The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 01, 1897, Image 6

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.ii Kiv5 ft aTi V ctiuli U tUiTT
JtiiV I, ihn7
Tbr ar Blaety Bid sin that II? and die
la wast and BBDirar aad cold,
i hat utM may ravel Ib laiery
Atd be l.jd ta lt told;
The sleety Bad aloe Ib their hovele bar.
Tbe oae la palace with rlcBm rare.
They toU la th ftelde, th ninety Bad Bin
For th Iralta of oar mother earth;
They dl aad delve la the duety mine
And brlea; her bidden treaeare forth ;
Aad the wealth released by their aturdy olow
To the hand erf oae forr flow.
From the ivut of their brow the deeert bloom,
Th loreet before then fall.
Their labor ha ballt bumble bom
Aad due with lofty balk; M, .
Aad the oae owa cltlee aad hoate and land,
a Aad tb Blaety and Bine have oipty band.
Dear nodi how Ion will their wrong b dombT
How long tbebopeleuatrile
Er th heart that die aad the onl benumbed
Shall qnlckea la aew bora life?
And the empty head thnt toll from birth
Be slaaped Ib band thai apan the earth,
re th Bight, o dreary end dark and long,
Bball that aiorlone moraine Urlun. 4
Wbea over the world the victor on J
Of th ninety and nine eball rln, -l ZJ
and oho alar from ion to none, XI
"Kejolo. for labor hll have It own! 3
1 -Mr. rilT8iiTrBrKwu, 1".
A Brief Statement of What la to ba
Pound on tha Islsnd.
The New York World opposes the an
nexation of Hawaii and glraa tha fol
lowing reaaona: '
First-It hat the largest loper colony
in tha world.
Second-Only 3,200 of ita 109,000 In
habitants ara enfranchised or have any
civil right.
Third Only men of Health canb
tnerabsr of the upper House of ita legis
lature. Fourth Thi upper Hous hattb
-laaking of president and, contrary to
th uaag of every clvlllrsd country, ba
the abaolute control of the pure strings.
Fifth It finance ar In hopeleaa con.
fuaion because the rich men who consti
tute the government refuse to tax them
selves. Sixth Ten-elevenths of it products
are sugar, raised on fifty-two planta
tions owned by about 100 men and
worked by 60,000 coolies and slaves.
Seventh Every great power in Europe
and Japan has refused flatly to even
consider a proposition to annex tb Is
lands. , Eighth-The only hope for tha present
government is annexation to the United
States, which would thereby guarantee
the ruling class in It lauds It baa stolen
and give It fresh And larger opportun
ity for them, a everything .worth hav
ing baa been gobbled un. i
twelfth-ir the United States takes
the Islands appropriation bills expend
ing hundred of million will be ruahod
through congress. And all of this
money will be wasted. .
, ' ' , ; , The Military Camp.
The military encampment between
Omaha and Council Bluffs should not be
lost sight of in the preparations for tbs
Trana-Mlaslsslppl exposition next year.
The mobilisation of the regular army
and th national guard quariannially,
or as often as may ba necessary, I a
matter of transcendent importance to
this nation, It should be held a near
some central point as possible, so that
the people of all suctions of the country
can avail themselves of tb opportunity
to witness these displays of the nation'
strength. Council Bluffs and Omaha
are these most central points. Com
bined with the attraction! of the expo
sition, It will be a powerful magnet to
draw th soldiery and the people noxt
summer to witness a display of wonder
ful western and national development.
The general government can easily
afford tb expense by retrenchment else
where or by reduced expenditure for the
Increase of our navy during th year the
encampment is held, For some years
past appropriations to the extent of
118,000,000 Annually have been made
by congress for on increaw of the navy.
These have covered battleships costing
$4,000,000 each without armament, not
a cent of which has been expended In
any but the seacoaat states on the At
lantic and raoiflo. The south and west,
east of tha llocky mountains and west
of Pittsburg, have derived nothing irom
theae appropriations.' To show it in
tereat outside of theae aeacoast states
congress can well forego the cost of one
battleship or a reduced naval appro
priation for one year, auoh aa it haa
been making for an increased number of
veaaula every year, and add thia to the
1808 expenditures oi the war depart
ment for the mobilization of the regular
army and the national guard at or near
Omaha during one or more of the expo
sition months. World-Herald.
selecting Strawberry Plants.
W. W. Anderson, in a paper at a
farmers' institute, Bald;
"First, we must know the type and
Habits of the plant, its weak and ob
jectionable points, as well as the Ideal
we wish to make It. This will requlr
much study and practice, but we can
not safely proceed until this is firmly
fixed In our mind. We must be able to
detect the slightest change for the
better. We provide ourselves with a
number of stakes, numbered; go Into
the field as soon as blossoms appear to
look for this Ideal plant. It must b
stocky, upright, bright, cleaa and
thrifty. Its fruit buds must be large,
and, if a plstilate, f't from stamens;
If a perfect flower, to be used as a
fertiliser, see that the stamens are
large, well developud, and perfect In
form, with as many buds as can be
matured and no more. If promising, a
itaka is placed by it. When the fruit
has set we make a careful examination,
aad in book mark slse, shaoe, color,
firmness, vigor, productiveness, acidity,
etc., and cut off all berries except one.
The ripening of on or two berries
help to develop its power all would
exhaust it Watch the ripening pro
cess and make a decision, and award
the first premium for perfection, vis.:
tlie, vigor, form, color, flrmuess, flavor
and uniform good qunllilo. All th
plants near It arc removed, all runners
well rooted or putted and transported
to a' special propagating bed, Follow
this method year after year and you
will I surprised at the Increase la
fruit as well as the prim jou. ran om
uaivvI. lApterrla, tUc umts and
4(1 other utU fruits re iwtd in the
ami manner. To mawulu th full
v i ', tak plant frum set the
previous year; pK-k the blown the first
tear. This Is Important, don't arglvt IU
Fnrnlhd by the Government Crop and
Weather Hurra a.
foalt o Skxhi ' XscVu
0. p IhX fUb
Lincoln, Neb., June 29, 1807.
Tbs temperature of the past week ha
averaged nearly 2 below normal.
The rainfall haa been above the nor
mal in th greater portion of the state;
tb deficiency occurred in the small area
in the northeastern counties and in the
extreme western portion of the state
where the rainfall was less than half an
inch. Th rainfall in th southern coun
ties was generally very heavy, being
from four to sit inches in portion of
Webster, Nuckolls, and Thayer counties.
The heaviest rainfall were accompanied
by hall, which did aom alight damage
to crop.
Tb general rain of th week have
improved the condition of small grain,
especially oats and spring wheat. Tbe
rye harvest ha commenced quit gen
erally., Winter wheat la ripening fast
aud tbe barveat has oommenced in the
aoutbarn counties.
' Corn baa made a good growth tbe past
week but la still email for the season of
the year, and tb stand is thin and on
even. Tbe corn is generally being well
cultivated and, except in tbe regions of
heaviest rainfall, is free of weeds. Soma
of tb fields of early planted in southern
counties have been laid by.
Butler Corn making rapid growth;
ijv hbttrh wruui van duu wuvat muri
utraw but with rain soon will be an av
erage crop.
Cass uye ready to Harvest, quality
and yield good: winter wheat beginning
to ripen; spring wheat and oats im
proved by recant rain: corn bis made
splendid growth, early planted about
ready to lay by.
, Clay By ready to harvest sti) i
good crop; wheat ripening; heavy wheat
badly blown down la southern part of
county and mating aome; corn growing
well bit not fall stand.
Fillmore Corn growing rapidly: win
ter wheat maturing fast, wen filled; oat
and barley look well; small grain will
mak good average crop.
Gag With plenty of rain earn ha
mad rapid growth; ome corn laid by;
some rye harvested; om damags from
bail. . " .. . .
- Hamilton Weak favorable for crop;
Hail damaged crop aom In localities.
Jefferson Corn ha mad an uneven
growth and aom 1 laid by; some dam
age from hail; rye and wheat harvest
Johnson Corn growing nicely: wheat
nearly ready to barveat; oata look good;
aom fielde of wheat badly lodged,
Lancaster Corn growing very rapidly;
oat promiaing good crop; wiuter wheat
being cut; sugar beet growing well;
mora rain would ba a help. ,
Nemaha Wheat ripening; rye about
ready to out; corn email, but doing well,
aom laid by; fruit crop promisee an
Nuckolle Corn growing very fast;
wbsat nearly ready to out and looks
hk big yiold; corn field getting weedy;
Otoe Home corn being laid by but
moat of It very mall for thi time of
Pawnee not day with rain almoat
every night have forced corn along very
fast but injured wheat and oata, ioidi
wheat lodged and injured aome by ruat.
Folk Moat flelda of corn clean of
waeda but aome uneven in growth; rye
and clover about ready to ont.
Richardson Corn growing well; some
early planted tasseling out, some fall
wbsat in shock, very flue quality; berries
Saline Early potatoes and wheat have
been Injured by tbe dry, hot weather;
corn has grown well; rye I being har
vested, yield Rood.
Saunders Corn growing well: small
groin Buffering somewhat from drought
the first of the week but relieved by
rain thu last of tbe week.
Seward Wheat and oats improved;
corn still small but gaining some faster
than before; hay making in progress;
many apples blown off; potatoea email
and yield below th average.
Thayer Wheat about ready to cut,
soma rye In shock; corn cultivation de
layed by heavy rain and aome flelda get
ting weedy,
York Corn haa grown fairly well; rye
ripening fast; winter wheat turnlng;oata
poor; spring wheat heading out.
Antelope Showery week, good for
small grain; little cool for corn.
Boyd Corn yet small but good oolor;
wheat heading very ahort; two good
raina; cropa of all kinds greatly revived.
Burt Cora and email grain much lm-
firoved by rain; wheat and oata heading;
ota of raspberries; potatoea look well;
pasture good.
Cedar Wheat and oata are heading
out nicely: eora haa made rapid growth
and haa been cultivated second time,
Cuming Small grain will be ahort
straw but Indicates a good yield; eoru s
behind but advancing fast; beets making
good growth.
IHiou Corn doing fairly well; it Is
very uneven, need much more cultiva
tion; small itre.ui dulug welt; potato
aad hay sxevllent.
Itadtfe Uaius of the past wenjk have
improved conditions ol cropa; earn,
though late is lair, but acreage reduced
and stand poor,
DouglasCorn growing slowly and is
very small; oats heading out; potato
aa a rule are in good condition,
I lull Corn good color aad growing
fast; rye lull growa and will be fair crop;
rmal Krata generally belt w the average
knot Week dry aat some eora la
jenni; amwU grata not doiug well,
klBiliwin Smnl grttia lu-j'vovtng muck
but ill be sttott; early potatoes uearlr
a fallal-; cor looks khk, r.e rlpng.
Flatte Rye fairly good, aom will b
cut this week; oata and wheat heading
out short, but will be about an average
crop; potatoes in aplendid condition;
corn irrowlng fast.
Sarpy Corn in excellent condition; rye
cutting begina thia week; early potatoea
coming in in abundance; raspberries
Stanton Rains have helped crop
very much; wheat and oata now look
fine; corn gro wing very fast; rye nearly
ready to cut.
Thurston Corn about all cultivated
twice; crops looking well.
Washington Wheat and oat are
beading out in splendid condition for
full crop; corn is jumping right up.
Wayne Small grain doing very nicely,
potates and beets growing well; most of
tbe week too cold for tbe best growth of
Buffalo Flue growing week; corn I
suckering badly because of thin stand.
Custer Rye ripening fast and prom
isee an unusually good crop; wheat and
oats heading, mostly short; some corn
laid by.
. Dawson Corn coming on good and
mostly in good shape; fine crop of alfal
fa marly all in stack; rye about ready
for harvest.
Greeley Corn growing finely; email
grain ruther backward, but with the rain
of thia wenk will make a fair crop.
Hall Wheat, rye, barley, and oata
fine; corn very uneven, much planted
over and late planted Very email, taud
generally poor.
Howard Rye ready to cut, generally
a good crop; corn small but growing
well; thia week's rain will briug small
grain out well.
Loup Wheat and oat heading too
near tbe ground; rain needed.
Merrick Rye harvesting a fine crop;
oats and spring wheat spotted; rather
dry for small grain; corn growing well.
Nance Small grain suffei ed somewhat
from drought, but good rain lost week;
rye good and ripening fast.
Sherman Winter wbeat and rye com
ing on fast; spring wheat and oata bead
ins: short; corn doing better but late.
Valley Hot weather damaged small
grain some, butorop headed quit evenly
with good length of straw; corn doing
well. ,
Adams Some fall wbeat ready to cut:
spring wheat and oats beading; fall
wheat well filled; some plowing corn
third time.
Chase Corn growing fast; aom wbeat
damaged by hot weather.
Dundy Rain on 25th; small grain
short on account of drought; some corn
looks good but average is small and a
poor stand,
Franklin AH crop Improved; ex
tremely warm: oorn growiug fast.
Frontier This week's rain make
wheat a sure crop; corn growing finely;
first crop of alfalfa in stack; potatoes
Furna Ry and winter wheat In pro
gress, yield good: corn ha grown well;
pring wheat promiaing a good crop;
potatoea good. , ,,
Ooaper Crops of all kind have mad
rapid growth; will harvest largest crop
of small grain ever raissd in county; po
tatoes big crop.
Harlan Wheat ' much Improved and
all small grain above average; potatoes
Elenty; corn all cultivated first time;
ay and pastures tine,
Hitchcock By being harvested, very
fine crop; first cutting alfalfa inetack;
corn Improved but rather email and un
even; potatoes good crop.
Kearney Rye harvest begun; aome
piece of fall wheat ready to cut; small
grain practically made; corn looking
fine. ;
Lincoln Rain ha been unevenly dis
tributed in county but generally pros
pects ar promising; ground now gen
erally in good condition. ,
Perkins Small grain suffering; corn
looks good; rain needed,
Phelps Small gralu headed; second
plowing of corn well along.
Red Willow-Small grain looking well;
corn growing rapidly.
Webster Com making good growth;
fine prospect for fall wheat, oats, pota
toes and millet; some damage from
hail; plenty of rain.
Banner Corn growing fast; wheat
has suffered some from drought.
Brown Conditions unfavorable due
to high wind, beat and lock of moisture;
unless rain comes soon small grain crop
will be very light.
Cherry Corn backward; small grain
and grass turning yellow in part of
county before this week's rain, color
coming back again now.
Dawes Crops have grown fairly well
with both corn and oats backward;
wheat, rye, and potatoes ar looking a
well a usual.
Keya Paha Prospects for wheat
good; oorn growing nicely.
Kimball Wheat, oats, and barley suf
fering (or rain. ,
Logan Rain has helped crops, but
mall grain will be light.
Rock Splendid rains; small grain Im
proved and corn growing fast.
Scotts Bluff Corr growing exceeding
ly fast; winter wheat heading out; large
amount of alfalfa hay being put up,
yield immense, quite fine.
Thomas Plenty of rain; all crop
growing very fast.
Section Director, Lincoln, Neb.
Ma Igniter Ce Oreea Glass.
It la known, says the London Dally
News, that the use of glass of a greea
tint has for half a century been a char
acteristic peculiarity of the plant
houses at Kew Gardens. In list the
experiment was made of substituting
white glass for treen in the east wing
of the tropical fern house. This was
the result of ths observations of tha
successful eultivatlon by Sir Trevor
Lawrence of ferns with full exposure
to light at Hurford, near Dorking. Th
improvement ta the growth of tha
planta was remarkable. In Itit a por
tion of the wt wing was aiao re
glased in the earn manner and tha
new temperate fern hnuie waa wholly
glaied wtih white gut, The result
with the gWk'henlaa and other ha'f
hardy feme wsa everything that could
he deal red. As th result it haa now
been determined to abandon the future
us of gr a gla altogether
Meetuuary Were.
U Is tha duty of avry Christian ta
help those Institutions, sod our u
vuiian to Oo4 Impels us ta do mte
alonsry work, It twing u.ur Ud
Unlay than vi before. VY need
clear vision of kumaa neU to ha a
deeper compassion tor th dceittuta,
lUv. K, K. I'hlver,
Copper King Makes a Big Bid for the
Chicago, III., June 23 Marcua Daly.
the big Montana copper king and turf
man, passing through Chicago en route
to Butte, atopped over an hour between
trains, long enough to make the highest
bid ever recorded for a thoroughbred in
Tbe following brief cable dated Chi
cago tell the etory "To Mr. Gubbins,
Knacknanv atnrf. Knncbnanv TmlanH-
Will give 1125,000 cash and half his
inn winnings tor uaitee wore.
Marcus Daly,
Bitter Creek Ktnd Farm Mnnr
Mr. Duly said to a reporter, "I want
Galtee Mora botMinaa I think ha i tha
greatest thoronirhhred ol tha am I
know the stock becomes from and his
progeny hould be valuable as bis an
cestry. For my part I would no care
io race nim mncn. i wonid ratira him in
Bitter Creek etud farm after a season or
two on the track."
Psy J. Addicks $2,350,000 for th Bay
8uts Gas Company.
Nkw York, June 2L-A disnatch from
Boston, stating that the Standard Oil
company has gained control of tb Bay
tate Gas company, was confirmed in
this city today.
Tbe consideration bv which f ha mtnA.
"d Oil I company comes into possession
of the Bay State Gas company is said to
iw.ue- payment OI a,a0U,UUU to J.
Edward AddicbSAnr! thanenmlaattiav all
litigation between the different interests
in tne company shall end.
Marion Butler Introducss a Fsvorsbl
Rssolution in thSnat,
In the sennte last week Senator Butler
of North Carolina introduced tbe follow
ing resolution:
Resolved. That tha enmmlrroa nn n.l.
ileges and elections b, aud Is hereby,
Instructed to inquire Into tbe feasibility
of applying tbe principle of direct legis
lation, through th Initiative and refer
endum, to tbe legislation of tb Federal
government, and report to th aonate at
tbeopeniug of the regular session of
congress in December, or as soon there
after as practicable, by bill or otherwise
the reealt of said inquiry.
It was temporarily laid over and will
come up for consideration later at which
time Senator Butler will probably speak
in favor of its passage, lie will doubt
less furnish soma interesting facts and
figure concerning th subject of direct
legislation at that time.
Doo'tToba it aad imek Tea Life
If yon want to quit tobacco ualng
easily and forever, b mad well, atrong,
magnetic, full of new lif and vigor, tak
No-To-Bac. th wonderworker, that
make weak men strong. Many gain
ten pound in ten day. Ovr 400,000
cured. Buy No-To-Bao ol your druggist
under guarantee to cure, 60o or tl.
Booklet and sampls mailed free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or Naw Y.
To Omaha, Chicago andpoirtsln Iowa
nri'l Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC lb ..
i.wtlon with the C. & N. W. Ry, oft-re
1 he bet service and the fatrt tium,
Call or writ to me for time curd, raics.
etc, . B. Summon,
Oeu. Agi,
Hair Out 10c
Shave - - lOo
Seafoam 10c
Shampoo 10c
Best Tonic 6c
This is what you get
for your money at
1323 0 8treet, - LI5C0L5, BEB
Qlvea you tha cholc of TWO ROUTES,
on via Colorado and tb Scan le Line,
and tho other via our Texas Lin ana
th Southern Faciflo.
Our Texaa Lin I much quicker thai
any other tin through to
Are th moat popular, and carry tb
largest bulues ol any California Route,
TbMsigulfle tha ;u get tha beat at
tention and rweiv th beat service. The
,owet rata tickets to California are
available oa thee vtcuralona.
Don't start on trip to California uutil
tou get our Touriat Folder, containing
sap showing routes kut alt information,
W rates aad rewrvatioua Apply to any
agaat of the I',, It, I. A i'.lty,, or addreaa
Meaw, I III eels.
I I V I - J I
25 S0w'".7
Bwaaa aaaaietma. aa. btebmbb kkblui ;.. i mnuro, nentreai. ia.terwew m,
J. L. Stbphen, Pre. Harry E. Wilbok, Sec. W. C. Stuphkss, Two-.
.... OUR SPECIALTY - - -
BUaiNaCOH-a'ONDNOI, mo-.tma.o,
bbnmanmib acomOMioa.
FPL. I .a k. a. A. .A l L. - I A A - - I . A L.tUtl.. tm .Uu. .tM .. ee'liai
lus i tarn ) ii, twit) inuwD mvvt Tnurwaviii aou ummv mnayppmn ihhuiuiiuh in uv ww 'a""i' w
eorpi of ipriucd tottrtivAor, with th imtut wt thy aV atttUrwilou jruarMQtwd. or moot r.
lunutH, rot mil mioriuftuoo, Adar,
Cor Kleeenth and O SI.
Telephone S54.
Lincoln, Neb.
cut wiia oroer ;.
The raahionable Suit are ms1efroin an A LK-WOOL tthACK
Tit A(HiS Ah tM Uu. HNUUHH WttMMTHIt. The moat PP;;iHr
cloth for One dr.. wnar or noat bulnus suits. It wnar rMlatliig
qualities Viw It In the front rank of th alotblng of the world. Ihe
Uulogs ana trlmurings are th bet,Klvig our sulU a fliiieh unescellod .
when you can bay direct from th manufacturer at the same price your
dealer pays- We are waking tbtirr.flt OO tiny ttttmr to iret more
cuU)tiH!r and flure tluna Ullormalo aultadown toeot, lliUrare
opportunity Klvne you a saving of VfO, ami is a good invetmiit, be
cause woolxn are sum to ertvunoe, and you will have great eanse v ton
gratulate yournulf for purahaelngat our tmUumd prlii won't delay,
there are a thouaand other omnia reading thi ad. and Vno5imrth
good will orar at uce. We follow the rttle"rlre0w.r.iairrwl. fZ7.Z. Z
price on thaw Ullor mad euita, Hut In oninr to eiuarf our own
WallUB iliwepeiBi oner, gtyingrrurw reiwir ,n . v
nilt i.t laa then wholmuil . On reoeiut of 110 el an
of thaa autu and emtraiitee a lit. tour money etieerlull
not .tl.f-u.rjr. Olre your che.t mearure over the veet, "r wlt mewur JA
under the tanil lenirlliiif liueara of iit, jrour heltfht, walitht arid mte, ana saiau woieiaa
weuarntKiioBil,'aap"r"tniuiiaaiv. oumiiq r "' ""'t"! r . , , . z
before rm hay, write a at oiwe and uuloii a 'J-rnut otamp for tmAf. ' f Cut tki ont,
tb oouuwo with order. II. 0. k CO., m-U Weartora Ht.. i'huiuo, III . koval
rleoauon we will blp one T'.'Yz I
It reluwled If eult "J "
cal instruction Is given, and at half tub kxvkhuk of other institutions
of tb same kind. Having a faculty of twelve thoiiouoiily computet
lNSTRUcToim, many of them holding diplomas from th best European and Ameri
can Conservatories of Music, together with a t'hoiiomih and pkooiikmhivb coi;iik,
leading to graduation, and founded on the beat foreign and American methods of
instruction. Weekly pupils' recitals, faculty concert, and the same hike au?ant
aobs obtained elsewhere. We have many pupils through this and adjoining state
as well as from other music schools, who will testify to our thorough aud pains
taking instruction. We will be pleased to refer to anyone of them.
Twenty half-hour laon, tteidiioere $ II
Tweoij balf.bour lon, two eiich week.., HI
Twenty tbree-quurter bonr Ivmobi 15
Twenty boar leeeon SO
Twenty hour leneon,., ,. , f 20
PaT All tuition must! be paid each half
will not be made up only in case of
00 Twenty half-hour iimnui .. '.... .$20 00
so!' ... vtoto osesaTMSMT.
Ml Twenty thr.inartr liour Idmou , f20 00
Twisty pnvt liall-liour imeou f 1ft 00
. . ..ajAaoona ao auiTA. .
00 Twenty ball-Hour Imeou , ...., 1 00
term (five weeks) in advance. Lossons lost
protracted illness.
This Mill U
made to adver
tia our high
grade of work,
aud is sold st
I.. 1 1
VV.K Hl'I.LKRrl,
1'UI.I.RYH and
e-rRICI'. LOW.
Laboi Cataloodb Pass.
ATlANTa, cToMW, U. I. A
nni inm, ia wuhlnrina N. V,
kmmi tii S:l!:lt:r.
( St6
I I Okl.kKl
I I ruu4,wl
L v. .
enleed, InellklM,
wblue ur 4Ur
IX) i hleaa.
MtnmaUia, Ecssmi, Kldn; ao4 Itomua
1 rouble.
It I hut th trulh tn aav that InnA-
la of peoiila aufter'usT from above and
ther dleeaaaa have twB cured or grtly
beaefltted t v the ua of tha luexlknnal
atera at Hut rinriaira. hL Ii. If .M a
Interestetl, a'Mree tor partlrulara, A. H,
w leiuinguy iicietAgval VoubweaUra
Uuh U? south T tt :H UsvMa,
Consulting room
tulttng room pfint) pv rr
Second floor DUttf DLllV
riACTiia i.iMi-Tsuvvfna c c pfina'
EyMar.Kss? andi "host.,
Ttot ..lar-ii Lincoln, Ks.r.
Hour Irom 9.90 to 13 30 a,i 8 to 8 pot.