The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 24, 1897, Image 8

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June 24, 1897
a Saab a Tlsli Made siaee vae wimmi
War Tn Tbeesaad School Chlldraa
Bertewea U.r Majesty Leaves
Loadoa ea Bataraa to Wind
aor -Jabllea Prayer la
Has Assert eaafra
' jOnron, June S3. For the first time
mid co the reception of the queen's met-
ire announcing the declaration of
the Crimean war against Russia, the
members of the House of Commons
called in a body on the queen to-day
and for the first time since the early
0s, when addresses were made con
gratulatlug the queen on the failure of
attempt at assassination, did she re
ceive the two houses together.
There were brief formalities at
Westminster prior to the reception,
the two houses meeting and the formal
announcement being made by Lord
llalsbury in the House of Lords and
Mr. Balfour in the House of Commons
that the queen would be pleased to
receive the two houses. Then all pro
ceeded, in state procession, to Buck
ingham palace. There tbey assembled
in the ball room, and, after a brief de
lay, the doors were thrown open and
the announcement made that her
majesty was prepared to give them
audience. Thereupon the lord cban
cellor and the speaker of the House of
Commons advanced side by side to to
throne, each followed by the members
of his own bouse. Lord Chancellor
Ualsbury knelt at the feet of the
throne, read the address on his knees
and handed it to the queen.
After the preliminary ceremony the
Queen received in the same manner
the mayors and provosts of provinces,
and chairmen of county councils, who
were afterwards entertained at a
luncheon in the palace. They were
attired in levee dress consisting of
black knickerbockers and stockings,
black velvet coats with steel buttons,
black plumed hats and swords.
The queen left Buckingham palace
soon after 4:30 o'clock and returned to
Paddington railroad station by the
same route as was followed on her
arrival Throughout she was greeted
with enthusiasm. On Constitution
hill, near the palace, in the grand
tands need to view the procession
yesterday were 10,000 children from
the board schools, Church of England
schools, VVesleyan' schools, Catholic
schools and Jewish schools. These
were inspected by her majesty. Each
child wore a special medal and a red
badge and the teachers wore blue
badges and white dresses. All the
children were dressed in their best
and joined in singing the national an
them, led by a band. The marquis of
Londonderry, as chairman, presented
to her majesty an address in behalf pt,
the school, board and ' the bishop of
London and others did the saufe in
behalf of the other school bodies.
Among the members of the committee
present were Cardinal Vaughn and
Baron Rothschild. There was a tre
mendous outburst of cheering as the
queen left
In the afternoon the queeu returned
to Windsor, and ber progress was a
triumphal procession. On the way
the royal part made stops at Klough,
Eton college and Windsor, where they
were received by the local authorities
with impressive formalities and most
enthusiastically welcomed by the pop
ulace. The final episode of the progress was
at the castle gates, where the ad
dresses from the Windsor bodies were
received. , As the qneen's carriage ap
peared at the entrance to her home
the national anthem was chsnted by
300 voltes. The day's festivities were
brought to an end by an illumination
of the palace.
The Bev. Hath John.on Commemorate!
Queen Victoria's Jubilee.
Washikgtos, June 5t.An eloquent
tribute to the long and illustrious
reign of Queen Victoria was a feature
of the opening prayer before the Sen
ate to-day by the acting cliaplalu, the
Rev. Hugh Johnson. "We thauk
Thee," he invoked, "for the dem
onstrations of joy, both nation
al and international, over Her
Majesty, Queen Victoria's comple
tion of her long ttnd illustrious
reign of sixty years. We thank Thee
for her exemplary life and personal
qualities as wife, as queen, as mothers
that her court has Wen pure and her
throne without blame. We thank
Thee for all advantage io the Anglo
Saxon race during this auspicious
period of the world's history in alt av
enues of literature, art, science: for
the cordial relations between the two
great natious, one In language, litera
ture, laws, eiril and religious liberty.
May they be bouud together in per
petual bonds of prseo."
IMilra fur a. ltlttat
VAiHi.oro. June ft. Hao-Ke Al
fred Hiss, a nieuilirr t the Chinese
legation, has eoiupleUd with honr a
four years' ourse in the Washington
high sohiniU. am! wilt receive h
diploma at ..Just tun j,eV'."as In
titanium hail to-uiorrietfght
Ve Hal ff Ifcw-Sjnesl Ha,
Gssav llf. 'UK, June 81. The
hot weathsr of the past two days us
resulted in many prutrlUo among
n working In I he karvtat tLhU A I
Itrosetl's yestard, sis iua iml ot tea
were trtlrU4
faraeilltes Parade Dahlia aad araaab
Window at Illasnlaated Hoasee.
Loxpoif, Jane J4. The jubilee was
celebrated in almost all parte of Ire
land with enthusiasm, by public oft
cisl fetes, decorations, illuminations
and bonfire. The Parnellitea, how
ever, were very busy with counter-
In Dublin, a procession went
through the street carrying a black
flag and a coffin labeled "The British
Empire," and smashing windows of
Illuminated houses. The elty has not
been so thoroughly excited since the
death of ParnelL Last evening
large meeting was held in the Dublin
town hall in memory of the rebellion
of '08, and speeches were made glori
fying the men who were the heroes of
that movement
At Cork the National Society hung
out black flags and attempted to hoist
one on the municipal flagstaff, but the
police interfered.
At Limerick, the police removed
black flags from the town hall and
from a number of public monuments.
During the evening John Daly ad
dressed a small hostile demonstration.
As against this, the royal Irish regi
ment held a military tattoo, and there
were several torchlight processions.
in all of which large number of cltl
zens participated.
Emphatically Decline te Pmf
Mortg-ir Balance.
Wichita, Kan., June 24. The home
of Mrs. Mary E. L ease in this city has
been sold for a mortgage obligation of
81,438. lne Jarvls-Conkling company
bid the property in for f&X), leaving a
balance of f 838 due, for which a judg
ment was secured against Mrs. Lease.
The Jocal attorney for the mortgage
company called upon Mrs Lease yes
terday and asked her to pay the debt
remaining. Before he haul finished the
first sentence tolling her his business
the noted woman arose from ber seat,
advanced to the center of the room,
and, with her left hand resting on the
family B'.blo that lay on the table, she
said fiercely: "You have my home, You
now want the pound of flesh. These
mortgage companies are thieves and
robbers and ought to be behind , the
bars. I have property and a fine in
come, but it will never go to pay the
balance you claim." Throwing her
head back, she raised her right hand,
brought her fist down on the Bible
and said: "I won't pay it I defy
you," Proceedings in aid of execution
have been commenced. Mrs, Lease
says the will go to jail before she will
obey the order of any court to pay the
debt. ... '
Kobe an Express Car Safe of 99,000 to
4,000 Single Handed.
Nashville. Tenn.. June 24. On the
Louisville fe Nashville railroad. 1.
tween Clarksvllle and Guthrie, about
9 o'clock last night, near St Bethle
hem, one man, armed with two pistols,
sacked the express car and obtained
83,000 to 9 4,000.
fort lavenworth Stirred tip.
Leavenworth, Kan., June 24. Yes
terday afternoon Colonel IL 8, Hawk
ins, Twentieth infantry, commandant
of the garrison at Fort Leavenworth,
received three anonymous letters in
forming him that he was to be shot
before this morning. No soldier was
permitted to leave the garrison last
night and the guards were doubled,
but no attempt was made on the life
of the commandant An effort is be
ing made to find the author of the
Populists, Silvtr Lcmcctait, srd Silver
Republics: All Agtee.
111 uvh aioines, lowa, Wednesday was
held three conventions, the silver demo
crats, popuiists, and silver republicans.
After considerable discission the three
conventions adopted the same platform.
The last republican legislature In Iowa
passed a Jaw prevtnting "fusion" of
political parties. The republicans of
lowa feared that if a fusion was effected
tbey would lose control of the state mid
therefore attempted to prevent it. Hut
their act lias proven a dismal failure.
The three conventions agreed upon a set
of candidHieH upon tin equitiible basis,
nud then decided how they would put
them upon the official ballot. After
cousideiuble discuMsiou and comparison
of figures it was decided that they should
go on the ballot undr the uame' of dem
ocrat. There we s small bolt by prob
ably Pity iiiiddle-of-e-road delegates
to the popunst convention, but iu gi n.
era! harmony prevailed aud the union
of the mfortii forces was complete. The
ticket agreed upon is a follows:
Uov. F. K. White, democrat, Keokuk
county; lieutenant governor, l, A. l'lu
nier.silver republican, Wliinebagocounty,
judge supreme court, U U. Kinne, demo
crat, Bryan, 1'olk county; railroad coin
missioner, H, It. (irniu, populist, Pallas
county; titriutmleut ol Inst ruction,
0. P. Itiuehtirdt, silver republieau, Jas
per county,
The platforms adopted by nil ol the
conventions are plum in their demand
lor reform, and in their iliinnicititloiia of
The sentiment ol the conventions
wot 1 overwhvliuingly lor Pry an, Ilverr
reliren- to his name was wet with
lwr, Tlmre is no mistaking the (art
that hs I the Idol of the toiniiuni hiI
tl nw i'h jdemre was rateiy
displayed and vry tlmn an orator
ihiuim towsr l it there a appUuse,
So Unrtr was mWhi to I he gold demo
crat, l.ttlLuslunu -Tiildmybe.
Tlurs is viry rriio to Mists taut the
tkket nominated will beslecWHl,
I.oa your pir to your alihbor,
iVrhat be ill subsefbe.
Sent to tbe Queen ;of Frglsnd by White
law Frd His Srcl Envoy.
A dispatch from i Loudon states that
Whilelaw Iteid tbe sciul envoy from
tbe United States to attend theQocen'i
jubilee exercises has arrived with the fol
lowing letter from President McKiuiey
To Hert majesty, Victoria, Qneen of
Great Britain aud Ireland, and Empress
0! India Great and Good Friend: In
tbe name and on behalf of the people of
tbe United Btates I present their sincere
felicitation upon the sixtieth anniver
sary of your majesty's accession to the
crown of Great Britain.
1 express tbe sentiments of my fellow
citizens in wishing for yont people tbe
prolongation 01 a reigu illustrious and
marked by advance in science, art and
popular well being. On behalf of rnv
countrymen I wish particularly to rec
ognize your friendship for tbe United
btates aud your love of peace exempl
tied upon important occasions. '
It is pleasing to acknowledge tbe debt
of gratitude and respect due to your
personal virtues. May your life be pro
longed and peace, honor and prosperity
bless tbe people over whom you have
been called to rule. May liberty flourish
ttirougnout your empire, under just and
equal laws and your government con
tinue strong in the affections of nil who
live under it. Aud i pray God to have
your majesty in his nolv keeping.
none at Washington this 28tn day of
Aiay, a. v,f loo 1 loor good triend.
William McKisley.
By tbe President
Ch John hehmak, (secretary of State,
SfJciiD Ilollenbeck of Lowell, Nebraska,
was iu Lincoln last week, lie reports
excellent crop end political conditions in
ft-earney county.
The supreme court has over-ruled the
motion for a re-bearing of the casein
which tbe free high school was declared
to be void. This settles tbe matter and
establishes the invalidity of tbe law.
Miss Hettie L. Purdy of New , Haven.
Connecticut, celebrated the 100th anni
versary of her tilth bv ridiua ber nieces
bicycle, bhe is probably t he only cen
ten aria n cyclist in tbe United States and
perhaps in the world.
Z Mr, William Wilson an aged farmer
living in ' Ontreville precinct In this
county, committed suicide by hanging.
lie was a well to do farmer owning a
section of well improved land together
with a large amount of personal prop-
erty. iue cause 01 suicide is unknown
lie leaves a wife and ten children.
Hon. J. V. Wolfe has returned from a
very pleasant trip to Bloorainifton. In
diana, wnere ne attended the commence
ment exercises of the old college from
which he graduated more than forty
years ago. He met only one of bis class-
mat os, but met many of his old acquaint
ances. He visited many of the baunts
of his early youth and reports a most
pleasant trip.
(Answer to Question.
Mr. M Yea sir, It Is true as mast a mai'i oJt
ol flpe Imported all wool black fciiftllub Clr
orstd cloth to fit anyone tor 9.U). We also
make a nice I'sselDiere salt as low as S!.ii&.' Wt
make sulfa op to Bt anil mud to anyouetoti.
wins before pa.rlne:. W will send tree b.r mail,
to anyone mtilug tSIs answer out and returning
to us. a lares assortment of cloth eamnleii. unr
fashion plnte. tape lnflnr. th'.ci: nrlin Hat. or
der blanks, etc. Verjr truly, iszxui, ltotitu. A
Co.. Cbicngo, t w eV (W
Mention tbe "Independent "
Mark If aura Nsmcs tbe Cscdidstet and
Dictates tb Platfoim. '
The republicans of Ohio held their con
vention at Toledo lust Wednesday.
Marfc Hanna was tbe victor, and the
platform as adopted reuds like, his writ
ing. Tbe usual sparring for tbe chair
manship ofjthe convention took pluce.
General Grosvcuor was chosen. The
candidates nominated were;
Governor....;..;; Asa S. Bushnell
Lieutenant-Governor A. W. .Innps
Supreme Judge Jacob F. Burkett
Attoriiey-Oenerul Frank Monet .t
Slate Treasurer Samuel Campbell
neuoot voniiinssiofjer L,, I), uonebrake
Aleiuber ol lionrd of 1,'ublic Works....
...,...w.C. A. Goodard
The platform endorsed tbe inaction of
the president and Congress, and recites
the paHt history of the republican rwrrv.
Tbe plauks concerning Cuba and Hawaii
are as follows:
"The republican party has always
been the friend of the down-trodden and
oppressed, and has always deeply sym
pathized with the struggle oi auy people
for independence. We extend our sym
pathy t, the patriots of Cuba in their
efforts to achieve freedom from Spanish
cruelty and oppression, and boe that
the day of their deliverance is close at
hand. We commend the course of the
president and express our confidence in
his sKi.'dy and patriotic disposition of
the Cuban question in accord mice with
wise, statesmanship ond a firm and vig
orous Hilicy,
"We Mieve that the administration,
in negotiating the treaty for the annex
ation of Hawaii, has acted wisely and
we express the hope that the seuate will
ratify the same,"
They have sympathy for Cuba, noth
ing more. Ihey are anxious to raise
the price of ths bonds of Hawaii for the
iM-netit 01 ths bond holder of Uimbard
and all street, uothlng morx, The
was not a line to condemn the sugar
trust or other capitalistic combinations.
They declared lor the Kuglinh arbitra
tion treaty erlieine and indorsed Gov
ernor Bushmill' administration.
Uersnaar'a New Naval t kief
Hr-ni n, June li.-'lhe (Uielte pub
lishes the appointment of Itaar Ad
Tbe Poor Far MrKlalty Trait-Republican
and Revenue Tariff Wo ORlce for
Ofhoa Seekers A New Party an4 New
We beg pardon to oar reader for ex
tending our column ae we did last week,
We shall try to keep within onr limits as
a general rule.
The Journal tells us that it ha been
our policy to collect revenue along the
line of the least resistance. That is true,
Nine tenths of the revenue collected for
tbe support of the general government,
comes from the common people whose
incomes are less than foor hundred do!
lars a year. Tbe rich resist taxation, the
poor submit. Bee bow the millionaire
fought the income tax and tbe courts
said "tax tbe poor, they will not resist,
but the rich must go free."
e e
The hardest work of this session is to
make a McKinley t-ugar frost out of a
Cleveland sugar trust. It (a going to be
done to tbe queen's taste before tbey
get through. Dividends of course will
oe aeciareo in lavor 01 president, sena
tors and congressmen jnst as before.
Nobody think those noble men are fools
enough to let a few New York million
aire pocket all tbe money made by a
nign protective sugar trust.
e e
Tbe republicans admit that a protec
tive tariff alone will not bring revenue
enough and that a revenue tariff must
make np the balance. Everything must
be protected and tbe price raised on what
common people consume but the neb
fellows must go free.
e e
We have a political party iiowinex-
istence.wbich expels any member who
asks for an office. Is it not a pretty
good plan to let tbe office hunt tbe man?
It is tbe fact as soon as a party is strong
enough to elect their men, improper per
son like tome lingers, are always in the
way, tney re on top and at tbe fore
front, they bargain and connive and too
often run tbe party. They work to tbe
interests of their own pockets and care
no more for tbe interests of the party or
tbe interests of the government than the
wolf cares for the moon. If the salaries
were reduced one 1 half there would not
be such a scramble for office, There
would not be tbe stealing either.' for it
is the big salaries that bring out the
big thieves. Let us turn down every
man who canvasses for a nomination.
A supreme judge is to be elected in this
state this fall, Now don't conclude be
must be a pop, a silver democrat or a
silver republican, or that be must have
voted tbe prohibition ticket some time
in bis life. We want the best man in the
state, the most unflinching lover of jus
tice, one wno will be blind to station,
high or low, rich or poor, individual or
corporation. Hon t call it fusion or con
fusion, middle of the road or anything
that will separate us from the cause of
the people. What's in a name anyway?
'very party is split in the middle. Even
the pops are split between tbe middle
and sids of tbe road somewhere. Let us
ave a new name, "Bryan Party. Two
thirds of tbe people are solid on this doc
trine and would not eplit on a single
point. Bryanism is only common pop
ulism. Let us unite under one banner.
all wbo desire that honest people shall
rule, then let tbe millionaires, corpora
tions and blood suckers generally unite
nnd let the people decide whether they
will have Bryan or Hanna to rnleover
them. The reform elements have got to
get together and stay together or go np
iu viun air.
Kansas Lump
Rock Salt
For Stock
Use Rock Salt
Hides, Pickles,
Meats, Ice Cream,
Ice Nakin;,
Fertilizing, tc, fcc.
Kiae aad Works,
Ljeai ana1 Kaaeaolia, Kaa.
Porest, Healthiest, Best.
Sole Agent for Lyona Sock Salt Co., and Royal Salt Co.
a ''V' BnVBBfBBBV BnTeV Esm m
RnW.MRR S (ill
lOuuu c;
A 1 1118 to 1126 N Street,: I
Lincoln. Nebraska
Now is the time for ... .
' ...
. . . m m m
Q-asoli-tae StoTres - -
We are Sole Agents for the LEONARD Hard Wood
Patent Cleanable Refrigerators. Warranted to take
less Ice; keep food longer than any other Refriger
ator made.
The New Blue Flame Quick Meal Gasoline Stove Takes the Lead.
THE WONDER Five minute Cream Freezer, is war
ranted to freeze cream in less time than any freezer
made. Buy one, try one, if it does not do the work re
turn it and get your money back.
New t,tock of Porch and Lawn Furniture ... .....
fifisf-Send for our
Spring Catalogue giving full description of
1 p car xssir
Secretary Gage says prosperity will
come when it comes. He has evidently
struck the nail on the head, " Ju mak
ing that assertion. It will come when it
comes, ana not any sooner, mat ex
pression is in exact harmony with all
republican "logical" utterances. Bed
Cloud Nation.
Two Lomte Promptly Paid.
University Place, Neb., June 18, 1897.
This is to certify that 1 have been in
sured against tire and ligbtninur and
cyclone and windstorm in the Parmer's
and Merchants Insurance company of
Lincoln, Neb. I have bad two losses in
tbe last six weeks, both of which have
been adjusted promptly and to my en
tire satisfaction.
Insurance Department.
Conducted by J. T. U. Swlgart. Correapondeact
From the newspaper reports of late
we learn of great destruction of prop
erty and yet there are many thousands
of farmers in Nebraska who have no
insurance on their property against
this most dreaded element. There are
many who would rather insure against
cyclone than against fire because
tliey can in a measure protect them
selves against fire but when a twister is
in sight they cannot help themselves but
want to get under ground in a cave.
.We are also issuing Are policies now
and need ageuts in territory not covered
by a local fire company,
The greatest dread of the farmer
next to drouth is hail. We will insure
your crop against hail for one bushel
per aero. Write the editor of this de
partment or J. M. Hanford, of Fairfield
for particulars.
The saf.'st and best property In the
state to insure is ths town dwelling and
its content, There is a company now
being organized to insure just this kind
ol projierty nnd will be ready to take
applications us soon us printed matter
mil be done,
II yon do not want to help pay for the
the more hmnrdous risks smcIi as Iiv
ery lnrn, hot of all kinds, stores,
President and Mrs. McKinley have de
cided that all employed at the Executive
Mansion must wear uniforms, aud per
form in the same style and manner as
the servants in tbe "royal ' courts' of
European monarchies. No other adminis
tration in the history of tbe United
States has ever issued such humiliating
. Just try a 10c box of Caacareta,tha fin
est liver and bowel regulator ever made.
nilrsl Ttorplu th .nutUuU for ;..! Uiki. elevators, LrUyurd!
Irluce Hil-iil.he, the ehamellor, or Mis like. Irniw writ us t.r call at
far as naval umtivr are conarnd.
This siiiiimiieeini nt teems tt Imply
thftl he will be ltm-Unt w'.th full
corner ot 1 1 Hi nnd M streets,
agent throughout ths state.
We want
A l laee tlfte.e.t Me. altiaw
.. t. . a a j S
VUIHUIIIUI, JllllH II, , 4, Vi
honn of lanvlll, HL, IsU cumiuW
elantr to t uba. Its Wen offsrtiit the
oftks of controller ot thu trury to
umI U, )L Howlsr of Ciuulnitstl
lie will prvUtV so ;it the noluV
Vi.rAAHi, Nrl Jurnt 2'J, 1HU7.
Sir, Kditor, hir; Siity dtiyengo t was
ludimHt to iiiaure my farm protwrty three
miles t o sVaiaieo, In the Farmers
A XUrvhnuU t .nittay id Lincoln, Neb.,
aud os lbs lUili dny ol this month my
huuss was alnnk by huhtning aud
Uirnsd (loan, and I wudi to tlisuk ths
FrV A MervNals t'omiiany lor
draft Iu I it II Nymt ot te Io, this
nioruln;, 1 uers rv 1 rnly,
r'AK Junius.
Programme at
Tuesday June 29.
Those who bnve been interested in the
construction of the McKeigban monu
ment, to be built with funds received by
popular subscription have arranged an
excellent memorial programme to be
given in Cole's park At Hustings, Ne
braska, June 20, 1837, begiuniug at 1
p. m.
The program as arranged is as fol
lows: Prayer Rev. L. P. Eoe, Hustings
r .-''America."
Addrece of Wleumu...John C. Stevene, Hatlig
ItcKpouee .'. J. 8. Oillatn, lied Cloud
'McKeltfhsn aa a Soldier."
John II. Power Grand Island
First Dintrk-t O. W. Bcrge, Lincoln
Kecoud Uintrict Jndee D, D. (jrecory, Omaha
Third liHtrict Senator W. M. McOfan Albion
Fourth District Judge J. E. Bunh, Beatrice
r lfth District llou. W. H. ThompBon Grand Inland
Sixth Dixtrlct...... W. I. Oldham, Kearney
Governor Bilas A. Holcomfo
Memorial Address Hon. W, J. Bryan
Siid One Dollar to E. C.
KlTTlNGER, Powell, South
Uiikota, nifil receive by
mail ten Rennets with
plain printed instruction
n making diet-neat home
with such apparatus as
every farmer now has.
Full cream factory Cheese the kind
made, and your money refunded if you
fail while following iustruction. Throe
pounds of cheese can bi made iu place of
ooe pound of butter.
t. j 1 . 1 ,a
llll.tWI.1. VI- I Will!
Ml- : ,,
Binder sTwine I
DIRECT from' manufacturer to con
sumer.' Farmers '" wanted as
agents at each shipping point. M ' f ' I
Al til STPOST, - . Moulton, Iowa.
fgSSm Killer
I Jio handling of poultry Is need- ....
'f&,' ' simply "'pttiht roosts, nest .
boxes, cracks iu Inmrds, and Mite
Exterminator wilt Ao tbe rest.
gallon of Mite Exterminator
will make 100 gallons of a solu
tion that will destroy all kinds
of vine bugs, such as cucumber,
squawb, pumpkin, cabaee, toma
to, celery, etc. Agents wanted.
. Bend for circular that tells all
about it.
One-half Gallon...... Co cents
One OuIIoh 75 cent
Fire Gallons. S3 00
JAMES CAMEKOX, Heaver City, Keb.
Will rie "Solieerlptlon Coupons" good tor
paymentfor ouliecrlptlon to the Indkcesdsxt t
all wbo nnrchaae. Write (or particular..
i Drmm
Anyone lending a oketh and description mar
quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency forsecurlng patents
In America. Wa hare a Washington olllce.
Patents taken through Munu A Co. receive
ipecial cotics la the
beantlfnliy innstrstsd. lanrest circulation of
any W3ieuuna inurnai, weekly, terms S3.U1I a years
tl.SOaiz months. Specimen copies and ltAMO
0OOIL OH i'ATKNTS suui free. Address
301 Broadway, Mew York.
lu reah kae
New Gold Fields
inihe Black Hills
tall st lur slble UfiMHtattuw.
L It, I HLUltJ,( ltj Tlrkrt Agt.,
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