-L. June 24, 1897 THE NEBRASKA 'DEPENDENT. 8 V MAIL ORDERS Receive Prompt Attention. Our Eastern buyer, who knows no fear and who has unlimited confidence in our ability to dispose of merchandise, has made one of the most daring purchases known in the history of the clothing business, having closed out 1 Worth' 0 nn en's ioys" and far I ilDH From one of the best known manufacturers FOB MANY DOLLARS LESS THAN THE ACTUAL COST OF PRODUCTION. SPOT CAIHE 33133 'ITi f We Named the Price and After Much Dickering Our Proposition -Was Accepted. GrQQCl a Our counters creak and groan under their great burdens. But relief will soon come, for-the Trices we have marked these goods are the LOWEST ever named on high-grade merchandise. Be among the first to secure your share of these wonderful bargains. Though the supply is large, the demand will be larger, hence first come, first served, tains ia Men's Business and Dress Suits. 200 Mens' Suits, honestly made, very cheap at $5 go ar $2.75 500 Mens' Suits; made of substantial goods and come in neat patterns, would be cheap at $4.95, only , 3-75 1000 Mens' Pure Wool Suits in all the new patterns, silk sewed and well tailored. Galled bargains in many stores at $6,50 and $75 our low price - - - 5.oo 300 Mens' Suits, round and square cut, made of fine all wool Tweeds and Chevoits, worth in the markets of the world, $8.00, go now at 6-5 400 Mens' suits, round and square cut, Sack or Cutaway, Frock style, made of fine imported Chevoits, Tweeds and Worsteds; come in navy blue, black and all the cow plain effects. They are regular $10 Suits the world over, get one in this sale at only 7. 50 At $8.50, $10. and $12.50 We can show you practically the cream of the 1897 spring pro ductions of fine, ready to wear Clothing. They are Sack Frock and Prince Albert styles; all new; all bright, all this season's make, Bargains in Boys' Long Pant Suits Great Bargains in Boy's Knee Pant Suits 40 Boys' Knee Pant Suits, worth $1.25, go at 200 Boys' Knee Pant Suits, worth $1.50, go at i5oBoys'Knee Pant Suits, worth $2.00, go at 200 Boys' Knee Pant Suits, worth $2,50, goat 500 Boys' Knee Pant Suits, worth $3.00, go at 350 Boys' Knee Pant Suits, worth $3.75, go at 150 Boys' Knee Paitt Suits, worth $4.00, go at 500 Boys' Knee Pant Suits, worth $5.00, go at $ .75 98 I.48 1.98 2.45 2.98 3-45 3-75 BOYS ODD KNEE PANTS. Boys' Long Pant Suits, age it to 18 years Boys' Long Pant Suits, age 12 to 18 years Boys' Long Pant Suits, age 12 to 18 years Boys' Long Pant Suits, age 13 to 18 years made of pure Wool Tweeds, and Chevoits, worth $5.00 only 500 Boys' Long Pant Suits, age ia to 18 years, worth $G.oo, $6.50, and $7.00, only .... 2.5o 2.75 3.45 3.75 5.oo 500 Boys' Knee Pants, age 4 to 13 years, only ,. 9c 200 Boys' Knee Pants, worth 25c, go at .............. 19c 150 Boys' Knee Pants, worth 50c, go at .............. 35c BOYS' ODD LONG PANTS. Boys' Odd Long Pants, worth $1, goat ....08c Boys' regular $1 25 Pants, go at 75c 1 Boys' regular $1. 50 Pants go at 1.00 , Boys' Jean Pants, go at ' 48c ( Bargains In Mens Pants. Mens' Jean Pants 68c, and $1.25 Men'severy day Pants, worth $1, only.. ........ .. 75c Men's substantial Pants, worth $1. 25 95c Mens' regular $2 Pants, only $1.48 Mens' Pants, true value $2.50, will be. $1.98 Mens' Odd Pants, actually worth $3, only , , , $2.45 Bargains in Little Things. Brownie Overalls ... 19c Boys Shirt Waists at 13c, iyc, 25c and 35c Boys" Blouse Waists at ". 16c, 25c, 35c and 50c Men's Unlaundered White Shirts, sold everywhere at 50c 25c Bargains ia Hats Men's Stiff Hats, worth ft. 50 - - - ,98 Men's Stiff hats worth $1.75 - t.8 Men's Stiff Hats, worth $2,00 - 1.5" Men's Stiff Hats, worth $2.50 , 2.00 Men's every day Soft Hats . - I9cts Men's light Crnsh Hats - - - 5cts Men's Crush or Fedora Hats - jocti Men's Crush, Fedora or Pashaw Hats 75s Men's yure Fur Fedora Hats 95cts Men's extra quality Fedora Hats - 1,50 Men's Harvest Hats in fine quality of Straw, only 10c, 15c and - - ' aocts Men's dress up Straw Hats, extra quality and new styles only,25C, 35c, 50c, 75c and - - 1.00 Men's Every Day and Dress Up Shirts For Summer. 200 doz. Men's Work Shirts worth 25c, will go at $ isct 100 doz Men's Work Shirts, worth 30c, only i8cts 50 doz. Men's extraquality Work Shirt 2$ct8 40 doz. Men's regular 5oc work Shirts, go at - - 35cts 25 doz. Men's regular 65c work Shirts, go at 47cts Men's 60 and 75 c quality laundred Colored Shirts - 49Cts Men's regular $1.00 quality laundred Shirts with two col lars, only . 75cts Men's unlaundred White Shirts - 25cts Men's laundred White Shirts socts Men's Seamless Sox in black or tan shades, only Bandana Handkerchiefs, ouly ' - Pure linen Handkerchiefs Regular 15c Collar, pure linen, tocor three for 5ts 3cts 7cts 25CtS MEN'S OVERALLS. Men's Overall, in stripes Men's Overalls, warranted not to rin Regular 75 c Overalls go at Jackets at vv 25CtS 3octs 47cts 25c, 35c and jocts m y if j jr V KJIJXJ Vl'sVJPV-Vs,7V a ALWAYS THE BEST. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST n AK I I i 'ihi t Mr uu u Kxtr 0 4 IOIS to 1019 O ta-eet,