hinciiclieeaiite Into New York friend liNM, alone, but full of in ttiUMhiHin and aiiiliition to miike hr way. N'or wiih be dixeoiieerled by her diHtrenNinn I'Xiiirience. J'l'rucveranen told the whol Mtory to the lovely iiimI vraciotiN lady at the Iioiiik, where )) had been allowed to miiam until kIio Vi iVkdl le -' 71 fifl " inn 1 - h "I'tvr (linn mil el 9' mltflit lied t iii l" He nt. Mr. Vliiei t't llele d iu inn. I',' un Ml mi l i.ei r to the IJirl'n ii'it.l, m'mI ut Hi i liw ki it In r telidi ilv and Mid) "'llonk In iivi ii, it, ir, Hint K'xxl Iiihii rhaiM'i d I" l ' in in " "liil vim .i ' l'i i vt fiiiei ftaki'd. "Il iild In' WiH polti imi . tvi.'" "A lb lei ive, iti ir, i,i llm ltT if tlif gt .l " le f" f 'In ti'v If tl v.u le t fi r tie i 1 1 1" en n mid ft -r tbi- dil'y t'i( fit would t i'tf titilt w e kd Hi. to It t " " t ii iUii l'i ii iitiiin uid rU. 'Ml Ut. i el. I t it nt W III tflt .tl Oe, till I be I i w.iitl In tM t' Ho rtj I. I i toil Ihlltlt 1 ttiuld (' I OMrf In do III I'l lt Hlit t" "I f tin f llnil li.i-l ttmbllHxi tiiii ll Ititi mi tuc tune i i e'e r tliM nntiiiii how t !'" '" M i,eii,. oi;., "i, u nf luidlif'i nl .i 1 n .ii 1 I y tie ud In J'tiiml- mil ii' tin jeii tt a in ij4 . i wtittiii I km1 M l t r li ad im tuti im ii luttttr." Armed with a letter of introduction h Mr. Kuthurine Tcrry-Town, Pere. teranee ran her bell ono Multry AoKuxt morning. Him followed the Junitor up tho itair, a iho felt quite iiiiiil"quuto to wrentlo alone with tho myterle of an apartmunt hoow. Another bell wai raiiK, and a mart, whito cuptM il maid tuhcrod her into a little drawing room, no curiou iu it apjiolntmetit that i'er leveratiee' eye opened very wide In deed. The jclrl did hot know what to make of tho extraordinary Jumble of brio-tt-briMi, the kctchc')o black and wiiltri. tho thoummd and one tdeture ot prominent actor, aclreMte and HitifC- er crowding the wall, Biio impiy tared in nndlnKulned amameiit tin til Mr. Terry Town came trailing in in a black ilk Jonephlmi own, rihe wa a woman in whon tmm wu a f uri ou mliiKlinK of kind nen and didain. Tear and mile met In lier eye. Home- time the full lip JaHKheil voltipliiou ly; 8aljti they took, on a pathetio little drwrp. 1'eriieveraueo studied her fieto In tently and compared it with the Insi pidity of Mr. Verplaiick'tt eiunfenaiieii and the orloUHUc ana ptritii,nity or Mr. Vincent', feature, It wa quit another true, ami ail idea tlimlied ill J'erseveranco' queer little bead that thl woman wa not very haimy, that he had mled nomcthltitf in life, Mr, Terry-Town read Air, vineent uoto and then mild kindly t "1 hall bo very lad to help you in any way 1 can, but firt you inut let me ak you n fow uetlon. Do not be alarmed. They will be quite oliTeren from any ankod you at the home, 1 ha)l not bother about your religion or refer ence, llow did you come to think you could do inrwp;" . work'" "I have road or the ueoe oi o many women in thl line," i'erever anee answered, "I thought what otler have dono I lht do," "You have read of theiMlartlluu(i- ooe in country newpupei, i up poiwt?" "Ye," "1 thought no," rather eotilemptu- ou)y, and Mr. Terry-Town muttered omethlng about "ImbecJje eorrepon ent" which i'ereveranc did not un- l1i.rllllll. "Iluvn von ever written anything for publication?" wu tno next qiieiion, "I wrote ono piece tor our noino j per, and every ono Moemiwi to nm if, ml it l'i.reverane Mimtilv. Mr. Terry-Town miied, 1ut It wa a Nad little mnile, "YoTHiiunt not ay 'wrote a tdeco, but 'wrote a Mtory,'" ehoMuld very geu tlv. "Hut thl wiwu't a Mtory," wild 1'er everuiice: "it wa more like an cuy," "Never m lid. In liewiatier onkie everything 1 a Mtory, from an awount of a railway accident to a paragraph about a strawberry ictivai," "That'M oueer." aid I'ireveraiW!e "Ye, my child, there' a lot of queer t h riu." Maid the Iwiy enigmatically, "Now, another queniion, Do you think vim eun endure iiavini your heart bro ken regularly every day for tho next ten yer?" "Why, what a Mtrango question I Why do you ask turn "iSccauso it' a heartbreaking but lieM, If I wero to advl you a'seordlng to my Judgment, I should ay take tho next train back to tho old farm and too little red nehoolhouso and never dream of tho newsnaix r or ew York again, Hut you wouldn't do it. You've got tho fever liko many others, and you'll have to try it, mm win g" wwiign mo tamo round Of illsaiitioliitmeiit, il.silio Ion and dreary waiting, You will drug throuuh snow and rain, wind and hall, to earn a few dollar here and a few there, You will have door shut In your fune bv neoiilo your inferior in every way, You will put your best and most conscientious lalnir on a ploee or work only to have it returned, ' Declined with thioil.' You will goon day after day living in feveriiiii hope that good luck is eoniliii this week. You will see olh er women leu brainy, lens caintble than yourself succeed where you do not, and every night you will heartily wish you were dead. And you ak me to help you to all tli s. and 1 m going to do H, This strutig't woman dipped h"r pi n In t he Ivi r ukstuml and scruwicu a hitMty note. "Take this." she said, "to TbflCy clone iitlleo. AU for thu city i ditor' nsnii, Wear your best clothes, and don't tell him you ut u a novice, If he ak vou If you've done any work, say 'a liltle.' That's not a lie. if hegivesyou an iiNxiuiiiiieui. take it and may (bid have im n v on you," she conuludcd with a laiiuli "Ob, I lank you," In gun 1't rsever anee, "Don't lliuiik me." was the ounk answer, "If you gel an ordt r uml don't know bow to till II, mine buck In Inn and I'll heln you out. (ioodhv!" And lVri vi ruie e was tirms fully liowrd out, Neit moriilng lm ellinln d the stairs to The Cyeli'iei oflb e, and ufo r waiting 1 hour and 45 minute wai at Shown llllii Hie pli w UctH'f the City I'd itor ef ('"it I'tii't r, a im rvims, fuy man. Mith n mild utiiiiee and I r r inoai I able bulit tin guvtMuiii lis k at the couiililtt' d eoctaiii of Ibe )r My girl, wliii li mnlili nlv t nliulili Mi it her Its III iU shfltenmlliK, HoWeVtr. li blrtVidV ne t Inn gluniti and staled h r ri mn as 1 1 M tl1 a lM.ilie, "r vt r iloie iter vtoiki" 'Ibe ipe t iu Was buito itl h r like lb" ri iiiit i f a I' V i' tiiinnt "A llllle." Mil lie iiilAkilili llWi r " W, II, do tea llillilt t It ill I Write aStcl.V ,il ill it II I I I'lti! J Mil .' i i i (.mm ts i i.tii r d. "I Vtotihl Ii'," ) tli llliiidlf, tliliikii.j Inn' Mr litrv it'Mll vnmll I ltd ut It I' II In t w bil a J 'lut " mkiiI a Istlllind ax 1 i"ir l l a ioiui i 't'tesai'd lieiliiilai ti titt lhi'1-tldn veil v. thu l M i f It 1 1 f ling iii a t ie. I if iii ymi i in t ' n ahiii. IU I.. ! p a hi l k loii'Klii, ml III fe'iiil and III .-od n n I . it r in )eu. it ua initio' tuu in!." a iimI m v i f llii. Ivtll iti yi ti eii in" ti iii mii ne in i n if "Aw t'liieiii Juilt iiltl Mr jmr Tvta to, " Wtdl. I It i ut rageous of that odious little beaut to end a girl like you on an assignment of thut ort. However, if ho wishe to Icken you of Journalism first off, I'll forgive lilm." The lady went on to ex plain tho character of tho mission Per severance wa to essay. The girl grew palo us she proceeded. "I all newspaper work like that?" ho asked sorrowfully, "Oh, no, Home of U in very delight ful and eiitet'tulnlug, Hut you can't pick and choose, You must take what comes, for if you refuse there are a do en waiting to snap at the morsel, The ilidispeiisuble woman Journalist bus not yet appeared earth, " continued Mr. Terry-Town cytiicully, "Take thl a sluiitiicnr. Write thu story just a you would tell it, Mnko it a pathetlo and dramatic and a simplo-u possible, Of course yon will Im well protected. The reporter will explain every in ing w you, Mon t ask him too many questions, ami lie will never dream how uiisopblstl- outod you ure." At U n'ebs k Perseverance tutdiea ai the eSty editor' door. "Come in, ' somebody yelled, Perse veration entered. A very uood looklnu VOUMU mull, With a soft, curly, blond bang hanging over lii broad brow, with big, frank, fear less eyes, and a clean shaven a tt priest, wa the only is'eupunt of tle room, lie Jumped tip a h entered ami uld: "1 fancy you're tho young lady I m waiting for, Joint stuff, isn't It?" "Joint stuff, " .ecliis'd Perseverance, Then seeing a look of merriment coming In the blue eye she haslenod to add; "Ye, I suppose so, At least I wa told to visit a joint thl evening and write It up," "I'll 1st bunged," Dunning Maid alter- ward, "If she didn't say it eulmly a if H wa a (lower show or a prlwi ba by contest, 1 liked Iter pluck, I Want voa to remember," 0 - Perseverance' nrst nssignuicm wa one never to be forgotten. Tito foul and depraved sight she witnessed nuueatcI and frightened ner beyond measure. Her escort was kindness itself and pro teeie1 tho wlrl with a sidendidly a bat- routing air a did 1'endennl tha pret ty runny lioiton at vuuxuuii. "P.rinu your cony iu early tomor row," Jim sithl us he bade Pel seyeruncti uiuut nitfht at Mrs, Terry-Town' door, lor it hud been arranged slto should leeii ih'r that night lest lier tardy coming should undermine tho foumbi tlon of lhehome,as Its rule forrooNoij, able retiring went absolute, "What did ho mean bv cooy?" i'erso vcraiet asked her mentor, who In charm leg dishabille received Iter, "Must X muko an ex Ira copy of thl nasty stuff?" Mrs, J erry-Town shrieked with jaugn ter, "Oh, you adorable little goose, she cried, "iipy I the stuff, material, artlep', story, piece, you would call It, JJut, tell me, how do you like Win news paper business'" Jt wa a dread ful evening, too on Jy pleasant memory will bo Mr, Dun nlnu's kliidneMs," said tho girl shyly, Mrs. Terry-Town bsikifd at lier thouulitfulJy a moment. Then a soft uillo leapi-d In her eyes, "Yes, Jim im u nlco chap," he aid "Hut come, go to bed, rfcur." Jor si month J'erseveruuco triad h r hand at tiewsiuiner work. Thank Ut Jdrs, Terry -Vow n, who bsiked after lier, ui'inu her tioiuts and tlt on tho rou tine, te'lniloiii, Mud vermfmlar of tho newsnais r ofllen. the uirl mado no s ri ous breaks. Kho made friend in tlie ofllce. was bsiked utsiu a "a nico liltlo girl" uiel jiii on very well with "the bovs." esneidully w th Harold Dunning, the young rcjiorlcr who bud leviompunied her on her flrnt, ussiunment, Diiuninu, who hud tlm face of an angel, wu yet an exis rleuced uud soplilsllcuted youlli. lie hud come to The llyclono from the stuff of a western newspaper, and tho metropolitan work he hud dono hud been marked with origiuulily and a breezy vigor which had sieedlly at tracted attention. The boy had reccdved mi much flattery uml pruiso that it wus small wonder his head had been turned a bit or that he counted himself quite irresistible, In spite of all theso adolcn cent eburueterihties, ho was a gissl fel low at In al t und possessed both senxe uud discrimination. Ho could not fail to udiiiire the pluck of this little coun try girl who hud struck out so bravely for to r If. Hone thing of iu-r history was made known to him by Mrs, Terry Town. The rent hn drew from her bit by bit. Hymputhy stirred tho crust of cynieimii winch this youngster hud tried to form over his naturally kind In uit, uml vti ell know to what sympathy be Its i ni a liiiieiMime young muii and a Invitlile will I liul'lo to l ud. Dunning Ml in love with pretty, plicky Per vt t im n. lie had, however, nil tiie end of t,e century idem and fitiieieil he could lei liiun v until Im had lue n y i nougli In give bis Wifo tho lus uiii winch his own sylfiititu nature tie iu, tntli d. Ni Im ilrifted along, st eie tho gill us nfti It as let iviubt, keeping a watchful eye on In l, helping her iu lit r wei k and m.iklng biinw if as much as piMMtidc a l it toe i f In r life, A lew uoild biel (jHlied to tbu slm p)n roiillliy tirt it woibl whlili f.isei intli it In r with it pe fufepin nd fever- lull l(e, Me pllllit,'i,i (lilolhisi kttl III"! Iii 'iituiel ,nl 'I le d uly annignineiiu wliii Ii iit le r ene d ty In a M'vt iiy tlrn In II I' lli'liti nt, ibe lit It to lite Inv Ml l.lli roolini ef a I i f the inliiilii tt iu Id, lie net ) li d W till lit I II I ii U 1 1 lt. Ml. lilt! 'IliWII, lit f guide, ,1, . . I pin I und Ii ii lid, bt kil on Willi M 1 III gtud Iniini-i "it's new to Iu-r, ptmr child ! " . tid In bet If, "Mm's pii situ 1' M pii'dt I s ink aiel I 'i I U s stiitr i t t I inly aiieiln r ltin,iil ltlil lb w lei l ii.tto l Olttt i f llee dty!" Ihi, 'liny Town vt as in I slow t stt )uitiilug ad in 1 1 ut li n fir I't i t laittti and did all Ut le r pwef to pttunolv Hut Ktf -.tli 'ht ion pn iiy and b-o liiint . nl .t e kieltiig at il? Ilto tell I, " v Untl bttly In Dunning inn lUy, 'VVdrdoiri u liuityliir ami lake In rent it llilt ltMti tllat'litH? Yiu know perfectly well that one of theso day tho will gel a blow that will stag ger tier nod ,.oiun ail tier tine airy cas tles. Why not savo her from it?" "1 would if 1 had any money." aald Dunning suvnply. TO UK CONTIKUWI. , A CIn Hook. On linui R lit Ilia iMIlVelCNtlf S r In Ul,i.i,nr,l ri.iu.iila liitf offer 111 neilil bin book with "Tho Nsw Treatnnnit; llow It t mis. ' to any ono wno applies ny uaier or Iu person. It Is a clean book and sets fnrili tniiitl,, iil triilliK hi ii iilttin but deli- ealsway, It'i n book for tho family nil i,ififMrin iiiiirniiir iiifitinrniii wniii vwr, l;r, Hliepurd does a largm priielioe among tlm bsst peopl of this find sur rounding state, and the mull treatment nt homo In prnvlug a noon to nomireo of men und women tiirotmiiout tin wer, Wrilufnii avili'iii liliink to-day. Alb dremi Hfieparil Medicul Institute, Nww York l.lfu building, Omaha, Neb, Tlifl law oaimiid bv our leiflalatur lust whiter, having (or It purport a reason- Mbl regufatloii o! tint stock yard inisl- iii,iiii iif I l.u nt uti. nil, mill tuiVM ioiiii liilit ,,ff,,l ,'rl,l,i tli tllli. Hut. lik I lie maximum treignt ruie mm, it is now hung up In the I nild rotates conn and I im rluiiieiiM era mint lier lei, lulu t II rtl will vtMiifi iiiei p,, iwiir iiifit:!', I'm i m.iiw mil i I .... I ..I ..... .!., .......... 1.. u.111 peimif a ilecmuni to ne moi, nnen Die republluifi politician nnd their g'ld oug oemoeniiie aiues inn nr in; iiih fiiriiinr. ut llm iinll find III tbu leilitlrt- II vi, ImiIIh nil lliev linv trt do U f n ifn Into tlm supreme court end thu federal conn ami irom uiosw im-s oi renins tm-y linve succeeded in miitfiiiug oioui ry tieoolo to corn-I'lotl founty Argus, 'I'l.u u,ill Ll,nwii lifi.l IdiVlllll, tillll,i,la ld "0r' Iteslaurunt" hn removed to 110 south II th Mlreot, former friends end natron ere Invited to rail utt lis newstuinl. Everything first cbis. No matter how hot Jt is IIF.liK It Is ulwnys cool iu Colorado. Colorado I nearly a unlit higher than Nebras ka end Iowa, That Is uliv H' kiiiiniB-ra lira o pleasant why thousands annually exehaego ths sweltering heat of the iiliiiim (or tha dehuhtful invigorating, his giving atmospher oi tli mouti- tiilim. The rpiiekest and most emiiforliililii mov t. lire t to Colorado is to tokis the litirlingtou' "Itenver Ilimtsd," which Isa, ve t.lneolii iivcrv nlleriiootl at ;! p. in , rsachlag Denver at 7:10 ft. m, m nett moriihnr. Hhs-pir chair car diner, ror ticket wtifl liine.tiiblelt UMilv at li. k M, depot or city ohi, corner 10th and OstrMd, Lincoln, t b. EE (J, W, wmVAA C. V. AT. A. irr?LML SHAV, STIGER and J-WETT . . . Farrand and Votey ORGkA-lSTS auk soi.n er tub Matthews Piano Co., 130 So. 13th Ht., LINCOLN, NED. I SULPHO-SALINE Bath House and Sanltarlurc ltk M Its., LINCOLN, NianABKA. Open nt All Hour Day til Jtlf bt All Form of lath. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric' VIII tpMltl IUIU I Ik, tltiS tt MTUML SILT WITH 8ITH1 ,! IISiiSI (Iff lM IMS . Stia, Sit. .4 i trt, 0.ltil iil,., T"-J'iS 4 (,! limit t li,il lili ri k ,i4 ll , Ii ! !, i l.t I MU IS ttlil. SSiltl ImI. I t I ll l)r. M.ll.M.O. Iertt, MkM 1'ltiMI rm Tim;, TH ROU (J !!0 A R3. In Oiunbe, nli t?meil eohtU In li Kiel ttlM.W, tlislMHN I'U I M' m com ..4 oh lbs 1 . k N. 'S. I Jf . orl't it htl tHif Kiel Hi" lmltt liei. I till or Hl t Mis lotitt rrd, fme MM, l , SI 1 Sti ttvtt, mm. :,ir w TTfT V Reduction Sale REDUCING RUsJDrooStore C JO IIINIOIC lOlli All Hammocks at Actual Cost : : : Mixed Paints, : : : Very 0UR MIXED PAINTS MUST MbVEM kit s im r il D Co . . " I Olltn 3110 Y tS., Ik ll PI A - l a A A 81 7Ss .-est "vv z UcLOACII Mia MrGs COMPANY, Atlanta, Ca., U, S. A. M CUntCOIISTIPATIOII & trie iIiiiyil. 1 PSA! IITPf T r.ITIP IITPPfl ' sr A. . M A M UIHUIll IHil llVMIllf pl9 Ml mwmin irmm nt i r, n w m m' p We are unloading three more cars of elegant - - - Traps . . . Buggies Road Wagons CARRIAGES New Goods ! LAHGKST STOCK IN TIIE STATE, BILUEYER 1133-35 Xjinacolra., : : TEACHERS WANTED ! Utir 4 Miii ie,iiii'H-iM vt-ntl tilling us inmir m nines iiwiulwrs, Must !, it.tiM ii eutl-rs vtrol ilii, til ill Sl I I 'itlM. lo reels luvs ttnrv nt I nilt u ilmi. .No ream QUf M(MI( tf HH' ItlMIW, f"-"'" I T." : . m . . 1 ... I 11. k. I I ini.l.m ... . s. . ...ifc.ia k., kl,ii Mill. S'ltS Ulft. I I I I STOCK AT Ac 1 MTI I K I'YVH. Perfumes, Stationery. Soaps, all at ll?t!2--4 Lead, and Oils, Low : : : mU N9 Lincoln, Neb' m si all all i DeLOACH ftMmiteMal t and VHmt, Hoar Mitt, W Cm MiM, V wir waeew, 2at MMrftJt, FnNyUf I kail IktkllHAt IHL. W CATHARTIC 'fflf!! BDl!fiTA rl limltw. rmtttU sr th ll U-I il iLl..n iuiiM.I i fl . a Km liark. ! 4 rti mm mmm mm mm m , Mi Prices ! & SADLER, MStroot, : iToT3xaol?:a. lti (.Inns rrniiriiiei "l'',J .s lor, etitttsliiiinri'tuits uud m J'ei ti niiiln-rs lor m.tuiitM.ieliiiif l, iiitrs. 1ft M 1 S ink 7 tlmmmtwt SH'toS li until if 't urn lit !' is