The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 01, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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July i, 1897
.SSf.Kchraskh t3ukpcnucnl
CeniriiJatlJn if
Indspsqdgqt Publishing So.
At 110 X Itrwt,
$1.00 per Year in advance.
Tbere is a prevailing idea thet state,
county and municipal officials are uni
formly extravagant in the useol office
supplies and materials furnished at public
expense. An a rale this ban been true to
the pant. Office furniture and fixtures,
stationary and office supplies have been
purchased without regard to quantity
or cost, and bare been considered and
used as legitimate spoils for those who
were on friendly terms with the officials.
NEBRASKA. I Laro quantities of expensive printing,
blanks, books, stationery and the like,
have frequently been purchased by an
officer just before bis term expired. His
successor in office would not and could
not use it to advantage for the reason
AdSrwM all eomninnlcatlon to. and nak au I that It narriaA tha name nl tha ni-wui-
reft, non.y order. U.. pay.W. to . nr.
TUB INDEPENDENT YVB, CO., '"ft omciai ana his uepuvy. " 'u-
Urools, Ncs, sidered singly sucb small extravagances
are unimportant, but when the total
STATE COMMITTKE MKKTIHG. I amount squandered In this way is con-.
To the Mmbr of tb tat Committee of tb I sidt-red it becomes ao important item in j
'opr !!nd.pu(it party of tb ti the state's expenses.
Cosiness men do not couduct their
of Nk-rka
GiU;n;W. tb McrtUrr sad chairman
of 'M tUU tsomsiltt, do Bruy announce tb
official call of aeb commltt, to taka place at
tb dty of Lincoln on Jolj- (th at t p, m, at tb
Lincoln HoUl, for tba porpoa of Axing- tba tiro
and naming tb place of tb holding of tb tat
eonvstlos of tb People's Independent Part of
Nebraska, and attending to an other baaia
tbat ma com befor It, Each member of tb
comsilttee I arced to attend tb maetlng, a
natter of Importance will bcoMlderd,
ftecrrtary. Chairman.
McKiuloy promised to settle tbe Cnban
question io short order,
Bryan leads the democrats, Allen roles
the pops, Thurston shout for tbo re
publicans. Nebraska owns them all.
The state treasurer has just Issued a
call for 50,0()0 of general fund war
rants for July 6. Meserve keeps the
money moving.
business in this manner and why should
the state's officials, its business men.
be less attentive to the interests of the
state and taxpayers? There is norsa
son why a state mflulal should have the
furniture for bis office specially con
structed at an enormous expense, or why
he should purchase office supplies at
three or four times the price usually paid
by first class business men. It is econ
omy in little things tbat helps to swell
the business man' dividends. Economy
in little things will help to strengthen
the credit of the state.
The extravagant system tbat has
been practiced in the past should be
avoided by tba present administration
Htate officers, and officers of institutions
should practice economy. They will find
tbat "Jeffersonian simplicity" will be as
popular in practice as in theory.'
The Queen lives and grows fat upon
the millions of tribute levied from her
' starving subjects in India and Ireland.
God save t be Queen,
till A, iiVT MOT HAWAII.
There are many reasons why we favor
the freedom and annexation of Cuba.
It is a part of the North American contl
nent and naturally belongs to the United
Status. It commands tne entrance to
tbe gulf of Mexico in the case of foreign
war. Spain is powerless to govern the
island and by her brutal Var of exter
mination has paved the way for interfer
ence by the United States and tbe ulti
in 11 to trmulnm nnd unnatnHnn of
lou will una tue date at wnicnyour w. Thn ., ,,, .,.
uuacnpuou rxpireu murseu on mis
Treasurer Meserve has just completed
Vie distribution ol the largest appor
tionment of school moneys ever distrib
uted in the history of tbo state.
issue of this paper,
to you to make a
accept It?
It is an invitation
payment. Will you
If you are u arrears for subscription
70a will Cud the date of expiration
marked on your nanor orou the wrapper.
Please take notice and make a payment tion aDd V Hbwt lor the Cubans,
. IiL.n..i t.1 'if A . 1. .
unanimous In their support of such a
course. 1 hoy favor tbe interference In
Cuba's behalf by tbe government as a
nation, and not as a cat's paw to turn
the inland over to tbe sugar 'trust
syndicate If tbe present administra
tion does not dispose of the Cuban quos-
as soon as convenient.
Oily Rockefeller is preparing to make
another big donation to tbe Baptists,
lie bos laid off more than 1000 bands
at Cbf stand, Ohio. . lis will restrict prot
ductioo and increasa the price of tbe oil Hawaii
tbe Cuban question will depose the ad
ministration and elect another that has
tbe courage to speak out plainly the will
of the American people.
Tbe reasons for the annexation of
Cabal :tm not apply In the case of
Tbe island is not a part of this
be has on hand. The Baptists will then continent. Instead of being in a position
eellbim another star for his crown io h "e!P to defend our coast it is located
glory, . I where it will require an increase in our
r- , navy to protect it. Its government
v ny not soa a oouar 10 wanting. wou.d UtxmmHive. u i already irreatlv
r, Powell, Booth Dakota, for rennets AlihL Amerhmns have 123.000.000
and instruction in homo cheese making? iavmU)d bnt Englishmen have 1500,000-
iou can mane inre pounas o. cueese in 000 o( IttWaiiHn aunties. Its a good
piace 01 one pouna 01 ouuer. thlog ,ut alon9
laciory cneese, ine Kinu maae, ana auy
woman can do the work while attending I-oktect tub parmkk
household duties. No extra apparatus 15 means let the American farmer
needed. I be protected. Tbe much talked of "in
fant Industries" are now asleep if board
lbe agitation in favor af a many mil- ed up windows and smokies chimneys
lion dollar residence for the president is are any index; so this is a good time for
being continued by the aristocracy of our legislators, who seem to have band
New York and Washington. As long as led themselves together Into a society for
tbe common people pay the taxes why the prevention of tba flfssage of some
uould it not be built? If the money aw. to turn their attention to the
was to be raised by means of an income farmer,
tax they would not be in nearly such a Realizing this they are going to protect
rash to have the palace constructed. wheat. Think of tbat ye grumblers who
have asserted that the farmer was not a
Yes, if the pops carried Nebraska the pet with the legislator, who hinted that
credit of tbe state would be ruined, cap. tho biennial vote crop was the only
ital would be withdrawn. The pops car- thing tbat the farmer raised in which the
ried Nebraska. Phil Armour has decided politician took an interest. These annex
to build a million dollar packing house Hons aro now disproved for they are
at Omaha. A sugar beet factory will about to put an import Ux on wheat,
be constructed at Omaha and two more the American farmer's chief crop. Of
will be located in other part of the course no wheat is imported and bence
ta,te. Rts.te warrants have risen seven no tax can be collected, while vast
cents on teilollar. Yes, Indeed, capital
is afraid of the credit of Nebraska under
populist rule.
a moubts are exported, but that doesn't
matter, they think.
It is a busy season nnd tbe farmer may
not have tinio to think of this. Won't it
Another scheme pr the enrichment of 1 be fine to hear the stumporator, with in
tbs already too rich is Mug agitated, inmeu cnesi ana nreyeye, wu now
It is the purchase of the Ulitud of Cuba stood firm and forced tbe law makers to
by a syndicate, the amount of money put a tariff ou wheat? lis will not give
necessary 1 100,000,000 to b obtained tn details o( bow be also put front 10 to
by an issue of a wr cent bonds on which I'' on to the price of everything
tbe United Htabu U security. It is al-1 under heaven that the farmer consumes
legtHl that the Intettmt of this debt could Ths farmers will listen with opeii mouth
im paid out of ths custom reeelpt nt w' Interest and give him their vote.
Havana, Ths hoa thing ts but a ret
tltion of the IVitlu railroad steal and Is
being engineered by ths sugar trust,
The, morning nMr jhas probably the
worst tans of trynitib'iliia thai
know of, mm! this orcnaktiinlly lends It
Into Mli rou breaks, l,at Katurday
Mr, Bryan whs dawn to ths lU-atriew
Umutttii'n tblsl ths way ths J mits
nal BiMtttii.r rea-l; "I'ryttn t'tirdtnliy
Hetit,td, but (lain Kmni Away ths
Crowd," TUU dwi In (I.enrlUUit
says- ' ka hs Ugwa speaking al 9
oVUm V tU tuliruiiU ws rjtis and
tunny wt-rs stAiidlug, upwards
of ft.iHHl nn..U being witUa hU hesring
Wfois Vs rlned."l,ltettln i.'venlng
News Ul' .)
On pans two will be an found an article
on publid ownership oi strest railways,
water works, gas and electric lighting
plant by ths city of (ilasgow in Hoot
laml. The statements contained in ths
arti 'ts are relialil and it should b rare
billy read. It it a practh-al demonstra
tion of ths hmniliilttv d the populist
theory d public tiwuershlp id piil.Ut util
ities. Them nr viti In Nebraska
that would profit greatly by following
UivtM U aet by ths rVoti hinn ot
If your subw nptiou has expired ytu
Wilt Ond lb dt td siplratloa tuarksd
OH till Week laens ellliif 0 IDS p.1prr
oro ths wrapper, HiawiB Itoarw.
Ii.tly ami pay a sooa as ptitil.
Ths York Times says: "Every body
who koows anything at all abou1
't can ooint out numerous cases where
men who are generally known to be dis
honest and who were self confessed crim
inals have been nominated by the pops
and elected to imoprtant offices." Is
tbat so? Now that is really too bad. In
the same issue the Times says: The
populist party is based upon dishonesty
and built up by deceit and fraud and yet
its papers bave tbe brazen effrontery to
accuse tbe republican party of being dis
honest." Ilorrible! Tbe man who would
even intimate tbat the republican party
is not tbe pink of honesty must be base
indeed! For twenty-five years it has
been in power in Nebraska and its record
is as white as tbe driven snow. Tbat
anyone sbonld be so , lost to decency
as to say anything to mar such a rec
ord is cruel Iv imd.
Ingratitude is the worst of all sins.and
tbe republican party has been so careful
to protect and care for tbo interests of
tbe people of Nebraska, and now, not to
have its work appreciated, bow cruel!
bowcruell It does seem tbat after the
republican party baa stolen everything
in sight and been careful at it, after it
has put to shame tbe good people who
trusted it, its newspapers in this state
would bow their beads to tbe very dust,
gome of them have, but others which
are supposed to have shared in the dis
tribution of tb3 stolen funds, in order to
bide tbeir tracks, keep shouting "stop
thief" at the populists who bave brought
tbe credit of tbe state back to par once
more. Sometimes a man is honestly mis
taken, bat there can be no mistake as to
who are the thieves in Nebraska, and a
man who tries to throw guilt on inno
cent parties must surely be one of the
thieves. '
At the close of the war the pnblic debt
was 12.983,000,000. At tbat time it
would have required about 1.000,900,1
000 bushels of wheat,, to settle tbe debt.
We hove paid on tbe principal of tbe
debt more than 11,000,000,000. At the
present prices it would require nearly
2,000,000,000 bushels of wheat to pay
tbe debt as it stands now. Wbat is true
in the cane oi 1 wheat is true of cotton,
corn and every other staple product.
Tbe dollars have increased in valoe un
til tbey are worth more than twice as
much of tbe product of labor as they
were at the close of the war and time of
making tbe debt. The farmers, me
chanics and wealth producers must per
form twice as much labor to pay tbe
public debt now as would bave been re
quired at tbe close of the war, notwith
standing tbe enormous amount that
has already been paid. It is all due to
the system of contraction of the cur
rency and increasing the value of tho
honest dollar" that has been followed
persistently since tbe rebellion, ftball
the system be continued? , ..
Speaker Read takes the chair and says
"I will please come to order. I don't
believe in the efficiency of prayer, so I
will dispense with it to-day. The rec
ords of tbe preceding meeting are con
sidered read and approved. There is no
unfinished busiuens on hand, and even if
there wore I do not consider myself a
quorum at this stage of tbe game. Did
I bear a motion to adjourn? Well, I
should remark, for my hearing is very
acute, and when it comes to adjourning
I am a quorum from Quorum ville. If I
am in favor of adjonrning I will please
signify it by saying 'aye.' If I am op
posed I dont know myself. I have it. I
stand adjourned," is tbe way the Mem
phis Appeal describes a session of tbe
present congress.
Someone very much interested in the
success of the populist party has mailed
good many thousand copies of the
Bangor Daily Commercial, a large 18
page gold standard newspaper published
at Bangor, Maine, to all of the populist
papers and prominent populists in the
United States. An examination of the
copy at hand reveals nothing of interest
to populist except a double column ar
ticle on the first page advocating Whar
ton Barker as the proper man to lead
the , middle-of-the-road populists in
1000. The gold atandard Commercial
is very much interested in the action of
the next populist national convention.
It has the privilege of offering all the
advice it thinks propec to the populist
party, but it will learn In time that the
populist party Is composed 01 men who
have ideal of their own of men who are
not seeking advice from tbe gold stand
ard press of the country.' Don't worry
yourself Mr. Commercial, wo will nomi
nate the right man in 1900 without the
advice or consent of any gold standard
newspaper on earth, . ' " ; ,
There are some papers advocating tho
organization of a new political party
Tho Philadelphia American in advocat
ing such a course says, "the new party
will embiou tho cardinal tenets of popu
lism but it objects to the name. Non-
t 1 A.I. .
sense. no can oeieua a course mat
puts a name above principle? Tho pop
ulist party is thoroughly organized In
overv state in tbe union. Its principles
are eternal. Why nbandon tho labors of
a decade of organization and equipment
simply to change a name? The name is
good enough. It Is your own old party
pride and prejudice that you are harbor
boring In your soul. If the principles of
ths populist party are right have the
courage and matiuooa to step out
boldly beneath it banner and help
to defend It- H It prluelpl are wrong,
say so, and point out wherein they ar
wrong. Be honeat with youreunt'ieni,
Ths republican press ol thestat eon
tluue to writ lu a boastful and "holier
tbu thou" ton pretenJing that
the member of that party ar wad of
better clay than the rest of manklud.
Query Pid you ever a big heJd
lliuiiramus blow krd-darky who dunn
ed a I populist? To what party
doe ibattlaa o fallow belting?
Hettalor W, V, Alhn ho Introducfd a
bill lu ths HeflAt providing that ths
Kove.uineol shall owa nnd supply all
future nwttry Uall td lb pon'oftd-
uf tb l'Ud (Mates.
Chairman J- II. Edmisten has called a
meeting of tbe state centfal committee
to be held in Lincoln July 8th. We pub
lish the call at tbe bead of our columns.
Tbe chairman auJ secretary are anxious
to bave a full, attendance by tbe mem
bers of the ycommittee. He especiall
urges upon every member the impor
tance of attending tbis ver important
meeting. Those who cannot attend ar
expected to write a letter giving their
reasons for not attending and stating
their views as to tbe date and place at
which the coming state convention
should be held. Those who do not at
tend must not complain at any action
tbe committee may sec fit to take con
cerning tbe state convention or any
other action In connection with tbe
affairs of tbe party.
Tbe attorneys for J. S. Bartley claim
to have made an important discovery,
Tbey allege that the verdict of the jury
is defective." Jo writing up the verdict
the foreman of tbe jury in placing tbe
amount of tho embezzlement wrote it In
figures as follows: 115188.4.45 instead
of $151,884.45 as it should have been.
Concerning wis error Hartley's attor
neys say in their bill of exceptions:
'The verdict of tho jury was and is in
complete, uncertain and 'indefinite, and
does Bot comply with tbe express provis
ions of the statute and is insufficient to
warrant the rendition of any judgment
thereon." "
As everyone knows when the jury re
turned with tbeir verdict It was read to
them in their presence as one-hundred
and flfty-ono thousand, eight hundred
and eighty four dollars and forty five
ceuts, and each and every one of tho Jur
ors was asked, "was this and is this
your verdict in this case," to which they
all replied in the affirmative. It was
their verdict and any attempt to con
strue it otherwise is an attempt to
pervert justice by deceit and the most
contemptible pettifogging imaginable.
Who kuows but what the period which
improperly appears between the 8 and
4 was put there by some of Hartley's
friends or by his attorneys? Attorneys
that would attempt to escape upon sucb
a pretense would be guilty of making tbe
change if they had the opportunity,
Tbe intent of the jury was plain and the
supreme court will not dare to disturb a
verdict upon such a flimsy excuse,
While the Omaha Bee thinks that a
defaulting public official makes a good
mayor for Omaha, and advocates mauy
other strange things, ! yet it suemsto
have experienced adeWp' seated convic
tion that the .future prosperity of the
republican party in Nebraska depends
largely upon the amount of assistance
the republican press lends to tho present
administration "in tho prosecution of
that republican ex-treasurer, J. S. Bart
ley. Tbo conversion of the Bee has been
so thorough tbat we can entirely concur
in the advice which it extends to that
worthy republican official the present
clorkof tbo supreme court. The Bee
j The attorneys of Ex-trensurer Barttey
aro ftbont to present a bond for tho re
lease of the convicted embezzler until tbe
supreme court shall have passed upon
the appeal in his behalf for a uew trial.
In view of the fact that the Ex-treasurer
embazaled more than half a million dol
lars and was sentenced to twenty years
penal servitude, ths bond for $125,000
Is very reasonable. It is very doubtful,
however, whether any responsible citi
zen of Nebraska, or any considerable
number of responsible men who are able
to qualify on Bartley' bail bond for
112.1,000, will assume th responsibility,
U e nmk bold to predict tbat Bartley if
set free, will not be in tbe state of Ne
braska or within tho reach of the la v
officer when tb supreme court passe
upon bis appeal. But even if his prompt
nppearauiNi wo assured, it is the duty
ot the clerk of tho supreme court to
scrutinlis and schedule bis bail bond ns
is customary In the courts ol Illinois.
Bartley must not bo set Ire on a straw
bail bond,
Htate Auditor Cornell ha ut turned
over to Treasurer Moserv i),10 of
fee collected by him. This make a to
tal ol 18,100 which Ih auditor has
tamed over to th lst treasurer sine
! January 7, 1 Hti7. Twasurer Meserv
ha umh) th money In railing general
fund warrant and saviug th sinl tho
latere! which they would thr i Ims
drawing. 11 ha just lud a rail for
130,000 wiria I r July fl. Warrant
on th general fund al th tlo td Bat
by' lerai run 31 iiumth pay
men l, M.rv ha mad so tnany eall
thai th tim whMb. warrant draw in
lrot has bw rdwottd to I months.
Quit a diffrne In Ih nisgtnit td
th two ortliv from that of their j-rv-d
(' r.
Thtat of Nebraska has some cu
rious business methods. At present
ther are outstanding abost f 12,000 of
warrants against tbe Feeble Minded
fund of the state. These warrants bave
been running for 4 years and they draw
7 per cent intercet. Tho accumulated
interest amounts to about one-third ot
tbo principal. Treasurer Meserve called
14,000 worth in May and is now retdy
to issue a call for $3,000 more. There
baa been a tax levy to pay these war
rants but it bas been very slow of collec
tion. Tbe law will not permit tbe treas
urer to take money from another fund
to take op these warrants and tho only
course that is left for the treasurer is to
insist upon the collection of tbe delin
quent taxes in order that be may call in
these warrants and save tho state tho
exorbitant rate of Interest. Mr. Meserve
bas tbe matter in band and is crowding
It aa fast as possible.
In 1894 D. Clem Deaves was chairman
of tbo Populist state central committee
Ue said in a speech at Hastings, "if we
are given power wo will enforce the laws,
we will open np tbe books and disclose
the frauds against tbe state and punish
tho guilty parties." The party Is now
fulfilling tbe promise.
In the senate last week Senator Hale
pf Maine proposed an amendment to tbe
rule which allows ex-eon a tors the privi
leges of the floor of tbe senate. Iu sug
gesting tbe amendment he said: "Tbe
purpose of the proposed amendment is
to prevent ex-senators from enjoying
tbo privileges of tho floor of tho senate
for tho purpose of urging or opposing
claims or bills in which tbey are employ
ed as attorneys,"
Huch a role would afford a little relief
from one of the greatest evils known to
legislation. ,'.'HBut wo quite agree
with Senator Allen in bis suggestion to
Senator Hale. Allen stated tbat lobby
ists crowd tbo corridors and galleries
like crows in tbe trees,", and turning to
Senator Hale inquired "why not make It
a crime covering all lobbyists?"
At one time Senator Allen introduced
a bill making it a crime to come on tbe
capital grounds with a view to lobbying
for pending measures., It was at tbe
time when tbe pooling bill was before
the senate and lobbyists were on band
from all parts of the country. Senator
Allen pushed tbe bill vigorously but the
lobby,, corporation senators and ex
Senators combined were too much for
him. The bill wasindeflnately pigeonhol
ed. Whenever senators complain of the
annoyance of tho lobby be generally sug
gests to them the excellent features con
tained in his dead bill. ' ;?:
The legislative investigating committe
have adjourned until July 8, when work
will be resumed. Up to July 1st tbo
committee has expended less than 2,
500 of tho 110,000 appropriated. .The
committee furnished the expert testi
mony nnd much valuable information
that was nsed by Attorney.general
Smyth iu tbo Bartloy trial. They are
working on ex-Auditor Moore's accounts
at tbe present time and will be prepared
to show in detail all of his transactions
during his term of office. In these two
offices tbe committee is guided largely
by the advice of the attorney.general,
and the work which they are doing will
prove very valuable in the coming crim
inal prosecutions and in the civil suits
gainst the bondsman to recover tbe
stolen money.
We bare read r4 Maad oa a enmmer dar.
Who raked, barefooted, the new-mown har;
W bare read ol tb maid la the earlr morn.
Wbo milked tbe cow with th r rumpled bora;
And we've read tb lay tbat tbe poetin
Of tbe raatllu cor and tbe (lower ol apiing:
Hat of all tbe lav of 'onirae or pen.
There naaght Ilk tb lay o( tbe Nebraska ben.
I.ODC lone before Hand rake bar bay;
Tb Kebraekn ben bee an to ley.
And ere th milkmaid etir a peer.
Tb ben I np and ba droppd her eg.
Tbeeorm nut rnetle, and th (lower prior.
If they bold tbeir owa witb tbe barnward ring.
If Haud 1 nwHilnit a bat and sown
8b do't bo tie her bay to town.
Kb K' to town and obtain her nlt
With a baeketfnll of bar frenb ben (rait.
If tbe milkmaid' bean make a Sunday call,
Rh doean't feed hlin on milk at all.
But work np nia in cuntard pie,
And etuff bim full of cblt-ken fry.
And when the old man want born,
Poe he t&k tbe drn;lt a load of corn?
Not much! He Imply rob a nf-
And to town b goe yon know tb rett.
He llna-ora tbere and talk, perchance.
Of trne rforoi and correct fee-nance.
while bl poor wile stay at borne and acowln;
Hot le ravtd from want by the ame fowl.
For while ber bniband II nam tbere,
8b watch tb cackling ben with ear.
A nd gather ega. sod th egg nhe'll bide.
Till ah cave enough to etera tbe tide.
Then bail, all hall to the Nebraska ben,
'I h greateet bleeelng of all to men!
Throw np yonr hat and make Home bowl
For tb pemereiing barnyard fowll
Corn may b king, bat It' plainly i'a
Tb Kbrk hn 1 tbe Nebraska queen.
In thl column we will pnbllib communication
of worthy and suitable character, received
from ubcrlber to thl paper. No communi
cation bould contain more tban S00' word,
Msnnacrlpt will not be returned,
I. E, II all Vindicated,
Some three weeks ago A. K. Sears, at
tho instance of republican ringsters in
Burt county broogbt charge that T. E.
Hall, chairman of the populist board of
supervisors, bad defrauded ths county
out of some $150.00 by illegal charges
in mileage fees. A great bowl went up
from tbe six republican county news-
papers and dispatches with fl
headlines appeared in the Omaha Bee
and Lincoln Journal, relating how a
populist had plundered the county,
The charges dated back ten years when
Mr. Hall served as a republican and his
bills were audited by a republican county
board. Mr. Hall since changed bis pol
itic and bence the bowl. Last vear a
populist board was elected and Hall
made its chairman. An investigation
by two republican and one populist
members disclose tbat Mr. Hall's bills
were straight and be was unfilled to
pay for 400 miles more than he ever put
in bis bill for. This is submitted merelv to
show tho people away from home (who
pernapsmay never hear of it) that the
whole Change was for political buncotne
and spite work. The republican "or
gans" came out last week as dumb as
oysters on this subject. They seem to (
bave no justice in their souls.
lours truly,
Will F, Brewster.'
Tbe board of education held a meet
ing last Monday evening to fix upon the
amount of tho tax, levy for school pur
poses, for several years the ,, levy has
been 0 mills but the board decided to
raise it to 10 mills. Tbe revenue to sun
port the Lincoln schools will be derived '
from the following sources:
Ten mill levy, ,.,..,.$33,000 ,'
'once court mum..,, ....i.i., 600 .
Saloon licenses.;..,,.,,.,..,,,,,,,,, 35.000
State apportionment...,., 14,000
Other licenses... . 2,000
Total $104,000
John Sherman says "Tbe currency
question Is not to be -decided at this
sesaioii, No one is readv to decide it."
In all probability John is correct. Tbe
republican party dares not to decide it.
The people will settle that question in
1900 without waiting for the advice or
consent of the republican party.
The man wbo wants to enjoy life
should sit up at night and witch the
corn grow.
Hon. C. F, Wheeler who Is a member
of the legislative investigating commit
tee has been in Kearney tbe past week
going through the accounts of ex-Huiwr-
intendont Mallalieu, He has returned to
Lincoln and will make his report to the
committee. Ho would not give out anv-
thiug for publication before he made his
report to tbo committee,
Mr.. A, M. Kdwwrri.
This lady has been appointed superin
tendent of the Nebraska Industrial
Home at Milford. This is a case where
unselfish ability has been awarded by
Governor Holcomb. Mrs. Edwards has
for a longtime been interested In th
work of this institution, working faith
fully without remuneration. When, for
economical reasons, it wns thought best
to change the superintendents, Mrs.
Edwards was recommended by her as
sociate manairers for the place. The
governor certainly made no mistake in
tho selection. There are but few women
in tbe United States who have shown
better executive ability, iu her own bus
iness as well as that of the public. She
was honored by a responsible appoint
ment by the World's fair management
at Chicago, as well as many others, un
til the people of Fremont feel a certain
pride lu this lady's ability. When she
goes from among us to manage the in
stitution we will leel pur community has
lost a good citizen, but we will have tho
knowledge that we have furnished tbe
state a good, faithful and houst serv
ant, and the unfortunates a true and
faithful friend in the newly appointed
superintendent. Fremont Lender.
Adjutant General Bnrrry and Major
E, (1. 1'Vchet left for Chicago Tuesday
to secure headqiou ters fur Uuv. Hoi
comb and his stuit during tint unveiling
of the John a Logan equestrian statue
on Juiy il'J.
(flVA'el'j M!l,f' til,, IU',
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KAr 4fc Jiwsw"
H" warrantee bfym;
Lincoln Palm & Color Co., 9th & M Sis.