The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 24, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    June 24, 1897.
Speech of Senator Butler Favoring
Eeal Protection for Amer
ican Farmers.
Fanner's Forced to Buy in the
Highest Market and Sell
in the Lowest.
The Farmer "Forgotten Man."
While the Senate had the tariff bill
under consideration last week Senator
Cannon of Utah offered an amendment
to the bill intended to correct the in
equalities of the bill and give some prac
tical protection to the farmers of the
United States. The amendment was as
"And from and after sixty da'a from the n as
sage of this act there (hail be paid out of any
money In tb treasury of the United States nob
otherwise any exporter of wheat
or wheat floor, rye or rye floor; corn, ground or
onuround; cotton, hope or tobacco, produced
wholly In the United States, and exported by
a from any port In ! United states to any
Kort of any other country the following export
ounty, by way of an equaliiatlon to axrl. nl.
tore of the benefits of thle ant to encourage the
Industries of the United States, towlt: Ten
cent per bushel on wheat; fifty cent per barrel
on wheat flour; ten cents per boehel 00 rye; fifty
cent per barrel on rye flour; fl ye eeoU per
bushel on corn; ten cents per cental on corn
ground; one cent per pound on cotton; two cents
per pound on hop; two cents per pound on to
bacco, And all payment of bounty under this
act shall be made npon negotiable Toothers,
Iwioed by the collector of eostoin at the port of
clearance, npon presentation at the treasury or
anykitlier suu-trenenry of the. Ho I tod Htates; and
the secretary of tb treasury Is hereby charged
with making and enforcing inch regulation a
may be necesnary tor the full protection of the
exporter and of thegoyernment according to the
troe Intent and uieaulne- of the law."
Senator Marion Butler addressed the
Senate in support of the amendment.
He said in part:
There is no protection in this
bill (the Dingley bill) for agricul
ture. Those who produce wheat,
corn, cotton, and other staples of agri
culture, of which we produce a surplus
of export, bave the prices of their own
product fixed in Liverpool in competi
tion with the products of the pauper,
serf, ryot, and coolie of Europeand Asia,
the fellab of Esrypt, and the cheap labor
and cheap lauds of South America.
The farmer is forced to pay the ad
vanced price not ouly for domestic man
ufactured goods, but also forced to pay
more for the articles upon which a reve
nue duty and an internal , revenue tax is
placed, and at the same time is left to
struggle with the free trade markets of
the world in which to sell his products.
In short, the farmer is forced by law
to buy bin supplies in" the dearest mar
ket in the world and to sell nis products
in the cheapest 1 markets of the world.
He must buy in a protected market; he
must sell jn a free-trade market J J tins
fair? Is it just? If this is not robbery,
then what is it?
The republican party offers this bill to
the American peopleas the measure that
will redeem their promise to restore pros
perity. Can such a measure possibly
contain this boon? Can it accomplish
this universally desired result?
If the effect of this bill will be toenlarge
the ability of the one-half of oue peJople
who live by agriculture to purchase the
products of our manufactories, a general
revival of busiuess will follow. If it fails
to do this, the increased price of the
manufactured goods will compel the
farmers to consume less than they now
do, and more factories will bo shut
down or work on short time and the
yearly income of factory operatives will
be less than before its passage. Thus
, the laborers in our factories and mills
will find themHelves unable to purchase
as much of the products of the factory
or the farm as before, and the effect of
the bill will be to aggravate and inten
sify the evils which its authors proclaim
it a remedy to cure.
The pending tariff bill is framed upon
the idea that the American people ar
purchasers and consumers of large quan
tities of foreign manufactured goods.
It is framed upon the idea that if we
shut out irom our markets foreign
goods our people will buy and consume
the products of our own factories, and
that then the mills will start up, labor
will be employed, and the .prosperity
that has been promised will be restored.
But let us suppose for argument's
sake that this bill will give ample pro
tection to the laborer employed in the
. factories. Let us suppose that the bill
will carry out in good faith the republi
can promises to the manufacturer and
to the laborers he employs. Is that all
of tho republican promises? The prom
ise was to protect American labor and
American industries against cheap for
eign competition not a part of our
labor and industries but ail Amer
ican labor and industries. Do the man
ufucturiug concerns of this country com
prise all of our industries? 1 now put
1 his question to my republican friends:
Io you consider agriculture an Ameri
can Industry? Do you consjder the
kbor employed upon the farms of this
nation American labor? You must
nuewor this question now or you will
have to auswer It on every stump in the
t I'nited Htates. You have done nothing
for agriculture or farm labor in this
The American farmer who has voted
for protection for lo these many years
has done it, knowing or feeling that he
got little or 110 beuvtit from it, but he
did it because he felt that he whs pro
tecting some American citiien from com.
(wtitiou abroad. I wish to in it you how
you oao satisfy thai furm. r iu the next
campnigu m)iu be is shoan that you
could protnt hint by this utmiidmut,
that you could protect Innt equally with
the manufacturer by applying your prin
ciple l protection through an xport
bounty, d that you would iao do It.
I'rotw tiou the principle. The Hit
port dulaa are simply the imUiod em
ployed by you to apply the prot tiun
to the uiauulacturvr. The etport
bo iut; U the Method abka you should
i4.(tl(y tm extend the same proier
lioa la the Winer, Will you do it? If
ftol bow a you ipevt Ik farm to
continue la support Iht- unjust and
sided protective system? hut h diserliui
nations will ilrtre hi 111 10 lr trade, it
aaythinii will. How many laborers ars
eruployxl la the tuaaulacturiufC ooa-
today? ly about 4,iHH),0trU,
How titan ars aiplovad upon the
(arms of the nation? How many Amer
ican laborers are employed in the wheat
fields of the west, the cotton fields of the
south, and in the agricultural iu teres ts
of the country generally? More than
twice as many as are employed in the
factories. Are they not American
laborers? Are they not forced to com
pete with the cheap pauper labor of
India, Lgypt, Argentina, and Kuasia,
just as the manufacturing concerns of
the country would be if wa have general
free trade? When the farmer exports
his products, he ti'.vets competition in
The cheap foreign pauper labor that
you are so afraid of, that gives the
nightmare to your manufacturing con
cerns, stands in Liverpool to crush the
life Out of agriculture. 100 protect the
manufacturer atramst such competition
by an import duty. You can protect
the farmer from the same competition
by applying the principle of protection
Dy tne metnoa ot an export oounty.
But yon have not done it: you have de
liberately drawn a tariff bill that says
to the 9,000,000 American laborjrs en
gaged in agriculture that "you must
stand under free trade while paying trib
ute to the minority class protected; you
must sell in a free trade market and at
the same time pay more tor what you
buy from the protected class." You
know and every farmer who has sup
ported protection knows, that these
duties increase the price of the manufac
tured goods that he. buys; yet you want
him and expect bim to continue to sup
port this one-sided protection while you
refuse to give him the same benefit that
you give the manufacturer. He will not
be satisfied with such discrimination
any longer. He is growing too poor to
stand it.
Suppose that you reverse the position
of the farmer and manufacturer. Sup
pose you protect the farmer against the
cheap foreign competition and then put
the manufacturer under free trade and
force him to compete with the world:
and when be began to grow poor under
such competition, then you should at
tempt to appease him by telling him
that he should go into some other busi
ness or should diversity, as you now tell
the farmer. How long would the man
ufacturers submit to such injustice, such
insult, such impudence? Bat the Amer
ican farmer is more conservative than
the manufacturer. He is more patient
and long-suffering. You advise him,
when cotton, wheat, and the other great
export staples get too low to return a
profit, to diversify.
In the south he has begun to take your
advice. He has begun to raise potatoes,
beans, grapes, strawberries, cabbage,
and all the other perishable farm pro
ducts which are not exported. He Is
rnshing them into the northern and
eastern markets in large quantities each
year. He is competing with your,New
England truck farmer. This has lowered
the price of such products, to the detri
ment of your New England farmer. To
illustrate, in J 894 there was raised in the
United States 170,787,338 bushels of
potetoes, which brought f91.526.787;
in 1895 there was raised 297,237,370
biiHhels of potatoes, which oniv brought
1 78,984,90 1. Over 100,000,000 bushels
more potatoes produced in 1895, yet the
whole crop sola for nearly 13,000,000
less This has caused your New Eng
land farmess to consume less of manu
factured goods and has helped to shut
dowu the mills and throw factory labor
out of employment.
The farmer is now discriminated
against In two ways. Not only is a
bounty given to manufacturers, from
whom the farmer must buy and pay an
increased price op account of the tariff,
but a bounty is also given to his com
petitors who raise wheat and cotton 111
foreign countries. The republican party
is to a great extent responsible for this
double discrimination, this deadly com
petitionwbich the farmer is today strug
gling against. Our competition comes
largely from silver-usingcountries. That
competition is deadly largely because of
the enhanced orice of gold and the fall
in silver exchange. The cotton farmer in
India and Egypt raises a pound of cot
ton, takes it to Liverpool, and sells it
for, say, 5 cents in gold, which be takes
home, where it becomes 10 cents in the
money of his country. With this 10
cents he makes two pounds of cotton
and faces the American farmer in Liver
pool next year. The Americau farmer
sells bis one pound of cotton for 5 cents
in cold, takes it home, and it is still but
5 cents, in goldstandard America. He
has 5 cents capital, his competitor nas
10 cents. It amounts to a bounty of
100 per cent to our competitors.
Those of you who favor the gold
standard favor a policy tuat gives this
bounty to our competitors, ine com
petition would be bard enough on the
farmer if our competitors did not have
that bounty. In fact, if you would re
store the money of the constitution and
thus take this bounty from our com
petitors, still the American farmer ought
to have an export bounty as long as the
manufacturer has an importdnty, which
is but another name for bounty.
Mr. President, this is no new doctrine.
It is not a doctrine started up since the
goldstandard haa been fastened upon
our Country. One of the clearest-headed
men that this country has overproduced
preached this doctrine of justice In the
early days of the republic. Alexander
Hamilton, when secretary o! the Treas
ury, In 1870, in an ollloial document,
"As often as a duty npon foreign art
icles makes an additional to its price, it
causes an extra expense to the com
munity for the benefit of the domestic
manufacturers; a bounty does no more,
The true way to conciliate these two
interests (agriculture and manufacture)
Is to pay a duty on foreign manufactures
of the material the growth of which is
desired to be encouraged, and to apply
the produce of that duty by way of
It was the clear head of Alexander
Hamilton, at the beginning of the re
public, looking at our brond country,
foreseen that there would be a flush of
internet between agriculture and Minn
iiIim toring it one wi prttd and the
'other was not, iwelinf that they iuMb t to
work in harmony, weeing that they both
ought to Ixt rati alike as Ainern an
Industrie seeiiiK that it wis ueceNiary
lor agriculture u pror lit orUr that
the whole country might prosper, who
wade this jrowitlon, who oflrwl this
solution. He ,'avored giving all the
money rollwtsd Irotu lmrt duties
bt would abaaca the im ol doMfcw
tto manufacturers to agrk-uHura ia
pott boesll-s as a eoMpiMalory pro
tevtloa to them. Yet Ibis amendment
proposwa to apply only a small i Mou
of such tuipori dultt) to agrieultur by
ay ot an ti port bounty, Henry (lay
gave utterance to the same opinion when
discussing the tariff bill in 1824. In the
same debate Daniel Webster substanti
ally approved the position of Hamilton
and Clay. If it was just and fair then, it
is tenfold more so now, with America on
the gold standard and our competitors
on the silver standard.
Mr. President, this is such a plain.
simple proposition of wisdom and justice
that it seems only necessary to be stated
to be comprehended and assented to by
all: That, if we are to have an Ameri
can system, not only should all indus
tries and all classes of labor be treated
equally and justly, but that above all
agriculture nhould come first. It should
be the first care of any man and any
party that has any regard for the future
of the 1 republic and the welfare of our
Our democratic friends can not help
the partner by simply standing up and
fighting this tariff bill and denouncing
it in the name of the farmer. He has
grown poorer each year while they have
pursued that policy, and when they
came into power they continued to dis
criminate against him and gave him no
protection Tbey gave protection to the
manufacturer and gave no equal benefits
to thefarmer. He has grown poorer
each year under the Wilson bill. If that
law were to stand, it should be amended
by adding the provisions contained in
the amendment now before the Senate.
Our republican 'friends have gone
along all the time promising that the
(armer would get the benefit of the tar
iff after a while in some indirect way.
He has not got it and can not get it
In this bill. 1 here is no sentiment about
this matter. This proposed bounty is
simply a business proposition. Every
senator, whether he is a free trader or a
protectionist, will admit that it will
raise the price of the farmer's products;
that it will protect bim to some extent
ngainst the deadly competition which
he now faces. If it will do that, why ia
Hod's name, shall we not give it to the
the farmer? '
The farmers of the south assent each
year to an appropriation of 150,000-,
out) lor pensions to the Union soldiers
Do we complain? It is voted in five
minutes, but you have no right to ask
us to pension your manufacturers at our
expense. The farmer is taxed -to help
everybody but nobody helps bim. Here
is a proposition to expend only 147,000-
000, What will be the effect? It will
put over 200,000,000 into the hands of
the American farmers each year. Is not
that a fine investment? The government
will only pay the bounty on the articles
exported, but the result will be to raise
the price ot every pound of cotton and
every bushel of wheat used In this coun
try. It a direct and immediate
benefit. It will increase the capacity of
the farmer to consume, Therefore it
will benefit the factories and every other
industry in the whole country.
It is true that this alone will uot re
move the causes of the industrial de
pression or restore prosperity, but It will
to some extent be a measure ofinstice
to the farmer and improve his condition.
Therefore I am ready and willing to
vote for this amendment and for any
other fair and equitable measure that
will give the farmer a modicum of jus
tice and relief. Foreign competition
has been as deadly to the farmer ever
since the war as it wouid have been to
the manufacturing coucerus of this
country had they been under free trade.
How much longer will you put free
trade on the farmer while giving bis
neighbor ample protection? t
Mr. President I do not believe that
present conditions can be righted by
any tariff bill, however wise or just. I
consider the tariff only a third-rate ques-
tion. There are other questions more
Ital to American interests and welfare.
I believe that a contracting volume of
money and the rule of monopolies are
tbe twin curses that are bringing stag
nation to business and poverty to tbe
masses of the country. I believe that
there must be legislation to remove
these causes before our people will ever
enjoythe prosperity that the republicans
have so profusely promised.
But, sir, I put the welfare of the peo
ple above every other consideration.and
I am ready to vote for any proposition
that will give them a,; measure of relief,
however small. It can be done .to some
extent by the republican party adopting
this amendment and carrying out its
principle of. protection fairly and equit
ably. I am ready to cast my vote to
help do it. hope that every demo
cratic senator will do tbe same. Every
populist and silver republican senator
will vote for it.- r :
I should be glad to see the republicans
vote for this amendment because it is
their doctrine and they have promised
to protect all alike. If they will, tbe
silver republicans and populists, will
furnish the votes to give them a major
ity, but I fear they will not. They favor
protection, not for the farmer but for
the other fellow only. Tb Senator from
Texas, (Mr, Mills) on yesterday made
an eloquent plea for the "forgotten
man" (the farmer), and said that every
brdy was ready to help the farmer with
chin music. Now lot the senator from
Texas and his democratic colleagues
help to test the siucerity of the republi
cans and at the same time prove that
they are willing to help the farmer with
something more than chin musio. Will
you do it? The vote will show."
On final vote the republicans rejected
the Cannon amendment, and left the
farmers to the mercy of the highly pro
tected monopolies and trusts.
Bartley is Convicted.
Continued From First Page.
Don't Tobacco apt, sad moke) Tear Life
A war.
If you want to quit tobaoco using
easily and forever, be made well, strong;
magnetic, full ot new life and vigor, take
1 No-'loUac, tbe wonderworker, that
makes weak men strong. Many gala
ten pounds In ten days. Over 400,000
cured, liuy No-To-iiao ol your druggist
under guarantee to cure. 60o or 11.
! Booklet and sample mailed Ire. Address
Kterllag Kentoily lo., Ibicatft) Of fW I,
The amiual report of the Standard Oil
Company in u lioa iiitrtiug reading lor
the ma who tr engaged in a toil
taut struggle tor the brt e . m ties, of
lite, Tbs usual quarterly dividend of
tliitwper cent waa paid Jun IMh b.
sides au extra dividend ol 7 percent.
This 10 per ttl reprants $ 1 0,000,000
and bring the profits of this twi Iruat
(or thie rtsftd wr, op tUlpr cent
and thai on ariuoulf watered stock.
The preaideul ia lo hate, nu H pri
tats car but a whole traia ol ears, built
lor hint by m tc raUroad tuagaaUa,
The train la to ba of the Bnl oilU
wofsniaustop. with total disregard ol
flpeteM. ,
bank at Lincoln ami from there to
various state depositories 'When the
jury had reached their verdict the de.
lendantand his attorneys were notified
and they appeared before the court.
Tbe verdict was opened and read. The
jury was polled at the request of the at
torneys for tbe defense, and each an
swered "yes" to the question "Is this
and was it yonr verdict?" After which
the jury was discharged.
Judge Baker then remanded Bartley
to th county jail for sentence. Attor
ney Mahoney objected to this procedure
and offered bail for Hartley's appear
ance, until a motion for a new trial can
be heard. Judge Baker, however, said
that bail was intended to relieve persons
before their trial when they are, under
the law presumed innocent, but a ver
dict of guilty sets that assumption aside
and he believes it is out of bis province
to accept bail.
Bartley was taken iu charge by sheriff
McDonald ia person and will be given
one of the separate rooms at the jail.
He was not removed to tbe jail for some
time, as be asked the privilege of send
ing some telegrams and writing several
letters. It is more than probable that
his meals will be furnished bim from the
outside, as his friends will not allow him
to be subjected to the regular jail fare.
The defense have three daya in which
to file a motion for a new trial. This
time will expire Friday, and it is possi
ble that the motion will be argued Sat
urday, as that is presumably the last
day of the present term.
In case the motion for a new trial is
overruled, sentence will be passed. Tbe
statutes provide that in a case of con
viction on a charge like that against
Bartley, for imprisonment in the peni
tentiary for not less than one year, nor
more than twenty-one years, ana the
imposition of a fine equal to double the
amount fouud by the jury to have been
It is generally conceded that Judge
Baker will make the sen fence very severe.
It was be that sentenced Bolln. tbe de
faulting city treasurer of Oinaba to nine
teen years in the penitentiary and Hart
ley will hardly get kiss than that. After
sentence au effort will be, made to have
Bartley released on bail pending a bear
ing of the case in the supreme court. It
will probably take the court a year and
a half to reach the case on the calendar,
and it will probably be close to two
years before Bartley will enter, upon the ;
service of his term in the itcnitentiary.
Attorney uenerul btnytb has broken all
records in securing the conviction of a
public defaulter. In six mouths time he
has, secured a verdict of conviction
against tbe greatest plunderer of public
funds in tbe history of the state. I t had
been quite a different prosecution from
that usually accorded to defaulting pub
lic officials.
The attorney general wilt now turn
bis attention to prosecuting the remain
ing case?, against Bartley and will prob
ably securo other convictions. The trial
just closed involved only one large war
rant, t he other cases make the total
charges of embezzlement foot up to
nearly half a million dollars.
Cascareta stimulate liver, kldneya and
bowels; never sicken, weaksn or grip 10
QUeen Victoria'sReign
Continued From First Page.
barbarous political oppression, denial of
popular rights and abrogation by per
manent statute of the constitutional
liberties enjoyed by every Englishman,
Scotchman and Welshman.
So man in Ireland rejoices over this
jubilee except be be a member of the
small ascendency class for whose benefit
a corrupt and partisan system 01 gov
ernment has been maintained there, so
that while England is governed by the
people for the people, Ireland is govern
ed by the landlords for the landlords.
Under these circumstances for Irlnh
men to join in the rejoicing over the
reign would mean that Irishmen rejoiced
in the depopulation, impoverishment
and enslavement of their country. And
if Irishmen did this nobody could deny
that they deserved all they bad got and
ought never to hope for anything better,
T. P. O'Connor,
M. P. for the Scotland Division of Liver
pool. Butter is low and cheese quite high in
price now during the warm weather.
Farmers why not send one dollar to C.
E. Kittinger of Powell, South Dakota,
and receive by mail rennets and Instruc
tion for making your own cheese at
home with such simple apparatus as
every farmer now has. Mr. Kittinger is
one of tbe prominent populists of bis
state and perfectly reliable. If yon fail
to make good cheese while following bis
process he will refund your money. See
bis offer on page 8 of this issue.
Tbe Omaha convention was the great-,
est convention ever held sinco the decla
ration of American independence. The
adoption of its platform marked tbe be
ginning of a new era in American pol
icies. Tbe principles which it declared
have stood the test of the most rigid
aud violent criticism ever brought to
bear on any platform since the nation
was founded, and these principles are
now believed in by a majority of the
American people. Populism will rule
this country just assoou as the senti
ment of the people can secure & tree and
trill expression at the ballot box. To
avoid this is cow the ouly hope of plu
tocracy. Boone CouutV Outlook.
Epwortb League Assembly Attractive
by Location and fjogrim.
Tbe Nebraska Conference Epwortb
League assembly which is to be held at
Lincoln park, August 3 to 10 inclusive.
wiii be the beet assembly In this part of
the country this summer. It's location
is witbin a few minutes' motor ride of
any part of Lincoln, and for people In
the state the railroads have made half
fare rates. Now what better for conven
ience could be asked. But how about
the grounds? Well, this: When tbe
hot sun hines down there are trees to
protect the campers. The management
makes, as an inducement ta nrnennotiffa
campers, the guarantee of a tree for
every tent. What camiiers want of
pleasant woods, grass plots, hill sides,
dells, beautiful little dIjiCpo tn miri tin.
hammocks or wide meadows for field
sports and tennis; all these are there
and in abundance. Then there is a bi-
CVCle track, a hnniitifnl alun m ium..
nent buildings and many other things
mat mane camping a pleasure.
The oroirram ia everything that, mn
be expected. Here are a few of the
names: nisnop w. a. Ninde of Detroit,
Edwin A. Schell, general secretary of tbe
Ebworth Lenirne: I 'jot W P. llnLin.n
Sam P. Jones, Hev. Abram J. Palmer,
rroiessor willard Kimball, Mrs. Effle
WilcOX Marsh. t.ha fffuratinwafj. ri tp Ana..
- - '. jy
tet. SlaVton S iubilen aino-wr unit nrht
attractions of equal merit.
11 i,incoin people wish to camp out,
Whv 1TO to antna nimnl nlnna ot rtiA
n - - V b. V I I V
expense and secure no better grounds
man at noine, 1'eople outside of Lin
coln will find do better occasion to join
Dusinessana pleasure, with Instruction
and recreation and coma tn t.imviln tn
all purposes on half fare rates.
Chairman Jones is receiving dally com
munications from Epworth Leaguers
and Others thrOllO-hnilt thuatata anJ ut
a conservative estimate the probable
attendance foots an to in 000. tint, tn
speak of the great numbers of people
w ho win taite advantage ol tbe ball tare
rates to come to Lincoln for ahnnninir
and other purposes. , '
Arrangements Nearly Completed for Its
Mr t of Bed Clover.
Tun may tnlk shoo, alfalfa gnus that erows on
three fact tall: .
Toor Kaffir torn and engar cane that ripen in the
Your red tip aud your timothy, or bottom prairie
With ftem is coarrc as fence potts; If jour bores
sen 11 Utik he'd say:
'Ked cloter with Its purple bloom as sweet as
j Construction at Omtha,
Pit is currently reported that Mr.
Peter. Her of Omaha has complstaj I ar-
rangements for the construction of a
500,000 beet sugar factory "at South
Omaha, Mr, Her has been traveling in
the east in tbe , interest of tbs project,
He has succeeded in effecting the organi
zation and has secured subscriptions for
all of tbe stock, P. D. Armour has sub
scribed for 50,000 worth and Mr. Iler
himself takes 50,000 worth while Mr.
tleischmann, the yeast manufacturer,
has subscribed for 150,000, There are
several other Omaha men who , have
taken large blocks of the stock. : ' '
The full particulars cannot tie learned
until Mr. Iler returns, about July 1.
horic uu Is good
rraes can be
enough for me.
Many hint; miles hive 1 trnreled in this sinful life
of mine;
I bsve been tbrnncrh countries fairer than tbe ral
ii yt of the Hhlne;
I have seen the snow-capped mountains in their
awful grandeur rie
Till their KliUurlnK summits seemed to pierce
the California skies;
I have seen the spouting geyser when Its specta
cle appals;
And the rainliow-tliited colors in Yosemlte's
great falls; 1
t bsve drunk In all the beauties of the tropic laud
and sea,
But mjr field of blooming clover is the loveliest
sight to me.
Would you know tbe matchless beauty ot the
puryie clover bloom ;
Would you sniff the wholesome country air so
rich with its perfume;
Would you breathe the sweeteat fragrance that
e'er floated on the breeze ;
Would you bear the niuxlc of tbe birds, the ham-
m'ni( of tbs bees;
Would you know the trresteet gift the Ood have
left us in their will;
Would you know that life's worth . living, then
come upon Hanliglit lilll.
Ososos A. Assorr In Falls City News.
The supreme court has adjourned
without deciding either the 0 nana or
Lincoln, City Charter case. It will not
convene again until lo September.
1 a
vs- f sv j
MY. I. C NtwrOM, Louisville, Nsk., Mstoesla
aaslae. Csrsd by Or, hsptrs sf Cttarrft see
Harvest ProttritioN.
Da. BT1KPASD and bli associate nhvaiAfaiu
bava been established in Omaha tlx years ana
bava th moat extensive ofllces and practice la
taawsst, Tbs Omaha Be says:
"Tbs ihepard Medical Institute Is entirely
FeaTi hlan I n aa. tirifaaeiati Jill ai I and knaln.,aM
hepard has gained and fully maintains a lead,
. ymm usawiwu, vi vuivuiuuilSMa
fba Duhllemavaafelv truat him." Writ. tA.m
(or Dr. Bhspard'i book and Coninlttng Blanks,
1 ut mu mm jvu au awwu,
tl.OO A M0HTH.-TMS I las total seat ef Mai
frMtsMat Ms ether Fee. Ne ether Expense. ;
BFICIAlTIEa Catarrh and all Cbranlo ZM
lasas ol the Lungs. Stomach, ikln, Kidneys,
Heart and Vsrvotu Bystam. Bpeoial Masks tot
mb. , Spatial blanks tot woman. , Address,
I Slacpard fttodlcftl Institute,1 "
111-12-13 H. Y. Lift. 0MAMA. KE
. ' j old ,f
M.uiif''U ltell In many dinVrrut war, hks
piltre, swrlllnKt, riiiililiic sore. Ml, salt
rhmia and plmph't and utli.'r eruptions.
mrrrly a man ia wholly tree from It, In tome
liinn. It flings, teiutt'hHtaly until the lal ve'tlge
td scrof ummm lilv(i m nrndlrated from the IWI
ly tl.anl'rUrasMirtll4. ThuMtaiids ol voluntary
U-MliiMMilala tell ol suit'-ring from s.-roula, """
iiiltrritod anil wM t n'i4HU, positively, r
fit'lly and prruuMtaiilly cured by
TtMTli basal FarlHar All .!. It.
!'( pared ouly bf, . ,wmJ At u,, UpII, M.te.
ss si tii 't a"'o"HMir aitkj
llOOil 8 I'M I.I lla aarMfM! . v.
We are unloading three
more cars of elegant
gieS e o o
Road Wagons
..9V.' j I
1 : i, ij
lew Goods ! 'on Prices !
1133-35 MStreot,
Lincoln., : : : KTo'bxaotea.