THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT June 24, I&97 A MOUNTAIN IDYL. USAN 8TEBB1NS tu by all odds the best looking girl on Grassy Lick, with out being remark ably beautiful; for beauty la not a no ticeable character istic of mountain women, old or young, and how abe had ever come to marry Lem Skaggg waa a wonder to me, for Lem waa by all odda the homeliest man on the Lick, and homeliness Is a characteristic of mountain men. I knew Lm quite well, and when Z asked my Question he blubed and grinned. "She waa tuck by my good looks," be laughed. "Didnt you court her pretty hard?" "Did IT" and he drew a long breath as of relief at the thought of its being over. "Well, I should say I did. Why, I come mighty nigh mortglgln the farm to git her things she .lldn't seem to want when I give 'em to her." "What did you give herf "Everything, Colonel. II got so bad to'rds the last the folks st the store told me ef I'd lump my dralln's they reckoned they could let me have 'em at whojesale prices." i "She couldn't stand your liberality, Lem. That's what got her." "Not a bit uv it," he continued. "All the time I was takin' her all sorts uv things, she wuz, .makln' eyes at every feller that come along, and sorter ex pectin' me to keep up my end uv the swingle tree, Jlst case I kinder seemed to hanker atter doin' It that a-way." "But you kept at it?" ' "I reckon not," he laughed. "All uv a sudden I sot in fer Mary Flnnel, and give the store folks a rest on buyln." "Then what happened?" I inquired, with a hope that I would now get some Information. He laughed a low, gurgling laugh, such as a boy would glvo vent to when caught In some of bis natural depreda tions. "Well," he said, "she kinder swapped eends on t'other fellem, and swung 'round my way, but I wuzn't givin' a Inch, and I didn't have no talk with her for mighty nigh two weeks, and then one evenln' as I wuz passln' her house on my way. to Mary's, and she knowed it, I seen bar bangln' on the gate lookln' out Into the future, er somethln' uv that iort that I seen a jilcter uv onc't an agent wus sellln'. S mm "YOU AIN'T LYIN' NOW, LEM?" " 'Good evenln',' says I, not offerin' to atop. , . " 'Good evenln',' says she, "Pears to me you're In a powerful hurry.' " 'Kinder,' says I, slackln' up some, I promised to be down to Mary's 'bout this time.' "She kinder looked down at the ground when I told her that, and kicked a little rock out of the path that wus layln' thar, and I felt like a sheep steal In' dog fer Bayla what 1 had. " 'I reckon you'd better by hurryin' along then, for Mary ain't the kind that Ukes to be kep' waitin'.' says she. " a'pose, says l, mat you aoal keer ef I stop and talk to you fer a minute, do you?' " 'I ain't keerln' what you do,' says she, kinder sullen. "'You look like you wuz expectin' somebody yerself,' says I, feelin' e ef I'd like to choke whoever the feller wwi. "'That's what.' says she, and 1 felt more'n ever like chokln' somebody. "Who Is Itr snys I. watchin the streaks uv a laugh 'round her mouth and eyes. " 'That's fer me to know and you to Had out,' says she, laughln' right out "1 reckon I'll be goln' on down to Mary's.' says I, tblnktn' that I wuin't makln' nothin' hangln' 'round Susan. " 'Mubbe you wouldn't ef you know'd who wut comln', says she, klndoi reachtn over the gate. "'Well. tU me,' nays I, 'and see ef 1 11 atay.' 'I reckon not,' ays h, still a-nag-gin me. 'menu they wouldn't like It? "'Who's they r says I, "She give a little chuckle, and I come up to the sate and rmuul my hands on It to one side uv hrr'n. " 'rap and mother.' . 'They've gone down to the . hiltiuue to rrr htu' and out U hats toll I oVU'ek.' "Ala't kinder lou. ..itte wattla' hvr by -t.rif. utir m , wa rr l t!l the but ah fetid U hi. " i tK sou I , Ut. 'fan'i by t rauie jut an I hung va the fate U s lulgUty still III tit the femurs. H u reekoa )ett rr . j, 'lat jroj twwf nsJ I t'hin ttlttl l i tr ketch la tf,f. "'Tr !' I am a Van ! aia't, atti i'Siiil. va feff huaj "I tr!4 la ota .! (. she IsU It aatt " 'Ef yo-j ant me to stay, why don't you say so" says 1, gettm ugly. '"I reckon you kin ef you want to says she, mighty peaky. " 'Susan,' says I, 'what's the use nv foolin'?' " 'Foolin' ahout'whatr says she. " A Km if m a on A vnn 9 mavm T " 'I ain't a foolla', says she. " 'You air,' says I, 'and you know it' " 'Ef you don't like me, Lem Skaggs,' says she, bridlin' up all over, 'you kin go 'long. I didn't ask you to stop, didir " 'But I do like yon, Susan,' says I, glttin' skeert, and tryin' to pull the gate open so's I could git clos't enough to her to coax her. " 'I reckon you like Mary Flnnel a sight better,' says she, holdin' the gate ag'in' me. " 'I reckon I don't,' says I, and I could feel the gate give a little. "'Yftu wouldn't talk that a-way ef she wuz In bearin' distance,' says she. "'Wouldn't I?' says I, and I heaved and sot on the gate, but it didn't move a peg. 'You Jlst fetch her up here ond see ef I wouldn't.' " 'No, you Jlst go down thar,' says she. 'Thar's whar you started fer.' ' - I didn't do nothin' uv the sort,' says I glttin' desprlter every minute. " 'You told me you did,' says she, and I could feel the gate give eome and then shot up ag'in. " 'You oughter know, Susan,' says I, serious, 'that I was Jlst a-foolin',' and I could feel the gate a-givln' way and sbettin' and then glvln' way ag'in. " 'An' you ain't lyin' now, Lem!' says she, a heap sight softer than any time in her life. " 'Course I ain't, Susan,' says I, and the gate come open about six Inches. " 'Ef I only thought you wuzn't, Lem,' says she, lettln' the gate slip my way a leetle more every minute. " 'You know I ain't, Susan,' says I, glvln' the gate the strongest pull ylt. 'You know it, and you know I never give a snap uv my finger fer any other gal In these parts, and that all the time I've been a-hankerln' atter you and wantln' you for my wife, but you kep' foolin' with me all along and buatln' my heart mighty nigh, and makln' me want to go off and chop a tree down on myself. You know it. Susan, you know V ana soe n isicn ner hands ana 1 ne gate swung wide open. "'What about Mary?' says she, utandin' thar before me lookln' sweet er'n peaches and roses. ' 'Hang Mary,' says I, clean forglttin' my manners, and I retch out both hands fer Susan. ' 'Oh, Lem!' says she, and well, Colonel," he laughed, as his honest face reddened beneath its saffron hue, "I reckon you're old enough to know the balance." "I wouldn't be surprised, Lem," I re plied, blushing Just a shade myself as memory or two came slowly back from the rosy past. He looked up smiling. "And say, Colonel," he said, "I wuztft any purtier that night than I wuz before." "Come off, Lemuel," said I, slapping him on the back, "It was so dark Susan couldn't see you." WILL VIRTUE BE REWARDED? A Weit Point Cadet Who Compelled Ills Colonel to Obey the Regulation, The establishment of the color line In the West Point summer encampment recently gave rise to a good story on the commandant of cadets, Colonel gamuel Mills. The regulations pre scribe that everyone crossing the color line or passing the colors should salute by lifting his cap with the right hand and placing it upon his left shoulder. Colonel Mills neglected this important ceremony not long ago and the sentry on duty promptly stopped him and compelled him to obey the regulation. Tne commandant next day sent for this cadet, a third class man, who, by the way, comes from Indiana, and talked to him long and earnestly. The young man refused to dlvulgo the sub stance of the Interview, but the general opinion is that the cadet will be given corporal's chevrons In the fall, when changes are mado in the officers of the battalion. She Was Kquat to Illm. Of all the expedients devised by debt ors, whether by Mlcawber or Murger, few have bean more simple and effectu al than that of a Mrs. Martin In San rraucisco recently, sne nan ordered a ton of coal delivered at her residence. The coal dealers had not yt received their pa? for previous tons, so they in structed their driver to take the coal to her tiousa, go to the door, preaeut the previous bill, and refuse to deliver the coal until the bill was paid, lie did so. The 'ady looked a little surprUed, but an ominous glitter cauie into her eye when she heard her ultimatum. Hut she rt'preiwed her feelings, and suavely Invited the coal man to "step Iota the parlor h!l the went to get the money," The coal heaver was rather grimy, and did not trout exactly to Ql the furniture, hut he accepted her In ttutlon, tapped Into the parlor, and Mrs. Mdrttu dlupeared. Many mluuus paed. The coal-heater t cauie 1 mi) Hit' ut, but tn lady did Rot rr'urn. f inally he heard the crash of taut. He luoked vul of the window. To his h;vr, he mw hit cmI lntfg un loaitfJ by anoui-r nua, H tried the dinr, b it It tai U"kd, and the grtoty to! b'wr grimly al diw ni ! l After the turtl was unk.t 14 th U.!y jp.r't and Ut hint wut. l!i(iio a lrtuntihat llU la Mr. Mirtla's t I blot U '.4!l ei Ua its 1UU"-rr- .The Paining of Bryan. We note in a few southern cucoo news papers certain outbursts o! flabby jubi lation over what the editors are pleased to call the "oassineof Bryan." Some of tbem editors still retain the federal offi ces to which Mr. Peveland appointed tbem four years ago. Others are patiently waiting for the Cleveland mil leniutn four years hence. Bryan is their bugaboo, and his "parsing" is the vision which irradiates their fatnous sleep. Has there been a "pausing of Bryan?" Does Mr. Bryan stand lower to-day in the esteem, confidence, and affection of the democratic masses than he did on the day before election laat November? Defeated candidate though he be, has he lost the smallest fraction of the influ ence over loose who toiiowea him through tbf brilliant and dramatic cam paign of 1800? We look in vain for any evidence of such effect. .Nowhere in the whole political pros pect do we find the slightest indication tbuthisetar has waned. We see Mr. Cleveland retire to private life after twelve years of leadership, eight of which be spent as president of the United (States, and, save the little band of feath ered ones who roost and twitter in the Keform Club of New York, we detect no ymptom of sorrow or regret in the ranks of the democracy. But Bryan, the standard bearer of a few months, the defeated chieftain with no record of domination to commend hint, with no background of successful leadership and no atmosphere of official power and prominence Bryan is In the mouths of all democrats; his counsel is solicited in every state; his views and wiHhes are consulted hourly; the whole scheme of democratic action for tbe lutnre revolves abuot him. Defeat at tbe polls seems to have only endeared aud strengthened him. He arouses en thusiasm as surely and as powerfully as he did eiubt months ago. lie is in all genuine respects more truly tbe bead of democracy than be ever was before. Nothing in tbe career of this extraor diuary young man is astounding as his present relation to and influence over party organization of which last July he was made the candidate and representa tive. W hen at tbe Chicago convention, be first sprung into prominence; when, elevated in an instunt to dazzling alti tudes and environed with the inexplica ble manic of nonulur enthusiasm, he seemed almost a demi-god; even then he was a less wonderlul product 01 political evolution than he is today. Ihe sudden fervor of a party gathering, the myster ious magnetism that transforms men into devotees, are not uncommon, things iu our experience. But tbe man who panses through the disenchanting pro cess ola campaign, wuo enaurestne scrutiny and the contact of hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens, and who, most trying test of all encounters defeat eventually tbe man who emerges from all these trials with his dignity unimpaired and his influence intact tbis man Is not to be dismissed with a quotation or eliminated by an epigram. Hue there been a "passing 01 IJryanf Not yet, my dear little cuckoos, Wil liam J. Bryan is a larger, a more imper ious, aud a more iorceful quantity iu tbe democratic equation of the present than Mr. Cleveland and alt his personal fol lowers put together. We do not en deavor to explain it. We simply recog nize this tremendous, oversbadowing fact. Washington Post, WtMvsu are qaUe mittttrotit 14 C iwt tiruv ?fels jrir, li era) ew rprtf4 wfcr irtre tuta ea r.intr4 Uetn ea the highways, A Strong Woman. How a Prominent Veteran's Wife Acquired Ureat Strength What Determlna- . tlon Will Do. - From the Tluien-Sua Deiivar, Col. Anyone, who having seen Mrs. W. It. Mattox, 01 l'ueblo, Colorado, one year ago, should me her aguiu to-day, would be sure to notice tbe chuniri in her ap pearance, aud their greeting would be "How well you are looking." "Yes" she caid the other day in reply to an inouiiy, "i am stronger and in better health than I have been ioryears." Mrs. Mattox is the wile of a veteran of of the late war ond a lady much re spected by all who have the pleasure of her acquaintance. For jenrs she has been a senii-in valid, without being able to really locate tbe source of her trouble. Hearing of the almost miraculous cure of a long suffering woman in Fort Dodge, Iowa, by the use of Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People, Mrs. Mattox determined to try tbem as she was suf fering from great weakness and general debility, following a severe attack of the grippe. She procured some and com menced tisiug them according to direc tions. After taking eight boxes a cure was effected aud she rejoiced to find her self a new woman. "Just think," she said "I am fifty-four years old and just as tar back as I can remember I have been a sufferer from prostrating i.ick headaches- They were uiayM Ruusiderml hereditary in our fam ily, nnd now, thankw to Dr. William's Pink l'Uls for Pale people, I am entirely free from those terrible headaches," Her son, a young man well known In our city, where he is an urneat worker in mission schools and tbe Young Men's t hristian Association, ha been a sufferer from stomach troublu aud gvaeral debil ity to such an extent as to ';tu reuder him unable to attend to bumuewi. lie is alwo imteli benefitted alter tuk lug two boxea of thwm pilia, halllglV gaiued etretigth and fien. Dr. William's Pink Piila for Pale IW ltt contain, In a condenaed form all th leinu nry to give new life and rhhueea to the b!nnl aud tvUr haltrd in-rvea. The r an uuftuttng ncitk for ueh diaeaeea a locomotor ataxia, partial parulvai. St. Vitus' dtuuv, aciativw, n'4 rattfiu, rheuiuatum, nervous ht.,uili, the alter eftol of la gripp, palpitation i4 the heart, pale and eallow complex ion, all lorin ol weakne nliivr in male or fettiaU. Pmk Pill r oM by all dittltirs or ul I eeal Ht J anlou re till I ol ri .' cent a ton or ' boe ftr S'J oi (they nr hvr ! I in bulk or hi the HV by d.ieisg lr !liu' MiMictue t m y, M.i a udy, N. Y, Will It Be Drvaa In 1900. The defeat oi Mr. Dry an last year was in its effects a Victory. Ir. the first place, it was a "victor? over Cleveland im in the democratic party. It had the effect of permanently separating the gold wing from tbe silver wing oi tbe demo cracy. It pointed out the place for men like Palmer and Buckner in the repub lican camp. In the second place, Bryan's defeat was a victory over tbe democratic party. That great organization had lost its virtue. As before our great war it had been dominated by the slave power, so since that time it had been ruled by the money power. The breaking away of the Bryan people discovered tbo en couraging fact that the reform element constituted a large majority of the party membership. In tbe third place, it was a victory in that it aroused the people to a con sciousness of their power. In tbe fourth place it was a victory of the reform element of the country in that it bos shown a large majority of the people are in favor of bimetallism. With these facts before us to be con sidered in connection with the contin ued popularity of Mr. Bryan as evi denced by tbe demand for bis seryices and the attention paid to bis move ments and utterances, the unbiased ob server cannot avoid seeing that tbis man is in the midst of tbe political storm center. Topeka Advocate. Quite a little stir is going on in the medical circles und among the doctors generally throughout the eastern por tion of tbe state, over the recovery and cure of Itev, B. E. Newton of Louisville. Nebraska. He could find no medical help at home and was slowly yielding to the merciless power of disease. Then Dr.Sbepard the specialist stepped in and took charge of bis case and cured him up in a few weeks time. It is not always tbe family physician's fault that their patients with chronic troubles do not get well, an the family doctor in gen eral practice sees but a small percentage of any one disease, whereas tbe specialist is trained by handling many similar eases daily. Tbe Shepard Medical In stitute is a blessing to Nebraska, and when we think of its remarkable growth, It is but little wonder that this record of cures is talked of in hundreds of neigh borhoods. There is hardly a town or village in the state but has a quota of patients who are eltner treating with Dr. Shepard, or have been cured by him. Dr. Shepard stands at tbe head of spec ialists in chronic diseases. We will ask our readers to turn to page 6 of this is sue and read what Dr, Sbepard has to say, Also for further information write to Itev. Newton direct, and he will tell you all about his case. For blanks ad dress Shepard Medical Institute, New York Life Building, Omaha. The Trust Gets "Iti Own." Tbe Senate Friday voted to take not less than 153,241,000 out of tbe pockets of the American people and present it to tne sugar trust, ice republicans were able to force the bounty through oulv with the aid of tne Democrat McEuerv. of Louisiana, and Jones and Stewart, j tbe two ancient Nevada friends of the I sugar trust. Tbe republicans felt that they did not dare pass this schedule in silence. So in the absence of Aldrich, Senator Allison undertook to defend tbe indefensible and excuse the excusable. But he made a sad mess of it. When Mr. Gorman proved that the trust was getting double the protection of the present tariff law, Mr. Allison could not deny it. When Mr. Jones of Arkansas, showed that tbe schedule was based upon false figures furnished by the trust, Mr. Allison could not get around it. When Mr. White showed that the bounty to the trust was at least f Si!, 241,000, Mr. Allison could only wave it aside. Finally Senator Tillman reminded Mr. Allison of Mr. Ilavemeyer's famous admissions t hat there are only 25,000 men employed in the sugar refineries cl this country, and that sugar refining can be done more cheaply here than in any other country in the world. When Senator Tillman asked if these facts justified any protection at all, not to speak of twenty millions a year, Sen ator Allison could only stammer and re tire under cover of Senator Hoar's burst of eloquence about beet sugar farms. But the republicans made up for their weakness iu argument by their strength in votes. And the trust had its way. And the "forgotten man" is still forgot ten. New York World. tike biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach. Indigestion tre promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work easily and thoroughly. 1(5 "11 Best after dinner pills. I ! I I I (z ZScents. All drugglsta. U w Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. THE FAMOUS KIMBALL" PlftNOS Received the Highest Award at the World's Fair. Endorsed by Patfi, Nordica, Daneroscb. Seidl, Arditi, Gil more, Sousa, DeRezeke, Alvary, Leibling, Kunkle, Rem enyi, Musin, and over one hund red of the world's greatest musi cians. They are tbe lowest priced high grade instruments made, and you are cordially invited to examine them at 212 So, 11th B. LINCOLN MUSIC HOUSE T. J. CURTIS, MGR.. FAUT TKRIWH. LINCOLN, NEB. E. T. ROBERTS . . . UNDERTAKER Phone 474, Burr Block. 124 North I2th St., i Lincoln, Neb. Praotick Limited toIII flD ' P C PAntf Diseases of tub un' O.C.UUUH, Eye,Ear,Noseand Throat 1215 0 ST., Lincoln, Nebr. Hours from 9:80 to 12:80 a.m; 2 to ft p.m. r'ur yea .it the utin irt nvtaej a d ttraw Ual and eves. nee. 1 t l U h.rwi.wmg (iiitf tg 0ii h rvputh'n pt vuhUhI fiU'Uv.nrvM, ''Voti !,' Hour ittn,v aud tel. yur "fu.eA' t tk trt ta Kfet Everybody Sots Bo. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, uct gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure bettdnche, lever habit ual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C C. today-10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to eure by all druggists. A ManlrtpNllty Kiikkk" JournalUm. Dresden ow us a singular piece of prop, erty says the Home Journal. It is the moruiug newspaper, the Dresdeu Amel ger. This daily paper upon the death of Its last proprietor, was willed to the city upon condition that all profit arising therefrom should be spent upon the pub lic parks. This year a play ground of nearly em hi ncre wus purvhujted from 1'riuo lieorae, the kind's brother and heir apparent, and it will be ready for u.-uU spring. The patter continues to hold the reitirt of all citiien. for the trut hue been carried out la the broad en! spirit, and tbe paper has never Imwu employed to loeter any school of opiu-lou. Ever Live in Wisconsin? Got friends there? Want to go there? f you did, have or do, you know that the best road to patronize Is the North Western line. Its right at your door here in Lincoln. Take advantage of the Milwaukee excursion July 8, 4 and 5. Only 18.40 for round trip; 50 cents ex tra to extend limit to August 81. City office 117 South Tenth street, Lincoln, To Epworth League Convention. ATTOHONTO CANAI)A,July 18-1 807 The GitKAT Rock Island Route offers low rates, superb service and your trip to tbis great convention city this year will be a pleasant one take in Niagara Falls too. Consult ticket agent at your station or address, Jons Sebastian, O.A. P., Chicago. Christian Endeavorers to San Fraooisoo. The Denver and Rio Grande R. It., the "Scenic Line of the World," presents to the Christian Endeavorers the most vari ed and beautiful scenery and the best ac comodations of any of the Trans-Continental Lines. Endeavorers en route to attend the National Convention at San Francisco, in July, 1897, will find it to their ad vantage to use the Denver and Rio Grande It. It. iu one or both directions. The choice of two routes is offered via this line, using the standard guage Hue through Lead rillu, Cunou of the Grand and Glenwood Springs, in one direction; and the narrow gunge line over the famous Marshall 1'ass and through the Black Canon of the Gunnison, in the other. Doth routes take the passenger through the world famed Royal Gorge. For further particulars and beauti fully illustrated pamphlets call on or ad dress, S. K. HoorKR, G.l. & T.A., Denver, Colorado. To the National I ducational Meeting. JULY OilO, 1807, Take the Giieat Rock Island Route to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to attend above meeting. A lovely lake rifle if you so choose, Will be the largest National Educatioual gathering. Consult ticket agent at your station or address for particulars. John Sebastian, (J. 1. A. Chicago, 8AN F BAN 018 CO. CALIFORNIA. T ru Cnnt h Cwreut let el Hn'!lril.. m Ut, mm iwk lee SlerWMtt wtHMi l lte VHr le lt uv V h aru. tu I i, U bf ftwthutlon! r" tW 1 t,.M k, nit,,nwi " i "'" '"' ' lx ti ti iMhe, w !Wt.t lube to lufl uo-i fo Wa a xm- H4 f (wf. Wi, 4 twti U to W tta WA Mhi ! Ife t. Mll.M. he Uk tHIl Mfcl lu e- '"''' o-fwvi,. eHu eitl be vatMfot , , u rnri i",."u',k' ' ' "k' t Mto uim4 mm !'' ,i lit H Hi Jilte tt tt4r.J tMlkte M mm el l(viwe tiurki U.t tmm4 he .,.w T tfO.T'e4-, J, I ef (Mkt,v i The IatieaxsT 1 year l OO, Mr, l .j-,p tHk juirt la 4 t thelte ge.atv. t rsiel week, eUr ImmiI m!I rtmptiHtm (lumps. 4 teg l Ur4 t th (, la ieaMMuiiigfa m lb urf. National Convention Young Peopls'i So ciety of Christian lcdeavor Rat via the Rurlmgtou, f'J'J.SO, San KrauoUeu to I.iiiHilu via direct Hues. I aa, San Francieco to Liucola via rad and Portland, 128,50 San Francieeo to Lincoln via stinr and 1'urtluuil, Soiling dates, Jane to July 3. Stop-over allowetl on goiutripat and weet of lHover- oa returning trip, at points in California u tkkrts read iug via direct line. At points a et of and including l.ivinvti.u, Moat., iu Ik kete rvaJiHtf via ltri!aud. peiil train uttourtot aud palace ! p'l'tf cat thrwiigh tu Sao I tiuetm. I'ertL reserved u rueet st H. A VI. Jvpot or rity .if',.-, eorsr liihti.l treat , l.iMl, .-H, a st tu., w, tu!tt u i T a. . At it? leutk f.sth ttrt I Itx ate.) ta city t Vet etSkw t tae Notth-W wtra ha ttt irte tat r4 eretelh tviiNt Ileitis, With thoitvei atiaxi ta teit-a aa4 Mi. r'. al Hi.ii 4 kl tibte, 0i tar Hter rK to uirtot tKuat behr UjUl4 tullel. A.!. )IMM, Cr.A T.A, I iWa,.NK f new Occasions A rUgazloe ef Social Progress. 21! EOITKD BT FBXOEBICK CPBAM ADAMS. HiTte.fnnp lan? naires devoted to live topics ot popular interest. nomiieuuu paraerapb. Cdlt e.rticles, letters. Editorials, stories, short tp. news items, poetry. humor. puEzles In short a maeazine that will deltRht every one who be- TC lleves In human rignts ana maiorny 3c rule. Sample copy 10 cents. Address $ CHARLES D. HER & COMPANY, V 56 Fifth Ave Chicago. OUR PAINTS LAST Some years are It was that "I. T. X. I8C5" was a familiar sign. It referred to the success of a man who had used rood paint to tell thn world of his His from ten dollars' capital to millions. Our paint If put on well will lust as Ion. Ask for HARRISON'S TOWN AND COUNTRY READY MIXED PAINT The palaters' Paint B. KOSTKA, AGENT. 1811 q Street. cReftM- Sweet Cream ....sod.... Milk. Telephone 262. Special Trice. Whole.' IOI ft Cfraa esle on JCK CltKAM 1041 U OlICC i a on. to l la. flout, fcllvpr.rf nnVRry huyw tu. ni'nMM mmi bi iiv.t ririvtt.. II JJ Stflflflflrn I'im' be bunbuuirMl i.j- As ..(. Ruadr.(liirgpMUItlwUluithalial.l.prli'.. t., Nilm Nifhlnn, HloyulM, Ornm, rhinn., I'M.r H'llb (nrrlaitn, C.rU, SiiviiIm. Il.rnm, Il.n.c Mill., I, . ltrr Cr....,, Ji,rb rrwi, Trnrlit, hnyWt. Hinrl'mirn. rwuNl.nrt., rml Mill., Slom, prill., Wimill-' m UwnM.m.n, laffr. Mill., tur.M, lillni, Irt ri pi nrl Cure Nhrlli-n, llmiHI arlk KnvlnM, I'.ml., r K Kxn.lii. Hlllh Cnthn, IMIrn, Wul.hM, ClmhliiL- . II. y, Mln. Kllintor, IMIrnall, ri.irnne .nrtCiunlT MjU.h. Send forrniM CaMliif ii. und m hnw tu S.V. Mm., 1 B. eflorio St. CH10AU0 B0AI.S CO., Chlcr). Til UNDERTAKER fiUi Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone Office, 470, Ke. 471. A. D. GUILE. T. A. Carothers, h'c'i m 28 Pound Dally to Any Part ot the City, $3.00 Per Month. Telephone, 478, i j O0lce234ESt yS)r MMt-ieees. J 5 IT'S RELlADLEo f Tlie Best and Cheapest JWZZf $ Ami on Minn, ruuy VaV . J warraute.1. WUJuutXX Xfc i cUoke, Write at e srimi e ouoe for prlceaX.y Ajrsmat Rta ! oauydie irluenl beat r0f fillXUOM thou tut eitwr mill. Cora, eaf orahallrd, Uola,VVlHMtl,Sa..aua enoaeh tor ear auriKMe. Made oaif b StETCisMamficrj Ci JOUET, ILL.,- JoMief an.t Mnufhwt iArt ot Wa'iiM. Inrna Mwbliwiir, ttuuluuiifc I ow R? 8ummer FionrtioBi. rieaite note helow lit of Summer Fs eurauius available via the North- Weefera line the nine! ttnieive rallrtmd eveteiu touching l.iiuHila. HahFraneiiico Amtuat tonrentata Y. V H. t". V. heilam tlatea June V"J la July 1, i'nre frtitii l.iuculu 'JJ ftil. The Ulikea i iiuulo by thU route. MilttauWev, i. mk4 r't'trn, acvouat National IMih'HiomiI iiilMitum SU IliiK 4Um July a, Mtil 5. livfH 4t tr ruiin I lr.; aureate rUra el-'U !.. . limit ttk Xuuunt ill, ltT. Na IrauaWr lv ilie only through las Lunula Ut Mi'wniikte, MiuacaiulM, Mau.HaJ rlura, at COUnt IHwtiM M Ort'tiifilt H I ir,t- tive lr. il I .ka. Ifc'rete eol.) July a4 . 8aal liaut Jtty t, 'aM 13 fvr rxm. trt Ns.tiUe, Tena , sj rtur. Th'let vn 'W tu IVIuUf . UelUfM li.a.t ' .ifjthef T, iare t ltK t.f PHt tr(i, I mi latbwf laKina uw eU ta f a4- Jf . ft, Fill MNU, ttty Ts lsfl. IU .. l"t M.